DD :: Volume #8

#797: Going through a strategic pass

The next quarter, making the Liu Ming being startled matter of occur! 下一刻,让柳鸣吃了一惊事情发生了! This great scorpion is rushing to the instance of road fork, the fuzzy differentiation three exactly the same phantom, the size only has suddenly beforehand one-third, and continue to flush away toward the different paths, but clashes in next crossroad another score only continuation forward. 这只巨蝎在冲到岔路口的瞬间,骤然模糊的分化成三只一模一样的虚影,大小仅有之前的1,并朝不同道路继续冲去,而在下一个路口又一分数只的继续向前冲。 So one point three, three points nine, in a while, all scorpion phantom all submerge the distant place passage deep place disappearing trace. 如此一分三,三分九只,没过多久,所有蝎子虚影全都没入远处通道深处不见了踪影。 so that's how it is!” 原来如此!” Liu Ming then some suddenly get up, on face has shown a smiling face finally. 柳鸣这才有些恍然起来,脸上终于露出了一丝笑容。 This time Xie'er, then the apricot circle opened the eyes, the gaze that the eye did not wink the front, the body motionless sitting well original position, in the nearby ground often was having continuously pale yellow light to emit, and drilled into its within the body. 这时的蝎儿,则杏目圆睁,眼也不眨的注视着前方,身子则一动不动的端坐原处,附近地面中则不时有缕缕淡黄光冒出,并钻入其体内。 shortly afterwards, the girl face is gradually paler, body aura also starts suddenly weakly suddenly strongly is not steady. 时间一点点的过去,少女面孔渐渐更加苍白起来,身上气息也开始忽弱忽强的不稳起来。 Liu Ming cannot help but has revealed worry expression. 柳鸣不禁露出了担心的神色 Has not known after how long, black clothes girl groaned finally has closed the beautiful pupil, and personal appearance trembled has stood, it opened beautiful eyes once more, on abnormally pale face, was actually hanging a happy smiling face. 不知过了多久后,黑纱少女终于呻吟一声的闭上了美眸,并身形一颤的站了起来,其再次睁开美目,异常苍白脸庞上,却挂着一丝欢喜的笑容。 The almost same event, labyrinth each corner, splits up, only then miniature scorpion phantom of thumb size, entire bang rupturing opens, changes into all round yellow Qi is defeated and dispersed in light of this does not see. 几乎同一事件,迷宫各个角落处,分化到只有拇指大小的迷你蝎子虚影,全“轰”的一声爆裂而开,化为团团黄气的就此溃散不见。 Master, comes with me, I found to export.” 主人,跟我来吧,我找到出口了。” The girl voice just fell, the personal appearance in a flash, changes into tea shade Fang passage forward to fly to go. 少女话音刚落,身形一晃,化为一团黄影的向前方某个通道一飞而去。 The Liu Ming great happiness, follows closely to go joyfully. 柳鸣大喜,欣然紧随而去。 After half quarter, he after under the Xie'er guidance and one seven turn eight revolutions of tossing about, finally sees some passage end place, an exit / to speak of sending out white light. 半刻钟后,他在蝎儿引导之下和一番七拐八转的折腾后,终于看到某条通道尽头处,一个散发白光的出口。 Xie'er, this time was laborious you, hurried to rest.” Liu Ming sees this, in the heart a loosen, transfers to tell one to nearby black clothes girl. 蝎儿,这次辛苦你了,赶紧休息一下吧。”柳鸣见此,心中一松,转首冲旁边的黑纱少女吩咐一声。 Xie'er light um, changed into black Qi, flies into Nourishing Soul Pouch of Liu Ming waist. 蝎儿轻嗯了一声,就地化为了一道黑气,重新飞入柳鸣腰间的养魂袋中。 The Liu Ming then vision concentrates, after having sized up not far away exit / to speak several, the stride walked. 柳鸣这才目光一凝,打量了不远处的出口几眼后,大步走了过去。 After the moment, after he one is bright at present, places in some giant square. 片刻后,他眼前一亮后,就身处某个巨大广场之中。 