DD :: Volume #9

#808: Appearance

The rapidness of silver-white vortex speed, as if same incisive Wind Blade is ordinary, often the bunch of scarlet meat must be involved, whistling several will stir from now on then to crush, changes to piles of muddy flesh splashes. 银白色漩涡速度之快,仿佛一般般尖锐的风刃一般,不时的将一团团血色肉须卷入其中,呼呼几声过后便搅得粉碎,化作一堆堆肉泥飞溅而出。 But what made ugly disciple not think, in hand pointed cone although vortex can restrain these from the meat wall the ejection, but the meat must, the meat that but the speed also can only with grow continuously must be almost the same, regarding breaking through, somewhat to lack the ability to do what one would like obviously. 但令丑陋弟子没有想到的是,手中尖锥所化的漩涡虽能克制这些从肉壁上弹射而出的肉须,但速度也只能与源源不断增长出的肉须相差无几,对于突围而出,显然是有些力不从心了。 With the lapse of time and corrosion of bloody water, originally sharp silver-white color vortex, gradually reduced compared with before. 随着时间的推移和血水的侵蚀,原本犀利的银白色漩涡,比起之前也是渐渐的缩小了起来。 ...... …… This ghost thing is really hard to deal with, it seems like before only then used Master to bestow the full moon two pieces of jade put together that” silver car(riage) youth was looking at the body, contaminates the silver great turtle puppets of many blood, talking to oneself of shaking the head. “这鬼东西还真难缠,看来只有动用师傅赐下的盈月珏了”银车青年望着身前沾染不少鲜血的银色巨龟傀儡,摇摇头的自语道。 The voice just fell, he waves to pull from the waist suddenly, a crystal clear insightful crystal clear jade pendant was then compiled by it in the hand. 话音刚落,他突然挥手从腰间一扯,一枚晶莹通透的晶莹玉佩便被其纂在手中。 In the flashes through color of the anxiety, then single-handed gently a ball, together the azure light goes to the jade pendant lasing. 其眼中闪过一丝肉疼之色,接着单手轻轻一弹,一道青光向玉佩激射而去。 a dull thumping sound, the crystal clear jade pendant instantaneous white light puts greatly, milky white rune appears from the jade pendant surface, dodges several after void crazily next, blasts open to open suddenly. “噗”的一声闷响,晶莹玉佩瞬间白光大放,一个乳白色符文从玉佩表面浮现而出,在虚空中狂闪几下之后,猛然炸裂而开。 Immediately gentle silver light rosy clouds four shoot to open, round bright bright moonlight appears suddenly during was void. 顿时一道道柔和的银色光霞四射而开,一轮皎洁明月骤然浮现在了虚空之中。 Periphery the bright moonlight, silver-white halo ocean waves ripple, in perimeter zhang (3.33 m) range, the scarlet meat must, be the meat wall, under the sweep of white halo, withers unexpectedly rapidly. 明月周围,一圈圈银白色光晕碧波般荡漾而出,周围数丈范围内,无论是血色肉须,还是肉壁,在白色光晕的笼罩下,竟迅速枯萎起来。 The bright moonlight gets bigger and bigger, the halo of sending out gradually is also full, and has covered the silver car(riage) youth rapidly in the entire scarlet space. 明月越变越大,散发的光晕也是逐渐充盈,并迅速覆盖了银车青年所在整个血色空间。 But sees the scarlet meat on all around meat wall to the present wither to roll up above the meat wall, and unceasing falls off, but scarlet meat wall gradual dry, becomes almost is only also thin the remaining one layer skins to be ordinary. 但见四周肉壁上的血色肉须如今已枯萎蜷缩在肉壁之上,并不断的脱落下来,而血色肉壁也逐渐的干涸,变得几乎薄得只剩下一层皮一般。 In this time, the silver car(riage) youth is patting the front, „”, after Mechanical Battle Armor back a golden light flashes, three zhang (3.33 m) this big golden institution wings concentrate in its behind, start at lightning speed that and buzz calls immediately fans. 