DD :: Volume #8

#792: Showing special prowess

After several double-hour, by silver pond that the producing an inverted image bright star closes. 数个时辰后,倒映熠熠星关的银色水塘旁边。 The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon Formation in deep water does not know when already had the change, but was covered by one group of murky blue mist, under the water surface refracts star light, maps by the puddle four people are ordinary just like the falling body nebula, to person an immeasurably deep strange feeling. 潭水中的苍龙七宿阵法不知何时已经发生了变化,而被一团昏沉的蓝色雾气笼罩,水面之下折射出一道道的星光,将水潭旁的四人映射得宛如坠身星云一般,给人一种深不可测的诡异感觉。 Liu Ming sits cross-legged to sit, two eyes actually stubbornly stares at the star light of unceasing circulation change, in the hand is having the mysterious law seal. 柳鸣盘膝而坐,双眼却死死的盯着不断流转变化的星光,手中则结出一个又一个的玄妙法印。 Suddenly, a low inaudible light cry transmits, handle pale golden flying sword reappeared in his top of the head. 突然,一声低不可闻的轻鸣传来,一柄淡金色的飞剑浮现在了他的头顶。 In the hand Sword Secret Art directs, the flying sword sword blade erupts round star light suddenly, changed to the golden meteor to be together ordinary, delimits in The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon Formation, and by some strange trace shuttle. 手中剑诀一引,飞剑剑身骤然爆发出一团星芒,化作一道金色流星一般,划进了苍龙七宿阵法之中,并在其中以某种诡异的痕迹穿梭不已。 Formation star light along with void flying sword has delimited, but glittering continuously. 阵法星光随着虚空飞剑的划过而此起彼伏的闪烁不已。 Liu Ming sees this both eyes to shut tightly, in his Divine Consciousness induction, one group green Azure Dragon design comprised of ten thousand star marks, gradually clear reappearing. 柳鸣见此双目紧闭起来,在他的神识感应中,一团由万道星纹组成的青色苍龙图案,正逐渐清晰的浮现而出。 On Liu Ming's face has revealed a happy expression, with the aid of void flying sword the strength of star attraction, he found The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon Formation formation core to be at finally.. 柳鸣脸上露出了一丝喜色,借助虚空飞剑星磁之力,他总算找到了苍龙七宿阵法阵眼所在。。 Not far away Peng Yue, the complexion is also a face pale change, the eye fixes the eyes on the stars that on the water surface is pasting unceasingly, for fear that misses a detail. 不远处的彭越,脸色也是一脸苍白变化,眼睛紧盯着水面上不断流转的星辰,生怕错过一丝细节。 He must act according to the speed of stars operation impressively, the distance between stars, unifies the brightness that star light is extinguishing, continuously pushes to spread out in the sky in the heart secretly the path of stars great formation operation. 他赫然要根据星辰运行的速度,星辰间的距离,结合着星光明灭的亮度,暗暗在心中不断推衍出天空中星辰大阵运行的轨迹。 Sees only Peng Yue both hands to flutter, mysterious secret technique infiltrate in the silver deep pool surface before body. Pushes the stars path that spreads out in the duplication heart unexpectedly. The most strip concentrates clearly solid green dark green Dragon Phantom, starts to reappear in his body Qiantan surface slowly. 只见彭越双手翻飞,一道道玄妙法诀打入身前的银色潭面上。竟是在复制心中推衍的星辰轨迹。大半条清晰凝实的青色苍龙虚影,开始在他身前潭面上缓缓浮现。 Another side Ouyang Qian sisters, sit shoulder to shoulder. 另一侧的欧阳倩姐妹,并肩而坐。 In the Ouyang Qian hand is holding disc shape Spirit Tool, another technique fluctuates, above the disc shines green light beams, injected in the star light. However under dodges, then disappeared without a trace. 