DD :: Volume #8

#787: Opening

„, You met Grand Purity Sect Fellow Daoist. „ Blue robe man hearing this, flushed that side Liu Ming to look at one immediately, and under well-meaning point. “哦,原来你遇到太清门道友了。“青袍男子闻言,当即冲柳鸣那边望了一眼,并善意的点下头。 Liu Ming heard that Peng Yue actually called this male Martial Uncle, although in the heart similarly greatly was the surprise, but naturally does not dare to neglect was busy at cuping one hand in the other across the chest to return a courtesy. 柳鸣闻听彭越竟然叫这男子师叔,心中虽然同样大为诧异,但自然不敢怠慢的忙拱手回礼。 But Peng Yue in a low voice and azure robe man said several words, bows once more, turned around to fly back to side Liu Ming, sat cross-legged to sit, calmly waited. 彭越又低声和青袍男子说了几句话,再次躬身一下,才转身飞回了柳鸣身旁,盘膝而坐,静静等待了起来。 In this time, a gentle sound was actually reaching near the Liu Ming's ear: 正在此时,一个温婉声音却传进了柳鸣的耳边: 30 years have not seen, the Brother Liu elegant demeanor won in the past.” “30余年未见,柳兄风采更胜往昔。” Liu Ming turns the head to look that sees only not far away Ouyang Qian to saying that its as if smiles. 柳鸣转头看去,只见不远处欧阳倩冲其宛然一笑的说道。 Originally is Ouyang Miss, has been well since last meeting.” Liu Ming shows a faint smile, and emits Divine Consciousness to sweep, in the eye surprising color flashes through. “原来是欧阳姑娘,别来无恙啊。”柳鸣微微一笑,并放出神识一扫,眼中异色闪过。 This female cultivation base unexpectedly also already to Crystal Transformation Late Stage. 此女修为竟也已经到了化晶后期 Although he is also Crystal Transformation Late Stage, but one of us knows from the family work, if not depends upon massive Medicine Pill and mysterious bubble deputes magical power unceasingly, absolutely impossible enters step such rapidness. 他虽然也是化晶后期,但自家人知道自家事,若非依靠大量丹药神秘气泡不断提纯法力,绝不可能进阶如此之快。 But in Grand Purity Sect other his realm same disciple, such as Sha Tongtian and the others, are still wandering at that time in Crystal Transformation Initial and Intermediate Stage now. 太清门中其他一些当时他境界相同的弟子,如沙通天等人,如今还在化晶初中期徘徊着。 It seems like this female either is that true cultivation genius, really has gotten either then down the big qualification in these years Ouyang Clan on cultivation resources. 看来此女要么是那种真正的修炼奇才,要么便是在这些年欧阳家修炼资源上真对其下了大本钱。 On the same day Green Heavenly Imaginary Palace leaves, has not thought of your me, Xue Fellow Daoist can gather the same place on Heavenly Sect Assembly really once more.” Ouyang Qian giggle smiles, “当日碧穹幻宫一别,没想到你我,还有薛道友真能在天门会上再次聚集一起。”欧阳倩咯咯一笑, Light saying with a smile of recollection. 略带一丝回忆的轻笑道。 Hehe, this Liu indeed has not thought that can here and two meet again/goodbye. However. Xue Fellow Daoist and Ouyang Miss are in the eminent. In this, is makes up the number.” Liu Ming has a yawn, and has swept another side Xue Pan one. 嘿嘿,柳某的确未曾想到,会在此与二位再见的。不过。薛道友与欧阳姑娘都是门中翘楚。在下来此,就不过是凑个数罢了。”柳鸣打个哈欠的,并扫了另一边的薛盘一眼。 This child magical power fluctuation only has Crystal Transformation Initial Stage cultivation base, but Monster Qi is boundless, obviously cultivation some special cultivation method. 