DD :: Volume #9

#801: Fierce struggle

Several dull thumping sounds! 几声闷响! Eight in nine young lad, were hit to extinguish by light spot immediately, only then a young lad personal appearance shoots from the roaring flame suddenly but actually, after the head suspends, sends the lasing densely and numerously green, numerous light spot that will shoot unexpectedly strikes, seized the chance to evade slightly fatally has struck. 九名童子中的八名,当即被光斑击中而灭,只有一名童子身形猛然从烈焰中倒射而出,头颅一摆后,密密麻麻绿发激射而出,竟将射来的众多光斑击的微微一顿,趁机躲过了致命一击。 But young woman sneers, in eye the pupil scarlet light dodges again. 少妇冷笑一声,眼中瞳孔赤光再一闪。 . “噗”的一声。 Sky over the green clothes young lad the flame rolling rolls up and pushes along suddenly, a diameter zhang (3.33 m) this big fireball appears baseless, and bang pounds , the rapidness of speed, making the young lad evade not to be possible radically to evade. 绿衣童子上空骤然火焰滚滚卷动,一颗直径丈许大火球凭空浮现而出,并轰隆隆的一砸而下,速度之快,让童子根本避无可避。 At this moment, bang! 就在这时,“轰”的一声! By the giant red ball the green person's shadow dodges, but presently, the single arm moves, a fist is having the tiger's roar sound pounds. 巨大红球旁边青色人影一闪而现,单臂一动,一只拳头就带着虎啸声的一捣而出。 The wash bowl big or medium black noble appearance fist shade pierces the fireball instantaneously, opens its rupturing of striking. 脸盆大小黑色虎头拳影瞬间洞穿火球而过,将其击的爆裂而开。 In young woman heart one cold, in hand the jade pen moves, comes to Liu Ming that to send out the continuous attack on the strategic place, but at this moment, in suddenly in all directions black light the roaring sound same place, five several feet black fog flood dragon at the same time to throw. 少妇心中一凛,手中玉笔一动,就要冲现身的柳鸣发出连绵攻击,但就在这时,忽然四面八方黑光中咆哮声一起,五条十几丈长的黑色雾蛟同时冲一扑而来。 young woman facial features one cold, opened mouth spouts one group of blood essence suddenly, after hand a jade pen point, is void a stroke, immediately bloody glow dodges, bright red circular ring of light, the sharp knife blade practices physiognomy eight side one volumes to go together. 少妇面容一寒,猛然张口喷出一团精血,手中玉笔一点之后,再虚空一划,当即血光一闪,一道鲜红圆形光环,利刃般的相面八方一卷而去。 several. “噗”“噗”几声。 Five fog flood dragons were cut instantaneously two sections by scarlet ring of light, when dodged to the Liu Ming front that passed, was actually broken by a fist of its unemotionally. 五头雾蛟瞬间被血色光环一斩两截,但等一闪而逝的到了柳鸣面前时,却被其面无表情的一拳震碎。 In green clothes young woman heart greatly cold, one hand formed hand-seals, in the pupil has the scarlet color break-up to move once more. 绿衣少妇心中大凛,单手一掐诀,瞳孔中再次有赤光闪动。 At this moment, on Liu Ming's face actually suddenly reveals a strange color. 就在这时,柳鸣脸上却突然露出一丝怪异之色。 Almost at the same time, suddenly young woman full temporary lodging, chī chī a sound sound, several black tentacles from void place like lightning ejection, after a winding, has entangled two solidity the young woman lower part, after rays of light dodges again, changes into several black pythons unexpectedly, maliciously bites to go to the young woman head. 几乎与此同时,忽然少妇足下处,“嗤嗤”声一响,数条黑色触手从虚空处闪电般弹射而出,一个缠绕后,就将少妇下半身缠了两个结结实实,再光芒一闪后,竟化为数条黑色巨蟒,狠狠的冲少妇头颅一咬而去。 young woman in great surprise, almost subconscious red pupil sweeps to go toward these pythons suddenly. 少妇大惊,几乎下意识的赤色瞳孔猛然往这些巨蟒一扫而去。 