DD :: Volume #8

#799: Copper stage

In a white sheet misty space. 一片白蒙蒙的空间之中。 Four sides looks, cannot look at the boundary, and does not have aura of any life, was burnt the fog layer upon layer to cover by white of piece of transpiration completely. 四面望去,根本望不到边际,且没有任何生灵的气息,完全被一片蒸腾的白色灼雾层层笼罩着。 Under the white scalding hot mist, is actually a sea of fire of piece of billowing combustion, has the nihility pale vast intermittent white smoke to raise from the sea of fire unceasingly, gradually has formed the scalding hot white fog in air. 白茫茫的灼热雾气之下,却是一片滚滚燃烧的火海,不断有虚无淡渺的阵阵白烟从火海上升起,逐渐形成了空气中的灼热白雾。 But during the center of this scarlet flame sea of fire, layer upon layer the white fog covers, actually baseless float three towering/majestic giant copper stages. 而在这片赤炎火海的中央,层层白雾笼罩之中,却凭空悬浮着三座巍峨的巨大铜台。 Around three square shape copper stage has covered entirely the blue-green copper rust, shows the glyph distribution, to sea of fire plane roughly 20-30 zhang (3.33 m) far, the copper station manager makes hundred zhang (333m), wide also makes the hundred zhang (333m) appearance, very smooth in all directions. 三座方形铜台四周都布满了青绿色铜锈,呈品字形分布,离火海平面约莫二三十丈远,铜台长约百丈,宽也是约百丈的样子,十分平整四方 a sound to transmit, above during a copper stage is void, swung the intermittent ripples, golden light reappeared baseless, was defeated and dispersed to extinguish instantaneously, appeared a green person's shadow. “呲呲”一阵声响传来,其中一座铜台上方虚空之中,荡起了阵阵涟漪,一座金色光阵凭空浮现,又瞬间溃散而灭,从中现出一个青色人影。 Just adopted the test that on closes, was transmitted to this's Liu Ming. 正是刚刚通过上一关的考验,被传送到此的柳鸣 Whip of Liu Ming from midair straight, bang, on the copper stage layer on layer stands firm, once more opens two eyes, first is saw that all around all are startled first slightly, wrinkles along with it brow. 柳鸣半空中急坠直下,“轰”的一声,在铜台上重重站定后,才再次睁开双眼之时,先是见到四周一切先是微微一怔,随之眉头一皱起来。 Around this copper stage white fog concentrates thick incomparable, its Divine Consciousness is unable to penetrate. 这铜台四周的白雾凝厚无比,其神识根本无法穿透而过。 But in the next sea of fire the roaring flame seems not the common flame, its Divine Consciousness sweeps, but, exceptionally scalding hot transmissions return unexpectedly, generally the flame cannot achieve this matter absolutely. 而下火海中烈焰似乎也不是一般火焰,其神识一扫而过后,竟有一种异常的灼热感传回,一般火焰绝对做不到此事的。 In this time, its above void once more flood ripples, another golden light baseless appears, dodges, but after extinguishing, a green person's shadow also from airborne falls, Bang, steady standing in its front not far away.. 正在此时,其上方虚空再次泛起一阵涟漪,另一个金色光阵凭空浮现,一闪而灭后,一道绿色人影也从空中一落而下,“砰”的一声后,就稳稳的站在了其面前不远处。。 Liu Ming expression moves, this green person's shadow is not others, is Overwhelming Academy green clothes young woman. 柳鸣神色一动,这绿色人影不是别人,正是浩然书院的绿衣少妇 young woman calmed down, light after Liu Ming looked at one, starts to transfer to look to the white mist outside dark green copper stage. 少妇定了定神,淡淡的朝柳鸣看了一眼之后,也开始转首望向了青绿铜台外的白色雾气。 Result next quarter, her same delicate eyebrows micro are pressed, similarly realized this place unusual place. 结果下一刻,她同样秀眉微蹙起来,同样察觉到了此地的异常处。 suddenly, Liu Ming and dark green copper stage of green clothes young woman at the same time feeling under foot sends out fierce trembling fiercely. 忽然,柳鸣和绿衣少妇同时感觉脚下的青绿铜台猛地发出一阵剧烈的震颤。 