DD :: Volume #8

#796: The energy of scorpion

In this time, opposite originally is walking randomly the uncertain six purple robe men to stop the footsteps in abundance, the iron tower guy in mediation position has called out one suddenly, seven handle flying fork at the same time to lift, from state-of-art all spouts together the purple light beam, and instantaneous simultaneously gathering iron tower guy body previous body. 正在此时,对面原本游走不定的六名紫袍男子纷纷停下了脚步,居中位置的铁塔般大汉突然暴喝一声,七柄飞叉同时一抬,从尖端全都喷出一道紫色光柱,并瞬间齐齐汇聚铁塔大汉身前一体。 Bang, together bucket thick or thin giant light beam high guy location lasing. “轰”的一声,一道水桶粗细的巨大光柱从从大汉处激射而出。 Murong Xueyue sees this, in the eye the ferocious color dodges, grasped the fan handle of black feather fan, and proceeded maliciously a leaf. 慕容血月见此,眼中狞色一闪,一把握住了黑色羽扇的扇柄,并往前狠狠一扇。 Sigh! “呼”的一声! Jet black flame from the covering of fan, then the flame one concentrates toward the middle turbulently, changes into about 1 chi(0.33m) size black Fire Phoenix directly, rises against the wind several feet, is drawing two long tail plumes, welcomed directly to the light beam. 一股漆黑火焰从扇面上汹涌而出,接着火焰往中间一凝,直接化为一只尺许大小的黑色火凤,迎风一涨十几丈大小,拉着两条长长的尾翎,直接迎向了光柱。 ...... …… one cup of tea later, seven famous purple robe person disappeared without a trace, the place of original standing, are all many mu allow Little the huge Black Phoenix scorch. 一盏茶工夫后,七名紫袍人全都消失的无影无踪,原先站立之处,多出一个亩许小的巨大黑凤焦痕。 Fairy Hei Feng looks at distant place scorch, wing celtis mouth micro, on the face was still remaining the surprised expression. Nearby Murong Xueyue arm lifts, continuously dusky mist locates infusion to go toward its wrist, making the small lock surface suddenly shine several points. 黑凤仙子看着远处焦痕,檀口微张,脸上仍然残留着吃惊的表情。旁边的慕容血月则手臂微抬,一缕缕灰蒙蒙的雾气往其手腕灌注而去,,让小锁表面又骤然亮了几分。 Heavenly Sect Great Meeting line to this time, because cultivator of various factions accumulated many destiny, conflict are also then getting more and more, becomes frequent gets up, but corresponds, on destiny stele outside secret realm quietly the dim name is also more and more, already close 1/2. 天门大会行至此时,由于各门各派的修士均已累积了不少气运,相互之间的冲突便也越来越多,变得频繁至极起来,而相对应的,秘境之外的气运石碑上悄然黯淡的名字也是越来越多,已经接近1了。 ...... …… In secret realm, before an outward appearance ancient giant pinnacle, above the giant stone of pure white non- flaw, zhang (3.33 m) this big Spell Formation was covered by one layer light silver light together, Spell Formation all around has four scoop channels of egg sizes to flash the light miraculous glow. 秘境之中,一座外观古老巨型石塔之前,一块洁白无瑕的巨石之上,一个丈许大法阵一层淡淡银光笼罩,法阵四周有四个鸡蛋大小的凹槽正闪动着淡淡的灵光。 Place of this place impressively also inheritance, but looks like not really big appearance. 此地赫然也有一处传承之地,只是看起来并不甚大的样子。 Around giant stone Spell Formation, two wear the green long unlined close-fitting gown, the wearing a mask men and two upper part of inscription seal red python design are naked, the lower part is binding giant man of animal skin, the inheritance fragment that manpower silver light sparkles together disperses to stand, but in several people of not far away, then static is lying down 15-16 covered with blood corpses, the dead shape is horrible to look. 巨石法阵四周,两名身着绿色长衫,铭印赤色巨蟒图案的蒙面男子和两名上半身赤裸,下半身裹着兽皮的巨汉,正人手一块银光闪闪的传承碎片分散而立,而在几人的不远处,则静静的躺着十五六具血肉模糊的尸体,死状惨不忍睹。 