DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#274: Si hero? Si Ci!

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 My goodness! 好家伙! Participates in the dragon palace dragon palace to gain a son-in-law, the halfway can run into previous dynasty odd/surplus evil, what luck this is, Du Kang has realized the profound deep Zhenhai seal, can confuse the destiny, he also thinks oneself were planned. 参加龙宫龙宫招婿,半路就能遇到前朝余孽,这是什么样的运气,要不是杜康已经练成了玄冥镇海印,能够混淆自身命运,他还以为自己又被算计了呢。 Si was the previous dynasty sovereign surname, had previous dynasty passed on the country imperial jade seal, amended four dragon nine laws, in Ocean Wave Sea this royal government controlling force weak place, the opposite party can be so free. 姒姓是前朝的皇姓,身怀前朝传国玉玺,又修有四门化龙九法,也就是在碧波海这种朝廷控制力薄弱的地方,对方才能如此招摇吧。 The meeting head of Si hero this hidden dragon meeting, after previous dynasty was shattered some remnant Captain Dang, can participate in the dragon palace to gain a son-in-law? 姒雄这个隐龙会的会首,前朝破灭后的部分残党首领,也要参加龙宫招婿吗? In this case, the struggle of this time Takao somewhat was intense. 这样的话,这次的龙夫之争就有些激烈了。 Did not propose mountains and rivers seal this once to be many strong capabilities that the almighty troops of ultra had, under the jeering wind law, the legendary wild animal law and tyrant who only he cultivated the law and hornless dragon kissed the law four magic arts, obviously did not practice blindly. 不提山河印这件曾经位列超品的神兵拥有的诸多强大能力,单是他修炼的嘲风法、狻猊法、霸下法、螭吻法四种法术,明显就不是瞎练的。 They correspond the touchdown kerosene wind respectively four like it strength, in the legend innate four like can repeat the chaos, ninth this dragon child four did not have the might like it strength when the middle rank, but Du Kang suspected that Si hero wants to take this as to cut the entrance evolves the deterioration of strength of some chaos. 它们分别对应着地火水风四象之力,传说中先天四象可以重演混沌,这龙之九子的四象之力在中阶时还没有那样的威力,但杜康怀疑姒雄是想以此为切入口演化出某种混沌之力的劣化之相。 In that case, clone of Du Kang also really not necessarily is his opponent. 那样的话,杜康的分身还真未必是他的对手。 These thoughts flash past in the Du Kang heart, he then draws Si hero that only to be soft the boneless, mild such as the delicate hands of jade entered in the carriage. 这些心思在杜康心中一闪而过,他便拉着姒雄那只柔软无骨,温润如玉的纤手走进了马车内。 After entering the curtain truly, inside Du Kang discovers different. 真正进入门帘之后,杜康才发现内里别有洞天。 The big profound palace vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered dozens zhang (3.33 m), are much bigger than the size of carriage, can change to dozens times of sizes the place of late ruler, obviously this carriage is also the grade not low almighty troops. 高大幽深的宫殿纵横几十丈,远比外界马车的大小要大得多,能将迟尺之地化作几十倍大小,可见这辆马车也是件品级不低的神兵。 Du Kang hears some almighty troopses to have the technique of pot day, may install a side dwelling places of buddhist immortals in narrow and small household utensils, although this carriage the divine tools in far ratio these legends, but is the utensil of development space the Du Kang entire life only sees. 杜康听闻有些神兵拥有壶天之术,可将一方洞天福地装在一个狭小器皿之中,这马车虽然远比不过那些传说中的神器,但已是杜康生平仅见的拓展空间之器物了。 Different splendid outside car(riage), in the compartment the decoration of palace is quite plain elegant , Si Xiongla Du Kang across the long road, has the maidservant guards of various monster characteristics to salute in the both sides, arrived at a side hall to sit. 