欧阳倩手中托着一面圆盘状的灵器,,另一手法决变幻不已,圆盘之上亮起一道道青色光柱,射入了星光之中。然而只是一闪之下,便消失的无影无踪了 Ouyang Qian delicate eyebrows micro pressed! 欧阳倩秀眉微蹙! Although she recognizes The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon Formation, but has also seen in the books, has not studied thoroughly truly, at this moment seriously is the feeling that some are unable to start. 她虽然认得苍龙七宿阵法,但也只是在书册上见过,并没有真正研习,此刻当真是有些无从下手的感觉。 Nearby green clothes girl, then grasps a emerald green color jade pen, looks hesitation color once for a while waves baseless several, as if induces in according to Divine Consciousness, while was outlining anything. 一旁的绿衣少女,则手持一支翠绿色玉笔,面露沉吟之色的时不时凭空舞动几下,似乎一边在以神识感应,一边在勾勒着什么。 Ouyang Qian receives disc Spirit Tool suddenly. Also turned the hand to take out a red round bead, in the mouth mumbled, dropped out single-handed, red round bead red light was suddenly loud, changes to red light to fly into Formation together. 欧阳倩突然将圆盘灵器一收而起。又翻手取出了一个红色的圆珠,口中念念有词,单手一抛下,红色圆珠骤然红光大声,化作一道红光飞入了阵法之中。 This time, in the star light on water surface actually flood ripples. 这一次,水面上的星光中却泛起了一阵涟漪。 Ouyang Qian sees this situation. On the face has revealed a happy expression finally. 欧阳倩见此情形。脸上终于露出了一丝喜色。 In Peng Yue and Ouyang sisters were still at insight with hardship. Liu Ming's whole body, actually float several formation flag, arranged Beidou seven stars battle formation faintly. 就在彭越及欧阳姊妹仍在苦苦参悟之时。柳鸣的周身,却悬浮着十几杆阵旗,隐隐排列成了北斗七星的阵势。 He points at to formation flag one finger, immediately several brilliance sprays from formation flag, gathers together the thick light beam, the straight perpendicular incidence enters the water surface in the star light. 他手指冲着阵旗一指,顿时十几道光华从阵旗上喷射而出,汇聚成一道粗大的光柱,直直射入水面的星光之中。 dragon roar spreads, suddenly The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon Formation star light a big magnificence burst , huge green dark green Dragon Phantom is powerful breaks through the silver water surface, circles to dance in the air in the stone chamber, a moment later fell in the puddle. 一阵龙啸传出,苍龙七宿阵法星光陡然大盛,一条巨大的青色苍龙虚影气势如虹的冲破银色水面,在石室中盘旋飞舞而起,片刻之后又落回了水潭之中。 Ouyang sisters and Peng Yue hear the dragon roar sound. Awakens suddenly, lifts to look in abundance, in the eye is full immediately is the inconceivable color. 欧阳姐妹和彭越听到龙吟声。豁然惊醒,纷纷抬首望去,眼中顿时满是不可思议之色。 On Liu Ming's face flood the color of great happiness, in the hand has actually had strange hand imprints, secret technique fall into the puddle, silver water surface suddenly whirls around, the cling the Liu Ming's personal appearance, has dragged into the puddle it. 柳鸣脸上却泛起大喜之色,手中结出了一个又一个奇异的手印,一道道法诀落入水潭之中,银色水面忽的一个翻卷,卷住了柳鸣的身形,将其拉入了水潭。 The next quarter, in the pond pale silver light dodges two, Liu Ming figure in disappeared without a trace, 下一刻,水塘中一个淡银色光阵一闪二线,柳鸣身影就在其中消失的无影无踪 Peng Yue and Ouyang sisters see this, cannot help but looked at each other in dismay. 彭越和欧阳姐妹见此,不禁面面相觑了。 Liu Ming only thinks that a whole body space drastic fluctuation, heaving in sight the silver multi-colored sunlight of everywhere diverges gradually, at present the scenery changes, appeared in a stone building. 