DD :: Volume #8

#798: Heart pass

Peng Yue knew that does not beat Ouyang Qian two sisters matches, resigns this ancient book unexpectedly on own initiative. 彭越自知不敌欧阳倩两姐妹对手,竟主动让出这本典籍来。 Giggle, calculates that this Peng Fellow Daoist is tactful, we in province began actually.” Green garment girl sees this, returned to normal finally some heart remaining depressed feelings, saying of chuckle. “咯咯,算这位彭道友识趣,倒是省的我们动手了。”绿衫少女见此,总算平复了一些心头尚存的沮丧之感,轻笑的说道。 Ouyang Qian smiles similarly, lightly the lotus steps move goes forward several steps, held that ancient book to start to glance through. 欧阳倩同样莞尔一笑,莲步轻移的上前几步,捧起了那本典籍开始翻阅了起来。 This time, their two sisters as if only halted in the place of this inheritance in this, but after there is this ancient book, has not come away empty finally, and after left this place, looked for other inheritance of secret realm hideaway the opportunity greatly. 这一次,她们两姐妹在这次传承之地似乎只止步在此了,但有了这本典籍后,总算没有空手而回了,并且等离开此地后,还有大把机会寻找秘境隐藏的其他传承。 Therefore Ouyang Qian throughout appears unflustered. 故而欧阳倩始终显得从容不迫。 ...... …… In another side blue stone square, after Liu Ming and other people of all steps enter in Spell Formation, Spell Formation all around a golden light congealment, changed to the one layer straight pale golden curtain. 另一边青石广场之中,当柳鸣等八人悉数步进入法阵之中后,法阵四周金光一个凝结,化作了一层笔直淡金色的幕。 Looks from afar, imitates such as a giant golden circular cylinder, stood erect in the blue stone square. 远远望去,彷如一个巨型的金色圆柱体,竖立在了青石广场中。 Can insist hence, naturally is not the common people! 能一路坚持至此者,自然都不是什么泛泛之辈! People several people turn a blind eye to general, sitting in abundance to all that the surroundings have, a both eyes close peaceful mind sit in meditation. 众人几人对周围发生的一切都视若无睹一般,纷纷的席地而坐,双目一闭的静心打坐起来。 At this time this time, above the Spell Formation epicenter, music transmitted, and filled the air rapidly in the trim light screen. 就在此时这时,法阵中心地面之上,一阵乐声传来,并迅速弥漫在整片光幕之中。 Liu Ming only thinks that in the ear a stabbing pain, the mind trembles, feeling that then some suddenly types confusedly feel restless, and very strange basis can hardly be removed. 柳鸣只觉耳朵里一阵刺痛,心神一颤,便忽然有种心烦意乱坐卧不安的感觉,并且非常诡异的根本挥之不去。 The Liu Ming surprised ferocity opens two eyes, only thinks that at present is white a piece, after Divine Consciousness is absent-minded, returned to initially above Savage Island unexpectedly indistinctly, and in self-satisfied, the Incarnation round number year young boy, experienced initially had encountered Uncle Qian one on the island, as well as all sorts of tribulations of other narrow escape. 柳鸣吃惊的猛睁开双眼,只觉眼前白茫茫一片,神识一个恍惚后,竟隐约回到了当初凶岛之上,并在飘飘然中,化身成数岁的幼童,重新经历了当初在岛上遭遇乾叔一幕,以及其他九死一生的种种磨难。 The short moment free time, he then passed ten years of desert island to experience, and appeared in the Barbarian Ghost Sect entrance again, the Opening Spirit Ceremony scene was still alarmed. 短短片刻工夫,他便重新过完了荒岛的十余年经历,并再次出现在了蛮鬼宗的门口,开灵仪式的场面依然触目惊心。 The next quarter, a picture revolution, he inexplicably appeared in the place of past smelting trial secret realm, at present after is fuzzy, that only held up Heavenly Demon's hand to howl to pursue, 下一刻,画面一转,他又莫名出现在当年的试炼秘境之地,眼前一个模糊后,那只擎天魔手呼啸追来、 These terrifying pictures, dodge in the Liu Ming eye forward flight, making it simply not have any leisure of thinking. 