DD :: Volume #8

#795: Powerful enemies

A void long black flame mark flashes past, as if delimited a jet black wound in the nihility baseless. 虚空中一道长长的黑色焰痕一闪而过,仿佛在虚无中凭空划出了一道漆黑伤口。 Strange Monster Beast sees this, in both eyes flashes through excited rays of light , to continue to face forward to dash about wildly, while opened mouth spouts reddish black two color light beams. 怪异妖兽见此,双目中闪过一丝兴奋的光芒,一边继续朝前狂奔,一边张口喷出一道道红黑两色光柱。 Black flamingo clear cry, will hits in the light beam meantime, Bang, changes into rupturing of black flame to open voluntarily. 黑色火鸟一声清鸣,在光柱堪堪击中其时,“砰”的一声,自行化为点点黑焰的爆裂而开。 The next quarter, behind strange Monster Beast, the black flame appears all round, again turning round after same condensation, once more changed into the black flamingo. 下一刻,古怪妖兽背后,团团黑焰浮现而出,再滴溜溜往同一处凝聚后,就再次化为了黑色火鸟。 The flamingo side comes, a pair of sharp sharp claw is dodging the black light pointed knife, brings the sad and shrill fresh breeze, grasped to the Monster Beast back strategic point. 火鸟方一现身,一对锋利的尖爪闪着黑光的尖刀,带起凄厉的劲风,抓向了妖兽背脊要害。 Monster Beast feels behind the rumor, turns the head suddenly, big mouth, the black red light ball connected blowout of several head sizes, welcomed to the flamingo. 妖兽感受到背后风声,猛然一转头,大口一张,十几颗头颅大小的黑红光球连串喷出,迎向了火鸟。 ball of light obviously is also the Monster Beast within the body monster fire change, a side blowout, roasts aura first one volume to come immediately, obvious might also cannot be underestimated. 光球显然也是妖兽体内妖火变化而成,方一喷出,当即一股炙气息就先一卷而来,明显威力也不容小觑。 The black flamingo is not willing to meet hardly, a pair of forepaw fierce void step on, the at the same time both wings incite, a fuzzy turning body does not see. 黑色火鸟不愿硬接,一对前爪猛的虚空一蹬,同时双翅一煽,就一个模糊的扭身不见。 ! “噗”的一声! The flamingo unexpectedly monster and appears in the Monster Beast front, a sharp whining noise sound, the sharp claws grasp once more to the chest of Monster Beast. 火鸟竟鬼魅般的又出现在妖兽前方,尖鸣声一响,利爪再次抓向妖兽的胸口。 Monster Beast violent anger when turns head to spout one group of flame again, black flamingo another flashing wing disappears baseless.. 妖兽暴怒的再回头喷出一团火焰时,黑色火鸟又一闪动翅膀的凭空不见了。。 Fairy Hei Feng melts the flamingo not to be willing with this Monster Beast to meet the tough head-on with toughness obviously, but is holding the first plan of dogfight! 黑凤仙子所化火鸟显然不愿与此妖兽硬碰硬,而是抱着先缠斗的打算! So after one after another 78 times, this Monster Beast was cajoled into seven meat eight elements to get up finally, finally the time cannot evade promptly, by the black flamingo in the sharp whining noise, may cut through metal one pair fully cuts the sharp claws of blade edge deeply pricked in his back, and rapid pulling out leaves to go. 如此接连78次后,此妖兽终于被绕得有些七荤八素起来,终于有一次没能及时躲过,被黑色火鸟在尖鸣声中,将一对足可断金切刃的利爪深深的刺入了其后背之中,并飞速的抽离而去。 The major stockholder black blood immediately spout the splash from the Monster Beast back. 大股黑血当即从妖兽后背中喷涌飞溅而出。 Strange Monster Beast exudes sad and shrill sorrowful roar, crazy has transferred the body once more, big mouth, toward already drew back to black flamingo more than ten zhang (3.33 m) away, ** left together far exceed formerly the huge reddish black interaction light beam. 