DD :: Volume #9

#809: Blood fork and Qu Yao

Luo Tiancheng sees the Liu Ming three people, has not spoken with enough time, but sweeps surrounding situation with the vision, immediately is startled slightly. ` ` 罗天成一见柳鸣三人,并未来得及说话,只是用目光一扫周围的情况,当即微微一怔。`` Hehe, said the blood firm technique that you use is not good, but also refuses stubbornly to acknowledge that then may be good, made four people run away unexpectedly all of a sudden.” yellow-robed girl of half -and-a-half people of silkworms shot a look at a scarlet monster, said with a smile lightly. 嘿嘿,都说你施展的血牢之术不行了,还死不承认,这下可好,竟然一下子让四人逃了出来。”半人半蚕的黄衫女子瞥了一眼血色怪物,轻笑道。 The scarlet monster did not say a word, big mouth, put out one group of blood to the trident in hand. 血色怪物也不言语,大口一张,向手中的三叉戟吐出一团鲜血。 On the originally jet black trident, scarlet spirit mark flashes to keep immediately faintly, above outlined a strange blood insect design. 原本漆黑的三叉戟身上,顿时一条血色灵纹隐隐闪动不停,在其上面勾勒出一个古怪血虫图案。 Afterward, scarlet monster trident upward at one fell swoop. 随后,血色怪物将三叉戟往上一举。 Bang! “砰”的一声! In trident three tips, appears three groups of glowing red scarlet light groups, under and dodges to blast open directly, everywhere bloody glow one volume opens. 三叉戟三个尖头上,浮现出三团红彤彤的血色光团,并一闪之下直接炸裂开来,漫天血光一卷而开。 In an instant, entire void bloody glow puts greatly, at the same time flesh and blood earth again trembles, the ejection leaves sturdy meat to once more, swoops to go to the bunch blood cocoon directly, and such as veteran packing winding above. 刹那间,整个虚空中血光大放,同时血肉大地再一次的震颤起来,从中再次弹射出一根根粗壮肉须,直接向一团团血茧飞扑而去,并如老树盘根般缠绕在其上面。 Several groups of blood cocoons in the meat must under the reinforcement, rose suddenly suddenly, and superficial red light a big magnificence burst , thicker scarlet meat must condense from the blood cocoon, and is uncertain at the dance, looks like compared with originally fierce terrifying. 数团血茧在肉须的加固之下,骤然又暴涨了一圈,并且表面红光大盛,一根根更加粗大的血色肉须从血茧上凝聚而出,并在狂舞不定,看起来比原先更加的狰狞恐怖 The scarlet meat that then once more will come must all exterminate. 便再次将迎面而至的血色肉须悉数剿灭。 You are...... Blood fork!” “你是……血叉!” After the purple hair man sees scarlet monster, again young carefully thin after sizing up several, suddenly has remembered anything, one loses one's voice the exit / to speak, the at the same time complexion, pale several points. 紫发男子一见血色怪兽施法之后,再仔仔细细的打量起数遍后,突然想起了什么,一下失声出口,同时脸色也唰的一下,苍白了几分。 Ha Ha! Has not thought in Midheaven Continent this and other small places, but also some people can recognize my blood fork clansman. Pours is really not easy!” The scarlet monster sees some people to call own origin, immediately sends out Jie Jie's strange to smile. As if quite self-satisfied. “哈哈!没想到在中天大陆这等小地方,还有人能认得我血叉族人。倒也真不容易!”血色怪物见有人叫出自己的来历,当即发出桀桀的怪笑。似乎颇为的得意。 This blood fork is what Xiongwu, looks like the Fellow Daoist not only clear its origin. Also dreading.” After Liu Ming's eyebrows wrinkles, asked directly. “这血叉是何凶物,看起来道友不但清楚其来历。还十分的忌惮。”柳鸣眉头一皱后,直接问道。 Snort, far more than dreaded. If the present monster is really blood fork, perhaps our these time really wanted everything bodes ill, no positive signs.” purple hair man hearing this, although the complexion is very ugly, but still at lightning speed returned to one. “哼,何止是忌惮。