After a startled day trembles greatly, square shape copper stage edge that they stand, the dark green copper rust falls off unexpectedly slowly, gradually has revealed the originally appearance. 一阵惊天巨颤之后,两人所站立的方形铜台边缘处,青绿铜锈竟缓缓脱落,逐渐露出了原本的样貌。 Giant copper stage all around edge, has covered entirely the dense and numerous mysterious golden engraved inscriptions impressively, along with dark green copper rust abscission in abundance, dazzling golden profound light projects from the golden engraved inscription suddenly. 巨型铜台的四周边缘处,赫然布满了密密麻麻的玄奥金色铭文,随着青绿铜锈的纷纷脱落,一道道刺目的金色玄光从金色铭文中陡然射出。 golden light shines, emits ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) rays of light instantaneously, the intermittent golden light direct impact clouds, have covered the entire dark green copper stage rapidly. 金光照耀,瞬间放出万丈光芒,阵阵金光直冲云霄,迅速覆盖了整座青绿铜台。 Along with golden profound light the circulation of slowly, the scalding hot white fog in air under the attraction of golden light, comes toward the golden light gathering unexpectedly gradually. 随着金色玄光的缓缓流转,空气中的灼热白雾竟在金光的吸引之下,逐渐朝着金光汇聚而来。 White thick fog attached above the golden profound light, gradually has formed unceasingly the one layer [gold/metal] white two color square shape transparent light covers along the edge of square shape copper stage unexpectedly. 白色浓雾不断附着在金色玄光之上,竟沿着方形铜台的边缘逐渐形成了一层金白二色的方形透明光罩。 This light cover takes the white fog as the bottom, a gold thread hovers unceasingly, appears very faint faintly recognizable. 这层光罩以白雾为底,道道金丝不断游动,显得十分的淡漠飘渺。 Under Liu Ming is startled, actually penetrates the approximate transparent light cover, sees to count outside hundred zhang (333m), another giant copper stages of two being without change, had the mutation similarly, raised [gold/metal] white two color light covers.. 柳鸣吃惊之下,却透过近似透明的光罩,看到数百丈外,另外两个一般无二的巨大铜台,同样发生了异变,也升起了一道金白两色的光罩。。 But on this time two giant copper stages, has person's shadow sway indistinctly. 而这时的两座巨大铜台上,也隐约有人影晃动 After Liu Ming looks fixedly on, sees clearly Luo Tiancheng and purple hair man above a copper stage, mutual alert is confronting. 柳鸣定睛细看之后,才看清罗天成紫发男子在其中一个铜台之上,相互戒备的对峙着。 On another copper stage, the silver car(riage) man is standing, similarly penetrates the [gold/metal] white two color pale vast light screens, curious looks like to other two copper stages. 另一个铜台上,银车男子则独自一人站着,同样透过金白两色的淡渺光幕,好奇的向其他两个铜台看来。 Suddenly, in void three dark green copper stage, dark green mist ascends slowly, has formed unexpectedly gradually an all various professions dark green colored light article. 突然间,三座青绿铜台中间的虚空中,一阵青绿雾气缓缓升腾,竟逐渐形成了一行行青绿色光文。 „The person of same copper stage mutually is a match, regardless of life and death, only then the showdown winner only then enters the next pass/test, admitted defeat or died on own initiative, will be transmitted voluntarily, winner who the other people then for this reason close! If there is drawing a bye to win automatically.” “同一铜台之人互为对手,不论生死,只有对决胜出者方可进入下一关,主动认输或死亡,会被自行传送走,余下之人便为此关的胜者!若有轮空者自动获胜。” Blue-green large character after continuing moment, then slowly dissipated, changes to continuously the transpiration of mist to vanish. 青绿色大字在持续了片刻后,便缓缓消散,化作缕缕雾气的蒸腾消失了。 Sees this situation, the Liu Ming look flashes slightly, looks up toward green clothes young woman, happen to and vision of opposite party to one. 