DD :: Volume #8

#791: star river sand, Jingang Buddhist relics and colored glaze fluid

Under examines carefully, then can discover that in the pond the faint stellar lines spread across unceasingly, and colludes mutually in a mysterious way together, forms an extremely mysterious Spell Formation arrangement. 细看之下,便是能发现水塘中隐隐一道道星线不断纵横交错,并以一种玄奥至极的方式相互勾连在一起,形成一幅极其玄妙的法阵排列。 Along with the stars unceasing operation circulation, a huge green Azure Dragon design starts to reappear in star light Formation slowly, fierce ominous horizontal, very broad grand. 随着星辰不断的运行流转,一幅巨大的青色苍龙图案开始在星光阵法中缓缓浮现,狰狞凶横,十分的恢弘壮阔。 The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon chart!” After Ouyang Qian sees stars change marvelous sights in puddle, cannot help but loses one's voice the exit / to speak.. 苍龙七宿图!”欧阳倩看到水潭中的一幅幅星辰变化奇景后,不禁失声出口。。 In the green clothes female eye of the side also flashes through a color suddenly. 其身旁的绿衣女子眼中也闪过一丝恍然之色。 The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon, unexpectedly is this strange formation of ancient times!” Peng Yue muttered, the facial expression slightly was excited, obviously has also listened to the this Formation given name. 苍龙七宿,竟是此上古奇阵!”彭越喃喃自语,神情略显激动,显然也是听过此阵的大名。 Liu Ming is bewildered, never has actually listened to this Formation appearance. 柳鸣却是一脸茫然,从未听过这个阵法的样子。 Then, he studies not deeply to Dao of Formations, was only initially for Tool Refinement, little has understood some. 说起来,他对阵法之道研究不深,只是当初为了炼器,少许了解过一些罢了。 At this time, above silver puddle the fluctuation same place, reappeared suddenly baseless an all various professions silver light character: 这时,银色水潭上方突然波动一起,凭空浮现一行行银色光字来: The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon, stars change for its shape, foundation for profound, for seven profound, comprehends this Formation change, only then enters the next pass/test, the person of first comprehension may obtain to reward Star River Sand one bag additionally!” 苍龙七宿,星辰变化为其形,根基为玄,是为七玄,领悟此阵法变化者,方可进入下一关,第一个领悟之人可额外获得奖励星河沙一袋!” Sees here, four people breathed loudly immediately. 看到这里,四个人呼吸顿时都粗重了起来。 Star River Sand, was one type already in the Tool Refinement material that Midheaven Continent vanished, only slightly mentions in the old book that the antiquity time spread, in the hearsay this material was from the void galaxy, was used to refine one of the magical treasure most superior materials. 星河沙,是一种早已在中天大陆绝迹的炼器材料,仅在上古时期流传下来的古籍中略有提及,传闻之中这种材料产自于虚空星河之中,是用于炼制法宝最上等的材料之一。 Heavenly Sect secret realm, is really casual a reward, is the no small matter! 天门秘境,果然随便一点奖励,也是非同小可的! The silver small character dodges to pass, Liu Ming and the others a loosen, discovered that Divine Consciousness already can detach unexpectedly, but left. 银色小字一闪而逝,柳鸣等人身上一松,发现神识竟然已经可以脱体而出了。 Several people are pleasantly surprised immediately, no matter also other, sit cross-legged hurriedly nearby the puddle, immediately starts to try insight to have thousand changes of The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon. 几人顿时又惊又喜,也不管其他,急忙纷纷盘坐在水潭一旁,立刻开始试着参悟苍龙七宿的千般变化起来。 ...... …… at the same time, inscribes the solar design the shining circular passage end. 同一时间,刻有太阳图案的金灿灿圆形通道尽头。 