这一幕幕恐怖画面,在柳鸣眼前飞闪而过,让其根本没有任何思索的闲暇。 In Liu Ming suddenly heart one tight, within the body Demonic Will as if somewhat purely wants. 柳鸣骤然心中一紧,体内魔念似乎有些纯纯欲动起来。 He one startled, pours into whole body magical power to Soul Guarding Lock, immediately a cool meaning passed the whole body, the mighty waves that in the heart started returned to normal immediately. 他一惊之下,将全身法力注入到镇魂锁之中,当即一股清凉之意透遍全身,心中掀起的波澜顿时重新平复了下去。 But this feeling turns around to pass, after he at present a flower, experienced initially by Demonic Will first body possession one., 但此种感觉转身即逝,他眼前一花之后,又重新经历了当初被魔念第一次夺舍的一幕。、 Although all these, merely are only some torn to pieces memories, but is most frightened thing that in his heart hides. 虽然这一切,仅仅只是些支离破碎的记忆,但全是其心中隐藏的最为恐惧东西 In Spell Formation seems like sits cross-legged motionless Liu Ming, both eyes shuts tightly, falling that above forehead the bean big beads of sweat keep under. 法阵中看似盘坐不动柳鸣,双目紧闭,额头之上豆大的汗珠不停的滑落而下。 Although he knows that these are illusion nothing more, but wants to jump over these fears to experience in vacant vigorously fast, but the related picture even more is clear. 他虽然知道这些都是幻象而已,但在茫然中极力想要快速跳过这些恐惧经历,但相关画面却越发清晰起来。 After he sees Demon Transformation Liu Ming that” that unemotionally once more, reading of slaughtering arises spontaneously in the heart place immediately, in mouth inexplicable after exuding two fills tyrannical strange to smile, must standing up cannot help but. 当他再次看见那面无表情的“魔化柳鸣”后,一股杀戮之念顿时在心底处油然而生,口中莫名的发出两声充满暴虐的怪笑后,就要不由自主的站起身来。 At this moment, Heaven Mixing Stele sudden in Liu Ming Divine Consciousness Sea buzz the whining noise sends out. 就在这时,柳鸣神识海中的浑天碑突然一阵嗡鸣声发出。 After he quickly grasps the meaning of something, in the eye flashes through a Pure Brightness suddenly, one startled, bites the tip of tongue fiercely, the intense severe pain made it be separated from the illusion instantaneously, has not stood up eventually in light of this, but cold sweat was also dripping. 他一个激灵后,眼中突然闪过一丝清明,一惊之下,猛地一咬舌尖,强烈剧痛让其瞬间脱离了幻觉,终究没有就此站起,但也不由的冷汗淋漓起来了。 Among the Liu Ming intention phonographs, emits Divine Consciousness to infiltrate own within the body hastily, under regards, discovered that under suppression of Demonic Will Ninth Heaven Divine Thunder honest, works loose the sign not to have slightly. 柳鸣心念电转间,连忙放出神识透入自身体内,内视之下,发现魔念九天神雷的镇压之下老老实实,丝毫挣脱迹象都没有。 Formerly all feelings, all were illusion nothing more! 先前一切感觉,全都是幻觉而已 He a deep breath, magical power of transfer within the body pours into Soul Guarding Lock immediately hastily crazily, at the same time is without hesitation in Hua Shi Insect mental power the bosom holds nothing back to pour into own Divine Consciousness Sea. 他当即一个深呼吸,连忙调用体内的法力狂注入镇魂锁中,同时又毫不迟疑的将怀中化识虫精神力毫不保留的灌入自己的神识海中。 Immediately if the filament sends the silk the cool strength continuously transpiration from Divine Consciousness Sea, and has formed one layer airtight transparent Protective Cover, protecting firmly own mind. 顿时纤若发丝的清凉之力源源不绝的从神识海中蒸腾而起,并形成了一层密不透风的透明护罩,牢牢的护住了自己的心神。 