DD :: Volume #9

#805: Channel( Merry Christmas)

Even if in passage gravity restrictions is fierce, but by three people of energies, in one cup of tea later, had still passed through a big section distance on already. 纵然通道中重力禁制厉害无比,但以三人之能,仍然在一盏茶工夫后,就已经走过了一大段距离。 At this time, Liu Ming leaves the altar approximately also more than 50 about, the silver car(riage) youth slightly fell behind several points, but the purple hair man does not know that has what secret technique in addition to hold, compares two people obviously on quickly many, was only far from the altar more than 20 zhang (3.33 m). 此时,柳鸣离开供桌大约还有50余左右,银车青年则稍稍落后了几分,而紫发男子不知有何秘术加持,相比二人明显快上不少,仅距离供桌20余丈之远了。 This time Liu Ming, the step compared with was also formerly slow on many, every step is hard to start. 此时的柳鸣,步伐比起先前又慢上了不少,每一步都是举步维艰。 He felt obviously along with pulls closer with the altar distance, receives gravity in addition to hold also doubled and re-doubled increases, this is its fleshy body is also tyrannical enough, but can also so continue to take step by step. 他明显感觉到随着与供桌距离拉近,所受重力加持也成倍增加,这也是其肉身足够强横,还能这般继续一步步迈出。 If there is traded ordinary Crystal Transformation Late Stage cultivator of same step, weak ground that perhaps was already unable to withstand the load. 若是换了一名同阶的普通化晶后期修士,恐怕早已不堪重负的瘫软地上了。 But lets some Liu Ming accidents, did not say that purple hair man fleshy body is tyrannical, is the silver car(riage) youth under that golden Mechanical Battle Armor protection, insists now, as if also has the appearance of ample force. 但让柳鸣有些意外的,不说紫发男子肉身强横惊人,就是银车青年在那那副金色机关战甲防护下,也坚持到现在,并似乎还有余力的模样。 purple hair man, is Liu Ming has seen in an only one by one same step, fleshy body also wants formidable several points of existences of compared with it obviously. 紫发男子,也是柳鸣所见过的唯一一名同阶中,肉身明显比其还要强大几分的存在。 This lets in the Liu Ming heart incomparable dreading. 这让柳鸣心中无比的忌惮。 Under his slightly consideration, in same place, turns the hand to take out Golden Yuan Pill swallow down, and grasps two top grade Spirit Stones in the hand, the took a deep breath continuation stride takes again. 他略一思量下,在原地一顿,翻手取出一颗金元丹服下,并将两枚极品灵石握在手中,再深吸一口气的继续大步迈出。 At this moment whiz whiz several, first successive 56 crystal clear talisman one fly from its side, the oblique incidence was at to the purple hair youth. 就在这时“嗖”“嗖”几声,一连56张晶莹符箓从其身边一飞而过,斜射向了紫发青年所在。 Explodes “爆” In the silver car(riage) youth along with nearby passage, after the mouth spits a character lightly, the sound of intermittent rupturing transmits, 56 crystal clear talisman explode to open side the purple hair youth, immediately changed to everywhere ice flower, piercing cold air heads on. 随着旁边通道中的银车青年,口中轻吐一字后,阵阵爆裂之声传来,56张晶莹符箓紫发青年身边爆裂而开,顿时化作了漫天的冰花,一股刺骨的寒气扑面而来。 These unexpectedly are rare freezing talisman, but by passage seems like very mysterious golden mist simply has not prevented piercing of these talismans unexpectedly. 这几张竟然是罕见的冰冻符箓,而通道两侧看似十分玄妙的金色雾气竟然根本没有阻挡这些符箓的洞穿而过。 Is inferior to against under. The purple hair youth has almost covered instantaneously the one layer inch allow Hou snow and ice, changes to a human form ice sculpture, stood and waited for a long time comes in same place motionless. 不及防之下。紫发青年几乎瞬间就覆盖了一层寸许厚的冰雪,化作一座人形冰雕,伫立在原地一动不动来了。 Liu Ming sees this happy, sleeve also without demur raises, one pack of golden talisman fly to shoot. 柳鸣见此一喜,二话不说的也袖子一扬,一叠金色符箓飞射而出。 