DD :: Volume #8

#786: The place of inheritance

Several bronze armed soldier movements look like slow incomparable, in fact one step steps forward then have several zhang (3.33 m) remote, under great fist waves, then several wolf monster blood splash at the scene. 十几头青铜甲士动作看起来缓慢无比,实际上一步跨出便有数丈之遥,巨拳一个舞动下,便有数只狼妖血溅当场。 So less than the little while time, over a hundred wolf monster all were struck to kill, in the ground the rivers of blood, a piece of stump residual limb breaks the arm suddenly, sends out blood smell that one irritated the nose intermittently. 如此不到半刻时间,上百只狼妖全被击杀,地面上眨眼间血流成河,一片残肢断臂,散发出了一阵阵刺鼻的血腥气味。 Blue robe man unhurriedly falls from flying carriage, everywhere is not as if repugnant to the fresh Blood Corpse body, gradually slowly entered in the flake jungle of crowd of wolf protections. 青袍男子不慌不忙的从飞车之上一落而下,对满地的鲜血尸体似乎并不反感,一步一步的慢慢走进了群狼守护的小片丛林之中。 But several bronze armed soldiers at this moment, faintly have actually formed the potential of surrounding protection to the jungle, stands and waits for a long time gets up in same place motionless. 而十几头青铜甲士此刻,却隐隐对丛林形成了包围守护之势,伫立在原地一动不动起来。 The azure robe man stands before the jungle, the sleeve wields gently, the jungle was then separated by an invisible strength, has revealed passage. 青袍男子站在丛林前,袖子轻轻一挥,丛林便被一股无形之力分开,露出了一条通道 The men see this, raising legs without demur. 男子见此,二话不说的抬腿走了进去。 one cup of tea later, when he comes out again, in the foreheads is having a happy expression clearly, in his hand left corvinus spirit grass, each leaf blade reappeared three lemon spots, sent out the piercing cold air. 一盏茶工夫后,当他再出来时,眉宇间截然么带着一丝喜色,其手中多出了一株乌黑色的灵草,每个叶片都浮现出了三个白点,散发出刺骨的寒气。 Unexpectedly is in 3000 the crucial moment/maturity black Luminary grass, it seems like has not wasted time actually.” Blue robe man joyful talked to oneself, then in spirit grass the hand received. “竟然是3000年火候的黑曜草,看来倒是没有白忙一场。”青袍男子欣喜的自语一声,便将手中灵草一收而起。 In a while, in a sound of high-spirited horse galloping, silver flying carriage then once more starts , to continue to go toward the front line. 没过多久,一阵烈马奔腾的声音中,银色飞车便再次启程,继续朝着前方行去。 ...... …… Above several thousand zhang (3.33 m) high giant mountain peak, the peak place is growing a old tree towering to the skies, the great tree layer upon layer was covered by white cloud of qi/mist in most probably. 某座数千丈高的巨大山峰之上,峰顶处生长着一颗参天古树,巨树大半被层层的白色云气笼罩在了其中。 In white cloud of qi/mist, spread incisive grating neighing suddenly, after a cloud of qi/mist fierce tumbling, has formed the great atmospheric vortices. 白色的云气中,陡然传出了一声尖锐刺耳的嘶鸣,云气一阵剧烈的翻滚后,形成了一个又一个的巨大气漩。 In the peak of great tree, in the giant pitch-black lairs, in the lair, snow white giant birds corpse lies down in an all over the body, moves also motionless, but the abdomen split large hole impressively, blood kept flows out, as if was just struck to kill soon appearance. 在巨树的顶端,有一个巨大的乌黑巢穴中,巢穴之中,一头通体雪白的巨大飞禽尸体躺在其中,一动也不动,但腹部赫然裂开了一个大洞,鲜血正不停的汩汩流出,似乎刚被击杀不久的样子。 But lair another side, full head purple hair, extravagant mouth platyrrhine man, positive curved body, is searching anything in the lair unceasingly. 