DD :: Volume #9

#807: By being stranded

Demon Mysterious Sect ugly disciple, after one after another numerous meat must besiege, finally cannot suppress angry of heart, after calls out, immediately whole body black Qi is billowing, two palms eject fuzzily, transformed one piece to interweave instantaneously the unclear palm shade, must all pat to extinguish nearby scarlet meat. 魔玄宗丑陋弟子,在接二连三的被众多肉须围攻后,终于压不住心的恼怒,一声暴喝后,当即浑身黑气滚滚,两只手掌模糊击出,瞬间幻化成了一片交织不清的掌影,将附近血色肉须全都尽数一拍而灭。 The Hawk face man sits cross-legged to sit in the low vacancy, is sharp-eyed the glow to flash, the body previous corner silver mirror circles before its, from often shoots to make a debut the silver light beam. 鹰面男子则在低空处盘膝而坐,眼精芒闪动,身前一枚棱银镜在其身前盘旋不已,从不时射出道道银色光柱。 The silver light beam sweeps the place, the scarlet meat must touching burst, is unable how this Hawk face man fraction. 银色光柱扫过之处,血色肉须纷纷触之即溃,根本无法奈何这鹰面男子分毫 Nearby the Hawk face man, Xue Pan grasps a handle naked sword, personal appearance sway, is bringing a series of white afterimage, curls up a blade edge shade, recklessly strikes off to the place that the meat must gather. 鹰面男子附近处,薛盘手持一柄白刃,身形晃动不已,带着一连串白色残影,卷起一偏偏刃影,肆意的向肉须聚集的地方砍去。 These three people of actions immediately bring to the attention of other people, the Ouyang Qian black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkled, just found out to give an oral account anything, making all person unexpected one of the occur! 这三人的举动立刻引起了其他人的注意,欧阳倩黛眉一皱下,刚想出口说些什么,令所有人猝不及防的一幕发生了! After trim space shivers suddenly fiercely, immediately curls up a fierce shake baseless. 整片空间猛然一个剧烈颤抖后,当即凭空卷起一股剧烈震荡。 A people personal appearance not steady instance, several hundred ratios also want on the thick several fold to have giant meat to before this, suddenly neat at the same time from the people jumps out, and under spatial interweaves, spends general like food people, the unexpected people, all will have wrapped, and rapid pulls toward below creeping motion earth under. 众人身形一个不稳的瞬间,数百根比此前还要粗上数倍有余的巨型肉须,突然从众人四周齐刷刷的同时窜出,并在空一阵交织下,像一朵朵食人花一般,将猝不及防的众人,全都包裹了进去,并迅速往下面蠕动大地一扯而下。 Liu Ming only thinks a dizziness, after a at the same time odor heads on, then discovered one must siege by dozens meat in one only had 45 zhang (3.33 m) scarlet space it. 柳鸣只觉一阵天旋地转,同时一股恶臭扑面而来后,便发现自己被数十根肉须围困在了一个仅有45丈大小的血色空间之。 His single arm without demur wields, black misty fist shade numerous striking before the body **. 他二话不说的单臂一挥,一只黑濛濛的拳影重重的击向身前的**。 a dull thumping sound, ** unexpectedly trembles will put in order the fist shade absorption to enter, did not have again any responds. “噗”的一声闷响,**竟一颤的将整拳影吸收而入,再无任何反应了。 Liu Ming sees this, a brow slightly wrinkle. A single-handed front knot seal, several chi (0.33 m) green Wind Blade congeals together, after a finger gently ball, toward one side ** flies to shoot to go. 柳鸣见此,眉头微微一皱。单手胸前一个结印,一道数尺长的青色风刃凝结而出,手指轻轻一弹后,朝一侧**飞射而去。 After a dull thumping sound, huge Wind Blade cuts in ** later, breaks several cuns (2.5cm) deeply then not to enter merely, after Liu Ming technique urges, Wind Blade unexpectedly Bang. Changed to read the disruption of azure light to open. 