slash sound transmits, instantaneously but golden flash of lightning presently, change to 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) golden electricity snakes to melt the ice sculpture to bundle the purple hair youth solid. 呲啦”声传来,一道道金色电光一闪而现,化作一根根两三丈长金色电蛇瞬间将紫发青年所化冰雕捆的严严实实。 Liu Ming and silver car(riage) youth not approximately at the same time got rid to cope with the purple hair man unexpectedly. 柳鸣和银车青年竟不约的同时出手对付紫发男子了。 I have not asked you to trouble, you dare to get rid first. Really acts recklessly!” “我还没找你们麻烦,你们竟敢先出手。真是不知死活!” But has not waited for the Liu Ming two people just to seize the chance to overtake several feet distance, after 2-3 breath. In the ice sculpture the violent anger sound sends out, reappearing of at the same time cracks at lightning speed above ice sculpture. 但未等柳鸣二人刚趁机追上几丈距离,两三个呼吸后。冰雕中暴怒的声音发出,同时一道道裂纹在冰雕之上飞快的浮现而出。 Bang a resounding! “砰”的一声脆响! The white ice scatters, [gold/metal] Dian disrupted, has revealed the whole face scowl purple hair man. 白冰四溅,金电碎裂,露出了满脸怒容的紫发男子。 An arm fuzziness that this number of people have not returned, first even/including Shu said that the about 1 zhang (3.33m) long purple glow congeals from the hand, under shakes, sends out exploding sound toward Liu Ming and silver car(riage) youth in lasing. 此人头也未回的手臂一个模糊,一连数道丈许长紫芒从手中凝结而出,一抖之下,就发出爆鸣的朝柳鸣与银车青年所在激射而来。 Liu Ming vision one cold, the sleeve raises slightly, a yellow color small shield flies to shoot. Transforms together the yellow mist great shield in its front. 柳鸣目光一冷,袖子微微一扬,一面黄色的小盾飞射而出。在其面前幻化成一块黄蒙蒙的巨盾。 After great shield turning round revolution, superficial hill phantom appears. 巨盾滴溜溜一转后,表面一座小山虚影浮现而出。 Bang Bang sound gets up. “砰”“砰”声响起。 The purple glow side contacts above hill phantom, then obvious dim several points, changes to slender purple light to return toward all around ejection. 紫芒方一接触到小山虚影之上,便明显的黯淡了几分,化作一道道纤细的紫光朝四周弹射而回。 The silver car(riage) youth is the movement is extremely also quick, first successive that the sleeve shakes emits several azure light misty institution flying sword, changed to about 1 zhang (3.33m) long azure to welcome the remaining purple glow instantaneously. 银车青年也是动作极快,袖子一抖的一连放出数把青光濛濛的机关飞剑,瞬间化作一道道丈许长的青芒迎上了剩下的紫芒。 Immediately in main hall sound of writings Bang Bang. The bunch azure light purple glow blasts open to open in void, is submerged around in the main hall gold lacquer wall that the thick earth shield ejection purple light of mostly dodges. 顿时大殿之中噼噼啪啪之声大作。一团团青光紫芒在虚空之中炸裂而开,被厚土盾所弹射的大多紫光则一闪的没入了大殿四周的金漆墙壁之中。 However regardless of the institution flying sword thick earth shield, after the side emits the moment, Liu Ming and silver car(riage) youth on abundance complexion big change at lightning speed receives to return. 不过无论机关飞剑还是厚土盾,方一放出片刻后,柳鸣和银车青年就纷纷脸色大变的又飞快的一收而回。 In this strange passage, Spirit Tool unexpectedly also gravity effect by, consumes magical power, they are also big feeling unable to endure. 在这诡异通道中,灵器竟也受重力影响,消耗法力之多,就连他们也大感吃不消的。 Deals with attack in the Liu Ming two people at the same time, the purple hair youth actually turns the hand to take out black light misty talisman, in the mouth the obscure incantation spits anxiously, afterward talisman toward a body fiercely racket. 就在柳鸣二人应对攻击的同时,紫发青年却翻手取出一张黑光蒙蒙的符箓,口中晦涩咒语急吐,随后将符箓往身上猛地一拍。 A suddenly everywhere black light piece its package. Changed to a black lotus flower after was dodging has pulled closer about ten zhang (3.33 m) to the altar, changes to a continuously black mist dissipation in the main hall. 忽然漫天黑光一片的将其包裹起来。化作了一朵黑色莲花的向供桌所在一闪的拉近了近十丈后,才化作一缕缕黑色气焰消散在了大殿之中。 