DD :: Volume #8

#788: Clearout

Snort, Heavenly Sect inheritance can also it be that these do not have the person of strength to presumptuously think, your mediocre generations do not have including the formation plate fragment, but also wants in this to fish in troubled water, knowing the limitation immediately boils!” purple hair men's when seeing Stone Platform dense and numerous crowds, suddenly coldly said low roaring sound said. { “哼,天门传承又岂是那些毫无实力之人可以妄想的,你们这些平庸之辈连阵盘碎片都没有,还想在此浑水摸鱼,识相的就马上滚开!”紫发男子在看到石台附近密密麻麻的人群时,突然冷声低喝道。{ His voice is not loud, but does not know whether added held some secret technique, the people only think that its words sound was exceptionally incisive gratingly, in the ear spread along with a it intermittent pricking.. 他声音不大,但不知是否加持了某种秘术,众人只觉其话语声异常尖锐刺耳,耳中随之一阵阵的刺痛感传出。。 Liu Ming and other people of Four Supreme Sects eight great families clan , after mostly on the face flash through surprising color, restores as usual, but disciple of other these sects, immediately have actually revealed the color of pain, 1-2 strength small and weak falls to the ground unexpectedly in light of this, in the ground tumbling, two ear blood directing current, a very painful appearance. 柳鸣四大太宗八大家族之人,大多脸上闪过一丝异色后就恢复如常,而其他那些宗派的弟子,却顿时露出了痛苦之色,一两个实力弱小的竟就此倒地,在地上翻滚不已,两耳鲜血直流,一副非常痛苦的样子。 Inheritance in this secret realm, why I and others cannot inherit, your several are not the luck slightly is better, had found opening inheritance fragment nothing more.” A whole face is ugly and ferocious-looking, the big robust man who wears fierce appearance, after swinging the heads of some dizziness, immediately discontented saying. “这秘境之中的传承,为何我等不能继承,你们几个不就是运气稍微好一些,找到了开启传承的碎片而已。”一名满脸横肉,身披虎皮的高大壮汉,摇了摇有些眩晕的脑袋后,当即不满的说道。 Is......” this person of shifty-eyed, the short youth in a low voice is also echoing. “就是……”此人身边一名贼眉鼠眼,身材矮小青年也是低声附和着。 purple hair man hearing this, the complexion sinks, whole body body surface rays of light dodges, on the face appears immediately dark green interactions two color spirit mark. 紫发男子闻言,脸色一沉,周身体表光芒一闪,脸上当即浮现出一道道黑绿相间的两色灵纹 Next quarter, a person's shadow flower, male unexpectedly monster general appearance in big robust man behind, single-handed toward front quick such as lightning pulls out. 下一刻,人影一花,男子竟鬼魅一般的出现在了高大壮汉身后,单手朝胸前快如闪电的一掏。 The big robust man had not responded that what had, protects body Astral Qi Bang is defeated and dispersed, chest one cool, a blood drip forest, still beat heart then pulled out. 高大壮汉还未反应过来发生了何事,护体罡气就“砰”的一声溃散开来,胸口一凉,一颗血淋林,兀自跳动不已的心脏便被一掏而出。 The mouth that the big robust man whole face stagnates opened and closed several, actually any sound cannot send. The body fell to the ground loudly. 高大壮汉满脸凝滞的嘴巴开合了几下,却什么声音也发不出来。身躯轰然倒地了。 In purple hair man hand one tight, but also was pinched one group of muddy fleshes in the heart of beat immediately. Vision such as ice sweeps toward all around people, suddenly looks fierce saying: 紫发男子手上一紧,还在跳动的心脏顿时被捏成了一团肉泥。目光如冰的朝四周众人一扫,蓦然面露狰狞的说道: „The person of presence , to enter the place of inheritance. First meets a Lu fist. Then meets under enters, cannot receive, Hehe, that strove for fortunately.” “在场之人如想要进入传承之地。就先接吕某一拳。