DD :: Volume #9

#803: Scarlet space

Bang! “砰”的一声! Luo Tiancheng only thinks that at present blue-green rays of light flashes, after has a dizzy spell, suddenly opens two eyes, catches the eye to look toward all around, is actually everywhere blood red, among expression cannot help but flashes through an amazed color: 罗天成只觉眼前青绿色光芒闪动不已,一阵头晕目眩后,蓦然睁开双眼,抬眼朝着四周看去,却是满目血红,神色不禁闪过一丝惊诧之色: Where is this?” “这是哪里?” His desperate under crumb the Origin Qi lock, actually directly had not been spread a moment ago secret realm finally, but fell in this scarlet spaces. 刚才他情急之下捏碎了元气锁,结果却没有被直接被传出秘境,而是落在了这一片血色空间之中。 This scarlet spaces are not really as if big, but all around blood mist winds around, is dim, the entire sky is similar to egg shell is covered by the one layer scarlet dense fog generally, in the air everywhere is also filling the bloody air/Qi. 这片血色空间仿佛不甚大,但四周血雾缭绕,朦朦胧胧间,整个天空如同一个蛋壳一般被一层血色迷雾所笼罩,空气中也到处弥漫着血腥之气。 But he in the ground completely was scorched earth, the dark red soil block as if had been contaminated by the endless blood, that not far away visibled faintly such as the thing of towering/majestic mountain peak bulge, was throwing over layer upon layer the scarlet, circled the mountain, but in the rivers and streams was flowing was also the scarlet-red gurgling bloody water. 而他所在地面上则完全是一片焦土,暗红色土块仿佛曾经被无尽的鲜血浸染过,不远处隐约可见的一座座如巍峨山峰般凸起之物,也是披着层层血色,一条绕山而过的江河中流淌着的也是赤红的汨汨血水。 This scarlet spaces, completely are Vault of Heaven that the blood dyes! 这片血色空间,完全就是血染的苍穹 In its not far away, three people have actually stood there. 在其不远处,却已有三人站在那里。 And wears young woman of green clothes, before this on the copper stage has lost to Liu Ming, Overwhelming Academy female who and early its was passed on. 其中一名身着绿衣的少妇,正是此前铜台上输给了柳鸣,并早其一步被传走的浩然书院女子。 This time also expression surprised standing there, after presently Luo Tiancheng appears, cannot help but eyes flashed looked. 其此时也神色惊疑的站在那里,在现罗天成出现后,不禁目光一闪的望了过来。 Luo Tiancheng is not willing to respond this female, but turned to look to another side. 罗天成也并不愿搭理此女,而是扭看向了另一边。 This other two, actually in the blue stone square eliminated Heavenly Monster Valley Hawk face person, with the Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth, their whole body are scarred unexpectedly, and whole face baleful aura is confronting faintly. 这另外两人,却是在青石广场就被淘汰的天妖谷鹰面人,和魔玄宗的丑陋青年,两人竟浑身伤痕累累,并满脸煞气的在隐隐对峙着。 But saw white feather robe early already of Hawk face person to dye completely the blood, after left arm to the left, carried on the back also presented a slash of deep obvious bone, above the wound also flood one layer black Qi, was delaying the cicatrization of wound, but on his right hand sharp nail was hanging several to link the blood thread of meat froth faintly. 但见鹰面人的白色羽袍早已经染满了鲜血,从左臂到左边后背上也出现了一道深可见骨的刀痕,伤口之上还泛着一层黑气,正在延缓着伤口的愈合,而他右手锋利的指甲上正隐隐挂着几道连着肉沫的血丝。 Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth also same bloodstained, covered the black robe of whole body already to be torn several openings, by cutting crevasse, but can also see that several by the wound of flesh and blood fluttering the sharp nail cut, but in his hand on a handle black pointed knife was flowing several drops of blood, dropping downward. 