This square is quite broad, roughly have several a mu size, besides exit / to speak that oneself come out, two exits, on three passage had marking respectively, the exit / to speak of behind top have portrayed a stars design, another two, were actually a round bright moon, with a Sun. 此广场颇为宽阔,约莫有数亩大小,除了自己出来的出口外,还有两个出口,三个通道上各有标识,身后的出口顶部刻画了一副繁星图案,另外两个,却是一轮皎月,和一颗太阳了。 These marking, obviously and three passage of initial selection correspond mutually. 这些标识,显然和最初选择的三个通道互相对应。 Before this ground is the same with the labyrinth that in passes through, the blue stone of square by the zhang (3.33 m) spreads, the square above the square central ground, pale golden trenches is clearly discernible, looked to outline enough more than ten zhang (3.33 m) big circular Spell Formation from afar impressively. 地面和此前走过的迷宫之中一样,是以丈许见方的青石所铺成,广场在广场中央地面之上,一道道淡金色的沟槽清晰可见,远远望去赫然勾勒成了一座足足十余丈之大的圆形法阵 Spell Formation last this time is flashing half black half white rays of light, and black rays of light gradually in a big magnificence burst , making the white light reduce by naked eye obvious speed at lightning speed. 法阵上此时闪动着半黑半白的光芒,且黑色光芒正在渐渐大盛之中,让白光以肉眼可见速度飞快减少着。 In the Liu Ming heart moves, stares at Spell Formation to reveal the consideration expression. 柳鸣心中一动,盯着法阵露出思量的神色 At this moment, whiz, has in the entrance of solar marking, the purple shade lasing, after flashes together, stopped by Spell Formation not far away. 就在这时,“嗖”的一声,拥有太阳标识的入口中,一道紫影激射而出,一个闪动后停在了法阵旁边不远处。 After purple light collects, person unexpectedly is the Big Dipper Pavilion purple hair man. 紫光敛去后,其中之人竟是北斗阁紫发男子。 Is you?...... Very good, very good......” “是你?……很好,很好……” The purple hair man sees some people to compare it to leave the labyrinth first, immediately reveals the color of accident, vision at lightning speed sweeps the surrounding situation. 紫发男子一见有人比其先出迷宫,当即露出意外之色,目光飞快一扫周围情形。 After he looks to invite this place, only then it and Liu Ming two people, an eyeball revolution, in the surface has revealed slightly immediately fiercely color muttered several, the sleeve shook, a handle about 1 chi long (0.33m) purple short blade edge flew, had to send out the faint trace rising cold chill in the air. 当他看请此地只有其和柳鸣二人后,眼珠微微一转,面上顿时露出了狰狞之色的喃喃几句,袖子一抖,一柄尺许长紫色短刃一飞而出,有散发出丝丝凌冽寒意。 Original minute your excellency plans to compare notes one or two first, since this, this Liu accompanies and that's the end.” Liu Ming sees this situation, which has not known that the purple hair man is holding the what kind of thoughts, in the heart, although slightly one cold, in the surface actually does not get angry instead to smile. “原分阁下打算先切磋一二,既然这样,柳某就奉陪就是了。”柳鸣见此情形,哪还不知道紫发男子抱着何种心思,心中虽然微微一凛,面上却不怒反笑起来。 His vision suddenly one cold, no trace of politeness urges technique, magical power in within the body continuously wells up from 153 crystals crazily, drilled into has hung in Spirit Sea void flying sword. 他目光骤然一冷,毫不客气的一催法决,体内的法力源源不断的从153颗结晶之中狂涌而出,钻入了悬于灵海上方的虚空飞剑之中。 ! “噗”的一声! Handle golden color small sword spurts from the Liu Ming forehead, and static float has located before the body. 一柄金色小剑柳鸣眉宇中一喷而出,并静静悬浮在了身前处。 The purple hair man sees this, laughs wildly one, before pulls out a body, single-handed a short blade edge point. 