DD :: Volume #8

#785: Respective motion

Lowering the head that the beautiful female both eyes circle stares is looking at the bright as snow blade glow of front belt blood, on the face is the incredible expression. 妖艳女子双目圆瞪的低头望着胸前带血的雪亮刀芒,脸上全是不可置信的表情。 In this time, after blade light dodges, the knife point strange dissipation, as if has not then appeared generally. 正在此时,刀光一闪后,刀尖便诡异的消散开来,仿佛从没有出现过一般。 She stuffy snort|hum, along with disappearance of knife point, its vitality also at lightning speed passes, body soft collapsing on the ground. 她闷哼一声,随着刀尖的消失,其生命力也飞快流逝,身躯软软的瘫倒在了地上。 The heart was pierced, the life of this body has also come to the end, however in this purple smog, she discovered that the spirit is unable to leave outside the body unexpectedly unexpectedly, consciousness actually already blurred. 心脏被刺穿,她这具身躯的生命也走到了尽头,然而在这紫色烟雾中,她发现竟自己精魂竟无法脱出体外,意识却已经模糊了起来。 At point of death, scarlet female haunches head to turn head reluctantly, actually the discovery usually to Junior Brother of her completely submissive, unexpectedly to oneself looked that does not look at one, selfish going all out protects the body light screen, goes all out to resist another handle not to know bright as snow throwing knife when presents, and afterward suddenly rips open talisman, immediately changes to together the yellow escaping light, not uttering a word speeds away to go toward the distant place. 弥留之际,红衣女子勉强撑起头颅回头,却发现平日对她千依百顺的师弟,竟对自己看都不看一眼,正自顾自的拼命动护体光幕,,拼命抵挡另外一柄不知何时出现的雪亮飞刀,并且随后蓦然撕开一张符箓,当即化作一道黄色遁光,一声不吭的朝着远处疾驰而去。 Other people saw figure that the scarlet man sneaks away at a critical juncture, in heart, although the startled anger occurred simultaneously, actually to a moment ago sudden two handle throwing knives, with amazement incomparable. 其他人看到红衣男子临阵脱逃的身影,心中虽然惊怒交加,却对刚才突然出现的两柄飞刀,更加的骇然无比。 Strangeness that extremely these two handle throwing knives present, is almost void flashes before from the nearby baseless, and unexpected cut to kill the beautiful female at the scene. 这两柄飞刀出现的太过诡异,几乎是凭空从附近虚空中闪现而出,并出其不意的当场斩杀了妖艳女子。 if it were not for beautiful female companion is exceptionally discrete, and has completed the defensive measure ahead of time, perhaps must die similarly at the scene. 要不是妖艳女子同伴异常谨慎,并提前做好了防御手段吧,恐怕也要同样陨落当场。 After the person stops the attack in hand in the presence of everyone one after another, actually discovered that by central location that their meniscuses sphere, Ouyang Qian their figure same disappeared without a trace. 当众人陆陆续续停下手中的攻击之后,却发现被他们半月形围住的中央位置,欧阳倩两人身影同样无影无踪了 But the originally purple mist, actually fills the mu to be this big small at this moment, and others all covered some people , the remaining people then discovered wonderfully, mostly somewhat have not been flustered. 原本的紫色雾气,此刻却弥漫亩许大小,将一干人等全都笼罩在了其中,剩下之人这才发现不妙,大都有些心慌了起来。 Although does not know that the Ouyang Clan two females have used any method, but collaborated to strike obviously a moment ago has not injured to the opposite party. Instead two female they seized the chance concealing the personal appearance, has gotten down the killer to the tender and beautiful female pain. 虽然不知道欧阳家两女使用了什么手段,但显然刚才联手一击并未伤到对方。反而二女两人趁机隐匿了身形,对娇艳女子痛下了杀手。 However, no matter how they emit Divine Consciousness. Goes all out to investigate all around mist, the effectiveness does not have slightly. 