The purple hair man towers proudly into the skies, a big towering/majestic golden palace in a bellow, is rising straight from the ground suddenly, appears before its slowly. 紫发男子傲然挺立,一座高大巍峨的黄金殿堂正在一阵轰鸣声中,陡然拔地而起,缓缓出现在其身前。 This towering/majestic palace all over the body golden yellow, oversteps several feet high, width dozens zhang (3.33 m), are not considered as that the specially giant construction, appears ten branch stores is serious, the imposing manner is broad . Moreover the palace gate with deep veneration shuts tightly, to the feeling of person completely is a condition of awe into submission submissive oppression. 巍峨殿堂通体金黄,高逾越十几丈,宽数十丈,并不算是特别巨型的建筑,却显得十分庄严肃穆,气势恢宏,兼之殿门又肃然紧闭,给人的感觉完全是一种慑服压迫的状态。 Whiz, purple clothes man behind, one group of silver thick fog wrap a person's shadow to speed along, but. “嗖”的一声,紫衣男子身后,一团银色浓雾包裹着一个人影飞驰而至。 a silver light flashes, Luo Tiancheng slowly appears, sees only the personal appearance to dodge, then stood left side of the golden palace to leave the purple hair men's ten zhang (3.33 m) oh the position. 银光一闪,罗天成从中缓缓现出,只见身形一闪,便站到了黄金殿堂左侧离紫发男子十丈哇哦的位置。 The purple hair man only caught the eye shot a look at Luo Tiancheng one lightly, then has put aside the vision, still calmly stood in the distant place, seemed waiting for any general. 紫发男子只抬眼淡淡瞥了罗天成一眼,便移开了目光,仍静静站在远处,似乎在等待着什么一般。 Bang, another group of shadows fly to fall, appears a youth of aperture collapsing nose, is Demon Mysterious Sect ugly disciple. “砰”的一声,又一团黑影飞落而下,现出一个小眼塌鼻的青年,正是魔玄宗的丑陋弟子 The purple hair man turned the head to look at ugly disciple and Luo Tiancheng, opened the mouth to ask: 紫发男子转头看了丑陋弟子罗天成一眼,开口问道: Except for your two people, but also there is a person passage to come since then?” “除了你二人,还有没有人从此通道过来?” The voice just fell, ka ka the doorpost rotation sound spreads, the palace gate of golden palace opened unexpectedly slowly, has revealed in the palace the portrait. 话音刚落,一阵“咔咔”的门轴转动声音传出,黄金殿堂的殿门竟缓缓打开,露出了殿堂里面真容。 Is very good! Evidently, only then three of us!” “很好!看样子,只有我们三人了!” The purple hair man smiles wildly, personal appearance speedily forward flushed away, entered in the palace. 紫发男子狂放一笑,身形疾速向前冲去,进入了金殿之中。 Luo Tiancheng and Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth looked at each other one, the nature fell after the person unwillingly , the diving posture, entered in the palace in abundance. 罗天成魔玄宗的丑陋少年对视了一眼,自然不甘落于人后,也纷纷飞身,进入了金殿之中。 After three people fully enter main hall, bang, the palace gate is closed once more slowly, the shocking bang spreads over the main hall instantaneously. 就在三人全部进入大殿之后,“轰”的一声,殿门再次徐徐关闭,震天的巨响瞬间传遍大殿。 The purple hair man enters in the palace first, the eye sweeps slightly, then saw clearly the complete picture in yellow palace. 紫发男子最先进入殿中,眼睛微微一扫,便看清了黄金殿中的全貌。 The resplendent in gold and jade green main hall, is empty unexpectedly, three sturdy yellow palace columns are supporting the entire palace top, under of each palace column is also spreading golden yellow carpet, in the top of the head is hanging giant Golden Bell. 金碧辉煌的大殿,竟然空无一物,三根粗壮的黄金殿柱支撑着整个殿顶,每根殿柱的下方还铺着一个金黄色的蒲团,头顶上则是一口吊挂着的巨大金钟。 purple hair youth all around has sized up for one week, the vision fell above a main hall positive wall finally. 