Was good, since barrier eliminated now, that hurries to start the inheritance, the other time are not much.” A boa robe man sinking sound said that the sound is hoarse. “好了,既然如今障碍已除,那就赶紧开启传承吧,余下的时间可不多了。”一名蟒袍男子沉声说道,声音嘶哑无比。 Remembers that observes we two previous agreements, inherits the obtained thing, 37 divide up money, our three forest sects seven, your chi demon sect three!” A dragon-like mustache barefoot guy, opens the mouth saying that if the sound the mighty bell is common. “记得遵守我们两宗此前的约定,传承所得之物,37分账,我们三林宗得七,你们魑魅宗得三!”一名虬须赤足大汉,开口说道,声若洪钟一般。 Knew, said advanced again not lately!” Opposite sound hoarse wearing a mask man hearing this, is somewhat unbearably anxious. “知道了,先进去再说不迟!”对面一个声音嘶哑的蒙面男子闻言,有些急不可耐。 While four people the fragment in hand toward Spell Formation in throw, together by the dim person's shadow that red light wraps suddenly after nearby big tree the lasing, appeared in four people of near places suddenly, at the same time red light rosy clouds has flashed before from the person's shadow to all directions ** however left. 正当四人将手中的碎片朝法阵中一掷而出之时,一道被红光包裹的朦胧人影蓦然从附近一颗大树后激射而出,眨眼出现在了四人近前处,同时一片赤色光霞从人影上闪现般向四面八方**而出。 Only listens to a void chī chī sound sound, the red light rosy cloud just likes like lightning from four people of one volume. 只听虚空中嗤嗤声一响,赤色光霞犹如闪电般的从四人身上一卷而过。 Two boa robe masked man and another barefoot guy unexpected, protects body Astral Qi to be cut to be broken by the scarlet light, and passes several at the same time to fall to the ground, the place of blood throat directing current, already all was opened impressively. 两名蟒袍蒙面人及另一名赤足大汉猝不及防下,护体罡气就被赤光一斩而碎,并噗通几声同时倒地,咽喉之处鲜血汩汩直流,赫然已经被一切而开。 The destiny lock on their wrist disrupts to start, several ash-gray mist floating, were involved in bloody glow. 他们手腕上的气运锁更是随之碎裂而开,几股灰色雾气飘然而出,纷纷卷入了血光之中。 That dragon-like mustache guy when at a crucial moment, the stimulation of movement personal appearance moved the half minute reluctantly dangerously, the danger has avoided red light, but has also left behind a tall and slender margin on the face, under the startled anger, within the body magical power raises hastily, forms red Protective Cover in the whole body, and loud anger shouted to clear the way 那名虬须大汉在千钧一发之际,勉强催动身形移动了半分,险之又险的避开了红光,但也在脸上留下了一条细长切口,惊怒之下,连忙体内法力一提,在周身形成一道赤色护罩,并大声怒喝道 who, dares to sneak attack some...... „ 什么人,竟敢偷袭某家……“ Finally the voice has not fallen, red colored light rosy cloud strange whirls around, is about than a time of speed locates at lightning speed from the dragon-like mustache guy nape of the neck to circle unexpectedly before this, but covers its body Protective Cover to imitate , if no thing was struck again broken. 结果话音未落,赤色色光霞诡异的一个翻卷,竟以比此前更快一倍速度从虬须大汉脖颈处飞快的一绕而过,而笼罩其身躯的护罩仿若无物般的再被一击而破。 Bang! “砰”的一声! The dragon-like mustache guy whole face unbelievable expression, opened opened mouth, the sound that in the throat actually spreads several being perplexed, immediately face upwards to fall to the ground not to get up. 虬须大汉满脸难以置信的表情,张了张口,喉咙中却传出几声不明所以的声音,随即仰天倒地不起了。 At this time, in red light sighed lightly spreads, went out of a pretty youth slowly. 这时,红光中一声轻叹传出,从中缓缓走出了一名眉清目秀的青年。 