DD :: Volume #9

#804: Finally inherits

As the main hall appears, the earth shock is even more fierce, Liu Ming three people as if by prior agreement all stimulates to movement the magical power float, going to that but looks at steadily was still keeping rising straight from the ground, but giant palace. 随着大殿浮现而出,地面震动愈加剧烈起来,柳鸣三人不约而同的全都催动法力漂浮而起,只是均目不转睛的投向仍在不停拔地而起而巨大殿堂。 one cup of tea later, bang the vibration of sound subsides. 一盏茶工夫后,轰隆隆声的震动才平息下来。 Golden main hall already has 70-80 zhang (3.33 m) high fully, occupies a land area of roughly several mu, regardless of the entire main hall the upturned eave arch carves the column wall, is the gold lacquer, above has not the well-known rune high and low circulation to be uncertain indistinctly, to frightening feeling that the person one type strange not measures.. 金色大殿已经足有七八十丈之高,占地约莫数亩,整座大殿不论飞檐斗拱还是雕栏墙壁,均是金漆而成,上面隐约有不知名符文上下流转不定,给人一种诡异莫测的震慑感。。 After several breath, golden light in palace gate diverges slightly, appears three leaves of light misty gold lacquer front doors. 几个呼吸过后,殿门上的金光微微散去,浮现出三扇光濛濛的金漆大门。 Flashing that each leaf of all 56 zhang (3.33 m) high, 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) width, in gate center, scarlet rune of palm of the hand size kept. 每一扇皆有56丈高,两三丈之宽,门上中心处,有一枚巴掌大小的血色符文正不停的闪动不已。 Those who let three people of caring, three leafed door positions just face each other across a great distance with three people. 更为让三人在意的是,三扇门位置刚好与三人遥遥相对。 Ha Ha, it seems like that this was that final inheritance smelting trial.” After the purple hair man laughs, no longer manages other two people, whole body purple light dodges, changes to purple light to overrun together directly. “哈哈,看来这便是那最后的传承试炼了。”紫发男子哈哈一笑后,不再管其他二人,周身紫光一闪,化作一道紫光直接冲了过去。 The speed is extremely fast, under 2-3 flash, then appeared before the front door an approximately 45 zhang (3.33 m) place, in midair lifted the hand, zhang (3.33 m) this big purple giant palm phantom congealed baseless, howled to go toward the palace gate. 其速度极快,两三个闪动下,便出现在了大门前约45丈处,半空中一抬手,一只丈许大的紫色巨掌虚影凭空凝结而出,朝殿门呼啸而去。 ! “噗”的一声! The purple giant palm phantom side touches front door, rupturing that dodges unexpectedly slightly opens, melts the purple qi unexpectedly great whale absorb water by the scarlet rune absorption completely. 紫色巨掌虚影方一触及大门,竟微微一闪的爆裂而开,所化紫气竟巨鲸吸水般的被血色符文吸收殆尽。 In gate scarlet rune of originally fist size instantaneous big, dodges to be uncertain crazily. 门上原本拳头大小的血色符文瞬间大了一圈,狂闪不定起来。 The purple hair man sees this, the complexion concentrates, in the eye the color of hesitation dodges passes, is a double hit leaves two palms. 紫发男子见此,脸色一凝,目中沉吟之色一闪即逝,又是一连击出两掌。 Two dull thumping sounds spread, two giant palm phantom change into rupturing of purple mist to open similarly, and scarlet rune attracts to enter once more. 两声闷响传出,两只巨掌虚影同样化为紫色雾气的爆裂而开,并再次血色符文一吸而入。 This rune after absorbing these mist, as if took the tonic the violent to increase, already had the ruler big. 符文在吸收了这些雾气后,仿佛吃了补药般又暴增了一圈,已经有了尺许之大。 The purple hair man snort|hum, both hands had still kept to golden great gate crazy bang. 紫发男子哼了一声,双手仍不停的向金色巨门狂轰而出。 The silver car(riage) youth and Liu Ming see this situation, after looking at one mutually, in the heart moves, personal appearance several appearances of flashing before leaving the recent front door. 