DD :: Volume #8

#794: Medicine valley

Snowy mountain, during being stationed construction of Murong Aristocratic Family, a black robe old man is lying down above a rocking chair, in the hand is wielding a black feather fan, a face idle appearance. 雪山脚下,慕容世家的驻扎建筑之中,一名黑袍老者正躺在一把摇椅之上,手中挥动着一把黑色羽扇,一脸清闲的样子。 Reply Great Elder, Young Master present rank already is second, the rank of young lady also has eighth high.” Wears black robe young disciple footsteps at lightning speed walked, on one knee kneels saying that and holds the fist in the other hand. “回禀大长老,公子现在的排名已经位列第二,小姐的排名也有第八名之高。”一名身穿皂袍的年轻弟子脚步飞快的走了进来,单膝跪地并一抱拳的说道。 Good! I knew, you get down first.” The black robe old man waved the feather fan, saying of unemotionally. “好!我知道了,你先下去吧。”黑袍老者挥了挥手中的羽扇,面无表情的说道。 Yes!” black robe disciple complied with one, withdrew from secret room quickly. “是!”皂袍弟子答应了一声,很快退出了密室 Has not thought that Long'er and such rapidness of Feng'er short dozens years of unexpectedly growth, according to such looks like, destiny value that this Heavenly Sect Assembly accumulates, enters first four not to be a problem. If two people collaborate, gives Big Dipper Pavilion female disciple that is listed first......” “没想到龙儿凤儿短短几十年竟成长的如此之快,照这么看来,此次天门会累积到的气运值,进前四之列是不成问题了。若是二人联手,将那排名第一的北斗阁弟子给……” Thought aloud after several, on the black robe old man face shows a cloudy and cold smiling face, immediately stands up, takes out black light misty talisman from the sleeve, makes secret technique to fall on together its above. 自言自语了几句之后,黑袍老者脸上露出一丝阴冷的笑容,当即站起身来,从袖中取出一张黑光蒙蒙的符箓,打出一道法诀落在其之上。 After whole piece talisman surface black light one is abundant, then the self-ignition in void gets up, after time of short several breath, then changes to a palm of the hand big spirit flame. 整张符箓表面一阵黑光一盛之后,便在虚空中自燃起来,短短几个呼吸的功夫之后便化作一个巴掌大的灵焰。 Then in old man's after hand black feather fan gently one leaf, black wind sweeps across, holds the spirit flame, dodges under toward out of the window, then vanished the trace. 接着老者用手中的黑色羽扇轻轻一扇后,一阵黑风席卷而出,将灵焰一托而起,往窗外一闪之下,便消失了踪影。 The black robe old man looked at out of the window, satisfied nod, also sat above the rocking chair. 黑袍老者看了看窗外,满意的点了点头后,又坐回了摇椅之上。 In some secret room that Tian Gong Sect is, three wear the middle-aged man of yellow shirt to sit facing each other, was discussing in a low voice. 天工宗所在的某间密室之中,三名身着黄色短衫的中年男子正相对而坐,低声的讨论着。 This time we have gotten down the initial capital, several puppets that will hide away deliver to these disciple to use. Has not thought that let this Big Dipper Pavilion and Murong Aristocratic Family unexpectedly has seized the opportunity.” A stature looks like a thin bamboo pole common man to deep frown, slowly said. “这一次我们可是下了血本,将秘藏的几件傀儡交予那些弟子使用。没想到竟然还是让这北斗阁与慕容世家占了先机。”一名身材像一个瘦竹竿一般的男子眉头紧锁,缓缓说道 „The person of this Murong Aristocratic Family, at one month ago exchange meeting also getting rid wound and my disciple, simply are rampant incomparable. Now Wu Chao this child also died, does not know that is also related with the Brother Murong younger sister.” Saying of robust man face anger another upper body is barebacked. “这慕容世家之人,一个月前的交换会上还出手伤及我的弟子,简直就是嚣张无比。