DD :: Volume #8

#790: Choice

Liu Ming looks with rapt attention. 柳鸣凝神望去。 But sees first passage place above, inscribes a reddish brown Sun to mark, in passage is a blazing red light sparkle keeps, will splatter from time to time also from the passage edge several rumble the hot rock magma, looked that the apparent bad risk is unusual. 但见第一个通道的正上方,铭刻着一颗赭色的太阳标记,通道里面则是一阵炽热红光闪耀不停,时而还会从通道的边缘喷溅出几股咕噜咕噜的炽热岩浆,一看便知凶险异常。 Second passage place above, portray was round glistening white bright moonlight, the passage entrance has covered entirely the chilly moonlight, milky white silvery brilliance optional diffusion, although slightly was clear coldly quiet, aura that but showed was very auspicious, at least compared with the scarlet flame filariasis of first red glowing sun passage splattering, are more temperate. 第二个通道的上方,刻画的则是一轮皎皎明月,通道入口布满了清冷的月光,乳白色的银辉随意漫散,虽然略显清寒冷幽,但从中透出的气息却十分祥和,至少要比第一个红日通道喷溅的赤炎流火,要温和许多。 As for the third passage place above, is embellishing radiant stars, in passage is the star splendor is also bright, milky white dazzling light flashes on and off erratically, appears exceptionally mysterious. 至于第三个通道的上方,则点缀着点点璀璨繁星,通道里面也是星辉熠熠,乳白色荧光明灭不定,显得异常的神秘。 Looks from afar, three passage wound to not to know where, did not know the depth. 远远望去,三条通道都是蜿蜒着通向了不知何处,也不知深浅。 Presented three entrances, is the meaning to let us makes the choice?” In purple hair male index fine light flashes, laughed and said. “出现了三个入口,意思是让我们做出选择吗?”紫发男子目中精光一闪,嘿嘿一声的说道 On other faces has also revealed expression looking pensive, suddenly unexpectedly nobody said. 其他人脸上也都露出了若有所思的神色,一时间竟没有人接话。 The purple hair man sees this, is not strange, back and forth takes a fast look around to keep on three passage. 紫发男子见此,也不奇怪,自顾自在三条通道上来回扫视不停。 Liu Ming also vision careful back and forth is taking a fast look around on three strange passage on busy jade, as to see some clue. 柳鸣也目光审慎的在无暇玉璧上的三个诡异通道上来回扫视着,似乎想要从中看出一些端倪。 A moment ago, his already emitted Divine Consciousness to sweep off toward first passage, finally just entered the zhang (3.33 m), strength of the intense repel has welled up suddenly, sprang Divine Consciousness all of a sudden. 刚才,他已经放出神识往第一条通道之中扫去,结果刚刚进入丈许,一股强烈的排斥之力猛然涌了出来,一下子将神识弹出。 Other two passage are also similarly so. 其他两个通道也是同样如此。 Three are unable to find out by secret inquiry with Divine Consciousness, does not know that what thing inside in the end does have?” Peng Yue however approached several steps toward Liu Ming, said in a soft voice. “三条都无法用神识探知,不知里面到底有什么东西?”彭越然朝柳鸣走近了几步,轻声说道。 Although his sound is extremely light, but has not used sound transmission, the person of presence naturally heard. 他的声音虽然极轻,但没有使用传音,在场之人自然都听到了。 purple hair man hearing this, smiles suddenly proudly, personal appearance flashes, then before directly arrived at the busy jade. 紫发男子闻言,突然傲然一笑,身形一个闪动,便直接来到了无暇玉璧之前。 Sees the action of purple hair man, other person of unclear its meanings, looked. 看到紫发男子的举动,其他人不明其意,都看了过去。 But sees the male complexion to congeal, the sinking sound drinks, above the right palm appears black green strange spirit mark. 