不过,不管他们如何放出神识。拼命探查四周雾气,却丝毫效用没有。 This purple mist left the fragrance to disturb beyond the people intelligence. Also has to ban the function of strength of Divine Consciousness as if unexpectedly. 这紫色雾气出了香气能够干扰众人神智外。竟似乎还有禁断神识之力的作用。 Then, the people are more flustered, some people stimulate to movement Spirit Tool hurriedly, to the mist attacks crazily, some people at lightning speed paste on defensive talisman toward the body, 如此一来,众人更加慌张起来,有的人急忙催动灵器,冲着雾气中一阵狂攻,有的人则飞快往身上贴上一张张防御符箓 But Tian Que School is that extravagant eyebrow middle-aged man of head, after about two people signaled with the eyes, suddenly turns the hand to offer a sacrifice to a black ring, changes to several black black light circles will protect. Afterward the personal appearance such as grazing of electricity has approached middle Fire Pattern Marrow Stone. 天阙派为首的那名阔眉中年人,朝左右二人使了个眼色后,突然翻手祭出一个黑色圆环,化作数道乌黑光圈的将自己护在其中。随后身形如电的飞掠向了中间的火纹髓石 After this person hugs impressively is working on this blue stone, the idea of then immediately making a getaway. 此人赫然抱着一把抓起这块青石后,便马上逃之夭夭的想法。 Another two Tian Que School disciple, actually tacit very personal appearance proceeded to lean, keeps off in other five people to the path in middle position on. 另外两名天阙派弟子,却十分默契的身形往前一倾,挡在了其余五人去往中间位置的道路上。 Snort!” “哼!” Somewhere suddenly has heard a cold pshaw, shining white blade light dodges once more, flashes past from extravagant eyebrow middle-aged man. 某处骤然传来了一声冷哼声,明晃晃的白色刀光再次一闪而出,从阔眉中年人身上一闪而过。 ! “噗”的一声! middle-aged man kicks out the personal appearance, in blade light will stop from now on suddenly in midair, on the face full is unbelievable expression, his abdomen blood, impressively complete all opens. 中年人扑出身形,在刀光过后骤然停在了半空之中,脸上满是难以置信的神色,其腹部鲜血汩汩而出,赫然被完整的一切而开。 Protecting body black black light circle that the originally emits. In front of this white blade light, as if the slip of paper generally is unexpectedly frail, already an cuns (2.5cm) disruption opened. 原本放出的护体乌黑光圈。在这白色刀光面前,竟仿佛纸片一般脆弱,早已寸寸碎裂而开了。 Under white blade light dodges. Then once more silent being hidden in purple fog. 白色刀光一闪之下。便再次无声无息的隐没在了紫雾之中。 This accident, the free time of two breath, Crystal Transformation Late Stage cultivator, then suddenly was cut to kill at the scene, not only makes the same side that middle-aged man two just showed the stance look at dumbly at the scene, other five people were face pale. 这一幕变故,前后不过两个呼吸的工夫,一名化晶后期修士,便又被突然斩杀在了当场,不仅让中年人两名刚刚摆出架势的同门呆立当场,其余五人更是面无血色了。 Hands over the destiny lock, I then put your means of livelihood.” “交出气运锁,我便放你们一条活路。” In this time, in the pale pale purple fog, has been actually broadcasting a clear sound of curling. Speech Ouyang Qian. 正在此时,淡淡紫雾之中,却传来了一个袅袅的清脆声音。说话的正是欧阳倩 Other seven people of hearing this, in heart in abundance greatly cold. Suddenly is silent. 剩余的七人闻言,心中纷纷大凛。一时间沉默不语起来。 Good, Ouyang Aristocratic Family worthily is one of the eight big Aristocratic Family. I and others self-examined am not your matches, said goodbye in light of this.” Wears the grandiose man of brown short robe after the complexion continually variable next, finally clenches teeth locks the destiny on wrist grasps, threw directly to nearby mist. “好,欧阳世家不愧是八大世家之一。我等自问不是你们的对手,就此告辞了。”一名身着土黄色短袍的壮硕男子在脸色连变数下后,终于一咬牙的将手腕上的气运锁一抓而下,直接扔向了附近的雾气中。 