不同于车外的富丽堂皇,车厢内宫殿的装饰极为典雅、素净,姒雄拉着杜康穿过长长的甬道,在两侧带有各种妖怪特征的侍女侍卫行礼中,一路来到一处偏殿坐了下来。 Si hero then lets loose the hand of Du Kang, sat cross-legged to sit after his opposite tuart several, said to him and face/color. 姒雄这才放开杜康的手,盘膝坐在了他对面的一个桉几后,对他和颜说道。 „The horse car(riage) travelled to the halfway a moment ago, I hear soaring dragon cry, this dragon recited vigorously vigorous powerful, listening was not the mediocre generation, I drew out the heart of becoming friends with ask brother to board, but also looked at brother do not blame me to take the liberty to invite.” “刚才马车行至半途,我听到一声高昂龙吟,这龙吟苍劲浑厚有力,听之便不是凡俗之辈,我才起了结交之心请兄台上车,还望兄台不要责怪我冒昧相邀。” Si really attains hegemony treads mother to be attractive, smiles then the almond eyes curved, the willow eyebrows stretch, have an arousing feeling of being drunk, that clear such as the voice of lark, was makes Du Kang unconscious fall the vision on his bright red lip. 姒雄长得真踏妈漂亮,一笑便杏眼弯弯,柳眉舒展,带着一股撩人的醉意,那清脆如百灵鸟的声音,更是让杜康不自觉将目光落在了他嫣红的嘴唇上。 Du Kang believes firmly very much, oneself is not Nantong, his eyes were attracted purely by the beautiful instinct of appearance. 杜康很确信,自己不是南通,他的双眼睛只是单纯被色相的美丽本能地吸引住了而已。 Perhaps is because, the sex transformation to the member is not a difficult matter, the female and male attribute that the panel will not distinguish the life, causing Du Kang only to come to distinguish the men and women through the contour simply. 也许是因为,对修士来说性别转换并非难事,面板并不会识别生灵的雌雄属性,导致杜康只能通过外形来简单地分辨男女。 Du Kang heard to cross, the leather bag appearance could be roughly divided into male, feminine appearance and Celestial three types, but because experienced superficially, Du Kang is unable to distinguish for a while, monster different charm that this female and male distinguished not, was some male student feminine appearance or the Celestial. 杜康听人说过,皮囊色相可大致分为男相,女相和天人相三种,但由于自己见识浅薄,杜康也一时无法分辨出,这种雌雄莫辨的妖异魅力,到底是某种男生女相还是天人之相。 But who Du Kang is, he does not know that will not have asked that opens the mouth to say immediately. 杜康是什么人,他不知道难道还不会问吗,当即就开口道。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Miss does not take the liberty, was I takes the liberty to be right, I saw miss such beautiful woman to invite, boards unrestrainedly, was really offensive.” “姑娘不冒昧,是我冒昧了才对,我一见姑娘这样的美人相邀,就情不自禁地上了车,实属唐突。” In is pretty maidservant hears word who Du Kang pours tea, the hand shakes slightly, will brave the steam the tea leaves to sprinkle to the teacup outside, in heart secretly thought/passage. 在为杜康倒茶的俏丽侍女闻言,手不禁微微一抖,将冒着热气的茶叶洒落出一些到茶杯外,心中暗道。 Expert who „ Ocean Wave Sea becomes famous, who does not know that met most repugnant others to say he looked like the woman, 碧波海成名的高手,谁不知道会首最讨厌别人说他长得像女人, This person is so vulgar, only feared that a while must be met to drive the carriage. ” But comes as a surprise to maidservant, Si hero has not manifested suddenly at the scene, on the face has not revealed the least bit not quick sentiment, but said with a smile cool. 这个人如此粗鄙,只怕一会儿就要被会首赶下马车。”但出乎侍女的预料,姒雄并未当场发作,脸上也未露半点不快之情,只是澹然笑道。 You misunderstood, I am the proper son's body, your sentiment to my coveting, only feared that took true feelings to pay spatially.” “兄台误会了,我可是正经的男儿之身,兄台对我的觊觎之情,只怕是要一片真情空付了。” Unexpectedly so-” “竟然如此-” Du Kang having a big shock, an eye of reveal cannot the sentiment of believing, stare in a big way the eye to gaze at this beautiful woman long time, in the mouth muttered should not, like this peony......”, for a very long time is not willing to believe this fact. 