DD :: Volume #9

#802: Ghost

„” “嗷嗷” The scream that shrieks and howls wildly intermittently spreads from silver Dark Prison unceasingly, hearing the person to have an absolutely terrified feeling. 阵阵鬼哭狼嚎的尖叫不断从银色冥狱中传出,听得人有种毛骨悚然之感。 After the shrieking and howling wildly sound vanishes, then hears one ping the bang. 鬼哭狼嚎声消失之后,便又听到一阵砰砰砰的巨响。 With this bang, silver white Dark Prison also starts to be unceasingly turbulent, jumps shoots, but the black yellow bright glow is getting more and more crowded. 伴随着这一阵巨响,银白冥狱也开始不断动荡起来,迸射而出的黑黄色亮芒越来越密集。 Luo Tiancheng sees this, the complexion changes, one unlucky premonitions transmit faintly, hurried both hands pinches technique together, goes in the silver Dark Prison direction, wants stable Dark Prison. 罗天成见此,脸色微变,隐隐有一种不祥预感传来,急忙双手齐掐法决,朝银色冥狱方向而去,想要稳固冥狱 Bang a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering bang spreads! “轰隆隆”一声惊天动地的巨响传出! Huge fierce ghost phantom breaks through the firm Dark Prison wall barrier fiercely, flew high to appear. 一头巨大的狰狞鬼物虚影猛地冲破坚固的冥狱壁障,凌空显现了出来。 Because Luo Tiancheng Dark Prison was broken, received the strength of backlash, cannot help but puts out a blood white, the complexion suddenly many. 罗天成由于冥狱被破,受到反噬之力,不禁噗的一声吐出一口鲜血,脸色骤然白了不少。 In Liu Ming heart one cold, at that time in the blue stone square, this person also offered a sacrifice to this not well-known ghost, but looks under at this time, true clear saw clearly its appearance. 柳鸣心中一凛,当时在青石广场上,此人也祭出了这不知名鬼物,只是此时远看之下,才真正清晰的看清了其样貌。 But sees on the giant head of this fierce ghost phantom round not to have any hair, is not extremely symmetric with the body proportion, the blood red double pupil of lantern size is staring at Luo Tiancheng stubbornly, behind its strong body also drags a half a Zhang to come the long sturdy short-tail. 但见这狰狞鬼物虚影圆滚滚的巨大脑袋上没有任何的毛发,与身体比例极不相称,灯笼般大小的血红色双瞳死死盯着罗天成,其健硕的身躯后面还拖着一条半丈来长的粗壮短尾。 But sees this ghost to face upward several to cry out strangely, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl several open and close in vain, all around in the silver mist all induction port of dissemination, this will let Liu Ming of Luo Tiancheng and distant place is terrified is startled. 但见此鬼物仰天几声怪叫中,徒然血盆大口几个开合,将周遭弥散的银色雾气悉数吸入口中,这一幕让罗天成和远处的柳鸣都是悚然一惊。 This ghost has absorbed in Dark Prison dissipation Yin Qi, the body and strength also expanded many appearances, the personal appearance suddenly becomes is also clearer. 鬼物吸收了冥狱中散逸的阴气,身体和力量也随之壮大了不少的样子,身形也骤然变得更加清晰起来。 phantom ghost smiles fiercely, has made a jet black claw shade toward Luo Tiancheng fiercely. 虚影鬼物狰狞一笑,猛地朝着罗天成打出了一道漆黑爪影。 Luo Tiancheng after silver Dark Prison was broken, then thinks that a Qi and blood tuck dive, raids at this time meet again/goodbye to this group of giant jet black fist shades, is a complexion big change, must raise before the body in a hurry the one layer light silver light cover. 罗天成自从银色冥狱被破以后,便觉气血一阵翻腾,此时再见到这团巨大漆黑拳影袭来,更是不由脸色一阵大变,只得仓促之间在身前升起一层淡薄的银色光罩。 Bang! “嘭”的一声! Five grasp the mark direct crushing silver light cover jet black, has hit his breastbone fiercely. 五道漆黑抓痕直接击碎银色光罩,猛地击中了他的胸骨。 ka-cha a resounding! 