紫发男子见此,狂笑一声,单手只是抽个身前短刃一点。 From out of the blue sound big sound! 破空声大响! The short blade edge lasing, changed into more than ten zhang (3.33 m) purple startled rainbows instantaneously, toward one volume that Liu Ming threatens. 短刃激射而出,瞬间化为了十余丈长的紫色惊虹,朝柳鸣气势汹汹的一卷而来。 During the startled rainbow place visited, was void seems frozen generally, sent out zi sharp whining noise. 惊虹所经之处,虚空之中仿佛被冻结了一般,发出“嗞啦”的尖鸣声。 Liu Ming cold snort|hum, single-handed pinches Sword Secret Art similarly, a golden small sword fuzziness, changed into several feet golden rainbow to welcome to the opposite. 柳鸣一声冷哼,单手同样一掐剑诀,金色小剑一个模糊,也化为十几丈金虹迎向了对面。 Bang! “轰”的一声! The golden flying rainbow and purple startled rainbow had the intense collision, the [gold/metal] purple two color rays of light sparkles, after a Spiritual Qi fierce collision, the [gold/metal] purple hurricane howls to shoot up to the sky together, inside dazzling rays of light jumps to shoot, as if two giant light pythons are pestering the worry. 金色飞虹与紫色惊虹发生了激烈碰撞,金紫两色光芒闪耀不已,一阵灵气剧烈碰撞后,一道金紫色飓风呼啸冲天而起,里面刺目光芒迸射而出,仿佛有两条巨大光蟒正在纠缠撕咬不已。 Again a bang! 再一声巨响! The hurricane explodes to open, the purple short blade edge and one of the golden flying sword respective from the air wave flies, shoots to return to two people but actually. 飓风爆裂而开,紫色短刃和金色飞剑从气浪中各自一飞而出,向二人倒射而回。 This strikes, the two share half and half unexpectedly 这一击,二者竟平分秋色 The purple hair man sees this, complexion cannot help but sinks! 紫发男子见此,脸色不禁一沉! Formerly knew your excellency Yuan Spirit Flying Sword no small matter, the present has asked for advice truly. However then this move, your excellency receives to try again!” “先前就知阁下的元灵飞剑非同小可,如今算是真正领教过了。不过接下来这一招,阁下再来接下试试!” purple hair man coldly said, is suddenly single-handed formed hand seals, in the face black yellow two color spirit mark appears again strangely, the back is „, appears partly visible fierce ghost phantom. 紫发男子冷冷说道,蓦然单手再一掐诀,面孔上黑黄两色的灵纹诡异浮现,背后更是“噗“的一声,浮现出一具若隐若现的狰狞鬼物虚影来。 This ghost phantom more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high, both legs impractical midair, imitates, if the characterless is common, among the body black yellow two appearances, the place of chest has a gigantic jet black hole. 鬼物虚影足足有十余丈之高,双腿虚浮半空,仿若无骨一般,身上黑黄两色相间,胸口之处则有一个硕大漆黑窟窿。 In addition, the ghost head greatly, half body sizes, pair of pupil is the blood red color, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl partly gathers ajar, the green fang appears externally, looks like very fierce fearsome. 除此之外,鬼物脑袋巨大之极,足足有半个身体大小,一对瞳目呈血红之色,血盆大口半开半合,青色獠牙外露,,看起来十分的狰狞可怖。 This fierce ghost, Liu Ming is also first time saw, in the heart does not dare to look down on fraction, without demur urges cultivation method, body black Qi billowing shooting up to the sky, and will shortly congeal several fierce unusual black fog flood dragons, each 78 zhang (3.33 m), makes threatening gestures in the sky, circles to spit the fog, the momentum is very astonishing! 