魔玄宗丑陋青年也同样血迹斑斑,一身笼罩全身的黑袍早已被扯开了数道口子,透过划开的裂隙,还可以看到几道被锋利指甲划开的血肉翻飞的伤口,而其手中一柄黑色尖刀上正流淌着几滴鲜血,正啪嗒啪嗒的往下滴落。 They a short time ago just had as if attacked brutally, but actually does not know that now why appeared here in pairs. 两人似乎前不久刚刚大打出手了一番,但如今却不知为何双双出现在了此处。 In this time, all around scarlet void, almost the at the same time fluctuation same place, presented an escaping light lasing to come respectively. 正在此时,四周的血色虚空中,却几乎同时波动一起,各出现了一道遁光激射而来。 Luo Tiancheng and other people immediately one startled, offered a sacrifice to Spirit Tool, has made the condition of alert. 罗天成等四人当即一惊之下,纷纷祭出了灵器,做出了戒备的状态。 Several Fellow Daoist, hold on a minute to begin, below is Tian Gong Sect Peng Yue!” And in the yellow escaping light, actually suddenly has heard together one. “几位道友,且慢动手,在下是天工宗彭越!”其中一道黄色遁光中,却突然传来了一声。 Luo Tiancheng and green clothes young woman four people of hearing this, are the colors of whole face surprise. 罗天成、绿衣少妇四人闻言,都是满脸诧异之色。 Luo Tiancheng emits Divine Consciousness to sweep immediately, after the confirmation is Peng Yue is unmistakable, subsequently toward another three escaping light sweeps to go. 罗天成当即放出神识一扫,确认是彭越无误后,又继而往另外三道遁光一扫而去。 Another three escape light flashes, but after passing, with Peng Yue general falling located in the vicinity, actually went out of the Ouyang Qian sisters and Heavenly Monster Valley Xue Pan. 另外三道遁光一闪而逝后,和彭越一般的落在附近处,从中却走出了欧阳倩姐妹和天妖谷薛盘来。 Sees this situation, even if Luo Tiancheng whole body grief, cannot help but was somewhat dumbfounded. 见此情形,罗天成纵然浑身伤痛,也不禁有些目瞪口呆了起来。 But green clothes young woman and not far away Hawk face person and ugly youth three people see, same looked at each other in dismay. 而绿衣少妇及不远处的鹰面人、丑陋青年三人见,也同样的面面相觑了。 Must know that Peng Yue and Ouyang Qian sisters and Xue Pan initially had not entered in the blue stone square, explained that several people star moon/month date then had not been eliminated in the labyrinth of second pass/test in the first pass/test. 要知道,彭越欧阳倩姐妹及薛盘当初并未进入青石广场之中,说明几人不是在第一关“星月日”就是在第二关的迷宫中便已被淘汰了。 As for the Hawk face person and ugly youth they, were actually eliminated in the third pass/test. 至于鹰面人及丑陋青年两人,却是在第三关被淘汰出局的。 But in any event, several people should not at the same time appear in this place are right. 但无论如何,几个人也不应该同时出现在此地才对。 In this time, Peng Yue, when walked first, cups one hand in the other across the chest after several people, immediately said in a low voice: 就在此时,彭越当先走了出来,朝几人一拱手后,当即低声说道: Several Fellow Daoist think that also present the strangeness of this place, embarrassed saying that our several people of early several one step, then lost continued to participate in the qualifications of place of inheritance. But regardless of the chamotte we leave after Spell Formation of place of that inheritance, appeared here. Under a several of us discussion, then the decision separately looks for the outlet, finally I have flown the end, actually presently, is a big piece of creeping motion scarlet meat wall, not only the water and fire does not invade, any Spirit Tool cultivation method is unable to break fraction, thinks that several other are also so.” “几位道友想必也现了此地的诡异,说来惭愧,我们几人早几位一步,便失去了继续参与传承之地的资格。但熟料不论我们通过那传承之地的法阵离开后,却出现在了此处。