Bang bang several. “轰”“轰”几声。 These black python heads, change into rupturing of roaring flame to open baseless, originally is tying down the python body of young woman stubbornly, changes into point black light instantaneously dodges to extinguish baseless. 这些黑色巨蟒头颅,凭空化为烈焰的爆裂而开,原本正死死缠住少妇的蟒身,也瞬间化为点点黑光的凭空一闪而灭。 Illusion Technique 幻术 Green clothes young woman is then suddenly enlighted, startled anger called one. 绿衣少妇这才恍然大悟,惊怒的叫了一声。 Opposite Liu Ming actually seizes the chance to backhand grasps, one mentioned the green clothes young lad, threw forward maliciously, then single step again suddenly stepped on void, personal appearance on crossbow arrow with shooting. 对面柳鸣却趁机反手一抓,将绿衣童子一把提起,向前狠狠一投而出,接着单足再猛然一踩虚空,身形就弩箭般的跟射出去。 Green clothes young woman only thinks at present the rumor same place, the young lad restored the giant head main body to the near place, the strange laughter same place, opened mouth, the big group filthy flame blowout, a full head long hair pendulum, the dense and numerous green silk followed closely the lasing again. 绿衣少妇只觉眼前风声一起,童子就已恢复巨大头颅本体的到了近前处,怪笑声一起,一张口,大团秽焰喷出,再满头长发一摆,密密麻麻的绿丝紧随激射而出。 Green clothes young woman wants to use the pupil technique to resist obvious already again without enough time, but, only in the expert the jade pen toward body previous horizontal, turning round one revolution, immediately the one layer black light screen emerges, kept off before the body. 绿衣少妇再想施展瞳术抵挡明显已经来不及,无奈之下,只能手中玉笔往身前一横,滴溜溜一转,当即一层黑色光幕涌现而出,挡在了身前。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The filthy flame explodes to open instantaneously, the billowing ash-gray flame dodges immediately crazily erratically, under the young woman body that the black light screen hits trembles, could not bear retreat half step. 秽焰瞬间爆裂而开,滚滚灰色火焰当即将黑色光幕撞的狂闪不定,少妇身躯一颤之下,忍不住后退了半步。 Sends green rainstorm then but afterward, dense and numerous also hit on the black light screen. 绿发这才暴雨般的随后而至,密密麻麻的也打在了黑色光幕上。 After a black light screen wail, immediately becomes creakies. 黑色光幕一声哀鸣后,顿时变得摇摇欲坠起来。 However while this opportunity, young woman finally slow the god has also come, the sleeve shakes, a scarlet-red talisman lasing, and bang, changes into rupturing of fire cloud to open, after a billowing scarlet wave tumbling, must all submerge front Flying Head. 不过趁此机会,少妇也总算缓过神来,袖子一抖,一枚赤红符箓激射而出,并“轰”的一声,化为火云的爆裂而开,滚滚赤浪一个翻滚后,就要将面前飞颅全淹没进去。 but at this moment, suddenly moo, green giant ox appears in front of Flying Head void baseless, big mouth, the big piece light Xiafei volume, all attracts all fire cloud instantaneously cleanly. 但就在这时,忽然“哞”的一声,一头青色巨牛虚空凭空在飞颅面前浮现而出,大口一张,大片光霞飞卷而出,瞬间将所有火云全都一吸干净。 young woman has a big shock, when plans to offer a sacrifice to other treasures again, green giant ox phantom actually Bang being defeated and dispersed extinguishes, same place appears the Liu Ming personal appearance, 少妇大惊失色,正打算再祭出其他宝物时,青色巨牛虚影却“砰”的溃散而灭,原地现出柳鸣身形来, Liu Ming shows a faint smile to near at hand young woman, body black Qi rolling clashes, within the body flip-flop a sound chaotic sound, body unexpectedly instantaneous huge, under at the same time rib a silver light flashes, left another two silver arms. 