接得下便进,接不下,嘿嘿,那就自求多福吧。” The voice just fell, the purple hair man raises single-handed, purple qi one volume, the destiny on the big robust man corpse locks crushing together, continuously gray Qi swarms, emerges the crystal clear jade in his hand to lock. 话音刚落,紫发男子单手一扬,一道紫气一卷而出,将高大壮汉尸体上气运锁击碎,一缕缕灰气蜂拥而出,涌入其手中的晶莹玉锁中。 That shifty-eyed short person youth sees this scene. Already the complexion big change, immediately turned around, changes to together the brown escaping light, shot up to the sky. 那名贼眉鼠眼的矮个青年见此情景。早已面色大变,当即一个转身,化作一道棕色遁光,冲天而起。 The purple hair man has not paid attention, but sneers, then the personal appearance in a flash emergence has located before the nearest Xue Pan body, the arm moves, one of the purple qi after around the arm circles, suddenly changes to a head size. Imitates if really the archery target purple fist shade to eject. 紫发男子对此并未理睬,只是冷笑一声,便身形一晃的出现在了距离最近的薛盘身前处,手臂一动,一股紫气在手臂周围一绕之后,骤然化作一颗头颅大小。仿若实质的紫色拳影击出。 Xue Pan expression one startled, will get rid, at present actually the person's shadow in a flash, the Hawk face man keeps off in its front. 薛盘神色一惊,正要出手,眼前却人影一晃,鹰面男子挡在了其面前。 This person is only the both arms in body previous overlapping. Two silver mist then seep from arm, under concentrates, changes to the one layer silver light screen. Keeps off before the body. 此人只是双臂在身前一个交叉。两道银色气焰便从手臂之上渗透而出,一凝之下,、化作一层银色光幕。挡在身前。 Bang a bang! “轰”的一声巨响! Purple fist shade side touches the silver light screen, then loudly disrupts. Changes to the dissipation of point purple light to open, but after the silver light screen actually slightly trembles. Then restores such as beginning. 紫色拳影方一触及银色光幕,便轰然碎裂。化作点点紫光的消散而开,而银色光幕却只是微微一颤后。便恢复如初了。 The purple hair man sees this, stay does not have slightly, personal appearance again one fuzzy , the monster appearance before not far away another red robe youth, the same fist has pounded like lightning. 紫发男子见此,丝毫停留没有,身形再一模糊,又鬼魅般的出现在了不远处另一红袍青年面前,同样一拳闪电般捣出。 Result that red robe man has not seen clearly including the movement of purple hair man, was flown by numerous striking, such as the broken gunnysack fell in the open area several feet away generally, a chest gigantic blood hole, inside heart exploded broken to become Mo, the blood emitting that kept from the wound place. 结果那名红袍男子连紫发男子的动作都未看清,就被重重的击飞出去,如破麻袋一般落在了数丈外的空地上,胸口一个硕大的血窟窿,里面心脏爆碎成沫,鲜血从伤口处不停的冒出。 Red robe youth successive called out pitifully not and shouts that then immediately did not have aura. 红袍青年连惨叫也未及喊出,便立时没有了气息 Sees the purple hair man so savage real big under killer, on the scene ponders person complexion that strength is inferior to change in abundance, where also dares to do again stays slightly, dashes pell-mell, in an instant then ran 78 people. 紫发男子如此凶残的真大下杀手,在场自忖实力不及的人面色纷纷大变,哪里还敢再作丝毫停留,一阵狼奔豕突,转眼间便跑了78个人。 On the purple hair man face was still hanging the fierce smiling face, actually does not chase these people of escaping, is only a finger ball, the fresh breeze lasing, in the destiny lock the red robe youth hand destroys together, after absorb half destiny, again a personal appearance fuzziness, appeared before the green clothes young woman body of Overwhelming Academy. 紫发男子脸上仍挂着狰狞笑容,却并不追赶那些逃跑之人,只是手指一弹,一道劲风激射而出,将红袍青年手上气运锁打碎,吸纳了半数气运之后,才再次身形一个模糊,出现在了浩然书院的绿衣少妇身前。 