DD :: Volume #8

#793: Place

Sees only purple hair man not to know when raised golden Spell Formation to cover, its golden yellow carpet already of sitting cross-legged also soared float, but fluctuation, and was similar to a golden lotus flower, dispersed strength of the golden ripple stock space shakes to all around. 只见紫发男子脚下不知何时升起了一座金色法阵笼罩,其盘坐的金黄色蒲团已经也腾空悬浮而起浮动,并如同一朵金色莲花般,向四周散出一圈圈金色波纹股空间震荡之力。 Luo Tiancheng and ugly youth see this, complexion became extremely ugly, where can also not be clear, purple hair man already has forestalled one step, comprehended the Buddha Sect secret technique on wall. 罗天成和丑陋青年见此,脸色变得难看之极,哪里还会不明白,紫发男子已经抢先了一步,领悟出了壁上的佛门秘术了。 Ha Ha, first took refining that Buddha Sect rare treasure below, two in this slowly cultivation!” Laughs wildly in the sound, purple hair man personal appearance in Spell Formation gradually blurs. “哈哈,在下就先去取炼化佛门秘宝了,二位就在此慢慢修炼吧!”狂笑声之中,紫发男子身形在法阵之中渐渐的模糊起来。 ...... …… In the silver old castle, the inexhaustible mist still in inundating to be seething, but before comparing to several double-hour, looked like even more thick, and has formed great bowl-shaped of backing off faintly. 银色古堡之中,无穷无尽雾气仍旧在漫翻腾着,只是比起数个时辰前,看起来越发浓厚了,并隐隐形成了倒扣的巨碗状型。 The Hawk face monster cultivator Hawk face man, Xue Pan, white robe young woman green clothes young woman and silver car(riage) youth, this moment both eyes conceals a blur, on the face the expression actually very wooden, obviously all fell into the illusion, 鹰面妖修鹰面男子,薛盘,白袍少妇绿衣少妇和银车青年,此刻双目都隐含一丝迷离,脸上表情却十分的木然,显然都皆已陷入了幻象之中, Four person's shadows in silver mist flaneries to walk randomly, imitates, if the good-for-nothing is common, is only as if every other sometime, in some people of eyes will then flash through color of the Pure Brightness, but actually blinks passes., Does not have the goal flies in all directions randomly. 四个人影在银色雾气其中漫无目的游走,仿若行尸走肉一般,只是似乎每隔一小段时间,其中便会有人眼中闪过一丝清明之色,但却眨眼即逝。,毫无目的的四处乱飞。 But under observing carefully, will actually discover, appearance that with the lapse of time, the several person sober time, as if also faintly increase. 而细心观察之下,却会发现,随着时间的推移,几个人清醒的时间,似乎也隐隐有所增加的样子。 In the silver car(riage) youth eyes restores once more Pure Brightness, suddenly the personal appearance flies, goes toward somewhere the direction lasing, and shortly will arrive at the place of silver fog edge, when will break through. On the face suddenly revealed in the color of eye pain once more to be dim one layer to be confused. Escaping light suddenly one, changed another direction. 就在银车青年眼中再次恢复清明之时,突然身形一飞而起,往某处方向激射而去,并顷刻间到了银雾边缘之处,正要冲破出去之时。脸上忽然露出了痛苦之色眼中却再次胧起一层迷茫。遁光骤然一偏,又转向了另一个方向。 Incessantly is he, other following three people were also so, often soon as if each time must depart the silver fog, what a pity fell short. 不止是他,接下来的其他三人也均是如此,每每快要似乎每次都要飞出银雾了,可惜都功亏一篑。 So back and forth several times crossed roughly small an hour later, although four people still fell into Illusory Territory, on the face facial expression actually as if already gradually becomes gentle. But the sober time, lengthened more or less much. 如此来回数次又过了约莫小半个时辰后,四人虽然仍旧陷入在幻境之中,脸上神情却似乎已经逐渐变得平和起来。而清醒的时间,更是或多或少的延长了不少。 It seems like several people as if faintly tried to find out the Illusory Territory know-how. 看来几人似乎都隐隐摸索到了幻境的窍门了。 