柳鸣冲近在咫尺的少妇微微一笑,身上黑气就滚滚一冲而出,体内‘劈啪’声一阵乱响,身躯竟瞬间巨大了一圈,同时肋下银光一闪,多出了另外两条银色手臂来。 A four arm at the same time fuzziness, the exploding sound sound big sound, the dense and numerous black fist shade wells up crazily, and tidal clashes to go to the opposite. 四条手臂同时一个模糊,爆鸣声大响,密密麻麻的黑色拳影狂涌而出,并潮水般的向对面一冲而去。 Bang the bang transmits. “轰隆隆”的巨响传来。 Black light screen, in so many fist shades capture crazily are only one or two breathe the free time, sticks the instantaneous disruption to open on the paper. 黑色光幕,在如此多拳影狂攻下只是一二呼吸间工夫,就纸糊般瞬间碎裂而开。 I admit defeat “我认输” Under the dense and numerous fist shades do not have shortly again any prevent, must the young woman similar crush, but broken time, green clothes young woman complexion one white, cries suddenly admitting defeat. 眼看密密麻麻的拳影再无任何阻挡下,就要将少妇同样碾压而碎的时候,绿衣少妇脸色一白,猛然大叫一声“认输”。 Losing a character side exit / to speak, dark green profound light emerges from the ground, covers green clothes young woman directly, disappearance that immediately her body advantage of terrain dodges is in-situ. “输”字方一出口,一阵青绿玄光从地面浮出而出,直接将绿衣少妇笼罩,随即她的身形便一闪的消失在原地。 Liu Ming sees this, in the heart slightly is also startled, has not thought that this female is thin in this situation, still maintained the sober whole body draws back. 柳鸣见此,心中也是微微一怔,没想到此女在此种情形细,仍然保持清醒的全身而退。 This will, seriously different general! 这份心志,当真不同一般! In the Liu Ming heart so is thinking, the single-handed move, black Dark Prison is defeated and dispersed slowly, and changes into billowing black Qi submerges its within the body once more, at the same time Flying Head also Bang one once more, changes into black Qi drills into its waist leather bag. 柳鸣心中如此想着,单手一招,黑色冥狱缓缓溃散开来,并再次化为滚滚黑气再次没入其体内,同时飞颅也“砰”的一声,化为一股黑气的钻入其腰间皮袋中。 His vision sweeps, determined on after entire copper stage only remaining its person, turns to look toward other two copper stages. 他目光一扫,确定整个铜台上就只剩下了其一人后,才扭首朝着其他两座铜台看去。 The Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) man, sees Liu Ming to compel to admit defeat green clothes young woman, obviously also quite feels the surprise, after Liu Ming shows a faint smile, similarly looked that to copper stage that the purple hair man and Luo Tiancheng were. 天工宗的银车男子,见柳鸣将绿衣少妇逼得认输,显然也是颇感诧异,朝柳鸣微微一笑后,同样看向了紫发男子与罗天成所在的铜台。 Above another copper stage. 另外一座铜台之上。 The Big Dipper Pavilion purple hair man and Luo Tiancheng fight was also in the superheating stage. 北斗阁紫发男子与罗天成的战斗也进入了白热化阶段。 The Liu Ming vision concentrates, from situation, this purple hair man obviously has been at the winning side. 柳鸣目光一凝,从局势上来看,这紫发男子明显处在了上风。 But under sees his full head purple hair to dance in the breeze, whole body dark green spirit mark flashes unceasingly, a fist then fist goes toward the Luo Tiancheng bombardment, creates an incident sincerely, compels retreat him again and again. 但见他满头紫发飘舞下,周身黑绿灵纹不断闪动,一拳接着一拳的朝着罗天成轰击而去,拳拳生风,将其逼得连连后退,。 But Luo Tiancheng by the physique that Everlasting Spiritual Body can restore instantaneously, does not fear regarding the attack of purple hair man, the whole body intermittent silver white light flashes unceasingly, closes injury rapidly, the at the same time both arms is brandishing, stimulates to movement the silver mist to transform silver Dragon Tiger Phantom, with the purple hair man sincere relative, anti- the earth-shaking craziness has attacked unexpectedly stiffly. 