紫发青年四下打量了一周,目光最后落在了大殿正面的一处墙壁之上。 On the wall, has arranged the each and every one unadorned typeface, has covered entirely the entire wall densely and numerously, occasionally also some marvelous rune mixtures in inside, as if have recorded secret skill. 墙壁上,排列了一个个古拙的字体,密密麻麻布满了整面墙壁,偶尔还有一些奇妙的符文夹杂在里面,似乎是记载了一门秘法 Front piece sound from out of the blue transmits faintly, Luo Tiancheng and Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth also one after another moves sideways to enter, their personal appearance side falls decides, a vision revolution, fell above the wall. 衣襟破空之声隐隐传来,罗天成魔玄宗的丑陋青年也相继闪身而入,两人身形方一落定,目光一转,也落到了墙壁之上。 Then at this moment, top of the head Golden Bell starts to be calmly automatic. 便在此刻,头顶上的金钟开始无风自动起来。 A strange kind of game sound transmits, if the singing in praise of the Buddha recited, the timely exhortation to virtue and purity, seeped the heart deep place of person. 一阵奇异的撞钟响传来,如梵音吟唱,晨钟暮鼓,直渗透进人的心底深处。 In three people of hear Shengxin fiercely shakes, looked up to midair. 三人闻声心中都是猛地一震,纷纷抬头看向了半空 But sees under Golden Bell, resounds with ding, appears unexpectedly gradually pale golden light writing to come, and is arranging neatly. 但见金钟之下,随着钟声响起,竟逐渐浮现出一枚枚淡金色的光文来,并整齐排列着。 On comprehension wall Buddha Sect of secret technique record, only then enters the next pass/test, but first leaver, but obtains the Buddha Sect rare treasure additionally, diamond Bone Relics.” “领悟壁上记录之佛门秘术者,方可进入下一关,而最先离开者,可额外得到佛门秘宝,金刚舍利一颗。” diamond Bone Relics!” “金刚舍利!” The purple hair man and Luo Tiancheng hearing this is startled, immediately the look burning hot is unusual. 紫发男子和罗天成闻言一怔,随即眼神炙热异常起来。 Nearby ugly youth, on the face also flashes through a greedy color. 一旁的丑陋青年,脸上也闪过一丝贪婪之色。 Must know, in Buddha Sect technique of the heaviest body refinement, but the hearsay only then has built the obtaining enlightenment eminent monk of body of diamond not going bad, after died during meditation, might form diamond Bone Relics in within the body, because a Buddha Sect people the natural disposition is light, therefore life essence ordinary cultivator also comes long much, and likes asking nobody to locate quietly the died during meditation autonomy, therefore the rare degree of this thing then can be inferred.. 要知道,佛门之中最重炼体之术,而传闻只有修成了金刚不坏之体的得道高僧,坐化之后才会有可能在体内形成一颗金刚舍利,而佛门中人由于生性淡薄,故而寿元较普通修士也来得长不少,且喜欢找无人处悄悄坐化自残,故而此物的稀有程度便可见一斑了。。 Then, if the person of cultivation obtains this Buddha Sect rare treasure, after swallowing refining, then can obtain diamond Unbreakable Body some prestige energies, even can peep Buddha Sect Body Refining Technique, regarding these Body-Refining Cultivator, may with true great treasure that cannot be asked! 说起来,若是修炼之人得到这件佛门的秘宝,吞服炼化之后,便能得到金刚不坏体的些许威能,甚至可以窥得一丝佛门炼体之法,对于那些炼体士来说,更是可遇不可求的真正至宝 After three people take back the vision, each other looked at one mutually, the hostile meaning has not concealed slightly, three huge imposing manners bump into void loudly, the atmosphere also changes sudden is anxious. 三人收回目光后,彼此互望了一眼,敌对之意丝毫没有掩饰,三股庞大的气势轰然在虚空中相撞,气氛也变的突然紧张起来。 In the Luo Tiancheng eye is continuously extraordinarily cold silver glow flashes through. 罗天成眼中更是一缕缕奇寒银芒闪过。 