见此情形,柳鸣眼神微微闪动,抬头朝着绿衣少妇看去,正好与对方的目光对在了一起。 Luo Tiancheng is also in cold light flashes looks toward the purple hair man that has arrived this step, naturally cannot some people choose to withdraw. 罗天成也是眼中寒光一闪的朝紫发男子看去,走到了这一步,自然不会有人会选择退出的。 Silver car(riage) youth sees this actually, actually chuckle two. 倒是银车青年见此,却轻笑了两声。 Obviously, he was the lucky fellow who that drew a bye by luck. 显然,他就是那侥幸轮空的幸运儿了。 Then, it does not use the small effort, under can easily enter closes. 如此一来,其不用吹灰之力,就可以轻易进入下一关了。 Liu Ming already faintly had guessed, after looking at opposite young woman one, cuping one hand in the other across the chest that suddenly smiles said: 柳鸣对此却早已隐隐有所猜测到,看了对面少妇一眼后,忽然一笑的拱手道: Fellow Daoist looks like, this motionless is not good, below , only then offended!” 道友看来,这一次不动手不行了,在下只有得罪了!” this mistress hears, Fellow Daoist Liu is in Grand Purity Sect new first generation disciple can only with the generation of Luo Tiancheng keeping pace, can ask for advice divine ability one or two, is wishes for earnestly!” replied that green clothes young woman hearing this, smiles unexpectedly lightly. 妾身听闻,柳道友太清门一代弟子中唯一能和罗天成并驾齐驱之辈,能够领教神通一二,是求之不得的!”绿衣少妇闻言,竟淡淡一笑的回道 In the Liu Ming surface surprising color does not have slightly, in heart actually slightly one cold. 柳鸣面上丝毫异色没有,心中却微微一凛。 Green clothes young woman can know that unexpectedly it and Luo Tiancheng in the gate has fought the matter, this was greatly unexpected, it seems like that this female is also the person of there's a long story behind this. 绿衣少妇竟然能知道其和罗天成在门中交手过的事情,这大出乎预料了,看来此女也是大有来历之人。 At this time, young woman already turned the hand, takes out a azure bright sincere stone inkstone to come out. 这时,少妇已经一个翻手,取出一块青碧色的厚重石砚出来。 This rubble stone inkstone is all over the body deep green, style simple and unadorned, in the tank washer also flood the elegantly simple azure black black color, seems having the ink in flows slowly, although only then fist size, but holds actually to give people in the green clothes young woman delicate hands the incomparably sincere feeling. 这块石砚通体碧绿,样式十分古朴,洗槽中还泛着点点淡雅的青黑墨色,似乎有墨汁在其中缓缓流动,虽然只有拳头般大小,但托在绿衣少妇纤手中却给人无比厚重的感觉。 Sees only the green clothes young woman sleeve to shake, toward void throws the azure jasper inkstone, is single-handed raises, three green technique injected in the deep green stone inkstone. 只见绿衣少妇袖子一抖,将青碧石砚朝着虚空一抛,再单手一扬,三道青色法决射入了碧绿石砚之中。 The deep green stone inkstone emits blue green light glow suddenly, turning round revolution in midair, rises baseless greatly to several feet, camouflaged two people of sky. 碧绿石砚陡然放出一阵碧绿光芒,在半空中滴溜溜一转下,凭空涨大至十几丈大小,将二人的上空都遮蔽住了。 Oh!” “倒!” Green clothes young woman flies high directs, in mouth light zha. 绿衣少妇凌空一引,口中轻咤一声。 But after seeing sincere azure jasper inkstone trembled gently trembled, an inkstone mouth slightly incline, unexpectedly falls in torrents next just likes waterfall blue-green ink phantom. 但见厚重的青碧石砚轻轻颤了一颤后,砚口微微一倾斜,竟从中倾泻下一股股犹如瀑布般的青绿色墨汁虚影 Under these ink concentrate in midair, shortly will change to 45 more than ten zhang (3.33 m) blue-green mountain peak phantom, immediately just likes withstands great pressure, falls in the rumble, momentum scary. 这一股股墨汁在半空中一凝之下,顷刻间化作45座十余丈大小的青绿色山峰虚影,顿时犹如泰山压顶般,在隆隆声中直坠而下,声势骇人之极。 