怪异妖兽发出凄厉的哀吼声,疯狂的再次转过身躯,大口一张,朝已然退至十余丈外的黑色火鸟,**出一道远超从前巨大的红黑相间光柱。 The black flamingo attacks facing this, this time has not actually moved aside, but is in a crystal glow circulation, exudes a clear phoenix cry sound, the jet black monster strength from the body surface wells up crazily, changes into more than ten zhang (3.33 m) black cloud before the body, and strong winds intermittently and rolling press forward, happen to welcomed to the lasing, but to black red light column. 黑色火鸟面对此攻击,这次却并没有躲闪,而是眼中晶芒一阵流转,发出一声清亮的凤鸣声,漆黑妖力从体表狂涌而出,在身前化为十余丈大小的乌云,并狂风阵阵并向前滚滚压去,正好迎向了激射而至的黑红光柱。 Bang, two color brilliance hit one, the dark clouds hissing hissing has made noise, the report occurred repeatedly, in an instant had then been torn one piece by the black red light column. “轰”的一声,两色的光华撞击到了一起,黑云嘶嘶作响,爆裂声迭起,转眼间便被黑红光柱撕裂了一片。 But the dark clouds actually tidal rolling well up, submerged the black light column gradually, and continued toward the Monster Beast direction at lightning speed advancement in the past. 可是黑云却潮水般滚滚涌来,渐渐还是将黑光柱淹没在了其中,并继续往妖兽方向飞快推进过去。 In the Monster Beast eye flashes through one to dread that turns around suddenly, must turn head to run away. 妖兽眼中闪过一丝忌惮,猛然一个转身,就要扭头而逃。 but at this moment, of jet black monster cloud in midair interweaves, concentrates instantaneously several pitch-black tentacles, and one in the sound stretches across several feet distance from out of the blue, unexpected winding body of strange Monster Beast, its package a thick steamed rice dumpling. 但就在这时,漆黑妖云在半空中一阵交织,瞬间从中凝化出十几道乌黑的触手,并在破空声中一下横跨十几丈距离,出其不意的缠绕住古怪妖兽的身体,将其包裹成了一个粗大的粽子。 Strange Monster Beast roars again and again, is struggling the body, what a pity is the action of futile effort. 怪异妖兽怒吼连连,挣扎着身体,可惜已是徒劳之举了。 The next quarter, shadow rapid thunder-like dodges, black flamingo phantom appear here Monster Beast up ahead, a zhang (3.33 m) mouth puts out together the lip thick golden color flame. 下一刻,一道黑影迅雷般一闪,黑色火鸟虚影就出现在此妖兽正前方,丈口冲其吐出一道碗口粗的金色火焰。 , the agitated golden flame fell on Monster Beast, together wrapped together with his outside the body tentacle has burnt agitated, and sent out psst crack. “噗”的一声,汹汹金色火焰落在了妖兽身上,连同其体外触手一同包裹的汹汹燃烧了起来,并发出“吱吱”的炸响。 Although this beast pitiful yell keeps, in void crazy is moving the body, but body still bunches of abscissions, and then changed to bunch of hard cokes in midair. 尽管此兽惨叫不停,在虚空中疯狂的甩动着身体,但身上的皮肉仍一簇簇的脱落,并在半空中便化作一团团焦炭。 At this time Fairy Hei Feng receives the billowing dark clouds, and in a flash restored the human form, in both hands actually left pair of a short blade edge of sparkling. 此时黑凤仙子才将滚滚黑云一收,并一晃的重新恢复了人形,双手中却多出了一对闪闪的短刃。 Her vision one cold, both hands front overlapping, above the short blade edge continuously golden flame suddenly appears, is fierce step on place. 她目光一冷,双手胸前一个交叉,短刃之上一缕缕金色火焰骤然出现,再猛一蹬地。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! 78 zhang (3.33 m) golden startled rainbow one volume, in the instantaneous Monster Beast huge body pierces together, has left behind a zhang (3.33 m) this big blood hole in the abdomen. 一道78丈长的金色惊虹一卷而出,瞬间妖兽巨大身躯中洞穿而过,在腹部留下了一个丈许大的血窟窿。 