银车青年和柳鸣见此情形,互望一眼后,心中一动,也身形几个闪动的出现在离自己最近的大门前。 The silver car(riage) youth lifts the hand, one pack of dusky talisman fly to shoot. 银车青年一抬手,一叠灰蒙蒙的符箓飞射而出。 Bang the bang transmits! 轰隆隆巨响传来! talisman changes to blasting open of bunch of grey glow to open in midair in abundance, during the intermittent severe impact causes is void a distortion, the entire leaf of golden front door was also trembled buzz the whining noise to be big. 符箓半空中纷纷化作一团团灰芒的炸裂而开,阵阵强烈冲击引得附近虚空之中一阵扭曲,整扇金色大门也被震颤得嗡鸣声大起。 After the gate scarlet rune suddenly dodges, jumps projects the innumerable thin inaudible capillaries, enters one volume that the grey glow binds, rising of scarlet rune same rays of light a big magnificence burst in a big way many. 门上血色符文蓦然一闪后,从中迸射出无数细不可闻的血丝,将灰芒一裹的一卷而入,血色符文则同样光芒大盛的涨大了不少。 Liu Ming whole body black Qi billowing, both arms slightly one fuzzy, then transforms 78 the black fist shades of being without change. 柳鸣则周身黑气滚滚而出,双臂略一模糊,便幻化出78个一般无二的黑色拳影。 Puff sound gets up, each fist shade accurate striking above scarlet rune in gate, having made it slightly in a flash also baseless greatly rises. “噗噗”声响起,每一个拳影都准确无误的击在了门上的血色符文之上,使其微微一晃的也凭空巨涨而起。 So, three people crazily are all attacking to front front door. 就这般,三人全都对着面前大门狂攻不已。 After the moment, on the purple hair man front front door, scarlet rune had enough two zhang (3.33 m) big, almost must support completely the less than half front door, and ejecting that keeps along with giant palm phantom, rays of light more dodges is quicker, as if there is potential of rupturing faintly. 片刻后,紫发男子面前的大门上,血色符文已有足足两丈之大,几乎就要撑满了小半大门,且随着巨掌虚影不停的击出,光芒越闪越快,似乎隐隐有爆裂之势。 After scarlet rune rose again in a big way, finally a dull thumping sound detached from the gate, after a turning round revolution, changed to rupturing of point red light to open. 血色符文再涨大了一圈后,终于一声闷响的从门中脱体而出,再滴溜溜的一转之后,就化作了点点红光的爆裂而开。 In front of the purple hair man the front door, opens loudly. 紫发男子面前大门,轰然打开。 Ha Ha! Two do not need to worry, went to accept the treasure below first.” Under the purple hair man bombardment, has consumed many magical power continuously fully, complexion somewhat is slightly pale, but sees this situation, laughed wildly one, disappearance that the personal appearance dodged in two people of lines of sight. “哈哈!二位不必着急,在下先去将宝物收下了。”紫发男子连续全力轰击下,耗费了不少法力,面色微微有些苍白,但见此情形,狂笑一声,身形一闪的消失在了二人视线中。 Liu Ming sees this, the complexion is regrettable, after low roaring sound, both arms suddenly one thick in scarlet rune another successive toward gate pounds dozens fists. 柳鸣见此,脸色遗憾,一声低喝后,双臂蓦然一粗的朝门上的血色符文又一连捣出数十拳。 In a dragon roar tiger's roar sound, fist shade dense and numerous stroking above rune, to answering the door continuously black Qi on scarlet rune after absorbing its fist wind are also rise suddenly. 一阵龙吟虎啸声中,拳影密密麻麻的击打在符文之上,对应门上的血色符文在吸收其拳风上的一缕缕黑气之后也是一圈圈暴涨起来。 Silver car(riage) before another leaf of front door is blue, saw with own eyes that the purple hair youth acts swiftly to get there first, the complexion is also dignified, from the hand in storage bracelet pulls out several green light misty crystal clear circle Zhu to throw on the ground once more. 另一扇大门前的银车青,眼见紫发青年捷足先登,脸色也凝重下来,再次从手中储物镯中掏出几颗绿光濛濛的晶莹圆珠扔在地上。 