Four have not done right by, although Li does not have the enmity to be not resentful with you, but considers for the family later prosperity and decline , can only take your life.” The delicate youth cuped one hand in the other across the chest good a ritual toward several people of corpses, expression tranquil saying. “四位对不住了,李某虽然和你们无仇无怨,不过为了家族以后的兴衰着想,也只能取你们性命了。”清秀青年朝几人尸体拱手行了一礼,神色平静的说道。 At this time, puts in four inheritance fragments Spell Formation suddenly silver light a big magnificence burst , a continuously silver thread transpiration, and in sky over the giant stone condenses one group of about 1 chi(0.33m) size silver fog ball, after fog ball glittering several next, then suddenly in the pinnacle front door direction flies to go, and hidden entered in the front door. 此时,放入四块传承碎片的法阵骤然间银光大盛,一缕缕银丝从中蒸腾而起,并在巨石上空凝聚成一团尺许大小的银色雾球,雾球闪烁了几下后,便骤然朝着石塔大门方向一飞而去,并隐入了大门之中。 The next quarter, on the front door innumerable just like silver spirit mark of snake shape had been lightened instantaneously generally, with one bang the bang, the front door was opened by one dozen. 下一刻,大门上无数宛如蛇状的银色灵纹被瞬间点亮了一般,随着一声轰隆隆巨响,大门被一打而开。 The delicate youth sees this, raises single-handed, curls up scarlet together light four people of Storage Talisman and other thing receives, but, again changes into together dimly scarlet shade enters to the pinnacle front door lasing. 清秀青年见此,单手一扬,卷起一道赤光的将四人储物符等物一收而起后,就再化为一道朦胧赤影的向石塔大门激射而入。 ...... …… Above piece of an open prairie of stretching to the horizon, the sky deep blue such as washes, under white clouds, looks into the distance, has the completely relaxed feeling. 一片一望无垠的开阔草原之上,天空碧蓝如洗,白云朵朵,眺望之下,颇有让人心旷神怡之感。 In this piece of tranquil prairie some corner, several are divided into two schools of person's shadows obviously, remote confronts, tense atmosphere. 在这片平静草原的某个角落处,十几名明显分为两派的人影,遥相对峙,气氛紧张之极。 Side is 56 wears plume feather, wears the fur lined robe, the appearance resembles Barbarian Race, another side is ten Monster Qi soars to the heavens, Monster Race cultivator that the appearance varies. 一边是56名头戴翎羽,身披皮袍,打扮酷似蛮族,另一边则是十名妖气冲天,长相各异的妖族修士 Several Fellow Daoist, us, but ten people, your only six people of nothing more, does the Heavenly Sect Great Meeting time may be precious, want to fight over with us life and death?” Monster Race cultivator, a mouse face length must Monster Race of face, say gloomily. “几位道友,我们这边可是有十人,你们仅有六人而已,天门大会时间可宝贵得很,非要与我们争个你死我活吗?”妖族修士这边,一名鼠面长须面孔的妖族,阴森说道。 Snort! If the accumulation destiny rank in this Heavenly Sect Assembly, I and other tribes must have the plague. So the words, would rather on prerequisite entire life die here, snatched some destiny to go back, like this I and other tribe hundred years of prosperous times can also open in light of this.” “哼!若是在这天门会中积累气运排名靠后,我等部落必有大灾。如此话,倒不如在此处就先决一生死,多抢些气运回去了,这样我等部落百年盛世也能就此开启了。” Is head replied of robust Barbarian Race youth cold snort|hum, single-handed racket waist that is without hesitation, three gray lights from waist one volume, after transforms, unexpectedly changes to three 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) ash-gray wolves, the fang appears externally, on wooden green light is spooky, stubbornly is staring at opposite Monster Race. 