DD :: Volume #9

#806: Scarlet space

At this moment, a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering bang! 就在这时,一声惊天动地的巨响! The giant bronze statues in altar beforehand 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) places explode to open suddenly, wraps the black fog that all instantaneously to be also defeated and dispersed to extinguish including the nearby. 供桌之前两三丈处的巨大铜人突然爆裂而开,连附近包裹的黑雾也全都瞬间溃散而灭。 After cold snort|hum, the purple hair man has stood from the ground slowly, but its upper part clothing already is reduced to ashes all, revealed on the flesh to proliferate black yellow spirit mark, both eyes bright red such as the blood gets up. 一声冷哼后,紫发男子从地上缓缓站了起来,但是其上半身衣衫已经尽数化为灰烬,露出了肌肤上遍布黑黄色灵纹,双目鲜红如血起来。 Liu Ming and silver car(riage) youth sees this, one startled, in the Liu Ming heart thought that faintly some are not wonderful. 柳鸣与银车青年见此,均都一惊,柳鸣心中更是隐隐觉得有些不妙。 Has not thought that trivial smelting trial, must consume my drop of book to assign blood essence unexpectedly, simply is unforgivable!” After the purple hair youth lifts first coldly looked at Liu Ming two people of one, a whole face baleful aura character character spits to say. “没想到区区一次试炼,竟然还要耗费我一滴本命精血,简直是不可原谅!”紫发青年抬首冷冷看了柳鸣二人一眼后,满脸煞气的一字字吐道。 The voice just fell, his long and loud cry exits, whole body black yellow spirit mark greatly is suddenly bright, suddenly some innumerable capillaries spray from the flesh, changes into one group of blood mist covers in which it, and stride steps, step on step on several steps across several feet distance, arrived at the altar unexpectedly before instantaneously, and wooden chest that covers that only light purple Spiritual Qi of leftmost copies in the hand, another hand fuzziness, grasped to a neighboring in addition only wooden chest. 话音刚落,他一声长啸出口,浑身黑黄色灵纹骤然大亮,突然有无数血丝从肌肤中喷射而出,化为一团血雾的将其笼罩其中,并大步一迈,竟然“蹬蹬”几步的横跨数丈距离,瞬间来到了供桌前,并一把将最左边的那只淡紫色灵气笼罩的木匣抄在手中,另一只手一个模糊,则抓向了相邻的另一只木匣。 So startled changes, naturally lets the Liu Ming silver car(riage) youth, the complexion changes. 如此惊变,自然让柳鸣银车青年,都脸色一变。 But not waits for two people to have what reaction time, the strange matter occurred! 但未等二人有何反应时,诡异的事情发生了! ”! 噗”的一声! That respect for elders statue after altar, double pupil spirit light flashes, projects two just likes essence golden light, the instantaneous altar previous sweeps. 供桌之后的那尊老者雕像,双瞳灵光一闪,射出两道恍若实质的金光,瞬间供桌前一扫而过。 purple hair man by the a golden light volume then, instantaneous disappeared without a trace. 紫发男子被金光一卷而后,瞬间消失的无影无踪 Liu Ming sees this, this suddenly understands that three wooden chest obviously are three people of everyone one, but the person of arriving has the right of choice first, after once choice, immediately is transmitted to walk. 柳鸣看到此幕,这才恍然明白,三只木匣显然是三人每人一只,只不过先到之人有挑选的权利,而一旦挑选后,就会被立刻传送而走。 Words then. In his naturally heart a loosen, once more raises legs to forward. 如此一来的话。他自然心中一松,再次抬腿向前。 The silver car(riage) youth relaxes similarly greatly, walks step by step slowly. 银车青年同样大松一口气,也一步步慢慢走去。 Although two people only know how things stand remote of step from the altar at this time. But this final several steps actually walk unusual difficult, Liu Ming almost drives the body to walk forcefully. 虽说二人此时距离供桌仅有数步之遥。但这最后几步却走的异常艰难,柳鸣几乎是强行拖动着身躯走完的。 Which the silver car(riage) youth very to goes similarly. Before operated various puppets and Mechanical Battle Armor one after another, originally had already been unable to withstand the load, walked this final several steps, the whole person the sweat drippinged immediately. 