DD :: Volume #8

#800: Pupil technique

After green clothes young woman is startled slightly, is cold smiles, the originally red double pupil unexpectedly sudden color big change, green light puts greatly. 绿衣少妇微微一怔后,却冷然一笑,原本赤色双瞳竟突然颜色大变,绿光大放起来。 Liu Ming actually such as sees the poisonous scorpion complexion big change, the fist receives hastily, personal appearance fuzzy shoots backward but actually. 柳鸣却如睹毒蝎般的脸色大变,连忙拳头一收,身形一个模糊的向后倒射而出。 However in the young woman pupil green light suddenly again Sheng Beixu, stubbornly has observed closely going far away Liu Ming. 但是少妇瞳孔中绿光只是骤然再一盛倍许,就死死盯住了远去的柳鸣 On at the same time, Liu Ming only thinks that at present one dark, the surrounding all become somewhat blur. 同一时间,柳鸣只觉眼前一暗,周围的一切都变得有些模糊起来。 A turbulent current sound sound, enormous and powerful black rivers appear in the upper air suddenly, flood Nine Netherworlds aura is flying to come toward Liu Ming. 激流声一响,一条浩荡的黑色河流在高空骤然浮现而出,泛着九幽气息飞朝着柳鸣汹涌而来。 Netherworld River Water!” 冥河之水!” Liu Ming looks at rushes to well up the black river water in rivers, both eyes somewhat is unexpectedly blurred for a while, and has lost one's voice subconsciously. 柳鸣看着奔涌河流中的黑色河水,双目竟一时有些迷离,并下意识的失声了一句。 Shaking the head that but the next quarter, he quickly grasps the meaning of something suddenly, fierce bites the tip of tongue, this sees clearly at present the situation. 但下一刻,他突然一个激灵的摇摇头,猛的一咬舌尖,这才看清楚眼前情形。 But sees green air/qi to linger, where has any black rivers, clearly is one group of dense and numerous black light spot speedily flies to dodge, flies directly toward its Chest place. 但见绿气萦绕中,哪有什么黑色河流,分明是一团密密麻麻黑色光斑疾速飞闪,径直朝着其心口处飞来。 The rapidness of black light spot speed, making Liu Ming want to avoid other Shi Huozhan secret techniques to resist, already without enough time. 黑色光斑速度之快,让柳鸣想要躲避施或展其他秘术抵挡,已然来不及了。 Although he does not know that what this black light spot is, but under the sobriety, nature absolutely not can let it and body, opened mouth that wants not to think, spouts one to explode the fierce strong winds, lets already near at hand black light spot slightly, has stagnated slightly the half minute. 他虽然不知道这黑色光斑是何物,但在清醒之下,自然绝不能让其及身,想都不想的一张口,喷出一股爆烈狂风,让已经近在咫尺的黑色光斑微微一荡,略微凝滞了半分。 . “噗”的一声。 Liu Ming while this moment cushion, body silver light puts immediately greatly, silver Leather Armor appears immediately. 柳鸣趁此片刻缓冲,身上当即银光大放,一件银色皮甲顿时浮现而出。 a sound, black light spot at the same time dodged striking that passed on this armor, raised suddenly black fog, and dispersed sour air/Qi. “呲呲”的一阵声响,黑色光斑同时一闪而逝的击在了此甲上,陡然升起一阵黑雾,并散出一股酸腐之气。 A not far away sound sound, is one group of black light spot like lightning raids from out of the blue unexpectedly toward it. 不远处破空声一响,竟又是一团黑色光斑朝其闪电般袭来。 This time, Liu Ming personal appearance fuzzy, immediately turns into three green phantom to disperse to open, and will back up in the future. 这一次,柳鸣身形一个模糊下,当即化成三个青色虚影一散而开,并往后倒退而出。 Puff two! 噗噗两声! Two green phantom were struck to extinguish by black light spot! 两道青色虚影被黑色光斑一击而灭! The Liu Ming main body seizing the chance sleeve shakes, a handle golden color small sword lasing, after and is fuzzy, dense and numerous golden sword shade one volume, protecting of instantaneous changes into a layer of sword curtain whole body. 