杜康“大惊失色”,目露不可置信之情,瞪大了眼睛注视这个美人良久,口中喃喃着“不应该啊,这样的天香国色……”,久久不愿意相信这个事实。 Looked at some is not comfortable by Du Kang until Si hero, coughs lightly, makes him as if awakening from a dream. 直到姒雄被杜康看得有些不自在,轻咳一声,才让他如梦初醒。 Was disrespectful, was disrespectful, Si in the brother family/home may have the appearance with your close afterbirth elder sister younger sister, if present, must recommend for me. I and Si brother feel like old friends at the first meeting, decides to be able with Si brother's sisters to become integrated with, perhaps can also become a marriage affinity.” “失礼了,失礼了,姒兄家中可有长相与你相近的胞胎姐姐妹妹,若是有,一定要为我引荐一番。我与姒兄一见如故,也定能和姒兄的姐妹打成一片,说不定还能成一段姻缘呢。” Perhaps brother wanted disappointedly, in Si not the brothers and sisters, naturally also no one can add up to the happy marriage with brother, actually I if later had the daughter, brother may hope, when my lucky son-in-law?” “恐怕兄台又要失望了,姒某家中并无兄弟姐妹,自然也无人能与兄台凑成美满姻缘,倒是我以后若有女儿,兄台可愿当我的乘龙快婿?” Si hero was curses at people did not say that the lord of bad language, the opens the mouth fell a oneself son generation Du Kang. 姒雄是个骂人不说脏话的主,张口就将杜康降到了自己儿子一辈。 This actually good proposition, if Si brother's daughter can have you 1/10 beauties, my Du Kang must marry her to be the wife.” “这倒是个好的提议,如果姒兄的女儿能有你十分之一的美丽,我杜康一定要娶她做妻子。” Du Kang recognized this marriage shameless, simultaneously in the heart is analyzing Si hero information secretly, considered why he will call himself on his carriage. 杜康恬不知耻地认下了这门亲事,同时心中在暗暗分析着姒雄的情报,考虑他为什么会叫自己上他的马车。 In pulled in the peaceful time with Si hero a moment ago, Du Kang through the relation of Enslaving Monster Seal, has wanted a hidden dragon to the dried indigo vat froth a public information, and in light of the news that the panel investigates, had an approximate impression to this previous dynasty odd/surplus evil. 就在刚才和姒雄扯澹的时间里,杜康已经通过役妖印的联系,向青黛要了一份隐龙会会首公开的情报,并结合面板探查出的消息,对这个前朝余孽有了一个大致的印象。 The thoughts are cloudy, greatly deceitful as is honest, to reach the goal, resorts to all means. 心思阴沉,大奸似诚,为达目的,不择手段。 Such person asked himself to board, this certainly was not car(riage) of the pure kindergarten. 这样的人请自己上车,这一定不是一辆单纯的幼儿园之车。 Du brother is really in a personality the person, my rushes to cloud Mache, altogether has the maidservant 82 people, although the named maidservant, is the look is extremely good, has to cultivate/repair for it person. If Du brother looks on, may enjoy at will.” “杜兄真是个性情中人,我这辆奔云马车中,一共有侍女八十二人,虽名为侍女,却都是相貌极佳,身有修为之人。杜兄若是看的上,可随意享用。” How this feels all right, the gentleman does not seize the person to love, 82 are too many, so long as I take care in the side may.” “这怎么好意思呢,君子不夺人所爱,八十二个太多,我只要一个在身旁服侍就可。” Du Kang, hugged the bosom maidservant very much embarrassed. 杜康很不好意思地,将身边的侍女一把搂进了怀里。 Naturally Du Kang has not made anything, is only simple embracing, because before the ghost Ji dance in ox head hell, he to the present or a body and mind pure brightness, the least bit dust does not dye. 当然杜康也没有做什么,只是简单的搂搂抱抱而已,因为之前在牛头地狱里的一曲鬼姬之舞,他到现在还是身心一片清明,半点尘埃不染。 