而巢穴另一边处,一名满头紫发,阔嘴狮鼻的男子,正弯着身体,不断在巢穴之中搜索着什么。 Suddenly, Bang, the giant bird corpse had been grasped by him conveniently, and has thrown outward, surges an all around white cloud of qi/mist tumbling to be uncertain. 突然,“砰”的的一声,巨禽的尸体被他随手抓了起来,并往外扔了下去,激荡得四周的白色云气一阵翻滚不定。 After the man relaxes slowly, in the eye actually full is excited expression. In the hand left an obsolete formation plate butt impressively. 而当男子缓缓直起腰后,眼中却满是兴奋的神色。手上赫然多出了一块老旧的阵盘残片。 Really has not guessed wrong, this spirit cow bird is so fierce, in the lair does not have other obvious magical things, really has a piece of inheritance fragment.” purple hair man be with smile on the face saying, makes secret technique to fall on the formation plate butt together. “果然没有猜错,这头灵牯鸟如此厉害,巢穴中也没有其他明显灵物,果然藏有一片传承碎片。”紫发男子面带喜色的说道,打出一道法诀落在阵盘残片上。 Above formation plate buzz after whining noise, immediately reappeared flake gold colored light rosy cloud, projected a map to come out in void, the above golden luminous spots flashed. 阵盘之上一阵嗡鸣声过后,顿时浮现出了一片金色光霞,在虚空之中投影出一副地图出来,其上面一个金色光点闪动不已。 purple hair person satisfied nod of, formation plate receives, but, single-handed technique concentrates, Cluster light covered oneself body, left the lair instantaneously went from out of the blue. 紫发人满意的点了点头,将阵盘一收而起后,单手法决一凝,一团星光笼罩住了自己身体,瞬间离开巢穴的破空而去。 ...... …… In jet black lonesome and quiet mountain valley, the escaping light is speeding along from the deep place together, rays of light neglected, changed into Big Dipper Pavilion silver-haired girl figure. 一座漆黑幽静的山谷中,一道遁光正从深处飞驰而出,光芒一闪下,化为了北斗阁的银发少女身影 Has not thought that delayed such for a long time, the Lu Meng that side should already find, I must select with a sense of urgency.” Silver-haired girl delicate eyebrows micro pressed muttering, on the face has revealed prudent expression. “没想到耽搁了这么长时间,吕蒙那边应该已经找到了吧,我也要抓紧点了。”银发少女秀眉微蹙的喃喃自语道,脸上露出了慎重的神色 Wields single-handed, girl changes into together the escaping light once more, toward mountain valley beside. 单手一挥下,少女再次化为一道遁光,朝山谷之外而去了。 But back mountain valley deep place, dozens giant dark green ape corpses lying this way and that has lain down place. 而背后的山谷深处,数十头巨大的苍猿尸体横七竖八的躺了一地。 On each corpse, other places are intact, even the hair does not see the messy and dirty, only chest place, all exploded a giant blood hole, inside heart was completely empty. 每一具尸体上,其他地方都丝毫无损,甚至毛发都不见脏乱,唯独胸口处,全都爆开了一个巨大的血洞,里面心脏空空如也。 ...... …… Liu Ming, Peng Yue two people hurries along, while the collection talent treasure along the way, by their uncommon strength, gets down not only has not met slightly dangerously, the harvest is also extremely numerous. 柳鸣,彭越二人一边赶路,一边收集沿途的天才地宝,以两人的不凡实力,一路下来不仅没有遇到丝毫危险,收获也是极多。 But this Peng Yue is also quite talkative, because previous Heavenly Sect Assembly they obtained Sect first, the information that gains naturally compares with Grand Purity Sect much to be only many, besides involves the matter of Sect secret, has not concealed anything to Liu Ming but actually. 而这彭越也颇为健谈,由于上一届天门会他们获得了宗门第一,所获取的信息自然较太清门只多不少,除了一些涉及宗门机密之事外,对柳鸣倒也没有隐瞒什么。 