一声闷响后,巨大风刃斩在**之后,仅仅破开几寸之深便不在进入,当柳鸣法决一催后,风刃竟砰的一声。化作读读青光的碎裂而开了。 These meat must congeal **, when compared with meat must obviously is more formidabe. The ordinary attack is unable to break its fraction. 这些肉须凝结起的**,比起一根根的肉须时显然要难对付许多。普通攻击根本无法破开其分毫 Liu Ming's complexion sinks. 柳鸣脸色不由的一沉下去。 ...... …… The Big Dipper Pavilion purple hair man, was stranded after **, appearance that is actually not caring at all, but single-handed wields at will, then curls up a piece of purple blade edge, cuts in the nearby one piece maliciously ** on, the result thorough several cuns (2.5cm) depth, were defeated and dispersed to extinguish similarly. 北斗阁紫发男子,被困于**后,却是一副满不在乎的样子,只是单手随意一挥,便卷起一片紫刃,狠狠斩在附近的一片**上,结果同样只是深入数寸之深,便溃散而灭了。 The purple hair man sees this, actually Hehe. Single-handed racket waist red light sparkles, exceptionally fine Nourishing Soul Pouch. 紫发男子见此,却嘿嘿一声。单手一拍腰间一只红光闪闪,异常精致的养魂袋 , wisp of red light from one volume, turning round a congealment after the body, changes to a about 1 chi high (0.33m) scarlet spider. “噗”的一声,一缕红光从一卷而出,在身前滴溜溜的一个凝结后,化作一只尺许高的血色蜘蛛。 This spider is all over the body dark red like the blood, eight claws are crystal clear are bright. Imitates if the jade of having no time is common. 这只蜘蛛通体如鲜血般殷红,八只脚爪却是晶莹剔透。仿若无暇之玉一般。 The side appears in flesh and blood space it, impatient wields with pair of forepaw, unexpectedly easy from ** on cuts the next flesh and blood, and throws maliciously, but on swallows, and often emanation hissing hissing the cry, as if very much likes these flesh and blood being same. 其方一出现在血肉空间之,就迫不及待的用一对前爪一挥,竟轻而易举的从**上切下一片血肉来,并狠狠一扑而上的吞食起来,并不时的发出“嘶嘶”的叫声,似乎很喜欢这些血肉一样。 How was worrying still to seek for that many flesh and blood to feed you, today also is really must come all not to need the effort, can make you play knife and fork.” After the purple hair man muttered one, unexpectedly selfish sat cross-legged same place, closed eyes maintained mental tranquility. “本来还在发愁如何去寻找那么多血肉来喂养你,今天还真是得来全不费功夫,可以让你饱餐一顿了。”紫发男子喃喃一声后,竟自顾自的盘坐原地,闭目养神起来。 Scarlet spider hear sound kicks the ground flesh and blood swallows to play with fire. Then rises with a spring holds stubbornly ** somewhere, starts crazier gnawing to eat. 血色蜘蛛闻声扑腾扑腾将地上血肉吞噬玩火。便一跃而起的死死抓住**某处,开始更加疯狂的啃食起来。 As the spider gnaws the flesh and blood quantity of food to be getting more and more, body also gradually rises suddenly, color also gradually red shines. 随着蜘蛛啃食的血肉数量越来越多,身型也是逐渐暴涨起来,颜色也渐渐红的发亮。 After short several breath, it then grew up near zhang (3.33 m) the greatness, but increased steadily regarding the demand of flesh and blood, as if with could not eat to the full general, a pair of foreleg still the tucking in flesh and blood not to stop squeezed in the mouth swallowed crazily. 短短几个呼吸之后,它便长大到了近丈许之巨,而对于血肉的需求还是有增无减,仿佛用远都吃不饱一般,一对前肢仍一刻不停的撩起血肉塞入口的狂吞不已。 Along with this Monster Insect giant increasing, each flesh and blood of swallowing. Naturally was also far from the past may compared with, got down, will be immediately short about several jin (0.5 kg) flesh and blood. 只是随着这妖虫巨型的变大,每一次吞下的血肉之多。自然也远非从前可比了,一口下去,立刻就会少去数斤血肉左右。 