正在此时,银车青年一拍胸前,“呼啦”一声,机关战甲背后金光一闪后,三对丈许大的金色机关翅膀在其身后一凝而出,并立刻一阵嗡鸣的开始飞快扇动起来。 ...... …… Liu Ming sits in meditation in the flesh and blood space, but in its periphery, the green clothes young lads of nine general appearances, the mouth spits bunch of dusky filthy flame, is resisting the surrounding dense and numerous ejection strongly, but the scarlet meat must. 柳鸣在血肉空间之中静坐,而在其周围,九名一般模样的绿衣童子,正口吐一团团灰蒙蒙的秽焰,竭力抵御着周围密密麻麻弹射而出的血色肉须。 Fei'er, this time many thanks to you have won a lot of time for me.” Suddenly, Liu Ming's two eyes opens slightly, light saying. 飞儿,这次多亏你为我争取了不少时间。”突然,柳鸣双目微微睁开,淡淡的说道。 This is I should do, Master!” “这是我应该做的,主人!” All green clothes young lads the complexion somewhat is slightly pale at this time, but hears Liu Ming to its praise, still slightly excited replied. 所有绿衣童子此时脸色微微有些苍白,但听闻柳鸣对其夸奖,其中一名仍然略显兴奋的回答道。 First rests, the following matter gives me.” “先休息一下吧,接下来的事就交给我吧。” After Liu Ming smiles, single-handed racket waist Nourishing Soul Pouch, nine young lads all open on neat rupturing, after melts the mist rolling condenses one group, in one volume of drilling into leather bag. 柳鸣一笑后,单手一拍腰间养魂袋,九名童子就齐刷刷的全都爆裂而开,所化雾气滚滚凝聚一团后,就一卷的钻入皮袋中。 Although Fei'er has won time for it, but this time Liu Ming after has been swallowing three crossed threshold Golden Yuan Pill continuously, magical power also similarly restored. 虽说飞儿只是为其争取了一点时间,但此时的柳鸣在连续吞服了三枚入品金元丹后,法力也同样恢复了一些。 After he takes back Fei'er, vision one cold, in the hand Sword Secret Art concentrates, in stimulation of movement within the body magical power continuous injection within the body Yuan Spirit Flying Sword. 他收回飞儿后,目光一冷,手中剑诀一凝,催动体内法力源源不断的注入体内元灵飞剑之中。 Follows clear cry, golden small sword after its within the body trembles slightly, then flies from its forehead place, changes to together 56 zhang (3.33 m) golden sword rainbow, after color circles, directly has fired into some point above scarlet meat wall. 伴随一声清鸣,金色小剑在其体内微微一颤后,便从其眉心处一飞而出,化作一道56丈长的金色剑虹,在色身旁一个盘旋后,就直接冲向了血色肉壁之上的某一点。 . “噗”的一声。 After the submerging meat wall that the sword rainbow dodges is less than half, in the Liu Ming hand secret technique once more at lightning speed changes. 剑虹一闪的没入肉壁小半后,柳鸣手中法诀再次飞快一变。 chī chī sound big sound, sharp Sword Qi split from the sword rainbow, changes to gold threads to spread across erratically. 嗤嗤”声大响,一道道犀利剑气从剑虹之上分裂而出,化作一根根金丝纵横交错不定。 Immediately golden glow flashes, on meat wall flesh and blood, even if tenacious incomparable, but also at the naked eye obvious speed, at lightning speed of one layer level falls off but next time. 当即金芒闪动间,肉壁上血肉纵然坚韧无比,但也以肉眼可见速度,一层层的飞快脱落而下次。 Free time between however several breath, on meat wall suddenly form a half a Zhang size the scarlet great hole, but under the surroundings flesh and blood crazy creeping motion fill, cannot pierce the meat wall unexpectedly throughout thoroughly.. 不过十几个呼吸间的工夫,肉壁上就蓦然形成一个半丈大小的血色巨洞,但在周围血肉疯狂蠕动填补下,竟始终未能彻底洞穿肉壁而过。。 Liu Ming Bang, personal appearance fuzzy disappearance in same place, avoided has brushed, but to several meat must attack. 