So one month flashes, they on to guide according to formation plate butt, arrived at a giant lake , before finally. 如此一个月时间一晃而过,两人按照阵盘残片上的指引,终于来到了一片巨大湖泊前。 Takes a broad view to look, this lake surrounding area has several thousand li (0.5km) broad fully, cannot look at the boundary, lake water quality unusual muddy, as if full is the silt is ordinary, but also sent out light strange smell. 放眼望去,此湖泊方圆足有数千里之广,根本望不到边际,湖水水质非常的浑浊,仿佛满是泥沙一般,还散发出了一股淡淡的怪异气味。 In the Liu Ming heart moved, stimulates to movement under the foot the dark clouds to fall above the lake surface slowly, put out a hand a move, directs lake water has placed under the nose carefully to smell smelling, suddenly feels the smell that irritated the nose pungently to flood his nose. 柳鸣心中一动,催动足下黑云缓缓落在了湖面之上,伸手一招,引了一道湖水放在鼻子下面仔细的嗅了嗅,顿觉一股辛辣刺鼻的气味充斥了他的鼻子。 Then when his frown micro is pressed, the water surface sudden fierce tumbling of his under foot, crash-bang water splash scatters, a dark giant fish head has braved from the water fiercely, in bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl has covered entirely dense white teeth of rows of finger sizes, biting of eye of dew ominous light to his calf. 便在他双眉微蹙之时,其脚下的水面突然一阵剧烈翻滚,“哗啦”一声水花四溅,一个黑乎乎的巨大鱼头猛地从水中冒了出来,血盆大口中布满了一排排手指大小的森森白牙,目露凶光的咬向他的小腿。 Here lake water somewhat seems to be strange, does not know that Peng brother can know here before this?” Liu Ming looked that has not looked at the under foot, seems like an optional Qu Zhi ball, two pale golden screw Sword Qi suddenly dodge, penetrates the strange fish head that threw together directly, in addition has shot together actually not far away several feet outside lake bottom. “此处的湖水似乎有些奇怪,不知彭兄此前可知道此处?”柳鸣看也没看脚下,看似随意的曲指一弹,两道淡金色的螺旋剑气蓦然一闪而出,其中一道直接击穿了扑过来的怪鱼脑袋,另一道却射进了不远处数丈许外的湖底。 Result next quarter, originally static such as stops the water the muddy lake surface, immediately just liked blasts out the pot to be ordinary, has seethed with excitement instantaneously. 结果下一刻,原本静如止水的浑浊湖面,顿时犹如炸开了锅一般,瞬间沸腾了起来. After merely 2-3 breaths, two grotesque big fish corpses, then the float on the lake surface, swayed to continue along with the wave. 仅仅两三息过后,两头怪模怪样的大鱼尸体,便漂浮在了湖面上,随着波浪飘摇不止。 carefully looks like, the fish corpse length approximately the zhang (3.33 m), carries on the back not to have the fish fin, instead grew pair of deep green fleshly wings in the body side, looked like quite strange. 仔细看来,鱼尸长约丈许,背上没有鱼鳍,反而在身侧生长出了一对深青色的肉翅,看起来颇为的古怪。 In the Inner Sect dossier as if desirably has not mentioned this lake......” Peng Yue to look at two strange fish one of the dying, looks color saying looking pensive. 宗内卷宗中似乎并没有刻意提及此湖……”彭越看了两头死掉的怪鱼一眼,面露若有所思之色的言道。 Peng Yue said that suddenly turned the hand to take out the formation plate butt, the vision swept, continued saying: 彭越说完,突然翻手取出了阵盘残片,目光一扫下,又继续说道: But, shows according to the formation plate map on, the place of inheritance should in this lake, the distance also should not be far, how do we might as well again proceed to have a look?” “不过,按照阵盘地图上所示,传承之地应该就在这片湖泊,距离也应该不远了,我们不妨再往前看看如何?” Also good, we hurry along with a sense of urgency.” Liu Ming first is a brow wrinkle, but nodded immediately. “也好,我们抓紧赶路吧。”