为首的一名虎背熊腰的蛮族青年冷哼的回道,接着毫不迟疑的单手一拍腰间,三道灰光从腰间一卷而出,一个幻化之后,竟化作三只两三丈丈大小的灰色豺狼,獠牙外露,上木绿光幽幽,死死的盯着对面的妖族 Other Barbarian Race see this , the sleeve shakes emits various types spirit companion, the insect snake tiger leopard has everything expected to find, in addition only has 30-40, crowds together, imposing manner very astonishing. 其他蛮族见此,也纷纷袖子一抖的放出各式的灵宠,虫蛇虎豹应有尽有,加起来足足有三四十只之多,凑在一起,气势十分的惊人。 Hehe, plays spirit companion before us, is really laughable. Since refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, that do not blame me not to remind you, brothers, on us!” 嘿嘿,在我们面前玩灵宠,真是可笑。既然敬酒不吃吃罚酒,那就别怪我没提醒过你了,弟兄们,我们上!” Sees with own eyes the breakdown of negotiation, mouse surface Monster Race rubbish, under whole body grey Monster Qi get lost, then suddenly changes to one to have more than ten zhang (3.33 m) giant hamsters fully, under the both eyes scarlet glow circulation, throws to nip toward the front. 眼见谈判破裂,鼠面妖族儿也不废话,周身灰色妖气一滚之下,便骤然化作一只足有十余丈大小的巨型仓鼠,双目赤芒流转下,朝前方扑咬过去。 The behind, colorful Monster Qi continuously, surplus nine monster cultivator also in abundance half monster or similarly have appeared the main body, follows closely the hamster to go toward the front six people of lasings. 身后,一阵五颜六色的妖气此起彼伏之下,剩余九名妖修也纷纷半妖化或同样现出了本体,紧随仓鼠朝前方六人激射而去。 Suddenly, sky over the originally tranquil boundless grassland, the assorted light rosy cloud shoots up to the sky, the shocking bellow, slaughters and pitiful yell sound to be continuous, passed on by far. 一时间,原本平静的茫茫草原上空,各色光霞冲天而起,震天的轰鸣声、厮杀声、惨叫声络绎不绝,远远传了出去。 ...... …… Blue stone passage labyrinth deep place, entered the labyrinth from Liu Ming, already has exceeded two double-hour. 青石通道迷宫深处,距离柳鸣进入迷宫,已经超过了两个时辰。 This time Liu Ming, cannot find the exit / to speak of labyrinth to be, even there are to plant more walks the more disturbed impetuous feeling. 这时的柳鸣,仍未能找到迷宫的出口所在,甚至有种越走越心绪不宁的浮躁感觉。 Then, the entire labyrinth is at first normal, he by formidable escaping of mental power and at lightning speed fast, remembers the front passage branch road forcefully, under and one by one removes, as if already has explained the labyrinth of big half. 说起来,整座迷宫起初还算正常,他凭借强大的精神力飞快的遁速,强行记住前面通道岔路,并一一排除之下,,似乎已经破解了大半截的迷宫。 But appears along with behind more and more blue stone passage, even if by its formidable Divine Consciousness , the big feeling could not endure. 但随着后面越来越多的青石通道出现,即使以其强大神识,也大感吃不消了。 Now, he stands before a passage three-road junction does not settle down, the complexion is somewhat ugly. 如今,他站在一处通道的三岔口驻足不前,脸色有些难看起来。 In the memory according to his mind, should have winding double branch passage to be right at present. 按照他脑海中的记忆,眼前应该有一条蜿蜒的双岔通道才对。 Really, this labyrinth once in a while, but also momentarily will be fluctuating.” Forced smile that Liu Ming muttered. “果然,这迷宫每隔一段时间,还会随时在变幻的。”柳鸣喃喃的苦笑了起来。 In front of the labyrinth of change, his memory is momentarily good, is useless. 在随时变化的迷宫面前,他记忆力再好,也是毫无用处的。 , Master, might as well make Xie'er try, perhaps I can find the exit / to speak of this labyrinth!” 主人,不如让蝎儿来试试吧,或许我能找到这迷宫的出口!” When the Liu Ming hesitation, in some leather bag of his waist, suddenly spread the girl delightful clear sound. 就在柳鸣踌躇的时候,其腰间的某个皮袋之中,忽然传出了少女悦耳的清脆声。 „, Xie'er, what good means do you have?” Liu Ming hearing this, both eyes one bright. “哦,蝎儿,你有什么好办法?”柳鸣闻言,双目一亮。 