咔嚓”一声脆响! The Luo Tiancheng personal appearance just likes the broken gunnysack flies to shoot generally, paid equal attention to suffer a relapse in the distant place, the chest place left a jet black vestige of the past impressively, the breastbone does not know that has broken to pieces many roots. 罗天成身形犹如破麻袋一般飞射而出,并重重落在了远处,胸口处赫然多出了一道漆黑的爪印,胸骨不知碎了多少根。 Luo Tiancheng clenches teeth, struggles to crawl, caresses the chest lightly, stuffy snort|hum, in the mouth puts out blood froth, immediately sees its mouth corner to move a transformation lightly, a silver brilliance covers his chest. 罗天成咬着牙,挣扎着爬了起来,轻抚胸口,闷哼一声,口中吐出一口血沫,随即见其嘴角轻动一阵变换,一阵银色光华将他胸口笼罩。 After brilliance diverges, its injury completely duplicate, the whole person restored, was only the complexion was paler several points. 光华散去之后,其一身伤势尽复,整个人又恢复了过来,只是脸色更加苍白了几分。 Snort, how the body of even if extinguishing, did not look that you can restore several times!” purple hair man coldly smiles, separates spatial one finger single-handed, the fierce ghost then roared, the both feet was impractical, fluttered toward Luo Tiancheng. “哼,就算是不灭之体又如何,看你能恢复几次!”紫发男子冷冷一笑,单手隔空一指,狰狞鬼影便咆哮一声,双脚虚浮,朝着罗天成飘了过去。 It seems like somewhat clumsy, but speed is incredibly fast is unexpectedly incomparable, the place visited, leaves behind afterimage, caused that during is void is also slightly twists shakes. 其看似有些笨拙,但速度竟是奇快无比,所过之处,留下一道道残影,引得虚空之中也是一阵微微扭曲震荡。 Liu Ming penetrates the light screen at this time, so long-distance range, can feel this huge fierce ghost phantom aura faintly, unexpectedly under True Core boundary Intermediate Stage Monster Beast, the complexion slightly does not change. 柳鸣此时透过光幕,如此远距离,也能隐隐感受到此巨大狰狞鬼物虚影气息,竟不下于一头真丹中期妖兽,脸色微微一变。 When the previous purple hair man and he fights ghost phantom that emits may not have imposing manner so, it seems like before , fights when with him retained! 上次紫发男子与他交手时所放出的鬼物虚影可没有这般气势,看来之前与他交手时还是有所保留的! Luo Tiancheng turns the hand to take out golden talisman, toward void throws fiercely, in the mouth starts one to mumble. 罗天成翻手取出一把金色符箓,猛地朝着虚空一掷,口中开始一阵念念有词起来。 Several golden spirit talisman fly high to circle in flight, immediately turns into one group of golden yellow light mist, and rapid congealed the one layer light golden color Spiritual Qi fog cover before its. 十几道金色灵符凌空飞旋,随即化成一团金黄色的淡淡雾气,并迅速在其身前凝结出了一层淡薄的金色灵气雾罩。 at the same time, he turns the hand to take out one bottle of Medicine Pill, the raising the head bone without demur pours in the entrance common completely. 与此同时,他又翻手取出一瓶丹药,二话不说的仰首骨碌碌全部倒入口中。 He just completed all these, ghost monster appeared before its unexpectedly, the phantom sharp hand claw has grasped toward the golden fog cover. 他刚做完这一切,鬼物竟已鬼魅般出现在其身前,虚影尖利的手爪已朝着金色雾罩抓去。 Scoffs at a grating sound to spread! “嗤啦”一阵刺耳的声音传出! A pair of sharp hand claw of ghost phantom is similar to the sharp sword has delimited the fog cover generally, covered the pale golden Spiritual Qi fog directly layer upon layer cuts, has revealed in the silver-white mist by the Luo Tiancheng personal appearance that covered. 鬼物虚影的一双尖利手爪如同利剑一般划过雾罩,直接将淡金色灵气雾罩层层划开,露出了里面被银白色雾气所笼罩的罗天成身形。 „Under Bang a bang, Luo Tiancheng is inferior to move aside, was flown again by the straight long jab, in midair leaves behind together blood mist, is in its emits impressively. “砰”一阵巨响,罗天成不及躲闪下,再次被直直击飞出去,半空中留下一道血雾,赫然是其口中喷吐而出。 