Patching that voluntarily although this flesh and blood space can keep closes, but has not waited for the faint trace flesh and blood adhesion to get up, then again was opened by this spider tearing, annexes to swallow, suddenly ** was gnawed the biting place flesh and blood gradually to be unexpectedly thin. 虽说这血肉空间会不停的自行修补弥合,但未等丝丝血肉粘连起来,便再一次被这只蜘蛛撕裂而开,并吞入肚,一时间**被啃咬处血肉竟渐渐稀薄起来。 ...... …… at the same time, another group of spacious flesh and blood space it, puts on slightly simple. If the shape the farmer yellow color person's shadow kept about tuck dive, avoids to brush strongly, but to the scarlet meat must attack. Appearance that on forehead actually full head sweat, panting. 与此同时,另一团略微宽敞一些的血肉空间之,一名穿着素朴。状若农夫般的黄色人影正不停的上下翻腾,竭力避开一条条抽打而至的血色肉须的攻击。额头上却满头大汗,一副气喘吁吁的样子。 This person Peng Yue, he now is rectifying conduct Mechanical Battle Armor, runs away, while keeps is wielding two arm thick scarlet-red cylinders, emits scarlet red light columns, toward ** some keeping cuts. 此人正是彭越,他如今正身着机关战甲,一边逃窜,一边不停的挥动着两个手臂粗的赤红圆筒,放出一道道赤红光柱,朝着**某一处不停的斩去。 However these light beams also merely can shut off the meat that the space often stretches out to, after thick ** breaks merely for several points will be defeated and dispersed to extinguish, keeps the fissure also to meet on instantaneous closing 然而这些光柱也仅仅能切断空间不时伸出的肉须,面对厚实的**仅仅破开几分后就会溃散尔灭,留裂痕也会瞬间的弥合上 At this time his on Mechanical Battle Armor, impressively by one layer bloody glow, unexpectedly faint swallows the helmet and armor to send out silver light that compares at first outside the place of inheritance, spirit light obviously gloomy several points. 此时他身上的机关战甲上,赫然被一层血光,竟隐隐的吞噬着盔甲散发的银光,相比起初在传承之地外,灵光明显暗淡了几分。 In its both sides, five yellow color puppet armed soldiers, must bind solid by several sturdy scarlet meat, the chest place pulled out the hole of each and every one fist size impressively, inside Essence Nucleus does not know that unexpectedly stirring crushes by any thing. 在其两侧,五只黄色傀儡甲士,正被数根粗壮的血色肉须裹得严严实实,胸口处赫然被掏出了一个个拳头般大小的孔洞,里面的精核不知竟被什么东西给搅得粉碎。 ...... …… With Peng Yue close one group of flesh and blood space it, under one layer yellow mist Protective Cover, Overwhelming Academy green clothes young woman, wields flashing that a black jade pen keeps, emits bunch of black light spot, must spout to go toward the scarlet meat that these head on. 彭越相近的一团血肉空间之,一层黄蒙蒙护罩下,浩然书院的绿衣少妇,挥动一只黑色玉笔不停的闪动,放出一团团黑色光斑,朝那些扑面而来的血色肉须喷涌而去。 A black light spot side contact scarlet meat must, then change to beach bloody water to spray it, and many splashed directly above Protective Cover of its whole body. 黑色光斑方一接触血色肉须,便将其化作一滩血水喷洒开来,并有不少直接溅在了其周身的护罩之上。 In so narrow and small space, wants to avoid the meat to attack, must avoid these bloody water, obviously is impossible. 如此狭小的空间里,又想要避开肉须攻击,又要避开这些血水,显然是不可能的。 This flesh and blood space the strength of corrosion so is unexpectedly strong.” Green clothes young woman looks at yellow Protective Cover that could not withstand dimly, the brow tight wrinkle was muttering. “这血肉空间的腐蚀之力竟如此强劲。”绿衣少妇望了一眼黯淡不堪的黄色护罩,眉头紧皱的喃喃自语着。 Then, the pupil technique that she is proud in this place, does not have the opportunity, but other methods as if are actually not able break free, except for the passive defense, as if also temporarily to have no other alternative now. 