此种狰狞鬼物,柳鸣也是第一次见到,心中不敢小瞧分毫,二话不说的一催功法,身上黑气滚滚的冲天而起,并顷刻间凝结出数条狰狞异常的黑色雾蛟来,每一条都有78丈长,在上空张牙舞爪,盘旋吐雾,声势好不惊人! Snort, trivial Dragon Tiger Hell Method also wants to fight with me!” purple hair man eyes recognized Liu Ming to use cultivation method, cold snort|hum a roar that disdained, in the hand technique changed, must stimulate to movement the back ghost to get rid. “哼,区区的龙虎冥狱功也想和我斗!”紫发男子一眼认出了柳鸣所用功法,不屑的冷哼一声吼,手中法决一变,就要催动背后鬼影出手。 but at this moment, another passage mouth place of square, one group of a silver light flashes, inside wraps together the indistinct person's shadow, impressively is the Heavenly Monster Valley Hawk face man. 但就在这时,广场的另一个通道口处,一团银光一闪而出,里面包裹中一道隐约人影,赫然是名天妖谷鹰面男子。 Other source appearance, behind together golden light follows closely, and a direction revolution, stopped on the way suddenly beyond the Hawk face man more than ten zhang (3.33 m) the place 他方一出现,身后又是一道金光紧随而出,并在途中骤然方向一转,停在了鹰面男子十余丈外地方 Actually is that Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) youth. 却是那名天工宗的银车青年。 Two people stop escaping light, see the picture that must get rid at present greatly, slightly is startled, varies along with it expression. 二人停下遁光,一见眼前就要大大出手的景象,均是微微一怔,随之神色各异起来。 In silver car(riage) youth eyes the color of alert flashes past, in hand immediately dark buckle several puppet spheres. 银车青年眼中戒备之色一闪而过,手中顿时暗扣数枚傀儡圆球。 The Hawk face man is actually Hehe crossing the hands behind the back stands, appearance that watching the fun. 鹰面男子却是嘿嘿一声的负手而立,一副看热闹的样子。 He He, was some people came finally. I and Fellow Daoist Liu and others somewhat bored, first mutually has compared notes.” “呵呵,总算是又有人来了。我与柳道友等的有些无聊,就先相互切磋了一下。” The purple hair man sees some people to come, the brow wrinkled a wrinkle, looked at opposite Liu Ming again, after blinking, the both arms that suddenly laughs inspire, diverged cultivation method unexpectedly voluntarily, behind giant ghost phantom also opened along with it changing continuously black smoke dissipation. 紫发男子一见又有人来,眉头皱了一皱,再看了看对面的柳鸣,眨了眨眼后,忽然哈哈一笑的双臂一振,竟自行散去了功法,身后巨型鬼物虚影也随之化作缕缕黑烟消散而开。 Liu Ming sees this, Hehe does not have connection anything, but in the hand technique changes, fog flood dragon all instantaneous self-exploding that also circles the top of the head opens, and black Qi one volume of reclamation within the body. 柳鸣见此,嘿嘿一声的没有接口什么,但手中法决一变,也将头顶盘旋的雾蛟全都瞬间自爆而开,并将身上黑气一卷的收回体内。 so that's how it is, but also Xin Kui two fight in this ratio, my two people can by the Spiritual Qi fluctuation to guide, so rapid finding exit / to speak.” The silver car(riage) youth sees this, how is well aware a matter, but after still showed a faint smile, has hit saying of yawn. 原来如此,不过也辛亏两位在此比斗,我二人才能被灵气波动所指引,如此迅速的找到出口的。”银车青年见此,心知肚明怎么一回事,但仍然微微一笑后,打了个哈欠的说道。 Since several of us already arrived, other people should also in a big hurry.” Hawk face man actually staying calm and collected so said. “既然我们几个都已经到了,其他人应该也快快了。”鹰面男子却不动声色的如此说道。 Four people look at each other to look immediately, then no longer spoken language sits respectively, calmly waits. 四人当即相视一望,便不再言语的各自席地而坐,静静等待起来。 Just as expected, after the time it takes to burn one stick of incense time, black silver coins volume escaping light exits to dodge from Sun, is actually Luo Tiancheng and that Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth. 果然不出所料,一炷香的功夫后,一黑一银两卷遁光从太阳出口一闪而出,却是罗天成与那魔玄宗的丑陋青年。 