此子身上的法力波动仅有化晶初期修为,但身上妖气磅礴惊人,显然修炼了某种特殊功法 On the same day when Green Heavenly Imaginary Palace, this person facing the Jin Lieyang illusory image chases down may be the method emerges one after another incessantly, deals freely. But Monster Race grows along with cultivation base, fleshy body tyrannicalally is also far from human cultivator may compare, now strength naturally also same was earth-shaking. 当日碧穹幻宫中,此人面对金烈阳幻影追杀时可算是手段层出不穷,应对自如。而妖族随着修为增长,肉身强横也远非人类修士可比的,如今实力自然也同样的天翻地覆了。 But side Xue Pan that Hawk face man, as if the induction to the vision that Liu Ming looks, similarly transferred to look at Liu Ming one, both eyes was sharp exceptionally, gives its face a feeling of faint stabbing pain unexpectedly. 薛盘身旁的那名鹰面男子,似乎感应到柳鸣看过来的目光,同样转首望了柳鸣一眼,双目犀利异常,竟然给其脸庞一种隐隐刺痛的感觉。 In Liu Ming heart slightly startled, bite back vision. 柳鸣心中微微一惊,急忙收回了目光。 This Hawk face Monster Race strength, is greatly is not as if ordinary. 鹰面妖族实力,似乎更是大不一般。 Brother Liu so somewhat deceived oneself and others in a moment unavoidably. Fellow Daoist strength, the girl had asked for advice......” Ouyang Qian beautiful pupil one revolution in Green Heavenly Imaginary Palace on already in the past, saying that is angry. 柳兄这般说话就不免有些自欺欺人了。道友实力,小女子当年在碧穹幻宫中就已经领教过了……”欧阳倩美眸一转,微嗔的说道。 When they spoke, distant place horizon suddenly sound writings, silver light came in the lasing toward mountain valley from out of the blue together with lightning speed. 就在两人说话之际,远处天边忽然一阵破空声大作,一道银光风驰电掣般朝山谷所在激射而来。 at the same time, the people middle Stone Platform Spell Formation center . The place of seventh scoop channel. Has the miraculous glow to flash before faintly. 与此同时,众人中间的石台法阵中心。第七个凹槽之处。隐隐有灵光闪现。 The people see that all one happy. 众人见状,皆都一喜。 The Liu Ming actually brow slightly selects, this escaping light somewhat seems to be familiar. 柳鸣却眉头微微一挑,这道遁光似乎有些熟悉啊。 Finally after silver light several flash, fell before the people in the open area, a 23 or 24-year-old about youth has appeared figure, a Grand Purity Sect clothing, was Luo Tiancheng, 结果银光几个闪动后,落在了众人面前空地上,一个二十三四岁左右青年现出了身影,一身太清门服饰,正是罗天成 In his hand also grabs at the same time the formation plate butt, is flashing the light golden halo! 其手中也抓着一面阵盘残片,正闪动着淡淡的金色光晕! Luo Tiancheng sees the center huge Stone Platform, has revealed being pleasantly surprised expression, immediately on the scene sweeps toward various person vision. 罗天成看到中心处的巨大石台,也露出了又惊又喜的神色,随即又朝在场诸人目光一扫而过。 Is you! The good evildoer, this time to look where you toward run away!” “是你!好贼子,这次看你往哪里逃!” When he sees the Xue Pan behind Hawk face man. shouts out that suddenly two eyes wants to torch, whole body silver glow a big magnificence burst , fist suddenly to strike. 当他看到薛盘身后鹰面男子时。突然双眼直欲喷火的大喝一声,周身银芒大盛,一拳暴击而出。 Resounds through the horizon the sound of dragon roar to transmit, two 30 zhang (3.33 m) silver flood dragon Dragon Phantom howl from his arm, after void circles to interweave, making threatening gestures rushes to the Hawk face man and Xue Pan whereabouts, clashes to go.. 一声响彻天际的龙吟之声传来,两条30丈长的银色蛟龙虚影从其手臂上呼啸而出,在虚空中一个盘旋交织后,张牙舞爪的奔鹰面男子和薛盘所在之处,一冲而去。。 Two silver flood dragons threaten, during place visited causes is void a fierce tremor, the person of nearby sees this, mostly in heart one cold. 两条银蛟气势汹汹,所过之处引得周围虚空之中一阵剧烈颤动,附近之人见此,大都心中一凛。 