DD :: Volume #8

#784: Hot mark marrow stone

Carries the sword man and tall and thin disciple sees with own eyes to move aside, immediately complexion big change pinches broken several talisman, has haunched several colorful protection light covers before the body. 背剑男子及高瘦弟子眼见躲闪不及,立刻面色大变的掐碎数道符箓,在身前撑起了数道五颜六色的防护光罩。 But in the Luo Tiancheng mouth a low roar, the whole body silver flood dragon tiger in abundance explodes, changes to one layer to imitate if really the archery target silver fog cover, being watertight that the whole body protects. 罗天成则口中一声低吼,浑身的银色蛟虎纷纷爆裂开来,化作一层仿若实质的银色雾罩,将自己周身护的滴水不漏。 Three people will complete all these, the silver light beam of blotting out the sky is then powerful bang clashes from three people of locales. 三人堪堪做完这一切,铺天盖地的银色光柱便气势如虹的从三人所在处轰隆隆的一冲而过。 Suddenly, silver place visited, the sound to be continuous! 一时间,银色所过之处,“呲呲”之声络绎不绝! The ground, mountain peak and giant stone that was moved will then shortly change into the curling azure smoke, in the ground has left behind a several feet wide deep drainage ditch. 被触碰到的地面、山峰、巨石顷刻间便化为了袅袅青烟,地面上则留下了一道数丈宽的深深沟渠。 The next quarter, receives along with the Hawk face man both arms, under over a hundred silver mirror phantom a silver light flashes, then one receives toward the middle, changed to a small and exquisite hexagon silver boundary, and was entered in the abdomen by swallowing of opened mouth. 下一刻,随着鹰面男子双臂一收,上百面银色镜子虚影银光一闪之下,便纷纷往中间一收而起,化作了一面小巧玲珑的六边形银境,并被一张口的吞入腹中。 Being defeated and dispersed that the silver dodges extinguishes, in the dust and fog splash two, two incomplete burned black corpses, present in the gulf, looks at the personal appearance and residual attire fragment, vaguely may distinguish is that back sword man and tall and thin disciple. 银色一闪的溃散而灭,尘雾中却“扑通”两声,两具残缺不全的焦黑尸体,出现深坑之中,看身形和残留的衣着碎片,依稀可辨是那背剑男子和高瘦弟子 The two present only remaining less than half bodies, imitate, if had been fired by the roaring flame generally, in hand Spirit Tool already disappearing trail, 二者如今都只剩下小半个身子,仿若被烈焰灼烧过一般,手中灵器早已不见了踪迹, Two Grand Purity Sect Inner Sect elite disciple, links slightly the strength of revolt unexpectedly also in the future and displays, so muddleheaded died to the point where it couldn't die again, cannot escape including a spirit, the solid number makes the matter that people is startled. 两名太清门内门菁英弟子,竟连丝毫反抗之力也未来及施展出来,就如此稀里糊涂的死的不能再死了,连一丝精魂也未能逃脱出来,实在数令人大吃一惊的事情。 At this moment, after roars, another a silhouette from everywhere dust and fog slanting askew but actually shoots, is Luo Tiancheng this. 就在这时,一声怒吼后,另一道人影从漫天尘雾中斜斜歪歪的倒射而出,正是罗天成此子。 However he at this moment, seems like is also damaged heavily, a right arm vanishes into thin air together with the most shoulder, whole body most skin also already becomes with burning the blockhead has been same, dark piece. 不过此刻的他,看起来也是受创不轻,一条右臂连同大半个肩膀不翼而飞,周身大半皮肤也已经变得和烧过木头一样,黑乎乎一片。 Luo Tiancheng after departing several feet is far, hurried single-handed technique concentrates, whole body spiritual force raises, reluctantly has stood firm the personal appearance, deeply after inspiring, the whole body once more flood one layer crystal clear silver light, on the burnt down body appears immediately the dense and numerous silver filaments, but breaks some arm place also innumerable newborn meat teeth to keep wriggling. 