银车青年同样好不到哪儿去。之前接连操纵各种傀儡和机关战甲,又原本早已不堪重负了,走完这最后几步,整个人当即大汗淋淋起来。 Before two people of almost at the same time arrive at the altar, after looking at one mutually, Liu Ming shakes on the sleeve of showing a faint smile, first pulls that only silver light misty wooden chest one volume. 二人几乎同时走到供桌前,互相望了一眼后,柳鸣就微微一笑的袖子一抖,先将那只银光蒙蒙的木匣一卷拉扯过来。 Same two golden light project from old man statue, he only thinks at present a golden light flashes. After a personal appearance slightly hemp, then vanished in same place. 同样两道金光从老者雕像之中射出,他只觉眼前金光一闪。身形微微一麻后,便消失在了原地。 The silver car(riage) youth sees this to purse the lips to smile bitterly, after taking out azure light misty Medicine Pill swallows, at a moderate pace is only pale the wooden chest that golden Spiritual Qi covers to take up the remaining that similarly disappearance of a golden light volume. 银车青年见此抿嘴苦笑一声,取出一枚青光蒙蒙的丹药吞下后,才不紧不慢的将剩下的那只淡金色灵气覆盖的木匣拿起,同样金光一卷的消失了。 ...... …… A moment later, Liu Ming golden light diverges at present, shook the somewhat murky head, opens both eyes, actually discovered one appear in one scarlet heaven and earth impressively. 片刻之后,柳鸣眼前金光散去,晃了晃有些昏沉沉的头颅,才睁开双目,却发现自己赫然出现在一片血色天地中。 Mountain peak that regardless of the ground sky even distant place visibles faintly, all a blood red color. 无论地面天空甚至远处隐约可见的山峰,全都一片血红之色。 Several zhang (3.33 m) go out. The Big Dipper Pavilion purple hair youth, does not know when has changed a ash-gray clothes robe, coldly looks at he. Meaning that must begin slightly. 十几丈外出。北斗阁紫发青年,不知何时换上了一件灰色衣袍,正冷冷看着他。丝毫要动手的意思。 On another side dozens zhang (3.33 m) far some scarlet soil bank, has several familiar figure indistinctly. 另一边数十丈远的某个血色土坡上,却隐约有几个熟悉的身影 Liu Ming fixes the eyes on to look, unexpectedly is Xue Pan, green clothes young woman, Hawk face person as well as Demon Mysterious Sect ugly disciple, but also several people under the hillside stands there, is actually Luo Tiancheng, the Ouyang Qian sisters, Peng Yue and the others. 柳鸣定睛一看下,竟是薛盘,绿衣少妇,鹰面人以及魔玄宗的丑陋弟子,而在山坡下还有几个人站在那里,却是罗天成,欧阳倩姐妹,彭越等人。 Several people in threes and twos or stands or stands. Actually mostly an appearance with a worried look. 几人三两成群的或站或立。却大都一副愁眉不展的样子。 Liu Ming saw these person of do not draw here, naturally was somewhat scared. 柳鸣见到这些人一个不拉的都在这里,自然是有些傻眼了。 According to the past convention. The place of inheritance is eliminating , after or gain reward, then by direct transmission. Returns to Heavenly Sect secret realm. 按照以往惯例。传承之地在淘汰,亦或是获取奖励之后便会被直接传送出去。回到天门秘境中的。 But he is clear has witnessed, when Luo Tiancheng and purple hair youth compared with fighting, desperate under pinched to break to pieces the destiny lock voluntarily, at this time must be separated from Heavenly Sect secret realm directly, outside returned is, how also here. 而他更是真真切切的亲眼目睹了,罗天成紫发青年比斗之时,情急之下自行掐碎了气运锁,此时应当直接脱离了天门秘境,回到外面了才是,怎也会在此处。 He in doubts at the same time, that side various people also had naturally discovered the fluctuation that here transmits one after another, projected the vision in abundance, after sees Liu Ming and one side purple hair man again, immediately complexion varies. 他在疑惑不已的同时,那边诸人自然也发现了这里接连传来的波动,纷纷将目光投射了过来,再一见到柳鸣与一旁的紫发男子后,顿时面色各异起来。 And, Ouyang Qian, on Peng Yue and other faces flashes through a happy expression, but has by anxious at once is substituted. 其中,欧阳倩,彭越等人脸上都闪过一丝喜色,但旋即有被忧虑所替代。 The Hawk face man and green clothes female, Overwhelming Academy young woman unemotionally. 