如今吴超此子也陨落了,不知是不是又与慕容兄妹有关。”另一名上身赤膊的壮汉一脸怒意的说道。 Was only a pity that I have delivered to Peng Yue that Mechanical Battle Armor, if delivers to Wu Chao. Perhaps he then can escape.” The thin bamboo pole man reveals color of the regret. “只可惜我将那副机关战甲交予了彭越,若是交予吴超。或许他便能逃过一劫了。”瘦竹竿男子露出一丝后悔之色。 Now above stele, the rank of Tian Gong Sect disciple compared with Grand Purity Sect must almost. Actually did not have one person to enter first ten, Peng Yue arranges after 20, but the silver car(riage) youth who they placed the great expectations, merely is at present listed at 11. 如今石碑之上,天工宗弟子的排名比太清门还要差一点。竟然没有一人进入前十之列,彭越排在了20名之后,而他们寄予厚望的银车青年,目前也仅仅排在了11位。 Two Junior Brother do not need to worry, the smelting trial just carried on half nothing more, how finally also to still do not know. This time our Four Supreme Sects disciple ranks after actually, and many disciple die, this in first several smelting trials. May be very rare.” Remaining the middle-aged men of that Confucian scholar appearance said one lightly. “两位师弟也不必过于忧心,试炼才刚刚进行到了一半而已,最后会如何还犹未可知。倒是这次我们四大太宗弟子均排名靠后,且有不少弟子陨落,这个在前几届的试炼之中。可都是非常少见的。”剩下那名儒生模样的中年男子淡淡的说了一句。 After being barebacked robust man they looks at each other to look, then has revealed color looking pensive. 赤膊壮汉两人相视一望之后,则均都露出了若有所思之色来。 ...... …… Similar scene, under snowy mountain accredits in the place often to perform respectively, the rank on snowy peak great tablet not only related to Sect the chances of these promising youth, will be concerning respective Sect in the future the prosperity and decline nearly millenniums, naturally made the gate send Sect Leader Elder not to dare to neglect respectively. 同样的情景,在雪山下的各派驻地之中都在不时上演着,雪峰巨碑上的排名不仅关系到了宗门内这些后起之秀的机缘,更关乎着所属宗门未来近千年的兴衰,自然让门各派门主长老都不敢忽视。 No matter how beside secret realm all Pai responded that Heavenly Sect Assembly was still carrying on. 然而不管秘境之外诸派如何反应,天门会仍旧在进行着。 In secret realm, is somewhere immeasurably deep, in the huge space of cylinder. 秘境之中,某处深不可测,圆柱形的巨大空间之中。 An ancient palace float in this, all over the body by blue stone build. All around is also towering several white stone pillar, supports the one layer white light screen, protected the entire palace. 一个古老宫殿正悬浮于此,通体以青石搭建而成。四周还耸立着数根白色石柱,支撑起一层白色光幕,将整个宫殿护在了其中。 Formation restrictions outside palace is quite overbearing. When is sending out intermittent rising cold Spiritual Qi, impressively is place of inheritance. 宫殿之外的阵法禁制极为霸道。散发着阵阵凌冽之际的灵气,赫然又是一处传承之地。 Now, the palace positive front door is opening wide, among spacious incomparable, except for quite grand altar, then again did not have the other thing of exhibition. 如今,宫殿正面的大门正敞开着,其内空旷无比,除了一座颇为宏伟的祭坛,便再无其他陈列之物了。 altar length and breadth more than ten zhang (3.33 m), high approximately ten zhang (3.33 m), top up ahead several hundred stone steps straight passage altar. 祭坛长宽十余丈,高约十丈,正前方一处数百层的石阶直通道祭坛顶部。 In stone steps, lying this way and that is lying down more than ten Crystal Transforming Stage human form puppets. But the places of these puppet chests each every pulled out spatially, its Essence Nucleus already vanished into thin air. 在石阶上,横七竖八的躺着十余只化晶期的人形傀儡。而这些傀儡胸口之处各各都被掏空,其精核早已不翼而飞。 