若是眼前的怪物真是血叉,我们这一次恐怕真要凶多吉少了。”紫发男子闻言,虽然脸色十分难看,但仍然飞快的回了一句。 Arrived at so the moment, your excellency why again sold any climax, was quicker talks clearly the words.” Luo Tiancheng actually snort|hum, not saying of polite. “都到如此关头了,阁下何必再卖什么关子,快些把话说清楚吧。”罗天成却哼了一声,不客气的说道。 Once obtained the Pavilion Master approval below. Has glanced through top-secret materials in some pavilions, therefore knows material that some cultivator do not know. This blood fork clansman is actually not the Mortal Realm race, but formidable race from Blood Sea, once after being grown, at least also has True Core Realm above strength, and person of natural disposition savage this clan combative, in the clan is Expert stands in great numbers, even terrifying of many Profound Opening Realm exist, is not our Mortal Realm various clans may compare!” The purple hair man complexion sinks. The meaning of actually not having concealed, at lightning speed knew itself the matter to narrate to the surrounding several people. “在下曾经获得阁主准许。翻阅过一些阁中的绝密资料,故而知道一些本界修士根本不知道的资料。这血叉族人其实不是人界种族,而是来自一个名叫血海界的强大种族,一旦成年之后,起码也有真丹境界以上的实力,并且该族之人生性凶残好斗,族中又是强者林立,甚至不乏一些通玄境界的恐怖存在,远不是我们人界诸族可比的!”紫发男子脸色一沉。却也没有隐瞒的意思,飞快将自己所知事情向周围几人讲述了一遍。 The result listens to this person of words, Luo Tiancheng sucked in a cold breath, gained ground looks once more to that only ugly scarlet monster. On the face expression was gloomily uncertain. 结果听完此人话语,罗天成倒吸了一口凉气,抬头再次望向了那只丑陋的血色怪物。脸上神色阴暗不定了。 Liu Ming hearing this, in same core greatly cold. 柳鸣闻言,同样心中大凛。 Demon Mysterious Sect called Long Xuan ugly disciple, was the complexion one ugly several points. 魔玄宗龙轩的丑陋弟子,也是脸色一下难看了几分。 Another side silver car(riage) youth. Actually turns a blind eye to the Luo Tiancheng words, instead continuously stubbornly looks at the beautiful female of that half -and-a-half people of silkworm. suddenly asked to the upper air loudly: 另一边的银车青年。却对罗天成的话语视若不见,反而一直死死看着了那名半人半蚕的妖艳女子。忽然大声冲高空问道: May I ask, but Senior pattern in antiquity hearsay Qu Yao?” “敢问,前辈模式可是上古传闻中的‘曲尧’?” Giggle. Really also has the Mortal Realm junior to know the this Majesty origin, this also is really rare tight! It seems like our Qu Yao clan invaded this in the past, has left behind many successes.” Female hearing this of half -and-a-half people of silkworms, stare first, but immediately smiling face graceful saying, and meaning of provocation shot a look at a blood fork. “咯咯。竟然还有人界小辈能识得本座的来历,这还真是少见的紧!看来我们曲尧一族当年入侵此界,留下了不少战绩。”半人半蚕的女子闻言,先是一愣,但马上笑脸盈盈的说道,并略带挑衅之意的瞥了一眼身旁的血叉。 Qu Yao 曲尧 Is impossible “不可能” This time, does not need other people to inquire anything, hears the name of Qu Yao, other three people of once more complexion big changes, vision, fell on the monster of half female half silkworm. 这一次,不用其他人询问什么,一闻曲尧之名,其他三人均都再次脸色大变,目光唰的一下,又都落在了半女半蚕的怪物身上。 When Liu Ming shock, in the mind at lightning speed has transferred one in related the material with Qu Yao. 柳鸣震惊之余,脑海中飞快转过一遍和曲尧中相关的资料。 