罗天成在飞出数丈远后,急忙单手法决一凝,全身灵力一提,才勉强稳住了身形,深吸了口气后,浑身再次泛起一层晶莹银光,被烧毁的躯体上立刻浮现出密密麻麻的银色细丝,而断臂处也有无数新生的肉牙不停蠕动。 But the Hawk face man struck a moment ago, consumes concocting pill many Origin Qi obviously, after seeing the Luo Tiancheng so appearance, in the heart is also one cold, does not have to use other attack methods unexpectedly immediately once more, is only \; Crosses the hands behind the back to hang in midair, was still being swatted the green clothes robe by the rising cold cold wind. 鹰面男子刚才一击,明显也消耗炼丹不少元气,一见罗天成如此模样后,心中也是一凛,竟没有立刻再次施展其他攻击手段,只是\;负手悬于半空之中,仍由凌冽寒风扑打着绿色衣袍。 at the same time has the ash-gray mist two incomplete corpses of continuously to sweep across from ground endocrater on, and on small lock income in which by wrist. 与此同时却有源源不绝的灰色雾气从地面巨坑中的两具残缺尸体上席卷而出,并被手腕上的小锁收入其中。 , But Luo Tiancheng during 78 breath the free time, then has recovered again such as beginning, all wounds all close do not see, even newborn flesh crystal clear is continually pure white, the scar does not remain slightly, when it congeals the right arm, the destiny on original wrist locks already disappeared without a trace. 、而罗天成过再78呼吸间工夫,身体便重新恢复如初,所有伤口全都弥合不见,甚至连新生肌肤都晶莹洁白,丝毫疤痕不留,不过当其凝结出右臂之时,原先手腕上的气运之锁已经无影无踪了 Luo Tiancheng looked at the two corpses of ground, the surface sinks the water, after suddenly took a deep breath, nearby right arm wrist, the innumerable crystal clear luminous spots baseless appear, under flash of white light, then once more congealed pure white such as the brand-new jade lock of jade, before gray light that but sent out actually obviously, weakened. 罗天成看了看地上的两具尸体,面沉似水,忽然深吸一口气后,右臂手腕附近,无数晶莹光点凭空浮现而出,白光一闪下,便再次凝结成了一枚洁白如玉的崭新玉锁,不过散发出的灰光却明显较之前减弱了许多。 at the same time, the Hawk face man wrist lock on destiny after absorbing gray Qi on two corpse, the surroundings void reappeared once more massive ash-gray gas, and one volume quickly by absorb. 与此同时,鹰面男子手腕上的气运之锁在吸收完了两具尸体上的灰气后,周围虚空中再次浮现出了大量的灰色气体,并一卷的很快被吸纳了进去。 Luo Tiancheng sees this, is unable to bear the violent anger in heart again, both hands at lightning speed without demur pinches technique, the silver mist once more crazily wells up from its within the body crazily, at the same time spread one flip-flop the sound, the body rose suddenly greatly a big truncation, went forward a stride to sell suddenly, must be filled with getting rid of anger. 罗天成见此,再也无法忍住心中的暴怒,二话不说的双手飞快一掐法决,银色雾气再次疯狂的从其体内狂涌而出,同时传出一阵劈啪声响,身躯骤然巨涨了一大截,上前猛然一个大步卖出,就要满心怒火的出手了。 The Hawk face man actually laughs, the back appears suddenly two groups of azure light, immediately crash-bang one transformed two green light wings of about 1 zhang (3.33m) long, a both wings leaf, then changed to one group of azure light, went toward the distant place from out of the blue, did not have the meaning that again and Luo Tiancheng fought unexpectedly. 鹰面男子却哈哈一笑,背后突然浮现出两团青光,随即哗啦一下幻化成了两个丈许长的青色光翼,双翅一扇,便化作一团青光,朝着远处破空而去,竟丝毫没有再和罗天成交手的意思。 tut tut, Everlasting Spiritual Body really lives up to reputation, asked for advice below, has another chance to meet!” at the same time, in the azure light has heard this logical expression sound of talking from afar. 