This Monster Beast only comes and one yelled that the body by within the body suddenly was erupted, but golden flame wrap, after several fall qiang again, changes into one group of giant fireballs layer on layer to fall falls to the ground on, then motionless in light of this. 妖兽只来及一声大叫,身躯就被体内突然爆发而出的一股股金色火焰包裹住,再几个跌跄后,就化为一团巨大火球重重摔落地上,便就此的一动不动了。 During at the same time, one volume of quite rich ash-gray mist from ground [gold/metal] Yan, drilled into the Fairy Hei Feng destiny to lock. 与此同时,一股较为浓郁的灰色雾气从地面金焰中一卷而出,纷纷钻入了黑凤仙子的气运锁之中。 Ha Ha, good! The Little Sister book assigned divine ability might as if to promote compared with before much.” The black clothed man has patted moving sideways of clapping, but , the praise of happy expression said. “哈哈,不错!小妹本命神通威力似乎比以前又提升了不少。”黑衣男子拍了拍手的闪身而至,略带笑意的夸奖道。 Elder brother overpraised, but is this monster divine ability is assigned divine ability to restrain nothing more by me exactly. We are about to pick this place spirit medicine, so as to avoid a long delay usually means many problems.” Fairy Hei Feng receives the double knife-edge, replied of chuckle. “兄长过奖了,而是此妖神通恰好被我本命神通克制住而已。我们还是快些将此地灵药采摘掉吧,免得夜长梦多了。”黑凤仙子将双刃一收而起,轻笑的回道 Little Sister said is really, we began.” Black clothed man hearing this, under expression dignified point. 小妹所言甚是,我们动手吧。”黑衣男子闻言,神色凝重的点下头。 Then, they then once again turned around to fly to the direction, before two people in a hurry, but slightly looked at this spirit one greatly, really carefully has not actually examined these spirit medicine types. 接着,两人便再度转身向所来方向飞去了,之前二人匆忙间,只是大略的看了这片灵地一眼,却并未真仔细查看那些灵药种类的。 Finally after not long, two people hit a target in the wind spreading electricity will put in order the mountain scene valley spirit medicine probably to observe, immediately was pleasantly surprised again and again. 结果没有多久后,二人就在风驰电射中将整片山谷的灵药都大概察看了一遍,顿时惊喜连连。 This was the fire flamings the fruit, already turned into the Yin red, at least had 2000 property, it is estimated that gave in the clan Zhu Grandmaster, can refine the Earth level fire to flaming pill!” Fairy Hei Feng moves sideways, appears before mountain valley corner has tied a dwarf-tree of dark red as blood strange berry, expression excited saying. “这是火炽果,已经变成了殷红色,起码有了2000年的药性了,估计交给族中朱大师,可以炼出地品的火炽丹了!”黑凤仙子一个闪身,出现在山谷角落一株结了一颗殷红似血怪异浆果的矮树前,语气兴奋的说道。 „The garden heaven and earth Spiritual Qi rich degree, common spirit grass grows according to this here for 100 years, fully can arrive outside over 200 years. In addition this secret realm is broad, is 800 years opens one time, had natural medicine garden also to be like this nothing unusual.” The black clothed man looks like calm many, can still restrain by force heart excited replied.. “照此园天地灵气的浓郁程度来看,寻常的灵草在这里生长100年,足可以抵的过外面200年以上。加上此秘境广阔无边,又是800年才开启一次,有这样的天然药园也不足为奇了。”黑衣男子看起来沉稳的多,仍能强压心头兴奋的回道。。 1000 continuous rain wind grass!” “1000年的霖风草!” „More than 1500 years of scarlet snakes are colored!” “1500多年的赤蛇花!” Before Fairy Hei Feng arrives at piece of spirit grass every time, but the vision sweeps slightly, then can call these rare and precious unusual spirit grass names immediately. 黑凤仙子每走到一片灵草前,只是目光略微一扫,便能当即叫出这些珍稀异常的灵草名字。 spiritual intelligence of these medicinal herbs all are the millenniums above, making this female pair of pupil even more bright. 