young woman to the purple hair man formerly the savage action, imitated, if has not seen, front the recoil the person shows a faint smile, in the beautiful pupil the indistinct red brilliance flashes. 少妇紫发男子先前凶残举动,仿若未见,,反冲面前之人微微一笑,美眸中隐约赤色光焰闪动。 The purple hair man sees this, actually expression changes, slightly after one hesitates, has not lashed out unexpectedly, but is personal appearance turning round one revolution, does not know how and dodges to a flesh swarthy thick eyebrow youth in front, another boxing leaves. 紫发男子见此,却神色微变,略一犹豫之后,竟然没有出手攻击,而是身形滴溜溜一转,不知怎么的又闪到一名肌肤黝黑的粗眉青年面前,又一拳击出。 The thick eyebrow youth early was prepared, in the hand black light neglects, offers a sacrifice to a black shield, solid keeping off before body. 粗眉青年早有准备,手中黑光一闪下,祭出了一块黑色盾牌,严严实实的挡在了身前。 But purple fist shade loudly, shield surface rays of light dodges, directly was actually pierced by the fist shade. 紫色的拳影轰然而至,盾牌表面光芒一闪,却被拳影直接洞穿而过。 Thick eyebrow youth a blood-curdling screech, the body flies horizontally, the head has broken to pieces becomes the rotten watermelon is common. 粗眉青年一声惨叫,身躯横飞而出,脑袋已碎成烂西瓜一般。 Then, purple hair man personal appearance first successive sway, after the one breath has killed 34 the people of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, at this moment on the scene also dares to stay behind, almost all was various Great Sect gate disciple. 就这样,紫发男子身形一连晃动,一口气又击毙了34名不知天高地厚的人后,此刻在场还敢留下的,几乎全是各大宗弟子了。 At this time, the purple hair man in big laughter, appeared before the Tian Gong Sect silver car(riage) youth. 这时,紫发男子在大笑声中,出现在了天工宗的银车青年面前。 Sees only the silver car(riage) youth, light snort|hum, wields single-handed, in the sleeves the azure light lasing, neglects together, then transformed a 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) green great turtle puppet, back green rune flickered, at the same time was sending out vast aura faintly. 只见银车青年,轻哼一声,单手一挥,衣袖之中一道青光激射而出,一闪下,便幻化出了一只两三丈大小的青色巨龟傀儡,背部一枚枚青色符文忽明忽暗,同时隐隐散发着一股股浩瀚的气息 The purple hair man gawked slightly, has sized up a great turtle, has not lashed out again, but was body surface purple light one volume, appeared before next the grey robe youth of looking distressed. 紫发男子微微一愣,打量了一眼巨龟,也没有再出手攻击,而是体表紫光一卷,,出现在了下一名愁眉苦脸的灰袍青年面前。 The grey robe youth front yellow mist disc already rose suddenly to say together several feet, above the disc reappeared the each and every one brown relief, in thick earth shield just like somewhat similar appearance with Liu Ming hand. 灰袍青年胸前一块黄蒙蒙的圆盘早已暴涨道了数丈大小,圆盘之上浮现出了一个个土黄色的浮雕,与柳鸣手中的厚土盾俨然有几分相似的样子。 Bang a dull thumping sound! “轰”的一声闷响! Piece of purple light shoots up to the sky, when a purple fist shade side close yellow color disc, above the wooden shield continuously yellow color mist then washed out. 一片紫光冲天而起,紫色拳影方一接近黄色圆盘之时,木盾之上一缕缕黄色的气焰便被冲散开来。 After shivers fiercely, on disc clear appears Imprint of fist, but has not disrupted finally. 一阵剧烈颤抖过后,圆盘上清晰的浮现出一个拳头的印记,但总算没有碎裂开。 But grey robe youth cannot stand so vigorously, after the violent draws back more than ten zhang (3.33 m), reluctantly came to a stop the personal appearance, opened mouth has put out a small blood, the complexion panic-stricken looks at purple hair man. 