Other nearby two appearance likeness, has made the similar action. 附近其他两名打扮相似之人,也作出了同样的举动。 Along with the it three people, soars, changes to makes three azure light walked from out of the blue. 随之三人,腾空而起,化做三道青光的破空而走了。 Really in the purple mist, has not seen anybody to get rid to stop. 果然紫色雾气中,并未见有任何人出手阻拦。 The remaining two duster men see this, at lightning speed sound transmission talked a few words, looked at Fire Pattern Marrow Stone one again, after unwilling expression dodges passes, similarly the destiny lock takes down places same place, the stride of not saying a word left. 剩下的两名罩袍男子见此,飞快传音交谈了两句,再看了看火纹髓石一眼,不甘神色一闪即逝后,同样将气运锁取下放在原地也,一言不发的大步离开了。 Shortly, in the basin remaining two have only worn Tian Que School disciple of brown clothing, still complexion gloomy and uncertain remains same place, 顷刻间,盆地中只剩下了两名身着褐色衣衫的天阙派弟子,仍面色阴晴不定的留在原地, What's wrong, do you also want the companion to go as you like?” The clear sound resounds once more, is only in this time expression, is having meaning of being inwardly angry. “怎么,你们两个也想随你们同伴而去吗?”清脆声音再次响起,只是此时语气中,却带着一丝愠怒之意。 Two people of hearing this the complexion big change, has looked at each other one immediately after mutually, in the mouth clenches teeth, immediately in the destiny the hand locks to throw in pairs, turns around to urge the escaping light again, speeds along to go far away directly, where also dares to make the stay moment again. 二人闻言顿时面色大变,互相对视了一眼后,口中一咬牙,当即双双将手上气运锁一抛而出,再转身一催遁光,直接飞驰远去,哪里还敢再做停留片刻。 After all people walk away, suddenly fills basin under light purple mist billowing one volume, such as great whale absorbing water wells up to go toward the middle some point unexpectedly generally crazily. 待所有人都走远后,突然弥漫盆地的淡紫色雾气滚滚一卷下,竟如巨鲸吸水一般往中间某点狂涌而去。 The next quarter, two slender person's shadows dodge, Ouyang Qian and green robe female their in the nearby reveals once more. 下一刻,两道苗条人影一闪,欧阳倩及绿袍女子两人在附近再次显露而出。 But the light purple mist place, is a handle two chi (0.33 m) purple folding fan in green robe female hand. 淡紫色雾气所去之处,正是绿袍女子手中的一柄两尺长的紫色折扇。 After all mist by its inspiration, she immediately „” about on beginning paper fan. 当所有雾气都被其吸入后,她当即“啪嗒”一声的合上了手上纸扇。 „Can attractive elder sister, why let off these people?” The green garment female the paper fan receives, but , a delicate eyebrows wrinkle, turns to ask toward Ouyang Qian. “倩姐,为何要放过那些人?”绿衫女子将纸扇一收而起后,秀眉一皱,扭首朝欧阳倩问道。 Patriarch this time makes us come secret realm, first is Ouyang Aristocratic Family competes for some destiny, second is to seek for fire imaginary uncut jade of some implications in Fire Pattern Marrow Stone. Since we can achieve the goal easily, does not need to cause complications again, after all we in secret realm do not know how long must treat, keeps good of some magical power.” Ouyang Qian will hang after the income sleeve robe that the body first two handle bright as snow throwing knives dodge, light saying. 家主这次让我们来秘境,一来是为欧阳世家争夺一些气运,第二就是寻找一些蕴含在火纹髓石中的火幻璞玉。我们既然能轻易完成目标,就没有必要再节外生枝,毕竟我们在秘境中不知道要待多久,还是多留些法力的好,。”欧阳倩将悬于身前两柄雪亮飞刀一闪的收入袖袍后,淡淡的说道。 Green garment female hearing this, on the face reveals color of the thinking otherwise, has not said anything again. 绿衫女子闻言,脸上露出一丝不以为然之色,却也并未再多说什么。 Then this female personal appearance in a flash, then urged to fall nearby the basin central green stone, single-handed according to blue stone surface. one by one inspects. 