但见男子脸色一凝,沉声一喝,右掌之上浮现出一道道黑绿色的诡异灵纹 suddenly his arm lifts, palm to front void racket, three dark green appearance mixed mist billowing, again after a condensation, transforms three to cover entirely dark green spirit mark tiny being phantom unexpectedly. 忽然他手臂一抬,手掌冲前方虚空一拍而下,三道黑绿色相杂的雾气滚滚而出,再一凝聚后,竟幻化出三个布满黑绿灵纹小人虚影 Three tiny being only have fist size, the body looks like fuzzy exceptionally, the magical power fluctuation is exceptionally weak, as if momentarily possibly was blown to disperse by the wind. 三个小人仅有拳头大小,身躯看起来模糊异常,法力波动异常微弱,似乎随时都可能被风一吹而散。 Goes!” “去!” The purple hair man spits a character lightly, three tiny being bow immediately a ritual, the personal appearance dodges again to three circular passage diving postures goes, in an instant then vanished. 紫发男子轻吐一字,三个小人立时躬身一礼,再身形一闪向三条圆形通道飞身而去,转眼间便消失在了其中。 So strange, making other people all with rapt attention hold the breath. 如此诡异一幕,让其他人全都凝神屏息。 Merely after 2-3 breath, in first passage spread weak „” sound, inside dazzling scarlet light is mobile, a moment later returned to normal. 仅仅两三个呼吸后,第一个通道之中传出了一阵微弱“哗哗”声响,里面一阵耀眼的赤光流动,片刻之后才恢复了平静。 Another two passage, actually slightly change the sound not to have. 另外两个通道,却是丝毫变化声响也没有。 In the Liu Ming heart moves, sweeps to go toward the purple hair man face on. 柳鸣心中一动,朝紫发男子脸上一扫而去。 Finally the man actually laughs, after the hand secret technique receives, the diving posture, sees only its whole body dark green spirit mark unceasingly glittering, has flown into first passage unexpectedly directly, in an instant then vanished the trace. 结果男子却大笑一声,手中法诀一收后,飞身而起,只见其周身黑绿灵纹不断闪烁,竟径直飞入了第一条通道之中,转眼便消失了踪影。 The people are surprised, cannot help but has looked one mutually. 众人大感意外,不禁相互对望了一眼。 It seems like purple hair man already investigated three passage some surreptitious, dares such quickly to make to choose. 看来紫发男子已经探查到了三个通道的一些诡秘,才敢这么快做出选择了。 This passage after the purple hair man enters, the entrance immediately was similar to the water surface general flood a fluctuation, reduced one to have. 通道紫发男子进入之后,入口顿时如同水面一般泛起了一阵波动,缩小了一圈有余。 At this moment, the Luo Tiancheng personal appearance moves, after moves fast, dodges submerges in first passage. 就在这时,罗天成身形一动,一个飘忽后,也一闪的没入第一条通道中。 After he enters, the passage entrance reduced immediately, only then originally about half size. 等他进入之后,通道入口随即又缩小了一圈,只有原先近半大小了。 „The population that it seems like, each passage can enter has the limit, that solar passage were most can also go in two people.” Peng Yue quietly sound transmission and Liu Ming are exchanging. “看来,每一个通道能够进入的人数是有限制的,那太阳通道最多还能进去两个人了。”彭越悄然传音柳鸣交流着。 The Liu Ming silent nod, this obvious change, believes that the person of presence naturally also looked. 柳鸣默然点头,这种显而易见的变化,相信在场之人自然也看出来了。 Does not know that which passage Brother Liu does want to choose?” Peng Yue continues sound transmission to ask. “不知柳兄想要选择哪个通道?”彭越继续传音问道。 Population that since each passage enters has the limit, naturally early makes good that makes a decision. 既然每个通道进入的人数有限制,自然是早做决断的好。 