柳鸣“砰”的一声,身形一个模糊的消失在了原地,避开了抽打而至的数根肉须的攻击。 The next quarter, scarlet great Dongqian, the Liu Ming person's shadow dodges, with low roaring sound, single arm suddenly one thick, proceeds a fist to pound fiercely, black fog tiger phantom roared, and ruptured to open in the great hole instantaneously, the instantaneous billowing black atomization to explode one volume of air wave opened. 下一刻,血色巨洞前,柳鸣人影一闪而出,伴随着一声低喝,单臂蓦然一粗,往前猛地一拳捣出,一头黑色雾虎虚影咆哮而出,并瞬间在巨洞中爆裂而开,瞬间滚滚黑雾化为爆裂气浪的一卷而开。 Bang a bang! 轰隆隆一声巨响! Scarlet large hole rays of light dodges, was blasted open a several chi (0.33 m) opening impressively. 血色大洞光芒一闪,赫然被炸裂出一个数尺长的口子。 In the Liu Ming seeing that heart happy, single-handed move of Void Sword without demur, body surface golden light a big magnificence burst , changes into together dazzling golden rainbow one volume immediately from the opening, escaped by the place of being stranded. 柳鸣见状心中一喜,二话不说的单手一招虚空剑,当即体表金光大盛,就化为一道刺目金虹的从裂口中一卷而出,遁出了被困之地。 In midair golden sword light collects, the Liu Ming personal appearance dodges, but presently, and grasps the vision of sword to sweep to all around at lightning speed only. 半空中金色剑光一敛,柳鸣身形一闪而现,并单手持剑的目光向四周飞快一扫而过。 Sees only the entire scarlet space in the ground, proliferates the bunch of more than ten zhang (3.33 m) scarlet meat cocoons, and is similar to the live person heart keeps wriggling, but in these blood cocoon surfaces, still the meat must keep twining on, making the blood cocoon keep increasing. 只见整个血色空间的地面上,遍布一团团十余丈大小的血色肉茧,并如同活人心脏般不停蠕动着,而在这些血茧表面,仍有一根根肉须不停缠绕而上,让血茧不停变大。 What is obvious, is longer along with the time, this blood cocoon will be also getting more and more honest, by the person of being stranded, if wants breakthrough, but the possibility was also lower. 显而易见的是,随着时间越长,此血茧也会越来越敦厚,其中被困之人要想突破而出的可能性也就越低了。 In the place several feet away, a blood cocoon is similar to falls the aerocyst paralysis shrivelled on the ground, and most incomplete. 在十几丈外的地方,一只血茧如同一个瘪掉气囊般瘫在地上,并且大半残缺不全。 In its sky over, the Big Dipper Pavilion purple hair man break free, in the hand was already brandishing a handle crystal clear purple blade edge, keeps the scarlet meat that cuts all around to present continuously being probable. 在其上空,北斗阁紫发男子早已脱困,手中正挥舞着一柄晶莹紫刃,不停斩开四周源源不断出现的血色肉须。 After he sees Liu Ming appears, coldly swept one to come, and has put aside the vision, continued to wield begins the purple blade edge to keep. 他看到柳鸣出现后,冷冷的扫了一眼过来,并移开了目光,继续挥动手中紫刃不停。 At this moment, nearby Liu Ming a sound sound, all around has the dense and numerous scarlet meat to twine from out of the blue void similarly. 就在这时,柳鸣附近破空声一响,四周虚空同样有密密麻麻的血色肉须缠绕而来。 Liu Ming cold snort|hum, in hand Void Sword shakes, immediately sword shade crazy volume, all approached the meat to all twist blood mist a piece by piece. 柳鸣冷哼一声,手中虚空剑只是一抖,当即一片片剑影狂卷而出,将所有靠近肉须全都绞成了血雾 At this moment, cloudy and cold aura that Liu Ming and in purple hair man middle one group of exceptionally giant blood cocoons, suddenly trembles shivery shoots up to the sky. 就在这时,柳鸣紫发男子中间处的一团异常巨大血茧中,忽然一股让人悚然发抖的阴冷气息冲天而起。 