Then the discovery excessively airborne half -and-a-half people of woman who tends silkworms children, really and in the hearsay already should in the antiquity Ferocious Beast Qu Yao general appearance that Mortal Realm exterminates. 这才发现过空中半人半蚕女子,果然和传闻中早就应该在人界灭绝的上古凶兽曲尧一般模样。 According to the antiquity ancient book record, on the Gu ri greatly ominous date, the number dropped from the clouds by hundred Qu Yao Ferocious Beast control meteors, the place of falling, not only made various Midheaven Continent earth split, the rivers were withered, made innumerable life uttery misery, on if it were not for Midheaven Continent various clan Profound Opening Supreme Being get rid to cut to kill together cleanly, the consequence may say inconceivably. 按照上古典籍记载,上古某日大凶之日,数以百记的曲尧凶兽驾驭陨星从天而降,所落之处,不但让中天大陆各处大地裂开,河流干枯,更让无数生灵涂炭,要不是中天大陆上诸族通玄大能共同出手斩杀干净,后果可说不堪设想。 Before comparing blood fork clan, has never heard the different race, the nature Qu Yao ominous name let Liu Ming Luo Tiancheng and the others with amazement. 相比血叉族这个以前从未听闻过的异界种族,自然曲尧的凶名更让柳鸣罗天成等人骇然不已了。 If this Qu Yao has terrifying divine ability in hearsay at present, can it be that their trivial several Crystal Transformation exist to resist fraction. 若眼前这头曲尧真拥有传闻中的恐怖神通,岂是他们区区几个化晶存在能够抵挡分毫的。 Does not need to fear, regardless of blood forks the Qu Yao remaining that monsters, strength big was suppressed, did not have us to imagine may break. Well...... Looks at their body strange appearance, probably at is not the main body kisses, is only clone or wisp of soul and so on Incarnation. I said how this and other ominous thing possibly so easily appear here.” Silver car(riage) youth after recognizing Qu Yao, at lightning speed takes out blue crystal ball, after airborne three monster each ones in a flash, after at lightning speed infiltrates some technique again, on the face actually suddenly exchanges wild with joy color saying. “不用怕,无论血叉曲尧还是剩下那头怪物,实力都大大的被压制了,原没有我们想象中的可破。咦……看他们身躯古怪模样,好像根本不是本体亲至,只是分身或者分魂之类的化身。我就说,这等凶物怎可能这般轻易出现在这里的。”银车青年在认出曲尧后,飞快取出一颗蓝色晶球,冲着空中三个怪物各自一晃后,再飞快打入一些法决后,脸上却蓦然换上狂喜之色的说道。 Your excellency will not make a mistake.” Demon Mysterious Sect ugly disciple, immediately asking of great happiness. “阁下不会弄错吧。”魔玄宗丑陋弟子,当即大喜的问道。 Liu Ming and Luo Tiancheng hearing this, similarly anxious looking to silver car(riage) youth. 柳鸣罗天成闻言,同样紧张的望向银车青年。 My this profound and abstruse principles bead, is my Sect Grand Elder bestows, so long as can have the effect to the goal, will make a mistake on absolutely not. These monsters resemble, is about True Core Initial and Intermediate Stage cultivation base.” Silver car(riage) youth hearing this, without the slightest hesitation replied. “我这颗玄机珠,是本宗太上长老所赐,只要能对目标起效果,就绝不会出错的。这些怪物好像,也不过是真丹初中期左右的修为。”银车青年闻言,毫不犹豫回道 This saying exit / to speak, regardless of Liu Ming or Luo Tiancheng and the others, greatly relaxed. 这话一出口,无论柳鸣还是罗天成等人,均都大松了一口气。 Four people can come here, naturally is existences of strength will far exceed peer, only if it were not for thoroughly made their desperate matches facing that type, naturally one put together the strength of heart. 