The Luo Tiancheng complexion drastic change in midair, the corner of the eye glimpses that ghost to continue toward oneself to unexpectedly, takes out one group of purple green magical things hastily backhandedly, throws toward behind suddenly. 半空中的罗天成脸色剧变,眼角瞥见那鬼物竟朝自己继续冲来,连忙反手取出一团紫青色灵物,朝着身后猛然一掷。 Purple azure rays of light flashes through, this purple green magical things open suddenly, kept off before Luo Tiancheng its directly. 一阵紫青光芒闪过,这紫青色灵物陡然撑开,直接挡在了罗天成其身前。 Bang! “嘭”的一声! The fierce ghost fights with the fists on the magical things that this opens, caused that surrounding void trembles. 狰狞鬼影一拳打在这撑开的灵物上,引得周围虚空一阵震颤。 Luo Tiancheng taking advantage of this opportunity, rapid personal appearance flashed, escaped from the fierce ghost attack range, single-handed move will separate with the purple Gold Spirit thing that the fierce ghost confronted recalls spatially. 罗天成则是借此时机,迅速的身形一个闪动,逃出了狰狞鬼影的攻击范围,单手一招的将与狰狞鬼影对峙的紫金灵物隔空召回。 This thing is actually all over the body flood purple green bright glow umbrella shape Spirit Tool. 此物却是一把通体泛着紫青色亮芒的伞状灵器 This purple azure small umbrella, be only half foot is long, the umbrella-stand by an exotic material refinement of not metal and not jade, the umbrella cover is an animal skin of ancient Ferocious Beast is also made, on the umbrella cover is carving a fierce ancient beast design. 这把紫青小伞只有半尺来长,伞架由一种非金非玉的特殊材料炼制,伞面也是一种古老凶兽的兽皮制成,伞面上刻着一只凶猛的古兽图案。 Liu Ming two eyes narrows the eyes, henceforth on umbrella close spirit mark, enough three sixteen layers, impressively are also a magical treasure embryonic form. 柳鸣双眼微眯,从此伞上一圈圈细密的灵纹来看,足足有三十六层之多,赫然也是一件法宝雏形。 Along with the secret technique transformation of Luo Tiancheng, purple green Spiritual Qi starts to tumble unceasingly, Spiritual Qi tumbles, intermittent purple green rays of light sparkles suddenly, the purple azure small umbrella circles in flight unexpectedly slowly, but Ferocious Beast phantom on purple azure small umbrella also in circles in flight, gradually is clear. 随着罗天成法诀变换,一阵紫青色的灵气开始不断翻滚,灵气翻滚,阵阵紫青色的光芒陡然闪耀,紫青小伞竟缓缓飞旋,而紫青小伞上的凶兽虚影也在一阵飞旋中,逐渐清晰起来。 The next quarter, „”, the Ferocious Beast phantom congealing reality, escapes the umbrella slowly directly, is actually a huge black ominous ape. 下一刻,“嗷呜”一声,凶兽虚影缓缓凝实,直接脱伞而出,却是一头巨大的黑色凶猿。 The build and fierce ghost of black ominous ape are almost big, is scarlet-red Blood Eye, body actually compared with ghost congealing reality several points, was only that fierce tyrannical aura actually compared with the fierce ghost weak many. 黑色凶猿的体型与狰狞鬼物差不多高大,也是赤红血目,身体却比鬼物凝实几分,只是身上那股凶猛暴虐的气息却比狰狞鬼影弱了不少。 The black ominous ape raises paint black fist to beat the chest suddenly, face upwards to cry loud and long, flushes away toward front fierce ghost directly. 黑色凶猿举起漆黑色拳头猛然捶胸,仰天长啸一声,直接朝着面前的狰狞鬼影冲去。 The purple hair man sees figure of black ominous ape presents suddenly, cold snort|hum, directs single-handed, the giant fierce ghost dashes, but, direct and black Giant Ape hit goes. 紫发男子看到陡然出现的黑色凶猿的身影,冷哼一声,单手一引,巨大的狰狞鬼影飞奔而至,直接和黑色巨猿撞击而去。 Ping two, void flood intermittent ripples, ominous ape personal appearance falls qiang, but blocked the ghost to strike unexpectedly reluctantly. “砰砰”两声,虚空中泛起了阵阵涟漪,凶猿身形一个跌跄,但竟勉强挡住了鬼影一击。 