柳鸣只觉周身空间一阵剧烈波动,映入眼帘的满目银色霞光渐渐散去,眼前景色一变,出现在了一个石屋之中。 Shouted!” “呼!” Liu Ming sees this, this long vented anger. 柳鸣见此,这才长出了一口气。 Then, just he can insight leave the Formation change that the Azure Dragon air/Qi sleeps, is really by luck, if not there is Void Sword the strength of star attraction to peep a The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon clue, subsequently made it reveal formation core to be at through small Beidou, perhaps at this moment is unable to appear here.. 说起来,刚刚他能够参悟苍龙气宿的阵法变化,实属侥幸之极,若非有虚空剑星磁之力窥出了苍龙七宿阵的一丝端倪,继而通过小北斗阵使其露出了阵眼所在,恐怕此刻根本无法出现在这里。。 After the Liu Ming mind is slightly calm, then starts to size up the present stone building. 柳鸣心神稍稍平静之后,便开始打量起眼前的石屋来。 This stone building all over the body schungite, all around is bluish gray firm stone wall, is very gloomy, completely is a seal for a long time condition, does not have the window, only then together low stone gate to outside. 这间石屋通体青灰,四周全是青灰色坚固石壁,十分灰暗,完全是一副封闭许久的状态,没有窗户,只有一道低矮的石门通向外面。 Liu Ming raises eyes to look, stone building center is suspending black Stone Platform, above is putting a common ash-gray cloth sack. 柳鸣举目望去,石屋中央则摆着一个黑色石台,上面放着一个毫不起眼的灰色布袋。 Sees this thing, his expression hole, puts out a hand to direct, black Qi cling the ash-gray cloth sack, to its one flew. 见到此物,他神色一洞,伸手一引,一股黑气卷住了灰色布袋,向其一飞而来。 This cloth sack side falls the hand, Liu Ming then thinks that in the hand sinks slightly. 这布袋方一落手,柳鸣便觉手中微微一沉。 This thing seems like, although is small, weight has hundred jin (0.5 kg) appearance fully. 此物看似虽小,重量却足有百斤的样子。 Naturally, these weights for him, can neglect radically do not count. 当然,这些重量对他来说,根本可以忽视不计的。 Liu Ming after pondering for a while, swings the cloth sack gently, then hears xi xi su su a sound of sand collision. 柳鸣略一沉吟后,将布袋轻轻一摇,便听到一阵窸窸窣窣的沙粒碰撞的声响。 After his two eyes is greatly bright, immediately no longer hesitant bloomed a bag mouth loosen, has revealed in the bulging silver crystal grain 他双目大亮后,当即不再犹豫的将袋口一松而开,露出了里面鼓鼓囊囊的银色晶粒 The stars of each pellet as if nighttime sky, dodge to project point radiant star light. 每一个颗粒都仿佛夜空的星辰,闪射出点点的璀璨星芒 Really is Star River Sand!” He who Liu Ming mouth corner one, always emotion does not show could not bear hearty laugh laugh. “果然是星河沙!”柳鸣嘴角一咧,一向喜怒不形于色的他也忍不住开怀大笑了。 In addition this Star River Sand grain is difficult to ask, let alone is full one bag, perhaps big of value, links Heaven Imitation Realm Expert also to move! 星河沙一粒尚且难求,更何况是满满的一袋,价值之大,恐怕连天象境强者也要为之动心不已! After Liu Ming has inspected in the bag slightly the crystal sand, then Star River Sand income Sumeru Ring in cautiously, then restrains by force the heart the joyous feelings, the vision again one sweeps after all around, suddenly the arm moves, a finger ball. 柳鸣稍一检查过袋中晶沙后,便将星河沙小心翼翼的收入须弥戒中,接着强压住心头的喜悦之情,目光再向四周一扫后,突然手臂一动,手指一弹。 , Whiz whiz several, golden sword light one volumes, all strike on bluish gray stone wall. ,“嗖嗖”几声,一道道金色剑光一卷而出,全都击在青灰色石壁上。 After result several dull thumping sounds, a sword light all ball disperses, on bluish gray stone wall actually leaves behind several sword mark. 结果几声闷响过后,剑光全都一弹而散,青灰色石壁上却只是留下几道浅浅的剑痕。 