我们几个一番讨论下,便决定分头寻找出路,结果我飞到了尽头,却现,是一大片蠕动不已的血色肉壁,不仅水火不侵,任何灵器功法也无法破开分毫,想必另外几位也是如此吧。” Peng Yue spoke of here, looked toward behind Xue Pan and Ouyang Qian sisters place. 彭越说到这里,往身后薛盘欧阳倩姐妹处望去。 Our two sisters' bitter experiences, are exactly the same as Peng Fellow Daoist, this place is not big, actually full is the bloody air/Qi, seriously strangely.” Ouyang Qian as if just with green clothes girl sound transmission, saw that the Peng Yue vision goes to itself, the delicate eyebrows micro pressed chin said. “我们两姐妹的遭遇,与彭道友如出一辙,此地并不大,却满是血腥气,当真诡异之极。”欧阳倩似乎刚与绿衣少女传音过后,见到彭越目光投向自己,秀眉微蹙的颔说道。 The voice just fell, Ouyang Qian turned to look to Xue Pan. 话音刚落,欧阳倩又扭望向了薛盘 Xue Pan nodded, obviously its bitter experience is without change with another three people, but after thinking, opens the mouth saying: 薛盘点了点头,显然其遭遇与另外三人一般无二,但想了想后,又开口说道: It seems like, we can only pinch the broken destiny to lock, the destiny of although by doing so, before this obtaining will possibly waste, the means that but this is also having no other choice, always compare are stranded are strong in this place.” “看来,我们只能掐碎气运锁了,虽然这样做,此前得到的气运可能会白费,但这也是不得已的办法,总比被困在此地强。” I think that this did not need to try.” In this time, Luo Tiancheng is actually opening the mouth to say. “我想,这就不用试了。”正在此时,罗天成却开口说道。 Luo Fellow Daoist what this word?” Peng Yue hearing this, cannot help but puzzled asking. “罗道友何出此言?”彭越闻言,不禁大惑不解的问道。 You look.” Luo Tiancheng looked at not far away green clothes female one, sighed one lightly, has lifted own right hand wrist slowly, but above seeing a small destiny lock was flashing light grey rays of light. “你们自己看吧。”罗天成看了不远处的绿衣女子一眼,轻叹一声,缓缓抬起了自己的右手手腕,但见其上一枚小型气运锁闪动着淡淡的灰色光芒 „Below just now in the final moment of life and death, voluntarily pinched to break to pieces the destiny lock, but has not expected not only has not spread Heavenly Sect secret realm, instead arrived here, and congealed the destiny lock, but the destiny actually compared has initially been short of half.” Luo Tiancheng looks at people somewhat puzzled look, opens the mouth to say slowly. “在下方才在生死存亡的最后关头,自行掐碎了气运锁,但未曾料到不仅没有传出天门秘境,反而来到了此处,并重新凝出了气运锁,只是气运却比起初少了一半。”罗天成看着众人有些不解的眼神,缓缓开口说道。 People hearing this, complexion changes finally. 众人闻言,终于面色大变起来。 I think that the place of this inheritance as if had any accident, we were possibly surrounded.” Xue Pan smiles bitterly saying. “我想这传承之地似乎出了什么意外,我们可能是被困住了。”薛盘苦笑一声的说道。 ...... …… Inherits secret realm most deep place, is one dark, and does not know that big giant platform, the place above is dense sky, the platform edge and sky continually become a color, as if cannot see the end. 传承秘境的最深处,是一个幽暗且不知多大的巨型平台,上方则是一片黑压压的天空,平台边缘与天空连成一色,似乎根本看不到尽头。 At this moment, hears whiz whiz several, three green rays of light cut the expansive sky, leaves behind three magical skill ten zhang (3.33 m) green long marks in void, as if three meteors speed away toward the platform center generally. 就在这时,传来“嗖嗖”几声,三道青色光芒划破长空,在虚空之中留下三道数十丈的青色长痕,仿佛三道流星一般朝平台中心疾驰而来。 In azure light package, azure robe youth Liu Ming, but the other two naturally were needless saying that was defeats the Big Dipper Pavilion purple youth who Luo Tiancheng passed on closes with the Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) youth of drawing a bye. 