但灰袍青年禁受不住如此大力,暴退出去十余丈后,才勉强站稳了身形,张口吐出一小口鲜血,面色惊恐的看着紫发男子。 The purple hair man looked up this person, has not continued to get rid again, without demur another dodged to vanish. 紫发男子抬头看了一眼此人,未继续再出手,二话不说的又一闪消失。 after a moment, the purple hair man appeared in the face of Liu Ming several people finally. 片刻工夫后,紫发男子终于出现在了柳鸣几人面前。 You are the final several people, who plans to come first?” At this time, the purple hair man did not have anxiously getting rid on the contrary, but after swept Liu Ming and the others, the vision fell on Luo Tiancheng. “你们是最后几人,谁打算先来?”这时,紫发男子反倒是没有急着出手,而是一扫柳鸣等人之后,目光落在了罗天成身上。 Snort, then first asked for advice Big Dipper Pavilion divine ability below!” “哼,那在下就先领教一下北斗阁神通!” Luo Tiancheng the anger had not disappeared, sees this situation to be angry, proceeds one step, coldly said said. 罗天成本就怒气未消,见此情形大怒,往前一步,冷声说道。 Is very good “很好” The voice just fell, great fist phantom that purple qi winds around then silent strikes toward Luo Tiancheng. 话音刚落,一只紫气缭绕的巨拳虚影便无声无息的朝罗天成击来。 A Luo Tiancheng fearless intent, above the body surface a silver light flashes, lifts the hand , a fist moved forward to meet somebody unexpectedly. 罗天成毫无惧意,体表之上银光一闪,一抬手,竟也一拳迎了上去。 Sound of the deafening tiger's roar transmits, silver noble appearance phantom lets go, immediately solid collision in purple fist shade. 一声震耳欲聋的虎啸之声传来,一个颗银色虎头虚影脱手而出,当即结结实实的撞在了紫色拳影上。 A Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering bang! 一声惊天动地的巨响! After a purple silver coins color rays of light junction, being defeated and dispersed of fist shade wail opens, after silver noble appearance phantom is fuzzy, still went to the purple hair man lasing 紫银两色光芒一阵交后,拳影一声哀鸣的溃散而开,银色虎头虚影一个模糊后,仍向紫发男子激射而去 The purple hair man actually laughs, does not draw back the lifting hand that instead enters to wield, one volume of big piece purple rosy cloud from its sleeve, is similar to vortex pulls into noble appearance phantom generally, and instantaneous pressure extinguishes to disperse. 紫发男子却哈哈大笑一声,不退反进的抬手一挥,大片紫色云霞从其袖中一卷而出,如同漩涡一般将虎头虚影扯入其中,并瞬间压灭而散。 Is very good! Grand Purity Sect is Four Supreme Sects, direct disciple really strength is worthily uncommon!” The purple hair man wields single-handed, the purple rosy cloud dissipates, looks actually flashes through an excited color to the Luo Tiancheng vision, opens the mouth to say. “很好!太清门不愧是四大太宗,门下弟子果然实力不凡!”紫发男子单手一挥,紫色云霞消散一空,望向罗天成的目光却闪过一丝兴奋之色,开口称赞道。 Luo Tiancheng snort|hum, still looked angrily at the purple hair man. 罗天成哼了一声,仍旧怒视紫发男子。 The purple hair man has not talked too much, another lifts the hand, separates the spatial fist to pound to not far away Ouyang sisters. 紫发男子未多言,又一抬手,向不远处的欧阳姐妹隔空一拳捣去。 Ouyang Qian scolds one with that green clothes female at the same time tenderly, two element lift, one green one purple two light rosy cloud one volumes, have resisted the fist shade unexpectedly. 欧阳倩与那名绿衣女子同时娇叱一声,两只素手一抬,一绿一紫两片光霞一卷而出,竟抵住了拳影。 After a balls breath, the giant fist shade pierces the light rosy cloud, rushes to two females to come in waves. 胆一个呼吸后,巨大拳影就洞穿光霞而过,又奔二女滚滚而来。 Ouyang Qian elegant face one cold, does not see it to have an action to perform, before the body, actually together the bright as snow blade glow dodges to pass. 