The heart does not have the evil thought that naturally maintains one's composure, the seductions of what 82 maidservants, to him are the floating clouds. 心无邪念,自然坐怀不乱,什么八十二个侍女的诱惑,对他而言都是浮云。 Si also calculates some influences in Ocean Wave Sea, around the experts to this sea did not say familiar, is the general idea of knowledge, has actually never heard Du brother's name, obviously Du brother should participate in the dragon palace to gain a son-in-law from elsewhere.” “姒某在碧波海中也算有些势力,对这片海洋周围的高手不说如数家珍,也是知之大概,却从未听闻过杜兄的名字,可见杜兄应该是从别处来参加龙宫招婿的吧。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Du truly is not a native, comes Ocean Wave Sea not a half year, discovered that this place outstanding people and magical soil, the custom has differently with other province, heard the dragon palace to gain a son-in-law this important matter, joined in the fun especially.” “杜某确实不是本地人,才来碧波海不过半年而已,发现此地人杰地灵,风俗与别州别有不同,又听闻了龙宫招婿这件大事,才特来凑个热闹。” The Du Kang opens the mouth is the lie, does not wait for Si hero to respond , to continue to say. 杜康张口就是谎话,不等姒雄回应,就自顾自地继续说道。 Mentioning is also unlucky, I just came shortly after Ocean Wave Sea initially, met the azure scale to associate with people a head of the clan of clan, the head of the clan saw my look to be martial-looking, magic arts, asked me to participate in them making treaties of alliance ratio to fight every year a time.” “说来也是倒霉,我当初刚来碧波海不久,就遇到了青鳞交人一族的族长,那族长见我相貌英武、法术了得,就请我去参加他们每年一次的会盟比斗。” Result is making treaties of alliance to meet an opponent who controls Gold Dragon, the opponent strength is not worth mentioning, the expert but who that Gold Dragon strength lets my middle rank peak can not hold a candle, finally loses is sincerely convinced.” “结果在会盟中遇到了一个操控金龙的对手,那对手本身实力不值一提,但那条金龙实力却让我这个中阶顶峰的高手望尘莫及,最后输得心服口服啊。” I then just recovered, runs into the friend who Si brother felt like old friends at the first meeting like this, obviously the matter of this world is the weal and woe ha.” “我这才刚养好伤,就遇到了姒兄这样一见如故的朋友,可见这世间之事皆是福祸相依啊。” Du Kang kissed one on the cheek of maidservant ruthlessly, as if realized that from this behavior with the Si hero's sincere emotion, on his face showed the satisfactory smile. 杜康在侍女的脸蛋上狠狠亲了一口,似乎从这个行为中体会到了与姒雄的真挚情感,他的脸上露出了满意的笑容。 But opposite of Du Kang, Si hero, when hears him to talk about a Gold Dragon, child Kong however shrinks courageous, but restores in an instant such as beginning. 而在杜康对面,姒雄在听到他谈及一条金龙的时候,童孔勐然一缩,但转眼就恢复如初。 After waiting to listen to narration of Du Kang calmly, shows a being interested expression to ask in the surface. 等不动声色地听完杜康的讲述之后,才在面上露出一副感兴趣的表情问道。 „A man who controls Gold Dragon? Du brother might as well said that with me his characteristics, I do broadly in the Ocean Wave Sea business, may know this person of news, if can inquire that Du brother had the opportunity of avenging a grievance.” “一个操控金龙的男人?杜兄不妨和我说说他的特征,我在碧波海生意做得广,可能会知道这人的消息,若是能打听到的话,杜兄就有了报仇雪恨的机会。” That person called Ji Xianlong, looked was in a family/home has the right to have the rich juniors of potential, appearance that has not suffered a loss. “那人叫姬显龙,一看就是个家里有权有势的膏腴子弟,一副没吃过亏的样子。 Wins compared with after fighting that associates with people to make treaties of alliance, he also rested several to associate with people the queen continually, the racket the buttocks left, the ghost knows where. 