Master, you forget me to have regarding Earth Attribute energy the strength of control now, since here were the underground deep place, my inspiration instead far ratio usually wanted keen many, could using this point, found the exit / to speak to be. Xie'er formerly in bag, but is unable to display the word point fully.” Saying of Xie'er chuckle. 主人,你忘了我现在拥有对于土属性能量的操控之力,这里既然是地下深处,我灵感反而远比平常要灵敏的多,或许可以利用这一点,找到出口所在的。蝎儿先前在袋中,可无法充分发挥词点的。”蝎儿轻笑的说道。 Since you are so self-confident, that first for the time being tries.” Liu Ming after pondering for a while, then nodded, single-handed racket waist, one black mist one volume, and turning round concentrates before its, appears black clothes girl of physique beautiful fascinating'winsome. “既然你如此自信,那就先姑且一试吧。”柳鸣略一沉吟后,便点了点头,单手一拍腰间,一阵黑色的雾气一卷而出,并在其身前滴溜溜一凝,显出一名身姿婀娜的黑纱少女 Master, please wait a bit the moment.” 主人,请稍等片刻。” Tender and beautiful girl after Liu Ming smiles as if, immediately sits cross-legged to sit down, both eyes shuts, in the mouth mumbled. 娇艳少女柳鸣宛然一笑后,当即盘膝坐下,双目一闭,口中念念有词起来。 A moment later, the girl body revealed that one layer faint yellow mist, has partly visible, quiet, appears tames extremely very temperately. 片刻之后,少女身上显露出一层淡黄色气焰,若隐若现有,平静无波,显得极十分驯服温和。 Liu Ming in flash that yellow mist presents, the frown selects. 柳鸣在黄色气焰出现的一瞬间,双眉一挑。 He can feel faintly that seems like in common yellow mist, Earth Attribute magical power fluctuation spread come. 他能隐隐感觉到,看似毫不起眼的黄色气焰中,正有一圈圈土属性法力波动扩散开来。 After long time, Xie'er fierce two eyes opens, faint yellow mist previous concentrates in its, suddenly changed to brown Bone Scorpion phantom unexpectedly, three zhang (3.33 m) high, almost moved the passage crown. 半晌后,蝎儿猛的双眼睁开,身上的淡黄色气焰在其身前一凝,竟蓦然化作了一只土黄色的骨蝎虚影,足足有三丈之高,几乎碰触到了通道的顶部。 In the Liu Ming eye flashes through surprising color, it first time sees Bone Scorpion to display this divine ability intention to move, after personal appearance in a flash, before arriving at phantom, and stretches out a finger point to go. 柳鸣眼中闪过一丝异色,其还是第一次看见骨蝎施展出这种神通心念一动下,身形一晃后,就到了虚影前,并伸出手指一点而去。 In finger submerging phantom easily, not any substantive contact, the fingertip place actually feels a light warm current. 一根手指轻易的没入虚影中,并无任何实质性接触,指尖处却感觉到一股淡淡暖流而过。 After Xie'er condensed this brown scorpion phantom, on the face actually has appeared an exhausted color, looked like the somewhat strenuous appearance. 蝎儿凝聚出了这个土黄色的蝎子虚影后,脸上却现出了一丝疲惫之色,看起来有几分吃力的模样。 Liu Ming sees this, wants not to think retracts the finger, another actually formed hand seals, waves, makes pure magical power infusion to girl within the body. 柳鸣见此,想都不想的将手指缩回,另一手却掐诀,一挥手,打出一股精纯的法力灌注少女体内。 Obtains Liu Ming's to assist, Xie'er complexion finally attractive a point, the place of single-handed forehead, in double pupil immediately yellow mist crystal light a big magnificence burst . 得到柳鸣的相助,蝎儿脸色总算好看了一分,单手一点眉心之处,双瞳中顿时黄蒙蒙的晶光大盛而起。 Huge Bone Scorpion phantom as if received instruction to be ordinary, whiz, six foot move together, flushed to go to the front road fork. 巨大骨蝎虚影仿佛收到了指令一般,“嗖”的一声,六足齐动,向前面岔路口一冲而去。 ( Everybody searches ** public number Wang Yu orwang -- yu ---- `, But pays attention to Wang Yu and Demon's Diary novel all information promptly.) R1152 (大家搜索**公共号“忘语”或“wang--yu----‘,可及时关注忘语魔天记小说一切信息哦。)R1152
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