说起来,她引以为傲的瞳术在此地,根本无用武之地,而其他手段却似乎根本无法脱困而出,如今除了被动防守,似乎也暂时别无他法了。 Her heart sighed slightly, after having waved and repelled a wave of attack, turned the hand to take out golden talisman to tear into shreds, a wisp of a golden light flashes inspiration Protective Cover it, making the Protective Cover light rosy cloud also bright several points. 她心微微一叹,挥手又击退了一波攻击后,翻手取出了一张金色符箓撕碎,一缕金光一闪的吸入护罩之,使得护罩的光霞又明亮了几分。 Because the meat must attack unexpectedly, and speed is astonishing, originally relies on Ouyang sisters who the back wants to depend on, at this time is also forced to isolate in approaching two flesh and blood space it. 由于肉须出其不意的攻击,且速度惊人,就连原本倚背想靠的欧阳姐妹,此时也被迫隔绝于临近的两片血肉空间之。 However even if so, they were actually still quite calm at the same time ten fingers continuously flick, emits piece by piece purple and green light rosy cloud one after another, spins the volume in the whole body plate. 不过即便如此,两人却是仍旧颇为冷静的同时十指连弹,接连放出一片片紫色和绿色的光霞,在周身盘旋飞卷。 However these light rosy cloud also can only deal with the meat that the flesh and blood space grows unceasingly to, regarding all around ** simply does not have the slight effect. 但是这些光霞也仅能应付血肉空间之不断长出的肉须,对于四周的**根本没有丝毫效果。 Because they separate unable to collaborate the reason stimulation of movement secret technique, its light rosy cloud compared with formerly was also obviously small. 而由于两人分开无法联手缘故催动秘术,其所化的光霞比起先前也是明显小了一圈。 The suddenly Ouyang Qian elegant face sinks, the sleeve robe transmits clear and melodious dragon roar, under a white light volley shot, changes to one baseless pure white such as jade flood dragon Dragon Phantom, the flood dragon tail shakes, then all around several meat must all twist broken, afterward refers to directing only void in it, then makes threatening gestures toward somewhere ** speeds along to go, and in midair, gigantic mouth opens greatly, from projecting everywhere silver glow. 忽然欧阳倩俏脸一沉,袖袍传来一声清越龙吟,一道白光抽射而出,凭空化作一条洁白如玉的蛟龙虚影,蛟尾一抖之下,便将四周的几根肉须悉数绞碎,随后在其单指虚空一引下,便张牙舞爪的朝某处**飞驰而去,并在半空,巨口大开,从射出漫天银芒。 These silver glow in scarlet ** on dodges to pass, actually leaves behind the hole that the dense and numerous depths vary, then bloody glow neglects, closes such as beginning. 这些银芒在血色**上一闪而逝,却只是留下密密麻麻深浅不一的孔洞,接着血光一闪下,弥合如初了。 This makes the Ouyang Qian cannot help but heart downward sink. 这让欧阳倩不由得心往下一沉。 Another side green clothes female, hand is also the purple glow dodges, a handle light purple folding fan appears in the hand, slightly under wields, the fan shade previous appears in the body piece by piece, and congeals the one layer purple light hazy light screen, covers it. 另一边的绿衣女子,手也是紫芒一闪,一柄淡紫色折扇出现在手,略一挥动下,片片扇影在身前一下浮现而出,并凝结成一层紫光朦朦的光幕,将其笼罩其。 But these scarlet meat must contact purple light screen, then suddenly change to scattering in all directions of bloody water to open. 而那些血色肉须方一接触紫色光幕,便骤然化作一摊摊血水的四散而开。 After the purple light screen the bloody water splashes, the surface immediately exudes zi zi the sound of corrosion, and sends out the irritating the nose flavors, after the at the same time light screen dodges several crazily next, becomes dimly is unusual. 