In purple hair man look ominous light flashes, on a racket toward the chest, the pitch-black as ink strange black law seal dodges from the mouth suddenly together, and submerged in the body of fierce ghost phantom directly. 紫发男子眼神中凶光一闪,猛然朝着胸上一拍,一道漆黑如墨的诡异黑色法印从口中一闪而出,并直接没入了狰狞鬼物虚影的身体之中。 Along with the entering body of strange law seal, the giant fierce ghost imposing manner raises fiercely, has achieved the True Core Late Stage appearance unexpectedly faintly, face upwards to whoosh one, the double fist wields fiercely, is similar to the hill-like giant jet black fist shade flies high to fall together, pounds directly suddenly toward black Giant Ape. 随着诡异法印的入体,巨大狰狞鬼影气势猛地一提,竟隐隐达到了真丹后期的样子,仰天嘶吼一声,双拳猛挥,一道如同小山般的巨大漆黑拳影凌空落下,直接朝着黑色巨猿猛然砸去。 Black Giant Ape ominous severe roar, double fist one overlapping, builds the giant arm, resists emphatically such as the heavy blows of mountain. 黑色巨猿凶厉一吼,双拳一交叉,架起巨大的手臂,抵挡着重如山岳的一道重拳。 Bang, the black ominous ape was flown by a boxing immediately, but the fierce ghost is actually roar floating is going forward, unexpectedly, sends first to overtook the ominous ape in midair, the claw glow has neglected, ripped the fragment it directly. “嘭”的一声,黑色凶猿顿时被一拳击飞,而狰狞鬼影却是嗷啸着飘然上前,竟后发先至的追上了半空中的凶猿,爪芒一闪下,直接将其撕成了碎片。 The Luo Tiancheng complexion suddenly becomes ugly, but the top of the head ominous ape design in Purple gold small umbrella is one is also dim. 罗天成脸色陡然变得难看起来,而头顶上的紫金小伞上的凶猿图案也是一阵黯淡下来。 This umbrella spiritual intelligence lost obviously, in a short time is unable to use again. 此伞显然灵性已失,短时间内是无法再使用了。 After tearing into shreds the black ominous ape, the fierce ghost roar crazily, once more toward Luo Tiancheng Ben to come. 撕碎黑色凶猿后,狰狞鬼影狂啸一声,再次朝着罗天成奔来。 Luo Tiancheng receives the Purple gold small umbrella hastily, the diving posture shoots to go backward but actually, result that fierce ghost speed is astonishing, in a flash , will then arrived at the near place, a fist of jet black elder hangnail, directly a bang. 罗天成连忙收起紫金小伞,飞身向后倒射而去,结果那狰狞鬼影速度惊人,一晃之下,便已堪堪到了近前处,,一只漆黑的长者倒刺的拳头,径直一轰而来。 Luo Tiancheng saw with own eyes that does not have to avoid, the sinking sound drinks, the double fist wields suddenly, one group of silver Dragon Tiger Phantom Ben Yue on, directly toward falling the huge black fist shade meets the approaching enemy to go. 罗天成眼见无可躲避,沉声一喝,双拳猛然挥出,一团银色龙虎虚影奔跃而上,直接朝着落下的巨大黑色拳影迎击而去。 Bang! “轰”的一声! The black giant fist shade implication prestige can be really immeasurably deep, is almost similar to easily accomplished routs silver dragon and tiger, the fist potential whereabouts, the remaining prestige does not reduce, hit Luo Tiancheng to protect on body Astral Qi directly. 黑色巨大拳影蕴含威能实在深不可测,几乎如同摧枯拉朽般击溃银色龙虎,拳势下落,余威不减,直接击中了罗天成护体罡气上。 The Romanian day only felt a throat heat, opened mouth spouts one group of blood gunnysack, the whole person on was struck to fly again. 罗天只感到嗓子一热,张口喷出一团鲜血,整个人就麻袋般的再次被击飞出去。 But has not waited for his startled anger stimulation of movement Everlasting Spiritual Body, stands firm the personal appearance, the side fluctuates one, gets up, purple hair man figure on monster dodges, but presently. 而未等他惊怒的催动都天灵体,重新稳住身形,身旁波动一,起,紫发男子身影鬼魅般的一闪而现。 