罗天成凭借都天灵体可以瞬间恢复的体质,对于紫发男子的攻击也是丝毫不惧,浑身阵阵银白之光不断闪动,迅速弥合着身上的伤势,同时双臂挥舞,催动银色雾气幻化出一道道银色龙虎虚影,与紫发男子拳拳相对,竟硬生生抗住了石破天惊的狂攻。 After the Liu Ming vision throws, the purple hair man had discovered obviously also Liu Ming and green clothes young woman already branched out victory and defeat, on the face has flashed before color of not bearing immediately, under shouted angrily, arm suddenly one thick, gushed out the great strength one to increase sharply from the fist unexpectedly above the several fold, struck to pound fiercely toward Luo Tiancheng. 而当柳鸣目光投去之后,紫发男子显然也发现了柳鸣和绿衣少妇已经分出了胜负,脸上顿时闪现出一丝不耐之色,一声怒喝下,手臂蓦然一粗,从拳头中涌出巨力竟一下激增了数倍以上,朝罗天成猛地一击捣去。 Bang a bang! “砰”的一声巨响! Luo Tiancheng stimulated to movement two silver fog tiger and purple hair men hastily right a fist. 罗天成连忙催动两条银色雾虎紫发男子对了一拳。 Two fog flood dragons are defeated and dispersed in a hoarseness whining noise loudly, the purple hair man actually borrows the strength to fly behind to draw back, Luo Tiancheng by other great strength, the direct bang had been flown the light screen edge, was shot. 两条雾蛟在一声嘶鸣声中轰然溃散,紫发男子却借力飞身后退,罗天成则是被一股余下的巨力,直接轰飞到了光幕的边缘,被弹了回来。 But sees his chest by hollow going of rumbling, mouth corner is flowed off together the blood thread unexpectedly, but sees after chest a silver light flashes, the concave temporary lodging then slowly restored. 但见其胸口竟被轰的凹陷进去,嘴角流下一道血丝,但见胸口银光一闪过后,凹下处便缓缓恢复了过来。 tut tut, Everlasting Spiritual Body really lives up to reputation! Trivial Crystal Transformation Initial Stage cultivation base, can unexpectedly anti- below the set perhaps hundred crack ominous fists that True Core Realm does not dare to meet hardly. You admit defeat now also, otherwise my following strikes, if receives does not stop, strikes to kill you directly, that is not good, Ha Ha!” The purple hair man near sets up personal appearance spatially, in the eye the purple glow flashes, said with a smile toward Luo Tiancheng wildly. 啧啧,都天灵体果然名不虚传!区区化晶初期修为,竟然能抗住在下的这套恐怕连真丹期都不敢硬接的百裂凶拳。你现在认输还来的及,否则我接下来的一击,万一收不住手,直接将你击杀,那就不好了,哈哈!”紫发男子临空立住身形,眼中紫芒闪动,朝着罗天成狂放一笑道。 Do not say that some useless words, have the skill to act boldly, otherwise everybody has consumed, who loses who wins does not say!” Luo Tiancheng at lightning speed swallow down Medicine Pill, throws out the chest to stand proudly, toward purple hair man coldly snort|hum a sound track. “不要说些无用的话,有本事就放胆过来,不然大家就一直耗下去,谁输谁赢可不好说的!”罗天成飞快服下一颗丹药,傲然挺胸而立,朝着紫发男子冷冷的哼了一声道。 He through formerly one fought, already knows opposite party fleshy body unexpectedly also in its above, but its practicing moderation has the formidable resiliency of body of Turin, self-confident can still laugh last. 他通过先前一番交手,已经知道对方肉身之强竟还在其之上,但其自持有都灵之体的强大恢复力,自信仍能笑到最后的。 purple hair man hearing this is angry, look one cold, the facial features are somewhat gloomy. 紫发男子闻言大怒,眼神一寒,面容有几分阴森起来。 He drinks suddenly, whole body endless dark green spirit mark emits rays of light to sparkle suddenly, starts to well up to linger toward the black fist of purple hair man to go crazily. 