As in his mouth technique mumbled, circle Zhu surface green light flashes, transformed several feet the big, lifelike puppet giant bird sets up in an array in its behind. 随着他口中法决念念有词,圆珠表面绿光一闪,幻化成几只丈许高大,栩栩如生的傀儡巨鸟在其身后一字排开。 Silver car(riage) youth ten fingers continuously flick makes technique, in the green puppet bird double pupil fine light flashes, big mouth puts out green light beams, directly soars the front door to howl to go. 银车青年十指连弹的打出一道道法决,绿色傀儡鸟双瞳之中精光一闪,大口一张的吐出一道道绿色光柱,直奔大门呼啸而去。 The bellow is big! 轰鸣声大起! At this time, after Liu Ming attacked crazily, saw with own eyes that on the front door scarlet rune rose crazily, actually still in the difference was unable to escape the gate to depart, immediately the complexion sank, pinched Sword Secret Art single-handed, handle golden color small sword flew from the forehead, instantaneous sat golden light cut. 这时,柳鸣一阵狂攻后,眼见大门上血色符文狂涨不已,却仍然差上一丝还无法脱门飞出,当即脸色一沉,单手一掐剑诀,一柄金色小剑从眉宇中一飞而出,瞬间化坐金光的一斩而出。 Bang, sword light cuts after scarlet rune, jumps projects faint trace Sword Qi infusion “砰”的一声后,剑光斩在血色符文上后,迸射出丝丝剑气灌注其中 The next quarter, rune dodges from gate, and bang, changes to rupturing of point bloody glow to open. 下一刻,符文从门上一闪而出,并轰的一声,化作点点血光的爆裂而开。 But because golden flying sword Sword Qi instantaneous massive losses, superficial rays of light dim several points, after by Liu Ming single-handed one move, transforms handle golden color small sword to fly to shoot its within the body. 而金色飞剑由于剑气瞬间大量损耗,表面光芒黯淡了几分,被柳鸣单手一招后,幻化回一柄金色小剑飞射回其体内。 Almost in Liu Ming breaks in the restrictions instance, on the side of the silver car(riage) youth front door also under the green light beam continuous attack, bang one dozen opens. 几乎在柳鸣破开门上禁制的瞬间,银车青年一边的大门也在绿色光柱连绵攻击下,轰隆隆的一打而开。 Two people of without the slightest hesitation at the same time move sideways to enter. 二人毫不犹豫同时闪身而入。 The side enters in the main hall, appears in them at present, is hundred zhang (333m) is long, more than 20 zhang (3.33 m) wide resplendent in gold and jade green halls. 方一进入大殿之中,出现在他们眼前的,是一个百丈长,20余丈宽的金碧辉煌大厅。 Like this main hall outside, in hall almost is the shining color, and was covered most probably by one layer pale golden color sea of mist. 与此大殿外面一样,厅内几乎全是金灿灿颜色,并且大半都被一层淡金色雾海笼罩住。 The both sides of hall, 18 sturdy golden stone pillar stand majestically, on left nine stone pillar is occupying, but right is Jinfeng who that lifelike big dragons make threatening gestures only soars to great heights. 大厅的两侧,共有18根粗壮的金色石柱巍然耸立,左侧的九根石柱上均是一条条栩栩如生的巨龙张牙舞爪的盘踞着,而右侧的则是一只只展翅高飞的金凤。 The hall end is placing one lightly flood the golden light wooden chair, above sits well facial features to be auspicious, lifelike azure robe old man statue. 大厅尽头摆放着一把淡淡泛着金光的木椅,上面端坐着一个面容祥和,栩栩如生的青袍老者雕像。 Before old man statue body, is tall Yuezhang a allow, the grey lithical altars of four in all directions sides, above neat ordered is placing three wooden chest, is covered by the light miraculous glow that the one layer color varies respectively, appears quite mysterious. 老者雕像身前,是一张高约丈许,四四方方的灰色石质供桌,上面规整有序的摆放着三只木匣,各自被一层颜色各异的淡淡灵光笼罩着,显得颇为神秘。 The place above of first king wood chest is the one layer light purple miraculous glow, what above slowly circulation is canna flower spirit mark, in the wooden chest also faintly flutters a light sandalwood. 