接着此女身形一晃,便催落在了盆地中央的青色石头跟前,单手按在青石表面。一一检查起来。 ...... …… In some underground cave, inside is very open, has about the mu to be this big small. Three surrounded by water, the middle together is linking the open area of exit / to speak. Has been covered with some not well-known brown plant. 某个地下洞穴之中,里面十分开阔,约有亩许大小。三面环水,中间则是一块连着出口的空地。长满了一些不知名的褐色植物。 It seems like only 20 -year-old young woman, is sitting well above an big stone open areas, the body puts on Overwhelming Academy scholar robe, looks like valiant, but flesh snow white, also has a moving character and style. 一名看似仅有20来岁的少妇,正端坐在空地中间的一块大石之上,身上穿着浩然书院儒袍,看起来英姿飒爽,但肌肤雪白之下,却又别有一番动人风情。 Around young woman more than ten about zhang (3.33 m), then lies to bend down three contours is being similar to large-scale lizard general giant Monster Beast, sends out aura indistinctly to have the Crystal Transformation Intermediate Stage appearance. 少妇周围十余丈开外,则趴伏着三头外形如同大型蜥蜴一般的巨型妖兽,散发气息都隐约有化晶中期的样子。 Each lizard Monster Beast have several zhang (3.33 m), has covered entirely the porcupine sharp thorn from the back to the end, each half chi (0.33 m) are long, in mouth jig-saw patterned. Under the sunlight mapping, glittering dense cold light, making the person look, then had the feeling of being afraid. 每一头蜥蜴妖兽都有数丈大小,从后背到尾部都布满了豪猪般的尖刺,每一根都有半尺来长,口中犬牙交错。在阳光映射下,闪烁着森然的寒光,令人一望之下,便有不寒而栗之感。 Three Monster Beast often send out intermittent low and deep roaring, actually throughout in leaving the young woman more than ten about zhang (3.33 m) place back and forth creeps along, actually does not know why does not dare to throw really 三头妖兽不时发出一阵阵低沉的吼叫,却始终在离少妇十余丈开外处来回爬动,却不知为何的并不敢真扑上去 scholar robe young woman facing these three fierce Monster Beast, among expression, not only does not have fear of fraction, instead bountiful interest about sizes up to keep.. 儒袍少妇面对这三头狰狞妖兽,神色间非但没有分毫的畏惧,反而饶富趣味的上下打量不停。。 Suddenly, this female giggle smiles, in the pupil one wipes the scarlet prosperous glow to dodge unexpectedly passes. 突然,此女咯咯一笑,瞳孔之中竟有一抹赤红火芒一闪即逝。 The next quarter, on three lizard Monster Beast has ignited the agitated red flame suddenly, immediately in abundance whins tumbles on the ground, not long time. Then and changed into piles of black salts all around some herb. 下一刻,三头蜥蜴妖兽身上骤然燃起了汹汹赤色火焰,当即纷纷哀嚎的在地上翻滚起来,不多时。便将四周一些草木和自己都化为了一堆堆黑灰。 scholar robe young woman sees this, mouth corner reveals color of the satisfaction, wields the sleeves gently. One white light one volume, toward the hole that outside his body holds speeds away to go. 儒袍少妇见此,嘴角露出一丝满意之色,轻轻一挥衣袖。一道白光一卷而出,将其身体一托的往洞外疾驰而去。 ...... …… Sky over a piece of Mao Fan prairie, huge four rounds flying carriage howl. 一片茂繁的草原上空,一辆巨大的四轮飞车呼啸而过。 flying carriage whole body seems pure silver builds, the surface proliferates pale-green fine spirit mark, the style is dazzling, actually does not reveal the half minute to be uncouth. 飞车全身上下都似乎是纯银打造,表面遍布淡绿色的精美灵纹,样式炫目无比,却又不显半分俗气。 But draws flying carriage, is eight shining puppet Pegasus, the horse's hoof steps on void, actually makes such as stepped in the spot the sound. 而拉动飞车的,是八匹金灿灿的傀儡飞马,马蹄踩踏在虚空之中,却发出了如踩实地般的得得声响。 Above flying carriage. Then sits a azure robe man, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards bright eye. In high spirits, the both arms are drawing reins. Vision actually keeping takes a fast look around to under. 