Liu Ming sees this, is not startled, knows that under this not big space, is unable to avoid, immediately is silent the personal appearance that does not say a word to sink, drinks in a soft voice, bunch of rich black Qi emit from within the body immediately, then two arms inspire, clashes the upper air two fists to pound maliciously. 柳鸣见此,却毫不惊慌,知道在这不大的空间下,根本无从躲避,当即默不做声的身形一沉,轻声一喝,一团团浓郁黑气顿时从体内冒出,接着两条手臂一振,就冲高空狠狠两拳捣出。 several. “噗”“噗”几声。 Five fierce black fog tiger and five fierce black fog flood dragons condense in black Qi immediately, and follows two groups of gigantic fist shade soaring to the heavens to go. 五头狰狞的黑色雾虎和五条凶猛的黑色雾蛟当即在黑气中凝聚而出,并顺着两团硕大拳影的冲天而去。 Immediately in the upper air a explosion sound spreads, dark green bright rays of light explodes to open in void instantaneously, air waves billowing. 当即高空中一阵轰响传出,黑绿亮色光芒瞬间在虚空中爆裂而开,一圈圈气浪滚滚而起。 In tiger's roar dragon roar, mountain peak phantom instantaneous, was opened by great tiger flood dragon Dragon Phantom tearing, and changes to continuously the dissipation of blue-green mist. 在一阵虎啸龙吟中,一座座山峰虚影瞬间,被巨虎蛟龙虚影撕裂而开,并化作缕缕青绿色雾气的消散一空。 Flood dragon tiger phantom after airborne circles , to continue to batter to go toward the azure jasper inkstone of high place. 蛟虎虚影在空中一个盘旋后,继续朝高处的青碧石砚横冲直撞而去。 The green clothes female sees this, cold snort|hum is very sad by the plain color, ten fingers at the same time continuously flick, several green technique fly to shoot immediately, submerges in the midair stone inkstone. 绿衣女子见此,冷哼以素色很难过,十指同时连弹,顿时十几道青色法决飞射而出,没入半空的石砚中。 The entire stone inkstone sends out low and deep buzz the sound of cry, the blue-green miraculous glow was more abundant several points, but the inclined angle also suddenly increased much, more blue-green ink phantom falls, changed to more than ten mountain peak phantom once more, downward maliciously depresses. 整个石砚发出低沉的嗡鸣之声,青绿色灵光更盛了几分,而倾斜的角度也骤然加大了不少,更多的青绿色墨汁虚影倾倒下来,再次化作了十余座山峰虚影,往下狠狠压下。 The bellow erupts once more! 轰鸣声再次爆发而出! Yingshan that although black fog flood dragon tiger does not fear gorgeously on, but under mountain peak phantom continuously dashes, changes pale one by one extinguishes gradually, when rushing still knew how things stand the zhang (3.33 m) to the azure jasper inkstone, only remained a black fog flood dragon, and appearance that the body, as if momentarily may disperse dimly. 黑雾蛟虎虽巍然不惧的迎山而上,但在源源不绝的山峰虚影冲撞下,还是逐渐变淡的一一而灭,在冲到离青碧石砚尚有数丈之时,仅剩一条黑色雾蛟了,并且身躯黯淡之极,仿佛随时可散的样子。 In this time, this flood dragon big mouth, the partly visible light golden light lasing, was just transforming suddenly together instantaneously, but in two mountain peak phantom gaps flashes past. 正在此时,此蛟龙猛然一张大口,一道若隐若现的淡淡金光激射而出,瞬间刚幻化而出的两座山峰虚影间隙中一闪而过。 ! “噗”的一声! golden light pierces from stone inkstone center directly, after circles, changes into a handle golden color flying sword lasing to return, and dodges submerges in its big sleeve the disappearing trace. 金光直接从石砚中心处洞穿而过,一个盘旋后,就化为一柄金色飞剑的激射而回,并一闪的没入其大袖中不见了踪影。 Liu Ming early quietly offers a sacrifice to unexpectedly Void Sword, and hid after a fog flood dragon body, this can unexpected defeated the azure jasper inkstone. 柳鸣竟然早将虚空剑悄悄祭出,并藏在了一条雾蛟身躯后中,这才能出其不意的一击破去青碧石砚。 Stone inkstone rays of light one gloomy, immediately replies depreciation of primary form, below two mountain peak phantom, Bang Bang being defeated and dispersed extinguishes. 