Liu Ming will be just thick the earth shield to take back, sees the purple hair youth also to use such secret technique again unexpectedly, in the heart sinks slightly. 柳鸣刚将厚土盾收回,再一见紫发青年竟然还能施展此等秘术,心中微微一沉。 He calculated is maintaining with it certain distance, stimulates to movement the secret technique to pursue in the final moment again, but looked like does not move now is late. 他本来盘算着一直与其保持着一定的距离,在最后关头再催动秘术加以追赶,但现在看来再不行动就迟了。 Among Liu Ming ophthalmological racing, in mouth low roaring sound, whole body black Qi billowing, after the both arms shake. Sound of the dragon roar transmits, five more than ten zhang (3.33 m) black fog flood dragons detach from the back, is flushing to go toward the purple hair youth. 柳鸣心电急转间,口中一声低喝,浑身黑气滚滚而出,双臂一抖后。一声龙吟之声传来,五条十余丈长的黑色雾蛟从背后脱体而出,朝紫发青年所在一冲而去。 Dark Prison!” 冥狱!” As in his hand technique changes, the black fog flood dragon explodes to open in the purple hair male sky instantaneously, changes into big piece black light dodges, Luo Tiancheng that is unable to avoid being stranded in inside instantaneously. 随着他手中法决一变,黑色雾蛟在紫发男上空瞬间爆裂而开,化为大片黑光的一闪而下,将根本无法躲避的罗天成瞬间困在了里面。 Liu Ming knew that this Dark Prison is small to the purple hair man effect, how long cannot delay, clenches teeth again, stimulates to movement Beast Armor Secet Art forcefully. 柳鸣自知这冥狱紫发男子效果甚微,拖延不了多久,再一咬牙,强行催动兽甲诀 „After two. The back a silver light flashes, leaves fleshly wings that pair of silver light has sparkled. And maliciously a leaf. “噗”“噗”两声后。其背后银光一闪,多出了一对银光闪闪的肉翅。并狠狠一扇。 Liu Ming thought immediately under a body loosen, a great strength promotes, immediately in a flash went out of several feet far forward slowly, the personal appearance once more. 柳鸣顿时觉得身躯一松,一股巨力推动下,当即一晃的向前走出了十几丈远,身形才再次慢了下来。 The behind silver car(riage) youth also refuses to admit being inferior, pats the waist, golden light and silver light mix with are dodging, but presently, after rays of light diverges, unexpectedly is that eight golden horse with flying carriage that silver light sparkles. 身后的银车青年也不甘示弱,一拍腰间,一道道金光银光夹杂着一闪而现,光芒散去之后,竟是那八匹金马与那辆银光闪闪的飞车 Is before this different from other Spirit Tool, after silver car(riage) and a golden horse body, is the approximate half puppet exists, mainly consumes crystal stone to operate, loses to its Master magical power actually not many. 和此前其他灵器不一样,银车和金马一体后,都是近似半傀儡般存在,主要是消耗晶石运行,倒是对其主人法力损耗不多的。 Youth reluctant after jumping onto the car(riage), in the at the same time mouth mumbled, first successive made several technique, after the golden puppet horse face upwards a cry ate delicacies, then draws the silver car(riage) rapidly to lead the way, the speed compared with added before this impressively much. 青年勉强的一跃上车后,同时口中念念有词,一连打出数道法决,金色傀儡马仰天一声鸣啸后,便拉着银车迅速前行起来,速度比此前赫然加了不少。 In two people of hearts understands that this golden main hall is last test of pass/test, at this time naturally cannot retain again. 二人心中都明白,这金色大殿就是最后一关的考验,此时自然不会再有所保留。 „The Grand Purity Sect boy, your Sect only meets this cultivation method.” In Dark Prison, actually broadcasts the sound that the purple hair man gets angry smiles extremely. Immediately in black light bang the sound, has the purple mist faint trace seepage indistinctly. 太清门的小子,你们宗门就只会这一种功法么。”冥狱之中,却传来紫发男子怒极而笑的声音。当即黑光中轰隆隆的响,隐约有紫色气焰丝丝渗透而出。 Liu Ming hearing this, the complexion somewhat is immediately ugly. 柳鸣闻言,脸色顿时有些难看起来。 