Also is at present confused below, but here, since is the place of inheritance, these three passage should have the respective chance......” Liu Ming to look the color of hesitation, slowly sound transmission replied. “在下目前也是一头雾水,不过这里既然是传承之地,这三条通道应该都有各自的机缘……”柳鸣面露沉吟之色,缓缓传音回道 In this time, the Overwhelming Academy green clothes young woman personal appearance floating, is falling before three passage, the vision sweeps not to have the direct vanguard slightly, instead chuckle, turns toward leaving the recent ugly youth asks: 正在此时,浩然书院的绿衣少妇身形飘然而起,落在了三个通道之前,目光微微一扫下却没有直接前行,反而轻笑一声,扭首朝着离得最近的丑陋青年问道: This Fellow Daoist, which passage do you want?” “这位道友,你想要走哪个通道?” The ugly youth hears green clothes young woman this not to have the question of reason, is somewhat accidental, but blamed to sneer immediately several that the eye turned, obviously was not willing to pay attention to this female. 丑陋青年听到绿衣少妇这没来由的问话,有些意外,但马上怪眼一翻的冷笑了几声,显然不愿理睬此女。 Green clothes young woman sees this, has not lost one's temper, instead after smiling, under the entrance toward bright moonlight design dodges to enter. 绿衣少妇见此,并未动怒,反而嫣然一笑后,朝着明月图案下的入口一闪而入。 After the ugly youth deeply looked at green clothes young woman back one, whole body black Qi one volume of diving postures, actually fly into first passage. 丑陋青年深深看了绿衣少妇背影一眼后,周身黑气一卷的飞身而起,却飞入第一条通道中。 Another side, after the Hawk face man and Xue Pan sound transmission talked several, the sleeve robe raises, a white multi-colored sunlight ascension, under one volume, wraps two people of personal appearance, dodges to enter to bright moonlight design passage. 另一边,鹰面男子和薛盘传音交谈了几句后,袖袍一扬,一道白色霞光升腾而起,一卷之下,就将二人身形包裹而起,冲明月图案通道一闪而入。 In green clothes young woman and Hawk face man, after Xue Pan enters moon passage, this passage entrance immediately contracts only to hold a person of enter and exit size. 在绿衣少妇鹰面男子,薛盘进入月亮通道之后,此通道入口当即收缩到仅能容纳一人进出的大小了。 Peng Yue sees this, took a deep breath, several steps have arrived at side the silver car(riage) youth, silent sound transmission exchanges. 彭越见此,深吸一口气,几步走到了银车青年身旁,无声的传音交流一番。 Nod of silver car(riage) youth faint smile, laughs after again, dodges also enters to moon passage. 银车青年似笑非笑的点点头,再哈哈一笑后,一闪的也进入到月亮通道中。 This passage in an instant, cave entrance that the youth enters imitates immediately, if the water surface surges to fluctuate generally, and rapid reduction, vanishes above the busy jade suddenly thoroughly. 通道在青年进入的刹那间,洞口顿时仿若水面一般波荡起伏起来,并迅速缩小,眨眼间彻底消失在无暇玉璧之上。 Then, only then Peng Yue, Liu Ming and Ouyang sisters also stayed at the scene. 如此一来,只有彭越,柳鸣和欧阳姐妹还留在现场了。 On the jade, moon passage already closes completely, but solar passage also only can accommodate a person to enter, but that carves completely the dense star mark, mysterious passage, actually until now nobody chooses. 玉璧上,月亮通道已经完全关闭,而太阳通道也仅只能容纳一个人进入了,而那条刻满繁密星纹,充满神秘色彩的通道,却至今没人选择。 Liu Ming sees this, both eyes narrows the eyes after having hesitated the moment, the stride goes out, rushes to that quarter dense star mark the passage entrance to go completely. 柳鸣见此,双目微眯的沉吟了片刻后,大步走出,奔那刻满繁密星纹的通道入口而去。 What fortunately is, Peng Yue personal appearance in a flash, fell before this passage entrance. 凑巧的是,彭越身形一晃,也落在了此通道入口前。 