青光包裹之中,一名青袍青年正是柳鸣,而另外两人自然不用多说,就是击败罗天成通过上一关的北斗阁紫青年与轮空的天工宗银车青年。 Bang bang bang three almost at the same time resound. “砰砰砰”三声几乎同时响起。 Above the platform three azure light crash anxiously, after and blasts open opens, reveals three people of personal appearance. 平台之上三道青光急坠落,并炸裂而开后,显露出了三人的身形。 Liu Ming only thinks that the body shakes slightly, the present azure light disperses to open, then appeared in a black misty space. 柳鸣只觉身体微微一震,眼前的青光一散而开,便出现在了一处黑蒙蒙的空间之中。 Other source coming to a stop personal appearance, then takes a broad view to look, sees only the purple youth and silver car(riage) youth is establishing separately in own two sides, is distanced has about 78 zhang (3.33 m) appearance. 他方一站稳身形,便放眼望去,只见紫青年与银车青年正分立于自己的两边,相距约有78丈的样子。 Situation that formerly several pass/test, he also already speculated then perhaps was final pass/test the smelting trial, the eye next station in two people, position to it and disadvantageous. 从前几关的情形来看,他心里也早已推测接下来或许是最后的一关试炼,眼下站于二人中间,位置对其并不利。 Under his ophthalmological phonograph, the staying calm and collected personal appearance dodged immediately, withdrew several steps, making three people form the potential of attacking from a pincer-like position faintly. 他心电电转下,当即不动声色的身形一闪,退后了几步,使三人隐隐形成了掎角之势。 The purple man disdains after looking at his one eyes, then selfish observation surrounding situation. 紫男子不屑的看了他一眼后,便自顾自的观察起了周围的情况 The silver car(riage) youth clashes smiling of after Liu Ming good intentions, after one looks around, suddenly is single-handed touches the waist, pulled out 56 knuckle size yellow mist round beads to throw above the ground, made several technique after it one after another. 银车青年则冲柳鸣善意的笑了笑后,一番张望之后,突然单手一摸腰间,掏出了56颗指节大小黄蒙蒙的圆珠扔在了地面之上,朝其接连打出数道法决后。 Ka-beng a sound sound, a yellow light flashes, these round beads then changed to an only several cuns (2.5cm) this big Golden Armor puppet beetle, after several, flies low-flying to go to all around. 嘎嘣声一响,黄光一闪,这些圆珠便化作了一只只数寸许大金甲傀儡甲虫,哧哧的几声后,向四周飞的低飞而去。 Liu Ming sees also emits Divine Consciousness, investigates surrounding situation. 柳鸣见也放出神识,探查周围情况来。 Here is one piece spacious void, took a broad view to look outside the platform of under foot, all around as if did not have the boundary, although his Divine Consciousness formidable enough to can cover the surrounding area several li (0.5km), but sought in any event, did not have slightly special present. 此处是一片空旷虚空,放眼望去出了脚下的平台外,四周似乎根本是毫无边际,尽管他神识强大到可以覆盖方圆数里,但不论如何寻找,均没有丝毫特别的现。 When he takes back Divine Consciousness, the vision glances the purple man, this person as if no presently, on face already faint flood impatient expression. 他收回神识之时,目光一瞥紫男子,此人似乎也无现,脸上已隐隐泛起一丝不耐烦神色 Another side silver car(riage) youth is also the brow gradually tightens, the puppet beetle that discharges as if not harvest. 另一边的银车青年也是眉头渐渐紧锁起来,所施放的傀儡甲虫似乎也是毫无收获。 Hehe, is difficult to be inadequate the place of this inheritance last pass/test, wants me and other people to fight in this secret realm randomly, until finally remaining person of inadequate?” Purple male suddenly transfers the personal appearance to look to Liu Ming they, in the eye reveals saying of several points of murderous aura. 