只是紫色光幕被血水溅到后,表面立刻发出嗞嗞的侵蚀之声,并散发出一股股刺鼻的味道,同时光幕狂闪几下后,顿变得黯淡异常起来。 Sees this, green clothes female holds breath cold air, the delicate eyebrows reduces. 看到此幕,绿衣女子倒吸一口凉气,秀眉紧缩起来。 ...... …… Has not thought that my Long Xuan will be stranded in this place, but, my absolutely not will fall from the sky here.” “没想到,我龙轩会困在此地,不过,我绝不会陨落在这里的。” Demon Mysterious Sect ugly disciple, complexion pale sitting cross-legged sits is swaying uncertain flesh and blood space it, both hands keeps is fluctuating secret technique. 魔玄宗的丑陋弟子,面色苍白的盘膝坐在摇晃不定的血肉空间之,双手不停的变幻着法诀 He displays Demonic Art, regarding breaking the walls of these flesh and blood also has little effect, in addition before and war over of Hawk face man, magical power consumed oversized, has not restored with enough time, this moment situation appeared for is not greatly wonderful. 他施展魔功,对于破开这些血肉的墙壁也是收效甚微,加上之前与鹰面男子的大战过一场,法力耗损过大,至今还没有来得及恢复,此刻情形显得大为不妙。 suddenly, ugly disciple hoarse rave, both hands at one fell swoop, a hand black short blade edge changes to more than a ten zhang (3.33 m) python to circle in the whole body upwards instantaneously. 忽然,丑陋弟子嘶哑的狂吼一声,双手朝天一举,手一把黑色短刃瞬间化作一条十余丈长的巨蟒在周身盘旋而出。 This python both eyes fine light flashes, the whole body invites the wrath of the emperor layer upon layer but actually to set upright, as if one is ordinary the incisive knife, the scarlet meat that the place visited comes in swarms must it separates a scrap scrap instantaneously be fallen place. 此条巨蟒双目光一闪,浑身逆鳞层层倒竖而起,仿佛一把把尖锐的小刀一般,所过之处蜂拥而来的血色肉须被其瞬间割裂成一小块一小块的掉落一地。 at the same time, ugly disciple also at lightning speed tears into shreds black talisman, changes to the one layer light black light screen to cover the whole body, turning Yongfa that above the light screen billowing black Qi keeps leaves, and crazy to all directions ** hits crazily. 与此同时,丑陋弟子飞快的撕碎一张黑色符箓,化作一层淡淡的黑色光幕笼罩全身,光幕之上滚滚黑气不停的翻涌发出,并疯狂向四面八方**狂撞而起。 Suddenly, inside bang the sound is unceasing. 一时间,里面轰隆隆声不断。 ...... …… Another flesh and blood spaces, the Xue Pan mouth puts out the vague incantation unceasingly, within the body the joint report transmits unceasingly, the personal appearance rises suddenly suddenly. 另一片血肉空间,薛盘口不断吐出隐晦的咒语,体内一阵噼里啪啦的骨节爆裂声不断传来,身形骤然暴涨起来。 The next quarter, in his foreheads appears faintly king character, originally long and narrow both ears becomes stands upright, the mouth fang rises suddenly to reveal successively, at the same time ten fingers is sharp, above the arm has given birth to a piece by piece silver bristle impressively. 下一刻,他眉宇间隐隐浮现出一个“王”字,原本狭长的双耳变得更为挺立,口獠牙节节暴涨显露而出,同时十指尖尖,手臂之上赫然生出了一片片银色硬毛。 The silver pointed cone that afterward his two palm a silver light flashes, two handles are without change appears in the hand faintly, then both feet step on place, the personal appearance revolves in same place at lightning speed. 随后他两只手掌银光一闪,两柄一般无二的银色尖锥在手隐隐浮现,接着双足一蹬地,身形在原地飞快旋转起来。 Rumble sound from out of the blue transmits, rolling up and pushing along that fresh breeze, silver-white vortex keeps on the ground but R640 隆隆的破空声传来,一阵劲风席地而起,一个银白色漩涡不停的卷动而起R640
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