柳鸣先是眉头一皱,但马上点了点头。 They urge the escaping light immediately , to continue to speed along to go toward the front. 两人当即一催遁光,继续往前方飞驰而去。 All the way, they in leaving the lake surface more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high place fly, has not met anything the attack again from lake. 一路上,他们在离湖面十余丈高处飞行,并未再遇到什么来自湖中的攻击。 Small half a day later, huge islands suddenly appeared in their field of vision range. 半日后,一座庞大的岛屿蓦然出现在了两人的视野范围内。 But sees this island surrounding area to have over a hundred li (0.5km) fully, in the island everywhere is piece by piece emerald green prosperous jungle, even if has separated several li (0.5km) far, can still feel rich Spiritual Qi that in the island heads on. 但见此岛方圆足有上百里,岛上到处都是一片片翠绿繁盛的密林,即便隔了数里远,仍能感受到岛上扑面而来的浓郁灵气 Brother Liu , the place of inheritance on map demonstrated that should in this islands!” Peng Yue saw this one to say happily, urged under the foot the escaping light, speed cannot help but to speed up several points. 柳兄,到了,地图上显示的传承之地,应该就在这岛屿上!”彭越见此一喜的说着,一催足下遁光,速度不禁加快了几分。 Liu Ming naturally follows close on does not put. 柳鸣自然紧跟不放。 They on the luminous spot according to formation plate instructed that flies toward the islands center. 两人按照阵盘上的光点指示,朝着岛屿中心处一路飞去。 In a while, huge basin mountain valley appears in them at present, after waiting for two people flew to be near, actually in discovery dusky piece, appearance that unexpectedly being infertile. 没过多久,一个巨大盆地般的山谷出现在了两人眼前,等二人飞近之后,却发现里面灰蒙蒙一片,竟一副寸草不生的模样。 But at this time in mountain valley a spacious ground, now already sparse accumulation several people. 而此时山谷中一片空旷之地上,如今早已稀稀疏疏的聚集了十几个人。 The Liu Ming vision sweeps by far, then in discovery these people, half are to subordinate Four Supreme Sects, eight big Aristocratic Family disciple, and also quite several familiar face mixture in. 柳鸣目光远远一扫下,便发现这些人中,一半都是隶属四大太宗,八大世家弟子,并且还颇有几熟悉面孔夹杂其中。 Before this has several reasons Ouyang Qian sisters to stand in not far away, nearby also two wear Heavenly Monster Valley white robe disciple, one of them Hawk face is rogue, another person is actually the past imaginary palace has met Monster Race youth Xue Pan. 此前有过几面之缘的欧阳倩姐妹就站在不远处,附近还有两名身着天妖谷白袍弟子,其中一人鹰面凶恶,另一人却是当年幻殿遇到过的妖族少年薛盘 In addition, is quite conspicuous, Overwhelming Academy green clothes young woman, with one sits well , is being drawn by eight golden puppet Pegasus the azure robe man on silver flying carriage, should be Tian Gong Sect disciple. 除此之外,比较惹眼的,还有一名浩然书院的绿衣少妇,和一名端坐在由八匹金色傀儡飞马拉着的银色飞车上的青袍男子,应该是天工宗弟子 Some other people, Liu Ming do not recognize the origin actually. 其余一些人,柳鸣倒是认不出来历。 But after a Liu Ming vision again revolution, falls on more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high Dali Stone Platform that the people surround indistinctly, the iron grey, all around outlines golden spirit mark that tiny are spreading across fine, looks like very mysterious. 