Several station in the nearby petty faction disciple, in great surprise hurries to jump to shunt nearby region.. 几个站在附近的中小宗派弟子,更是大惊的慌忙纵身躲开附近区域。。 Xue Pan in same place has not avoided the action, but coldly looks is roaring to come silver flood dragon Dragon Phantom that. 薛盘在原地并没有丝毫躲避举动,只是冷冷的望着咆哮而来的银色蛟龙虚影 The Hawk face man at the same time snort|hum, the sleeve has actually shaken, rolls silver light to fly together, is one small is skillful immediately the exquisite hexagon silver boundary, after turning round revolution, the big piece silver crystal glow from the mirror surface lasing, happen to struck in the silver of coming. 一边的鹰面男子却哼了一声,袖子一抖,一道团银光一飞而出,正是一面小随即巧玲珑的六边形银境,滴溜溜一转后,大片银色晶芒从镜面激射而出,正好击在了迎面而至的银上。 Bang, two silver flood dragon phantom were melted falling qiang that the light rosy cloud strikes by the crystal glow, from the sky the circling dance, suddenly is actually not able to fall. “轰”的一声,两条银色蛟虚影被晶芒所化光霞击的跌跄不已,在空中盘旋狂舞,却一时间无法落下。 At this time, in the Hawk face man hand technique again changed, in midair another bang transmitted, the silver crystal glow ruptured to open suddenly, the mixture point silver light silver halo crazy volumes opened, dispersed two silver flood dragon phantom washouts instantaneously, takes advantage of opportunity reverse opposite Luo Tiancheng one volume to go. 这时,鹰面男子手中法决再一变,半空中又一声巨响传来,银色晶芒骤然爆裂而开,一圈圈夹杂点点银光的银色光晕狂卷而开,瞬间就将两条银蛟虚影冲溃而散,顺势反向对面的罗天成一卷而去,。 Luo Tiancheng as if also greatly dreaded to this silver air wave, wants not to think shoots beyond several feet instantaneously but actually, flushes stands firm snake-shaped, but in the surface the angry look wins, the both arms inspire, then must get rid once again. 罗天成似乎对这银色气浪也大为忌惮,想都不想的瞬间倒射十几丈外,才冲洗稳住蛇形,但面上怒色更胜,双臂一振,便要再度出手。 Two, you have any enmity unable to manage below, but here but the secret realm place of entrance inheritance, two must begin also to step to other place.” a golden light flashes, a Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) man brow wrinkle, went by car to block suddenly before Stone Platform, eight golden puppet Pegasus body surface of pulling a cart sent out golden light, has kept off the complementary waves of their battle all. “两位,你们有什么过节在下管不着,不过这里可是秘境的传承之地入口,两位要动手还请移步到别的地方吧。”金光一闪,天工宗的银车男子眉头一皱,突然驱车拦在了石台之前,拉车的八匹金色傀儡飞马体表发出一圈圈的金光,将两人争斗的余波尽数挡了下来。 Luo Tiancheng hearing this, slightly hesitates, the angry look collects slightly, but still bitterly is staring at the Hawk face man, prepares to begin the appearance at any time. 罗天成闻言,略一迟疑,怒色稍敛,但仍恨恨的盯着鹰面男子,一副随时准备动手样子。 The Hawk face man holds the hexagonal silver mirror, Hehe, as if attack simply to Luo Tiancheng has not placed in the eye. 鹰面男子则将六角银镜一把抓住,嘿嘿一声,似乎对罗天成的攻击根本就未放在眼中。 Then at this moment, a gloomy sound clearly transmits from another side mountain valley. 便在此刻,一个阴沉声音从另一边的山谷之外清晰传来。 Originally other seven fragment already collections were uneven, it seems like in time but actually also just right.” “原来其余七块碎片都已经集齐了,看来在下来得时间倒也正好。” The voice just fell, mountain valley east side airborne loud rumbling sound, purple mist rolling appears, is bringing sky over strong winds arriving Stone Platform in a minute, and one volume in an open area, in mist, indistinct is one is suddenly tall, the man of purple hair curl. 