柳鸣本体则趁机袖子一抖,一柄金色小剑激射而出,并一个模糊后,密密麻麻的金色剑影一卷而出,瞬间化为一层剑幕的护住了全身。 Following light spot strikes above the sword curtain, sends out a continuous light sound, but changes to continuously disappearance of black Qi immediately in extraordinarily cold sword light, is unable how the sword curtain fraction appearance. 后面光斑击在剑幕之上,发出一阵连绵轻响,但马上化作缕缕黑气的消失在奇寒剑光中,根本无法奈何剑幕分毫的样子。 Liu Ming sees this, the long and loud cry exit / to speak, one hand formed hand-seals, huge Sword Intent of difficult word shoots up to the sky from the body immediately, a at the same time sword curtain rays of light Sheng, changes into big piece cold light opens suddenly to the crazy volume in all directions. 柳鸣见此,长啸出口,单手一掐诀,当即一股难言的庞然剑意从身上冲天而起,同时剑幕猛然光芒一盛,就化为大片寒光的向四面八方狂卷而开。 A Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering bang! 一声惊天动地的巨响! Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light shoots up to the sky, some energy all bang that will surround in depth directly disperses. 万丈金光冲天而起,直接将层层包围的某种能量全都轰散开来。 After all Sword Qi collect vanishes, Liu Ming holds sword figure in same place to reveal, and unemotionally looks to opposite young woman. 当所有剑气一敛消失后,柳鸣持剑身影在原地重新显露而出,并面无表情的看向对面少妇 In this female hand, left a pitch-black as ink jade pen impressively, the penstock had the gold thread that slender such as sent to melt spirit mark faintly, the pen tip place has black rays of light glittering, that bunch of black light spot, were henceforth the lasing! 此女手中,赫然多出了一支漆黑如墨的玉笔,笔杆隐隐有纤细如发的金丝所化灵纹,笔尖处有黑色毫光闪烁不已,那一团团黑色的光斑,正是从此激射而出! But the strength of young woman green pupil light can confuse the mind, black light spot might is infinite, under the two match, is it may be said that flawless! 少妇绿色瞳光之力可以迷惑心神,黑色光斑威力无穷,二者搭配之下,可谓天衣无缝! Liu Ming bowed the head to look on the chest proostracum clothes a will penetrated big piece of green mark. In heart also fear. 柳鸣低首看了看胸前甲衣上堪堪被穿透的一大片绿痕。心中也一阵后怕。 If not for his mental power far exceed same step cultivator, in addition stimulated to movement Imperial Sword Technique to break the pupil technique illusion promptly, perhaps also really might by the opposite party violent treachery. 若不是他精神力远超同阶修士,外加及时催动御剑术破开了瞳术幻象,恐怕还真有可能遭了对方毒手。 Green clothes young woman not only has some type of variation spirit pupil, and in the hand Spirit Tool is also the magical treasure embryonic form rank, must say synthesizes strength, can paijin first ten counting absolutely in this Heavenly Sect Great Meeting, it seems like that the opposite party should be Overwhelming Academy this time participates in Heavenly Sect Assembly finale disciple. 绿衣少妇不仅拥有某种变异灵瞳,且手中灵器也是法宝雏形级别,要说综合实力,绝对能在此次天门大会中排进前十之数了,看来对方应该就是浩然书院这次参加天门会压轴弟子了。 At this time green clothes young woman. Grasps the pen only, the chest fluctuates slightly, obviously just now one after another stimulation of movement Spirit Tool and spirit pupil secret technique, to its consumption of spiritual and magical power is also enormous. 这时绿衣少妇。单手持笔,胸脯微微起伏,显然方才接二连三的催动灵器及灵瞳秘术,对其精神及法力的消耗也是极大。 She in seeing Liu Ming so is about to break oneself spirit pupil technique unexpectedly, on the face fill has also been astonished the color however. 她在看到柳鸣竟这么快破了自己灵瞳术,脸上也不由的充满讶然之色了。 