In his eyes full is extraordinarily cold, two arms move, counts on the fingers formed claw on already, flood spooky Ghost Qi, are grasping to go toward the Luo Tiancheng chest like lightning. 他眼中满是奇寒,二手臂一动,一手就已经屈指成爪,泛着一股股幽幽鬼气,闪电般朝着罗天成胸口一抓而去。 If Luo Tiancheng this stresses to pull out the heart crumb, perhaps even if has Everlasting Spiritual Body, also had the dead end. 罗天成若真此抓一把掏出心脏捏碎,恐怕就算真有都天灵体,也只有死路一条了。 After all although Everlasting Spiritual Body has does not extinguish hearsay, but after also with its Master cultivation to extremely high realm, can truly have. Although present Luo Tiancheng the resiliency and endurance must be above the same step imagine, but if looked at the head crumb heart, similarly was also the fate of death. 毕竟都天灵体虽有不灭传闻,但也和其主人修炼到极高境界后才能真正拥有的。现在的罗天成虽然恢复力和耐力都要超乎同阶想象,但要是被看下头颅捏碎心脏,同样也是一命呜呼的下场。 The Luo Tiancheng complexion drastic change, saw that the body is unable to avoid this to grasp, can only the desperate arm suddenly move, the direct racket has broken to pieces silver small lock on another wrist. 罗天成脸色剧变,眼看自己身躯根本无法避开此抓,只能情急的猛然手臂一动,直接拍碎了另一手腕上的银色小锁。 a light sound! “噗”的一声轻响! Painted the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator claw to grasp superficially breaks to pieces green phantom, the Luo Tiancheng personal appearance will has evaded ghost claws, was wrapping in dark green light, vanished above dark green copper stage directly. 一只漆黑手爪轻描淡写抓碎了一道青色虚影,罗天成的身形则堪堪避过鬼爪,在一阵青绿之光包裹着,直接消失在青绿铜台之上。 Liu Ming sees this soul-stirring one, in the heart sighs slightly. 柳鸣见此惊心动魄的一幕,心中微微一叹。 A moment ago if it were not for Luo Tiancheng while also had one breath the time, crumb courageously Origin Qi lock, really must perhaps be extinguished by the purple hair man direct crush kills at the scene. 刚才要不是罗天成趁着还有一口气的时候,当机立断的捏碎了身上的元气锁,恐怕真要被紫发男子直接碾压灭杀在当场了。 Snort, but also calculates that knows the limitation!” “哼,还算识相!” The purple hair man is looking at the personal appearance of Luo Tiancheng dissipation, snort|hum, both hands secret technique changed, the giant fierce ghost then howls is reversing to return, under dodges, then submerges in his back. 紫发男子望着罗天成消散的身形,哼了一声,双手法诀一变,巨大的狰狞鬼影便呼啸着倒转而回,一闪之下,便没入他的后背之中。 But yellow black spirit mark on his face, removes gradually, restored the original appearance. 而其脸孔上的黄黑色灵纹,也随之渐渐褪去,恢复了本来的模样。 Although this person of platyrrhine extravagant mouth, purple hair hangs loose disorderly, looks like quite ugly, but just now the appearance wants to compare, was much better. 虽说此人狮鼻阔口,紫发凌乱披散,看起来颇为难看,但与方才模样想比,却好得多了。 In this time, its under dark green copper stage suddenly transmits bang bang, and fierce trembles. 就在此时,其底下的青绿铜台突然传来“轰隆隆”巨响,并剧烈的震颤起来。 But dark green copper stage also at the same time vibration that Liu Ming and silver car(riage) man is. 柳鸣与银车男子所在的青绿铜台也同时震动不已。 The next quarter, copper stage sky does not know that in high void, suddenly the straight perpendicular incidence next three green multi-colored sunlight, the rapidness of speed, making three people respond radically without enough time that then by multi-colored sunlight one volume, went toward the distant place lasing. R1152 下一刻,铜台上空不知多高的虚空之中,突然直直射下三道青色霞光,速度之快,让三人根本来不及反应,便被霞光一卷而起,往远处激射而去。R1152
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