这些药草的灵性无一不是千年以上,让此女的一对眸子愈发的晶亮起来。 In two people prepare carefully when begins to pick, Fairy Hei Feng complexion suddenly changes, eyes looks toward mountain valley beside. 就在二人准备小心的动手采摘之时,黑凤仙子脸色忽的一变,双眸山谷之外望去。 Elder brother, I felt that some people came, from aura, has 67 people.” “兄长,我感觉到有人来了,从气息来看,足足有67人之多。” Em, we realized, but only if it were not for that several special fellow, other people gave us to deliver the destiny especially.” The black clothed man shows a faint smile, saying of not caring a whoop. “恩,我方才就察觉到了,但只要不是那几个特别的家伙,其他人只是给我们特地送气运罢了。”黑衣男子微微一笑,毫不在意的说道。 The voice just fell, a distant place sound sound, several colorful escaping light from out of the blue come from the mouth place from out of the blue, after and again several sway, arrived in front of the Fairy Hei Feng two people to fall, after rays of light collected, revealed seven famous to wear the young people of purple clothes robe. 话音刚落,远处破空声一响,数道五颜六色的遁光从谷口处破空而来,并再几个晃动后,就到了黑凤仙子二人面前落下,光芒敛去后,露出了七名身穿紫色衣袍的青年人。 Was an iron tower man has gone forward several steps, the vision after on nearby some spirit medicine swept, immediately has shown the pleasantly surprised expression. 为首一名铁塔般的汉子上前了几步,目光在往附近一些灵药上一扫后,当即露出了惊喜之极的表情。 Good natural medicine garden, Ha Ha, it seems like our luck are good.” “好一座天然药园,哈哈,看来我们这次运气还算不错。” Iron tower man fall about, in several other people of complexions also full is the excited and greedy expression. 铁塔汉子忍不住大笑起来,其他几人脸色上也满是兴奋和贪婪表情。 Is covered with the talent treasure the natural medicine garden value, only the if it were not for fool, nobody can not know. 一个长满天才地宝的天然药园的价值,只要不是傻瓜,没人会不知道的。 These people to nearby spirit medicine, are nitpicking immediately, has recognized unexpectedly at the scene much, immediately is more excited, but to is stopping the vertical black wind Fairy Maiden brother and sister to turn a blind eye general in the valley. 这些人当即对着附近的灵药,一阵品头论足,竟当场也认出了不少,当即更加兴奋起来,而对正在谷中驻足而立的黑风仙子兄妹视若无睹一般。 Elder brother Fairy Hei Feng sees this, does not worry, is only in front of the faint smile looks at seven people, nearby Fairy Hei Feng complexion actually suddenly cold, but sees oneself elder brother not to speak, has held temporarily down the temper. 黑凤仙子兄长见此,也不着急,只是似笑非笑的看着面前的七人,一旁的黑凤仙子面色却骤然冷了下来,但见自己兄长不说话,也暂时强按住了性子。 After crossing the the time it takes to burn one stick of incense free time, is the iron tower man of head vision one revolution, looked to the Fairy Hei Feng two people. 足足过了一炷香工夫后,为首的铁塔般汉子才目光一转,看向了黑凤仙子二人。 „! This is not the blood moon/month brother, this wants to come is your younger sister Fairy Hei Feng, was really has neglected. However here spirit medicine our not polite accepted, if your two do not have other any matter, but also please as one likes, we let us not deliver!” The iron tower man as if recognized brother of Murong Xueyue Fairy Hei Feng unexpectedly, the Hehe hollow laugh several, as if at all not this , of Murong Aristocratic Family eight big Aristocratic Family placed in the eye. “哦!这不是血月兄吗,这位想来就是令妹黑凤仙子了,真是有所怠慢了。不过这里的灵药我们就不客气的收下了,你们两位如果没有什么别的事,还请自便吧,我们不送了!”铁塔汉子竟似乎认得黑凤仙子之兄慕容血月,嘿嘿的干笑了几声,似乎根本未将这在八大世家之一的慕容世家放在眼中。 