打赢交人会盟的比斗之后,他还一连睡了好几个交人女王,才拍拍屁股离开,鬼知道到哪去了。 But with his high-profile temper, this year's dragon palace will gain a son-in-law him certainly to participate, when the time comes will find the opportunity to ask him to do accounts again. ” 但以他的张扬性子,今年的龙宫招婿他一定会参加的,到时候再找机会找他算账。” The Du Kang whole face is the contrast fights the failure extremely angry discontented, the bosom maidservant rubbed him to tighten the eyebrow of wrinkle with a pair of tender hand gently, made his mood better. 杜康满脸都是对比斗失败的愤愤不满,还是怀里的侍女用一双嫩手轻轻揉开了他紧皱的眉毛,才让他心情好了一些。 Saw that the Du Kang mood is unsatisfactory, Si hero then transformed the topic, mentions story that some old times dragon palaces gained a son-in-law to have, guest all over the country, the grotesque and gaudy magic arts, make Du Kang broaden the outlook. 见到杜康心情不佳,姒雄便转变了话题,谈起了一些往年龙宫招婿发生的故事,其中天南海北的来客,光怪陆离的法术,都让杜康大开眼界。 The time passes, outside the glass passed the sunlight in car(riage) to turn into the moonlight. 不知不觉间,时间流逝,车窗外透进车里的阳光变成了月光。 Du Kang hugs the maidservant to set out longingly, said to Si hero. 杜康才恋恋不舍地抱着侍女起身,对姒雄说道。 Weather is late, my guest rested on the non- thank your for your hospitality host family, whether Si brother does arrange a guest room to me?” “天色已晚,我这个客人就不叨扰主人家休息了,姒兄可否给我安排一间客房?” My this rushes to cloud Mache to have guest room 12, Du brother may choose at will, responsibility is fragrant, you may probably take care my Du brother.” “我这奔云马车中有客房十二间,杜兄可随意挑选,荷香,你可一定要将我杜兄服侍好了。” Later, Si hero gazes at that to embracing the form that goes out of the side hall, completely disappears until it in the line of sight end corridor, the smile on face abates. 之后,姒雄注视着那对搂抱着走出偏殿的身影,直到其完全消失在视线尽头的走廊内,脸上的笑容才消退下去。 Ji reveals the dragon, I know early six months ago you may come the Ocean Wave Sea news, but a sound does not have in the half year, I also think that you flinched, does not dare to leave the imperial city eventually, originally hides, in one crowd associates with people leads a life of comfort.” “姬显龙,早在半年前我就知道了你可能会来碧波海的消息,但这半年来却一点动静都没有,我还以为你退缩了,终究不敢离开皇城,原来是躲在一群交人中享乐。” Saw the member who cultivates the monster dragon class magic arts, will then want the move to be used by me to the subordinate, has not thought that can obtain your news unexpectedly accidentally/surprisingly, it seems like that this dragon palace will gain a son-in-law, my right and wrong participated may not.” “原本只是见到一个修妖龙类法术的修士,便想要将之招至麾下为我所用,没想到竟然能意外得到你的消息,看来这次龙宫招婿,我是非参加不可了。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Si hero puts out a hand to summon, a yellow and black the color imperial seal condenses in the miraculous glow immediately, this seal semblance is unadorned, the ash throws looks and common, but Si hero actually regards, if the treasure whole face said infatuated. 姒雄伸手一召,一枚玄黄之色的印玺顿时在灵光中凝聚而出,此印外表古拙朴质,灰扑扑的看着并不起眼,但姒雄却视若珍宝满脸痴迷地说道。 Mountains and rivers seal, mountains and rivers seal, an imperial prince was a dynasty dragon Qi rallying point, so long as can reveal the dragon to capture alive Ji, daily extracted beam Guo dragon air/Qi, you should be able to restore a strength.” “山河印啊,山河印,一个皇子本身就是皇朝龙气的一个聚集点,只要能把姬显龙活捉,日日抽取梁国的龙气,你应该能恢复一点力量吧。” The illumination of profound yellow almighty troops to Si hero face on, his body has the man heroic spirit characteristics to start silent to melt, swift and fierce between foreheads vanishes does not see, the bulge Adam's apple becomes smooth, the five senses tend to be gentle. 