Under Liu Ming intention phonograph, there is a resolution, in golden flying sword the hand receives, both hands formed hand seals, in the mouth mumbled, the billowing black mist reappeared from the body unceasingly. 柳鸣心念电转下,也有了决断,将手中金色飞剑一收而起,双手掐诀,口中一阵念念有词,滚滚黑色雾气从身上不断浮现而出。 The next quarter, five black fog flood dragons and five black fierce tiger carry billowing black Qi to shoot up to the sky from its back, make threatening gestures, are mad simultaneously to roar to go toward green clothes young woman. 下一刻,五头黑色雾蛟和五头黑色猛虎携着滚滚黑气从其背后冲天而起,张牙舞爪,气齐齐朝着绿衣少妇咆哮而去。 What nobody notes is, in this billowing black Qi is mixing unexpectedly also with light green light. 只是无人注意到的是,这滚滚黑气中竟还夹杂着一点淡淡绿光 In the green clothes young woman eye flashes through a chill in the air, formed hand seals, in another hand black jade pen at a moderate pace flies high to brandish, in dazzling paints, several groups of black light spot concentrate in its pen tip place visited in abundance presently, and welcomed to coming fog flood dragon fog tiger. 绿衣少妇眼中闪过一丝寒意,一手掐诀,另一只手中黑色玉笔不紧不慢的凌空挥舞,在一阵令人眼花缭乱的挥毫泼墨中,数团黑色光斑在其笔尖所过之处纷纷凝现而出,并迎向了迎面而来的雾蛟雾虎 Bang Bang sound continuously! “砰”“砰”声此起彼伏! When first several black fog flood dragons and several black fierce tiger touch black light spot slightly, then in sound rapidly was corroded to be defeated and dispersed in chī chī, changed to continuously rich black Qi, before winding around this female body. 当先几条黑色雾蛟和几头黑色猛虎稍一触及黑色光斑,便在“嗤嗤”声中迅速被腐蚀溃散开来,化作了缕缕浓郁的黑气,缭绕此女身前。 Liu Ming sees this, in the hand technique immediately changes, in the mouth spits one lightly exploding character. 柳鸣见此,手中法决立刻一变,口中轻吐一个“爆”字。 „ After bang several, several fog flood dragon fog tiger in light of this explode together with these continuously black Qi, and changes into big piece black light one of the blotting out the sky to whirl around, suddenly swallows in which this female. “轰隆隆的几声后,几头雾蛟雾虎连同那些缕缕黑气就此爆裂开来,并化为大片黑光的铺天盖地的一个翻卷,就眨眼间将此女吞噬其中。 Green clothes young woman only thinks that at present one black, places in a strange black space on already, the black misty piece, almost puts out a hand not to see the five fingers in all directions. 绿衣少妇只觉眼前一黑,就已经身处一个诡异的黑色空间中,四处黑濛濛一片,几乎伸手不见五指。 Dragon Tiger Hell Method Dark Prison divine ability! 正是龙虎冥狱功冥狱神通 Green clothes young woman under this scene, although the complexion changes, really extremely has not actually been frightened, but in the jade pen the hand protects before the body, and stimulates to movement mental power rapidly toward to sweep across in all directions. 绿衣少妇在此情景下,虽然脸色微变,却并未真的太过惊惶,而是将手中玉笔护在身前,并催动精神力迅速往四面八方席卷而出。 Finally its mental power submerges for four weeks later, actually imitates, if enters the bottomless pit to be ordinary, the sound is unable to investigate slightly. 结果其精神力没入四周后,却仿若进入无底洞一般,丝毫动静也无法探查到。 In the young woman cannot help but heart slightly sinks. 少妇不由得心中微微一沉。 In this time, one group of green light are appearing from one side suddenly, visibling faintly is a plump and fair-complected green clothes young lad, pats the small hand, the color of whole face laughter is approaching to come, unexpectedly is Flying Head young lad. 正在此时,一团绿光突然从一侧显现而出,隐约可见是一个白白胖胖的绿衣童子,拍着小手,满脸嬉笑之色靠近而来,竟是飞颅所化的童子。 