Fellow Daoist Liu also chooses this field of endeavor, that was too skillful, Little Sister directly was good with Brother Liu. This is the Little Sister clan younger sister, Ouyang Qin, after entering passage, our sisters may want exhausted Fellow Daoist Liu to look after!” Ouyang Qian sees this, smiles one tenderly, walked with that green clothes girl unexpectedly together. 柳道友也选择此道,那太巧了,小妹就直接跟着柳兄好了。这是小妹的族妹,欧阳琴,进入通道后,我们姐妹可要劳烦柳道友照顾了!”欧阳倩见此,娇笑一声,竟和那个绿衣少女一同走了过来。 Green clothes girl looked at Liu Ming and Peng Yue two people, then dangling view, desolate such as the appearance of frost. 绿衣少女看了柳鸣彭越二人一眼,便垂下眼帘,一副冷淡如霜的样子。 By two Fairy Maiden strength, where also needs in the attendance!” The one of the Liu Ming vision from green clothes girl sweeps, said lightly.. “以两位仙子实力,哪里还需要在下来照顾啊!”柳鸣目光从绿衣少女身上一扫而过,淡淡说道。。 Ouyang Qian hearing this, smiles. 欧阳倩闻言,嫣然一笑。 At this time, Peng Yue whole body yellow light one volume, flew toward front passage, and in star light sway, vanished suddenly does not see. 这时,彭越周身黄光一卷,已朝着面前通道飞去,并在一阵星光晃动中,骤然消失不见。 Liu Ming whole body black Qi billowing, after personal appearance is fuzzy, followed closely Peng Yue to enter in the star light. 柳鸣周身黑气滚滚而出,身形一个模糊后,紧随着彭越进入了星光之中。 After Ouyang Qian and green clothes girl also entered star light passage, bang a bang! 欧阳倩与绿衣少女也进入了星光通道之后,“轰隆隆”一阵巨响! The hundred zhang (333m) tall busy jade is defeated and dispersed unexpectedly collapsing, turns into the dissipation of white fog directly during was void, looks like here is similar all not to occur generally. 百丈高无暇玉璧竟溃散坍塌,直接化成白雾的消散在了虚空之中,看起来这里仿佛一切都未发生过一般。 ...... …… Four people after entering star light passage, the surroundings only remain eye-catching star light immediately, high and low about is, several people as if stand in the starry sky general. 四人在进入星光通道后,周围顿时只剩一片夺目的星光,上下左右都是,几人仿佛站在星空之中一般。 Liu Ming in the instance of entry, then feels Yuan Spirit Flying Sword in within the body to be ready to make trouble, in heart for a it secure. 柳鸣在进入的瞬间,便感受到体内的元灵飞剑蠢蠢欲动,心中为之一安。 Reason that he chooses this passage, when because Void Sword refinement what uses is Star Light Attracting Refining Law, has certain control ability to the strength of stars. 他之所以选择这个通道,正是因为虚空剑炼制时用的是星光磁炼之法,对星辰之力有一定的操控能力。 Why the place of inheritance supposed these three passage, he was unknown, but compared to another two passage, chose this also to calculate has not chosen was best to choose. 传承之地为何设下了这三条通道,他不得而知,不过比起另外两条通道,选择走这一条也算没有选择中的最好选择了。 Several people after were staying a meeting slightly same place, then continues toward. 几人稍稍在原地停留了一会后,便继续往前行去。 Before here passage too quick that Divine Consciousness only may an exsomatize several feet distance, several people naturally not dare to walk. 此处通道较之前的一样,神识仅可离体数丈距离,几人自然不敢走的过快。 Time of probably after one food, four people only think that at present one bright, more than 20 zhang (3.33 m) square shape halls appeared before them. 大概一顿饭的功夫后,四人只觉眼前一亮,一个20余丈的方形大厅出现在了他们面前。 Since has arrived here, even if front is dragon's pool and tiger's den, naturally does not have the principle of retreat, four people of careful walking into. 既然走到了这里,即便前方是龙潭虎穴,自然没有后退之理,四人小心的走入其中。 