In a while, when the silver car(riage) man restores once more Pure Brightness, suddenly clenches teeth maliciously, mouth corner left behind blood opened mouth to spout piece of blood mist, both hands fluctuated rapidly, under the mouth mumbled spits the incantation that several were obscurely difficult to be bright lightly, blood mist concentrates unexpectedly, changed to one group of scarlet glow. Flew into among forehead as if to revolve some cultivation method. 没过多久,当银车男子再次恢复清明之时,忽的狠狠一咬牙,嘴角留下了一道鲜血张口喷出了一片血雾,双手一阵飞速变幻,口中念念有词轻吐了几句晦涩难明的咒语,血雾竟一凝之下,化作一团赤芒。飞入了眉心中间似乎在运转某种功法 The next quarter, his shouts out, in the eye fully restored the Pure Brightness to be ordinary unexpectedly instantaneously. 下一刻,他大喝了一声,眼中竟瞬间完全恢复了清明一般。 Finally in his heart also without enough time likes, in Divine Consciousness Sea by the blood essence secret technique scarlet Protective Cover starts to reappear numerous illusion unexpectedly violent shaking to tremble at present immediately, the silver threads are shelling Protective Cover unceasingly, as if almost then must want to submerge his mental once again. 结果他心中还来不及欢喜,神识海中由精血秘术所化的血色护罩眼前立刻又开始浮现出了重重的幻象竟猛烈的晃颤起来,不断有一道道银丝轰击着护罩,似乎几乎便要想要再度淹没他的心智。 In a twinkling. He cannot attend to uses any secret technique again., The personal appearance moves without demur, changes to together lightning glow, flushes away toward the silver mist outside. 说时迟那时快。他顾不得再施展什么秘术。二话不说的,身形一动,化作一道电芒,朝着银色雾气之外冲去。 When he will flies mist edge, the radiant silver crystal glow, caught up together from out of the blue unexpectedly in front of the silver car(riage) man departed silver sea of mist. 就在他堪堪飞到雾气边缘之时,一道璀璨的银色晶芒破空而出,竟赶在银车男子前面飞出了银色雾海 The crystal glow neglects, outside sea of mist, has appeared figure of Hawk face man. 晶芒一闪下,在雾海外,现出了鹰面男子的身影 In this person of hand is grasping an exquisitely carved hexagonal silver mirror, at the same time also rapidly is panting for breath, chest fluctuating just likes the bellower agitation general type.. Hawk face man forehead also by sweat seepage, but densely covered. 此人手中正握着一枚玲珑剔透的六角银镜,同时也正急速的喘息着,胸膛起伏犹如风箱鼓动一般样。。鹰面男子额头也是被汗水渗透而出密布。 In this time, the silver thick fog is dissipating slowly, only listens to bang a light sound to transmit from the place bottom, the silver circular light beam of well head size rises straight from the ground from the under foot of Hawk face monster cultivator Hawk face man together, covers him directly. 正在此时,银色浓雾缓缓消散,只听轰隆隆一阵轻响从地底传来,一道井口大小的银色圆形光柱从鹰面妖修鹰面男子的脚下拔地而起,直接将他笼罩。 During the space shakes, Teleportation Formation starts to revolve to open, the Hawk face monster cultivator Hawk face man personal appearance also vanishes in piece of silver light. 空间震荡间,传送法阵开始运转开启,鹰面妖修鹰面男子身形也消失在一片银光中。 At this time, the Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) youth personal appearance dodges will rushes to here, looked at present, cannot help but the face is smiling bitterly on. 此时,天工宗银车青年正身形一闪的堪堪赶到此处,望着眼前的一幕,不禁将脸上苦笑不已了。 ...... …… In disciple of various factions, in Heavenly Sect Assembly secret realm for destiny when wartime at the same time, beside Heavenly Sect Assembly smelting trial secret realm, that white sheet boundless snowy mountain, still the sea of people, open compared with Heavenly Sect secret realm at this moment increases steadily unexpectedly. 就在各宗各派的弟子,在天门会秘境中为气运而战时与此同时,天门会试炼秘境之外,那片白茫茫的雪山脚下,此刻依然人山人海,比起天门秘境开启之时竟是有增无减。 However Four Supreme Sects and eight big Aristocratic Family the person of head, Heavenly Spear Daoist and the others actually already returned to the respective station, observes outside secret realm that to hold up situation on day of great tablet through various secret techniques. 