As the matter stands, in Liu Ming heart slightly a loosen. 这样一来,柳鸣心中才微微一松。 But at this moment, the strange melody Sheng of sound near his ear, his intelligence is been fuzzy after one, experienced unexpectedly once more to fighting Sea Monster Sovereign, Xue Dizi and Gold Barbarian old ancestor scenes, 可就在此刻,诡异旋律声在其耳边一盛,他神智由一个模糊后,竟再次经历了对战海妖皇,血帝子金蛮老祖的一幕幕场景、 This time, being similar of Liu Ming in mysterious space Illusory Territory disciplines to the war, makes it deal with ease, on the face expression was tranquil gradually auspiciously. 这一次,柳鸣在神秘空间幻境中的类似对战磨练,却让其轻松应对而过,脸上神色逐渐平静祥和了下来。 Kills! You must die!” Roars from the one side resounds suddenly. “杀!你们都得死!”一声怒吼从一旁骤然响起。 A Liu Ming startled being separated illusion, under both eyes glance, but sees the sound source unexpectedly is the Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth. 柳鸣一惊的脱离幻觉,双目一瞥之下,但见声音出处竟是魔玄宗的丑陋青年。 In his two eyes eyeball had been substituted by the crazy color at this moment, although still sitting cross-legged ground, both hands actually chaotic waves. 其一双眼睛中此刻已被疯狂之色所替代,虽然仍盘坐地上,双手却杂乱无章的舞动起来。 The next quarter, the ugly youth raises the day to cry loud and long suddenly, whole body black Qi billowingly, covers in which the personal appearance completely, whiz, figure shoots up to the sky from black Qi together, in the hand waves again and again, toward flaneries to eject holds phantom that in all directions sizes vary black. 下一刻,丑陋青年突然扬天长啸一声,周身黑气滚滚而出,将身形全部笼罩其中,“嗖”的一声,一道身影黑气中冲天而起,手中连连舞动,朝四面八方漫无目的击出一道道大小不一的黑掌虚影 , under Spell Formation together golden light at lightning speed one volume, this person of personal appearance binds , after the space fluctuation together, in light of this in Spell Formation disappeared without a trace. “噗”的一声,下方法阵一道金光飞快的一卷而起,将此人身形裹于其中,空间波动一起后,就此在法阵消失的无影无踪 At this time is away from them to enter in Spell Formation of little while, then the strength uncommon person cannot suppress reading of heart slaughtering to be spread. 此时距离他们进入法阵中才半刻之久,便有一名实力不凡之人率先压不住心头杀戮之念而被传出。 Liu Ming sees this, in heart with amazement 柳鸣见此,心中一阵骇然 Obviously, in this Guanzhong, consideration the limit of mental power carrying capacity, with the divine ability strength strong and weak relations but is actually not very big appearance. 显然,在这一关中,考量的精神力承受力的极限,和神通实力强弱关系倒并不是很大的样子。 Liu Ming continues to stimulate to movement mental power resistance ear the strange melody of music at the same time, the at the same time vision sweeps all around people. 柳鸣一边继续催动精神力抵御耳的乐声的诡异旋律,同时目光一扫四周众人。 But sees the Big Dipper Pavilion purple hair man, the top of the head does not know when float has covered entirely light purple spirit mark copper bell, sway, toward all around emits ripples with the wind gently void, protected its whole body. 但见北斗阁紫发男子,头顶不知何时悬浮了一枚布满淡紫色灵纹铜钟,随风轻轻晃动,朝四周虚空放出一圈圈的涟漪,护住了其周身。 purple hair that character sitting well in , a relaxed light feeling, as if not in the least by the influence of that strange music. 紫发那字端坐其中,一副轻松平淡之感,似乎毫不受那诡异乐声的影响。 The Tian Gong Sect azure robe man, already sat well above the silver car(riage), both eyes shuts, the incantation that in the mouth is obscurely difficult to be bright spreads unceasingly. 