After green clothes female last steps into the hall, back star light passage, successively will shortly be defeated and dispersed, the passage exit / to speak closes to vanish instantaneously. 当绿衣女子最后一个踏入大厅之后,背后的星光通道,顷刻间节节溃散开来,通道出口瞬间弥合消失。 Although people one startled, but also nobody really reveals the startled color, after looking at one mutually, all around starts to size up gets up. 众人虽然一惊,但也没有谁真露出惊慌之色,互望一眼后,就开始打量四周起来。 This place four walls lay on top of one another with the blue stone, the inside empty piece, except for the hall that out just came, then again did not have other to export. 此地四壁都是用青石垒砌而成,里面空荡荡一片,除了刚进来的厅门外,便再无其他出口了。 Top the hall is mounting several moonlight stones, sends out light milky white rays of light. 大厅顶部则镶嵌着数颗月光石,散发出淡淡的乳白色光芒 don't tell me here is this place end, probably is only ordinary stone chamber nothing more.” The Peng Yue eye has swept in the stone chamber, somewhat disappointed saying. 难道这里便是此地尽头,好像只是一个普通的石室而已。”彭越眼睛在石室中扫过,有些失望的说道。 Ouyang Qian is sizing up toward the surroundings, in eye has revealed doubts expression, green Ouyang Qin also brow micro wrinkle. 欧阳倩朝周围打量着,眼中露出了疑惑的神色,绿欧阳琴也眉头微皱。 „Can Brother Liu see the clue of this place?” After Ouyang Qian thinks, suddenly asked to Liu Ming. 柳兄可看出了此地的端倪?”欧阳倩想了想后,突然向柳鸣问道。 Ouyang miss favored, cannot see anything, can have what discovery below.” Liu Ming smiles bitterly shaking the head, in the heart is actually flashing through surprised “欧阳姑娘太抬举在下了,诸位都未能看出什么,在下又能有何发现。”柳鸣苦笑着摇了摇头,心中却闪过一丝惊疑 He can realize faintly that this place the strength of stars, was unexpectedly richer than stars passage in several points of appearance. 他能够隐隐察觉到,此地的星辰之力,居然比星辰通道之中更加浓郁了几分的样子。 What a pity here also has some Divine Consciousness restrictions, otherwise then can carefully investigate one. 可惜这里也有某种神识禁制,否则便能仔细探查一番了。 When several people are at a loss, hall center suddenly ka-cha a dull thumping sound! 就在几人束手无策的时候,大厅中心处突然“咔嚓”一声闷响! Four people responded that so quick one startled, toward jumps to open hastily in all directions. 四人反应何等之快一惊之下,连忙往四处一跳而开。 Next quarter, hall center underground bang sound big sound, after shivers fiercely, the ground splits voluntarily slowly, reveals not a big circular puddle. 下一刻,大厅中心地下轰隆隆声大响,一阵剧烈颤抖后,地面自行缓缓裂开,露出一口不大的圆形水潭来。 „Is this?” “这是?” Several people see clearly the present scene, was all dumbfounded. 几人看清眼前的情景,俱是目瞪口呆了。 Sees only at present deep water in puddle, unexpectedly is not limpid transparent, but is a viscous shape silver liquid. 只见眼前水潭中的潭水,竟不是清澈透明,而是一种粘稠状的银色液体。 What is more marvelous, in the puddle visibles faintly to arrange dense and numerous point stars, is similar to the riotous spirit bead scatters the jade plate to be ordinary, projects in this such as the mirror brightly and cleanly in silver deep pool surface. 更为奇妙的是,水潭中隐约可见排列着密密麻麻的点点繁星,如同缤纷灵珠散落玉盘一般,投射在这光洁如镜的的银色潭面上。 ( Choice......, In the life of person, more or less must make some choices, some are insignificant, some may actually have the earth-shaking influence to their next path!) R1152 (选择……,人的一生中,或多或少都必须作出一些选择,有的无足轻重,有的却可能对自己今后道路产生翻天覆地的影响!)R1152
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