Good hard stone......” “好硬的石头……” Liu Ming cannot help but somewhat is astonished however, he carefully in the stone building has perused, did not confirm after any omission, before gradually arrives at low stone gate, after careful shoving open stone gate, then walked toward the room outside. 柳鸣不禁有些讶然,他又在石屋之中仔细翻查了一遍,确认没有任何的遗漏之后,才缓步走到低矮石门前,小心的推开石门后,便朝屋外走了出去。 Outside the stone building, is not the broad sky, and is one does not know profound blue stone passage to where. 石屋之外,并不是广阔的天空,而又是一条不知通向何处的幽深的青石通道 After Liu Ming sighed one lightly, must lift the step to walk into passage cautiously. 柳鸣轻叹一声后,只得小心翼翼的抬步走入通道之中。 This passage is not straight, but somewhat is curving, the ground is also bumpy, is not really smooth. 这条通道并不是笔直,而是有些弯弯曲曲,地面也坑坑洼洼,不甚平坦。 Finally after he so walked roughly half tea free time, a branch road appeared in impressively front. 结果他如此走了约莫半盏茶工夫后,一条分岔路赫然出现在了面前。 The Royal Court two crossings look, with is before this same, similarly does not know blue stone passage to where. 朝两个岔道望去,和此前一样,同样是不知通往何处的青石通道 His heart flashes through a not good premonition, slightly after a consideration, walks toward the left crossing. 他心头闪过一个不太好的预感,稍一考虑后,还是朝着左侧的岔道走去。 But after half quarter, his mouth old route returned to here again, complexion gloomy was incomparable. 但半刻钟后,他再口原路返回了这里,脸色却阴沉无比了。 He in just now time, has met other branch roads and blind alleys one after another, after he mostly took the branch road, this determined that here impressively is a strange labyrinth! 他在方才的时间内,又接连遇到了其他的岔路和死路,而当他将岔路大都走了一遍后,这才确定,此处赫然是一座诡异迷宫! It seems like this then tested.” Liu Ming muttered, but how must pass through this labyrinth, in the heart did not have the slight clue.. “看来这便是接下来的考验了。”柳鸣喃喃自语道,不过要如何走过这迷宫,心中还是没有丝毫头绪。。 After Liu Ming considered a while, single-handed Sword Secret Art concentrates, in the mouth mumbled, handle about 1 inch long shining small sword reappeared from the forehead place. 柳鸣思量了一会儿后,单手剑诀一凝,口中一阵念念有词,一柄寸许长的金灿灿小剑眉心处浮现而出。 The void finger, golden small sword flies high to circle in flight, intermittent golden light sparkles unceasingly, forms a length approximately several feet sword light. 虚空一指,金色小剑凌空飞旋,阵阵金光不断闪耀而出,形成一道长约数丈的剑光 Illness!” “疾!” In his low roaring sound, golden sword light one volume, layer on layer cut on one side green stone wall, aroused piece of spark. 他一声低喝中,金色剑光一卷而出,重重斩在了一侧的青色石壁上,激起了一片火星 After spark dissipation, on the wall was only cut a strip half finger of deep sword mark, but in stone wall surface azure light flashes, in an instant restores such as beginning. 火星消散后,墙壁上只被斩出了一道条半指深的剑痕,但石壁表面上青光一闪,转眼又恢复如初了。 Liu Ming sees this situation, the face became somewhat is really ugly! 柳鸣见此情形,脸变得真有些难看了! Obviously the entire labyrinth was controlled by formidable forbidden power, Divine Consciousness and common treasure are unable to destroy fraction. 显然整座迷宫都被强大禁制之力控制,神识和一般宝物都无法毁坏分毫的。 Under he has no other alternative, can only sigh, bracing oneself walked toward the right branch road. 他别无他法之下,只能叹了口气,硬着头皮的往右侧岔路走了进去。 The golden palace center, the purple hair man and Luo Tiancheng, the Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth three people are sitting cross-legged to sit, shuts tightly both eyes, exhausts secret technique that the mental effort insight on the main hall positive wall records. 