Top altar is a several feet square shape platform. In the platform portrays a curving strange scarlet mark, in the thing north and south four positions is towering respectively person of high green stone pillar. 祭坛顶部则是一片数丈大小的方形平台。平台上刻画着弯曲诡异的血色阵纹,东西南北四个方位上各耸立着一根一人多高的青色石柱 A silver-haired female at this time spooky sitting well above east stone pillar. In the hand is holding ancient books, with great interest is reading, but piles up one on top of another in its side similar books, has more than ten. 一名银发女子此时正幽幽的端坐在东面的一个石柱之上。手中则捧着一本古老的书籍,正津津有味的研读着,而在其身边类似的书籍堆叠而起,足足有十余本之多。 Big Dipper Pavilion disciple that this female Yin Se, on destiny stele is listed first impressively. 此女赫然正是银瑟,气运石碑上排名第一的北斗阁弟子 But under several other pillars, then lies down the corpse that 45 clothing are varying, these people mostly bleed profusely from the head, the loathsome appearance is ugly. 而在另外几根柱子下方,则躺着45名服饰各异的尸体,这些人大多七窍流血,死相非常难看。 Here inheritance already was broken obviously, but keeps here live person, actually only then this female nothing more. 此处的传承显然已经被破开,但留在这里的活人,却只有此女一人而已 Silver-haired girl as if not cares a whoop regarding the surrounding bloody scene, but wholeheartedly is glancing through the books in hand, often and looks color of the hesitation. 银发少女对于周围血腥场景似乎毫不在意,只是一心一意的翻阅着手中的书册,并不时面露一丝沉吟之色。 It seems like in the short-term wants insight these rare books is all impossible, brings back to the pavilion, studied carefully.” “看来短期内想要尽数参悟这些秘籍是不可能了,还是带回阁中,细细研究好了。” After long time, the silver-haired female gained ground, in a soft voice smiles after talking to oneself several, then gathered the books in hand on. 半晌后,银发女子抬起头来,轻声一笑的自语几句后,便将手中的书册一合而上。 Immediately she then graceful standing up, the sleeve robe caresses, one volume of pale silver mist one volumes, after the surrounding books one and receives, then jumps to leap stone pillar, just like a fallen leaf, falling of light as a feather above below stage, has not sent out including a sound. 随即她便盈盈的站起身来,袖袍一抚,一卷淡银色雾气从中一卷而出,将周围的书籍一并收起之后,便纵身跃下了石柱,宛如一片落叶般,轻飘飘的落在了下方的高台之上,连一丝声响都未发出。 „” A light sound! “啪”的一声轻响! Silver-haired female lotus root arm lifts lightly, the racket of fair palm somewhere gently on stone pillar of body side, the mark of ground suddenly has shone. 银发女子藕臂轻举,白皙的手掌在身侧的石柱上某处轻轻一拍,地上的阵纹陡然亮了起来。 Next quarter cylinder-shaped Spell Formation in sound raises in chī chī slowly, in Spell Formation the innumerable rune capers continue. 下一刻一座圆柱型的法阵在“嗤嗤”声中冉冉升起,法阵中无数符文跳跃不止。 The silver-haired female sees this, in entering Spell Formation that the personal appearance dodges, after seeing only dazzling silver light flashes through together, this female figure then vanishes in the main hall. 银发女子见此,身形一闪的步入法阵之中,只见一道刺目银光闪过后,此女的身影便消失在了大殿之中。 ...... …… By blue stone mountain valley that in everywhere the light green old tree encircles, reclining in which that a zhang (3.33 m) allow Kuan limpid rill winds, murmur mountain stream trickle is flowing. 一处被满目葱绿古树所围的青石山谷之中,一条丈许宽的清澈小溪蜿蜒的横卧其中,潺潺的溪水涓涓的流淌着。 By the mountain stream, innumerable assorted spirit grass is scattered and organized, is sending out intermittent rich Spiritual Qi. Impressively is one just like paradise natural medicine garden. 