柳鸣目光再一转过后,就落在众人隐约围拢住的一座十余丈高大理石台,灰白色,四周勾勒着一条条细小精致纵横交错的金色灵纹,看起来十分的神秘。 But above Stone Platform, 34 zhang (3.33 m) Spell Formation is clearly discernible, the Spell Formation center, eight scoop channels of palm sizes, its small to inheriting the formation plate fragment are similar, but six already have light golden light to flash. 石台之上,一个34丈大小的法阵清晰可见,法阵中心处,有八个手掌大小的凹槽,其小与传承阵盘碎片相仿,而其中六个已经有淡淡金光闪动不已。 Liu Ming looked all around around one once more, actually sees the person of presence, Ouyang Aristocratic Family Ouyang Qian, the silver car(riage) man, Overwhelming Academy green clothes young woman, Heavenly Monster Valley Xue Pan, on another grey robe man is flashing the partly visible golden miraculous glow. 柳鸣再次环顾了一眼四周,却见在场之人,欧阳世家欧阳倩,银车男子,浩然书院的绿衣少妇,天妖谷薛盘,还有另一个灰袍男子身上都闪动着若隐若现的金色灵光。 But the formation plate fragment in Peng Yue hand, does not know when also voluntarily appears the one layer golden color brilliance. 彭越手中的阵盘碎片,不知何时也自行浮现出一层金色光辉。 Sees here, Liu Ming where can also not be clear, the people on the scene formerly already all assembled five inheritance fragments, were waiting for another three to take the person's of fragment arrival. 看到这里,柳鸣哪里还会不明白,在场众人先前已经聚齐了五块传承碎片,正在等候着另外三个拿着碎片之人的到来。 Heard sound from out of the blue, mountain valley nearby person also looked. 听到了破空之声,山谷附近的人也都纷纷看了过来。 Most people's line of sight looked to Peng Yue the thing, suddenly the facial expression varied, some people looked to like, some people actually slightly frowned, but more was actually in the surface calm. 大部分人的视线都看向了彭越手上之物,一时间神情各异,有人面露欢喜,有人却是微微蹙眉,但更多的却是面上波澜不惊。 Ouyang Qian that a purple clothes flap flap dances with the wind, after seeing Liu Ming, in bright eyes slightly one bright, has remembered immediately as if any general, suddenly smiled to put aside the vision. 一身紫衣随风猎猎起舞的欧阳倩,看到柳鸣后,明眸中微微一亮,随即似乎想起了什么一般,又忽然抿嘴一笑的移开了目光。 Xue Pan has as if also recognized Liu Ming, in monster different eye fine light flashes, appears an excited color. 薛盘似乎也认出了柳鸣,妖异的眼睛中精光一闪,现出一丝兴奋之色。 Liu Ming they under center of attention, fell in nearby Stone Platform nearby open area, Peng Yue glanced after that side crowd, the suddenly stride has arrived around silver flying carriage. 柳鸣两人就在众人瞩目之下,落在了附近石台附近一处空地上,彭越往那边人群一瞥之后,忽然大步走到了银色飞车跟前。 Sees too small Martial Uncle.” Peng Yue two hands holds the fist in the other hand, respectful good a ritual. “见过小师叔。”彭越两手抱拳,恭恭敬敬的行了一礼。 Originally is Peng Martial Nephew, you can also attain inherit the fragment together, but is the chance is not small.” The azure robe man on vehicle sees Peng Yue, saying that actually beams with joy. “原来是彭师侄,你也能拿到一块传承碎片,可算是机缘不小啊。”车上的青袍男子一见彭越,却眉开眼笑的说道。 disciple has not thought that Martial Uncle will appear unexpectedly also in this place. Perhaps however if it were not for bumped into Grand Purity Sect Fellow Daoist Liu on the way, Martial Nephew could not come here.” Peng Yue hearing this, smiles bitterly replied. R1152 弟子也没想到,师叔竟然也会出现在此地。不过要不是途中碰到了太清门柳道友,师侄恐怕也根本走不到这里的。”彭越闻言,苦笑一声的回道。R1152
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