黄金殿堂中央,紫发男子和罗天成,魔玄宗的丑陋青年三人正盘膝而坐,紧闭双目,用尽心力的参悟着大殿正面墙壁上所记载的秘术。 At this time three people, more or less flood the one layer light golden color halo, and had Sanskrit the circulation to be uncertain along with fluctuating of halo faintly, to person a dignified sacred feeling. 此时三人身上,都或多或少的泛起了一层淡淡的金色光晕,并隐隐有梵文随着光晕的起伏而流转不定,给人一种庄严神圣之感。 Obvious three people on secret technique regarding wall, already had an own comprehension. 显然三人对于墙壁上的秘术,都已经有了自己的一番领悟。 Sits cross-legged in leftmost Luo Tiancheng, deeps frown, on forehead the bean big beads of sweat rustle fall to continue, within the body often transmits one flip-flop the dark sound, the whole body flesh supported dark red as blood, several want to split general. 盘坐于最左侧的罗天成,眉头紧锁,额头上豆大的汗珠簌簌滑落不止,体内不时传来一阵噼啪暗响,全身肌肤被撑的殷红似血,几欲裂开一般。 This Buddha Sect secret technique obviously is some profound Body Refining Technique, regarding body refinement him, itself is an enormous chance. 这个佛门秘术显然是某种高深的炼体之法,对于本就炼体的他来说,本身便可谓是一种极大的机缘。 What a pity this technique actually obviously is True Core boundary Body-Refining Cultivator only then cultivation, otherwise extremely possible, because the fleshy body intensity is insufficient, but exploded the body to perish directly. 可惜此术却明显是真丹炼体士方可修炼,否则极可能由于肉身强度不够,而直接爆体而亡了。 Although Luo Tiancheng strength far exceed peer, but has Crystal Transformation Initial Stage after all, the if it were not for Everlasting Spiritual Body going against heaven's will amplification, perhaps did not have the qualifications of insight. 罗天成虽然实力远超同辈,但毕竟只有化晶初期,要不是都天灵体的逆天增幅,恐怕还根本没参悟的资格。 However this child can arrive at today step by step, all does not take advantage of counter Heavenly Spiritual Body, in whole body severe pain situation, has insisted, and already becomes aware to pass, only has missed most probably the breakthrough last mysterious place at present, can be of great success. 不过此子能一步步走到今天,也并不是全依仗逆天灵体,在全身剧痛情形下,还是坚持了下来,并已经悟通了大半,目前只差突破最后一个玄奥之处,便可大功告成了。 Luo Tiancheng thinks that diamond Bone Relics, in the heart cannot help but ascends a fiery meaning. 罗天成想到那颗金刚舍利,心中不禁又升腾起一丝火热之意。 In this time, is sitting cross-legged in most the middle purple hair man suddenly both eyes circle opens the eyes, in the golden halo that immediately the body leaps projects eight golden filariasis suddenly, disseminates under a golden light sparkle. 正在此时,盘坐在最中间的紫发男子突然双目圆睁,随即身上腾起的金色光晕中骤然射出八道金色流火,在一阵金光闪耀下弥散开来。 Looks from afar that purple hair man body is similar to bathes in a piece of agitated [gold/metal] flame. 远远看去,紫发男子身体如同沐浴在一片汹汹金焰之中。 Golden great clock above main hall, suddenly sound, and in sound with intermittent singing in praise of the Buddha. 大殿之上的金色巨钟,蓦然响动而起,并伴随着阵阵的梵音中之声。 After the Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth and Luo Tiancheng hear, almost at the same time has opened two eyes, startled and anger looks together.( Not 魔玄宗丑陋青年和罗天成闻听后,几乎同时睁开了双眼,又惊又怒的一同望去。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) R1052 ~^~)R1052
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