He already looked that this purple hair man is not pleasing to the eyes, Demon Mysterious Sect before Heavenly Sect Assembly starts the ambush manpower sneak attack in him, each other already contracted enmity, if really begins, happen to one and solves in this. 他早就看这紫发男子不顺眼,魔玄宗更是在天门会开始之前埋伏人手偷袭于他,彼此早已结怨,若真是动起手来,也正好在此一并解决掉。 The Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth facial expression is somewhat wooden, on face actually gradually flood black Qi. 魔玄宗的丑陋青年神情有些木然,脸上却逐渐泛起了黑气 On the purple hair man face also has dark green spirit mark partly visible to keep, has subsided quickly, and leisure saying. 紫发男子脸上也有墨绿色灵纹若隐若现个不停,很快又平息了下去,并慢悠悠的说道。 Two, you also saw, what above said is builds the person of secret technique first, can enter next Guan He to obtain diamond Bone Relics. But perhaps next Guanzhong, has a rarer more and precious treasure...... Our battle, here how first did not say victory and defeat, battles words, but may lose the time greatly, will be far behind the people in other two passage.” “两位,你们也看到了,上面说的是最先修成秘术的人,才能进入下一关和得到金刚舍利的。而下一关中,说不定有更加珍稀的宝物……我们在这里争斗,先不说胜负如何,激战一场话,可是大有可能耽误时间,会远远落后于其他两个通道里的人。” Um, said that but actually also indeed has several points of truth. „ “嗯,这么说倒也的确有几分道理的。“ A Luo Tiancheng brow wrinkle, after change of complexion gloomy and uncertain two times, finally after snort|hum, has restrained imposing manner slowly. 罗天成眉头一皱,脸色阴晴不定的变化了两次后,终于哼了一声后,缓缓收敛了身上的气势。 In the ugly youth eyes the color of hesitation dodges passes, on face black Qi also silent dissipation. 丑陋青年眼中沉吟之色一闪即逝,脸上黑气也无声的消散了下去。 The purple hair man sees this, no longer said anything, the direct tiger walks to the central yellow palace column, sits cross-legged to sit above golden yellow carpet, the eye does wink is staring at the positive wall. 紫发男子见此,也不再多说什么,直接虎步行到中央的黄金殿柱跟前,盘膝坐在一个金黄色的蒲团之上,眼睛则一眨不眨的盯着正面的墙壁。 Luo Tiancheng and Demon Mysterious Sect ugly youth mutually alert looked at one, by various choice yellow palace columns one on the left and other on the right sits cross-legged to sit down, similarly starts insight to get up. 罗天成魔玄宗丑陋青年相互戒备的望了一眼,也各选择一左一右的黄金殿柱旁盘膝坐下,同样开始参悟起来。 Suddenly, spacious golden main hall obviously silent, but three people, although the surface concentrates on insight secret skill, but actually frequently branches out thoughts to alert the opposite party, the atmosphere appears quite strange. 一时间,空旷的黄金大殿更显寂静,只是三人虽然表面专注于参悟秘法,但却时刻分出一点心思来戒备对方,气氛显得颇为诡异。 ...... …… Sprinkles the gentle silver moonlight the circular passage end, the Heavenly Monster Valley Hawk face man, Xue Pan, the Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) youth as well as the Overwhelming Academy green clothes young woman four people, is standing before a silver-gray old castle shoulder to shoulder. 一条洒满柔和银色月光的圆形通道尽头,天妖谷鹰面男子,薛盘,天工宗的银车青年以及浩然书院绿衣少妇四人,正并肩站在一座银灰色古堡之前。 Only listens to „” a light sound to transmit, the front door of silver-gray old castle opens slowly, reveals passage, as if to guide the people are entering. 只听“啪嗒”一声轻响传来,银灰色古堡的大门缓缓打开,露出一条通道,似乎指引着众人进入。 Hawk face monster cultivator expression moves, flies into the fort with Xue Pan one after the other, but the Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) youth and Overwhelming Academy green clothes young woman has not stopped, the diving posture enters one after another. 