啧啧,都天灵体果然名不虚传,在下领教了,后会有期!”与此同时,青光中远远传来了此人话语声。 Do not run away!” “不要逃!” Luo Tiancheng where is willing to put it to run away, whole body silver light body one volume, changes into together the silver escaping light, sharply pursued. 罗天成哪里肯放其逃走,周身银光将身体一卷而起,化为一道银色遁光,急追了上去。 They escape fast are extremely quick, during several breath, then already departed several li (0.5km). 两人遁速都是极快,几个呼吸之间,便已经飞出了十几里。 However Luo Tiancheng escapes fast is not no doubt slow, but is mainly well-known by fleshy body powerful Spiritual Body, escaping technique non- its strong point, but the Hawk face man melts the green escaping light speed solid no small matter, several flash, departed beyond several li (0.5km). 然而罗天成的遁速固然不慢,但主要还是以肉身强悍灵体闻名,遁术非其强项,但鹰面男子所化绿色遁光速度实在非同小可,几个闪动间,就飞出了数里之外。 Finally in a while, their distances are then getting more and more far. 结果没过多久,两人的距离便越来越远。 Luo Tiancheng pursued a distance, is shortly impossible to overtake, must stop bitterly. 罗天成又追了一段距离,眼看不可能追上,只得恨恨的停了下来。 Hateful! In Heavenly Monster Valley had such an monstrous talent character, can extinguish unexpectedly kills my Sect two Crystal Transformation Late Stage disciple.” He is looking at tattooing light of horizon getting smaller, in heart depressed. “可恨!天妖谷中什么时候出了这么一个妖孽人物,竟能举手投足间灭杀本宗两名化晶后期弟子。”他望着天边的一点青光越来越小,心中郁闷之极。 After his complexion gloomy and uncertain several times, finally stamps fully, turns around, the round trip speeds along to go. 面色阴晴不定了几次后,终于一个跺足,一个转身,往回飞驰而去。 ...... …… In basin that around another of secret realm surrounding goes around a mountain, several natives of Poland are hanging in midair, refuses to compromise mutually. 秘境外围的另一处四面环山的盆地之中,几波人正悬于半空之中,互相僵持不下。 Ouyang Aristocratic Family Ouyang Qian and that wear girl of duck clothing impressively are in, confronts with their front surface, is actually three wears the man of brown long gown. 欧阳世家欧阳倩和那个身着水绿衣衫的少女赫然位列其中,和她们迎面对峙的,却是三名身着褐色长袍的男子。 Is away from five people of not far away surrounding, in addition has seven famous cultivator in threes and twos, looks at clothing appearance, seems disciple of some small lot small factions, as if appearance with gang. 在距离五人不远处的外围,另外还有三两成群的七名修士,看身上的服饰打扮,似乎都是一些小宗小派的弟子,似乎也并非同一伙人的模样。 The vision of all people, often looking of intentionally or unintentionally to basin center, together roughly half person of high green stone. 所有人的目光,都不时有意无意的望向盆地中央,一块约莫半人高的青色石头。 The stone surface crawled completely the moss, but under examining carefully, can actually discover that the blue stone surface had crisscrossed disorderly dark red traces, dodged to extinguish, showed faint trace fiery red aura faintly, caused surrounding void slurred, looked apparent is the world rare magical things. 石头表面爬满了青苔,不过细看之下,却能发现青石表面有一条条错综杂乱的暗红色纹路,一闪一灭下,隐隐透出一丝丝火红气息,使周围虚空一阵模糊不清,一看便知是世间难得一见的灵物。 Two Fairy Maiden are in the end what intent? This Fire Pattern Marrow Stone obvious is our Tian Que School discovered that naturally should belong to all our is.” In three brown clothing men, lead extravagant eyebrow middle-aged man, ablazing with anger scolds to say toward the Ouyang Qian two people sounds. “两位仙子到底是何意?这块火纹髓石明摆着是我们天阙派率先发现的,自然该归我们所有才是。”三个褐色衣衫男子中,领头的一名阔眉中年人,怒气冲冲的朝欧阳倩两人大声呵斥道。 