他猛然一喝,浑身无尽黑绿灵纹所放出光芒陡然闪耀起来,开始朝着紫发男子的黑色拳头狂涌萦绕而去。 Next quarter, in purple hair man right arm flip-flop crack, above dragon muscle complicate one thick, wields furiously, one group has ten zhang (3.33 m) dark green fist shade to fly high to fall fully, goes toward the Luo Tiancheng bombardment. 下一刻,紫发男子右臂中一阵噼啪炸响,上面虬筋盘根错节的一粗,奋力挥出下,一团足有十丈大小的黑绿拳影凌空落下,朝着罗天成轰击而去。 Luo Tiancheng sees this, the complexion changes, both hands fluctuates unceasingly, pinches each and every one mysterious secret technique rapidly, in the at the same time mouth mumbles. 罗天成见此,脸色一变,双手不断变幻,迅速掐出一个个玄奥法诀,同时口中一阵念念有词起来。 Silver-white billowing thick fog raises from his body unceasingly proudly. 一阵银白色的滚滚浓雾不断从其身上傲然升起。 „” Sound of the tiger's roar dragon roar spreads, four first 30 zhang (3.33 m) silver fog flood dragons and four silver fog tiger one dodge, but presently. “嗷呜”一阵虎啸龙吟之声传出,四头30丈长的银色雾蛟和四头银色雾虎随之一闪而现。 Goes!” “去!” The Luo Tiancheng sinking sound drinks, the double fist attacks suddenly, four silver fog flood dragons and four silver fierce tiger flow from the both arms respectively, goes toward the gigantic dark green fist shade that almost blocks the sky together. 罗天成沉声一喝,双拳猛然出击,四头银色雾蛟和四头银色猛虎分别从双臂上奔涌而出,一起朝着几乎遮天蔽日的硕大黑绿拳影而去。 Bang a startled day bang! “轰隆隆”一声惊天巨响! Among them the void place, black, the green, the silver combined immediately in one, and tumbled fiercely! 两人中间的虚空处,黑色,绿色,银色顿时混杂在了一起,并剧烈翻滚起来! Has refused to compromise merely the moment, the dark green fist shade then with irresistible force, ground silver dragon and tiger, turned into the intermittent silver thick fog, filled the air unceasingly. 仅仅僵持了片刻,黑绿拳影便势如破竹般,将银色龙虎纷纷碾碎,化成了阵阵银色浓雾,不断弥漫开来。 Explodes!” “爆!” In this time, Luo Tiancheng is shouting angrily, both hands fiercely secret technique changes, in the mouth mumbled unceasingly, filling the air of silver thick fog at lightning speed opened unexpectedly, concentrates firm silver white Dark Prison, all bound the giant fist shade and purple hair man personal appearance, has formed a gigantic incomparable silver sphere. 正在此时,罗天成怒喝一声,双手猛地法诀一变,口中不断念念有词,银色浓雾竟飞快的弥漫而开,凝成一道坚固的银白冥狱,将巨大拳影及紫发男子身形悉数裹于其中,形成了一个硕大无比的银色圆球。 Liu Ming saw that Luo Tiancheng emits Dark Prison unexpectedly, actually slightly shook the head, obviously does not favor this move! 柳鸣看到罗天成竟放出冥狱,却是微微摇了摇头,显然并不看好这一招! Dark Prison surpasses own match regarding strength, is not that effective. 冥狱对于实力超过自己的对手,并不是那么有效的。 Really, not and Luo Tiancheng makes the next action, the gigantic silver sphere surface, black yellow bright glow jump to shoot suddenly. 果然,未及罗天成做出下一步举动,硕大的银色圆球表面,一道道黑黄色亮芒骤然迸射而出。 In silver Dark Prison. 银色冥狱之中。 As purple hair man Gu Se incantation does not give up the idea, terrifying black yellow two color spirit mark appear on the face gradually clearly. 随着紫发男子古涩咒语的不断念出,一道道恐怖至极的黑黄两色灵纹逐渐在脸孔上清晰浮现。 These black yellow spirit mark glittering, unexpectedly outlined a fierce Evil Ghost design, but at the same time his face also suddenly became fierce. R1152 这些黑黄色灵纹闪烁不已,竟勾勒出一副凶猛的恶鬼图案,而同时其面部也陡然变得狰狞起来。R1152
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