第一个紫色木匣的上方是一层淡紫色灵光,上面缓缓流转的是一道道昙花灵纹,木匣上还隐隐飘荡出一阵淡淡的檀香。 In the second pale golden wooden chest is the one layer pale golden miraculous glow, above has just likes annual ring common lotus flower spirit mark, sends out elegantly simple seeping to be fragrant. 第二个淡金色的木匣上是一层淡金色的灵光,上面有着一圈圈犹如年轮一般的莲花灵纹,散发着淡雅的沁香。 The third wooden chest all over the body silver white, above has the one layer light silver flame to flash to keep similarly, above pasts is twinkle star the pear in broken bits spends spirit mark impressively, sends out an intoxicant fragrance. 第三个木匣通体银白,上面同样有一层淡淡的银焰闪动不停,上面流转的赫然是星星点点的细碎梨花灵纹,散发出一种醉人的芬芳。 Liu Ming beyond more than hundred zhang (3.33 m), can still the earth smell the light fragrance that three wooden chest give off by far indistinctly, from this in more obvious chest unusual of goods. 柳鸣远远在百余丈之外,仍能土隐约闻到三只木匣散发的淡淡香气,由此更可见匣中物品的不同寻常。 Although this not any prompt, but these three wooden chest are this close the reward of smelting trial very much obviously without doubt. 虽说这一次没有任何提示,但很明显这三只木匣便是这一关试炼的奖励无疑。 When the Liu Ming vision sweeps side, actually the surprise discovered that the purple hair man calmly stands in not far away place unexpectedly, the facial features somewhat angry color. 柳鸣眼光一扫旁边时,却诧异发现,紫发男子竟静静站在不远处的地方,面容有几分恼怒之色。 But before his body, golden mist melted the wall to block the way, keeping it from leading the way fraction. 而在他身前,一股金色雾气所化墙壁挡住了去路,让其根本无法前行分毫 „The this Majesty inheritance, being predestined friends results in it!” 本座传承,有缘者得之!” An old words sound, reverberates to keep in the entire main hall suddenly. 一声苍老话语声,突然在整座大殿之中回荡不停。 Liu Ming only thinks that two ears buzz, has to plant to imitate unexpectedly, if pulls out from the body the spirit to the feeling, entire Divine Consciousness Sea also shakes seemed inverted. 柳鸣只觉两耳嗡的一下,竟有种仿若将精魂生生从躯体中抽离出去之感,整个神识海也一震的好似颠倒了过来。 He one startled, urges technique hastily, in the brain cool feeling one volume, finally clear woke, came to a stop the personal appearance, takes a broad view to proceed to look hastily. 他一惊,连忙一催法决,脑中凉意一卷而过,才总算清醒了过来,重新站稳了身形,连忙放眼往前望去。 This words sound, unexpectedly as if from sitting well the azure robe old man statue place on golden light wooden chair transmits. 这话语声,竟似乎是从端坐金光木椅上的青袍老者雕像处传来。 Another side purple hair man and silver car(riage) youth, is complexion weddings and funerals interlocks, obviously had also been frightened mind by just now sound. 另一边的紫发男子及银车青年,也是脸色一阵红白交错,显然也被方才的声音震慑了心神一下。 However, the golden air/Qi wall before purple hair man after the sound, actually the instantaneous breakage extinguishes. 不过,紫发男子前的金色气墙在声音过后,却瞬间破裂而灭。 In this time, all around 18 golden stone pillar suddenly shines, golden light jump to shoot from the Dragon and Phoenix eye on stone pillar, in dazzling interweaving, does not have in sea of mist in abundance. 就在此时,四周的18根金色石柱骤然亮起,一道道金光石柱上的龙凤眼中迸射而出,一阵让人眼花缭乱的交织中,纷纷没雾海中。 Golden sea of mist rolling surges immediately, after about one point, forms three passage suddenly, is separated 45 zhang (3.33 m) nonstop altar place respectively. 金色雾海顿时一阵滚滚涌动,左右一分后,骤然形成三条通道,各自间隔45丈的直通供桌处。 Three people see this, which yes what's the matter, does not dodge to directly soar near passage to fly in abundance. 