Really is laughable, is it possible that three haven't made clear including the Heavenly Sect Great Meeting custom on the trade comes in rashly? In this secret realm treasure, if who found is whose, but must select me and others to come to make anything. Looked that your appearance simply has not gathered many destiny, this miss is also disinclined to rob, knows the limitation, then as early as possible leaves. You, have not wanted dead similarly leaves to our sisters is farther!” “真是可笑,三位莫非连天门大会的规矩都没有搞清楚就贸贸然进来了?在这秘境中宝物若是谁找到便是谁的,还要挑我等进来做什么。看你们样子也根本没有聚集多少气运吧,本姑娘也懒得抢夺,识相的,便趁早走掉。还有你们,不想死的同样给我们姐妹离远些!” Saying that ” green garment female does not care at all, and is having disdaining sweeps toward other slightly far seven people. ”绿衫女子满不在乎的说道,并且带着一丝不屑的朝稍远的其他七人身上一扫而过。 Red that Tian Que School three people of hearing this, the complexion rise immediately, in the eye has almost emitted the fire, the people of other Sect listened to this saying, the complexion also mostly becomes very ugly. 天阙派三人闻言,脸色顿时涨的通红,眼中几乎冒出了火来,其他宗门之人听了这话,脸色也大都变得十分的难看。 Ouyang Qian stands in the one side, faint smile looks at all these. 欧阳倩站在一旁,也似笑非笑着看着这一切。 Snort! Ouyang Aristocratic Family has anything at the worst, again fiercely also trivial they. Fellow Daoist, we might as well collaborate to solve them first, then decided how the assignment of this magical things does belong to?” Stands in a outside appearance beautiful female, suddenly cold snort|hum said loudly. “哼!欧阳世家有什么大不了的,再厉害也不过区区两人罢了。诸位道友,我们不如联手先解决了她们,再决定这块灵物的分配归属如何?”站在外面的一个打扮妖艳的女子,突然冷哼一声的大声说道。 Such remarks, immediately captured the past the attention of all people. 此言一出,顿时将所有人的目光吸引了过去。 carefully looked that this speech female also calculates somewhat the beauty, but under examining carefully, two eyes was somewhat long and narrow, destroyed several points of looks, but looked to the Ouyang Aristocratic Family two sisters' vision, concealed an envy resentful color. 仔细一看,这说话女子还算有几分姿色,只是细看之下,双眼有些狭长,破坏了几分姿容,但看向欧阳世家两姊妹的目光中,隐含一丝嫉妒愤懑之色。 This Nu radical is standing a thin scarlet youth, hearing this has a big shock, has not thought that this same side Senior Sister, will make noise to provoke the Ouyang Qian sisters at this time unexpectedly suddenly. 此女旁边站着的一名骨瘦如柴的红衣青年,闻言则是大惊失色,万万没想到这个同门师姐,竟会在这个时候突然出声招惹欧阳倩姐妹。 Several other everybody, and placed Tian Que School three people of hearing this before Ouyang Aristocratic Family two sisters, on the face cannot help but has flashed through greatly for the color of intent moving, but absorbed in eight big Aristocratic Family prestige, was actually everyone does not dare to begin in advance. 其余几人人,及身处欧阳世家两姊妹前的天阙派三人闻言,脸上都不禁闪过了大为意动之色,不过摄于八大世家的威名,却是谁也不敢先行动手。 The atmosphere in field becomes subtle. 场上的气氛变得微妙起来。 Snort, since is not willing to walk, that all stays behind.” The green garment female sees this situation, the complexion sinks, suddenly in the hand the purple glow dodges, left a handle two chi (0.33 m) purple folding fan, an show opens against the wind, and toward front one leaf. “哼,既然不愿意走,那就全留下吧。”绿衫女子见此情形,脸色一沉,突然手中紫芒一闪,多出了一柄两尺长的紫色折扇,迎风一展而开,并朝前方一扇而出。 This fan should be lithe thing, but the green garment female fan leaves the movement actually appears exceptionally dignified. 