不过四大太宗和八大世家的首脑之人,天戈真人等人却早已都回到了各自驻地之中,通过各种秘术观察着秘境外那块擎天巨碑上的情况 disciple of various sects, actually mostly chose still stayed outside, in addition, but also are many disciple disciple department that some not well-known small Sect have sent, they simply had not been invited by Heavenly Palace, now also gathers here, instead was the attention of carefully the rank on that half black half white great tablet. 各宗派的弟子们,却大都选择仍留在了外面,除此之外,还多了有一些不知名的小宗门派的弟子门人系,他们根本没有受到天宫邀请,如今也纷纷聚集在此处,反而是更为仔细的关注着那块半黑半白的巨碑上的排名了。 These people mostly hope the destiny rank from tablet, each influence current influence size and hundred years of prosperity and decline degrees, good to take the basis by this in the future, which influences in the future will choose to attach. 这些人大多希望从碑上的气运排名,来看出各个势力目前的势力大小和往后百年的兴衰程度,好以此来作为根据,日后选择依附哪些势力。 After all if some door small lots elected mistakenly the backer, light then Sect was not abundant, heavy had to extinguish the sect catastrophe. 毕竟一些小门小宗要是选错了靠山,轻则宗门不盛,重则有灭宗大祸。 In addition has the people of many Rouge Cultivator, is holding the mentality accumulation of watching the fun here, and often in threes and twos, talking in whispers was discussing anything. 另外还有许多的散修之人,抱着看热闹的心态聚集在此,并不时三两成群,窃窃私语的在讨论些什么。 But sees above this great tablet, dense and numerous reflecting have each to enter secret realm the disciple name of smelting trial, but after name behind of everyone, one to the small jade of ten fist sizes will lock the design, regardless of the size and shape impressively with entering on secret realm people wrist appear carries to enter the secret realm destiny lock to be without change. 但见这巨碑之上,密密麻麻的映有每一位进入秘境的试炼的弟子名字,而在每个人的名字后面之后,都会有一至十个拳头大小的小玉锁图案,不论大小和形状赫然与进入秘境众人手腕上浮现的携带进入秘境的气运锁一般无二。 These small lock designs, were representing had been demonstrating corresponded smelting trial disciple destiny many, the jade locked the design to altogether have the copper silver [gold/metal] three colors, after the destiny accumulated full jade locked, its color will then transform the bronze, but its right, will then appear once more another small lock design. 这些小锁图案,正代表着显示了所对应试炼弟子累计气运多少,玉锁图案共有铜银金三种颜色,当气运累积满一只玉锁后,其颜色便会转变成古铜色,而其右侧,则会再次浮现出另一个小锁图案。 After accumulating full ten copper locks, its automatic the stele transformations on ten copper lock will be a silver small lock, similarly the truth, the destiny accumulation of after ten silver lock will be full, will then change into a golden small lock. 而当累积满十只铜锁之后,其自动会将石碑上的十个铜锁之转变为一只个银色小锁,同样道理,十个银锁的气运累积满以后,便会化为一只个金色小锁。 As but for these die disciple unfortunately in secret realm, according to the stipulation of Heavenly Sect Assembly, no matter its before accumulated many destiny, its name direct dim, drops to the rank final, but behind its name small lock can also vanish similarly, formerly the obtained destiny accountant did not enter the major influences in the total destiny. 至于而那些不幸陨落在秘境中的弟子,根据天门会的规定,不管其之前累积了多少气运,其名字都会直接黯淡,跌落至排名最后,而其名字后面的小锁也会同样消失,先前所得的气运也不会计入各大势力的总气运之中。 Liu Ming the destiny has three half silver lock at this time merely. Will placed stele 35. But in entire Grand Purity Sect disciple, rank of Luo Tiancheng before, has five silver lock unexpectedly many destiny, but also is only 13. 柳鸣此时气运仅仅有三半银锁之多。堪堪排在石碑的35名。而整个太清门弟子中,罗天成的排名最为靠前,竟拥有五个银锁之多的气运,但也仅名列13名。 