鹰面男子、绿衣女子,浩然书院少妇则是面无表情。 After Heavenly Monster Valley ugly disciple is actually vision shot a look at one merely, then rapidly has put aside, as if to Liu Ming their appearances, the appearance that shows absolutely no concern. 至于天妖谷丑陋弟子却是目光仅仅瞥了一眼后,便迅速移开了,似乎对柳鸣两人的出现,毫不关心的样子。 Peng brother, what's all this about, is here where?” In the Liu Ming heart flashes through an unlucky premonition, immediately soars, flies to that side soil bank, has not fallen, first clashes toward the start to talk that Peng Yue holds the fist in the other hand distantly asks. “彭兄,这是怎么回事,这里是何处?”柳鸣心中闪过一丝不祥的预感,当即腾空而起,冲那边土坡一飞过去,还未落下,就先冲朝彭越遥遥一抱拳的开口问道。 Fellow Daoist Liu, has not thought that you came. This place is quite strange, I had been stranded good some time with several other Fellow Daoist, has used many methods, may not verify this place situation. Our several people discussed that it is estimated that was the place of inheritance had some conditions, may have the mutation. Moreover does not know whether Brother Liu did see my small Martial Uncle?” Peng Yue touches the head, smiles bitterly is replying. 柳道友,没想到你进来了。此地颇为诡异,我与其他几位道友已被困好一段时间了,施展了不少手段,可还未探明此地情况。我们几人讨论下来,估计是传承之地出了些状况,可能会有异变。另外不知柳兄可否看到我小师叔了?”彭越摸了摸脑袋,苦笑着回答道。 What, mutation? Made the Martial Uncle words......” Liu Ming hearing this one startled, has not come and replied anything, suddenly to the soil bank not far another stretch of open area, under a golden light flashes, a silhouette fell flashing before of qiang. “什么,异变?令师叔的话……”柳鸣闻言一惊,尚未来及多回答什么,忽然离土坡不远的另一片空地上,金光一闪之下,一道人影一个跌跄的闪现而出。 Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) youth. 正是天工宗的银车青年。 Small Martial Uncle “小师叔 Peng Yue sees this great happiness, hurried several flashing to that side, and bowed the regards to say hastily. 彭越见此大喜,急忙几个闪动的到了那边,并连忙躬身问候道。 I am all right! Well, you how here...... What damned place is here?” The silver car(riage) youth shook head, after seeing Peng Yue, whole face surprise expression, but the vision sweeps all around scarlet after again, immediately is more surprised. “我没事!咦,你怎么在这里……这里是什么鬼地方?”银车青年晃了晃头,一看见彭越后,满脸诧异的表情,但再目光一扫四周血色后,顿时更加惊疑起来。 Small Martial Uncle, this matter has been a long story......” Peng Yue hearing this, has smiled bitterly, immediately starts the lip fine motion sound transmission to report. “小师叔,此事说来话长了……”彭越闻言,苦笑了起来,当即开始嘴唇微动的传音禀告起来。 After the silver car(riage) youth only listened to several, the complexion suddenly was dignified. 银车青年只听了几句后,脸色就蓦然凝重了下来。 Brother Liu, here is very indeed strange, does not know you......” 柳兄,这里的确十分诡异,不知你……” In Liu Ming falls after the hillside slowly next, the Ouyang Qian suddenly fragrant wind moves walked, and wish of wing celtis mouth micro said anything. 柳鸣缓缓落在山坡下后,欧阳倩忽然香风一动的走了过来,并檀口微张的想要说些什么。 but at this moment, in the suddenly scarlet sky spreads bang the sound of clear sky thunderclap. 但就在这时,忽然血色天空中传出轰隆隆的晴空霹雳之声。 All people one startled, looks hurriedly toward the sky. 所有人一惊,急忙往天空上望去。 Sees only in the upper air, the scarlet mist rolling surges. The thunderous sound is unceasing, actually does not see any electric light to flash. 只见高空之中,血色雾气滚滚涌动。雷鸣声不断,却不见有任何电光闪动。 When the people are surprised, among entire scarlet earth suddenly shivers. The hard land split in abundance, has revealed giant gullies. All around mountain peak and scarlet sea of mist is sway, as if the earth-shattering is ordinary. 就在众人惊疑之时,整个血色大地忽然间颤抖起来。坚硬的土地纷纷裂开,露出了一道道巨大沟壑。四周山峰和血色雾海更是晃动不已,仿佛天崩地裂一般。 „It is not good!” “不好!” What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” The people, have revealed the meaning of alert in great surprise, or the hand grasps defends magical tool, either emits the Divine Consciousness all around glance to keep immediately. 众人大惊之下,纷纷露出了戒备之意,或手抓防御法器,或立刻放出神识四下扫视不停。 After the moment, , trim land bloody glow one volume, but, suddenly changes soft incomparable. And as if living creature start creeping motion gets up, at the same time viscous blood plasmas from the place of ground splitting well up the blowout crazily. 片刻后,“噗”的一声,整片土地血光一卷而过后,蓦然变的柔软无比。并仿佛活物般的开始蠕动不已起来,同时一股股粘稠的血浆从地上裂开之处狂涌喷出。 Regardless of Liu Ming purple clothes man and the others, all the complexion big change, in abundance the soaring several feet, want to avoid one or two. 无论柳鸣还是紫衣男子等人,全都面色大变,纷纷腾空数丈,想要躲避一二 But just left the instance of ground in people both feet, the under from out of the blue sound big sound, lip thick scarlet meat must unexpectedly from the underground ejection, instantaneously to people like lightning one volume. 但就在众人双足刚离开地面的瞬间,下方破空声大响,一根根碗口粗的血色肉须竟从地下弹射而出,瞬间向众人闪电般一卷而来。 This is any ghost thing, so is unexpectedly disgusting!” “这是什么鬼东西,竟如此恶心!” Overwhelming Academy green robe young woman saw with own eyes that several scarlet meat must sway from side to side the winding that keeps to come, immediately looks the loathing color under scolded one lightly, in the hand the jet black jade pen has raised. Several groups of black light spot then fly to shoot, welcomed to leave its recent several scarlet meat to directly. 浩然书院的绿袍少妇眼见数条血色肉须扭动不停的缠绕而来,顿时面露厌恶之色的轻叱了一声,手中漆黑玉笔一扬之下。数团黑色光斑便飞射而出,直接迎上了离其最近的几根血色肉须。 after several! “呲呲”几声过后! To its recent several scarlet meat must immediately the rapid corrosion in black light, changed into sprinkling ground of beach beach bloody water. 离其最近的几条血色肉须顿时在黑光中迅速腐蚀,化为了一滩滩血水的洒落地上。 However this blood square water pitcher moves this fluctuating uncertain scarlet ground. Then strange submerges in nearby gully in abundance, but a nearby region creeping motion, another successive jumps out 78 similar scarlet meat to, and continues to go toward this female volley shot! 然而这血水方一触碰这起伏不定的血色地面。便诡异的纷纷没入附近的沟壑中,而附近区域一阵蠕动,又一连又窜出78根同样的血色肉须,并继续朝此女抽射而去! Another side, in the purple hair man surface surprising color does not have slightly, a body purple light circulation, the sleeve shakes, a palm searches, and transforms purple giant palm phantom. Must sweep away to go toward front more than ten scarlet meat. 另一边,紫发男子面上丝毫异色没有,身上紫光一阵流转,袖子一抖,一只手掌一探而出,并幻化出一只紫色巨掌虚影。往面前的十余根血色肉须横扫而去。 Puff sound is continuous! “噗噗”声络绎不绝! These meat must seem like has the lip to be sturdy, seems not formidabe. After purple giant palm easily accomplished sweeping, more than ten meat must then under the great strength. Changed to beach beach muddy flesh to lie down on the ground. 这些肉须看似根根有碗口般粗壮,却似乎并不难对付。在紫色巨掌摧枯拉朽般的扫过后,十余根肉须便在巨力之下。化作一滩滩肉泥躺在了地上。 But these muddy fleshes touch the ground, then similarly changes into the bloody water was attracted to enter by the hole, after merely 2-3 breaths, about hundred meat must at lightning speed from the ground drill once more, comes in swarms toward it. 但这些肉泥一触地面,便同样化为血水的被孔洞一吸而入,仅仅两三息过后,近百根肉须再次从地面上飞快钻出,朝其蜂拥而来。 This meat must more chop impressively, the quantity also increases steadily, as if inexhaustible appearance! 这肉须赫然是越砍越多,数量还有增无减,似乎无穷无尽的样子! This lets present people to be scared. 这让在场之人大都傻了眼。 