这扇子应该是轻盈之物,但绿衫女子扇出动作却显得异常的凝重。 ! “噗”的一声! After fan surface rays of light puts greatly, the big piece light purple fog vigorously gushes out, suddenly goes to opposite one volume. 扇子表面光芒大放后,大片淡淡的紫雾从中蓬勃涌出,眨眼之间向对面一卷而去。 The speed of purple fog is extremely fast, smelled light exotic fragrance to recent three Tian Que School disciple immediately, immediately Divine Consciousness is murky. 紫雾的速度极快,离得最近的三名天阙派弟子当即闻到了一股淡淡异香,顿时神识昏昏沉沉起来。 „It is not good “不好” Is extravagant eyebrow middle-aged man one startled, fishes out three green talisman from the bosom hastily, and at lightning speed racket in oneself and bodies of two Junior Brother. 为首阔眉中年人一惊,连忙从怀中摸出三枚绿色符箓,并飞快的拍在了自己和两名师弟的身上。 Under green light flashes, the other two just like are then filled with wisdom awaken suddenly, not in light of this perishes thoroughly.. 绿光一闪之下,另外两人这才犹如醍醐灌顶般猛然惊醒,没有就此的彻底沉沦下去。。 Sees this to other slightly far cultivator, the complexion big change, the luck has turned very quiet, and emits various defense secret technique Spirit Tool respectively. 离得稍远些的其他修士见此,脸色大变,纷纷运气屏住了呼吸,并各自放出各种防御秘术灵器 Begins!” “动手!” However the action of green garment female, instead makes people other on the scene set firm resolve, does not know that was whose suddenly shouts out one, the next quarter, assorted rays of light immediately came in waves toward Ouyang Qian and green garment female like the wave. 不过绿衫女子的举动,反而让在场的其他人下定了决心,不知是谁突然大喝了一声,下一刻,各色光芒顿时如潮涌般朝着欧阳倩与绿衫女子滚滚而来。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Several rays of light bright with many colors their figure will shortly submerge in which Ouyang Qian, could not see their lower hem corner again. 十几道五光十色的光芒欧阳倩两人身影顷刻淹没其中,再也看不到她们的一个衣角了。 Ha Ha, any Ouyang Aristocratic Family! The boast said is so fierce, so has not collapsed at the first blow!” The beautiful female who opens the mouth first sees this, the scream of being pleasantly surprised, in his hand, is urging a handle flame ring to dance in the air up and down, the lasing leaves the scarlet all kinds multi-colored sunlight one after another. “哈哈,什么欧阳世家!大话说的那么厉害,还不是如此不堪一击!”最先开口的妖艳女子见此,又惊又喜的尖叫,其手中,正驱使着一柄火红色的圆环上下飞舞不已,从中激射出一道又一道的赤色色霞光。 The skinny man of the side, actually first pulls out talisman, released the one layer red light screen to protect entire behind, stimulated to movement a handle scarlet red long blade, changed to big piece crowded blade light to join during the attack. 其身旁的枯瘦男子,却是先掏出一枚符箓,释放出了一层红色光幕护住全身后,才催动一柄赤红色长刀,化作大片密集刀光加入攻击之中。 Is two by the family background woman, which a little genuine materials. Junior Brother, you why also......” beautiful female see this, somewhat snorts contemptuously, finally the words told only half that chest suddenly felt slightly one cool, the bright as snow knife point reveals from his chest together unexpectedly. “不过是两个凭借家世的女人,哪有一点真材实料。师弟,你何必还……”妖艳女子见此,有些嗤之以鼻的,结果话说到一半,胸口忽然感到微微一凉,一道雪亮的刀尖竟从其胸口显露而出。 ( Today receives a also not too definite message, making Wang Yu at heart somewhat depressed, when will verify clear news truth after several days later, we told everybody again one.) R1152 (今天收到一个还不太确定的消息,让忘语心里有些郁闷了,等过几天核实清楚消息真伪后,咱再告诉大家一声吧。)R1152
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