玄黄色的神兵之光照到姒雄脸上,他身上带有男人英气的特征开始无声地消融,眉宇间的凌厉消失不见,凸起的喉结变得平整,五官趋于柔和。 In several time of breath, Si hero from a rabbit master, turned into a facial features graceful middle age woman. 在几个呼吸的时间里,姒雄就从一个兔爷,变成了一个面容雍容的中年女人。 Mountains and rivers India , China have a large number of humane magic arts, although displays needs to consume dragon Qi, but dragon Qi the essence for the strength of gathering in great numbers, the hidden dragon will found for several hundred years, affecting Liguang is big, Si hero refines the invisible concept that these gather in great numbers by mountains and rivers seal, had obtained a stable dragon air/Qi supplies channel. 山河印中存在着数量众多的人道法术,虽然施展都需要消耗龙气,但龙气的本质为聚众之力,隐龙会开创几百年,影响力广大,姒雄以山河印提炼这些聚众的无形概念,已经获得了一条稳定的龙气供给渠道。 Displays in his technique of sex change, is humane magic arts of mountains and rivers India , China, because unlike the common monster class magic arts, the average man is hard to look through, Si Xiongcai conceals own sex by this technique. 施展在他身上的性别变化之术,就是山河印中的一道人道法术,因为与常见的妖怪类法术不同,常人难以看破,姒雄才以此术掩饰自己的性别。 This is a strength to revere the world, the magic arts gave the woman to seek the position for oneself the strength, in the dozens states of human, the woman ascended the throne to be not infrequent for sovereign. 这是个实力为尊的世界,法术赋予了女人为自己争取地位的力量,在人类的几十个国度中,女人登基为皇者不在少数。 But previous dynasty the imperial family Si family/home was different, the fundamental magic arts that Si family/home spreads can only be studied by the male, this made Si hero be detested and rejected by mother in the birth, under mother's guidance, Si hero longs for becoming a man since childhood, completed the great undertaking of duplicate/restores country's. 但前朝皇室姒家却是不同的,姒家流传的根本法术只可以被男性修习,这使得姒雄在出生的时候就被母亲所厌弃,在母亲的教导下,姒雄从小就渴望成为一个男人,完成复国的大业。 Even if grows up now, studies the dragon nine laws to repeat the kerosene wind, had was as good the strength of handed down in the family magic arts, she will still meet routinely will turn into man in a physiology. 即便如今长大了,修习化龙九法重演地火水风,拥有了不逊于家传法术的力量,她依然会习惯性地将自己变成一个生理上的男人。 „The scale of hidden dragon meeting was too small, the restoration of dragon air/Qi insufficient mountains and rivers seal every day provided needed by far, Ji revealed the dragon is the source of my new dragon air/Qi.” “隐龙会的规模还是太小了,每日提供的龙气远远不够山河印的恢复所需,姬显龙就是我新的龙气之源。” Was quick, was quick, in my heart has the explicit premonition, so long as dragon Qi the supply is sufficient, I can make hornless dragon kiss the law or the legendary wild animal law take the lead to break through to high rank, the dream to duplicate/restores country's can go a step further.” “快了,快了,我心中有着明确的预感,只要龙气的供应再充足一点,我就可以让螭吻法或者狻猊法率先突破至高阶,离复国的梦想就能更进一步了。” Shines several moonlight in the side hall, Si hero thinks of the self-satisfied place, could not bear exude the carefree laughter...... 照射进几道月光的偏殿内,姒雄想到得意处,忍不住发出了畅快的笑声…… ...... …… This is a deep blue sea water. 这是一片蔚蓝的海水。 Several iron star wooden boats anchor on the silent water surface, on the ship proliferates the weapon of incomplete corpse and break, has on the crack of small stock bloody water gathers in the small stream flows out from ship, incarnadine nearby big piece sea water. 