In Liu Ming heart one cold, immediately bows the head to look, but the purple hair man sweeps to go similarly, in the eye the different glow dodges. 柳鸣心中一凛下,顿时低首望去,而紫发男子同样一扫而去,目中异芒一闪。 The next quarter, after blood cocoon suddenly rises to shrink, suddenly bang rupturing opens, milky white rays of light jump to shoot, then one round bright silver moon/month dodges in rays of light, after and is fuzzy, appears wears the person's shadow of pale golden institution helmet and armor, is wielding the back three pairs of [gold/metal] wing. 下一刻,血茧猛然一个涨缩后,忽然“轰隆隆”的爆裂而开,一道道乳白色光芒从中迸射而出,接着一轮皎洁的银月在光芒中一闪而出,并一个模糊后,现出一名身着淡金色机关盔甲的人影,正挥动着背后的三对金翅。 That Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) youth, only its armor clothes surface proliferates the bumpy blood pit, obviously also undergoes a fierce combat to withdraw. 正是那天工宗的银车青年,,只间其甲衣表面遍布坑坑洼洼的血坑,显然也经过一番激战才得以脱身而出。 Silver car(riage) youth side comes, eyes flashed after seeing Liu Ming and purple hair man, is actually startled slightly. 银车青年方一现身,目光一闪的看到柳鸣紫发男子后,却不由的微微一怔。 Has not waited for him to say anything, in the blood mist misty upper air, suddenly spreads a sharp sharp female voice: 还未等其说些什么,血雾濛濛的高空中,忽然传出一声尖尖的女子声音: tut tut, can three Crystal Transformation juniors, break through the blood to be firm unexpectedly. It seems like Midheaven Continent was also was in recent years abundance of capable people.” 啧啧,竟然能有三名化晶小辈,冲破了血牢。看来中天大陆近年来也算是人才济济了。” Who is stealthy there!” “何人在那里鬼鬼祟祟!” purple hair man hearing this complexion one cold, without demur single-handed raises, in the hand the crystal clear purple short blade edge lets go. 紫发男子闻言脸色一寒,二话不说的单手一扬,手中晶莹紫色短刃脱手而出。 Whiz. “嗖”的一声过后。 The short blade edge rises to change into several feet purple rainbow against the wind, after sending out the strange keenly blowing, in the sound toward the upper air passes on source one volume to go. 短刃迎风一涨化为十几丈长的紫色长虹,发出怪异尖啸后,朝高空中声音传出处一卷而去。 Hehe sneers, in that side upper air swung the one layer ripples immediately, one group of black flame suddenly flashed before, and fuzzy met to run upon the purple rainbow! 嘿嘿一声冷笑,那边高空中顿时荡起了一层涟漪,一团黑焰蓦然闪现而出,并一个模糊的接撞上了紫色长虹! Rupturing of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering! 一声惊天动地的爆裂! The purple rainbow and black flame are defeated and dispersed to open together, not honored purple short blade edge wail drops from the upper air under. 紫色长虹与黑焰一同溃散而开,毫无光彩的紫色短刃哀鸣一声的从高空跌落而下。 The purple hair man brow tip selects, the single-handed void move, one invisible suction one volume, absorbed to return to the hand the short blade edge immediately instantaneously. 紫发男子眉梢一挑,单手虚空一招,当即一股无形吸力一卷而出,瞬间将短刃摄回到了手中。 At this moment, nearby three people, the scarlet meat of originally dance must all concentrate is defeated and dispersed, and changes into disappearance of blood mist in void. 就在这时,三人附近,原本狂舞的血色肉须全都一凝的溃散开来,并化为股股血雾的消失在虚空中。 In Liu Ming heart greatly cold, in Void Sword the hand receives, both eyes narrowed stares to go to the upper air. 柳鸣心中大凛,将手中虚空剑一收,双目一眯的向高空凝望而去。 Silver car(riage) youth also whole face surprised similarly looks into the distance to go. 