At this moment even if he one breath pursued much, but was still in the purple hair youth behind more than ten zhang (3.33 m) places, but various secret technique as well as Beast Armor Secet Art and dragon and tiger Dark Prison released together, to the burden and magical power consumption of his body was not small. 此刻他纵然一口气追赶上了不少,但仍处于紫发青年身后十余丈之处,而各种秘术以及兽甲诀龙虎冥狱一起释放,对其身体的负担与法力消耗均不小。 He once has thought emits Bone Scorpion Flying Head or the Yellow Cloth Strongman symbol to its dragging, but these will be the living creature should also come under here gravity restrictions influence. As for Void Sword and other treasures, in this situation not suitable use. 他曾想过放出骨蝎飞颅或者黄巾力士符对其拖延,但这些都是活物应该也会受到此处重力禁制影响。至于虚空剑等宝物,在此种情形也不适合使用的。 Puppet golden horse that silver car(riage) youth uses actually. Although also receives the gravity to limit, but in the itself prestige can under the support. Extremely was still quick pursues to come tightly, swiftly reduced and it and distance between purple hair men. 倒是银车青年所使用的傀儡金马。虽然也受重力限制,但在本身威能支持下。仍极快紧追而来,迅速缩小与其和紫发男子间的距离。 Liu Ming sees this, must clench teeth once more, transfers within the body surviving many all magical power infusion to enter within the body, immediately in the body an explosive sound spreads, the both legs are suddenly thick a allow, the above blue veins are clearly discernible, one picked up several velocity component unexpectedly. 柳鸣见此,只得再次一咬牙,调动起体内残存不多的所有法力灌注入体内,顿时身躯中一阵爆响声传出,双腿蓦然粗大一圈许,上面一条条青筋清晰可见,竟一下又加快了几分速度。 Finally after merely 2-3 breaths, front bang transmits. From black Dark Prison of altar only ten zhang (3.33 m) distance, cracks to open loudly, bunch of purple mist billowing, swallows trim black light instantaneously completely! 结果仅仅两三息过后,前方轰隆隆一声传来。距离供桌仅十丈距离的黑色冥狱,轰然崩裂而开,一团团紫色气焰滚滚而出,瞬间将整片黑光吞噬殆尽! Trivial Dragon Tiger Hell Method, wants to prevent me unexpectedly, is really laughable!” In purple qi spreads the sound that the purple hair man bellows. As if having the secret technique of some spiritual attack, lets after slightly near Liu Ming heard, complexion one white, immediately the personal appearance stagnates slightly. “区区龙虎冥狱功,竟也想阻止我,真是可笑!”紫气中传出紫发男子大吼的声音。似乎带着某种精神攻击的秘术,让离得稍近一些的柳鸣闻听后,脸色一白,顿时身形微微一滞。 In this gap, the golden horse silver car(riage) that the silver car(riage) youth controlled actually suddenly pursued, and whiz shot from Liu Ming, has been in the second position. 就在这个间隙,银车青年所驾驭的金马银车却蓦然追了上来,并“嗖”的一声从柳鸣身旁一跃而过,处于了第二的位置。 The purple hair man actually turns a blind eye, but turns the hand to take out black light misty talisman after the body one pats, once more changes to a lotus flower, proceeds to speed along to go. 紫发男子对此却是视若无睹,只是翻手取出一张黑光蒙蒙的符箓往身上一拍后,再次化作一朵莲花,往前飞驰而去。 This time. He actually merely departed 56 zhang (3.33 m) then to stop, but from altar merely 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) remote! 只是这一次。他却仅仅飞出了56丈便停了下来,但距离供桌仅仅两三丈之遥了! At this time, this purple hair man withstood obviously compared with was initially big on does not know that many time of gravity, in the surface the blue vein stuck out suddenly, appearance of being hard to start. 只是此时,这紫发男子明显承受了比起初大上不知道多少倍的重力,面上青筋暴起,举步维艰的样子。 Obviously even if he, in this final several steps, is not that with ease can pass through. 显然即便是他,在这最后几步,也并不是那么轻松能走过的。 At this time, the silver car(riage) youth sleeve raised, an inch this big yellow mist round bead departed. The at the same time ten fingers wheel transformation, first even/including Shu said that technique hits above circle Zhu. 这时,银车青年袖子一扬,一个寸许大的黄蒙蒙圆珠飞出。同时十指则车轮般变换起来,一连数道法决打在圆珠之上。 