鹰脸妖修神色一动,和薛盘一前一后率先飞入堡中,而天工宗的银车青年和浩然书院的绿衣少妇也未多做停留,相继飞身进入其中。 In the old castle is filling the light silver dense fog everywhere, four people step into, the field of vision are extremely limited immediately, can only see clearly the present 34 zhang (3.33 m) distance, Divine Consciousness is unable the exsomatize search. 古堡之中到处弥漫着淡淡的银色迷雾,四人方一踏入其中,视野立刻受到了极大的限制,只能看清眼前的34丈距离,神识也无法离体搜索。 Be careful, this fog as if there is strangeness.” The Hawk face man sudden held on Xue Pan, in the mouth so said. “小心,这雾似乎有古怪。”鹰面男子突然一把拉住了薛盘,口中如此说道。 Silver car(riage) youth and green clothes young woman hearing this, at the same time stopped the footsteps, alerts with rapt attention. 银车青年和绿衣少妇闻言,也同时停下了脚步,凝神戒备起来。 The silver car(riage) man wields sleeve suddenly, curls up strong winds, the after silver mist fierce tumbling of whole body, quickly then returned to normal, was the strong winds submerged in the mist on the contrary, was unexpectedly silent. 银车男子突然一挥袖子,卷起一阵狂风,周身的银色雾气一阵剧烈翻滚后,很快便恢复了平静,反倒是狂风没入了雾气之中,竟无声无息了。 Illusion Formation......” the silver car(riage) youth brow tip selects, reveals discrete color muttering. 幻阵……”银车青年眉梢一挑,露出谨慎之色的喃喃道。 In four people look the color of doubts, sudden one string of silver small characters in void slowly appear: 正在四人面露疑惑之色时,突然一串银色的小字在虚空中缓缓浮现出来: Breaks this Illusion Formation, only then continues, the first person of departure, but obtains one bottle additionally Seven Colored Glass Liquid.” “破此幻阵者,方可继续前行,最先离开之人,可额外得到一瓶‘七彩琉璃液’。” Seven Colored Glass Liquid?” 七彩琉璃液?” In silver car(riage) youth fine glow dodged, muttered, shook the head slightly, by him in the Tian Gong Sect status, never has heard unexpectedly also this thing. 银车青年目中精芒一闪,喃喃自语了一句,微微摇了摇头,以他在天工宗的地位,竟也从未听说过此物。 The Hawk face man and Xue Pan lip moves slightly, as if in appearance of mutual discussion, but Overwhelming Academy green clothes young woman also deeps frown, probably does not know this Spirit Liquid origin. 鹰面男子与薛盘嘴唇微动,似乎是在相互讨论的样子,而浩然书院的绿衣少妇也是眉头紧锁,好像也不知道此灵液的来历。 After long time, the silver small character dissipated slowly, changes to the silver glow hidden to enter in the void silver mist. 半晌后,银色小字缓缓消散,化作了点点银芒隐入了虚空中的银色雾气之中。 Four people looked at one mutually, the look gradually have actually shone. 四人互望一眼,眼神却逐渐亮了起来。 In this person elite disciple from Great Sect, since does not know its origin, obviously this thing is precious like that is not only simple. 在此之人都是来自大宗的精英弟子,既然均都不知道其来历,显然此物已不仅仅是珍贵那般简单了。 When shortly after the silver small character diverged, four people of present dense fog actually suddenly strong, four people only thought except for oneself, the surrounding all as if suddenly vanished. 当银色小字散去后没多久,四人眼前的迷雾却骤然浓重了起来,四人只觉除了自己,周围的一切似乎都突然消失了。 Hawk face man vision glittering uncertain looks at his right hand, just he obviously had pulled out Xue Pan with this hand, but at this moment, in this was anything does not have. 鹰面男子目光闪烁不定的看着自己的右手,刚刚他明明用这只手拉出了薛盘,而此刻,这手上却是什么也没有了。 Hawk face man after pondering for a while, then immediately sits cross-legged to sit. R1152 鹰面男子略一沉吟后,便立刻盘膝坐了下来。R1152
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