话音刚落,山谷东侧空中轰隆一声巨响,,一股紫色气焰滚滚浮现,片刻间就带着一股狂风的来到石台上空,并在一处空地上蓦然一卷而下,气焰之中,隐约是一名身材高大,紫发卷曲的男子。 Liu Ming sees this, the corner of the eye twitches slightly. 柳鸣见此,眼角微微抽搐一下。 This purple hair platyrrhine man, on the same day before Heavenly Sect Assembly starts one of the Big Dipper Pavilion main side disciple seeing, but does not see another silver-haired girl figure. 紫发狮鼻男子,正是当日在天门会开始前所见的北斗阁主身边弟子之一,只是不见另一个银发少女身影 at the same time, in the Stone Platform center eighth scoop channel, the weak miraculous glow also shines, entire Spell Formation as if induced anything to be the same, tiny golden spirit mark that always doing nothing but line of rotations slowly, in eight scoop channels golden light a big magnificence burst , all around outlined, along with it a series of shone. 与此同时,石台中心第八个凹槽之中,微弱的灵光也随之亮起,整个法阵似乎感应到了什么一样,竟自行缓缓的转动而起,八个凹槽中金光大盛,四周勾勒的细小金色灵纹,也随之一连串的亮起。 Golden rays of light is dazzling! 金色光芒刺目耀眼! The next quarter, rushing turbulent spiritual force vortex, circles to shoot up to the sky along with the rotation of Stone Platform, making the air in mountain valley be vibrated, has sent out intermittent buzzing sound. 下一刻,一股澎湃汹涌灵力漩涡,随着石台的转动盘旋冲天而起,使得山谷中的空气受到震动,也发出了一阵阵嗡嗡的声音 So astonishing, lets originally to the people who the purple hair man suddenly presents is surprised, the attention all will attract immediately the past, all looks with rapt attention to Stone Platform. 如此惊人一幕,让原本紫发男子突然出现大感意外的众人,顿时将注意力全吸引了过去,全都凝神看向石台之上。 Is very good, the place of inheritance must open finally.” Side the Ouyang Qian green clothes female, muttered one. “很好,传承之地终于要打开了。”欧阳倩身旁的绿衣女子,喃喃了一句。 But originally sits in green clothes young woman that at the same time selfish closed eyes maintains mental tranquility, is both eyes opens the eyes, the smiling face of revealing not a easy detection. 原本坐在一边自顾自闭目养神的绿衣少妇,也是双目微睁,露出一丝不易察觉的笑容。 Other people see this situation, in the eye has also revealed the fiery color. 其他人见此情形,,目中也都纷纷露出了火热之色。 Two Fellow Daoist, the place of inheritance must open, if begins the words now, is the gain does not equal the loss. If two have the gratitude and grudges that cannot resolve, might as well waits for everybody to enter after obtaining the inheritance destiny, after coming out, solves again and that's the end.” Peng Yue the vision takes back after the Stone Platform place, after then looked at Luo Tiancheng and Hawk face man respectively, suddenly goes forward several saying. “二位道友,传承之地就要开启了,若是现在动手话,可是得不偿失的。二位若真有化解不了的恩怨,不妨等大伙进入其中获得传承气运后,出来后再解决就是了。”彭越将目光从石台处收回后,再看了看罗天成鹰面男子各一眼后,忽然上前几步的说道。 Luo Tiancheng after pondering for a while, in the eye the tyrannical color retreats finally gradually, finally under gloomy face the point of slightly. 罗天成略一沉吟后,眼中暴虐之色终于渐渐退去,终于阴沉脸孔的微微点下头。 But the Hawk face man has sneered several, received the hexagonal silver mirror on hand. 鹰面男子则冷笑了几声,也收起了手上的六角银镜。 Important moment when the place of inheritance must open immediately, truly is not the opportunity of battle. 正值传承之地马上要开启的重要时刻,确实不是争斗的时机。 