溪水两侧,数不胜数的各色灵草错落有致,,散发着阵阵浓郁至极的灵气。赫然是一处宛如世外桃源般的天然药园 But mountain valley deep place, two black person's shadows as quick as a flash speeding away line. 山谷深处,两道黑色的人影正快如闪电般的疾驰而行。 In two people of behind, billowing mist and dust rises from all directions. Frightens the heart and soul bang the sound transmits unceasingly, is one has more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high impressively fully. Hot pursuit that on the giant Monster Beast four feet of bust deer lower part horse such as fly. 在二人身后,滚滚烟尘四起。震慑心魄的轰隆声不断传来,赫然是一头足有十余丈高。上半身像鹿下半身似马的巨型妖兽正四足如飞的紧追不舍。 This beast not only the appearance is strange, reddish black two color spirit mark are chaotic is interlocking mutually, among pair of dark green double pupils often the ominous color break-up moves. 此兽非但长相怪异,身上一条条的红黑两色灵纹更是杂乱无章的相互交错着,一对墨绿色双瞳之间更不时凶光闪动不已。 suddenly, this Monster Beast exudes one crying out strangely, and proceeds to rise with a spring, fierce an acceleration in void, big Zhang Qikou spraying the bucket thick reddish black colored light column, goes toward the front two shadow lasings together with lightning speed. 忽然,此妖兽发出一声嗷嗷的怪叫,并往前一跃而起,在虚空之中猛的一个加速,大张其口的喷射出一道水桶般粗红黑色光柱,朝前方的两道黑影风驰电掣般激射而去。 Light beam place visited. Air all around buzz the cry twists. 光柱所过之处。周遭的空气都随之嗡鸣扭曲起来。 Finally in the light beam will soon strike when to two shadows on, a two black person's shadow personal appearance fuzziness, unexpectedly one on the left and other on the right moves sideways to evade this attack. 结果就在光柱即将击在到两个黑影身上的时候,两道黑色人影身形一个模糊,竟一左一右的闪身躲过此攻击。 In bang the sound, the red black light column almost pastes two people to howl, fell above the front cliff. 在轰隆隆声中,红黑光柱几乎贴着二人呼啸而过,落在了前方一处山崖之上。 Light beam place visited, blue stone or spirit grass spirit medicine, without any exception shortly all will be reduced to ashes. 光柱所过之处,不论是青石还是灵草灵药,无一例外的顷刻间全都化为灰烬。 No matter what if it such gets down, perhaps spirit grass in mountain valley must be destroyed much.” In the left shadow, a slender female voice passes on an instant. “如果任其这么下去,山谷中的灵草恐怕要被破坏不少了。”左侧黑影中,一个纤细的女子声音传刹那间。 Do not spell in this hardly, we drew out Gu Zhongzai to say it first.” Another shadow sinking sound said. “不要在此硬拼,我们先把它引出谷中再说。”另一道黑影沉声说道。 Their goal is to pick spirit medicine obviously. Naturally cannot attack brutally in mountain valley, even if otherwise cuts to kill this beast, could not make an effort to make contact with most mountain valley spirit medicine. Then on gain does not equal the loss. 两人目的显然是采摘灵药。自然不能在山谷里大打出手了,否则即便将此兽斩杀,勉不了要搭上大半个山谷灵药。那就得不偿失了。 Slender female voice light um, immediately in the hand technique concentrates, stretched out a wing of pair of about 1 zhang (3.33m) long by the back that black Qi covers suddenly, under a leaf, escaped gently fast sped up several points suddenly. 纤细女声轻嗯了一声,随即手中法决一凝,被黑气覆盖的后背骤然伸出了一对丈许长的翅膀,轻轻一扇之下,遁速陡然加快了几分。 This mountain valley several mu size, under the mean guidances of two shadows, strange Monster Beast of half deer half horse was directed quickly then beside mountain valley. 山谷不过数亩大小,在两道黑影的有意引导之下,半鹿半马的怪异妖兽很快便被引到了山谷之外。 