飞车之上。则坐着一名青袍男子,剑眉朗目。神采飞扬,双臂拉着缰绳。目光却在不停的向下方扫视。 suddenly, young man draws the reins gently, after eight puppet Pegasus raise the day a hoarseness whining noise, at the same time four unexpectedly fully receive stopped. 忽然,青年男子轻轻一拉缰绳,八匹傀儡飞马扬天一声嘶鸣声后,竟同时四足一收的停了下来。 Sees only above below prairie, dense and numerous accumulations over a hundred silver gray wolf monster. 只见下方的草原之上,密密麻麻的聚集了上百头灰色狼妖 Each wolf monster has probably Spirit Apostle Stage Late Stage even condensate Initial and Intermediate Stage strength, the monster wolf that the minority nose build like a crane among chickens obviously, had Late Stage Liquid Condensing strength. 每一头狼妖大约都有灵徒期后期甚至凝液初中期实力,少数机头体型明显鹤立鸡群的妖狼,更是有了凝液后期实力 These monster wolves are centered on the middle flake color slightly deep jungle, shows the circle shape distribution, seems guarding any thing to be ordinary. 这些妖狼以中间一小片颜色稍深的丛林为中心,呈圈形分布,似乎在看守着什么东西一般。 Good rich medicine is fragrant!” Blue robe man both eyes shuts slightly, the wing of the nose opening and closing several, appeared intermittently color of being infatuated with, saying of muttering. “好浓郁的药香!”青袍男子双目微微闭起,鼻翼翕动了几下,隐现一丝陶醉之色,喃喃自语的说道。 But before below pack of wolves also impressively noted in the sky not to stay flying carriage at this time, under the leadership of several lead gray wolves, simultaneously toward airborne sent out an intermittent wolf to be howling, seemed is issuing the warning. 而下方的狼群此时也赫然注意到了天空中停留不前的飞车,在几头领头灰狼的带领下,齐齐朝空中发出了一阵阵狼嚎,似乎是在发出警告。 Blue robe man both eyes opens the eyes to open, in the eye flashes through fine glow, coldly said smiles, wields single-handed, but sees several fist sizes azure bead to dodge. 青袍男子双目一睁而开,眼中闪过一丝精芒,冷声一笑下,单手一挥,但见十几个拳头大小的青色圆珠一闪而出。 But sees in midair among azure light glittering, the round bead blasts open, shortly will change into several to be high and big bronze armed soldier, is ordinary just like the Great Spirit god, in one bang in sound, numerous falling on prairie. 但见半空中青光闪烁间,圆珠纷纷炸裂开来,顷刻间化为了十几头又高又大的青铜甲士,宛如巨灵神一般,在一阵“轰隆隆”声中,重重的落在了草原上。 Many grey wolf monster move aside, immediately was stepped on death of muddy flesh. 不少灰色狼妖躲闪不及下,顿时被踩成了肉泥的一命呜呼了。 Massacres these wolf monster, pays attention not to destroy the middle jungle.” The azure robe man shows a faint smile, has issued the order lightly. “将这些狼妖杀掉,注意别破坏中间的丛林。”青袍男子微微一笑,淡淡的发出了命令。 These several bronze armed soldiers immediately both eyes scarlet glow one bright, treads the heavy footsteps, in the hand the great fist is brandishing, long time then has not crashed in the wolf monster group. 这十几头青铜甲士顿时双目赤芒一亮,踏着沉重的脚步,手中巨拳挥舞,不多时便冲进了狼妖群中。 The ash-gray pack of wolves sees this, under several leaders' leadership, sends out intermittent soaring roaring, started to launch rounds crazy attacks to these bronze armed soldiers, however their attacks looked like run upon the reef the spray to be ordinary, shortly will then be flown by in abundance the ball, meets a cruel death. 灰色狼群见此,在几头首领的带领下,发出一阵阵高昂的吼叫,开始向这些青铜甲士发起了一轮轮疯狂的攻击,然而它们的攻击就像是撞上礁石的浪花一般,顷刻便被纷纷弹飞,粉身碎骨了。 This as if more than ten green giant stones have dropped in the ash-gray sea general, splashed the innumerable spray. ( to be continued ) R752 这一幕仿佛十余颗青色巨石落进了灰色海洋中一般,溅起了无数的浪花。(未完待续)R752
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