三人见此,哪不明白怎么回事,纷纷一闪直奔近前的通道飞去。 The Liu Ming side breaks in passage, only thinks that all around air one tight, the whole body sinks, the entire body becomes heavy over ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) general. 柳鸣方一冲入通道中,只觉周遭空气一紧,浑身一沉,整个身就变得重逾万斤一般。 A dull thumping sound! 一声闷响过! His both feet numerous stepping on above golden light Great Dao, had caused that entire Great Dao shakes slightly. 他双足重重的踩在了金光大道之上,引得整条大道微微一震。 Has not waited for his coming to a stop personal appearance, the left and right similar two dull thumping sounds transmit, is really that purple hair man and silver car(riage) youth sends out. 未等他站稳身形,左右两侧同样两声闷响传来,确是那紫发男子与银车青年发出。 The purple hair man side falls to the ground, personal appearance trembles fiercely, under a whole body purple qi circulation, calmly withstands. 紫发男子方一落地,身形猛地一颤,在周身紫气一阵流转下,才若无其事的承受下来。 Another side silver car(riage) youth, after falling to the ground, body falls under qiang, after cold snort|hum, will has stood firm the personal appearance. 另一边的银车青年,落地后身体一个跌跄下,一声冷哼后,才堪堪稳住了身形。 Is increases the gravity unexpectedly domain restrictions, this was but actually interesting.” “竟然是增加重力的领域禁制,这倒有趣了。” The purple hair man encounters this scenery, not startled counter- is happy, after Hehe, receives whole body purple mist, on the face shone spirit mark once more, after coldly shot a look at about two people of one, on toward the altar direction stride that whole body purple light shivered all over walks, as if the astonishing gravity in passage did not have the effect to be the same. 紫发男子遭遇此景,不惊反喜起来,嘿嘿一声后,将浑身紫色气焰一收,脸上再次亮起了一条条灵纹,冷冷瞥了左右二人一眼后,就浑身紫光乱颤的向供桌方向大步走去,仿佛通道中的惊人重力对其毫无效果一样。 Liu Ming at this time, one hand formed hand-seals, the whole body black fog rolling turns to well up, the personal appearance rose suddenly high of half a Zhang, in the skeletons often sends out the Bang Bang explosive, is single-handed a turn over, takes out blue light misty talisman to pat from Sumeru Ring in the body. 柳鸣此时,单手一掐诀,浑身黑雾滚滚翻涌起来,身形暴涨了半丈之高,骨骼之间不时发出噼噼啪啪的爆响,再单手一个翻转,从须弥戒中取出一张蓝光濛濛符箓拍于身上。 , the one layer blue colored light cover appears, and convenient held Body Lighten Technique toward oneself body in addition and other auxiliary secret techniques. “噗”的一声,一层淡蓝色光罩浮现而出,并顺手往自己身上加持了轻身术等数种辅助秘术。 After Liu Ming completes all these, a brow slightly loosen, forward unhurriedly walking. 柳鸣做完这一切后,才眉头微微一松,向前不慌不忙的走去。 After another side Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) youth does sway comes to a stop, single-handed racket that golden light misty Mechanical Battle Armor, after a golden light flashes, three zhang (3.33 m) this big golden institution wings concentrate in its behind, and keeps about throws throws to wield, curls up the intermittent fresh breeze. 另一边天工宗的银车青年摇摇晃晃站稳后,单手一拍身上的那件金光濛濛的机关战甲,金光一闪后,三对丈许大的金色机关翅膀在其身后一凝而出,并不停的上下“扑哧扑哧”的挥动起来,卷起阵阵劲风。 The silver car(riage) youth then reveals a happy expression, it draws support from the strength of institution wing to slide slowly forward, the speed compares Liu Ming difference not many, but compared with the purple hair man was still slow on many. R1152 银车青年这才露出一丝喜色,其借助机关翅膀之力缓缓向前滑行,速度相比柳鸣差不多少,但与紫发男子相比仍慢上了不少。R1152
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