欧阳倩俏脸一冷,不见其有所动作,身前却一道雪亮刀芒一闪而逝。 It seems like purple fist shade that threatens, was cut unexpectedly to open instantaneously, changes into two groups of purple qi to scatter rapidly. 看似气势汹汹的紫色拳影,竟瞬间被一斩而开,化为了两团紫气迅速飘散。 The Big Dipper Pavilion purple hair man sees this, Hehe, a vision revolution, fell on Liu Ming's. 北斗阁紫发男子见此,嘿嘿一声,目光一转,又落在了柳鸣的身上。 Is person of the Grand Purity Sect, is very good, always hears Grand Purity Sect in the Human Race four Great Sect gates, although the sect maximum population are most, but is some common people, today sees is very different from the hearsay unexpectedly, tries your method below.” “又是一名太清门之人,很好,总听闻太清门人族大宗门之中虽说宗派最大人数最多,但都是些泛泛之辈,今日一见竟与传闻相去甚远,在下也试试你的手段吧。” The purple hair man said that in the eye a fine glow Sheng, on the face dark green spirit mark was suddenly thicker, at the same time within the body flip-flop the sound transmits, an arm rises suddenly a section, lifts again, takes five fingers one point is grasping to go to Liu Ming. 紫发男子说完,目中精芒一盛,脸上黑绿灵纹骤然粗大了一些,同时体内一阵劈啪声响传来,一条手臂暴涨一截,再一抬,就要五指一分的冲柳鸣所在一抓而去。 Liu Ming sees this, shows a faint smile, has not seen its has any action, in the sleeve actually clear cry spreads, a handle golden color long sword flies, in a flash, changed into 78 zhang (3.33 m) big [gold/metal] misty sword shade again against the wind, chops to go toward the purple hair man directly. 柳鸣见此,微微一笑,未见其有任何举动,袖中却一声清鸣传出,一柄金色长剑一飞而出,再迎风一晃,化为了78丈大的金濛濛剑影,直接朝紫发男子一劈而去。 The purple hair man only thinks at present a golden light flashes, formidable Sword Intent enormous and powerful presses to come, the giant sword shade has not cut, dense extraordinarily cold first one volume, but. 紫发男子只觉眼前金光一闪,一股强大剑意浩浩荡荡的一压而来,巨大剑影尚未真的斩下,森然奇寒就先一卷而至。 purple hair man complexion one cold, the palm that will grasp unexpectedly receives suddenly, the body turns again, fuzzy dodging to the slightly far place, has avoided this to strike. 紫发男子脸色一凛,竟将抓出的手掌猛然一收,再身躯一扭,就一个模糊的闪到了稍远之处,避开了此击。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The golden sword shade is defeated and dispersed to extinguish, the place of purple hair man standing left a several feet deep gully. 金色剑影溃散而灭,紫发男子原先站立之处多出了一条十几丈长的深深沟壑。 The person of nearby looked, all complexion changes. 附近之人看了,全都面色微变。 Ha Ha, it seems like that this pavilion needs to collect information.” The purple hair man sees this, actually does not get angry counter- happily, after laughs, in front of one toward Peng Yue flies to go. “哈哈,看来本阁需要重新收集诸位的信息了。”紫发男子见此,却不怒反喜,一阵大笑之后,又往彭越面前一飞而去。 Peng Yue early has material sighed lightly, single-handed racket waist, one volume of light golden light wound around in one, a ka-cha sound spread, the body suddenly reappeared a golden light misty armor clothes. 彭越早有所料般的轻叹了口气,单手一拍腰间,一卷淡淡金光在身上一阵缭绕,一阵咔嚓声音传出,身上蓦然浮现出一件金光濛濛的甲衣。 ( Xuzhou this place is quite cold in the evening, but also not small wind, went out a moment ago buys to select thing, finally a side building, truly experienced anything to be called cold ice to be piercing.)( To be continued..) R752 (徐州这地方晚上好冷啊,还起了不小的风,刚才出门买点东西,结果方一出大楼,就真正体验了一把什么叫做寒冰刺骨了。)(未完待续。。)R752
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