几艘铁星木船停泊在寂静的水面上,船上遍布残缺的尸体和断裂的兵器,有汇聚成小溪的小股血水从船上的破口中流出,染红了附近大片的海水。 Is exuding the blood and sea water doping of blood froth in together, changes to a red blue strange color, like the winding oil painting, spreads in the deep blue sea level. 泛着血沫的鲜血和海水相互掺杂在一起,化作一种红蓝色的诡异色彩,如同蜿蜒的油画,在蔚蓝的海面上蔓延开来。 Du Kang on a fleet biggest ship, he draws out from from head to foot passed through member a long sword, disregards to splash to oneself blood and brain is colored , to continue walks toward the front. 杜康就在船队最大的一艘船上,他将一把长剑从一个从头到脚被贯穿的修士身上拔出,无视溅到自己身上的鲜血和脑花,继续向前方走去。 Two member who the front only remains, look at each other one mutually, turbulent roaring flame and crowded ice cone as if by prior agreement covers to Du Kang. 面前仅剩的两个修士,相互对视一眼,汹涌的烈焰和密集的冰锥不约而同的向杜康覆盖而来。 Du Kang whole face relaxed color, footsteps fast treads in the deck, bypasses on these incomplete corpses and corpses are inserting weapon, was together ordinary like the ghosts and demons, circles two member behind. 杜康满脸轻松之色,脚步快速的在甲板上踏动,绕过那些残缺的尸体和尸体上插着的兵器,如同一道鬼魅一般,绕到了两个修士身后。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 He lifts the hand to have a look at the long sword in hand, as if some do not satisfy this weapon, then flings conveniently it one side, both hands hold down respectively shoulder to shoulder the vertical two member heads, one hits toward the middle gently. 他抬手看看手中的长剑,似乎有些不满意这件兵器,便随手将它甩到一旁,双手分别按住并肩而立的两个修士头颅,轻轻往中间一撞。 Chirp- 啪叽- As a clear watermelon crashes, two watermelons of red and white melon pulps break, only remained two headless corpses to drop dead same place. 随着一声清脆的西瓜碎裂声,两个红白瓜瓤的西瓜就破碎开来,原地只剩两具无头的尸体倒地身亡。 Whiz ~ whiz ~ whiz!!! 嗖~嗖~嗖!!! The chaotic arrow such as the rain, dingdong gripped on the iron star wooden plank, often can also see the spark to spatter in all directions. 乱箭如雨而下,叮叮当当地扎在了铁星木的木板上,不时还能看到火花迸溅而起。 Du Kang flashes through the sneak attack that the arrow lost with ease, the sole in the deck treads layer on layer/heavily, the body then soared, turns over/stands up to jump up the previous ship's tower. 杜康轻松的闪过了箭失的偷袭,脚掌在甲板上重重一踏,身体便腾空而起,翻身跳上了上一层船楼。 Words said, at present reads aloud listens to storytelling easiest-to-use app, trades source app, .huanyuanapp installment most update.】 【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,换源app,.huanyuanapp安装最新版。】 In the hand springs the claw blade, the body taking the form of idle courtyard steps back, gave way to traffic the arrow that flew to shoot to lose with ease, broke in the 67 member of hand-held salvo crossbow almighty troops. 手中弹出爪刃,身形似闲庭却步,轻松地避让过了飞射过来的箭失,冲入了手持连发弩神兵的六七个修士之中。 The claw blade is reflecting the dazzling sunlight, such as cut the tofu to cut off a drawing a bow crossbow, in the desperate pitiful yell sound, cut off limb to fly, blood splash...... 爪刃反射着刺目的阳光,如切豆腐般砍断了一张张弓弩,在绝望的惨叫声中,断肢飞起,血液飞溅…… After several time of breath, here fell into the towering silence. 在几个呼吸的时间之后,这里陷入了突兀的寂静之中。 Du Kang brings a blood, before arriving at the window of large ship, looked to waits for a long time vermilion Meiniang to say in the one side. 杜康带着一身的鲜血,来到楼船的一个窗口前,望向在一旁等待了许久的朱媚娘说道。 I felt, the technique of murder, I have tempered similarly.” “我感觉,杀人的技艺,我已经磨炼得差不多了。”
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