Although green clothes young woman does not know that at present the young lad is what origin, but since appears here, naturally was the enemy non- friend, wrist that immediately wants not to think shook, one group of dazzling light spot went from the lasing. 绿衣少妇虽然不知道眼前童子是何来历,但既然出现在此,自然是敌非友人了,当即想也不想的手腕一抖,一团耀眼光斑从激射而去。 The green clothes young lad quack, the personal appearance speedily flies to draw back, black light spot that has not forgotten to turn round fiercely toward raiding spouts one big to send out the decayed smell grey filthy flame. 绿衣童子嘎嘎一声,身形疾速飞退,还不忘回身猛地朝着袭来的黑色光斑喷出一大口散发着腐臭气味的灰色秽焰。 Zizi sound writings! “兹兹”声大作! Black light spot and grey filthy flame touches slightly, deadlock of mutual corrosion in midair, under the black grey rays of light circulation, black light spot has been slightly better eventually, after the grey filthy flame corrodes completely , to continue toward the green clothes young lad lasing to go. 黑色光斑与灰色秽焰稍一触及,互相腐蚀的僵持在了半空,黑灰色光芒流转下,终究还是黑色光斑稍胜一筹,将灰色秽焰腐蚀殆尽后,继续朝绿衣童子激射而去。 Green clothes young lad Hehe smiles, the personal appearance, then hidden entered in surrounding black Qi in a flash, but under black light spot dodges, in unexpectedly direct in the nearby black light pierces, has left behind a fist big hole., But then black fog all around makes up at once. 绿衣童子嘿嘿一笑,身形一晃之下,便隐入了周围黑气之中,而黑色光斑一闪之下,竟直接在附近黑光中洞穿而出,留下了一个拳头大孔洞。,但旋即便周遭的黑雾所弥补住了。 young woman sees the ash-gray flame to resist black light spot unexpectedly, first is in the heart one startled, but along with seeing oneself attacks to surrounding own restrictions is effective, actually in heart one happy, must stimulate to movement in the hand the jade pen , to continue breaks entire Dark Prison. 少妇见灰色火焰竟能抵挡黑色光斑,先是心中一惊,但随见自己攻击对困住自己的禁制有效,却又心中一喜,就要催动手中玉笔,一口气续破开整个冥狱 but at this moment, in one side black light fluctuation same place, green clothes young lad whiz moves sideways, and toward the green clothes young woman top of the head shoots one string of green air/qi misty round beads in midair suddenly void. 但就在这时,一侧黑光中波动一起,绿衣童子“嗖”的一声闪身而出,并在半空中猛然朝绿衣少妇的头顶虚空掷出一串绿气蒙蒙的圆珠。 The green air/qi round bead near circles in flight spatially, sends out endless green rays of light, again after several dull thumping sound sounds, changes into the green clothes young lad who eight dress up similarly to appear, with a young lad main body fuzziness, suddenly appears around young woman, has encircled watertight it. 绿气圆珠临空飞旋,散发出无尽绿色光芒,再几声闷响声后,就化为八个同样装扮的绿衣童子出现,和童子本体一阵模糊,就突然出现在少妇四周,将其围了个水泄不通。 The young woman complexion sinks, turns the hand to take out a yellow Shikotan pill to swallow, while vision at lightning speed has swept from the whole body nine exactly the same green clothes young lads. 少妇脸色一沉,一边翻手取出一枚黄色丹丸吞服而下,,一边目光飞快的从周身九个一模一样的绿衣童子扫过。 In surrounding fuzzy black light flashes, which she is unable to distinguish unexpectedly at once is the true body is. 然而在周围模糊黑光闪动中,她竟一时之间无法分辨出哪一个才是真身所在。 Nine green clothes young lads send out to smile strangely, start to run to revolve before the young woman body rapidly, often and opened mouth puts out a piece by piece grey filthy flame, throws the skull face toward young woman pounds. 九个绿衣童子则发出怪笑,开始在少妇身前飞速奔跑旋转起来,并不时张口吐出一片片灰色秽焰,朝少妇扑头盖脸的砸来。 