天工宗的青袍男子,早已端坐在了银车之上,双目微闭,口中晦涩难明的咒语不断传出。 The eight puppet golden horse surfaces of silver car(riage) are leaping eight flake gold colored light rosy clouds, wraps in which together with the entire silver car(riage) it together, obviously comes under the strange music influence not quite to be big. 拉着银车的八匹傀儡金马表面腾起八片金色光霞,将其连同整座银车一同包裹其中,显然受到诡异乐声影响也不太大。 Overwhelming Academy green clothes young woman, same place is actually sitting cross-legged to sit, both hands holds one flood one volume of old books of pale blue glow, on the face is hanging the light smile throughout, both eyes is tranquil, if the calm eyes, to all around all imitate if has not heard, but wholly-absorbed is glancing through the books in hand. 浩然书院的绿衣少妇,却在原地盘腿而坐,双手持着一本泛着淡淡蓝芒的一卷古籍,脸上始终挂着淡淡的微笑,双目平静如无风秋波般,对四周的一切仿若未闻,只是专心的翻阅着手中的书卷。 Another side Luo Tiancheng and that Heavenly Monster Valley Hawk face man, did not have the above several people so calm obviously. 另一侧的罗天成及那天妖谷鹰面男子,却明显没有以上几人这般从容了。 Although Luo Tiancheng still sat cross-legged to sit, but both eyes was almost substituted by the redness, in the mouth neighed low and deep again and again, the whole body silver flood dragon tiger circled, the both arms dragon muscle stuck out suddenly, unceasing bombardment tread. 罗天成虽然仍旧盘膝而坐,但双目几乎被赤红所替代,口中低沉嘶鸣连连,周身银色蛟虎盘旋不已,双臂虬筋暴起,不断的轰击着地面。 Each fist can cause shaking of earth to thunder, on the fist is actually fresh blood drip flowings, although all wounds will shortly restore such as beginning, the superficial residual bloodstain, still made the person look fearfully. 每一拳都能引起大地的震震轰鸣,拳头上却是鲜血淋漓,虽然所有伤口顷刻间恢复如初,表面残留的血迹,仍然让人看了心寒之极。 Also does not know that actually this blue stone ground is what material quality builds, under so crowded fist shade bombardment, trace also to stay behind slightly. 也不知这青石地面究竟是何材质所筑,在如此密集的拳影轰击下,丝毫痕迹也为留下。 Luo Tiancheng as if reluctantly is relying on the only reason, through is consuming within the body magical power unceasingly, forcing oneself not to stand. 罗天成似乎正勉强凭借着仅有的一丝理智,通过不断消耗着体内法力,迫使自己不站起来。 That Hawk face man, in the surface is actually azure red, full is the color of pain, often has the bean big beads of sweat to fall from forehead, both hands more continuous transformation technique, submerge the front in abundance float in a tricolor spirit Zhu. 那名鹰面男子,面上却是一阵青一阵红,满是痛苦之色,不时有豆大的汗珠从额头上滑落,双手更接连不断的变换一个又一个法决,纷纷没入胸前悬浮着的一颗三色灵珠之中。 This spirit Zhu surface rune pasts slowly, reflects the azure red and white tricolor multi-colored sunlight, and injects in its forehead directly, seems some spirit defends the Spirit Tool appearance. 这灵珠表面符文缓缓流转,从中折射出青红白三色霞光,并径直射入其眉心之中,似乎是某种精神防御灵器的样子。 However even if so, this once at one fell swoop the bang killed two Grand Purity Sect elite disciple monster cultivator, looks like actually appears in an extremely difficult situation. 不过纵然如此,这名曾一举轰杀两名太清门精英弟子妖修,看起来却显得更加狼狈不堪。 Liu Ming shook the head, must say that perhaps Luo Tiancheng can also insist, but this monster obviously already to collapse edge. 柳鸣摇了摇头,要说罗天成或许还能坚持下来,但此妖显然已经到了崩溃边缘了。 Really does not leave its expects, merely after 78 breath free time, a clear broken sound, the tricolor spirit beads of Hawk face man front explode suddenly. 