But Long Yanfei, but will collected to fill two silver lock destiny. 龙颜菲,只是堪堪收集满了两个银锁的气运。 In at the same time Grand Purity Sect three personal name already quietly are dim, besides with Luo Tiancheng two disciple beside together, a Golden Peak disciple unfortunately falling from the sky in. 与此同时太清门中却有三个人名已经悄然黯淡下来,除了与罗天成一同的两名弟子之外,还有一名金顶峰弟子不幸陨落其中。 But above great tablet. Ranks first impressively is the Big Dipper Pavilion silver-haired female, Yin Se. 而巨碑之上。排名第一的赫然是北斗阁的银发女子,银瑟 Such as the short time passes by, is listed as first really had a chain destiny, may probably be much much than second.” In the crowd, does not know that is what Sect black surface youth, saying that muttered. “才如短时间过去,暂列第一的竟然已有一个金锁气运,比第二名可要多得多了。”人群之中,一名不知是何宗门的黑面青年,喃喃的说道。 Yin Se?, Does not know that the person of which school this person is?” Nearby the black surface youth, does not know that was who asked one. 银瑟?,不知此人是哪个门派之人?”在黑面青年一旁,不知是谁问了一句。 Evening that this Fellow Daoist, you come. Before this female is the smelting trial starts, the Profound Opening Realm Supreme Being Big Dipper Pavilion marriage go- from female disciple that brings.” Nearby must steadily the old man, suddenly Hehe saying. “这位道友,你来的晚了。此女是试炼开始之前,通玄境大能北斗阁主亲自所带来的一名女弟子。”附近一名长须老者,突然嘿嘿一的说道。 Hears is Big Dipper Pavilion, cultivator that must around old man several not know the circumstances of the matter steadily is complexion changes, immediately in abundance keep quiet carefully looked at the following rank. 一听闻是北斗阁,长须老者周围的几名不知情的修士均是面色微变,随即纷纷闭口不言仔细的看起了下面的排名。 Big Dipper Pavilion influence and big, not in the least under Four Supreme Sects. In addition its wrapped in a shroud of obscurity style. Makes these small influences dread. 北斗阁势力及之大,毫不下于四大太宗。加上其神秘莫测的行事风格。更让这些小型势力畏惧。 But at this time, under front the mountain in some Grand Purity Sect garret secret room, Heavenly Spear Daoist is sitting cross-legged to sit, adopts together the formation plate projection, examines to look on the snowy mountain the rank above stele, a dignified color of face. 而此时,山下太清门阁楼某间密室之中,天戈真人正盘膝而坐,通过面前一块阵盘投影,查看望着雪山上石碑之上的排名,一脸的凝重之色。 In its side with that grey robe man who he comes together, which complexion similarly very to goes. 在其身边正是与他一同前来的那名灰袍男子,面色同样好不到哪儿去。 This thinks that has Luo Tiancheng this child, this Heavenly Sect Assembly situation will be better. Previous Heavenly Sect Assembly, Grand Purity Sect merely is third, falls after Overwhelming Academy and Demon Mysterious Sect. Has not thought of this Heavenly Sect Assembly. Heavenly Monster Valley as well as eight big Aristocratic Family as if specially attach great importance to it, disciple strength that sends is not weak, the person of Big Dipper Pavilion appears, perhaps it seems like these time linked enters first three to be possible not to guarantee very much difficultly again.” The grey robe man looked at the rank above stele, shakes the head to say again and again. “本以为有罗天成此子与,这一届天门会情况会稍好一些。上一届天门会,太清门就仅仅名列第三,落于浩然书院魔玄宗之后。没想到这一届天门会天妖谷以及八大世家似乎对其特别重视,所派的弟子实力也均不弱,北斗阁之人更是横空出世,看来这一次恐怕连很难再进前三都有可能不保了了。”灰袍男子看了看石碑之上的排名,连连摇头道。 Said that this Heavenly Sect Assembly time is quite awkward, several Inner Disciple that formerly favored already broke through True Core Realm, remaining person strength are outstanding, for example Forgotten Dark Peak Xiao Wu and other ages already limiting, this only has been able to send these disciple to go. Although Luo Tiancheng strength is uncommon, but was too after all young, cultivation base is also only Initial Stage realm, finally will place will not be perhaps ideal.” Heavenly Spear Daoist looked at a rank of Luo Tiancheng, on the face has flashed through one, but color. “说起来,这一届天门会时间颇为尴尬,先前看好的几个内门弟子均已突破了真丹境界,剩下之人实力超群的,例如落幽峰晓五等年龄又已经过限,这才只能派这几名弟子前去。