石砚光芒一黯,当即回复原形的跌落而下,下方两座山峰虚影,也“砰”“砰”的溃散而灭。 Green clothes young woman sees this, the color of beautiful pupil accident dodges passes, the single-handed move, absorbs to return to deep green Stone Yan, in the heart flashes through color of the heart pain. 绿衣少妇见此,美眸意外之色一闪即逝,单手一招,将碧绿石砚一摄而回,心中闪过一丝心痛之色。 But sees bottom of the azure jasper inkstone in its, are impressively many a sword hole, the edge section is neat. 但见其手上的青碧石砚底部,赫然多出一个剑洞,边缘处切面规整。 But this azure jasper inkstone, a magical treasure embryonic form that but young woman Master passes on, is casts with the blue magnetite of South Sea seabed ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) deep place, it may be said that firm, if the rock, is used flying sword to injure by the opposite party now unexpectedly, wants to repair is not in one single day performable. 而这件青碧石砚,可是少妇师傅亲传的一件法宝雏形,乃是用南海海底万丈深处的碧玄石所铸,可谓坚若磐石,如今竟被对方使用飞剑所伤,想要修复可不是一朝一夕可完成的。 This female beautiful face gloomy, the azure jasper inkstone received immediately, but, both hands had a strange law seal suddenly, in the at the same time mouth has sent out the strange tune the incantation sound. 此女玉容顿时阴沉了下来,将青碧石砚一收而起后,双手突然结出了一个怪异的法印,同时口中发出怪异腔调的咒语声。 something unbelievable happened. 惊人的一幕出现了 young woman pair of being in sharp contrast the pupil of autumn waters, turned into the scarlet-red color unexpectedly instantaneously, starts to reappear ice shape cracks in broken bits, looks like very fierce terrifying. 少妇一双黑白分明的秋水之眸,竟瞬间变成了赤红之色,其中并开始浮现出一道道冰状细碎裂纹,看起来好不狰狞恐怖 Mysterious Gu Se incantation that as this female does not give up the idea, the red eyeball unexpectedly is similar to the vortex circulation, often flashes through a piece by piece scarlet red light flame. 随着此女不断念出的玄奥古涩的咒语,赤色眼珠竟如同漩涡般流转起来,不时闪过一片片赤红光焰。 Pupil technique!” “瞳术!” Liu Ming sees this situation, in the heart a cold, personal appearance without hesitation moves, changes into one string of pale light greenish blue shade lasings., 柳鸣见此情形,心中一凛,不假思索的身形一动,就化为一串淡淡青影的激射而出。, Bang, red flame of one group of agitated combustion, appears in the place of azure shade flashing through baseless, will in the difference has not actually hit. “砰”的一声,一团汹汹燃烧的赤色火焰,在青影闪过之处凭空浮现,却堪堪差上一步没有击中。 Green clothes young woman cold snort|hum, in the mouth incantation cannot help but sped up several points. 绿衣少妇冷哼一声,口中咒语不禁加快了几分。 Suddenly, in the air Bang Bang sound continuously, the red roaring flame appears baseless and rapid dissipation, but often leaves that saying that about the monster shuttle the shuttle uncertain green person's shadow, actually misses the half minute. 一时间,空气中“砰”“砰”声此起彼伏,赤色烈焰凭空浮现并迅速消散,但每每离那道鬼魅般穿梭左右穿梭不定的青色人影,却总是差了半分。 After result two breath, a green person's shadow corner, from the inconceivable angle, at the same time evaded suddenly unexpectedly several in the nearby void explode the roaring flame that opens, before one rushed to the young woman body, not far away. 结果两个呼吸后,青色人影猛然一个拐弯,竟从不可思议的角度,同时避过数颗在附近虚空中爆裂而开的烈焰,一下冲到了少妇身前不远处。 The tiger's roar sound same place, a gigantic fist shade changes into the black noble appearance but suddenly loudly to! R1152 虎啸声一起,一颗硕大拳影骤然化为黑色虎头的轰然而至!R1152
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