四人能够走到这里,自然都是实力心志都远超同辈的存在,只要不是面对那种彻底令他们绝望的对手,自然都有一拼心之力的。 Giggle, some meanings. These Mortal Realm ants, really saw unexpectedly I and other details came.” In the upper air the Qu Yao sortie of half female half silkworm, an upper part flower trembles smiles once more tenderly. “咯咯,有些意思。这些人界蝼蚁,竟然还真看出了我等的一些底细来了。”高空中半女半蚕的曲尧架次,上半身一阵花颤般的再次娇笑起来。 That giant centipede monster and on the blood fork two faces, reveals color of the accident similarly. 那条巨型蜈蚣怪物和血叉二人脸上,同样露出一丝意外之色。 It seems like these Human Race juniors, is not simple, can completely understand our present details unexpectedly. Rubbish says uselessly, our time were not much, you and Qu Yao Fellow Daoist copes with the present four juniors first fully, I use now fully, suppress the other people first, and directly during the blood was firm to nibble it, good while convenient blood essence that restored these years to lose.” The blood forks hearing this, cold snort|hum saying. “看来这几名人族小辈,也不简单,竟然能看透我们现在的底细。不废话多说无益,我们时间可不多的,你与曲尧道友先全力对付眼前的四名小辈,我现在就动用全力,先将余下之人镇压,并直接在血牢之中将其蚕食掉,也好顺便恢复一下这些年来损耗的精血。”血叉闻言,冷哼一声的说道。 Blood forked Fellow Daoist to consider thoroughly, even if I and other present am only temporary Incarnation that the main body condensed, dozens of strength insufficient main body 1, but coped with the trivial several Crystal Transforming Stage junior, was still with hands down. However, the blood forks Fellow Daoist separating these four people, province when turns head I to begin cannot unshackle.” Female hearing this of half -and-a-half people of silkworms, saying of not caring at all, in the spoken language actually slightly not Liu Ming the appearance that and the others paid attention. “血叉道友多虑了,纵然我等现在只是本体凝聚的临时化身,实力不足本体的数十1,但对付区区几名化晶期的小辈,仍然是不费吹灰之力。不过话说回来,血叉道友还是将这四人给分隔开来,省的回头我动手之时放不开手脚。”半人半蚕的女子闻言,满不在乎的说道,言语之中却丝毫没有将柳鸣等人放在眼里的样子。 Another giant centipede monster, did not say a word, was only with choice food vision, kept the coldly sizing up following Liu Ming four people. 另一个巨型蜈蚣般怪物,却一言不发,只是用挑选食物般的目光,不停冷冷的打量下面的柳鸣四人。 This scarlet space book was by the main body of seal below, wanting some hands and feet to separate it, naturally did not have the issue.” After the blood forks one to smile strangely, full mouth complied. “这血色空间本就是在下被封印的本体所在,想要动些手脚将其分隔开,自然是没有问题了。”血叉一个怪笑之后,满口答应了下来。 During he in pitch-black shining the trident the hand is once more void in a flash, in the mouth recited a somewhat obscure incantation lowly, immediately another bloody glow scatter to open from the trident. 紧接着他将手中乌黑发亮的三叉戟再次虚空之中一晃,口中低念了一句有些晦涩的咒语,顿时又一道道血光从三叉戟之上散射而开。 These bloody glow have not come toward the Liu Ming four people, but seems like chaotic submerged on below flesh and blood earth in abundance. 这些血光并未往柳鸣四人而来,而是看似杂乱无章的纷纷没入了下方的血肉大地上。 Liu Ming sees this, the personal appearance suddenly in the future the ejection, sweeping of both eyes at lightning speed to all around, and will be thick the earth shield secret buckle in the hand. 柳鸣见此,身形骤然往后弹射而出,双目飞快的扫向四周,并将厚土盾暗暗扣在手中。 