Elder brother, is you begins or me comes?” Fairy Hei Feng hearing this, complexion one cold to the extreme, without the slightest show of feeling asked toward the black robe man. “兄长,是你动手还是我来?”黑凤仙子闻言,脸色一下冷到了极点,毫无表情的朝黑袍男子问道。 Although I do not recognize these person of origins, but since dares in front of me so to speak again, wants to come should some origins. One side you go to rest first, I happen to try that treasure that carries over from the clan.” “虽然我不认得这些人来历,但既然敢再我面前这般说话,想来应该有些来历的。你先去一旁休息一下,我正好试试从族中带出的那件宝物。” Murong Xueyue actually shakes the head smiles, at the same time lifts the hand, together lasing of black light from the sleeve, and is gathering round it to circle to dance in the air. 慕容血月却摇摇头的神秘一笑,同时一抬手,一道黑光从袖中激射而出,并在围着其盘旋飞舞起来。 Young fellow, refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit! That do not blame us not to give Murong the Aristocratic Family face, on!” The iron tower man sees this, the look immediately becomes gloomy several points, proceeds single-handed a pendulum, behind several purple robe youth leaps in abundance, in the hand already offered a sacrifice to Spirit Tool, impressively is the flying fork that a handle handle is without change, forked the body to shine purple halos. “好小子,敬酒不吃吃罚酒!那就别怪我们不给慕容世家面子了,上!”铁塔汉子见此,眼神顿时变得阴沉几分,单手往前一摆,身后的几个紫袍青年纷纷飞跃而出,手中早已祭出了灵器,赫然是一柄柄一般无二的飞叉,叉身亮起了一道道的紫色光晕。 The position that several people of institutes stand, purple light echoes mutually, originally just now seems like optional taking a walk, in unknowingly faintly has formed a battle formation unexpectedly, the technique of jointly attacking obviously being these people of excelling. 几人所站立的位置,紫光相互呼应,原来方才看似随意的走动,竟在不知不觉中隐隐形成了一个阵势,显然是这几人擅长的合击之术。 The iron tower guy also turned the hand to take out handle purple flying to fork at this moment, in the mouth mumbled. 铁塔大汉此刻也翻手取出了一柄紫色飞叉,口中念念有词起来。 Several other people of racing personal appearance, consist mainly of the iron tower guy unexpectedly walks randomly in abundance. 其他几人急转身形,竟以铁塔大汉为中心纷纷游走起来。 Murong Xueyue sneers, in the hand technique concentrates, the black glow in void turning round concentrates, changes to a handle black light misty feather fan. 慕容血月冷笑一声,手中法决一凝,黑芒在虚空中滴溜溜一凝之后,化作一柄黑光濛濛的羽扇。 Above the feather fan spirit mark of gold thread shapes is clearly discernible, and enough 36, and outlined an exquisite incomparable golden peacock design. 羽扇之上一条条金丝状的灵纹清晰可见,且足足有36条之多,并勾勒成了一只精妙无比的金色孔雀图案。 Wu Queshan, in the clan gave you to use this thing unexpectedly.” In the Fairy Hei Feng eye flashes through a being astonished color, asking that blurted out. “乌雀扇,族中竟将此物给你使用了。”黑凤仙子眼中闪过一丝讶色,脱口而出的问道。 Meaning that the black clothed man has not replied, the single-handed move, after black feather fan circles, then flies to shoot in his hand, then two hands gently rubs. 黑衣男子却没有答话的意思,单手一招,黑色羽扇一个盘旋之后便飞射回其手中,接着两手轻轻一搓。 After black light dodges, the feather fan instantaneously became 56 chi (0.33 m), above golden color peacock design is to live sways from side to side voluntarily fuzzily. R1152 黑光一闪后,羽扇瞬间变为了56尺大小,上面金色孔雀图案更是活过来般的自行模糊扭动起来。R1152
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