罗天成实力不凡,但毕竟太年轻了,修为也只是初期境界,最终排名恐怕并不会太理想。”天戈真人又望了一眼罗天成的排名,脸上闪过一丝无奈之色。 In the hearsay, does not have one with Luo Tiancheng strength equally matched Liu Ming, how many positions this child present is listed at?” The grey robe man suddenly has as if thought any general, the eye looks toward stele of formation plate projection on. “不过传闻中,不是还有一个和罗天成实力不相上下的柳鸣,此子现在排在多少位?”灰袍男子仿佛突然想到了什么一般,眼睛朝阵盘投影的石碑上看去。 35...... It seems like this Liu Ming is also unworthy of the name.” When the line of sight of grey robe man fell on Liu Ming in two characters, look one gloomy, saying of heaving a deep sigh. “35名……看来这个柳鸣也是名不副实。”当灰袍男子的视线落在了“柳鸣”二字上时,眼神一黯,摇头叹息的说道。 At this moment, above stele a suddenly a golden light dimness, after a golden light collects, the rank just like had the huge change, the Liu Ming name appeared in stele ninth unexpectedly. Behind the name, nine silver lock marks dodge to be bright unexpectedly. 就在这时,石碑之上忽然金光一阵朦胧,金光一敛之后,排名俨然发生了巨大的变化,柳鸣名字竟出现在石碑的第九位。其名字后方,竟有九个银锁标记一闪而亮。 Well, this Liu Ming destiny all of a sudden were unexpectedly many these many, don't tell me this child with finding what huge chance? Is it possible that is...... Destiny value so high goods.” The Heavenly Spear Daoist brow selects, reveals an accident color asking. “咦,这个柳鸣气运竟一下子多了这么多,难道此子遇找到了什么天大的机缘?莫非是……气运值如此高的物品。”天戈真人眉头一挑,露出一丝意外之色的问道。 „The place of inheritance! Short then can obtain so astonishing destiny value instantaneously, should obtain the advantage in the place of some inheritance, and is not the ordinary inheritance. If this child can inherit to gather finally, that Grand Purity Sect kept the smelting trial first three positions to be hopeful!.” The grey robe man has exchanged the color of great happiness immediately, excited saying. “传承之地!短短瞬间便能获得如此惊人的气运值,应该是在某个传承之处得到了好处,且不会是普通的传承。若是此子能将最后传承收取,那太清门保住试炼前三的位置就有希望了!。”灰袍男子顿时换上了大喜之色,兴奋的说道。 Hope such as this.” Heavenly Spear Daoist expression relaxes similarly, the heart does not know why reappeared unexpectedly Jin Tianci figure. “希望如吧此。”天戈真人神色同样缓和下来,心头不知为何竟浮现出了金天赐身影 ...... …… at the same time, Liu Ming in place of inheritance, naturally does not know that outside situation and own rank, does not know that is because took that belt Star River Sand to give unexpectedly gives Sect and has brought so many destiny. 同一时间,传承之地之内的柳鸣,自然不知道外面的情况和自己的排名,更不知道是因为自己拿取了那带“星河沙”竟给才给宗门和自己带来了如此多的气运。 , He is wandering in passage now at this moment, how ponders over is dealing to go out of the present labyrinth. ,如今此刻他正在通道内徘徊,琢磨着如何应对走出眼前的这座迷宫。 Then, big of this labyrinth, surpassed him to imagine obviously before this, at first was also only the three-road junction, unexpectedly turned into four five to afterward the branch road, were getting more and more, let its headache. 说起来,这迷宫之大,明显超出了他此前的想象,起初还只是三岔路,到后来岔路竟变成四条五条,越来越多起来,让其头疼不已。 It seems like he must go out of this labyrinth, but also is really not the matter that the short time can achieve.( Not 看来他要走出这座迷宫,还真不是短时间能做到的事情。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) R1052 ~^~)R1052
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