purple hair man and silver car(riage) youth and Luo Tiancheng, in Spirit Tool the hand gets hold, reveals the alert color backed up respectively several steps. 紫发男子、银车青年及罗天成,也是将手中灵器握紧,纷纷露出戒备之色的各自倒退了几步。 Although they hear the airborne monster to talk, acknowledged really oneself is only temporary Incarnation nothing more, but cultivation base realm is by far they, how dare but four people are really also negligent anything. 他们虽然听闻空中怪物交谈,真承认了自己只是临时化身而已,但修为境界还是远胜他们,但四人又怎敢真大意什么。 „After Bang Bang several, Liu Ming body next piece of blood cocoon at the same time explodes to open unexpectedly, dazzling bloody glow shoots up to the sky piece by piece instantaneously. “砰”“砰”几声后,柳鸣身下一片血茧竟同时爆裂而开,一片片刺目血光瞬间冲天而起。 Liu Ming one startled , the avoidance that just wants to dodge opens, before the under meat must actually, first one step pulls out to upper air at the same time void. 柳鸣一惊之下,刚想一闪的躲避而开,下方肉须却前先一步的冲高空同时虚空一抽。 Around him void one tight, personal appearance stagnates, immediately by under bloody glow one volume. 他四周虚空一紧,身形不由的一个凝滞,顿时被下方血光一卷其中。 The next quarter, Liu Ming only thinks at present after a flower, suddenly locates from the scarlet space disappeared without a trace. 下一刻,柳鸣只觉眼前一花后,就蓦然从血色空间处消失的无影无踪 But Luo Tiancheng and other people with Qu Yao centipede great insect monster, general appearance was hit by other bloody glow, same fuzzy disappearance disappears. 罗天成等三人和曲尧蜈蚣巨虫怪物,也一般模样的被其他血光击中,同样一个模糊的消失不见了。 In instantaneous, entire scarlet space, only remaining blood fork alone nothing more. 瞬间,整个血色空间中,就只剩下血叉孤零零一个而已 But after it actually Hehe sneers, of body after the upper air is fuzzy, once more vanished in blood mist. 但其却嘿嘿一声冷笑后,身躯在高空中一个模糊后,就再次消失在了血雾之中。 When Liu Ming sees clearly at present the scenery once more, discovered one rectify conduct in blood mist misty more than hundred mu big or medium flesh and blood closed rooms. 柳鸣再次看清眼前景物之时,发现自己正身处在一个血雾蒙蒙百余亩大小的血肉封闭空间之中。 In its first dozens zhang (3.33 m) place, that is only ugly the incomparable centipede monster, coldly is taking a look at him, the person in the surface the expression is fierce. 在其身前数十丈处,那只丑陋无比的蜈蚣般怪物,正冷冷的打量着他,人面上表情狰狞无比。 Liu Ming body side not far away, wears silver car(riage) youth also expression surprised standing of pale golden Mechanical Battle Armor there. 柳鸣身侧不远处,身着淡金色机关战甲的银车青年也神色惊疑的站立在那里。 The purple hair man, Luo Tiancheng as well as the blood fork Qu Yao, actually all did not know the trace. 紫发男子、罗天成以及血叉曲尧,却全不知所踪了。 Two juniors, you mediate voluntarily, makes me begin personally, loves your again well. If I begin, certainly slowly, little will chew your bodies, will then capture in your hands the destiny. Like this when waits for this Majesty returns to close the clan, you also calculate a merit.” Ugly great insect centipede move together, turned the long body, suddenly has made the gloomy male sound, at all not the appearance that they pay attention to at present.( To be continued..) R752 “两个小辈,你们是自行了断,还是让我亲自动手,再好好疼爱你们一番。若是我动手的话,一定会慢慢的,一点点咀嚼你们肢体,然后才会夺取了你们手中气运。这样等本座回到瞑族之时,你们也算有一份功劳了。”丑陋巨虫百足齐动,扭了扭长长的身躯,忽然发出阴沉的男子声音,一副根本未把眼前两人放在眼里的样子。(未完待续。。)R752
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