嘿嘿,难不成这传承之地的最后一关,是要我等三人在这秘境之中乱斗,直到最终剩下一人不成?”紫男子忽然转过身形望向柳鸣两人,眼中露出几分杀气的说道。 Fellow Daoist was too rather impatient a point, waits a while and fears anything, thinks your, really can easily the crush I and Fellow Daoist Liu.” Always uncommunicative silver car(riage) youth hearing this vision one cold, has not seen its has with the action, the body has one golden mist one volume, after winds around, then transformed golden light misty Battle Armor, suddenly before Peng Yue that put on somewhat similar. 道友未免太心急了一点,多等一会儿又怕什么,还是真以为你一人,就真能轻易碾压我和柳道友了。”向来寡言的银车青年闻言目光一冷,未见其有和举动,身上就有一阵金色雾气一卷而出,阵缭绕之后便幻化成了一件金光蒙蒙战甲,蓦然与彭越之前所穿的那件有几分相似。 Liu Ming also both eyes narrowed, in the sleeve a yellow light flashes, at the same time the brown small shield immediately appears in the hand. 柳鸣双目一眯,袖中黄光一闪,一面土黄色小盾顿时在手中浮现而出。 The purple man looked at the silver car(riage) youth, looks at did not say Liu Ming again, in the eye the ominous light was more abundant, appearance that as if really wanted at the same time unexpectedly to two people of getting rid. 紫男子看了看银车青年,再望了望一言不的柳鸣,目中却凶光更盛,竟似乎真要同时对二人出手的模样。 In three people of atmosphere are tighter, in originally peaceful void actually suddenly transmits slash a deafening bang. 就在三人气氛愈紧张之时,原本安静的虚空之中却忽然传来“呲啦”一声震耳欲聋的巨响。 Three people of hear sound looks up. 三人闻声纷纷抬头望去。 Actually sees in the originally dense sky, was lightened by one group of golden light suddenly. 却见原本黑压压的天空中,骤然被一团金光所点亮。 golden light is similar to a meteor has delimited in airborne at lightning speed generally, leaves behind a long pale golden scratch, imitates, if the jet black sky will have torn an opening. 金光如同一颗流星一般在空中飞快划过,留下一道长长的淡金色划痕,仿若将漆黑的天空撕裂了一道口子。 The next quarter, golden light falls, Bang, layer on layer chops in three people of front platform central places. 下一刻,金光直坠而下,“砰”的一声,重重劈在三人面前的平台中央处。 One group of dazzling light groups explode instantaneously, imitates, if a round scorching sun ascension, making the person not dare to look straight ahead fraction. 一团刺目光团瞬间爆而出,仿若一轮骄阳般升腾而起,让人根本不敢直视分毫 Liu Ming subconscious with the arm blocks from some golden light, both eyes narrowed is staring at the front, saw only the platform central place already to shine a cylindrical the pale golden light screen, at the same time slightly comes toward all around spread in trembling unceasingly. 柳鸣下意识的用手臂遮住部分金光,双目一眯的盯着前方,只见平台中央处已然亮起一圈圆筒状的淡金色光幕,同时在微微的震颤中不断往四周扩散开来。 Three people one startled, as if by prior agreement will leap in the future, and appeared about several feet, surprised undecided looks at at present this astonishing matter. 三人一惊之下,不约而同的往后一跃,并出现在了数丈开外,惊疑未定的看着眼前这惊人的一幕 The golden light screen in expanding then stops suddenly to the diameter roughly more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) positions, and makes point golden glow fluctuating to be uncertain, the at the same time rumble rings out, a golden light shining main hall suddenly in slowly raises from the ground, golden light intensely bright, trim black space photo bright incomparable, just likes the bright daytime is ordinary. R752 金色光幕在扩至直径约莫百余丈的位置便戛然而止,并“噗”的一声作点点金芒起伏不定,同时隆隆声大作,一座金光灿灿的大殿蓦然在从地面下徐徐升起,金光耀眼夺目,将整片黑色空间照的敞亮无比,恍如明昼一般。R752
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