果然不出其所料,仅仅78息工夫后,一声清脆碎响,鹰面男子胸前的三色灵珠骤然爆裂开来。 This monster cultivator after losing spirit has defended Spirit Tool, had only insisted the free time of two breath, then roar shoots up to the sky from the ground, dances with joy in midair, graces, the approximate insanity is ordinary. 这名妖修在失去了精神防御灵器后,仅仅坚持了两呼吸的工夫,便怒吼的从地上冲天而起,在半空中手舞足蹈起来,举手投足之间,近似疯魔一般。 One volume of golden light rosy clouds one volume from ground Spell Formation, wrap in which the Hawk face man similarly instantaneously, the transmission walks baseless. 一卷金色光霞同样从地上法阵中一卷而起,将鹰面男子瞬间包裹其中,凭空传送而走。 When this monster cultivator restores reason once more, suddenly discovered one place in a strange stone chamber. 当这名妖修再次恢复理智之时,蓦然发现自己身处一间陌生的石室中。 Above the central stone table, is putting turning yellow some palm of the hand big ancient book, not far away corner, there is pale white small Teleportation Formation. 中央石桌之上,放着一本有些发黄的巴掌大典籍,不远处的角落,有一个淡白色的小型传送法阵 Stone table opposite, Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth unexpectedly also here, but the whole body was imprisoned by one layer light golden light, appearance that suddenly unexpectedly is unable to move. 石桌对面,魔玄宗丑陋青年竟也在此,只是全身被一层淡淡金光所禁锢,一时间竟无法动弹的样子。 But in the instance that the Hawk face man presents, opposite golden light disrupts. 但就在鹰面男子出现的瞬间,对面金光“噗”的一声碎裂开来。 After they look at one mutually, almost without the slightest hesitation at the same time gets rid, fights in the stone chamber. 两人互望一眼后,几乎毫不犹豫同时出手,在石室之中大战起来。 ...... …… In blue stone square. 青石广场上。 After the ugly youth and Hawk face man is eliminated in abundance, in field only remaining Liu Ming and purple hair man and silver car(riage) man, green clothes young woman and Luo Tiancheng five people. 在丑陋青年及鹰面男子纷纷出局后,场上只剩下柳鸣紫发男子、银车男子、绿衣少妇罗天成五人了。 The following time, as if crosses exceptionally rapidness, after the quarter has filled, that strange music stops suddenly, no longer spread. 接下来的时间,似乎过的异常之快,当一刻钟满了后,那股诡异的乐声骤然一停,不再传出了。 Liu Ming opened two eyes, in the heart long vented anger, stopped Soul Guarding Lock and Hua Shi Insect in addition holds. 柳鸣睁开双眼,心中长出了一口气,停止了镇魂锁化识虫的加持。 The Luo Tiancheng face whiten is streaming with sweat, double fist almost by the black red bloodstain thorough package, Origin Qi was lost the heavy appearance, but after discovering one very this pass/test, in the eye actually full is the excited color, the double fist shakes, immediately stands up. 罗天成脸色苍白汗流浃背,双拳几乎被黑红色血迹彻底包裹,一副元气损耗不轻模样,但在发现自己挺过此关后,眼中却满是兴奋之色,双拳一抖,立刻站起身来。 Green clothes young woman and purple hair man with that silver car(riage) youth, receives Spirit Tool, similarly has also stood. 绿衣少妇紫发男子与那银车青年,将灵器一收,同样也站了起来。 The next quarter, Liu Ming and other people, only thought Spell Formation of sole slightly trembles, from out of the blue a sound sound, 下一刻,柳鸣等五人,只觉得脚底的法阵微微的一颤,破空声一响, Five thick, if the golden light beam of bucket from underground shoots up to the sky suddenly, five people of one volume of disappearances in Spell Formation. R1152 五道粗若水桶的金色光柱骤然从地下冲天而起,将五人一卷的消失在了法阵中。R1152
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