Elder brother, do not get rid, this Monster Beast then gives me to process.” After that female light. Turned around to stop in midair suddenly, whole body black mist welled up crazily. And condenses in its periphery at lightning speed, wove a 45 zhang (3.33 m) high giant flamingo design. “兄长,你不要出手,这头妖兽便交给我来处理吧。”那名女子淡淡一声后。一个转身在半空中突然停了下来,浑身的黑色气焰狂涌而出。并在其周围飞快凝聚起来,编织出了一只45丈之高的巨大火鸟图案。 Good. That gave Little Sister.” “好。那就交给小妹了。” Another shadow Hehe smiles, black light one volume of emergence above a ash-gray giant stone, both hands carry on the back to stand. 另一道黑影嘿嘿一笑,黑光一卷的出现在一块灰色巨石之上,双手负背而立。 These two shadows are not other people, is Fairy Hei Feng and his elder brother. 这两道黑影不是他人,正是黑凤仙子与其兄长。 Two people accidental between chase down several other Aristocratic Family disciple to come here, has discovered this ravine valley land the place of natural spirit medicine. 二人偶然之间追杀几名其他世家弟子来到此处,发现了这座山间谷地的天然灵药之地。 They also no longer pursue these disciple, intruded the mountain valley deep place without demur. 他们二人也不再追赶那些弟子,二话不说的闯入了山谷深处。 The result discovers in this mountain valley, performing is several hundred years of even thousand years of crucial moment/maturity spirit medicine, immediately great happiness! 结果发现这山谷之中,尽是一些数百年甚至千余年火候灵药,当即大喜之极! Insufficient, so spirit naturally has to protect existence of Monster Beast. 不够,如此灵地自然有守护妖兽的存在。 This hides the mountain valley center half deer half horse monster, is Monster Beast of Fake Core boundary, not only the defense capability is astonishing, sprays the black red colored light column great power who all change into the hard coke to be able, and wild with rage, basic in full garden spirit medicine to the mountain disregards, 这头隐藏山谷中心处的半鹿半马怪物,就是一头假丹境的妖兽,不仅防御能力惊人,喷射黑红色光柱更可以将一切化为焦炭的莫大威能,且狂怒之下,根本对山中满园灵药不管不顾, At just this small meeting, the trim spirit mountain valley feared already to have 1/10 places to turn into burned black one piece, loses spirit medicine, in outside world already was astronomical figures, 就在刚刚这一小会,整片灵山谷恐怕已经有1地方变成焦黑一片了,损失其中的灵药,更在外界已经是一个天文数字了、 This lets the Fairy Hei Feng brother and sister grievedly. 这让黑凤仙子兄妹大为心痛不已。 Strange Monster Beast sees black wind Fairy Maiden that stops, face upwards sends out one low and deep hissing hissing cries out strangely, four foot step on places, overrunning of being without hesitation. 怪异妖兽见到停下的黑风仙子,仰天发出一阵低沉的嘶嘶怪叫,四足一蹬地,毫不迟疑的冲了过去。 Fairy Hei Feng sees this, in the beautiful pupil flashes through one to sneer, whole body black flame one abundant , the personal appearance integrated in back black flamingo phantom unexpectedly. 黑凤仙子见此,美眸中闪过一丝冷笑,浑身黑色火焰一盛之下,身形竟融入了背后的黑色火鸟虚影之中。 A clear cry sound of direct impact highest heaven spreads! 一声直冲九霄的清鸣声传出! The of black flamingo in void circles, the both wings gather together, does not draw back changes to the pitch dark fireball that instead enters, goes toward that only strange Monster Beast dive. 黑色火鸟在虚空之中一个盘旋,双翅一拢,不退反进的化作一团漆黑火球,朝那只怪异的妖兽俯冲而去。 ( Everybody searches ** public number Wang Yu orwang -- yu ---- `, But pays attention to Wang Yu and Demon's Diary novel all information promptly.) ( to be continued ) R752 (大家搜索**公共号“忘语”或“wang--yu----‘,可及时关注忘语魔天记小说一切信息。)(未完待续)R752
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