银车青年也满脸惊疑的同样眺望而去。 Bang, after sky a blood mist tumbling, suddenly about a point, reveals slurred scarlet monster figure baseless, eye dew ominous light is looking below three people, and sends out strange strange to smile. “轰”的一声,天空中血雾一阵翻滚后,突然左右一分,凭空露出一个模糊不清的血色怪物身影,正目露凶光的望着下方三人,并发出诡异的怪笑。 This monster looks like compared with the average man is slightly high several points, roughly the zhang (3.33 m) high, a head pair of about 1 chi long (0.33m) acute angle flood light red light, behind is being pair of blood misty giant fleshly wings and one has the arm sturdy wonderful long bone tail, in the hand is taking a pitch-black shining trident, forks above the halberd continuously black mist to drift from place to place. 此怪物看起来比起常人略高几分,约莫丈许之高,头上一对尺许长的尖角泛着淡淡的红光,身后则是一对血蒙蒙的巨型肉翅和一条足足有手臂般粗壮的奇长骨尾,手中则拿着一根乌黑发亮的三叉戟,叉戟之上一缕缕黑色的气焰正飘忽不定。 The Liu Ming vision rolls on mist to sweep from that the brow cannot help but wrinkle, forks faint trace aura that above the halberd that black mist sends out slightly, is unexpectedly faint and True Demon Qi is somewhat similar. 柳鸣目光从那团气焰上一扫而过,眉头不禁微微皱起,叉戟之上那黑色气焰散发出的丝丝气息,竟隐隐与真魔之气有几分相似。 At this moment, side scarlet monster, green grey two groups of mist also suddenly appear. 就在这时,血色怪物身旁,一绿一灰两团雾气也是骤然浮现而出。 After misty green air/qi diverges, visibles faintly upper part yellow-robed to add the beautiful appearance female of body, looks like quite the exquisite person, however lower part crystal clear is transparent, plumply extremely fat seems Ice Silkworm, at this time covers the mouth single-handed, with a smile is looking at three people. 濛濛绿气散去后,隐约可见一名上半身黄衫加身的美貌女子,看起来颇为的小巧可人,然而下半身晶莹透明,肥硕臃肿好似冰蚕,此时正单手掩嘴,笑吟吟的望着三人。 In that group of fog, comprised of a successively brightly burnished body, long has more than dozens pairs of full festivals, as if giant centipede great insect, is swinging two thick foreleg, appearance that making threatening gestures. 那团灰雾之中,一个由一节节锃亮躯壳组成,长有不下数十对足节,仿佛巨大蜈蚣般的巨虫,正摆动着两根粗大的前肢,一副张牙舞爪的样子。 The great insect personal appearance is ugly, on the head face actually similar face, and pair of fang keeps about opens and closes, flows out not the well-known ash-gray liquid. 巨虫身形丑陋,头颅上面孔却类似人脸,并有一对獠牙不停的左右开合,是不是流出不知名的灰色液体来。 Liu Ming sees with own eyes presents two monsters newly the fierce appearances, in the heart one startled, emits Divine Consciousness to sweep to go quietly. 柳鸣眼见新出现两个怪物的狰狞模样,心中一惊,悄然放出神识一扫而去。 Sure enough, when its mental power has swept three people, is unable to find out opposite party three people of cultivation base unexpectedly, 果不其然,其精神力扫过三人之时,竟丝毫无法探得对方三人修为, At this moment, under three people another group of blood cocoons, sound of the dull thumping sound transmits, blood cocoon surface silver light jump to shoot suddenly, immediately blasts open to open, one volume of a silver light flashes lasing. 就在这时,三人下方的另一团血茧之中,一阵闷响之声传来,血茧表面骤然一道道银光迸射而出,随即炸裂而开,一卷银光一闪的从中激射而出。 Under rays of light collects, appears a silhouette, unexpectedly is Luo Tiancheng this. R1152 光芒一敛之下,现出一道人影,竟是罗天成此子。R1152
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