But at this time, the thunderous sound in upper air was more astonishing, under the scarlet mist tumbling, visibled faintly fierce ugly faces to blur unexpectedly forms. 而这时,高空中的雷鸣声更加惊人,血色雾气翻滚下,竟隐约可见一张张狰狞鬼脸正在模糊形成。 This makes the people one startled, does not dare to fly rashly toward the high place, can only use the respective method first temporarily, deals with the following meat to. 这让众人一惊下,更不敢冒然往更高处飞去,只能先暂时施展着各自手段,应对着下面肉须。 The Liu Ming's eyebrows micro wrinkle, the one breath had already thrown several Medicine Pill toward the mouth, flashes in airborne monster , only then evades under the situation that does not have to evade, cuts off with simplest Wind Blade Technique most approaches own meat to, good to be restoring own magical power at the maximum speed. 柳鸣眉头微皱,早已一口气往嘴中抛了数颗丹药,在空中鬼魅般闪动不已,只有避无可避的情形下,才用最简单的风刃术斩断最靠近自己的肉须,好以最快速度恢复着自身法力 Although he does not know this scarlet space the details, but how wants also absolutely not to be friendly, naturally must take restores own magical power for the important matter first, under this can deal with anything that has. 他虽然不知道这血色空间的底细,但怎么想也绝不是一处善地,自然要以先恢复自身法力为要务了,这样才能应对下面发生的任何事情。 In its side not far away, the Peng Yue actually first successive emits several yellow light misty puppet armed soldiers, brandishes the great hammer to protect in its whole body, with the scarlet meat of heading on must the dogfight in the same place, for a while but actually also the no worries. 在其身侧不远处,彭越却一连放出数只黄光蒙蒙的傀儡甲士,挥舞着巨锤护在其周身,与扑面而至的血色肉须缠斗在一起,一时倒也无虞。 The silver car(riage) youth, actually once more controls its golden horse silver car(riage) at this time, the intercourse in the low altitude shuttled back and forth, avoids meat one after another to attack. 银车青年,此时却再次驾驭其金马银车,在低空中往来穿梭,避开了一波又一波的肉须攻击。 Luo Tiancheng adopts the strategy that has only defended does not attack similarly, the both arms brandish unceasingly, the silver fog flood dragon and fog tiger one after another howl to coil around in its whole body, compels to draw back the meat of near body to, while as far as possible must few places go toward the meat. 罗天成同样采取了只守不攻的策略,双臂不断挥舞,一条接一条的银色雾蛟与雾虎在其周身呼啸盘绕,一边逼退近身的肉须,一边尽可能的朝着肉须较少之处而去。 Ouyang sisters carry to depend, both hands at the same time ties seal in the front, a multi-colored sunlight of piece by piece purple green interaction, uninterrupted the flying volume from two human bodies, congealed purple green interaction transparent ball of light in their whole body, making the scarlet meat probably unable at once near body. 欧阳姐妹则背对而靠,双手同时在胸前结印,一片片紫绿相间的霞光,不间断的从二人体内飞卷而出,在两人周身凝成了一个紫绿相间透明光球,让血色肉须一时之间无法近身。 After having green clothes young woman and learning from another's mistakes of purple hair youth, the people when dealing with these meat must, mostly no longer recklessly kills, but the dodging revolutions as far as possible organizes, avoids these meat to attack, at the same time is considering the plan of withdrawing. 有了绿衣少妇紫发青年的前车之鉴后,众人在应付这些肉须时,大都已不再肆意砍杀,而是尽可能的闪转腾挪,避开这些肉须攻击,一边思量着脱身之策。 Naturally, some people so do not think. 当然,也有人并不是如此想的。 ( Couple of days ago saw a friend, was punctured after by the cold wind, actually fell ill. Over the two days although took a drug every day on time, but was also murky all day, had a terrible headache, therefore the renewal towed was quite late. Sweat, in times of sickness the symbol, was the most uncomfortable matter.) ( to be continued ) R580 (前两天去见个朋友,被寒风一刺后,竟然又病倒了。这两天虽然每天按时吃药,但也整天昏沉沉的,头疼厉害,所以更新拖的比较晚了。汗,生病时码字,是最难受的事情了。)(未完待续)R580
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