Has not thought that Brother Liu also arrived here, is very good! It seems like shortly after here will be very certainly lively.” A Luo Tiancheng vision revolution, saw Peng Yue behind Liu Ming finally, in the eye has flashed through color of the accident. “没想到柳兄也来到了这里,很好!看来这里不久后一定会很热闹了。”罗天成目光一转,终于也看到了彭越身后柳鸣,目中闪过一丝意外之色。 I have not thought that Luo Junior Brother also obtained a fragment.” Liu Ming staying calm and collected toward its arch starting, is greeted. “我也没想到罗师弟也得到了一块碎片。”柳鸣不动声色的朝其拱了下手,算是打了个招呼。 They the relations in Grand Purity Sect are not good, even also somewhat hostile feeling, even if at this moment in this Heavenly Sect secret realm, naturally is also far from any friendship again. 两人在太清门中关系并不好,甚至还有些敌对之感,此刻纵然再这天门秘境中,自然也谈不上什么交情的。 „Before the several days, Heavenly Monster Valley this person gets rid to sneak attack, travels together this disciple to kill with me another two, and has captured their destiny. Luo originally wants to chase down this person, good to revenge for the same side, actually by its sly escaping. After this matter leaves secret realm, I will report Sect, you are disciple, should know how to do.” Luo Tiancheng shot a look at Liu Ming one again, lip fine motion sound transmission said that afterward a silver flame tumbling, after the personal appearance dodged, then fell on a not far away steep slope. “数日之前,天妖谷这人出手偷袭,将另两名与我同行本门弟子杀害,并夺取了他们身上的气运。罗某原本想追杀此人,好为同门报仇,却被其狡猾的逃脱。此事离开秘境之后,我会上报宗门,你身为本门弟子,应该知道怎么做的。”罗天成再瞥了柳鸣一眼,嘴唇微动的传音道,随后身上的银焰一个翻滚,身形一闪后,便落在了不远处的一处高坡上。 Liu Ming hearing this both eyes narrowed, swept to have that Hawk face man several eyes once more. 柳鸣闻言双目一眯,也再次扫了起了那名鹰面男子几眼来。 Although Luo Tiancheng only has Crystal Transformation Initial Stage cultivation base, but strength actually astonishingly. 罗天成虽然仅有化晶初期修为,但实力却惊人之极。 How although does not know killed two same side disciple strength, but already can participate in the Heavenly Sect Assembly quota, where also absolutely not will be weak goes. But cannot stand off that Hawk face man about three people of strength, but also was struck to kill them by it at one fell swoop , it seems like that this person compared with wants formidable many, must result in guards against one or two that formerly imagined carefully. 虽不知被杀害的两名同门弟子实力如何,但既能拥有参加天门会的名额,也绝不会弱哪里去。而合三人之力也敌不过那鹰面男子,还被其一举击杀两人,看来此人比先前自己想象的还要强大不少,必须得小心提防一二了。 Consideration of Liu Ming intention at lightning speed rotation. 柳鸣心念飞快转动的思量着。 As if induced the spiritual force fluctuation of here difference, merely among moment free time, the escaping light that also 78 colors varied came toward mountain valley from out of the blue, falling that and dodged in nearby ground. 似乎感应到了此处异样的灵力波动,仅仅片刻工夫间,又有78道颜色各异的遁光朝山谷中破空而来,并一闪的落在了附近地面来。 This, around Stone Platform in concave mountain valley, already had almost been encircled by the dense and numerous crowds, about 30 people, this initially calculated little 89 people with Liu Ming with Peng Yue, many several people of situation may probably be very different.( Not 这一来,凹形山谷中的石台周围,已经几乎被密密麻麻的人群围了一圈,足足有近30人之多,这与柳鸣当初与彭越盘算少则89人,多则十几人的情况可要相去甚远了。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) R1052 ~^~)R1052
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