young woman look flashes, grasps jet black jade pen at lightning speed to wave, immediately compares before this on the small many black light spot dense and numerous black lasings, can keep off the grey filthy flame unexpectedly all the offensive. 少妇眼神一阵闪动,手持漆黑玉笔一阵飞快舞动,顿时比此前小上不少的黑色光斑密密麻麻黑激射而出,竟能尽数挡下灰色秽焰的攻势。 However in so one fought the circle that nine green clothes young lads quietly will actually surround to reduce about half. 然而就在这般一番交手中九个绿衣童子却悄然将包围的圈子缩短了近半之多。 Quack, begins!” To green clothes young woman recent green clothes young lad suddenly shouts out. “嘎嘎,动手!”离绿衣少妇最近的绿衣童子猛然一声大喝 Nine green clothes young lad at the same time urge technique, toward was encircled unexpectedly in middle green clothes young woman, spouts ash-gray columns of flame together.. 九个绿衣童子同时一催法决,竟朝着被围在中间的绿衣少妇,齐喷出一道道灰色火柱来。。 After the ash-gray column of flame rolling concentrates, joins at the same time the big ash-gray flame wall instantaneously, emits along with the young lads crazily, among wall with flues for heating billowing Imperial Court young woman presses to go, the imposing manner is very astonishing! 灰色火柱滚滚一凝之后,瞬间联结成一面高大的灰色焰墙,随着众童子疯狂喷吐,火墙滚滚的朝中少妇一压而去,气势好不惊人! The green clothes young woman complexion big change, pours into conveniently the jet black jade pen whole body magical power crazily, sweeps suddenly, delimits together the clearly discernible mark on the ash-gray flame wall unexpectedly fiercely. 绿衣少妇脸色大变,将全身法力狂注入随手中漆黑玉笔,猛然一扫而出,竟在灰色焰墙上猛地划出一道清晰可见的印痕。 , the mark did not have spread, along with the grey filthy flame that even if was put out by a green clothes young lad fills. “噗”的一声,浅浅的印痕还没有扩散,随即便又被一个绿衣童子吐出的灰色秽焰填补。 Green clothes young woman witnesses this scenery, the pupil shrinks suddenly, does not dare to retain in the mouth to scold tenderly, after hand jade pen turning round revolution, black silk in the nearby appear void crazily, after and interweaves glittering, on changes into a layer of black skein, it protecting firmly in inside. 绿衣少妇目睹此景,瞳孔骤然一缩,再也不敢保留口中一声娇叱,手中玉笔滴溜溜一转后,一根根黑丝在附近虚空疯狂浮现而出,并一阵交织闪烁后,就化为一层黑色丝球,将其牢牢的护在了里面。 Bang „. “轰“的一声。 The ash-gray wall with flues for heating from Qi Zhuang in the skein, inside black light dodges in all directions immediately, great strength rebounds. 灰色火墙从四面八方齐撞在丝球上,当即里面黑光一闪,一股股巨力反弹而出。 Under the wall with flues for heating trembles, by compared with formerly pressed a tendency quicker rebound to return unexpectedly. 火墙一颤之下,竟以比先前压来之势头更快的反弹而回。 So accidental, even if nine young lads emit the filthy flame not to fear to oneself, but also in abundance formed hand seals is thrown into confusion. 如此意外一幕,纵然九名童子对自己放出秽焰丝毫不惧,但也纷纷掐诀的手忙脚乱起来。 young woman takes advantage of this opportunity, both eyes pupil scarlet light flashes, turned into the fiery red color once more, and has the steaming flame to flash through indistinctly. 少妇则趁此机会,双目瞳孔赤光一闪,再次变成了火红之色,并隐约有腾腾火焰闪过。 Bang Bang several continuous bangs. “砰”“砰”几声连绵巨响。 On nine young lads the at the same time flame one presently, submerged in the billowing roaring flame thoroughly. 九名童子身上同时火光一现,彻底淹没了滚滚烈焰之中。 After the green clothes young woman hand jade pen shakes again, dense and numerous black light spot appear once more, and at the same time goes to the lasing in all directions. R1152 绿衣少妇手中玉笔再一抖后,密密麻麻的黑色光斑再次浮现而出,并同时向四面八方激射而去。R1152
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