Turning round revolution of round bead after void, fuzzy vanishes suddenly does not see. 圆珠在虚空之中滴溜溜的一转之后,一个模糊的骤然消失不见。 Next quarter, purple hair man top of the head sky fluctuation same place, round bead silent, after ka-beng the sound makes a sound wireless, suddenly changes into first more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high giant bronze statue puppets, withstands great pressure depressing. 下一刻,紫发男子头顶上空波动一起,圆珠无声的无线而出,嘎嘣声一响后,蓦然化为一头十余丈高的巨大铜人傀儡,泰山压顶般的压下。 Liu Ming sees this one happily, a both arms vibration. Displayed Dragon Tiger Hell Method once more, sound of after the dragon roar. Five black fog flood dragons rush to be first clashes from behind, and in void about five is one, changes to a giant fog flood dragon to flush away toward the front. 柳鸣见此一喜,双臂一个抖动。再次施展起了龙虎冥狱功,一声龙吟之声后。五条黑色雾蛟争先恐后的从身后一冲而出,并在虚空之中合五为一,化作一条巨型雾蛟往前方冲去。 The purple hair man roars, suddenly a fist to airborne pounds, one group of giant fist shades let go to project. 紫发男子怒吼一声,蓦然一拳向空中捣出,一团巨大拳影脱手射出。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The giant bronze statue in the airborne tumbling, unexpectedly in airborne slightly that the fist shade strikes, has not fallen immediately. 巨大铜人在空中一个翻滚,竟被拳影击的在空中微微一荡,没有马上落下。 but at this moment, the great bad fog flood dragon roared rushed to the near place. 但就在这时,巨大雾蛟咆哮的冲到了近前处。 Although the purple hair man the same boxing leaves, strikes to explode to open the great flood dragon head instantaneously, the enormous force that but brings still fell qiang one that its personal appearance flushed, backed up two to go. 紫发男子虽然同样一拳击出,将巨蛟头颅瞬间击爆而开,但带来的巨大力量仍将其身形冲的一个跌跄,倒退出两步而去。 Liu Ming sees this, single-handed at lightning speed void. 柳鸣见此,单手飞快的虚空一点。 The remaining fog flood dragon explodes to open instantaneously, changes into the billowing black fog one to be involved the purple hair man. 残余雾蛟瞬间爆裂而开,化为滚滚黑雾一下将紫发男子卷入其中。 At this moment, airborne giant bronze statue puppet falls once more loudly. 就在这时,空中巨大铜人傀儡再次轰然落下。 A bang! 一声巨响! Entire passage gets up on fierce sway, the bronze statue puppet is having the astonishing great strength suppressed unexpectedly the purple hair man in mist below, appearance that for a while is unable to set out. 整条通道就剧烈的晃动起来,铜人傀儡竟带着惊人巨力的将雾气中的紫发男子镇压在了下面,一时无法起身的模样。 Liu Ming sees this great happiness, on the both legs black Qi is billowing, the dragon roar sound same place, transforms two black fog flood dragon phantom unexpectedly indistinctly, fierce raises the air/Qi, the personal appearance suddenly dodges has caught up with the front silver car(riage) youth unexpectedly. 柳鸣见此大喜,双腿上黑气滚滚,龙吟声一起,竟隐约幻化出两条黑色雾蛟虚影,再猛的一提气,身形蓦然一闪的竟赶上了前面的银车青年。 At this time, they were away from the altar only to have 78 zhang (3.33 m) to be far. 此时,他们距离供桌仅有78丈之远了。 The silver car(riage) youth sees this, expression one cold, immediately also no longer cares about the giant bronze statue, receives the already slow-acting golden horse silver car(riage), at the same time takes out golden talisman toward a body racket, after a golden light flashes, the back transforms a pair of institution fin unexpectedly once more, the at the same time full bottom gets angry one presently, lives a pair of scarlet-red steamer suddenly, a glide rolling goes. 银车青年见此,神色一凛,当即也不再顾及巨大铜人,将已经行动迟缓的金马银车一收,同时取出一张金色符箓往身上一拍,一阵金光一闪后,背后竟再次幻化出一对机关飞翅,同时足底出火一现,突然生一对赤红火轮,一个滑动的滚滚而去。 Two people almost advance in unison, difficult minute high under. R752 二人几乎齐头并进,难分高下。R752
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