Also a free time of food, in another passage, Overwhelming Academy green robe young woman and Monster Race youth Xue Pan also has been follows. 又过了一顿饭的工夫,另一条通道之中,浩然书院的绿袍少妇妖族青年薛盘也是接踵而出。 Only Liu Ming behind the place of passage, Peng Yue and Ouyang sisters actually disappear. 唯独柳鸣身后通道之处,彭越与欧阳姐妹却始终不见踪影。 To come is also, this The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon chart can it be that so easy insight, if it were not for Liu Ming even/including Mengdai to guess with the aid of the strength of star attraction, whether otherwise to arrive at this is two says the matter. 想来也是,这苍龙七宿图岂是如此容易参悟而出的,要不是柳鸣连蒙带猜的借助星磁之力,否则能否到此还是两说之事了。 At this time, square central giant Spell Formation had been covered by the black most probably, the white part only remained less than one-fifth impressively. 此时,广场中央的巨型法阵大半已被黑色所覆盖,白色部分赫然只剩不足1了。 Also after waiting for time of roughly one tea, giant Spell Formation had been covered by the black completely. 又等了约莫一盏茶的功夫后,巨型法阵已完全被黑色所覆盖了。 Liu Ming sees this, in the heart sighed slightly. 柳鸣见此,心中微微一叹。 at the same time, among pitch-black as ink Spell Formation suddenly golden light puts greatly, three passage exit / to speak space fluctuation same places, in light of this vanishes baseless does not see. 与此同时,漆黑如墨法阵忽然金光大放,三条通道出口空间波动一起,就此的凭空消失不见。 Spell Formation sky point golden light appears, congealed rapidly two lines of golden small characters. 紧接着法阵上空点点金光浮现出,迅速凝结成了两行金色小字来。 „After Spell Formation opening, above the sitting in meditation quarter time, only then enters the next pass/test.” 法阵开启之后,在其中静坐一刻钟时间以上者,方可进入下一关。” When the people gain ground is looking at this line of [gold/metal] characters, in hall that some puddle is, jet black is suddenly incomparable. 就在众人抬头望着这行金字之时,某个水潭所在的大厅之中,骤然间漆黑无比起来。 Still with hardship insight Ouyang Qian sisters and Peng Yue one near puddle startled, stood up. 仍在水潭边上苦苦参悟欧阳倩姐妹及彭越一惊之下,都站起身来。 At this time, the center puddle surface, star light a big magnificence burst , the innumerable radiant stars reappeared, as if places oneself the Milky Way starry sky that the Ouyang Qian sisters and Peng Yue shone to be ordinary. 这时,中心处水潭表面,星光大盛,无数璀璨星星从中浮现而出,,将欧阳倩姐妹与彭越三人映照的仿佛置身银河星空一般。 Three people in point star light, vanished unexpectedly fuzzily. 三人竟在点点星芒中,一个模糊的消失了。 They only think that at present a scenery transformation, appears in dizziness in some not big stone chamber. 她们只觉眼前景色一个变换,就在一阵眩晕中出现在某间不大的石室中。 Three people of hurried vision sweep. 三人急忙目光一扫。 Above a central stone table, is putting some somewhat obsolete ancient book. 中央的一张石桌之上,放着一本有些有些陈旧的典籍 In nearby corner, then milky white Teleportation Formation, is flashing the light miraculous glow. 旁边角落中,则有一个乳白色传送法阵,闪动着淡淡的灵光。 Peng Yue sees in this heart one cold, after the vision glances surprising color that on nearby two female faces appears again, immediately smiles bitterly, the stride arrives in corner that Teleportation Formation unexpectedly voluntarily. 彭越见此心中一凛,再目光一瞥附近两名女子脸上浮现的异色后,当即苦笑一声,竟大步自行走到角落处的那座传送法阵之中。 After the white light flashes through, he again was passed on to walk. R1152 白光闪过后,他就被再次一传而走。R1152
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