DD :: Volume #8

#783: Hawk dough figurine

In mountain valley the topography is precipitous, three people fly to escape the line, the speed instead cannot launch, saw that silver centipede speed grew faster and faster, already has cast off a distance three people. 山谷中地势险峻复杂,三人飞遁而行,速度反而不能展开,眼看银色蜈蚣速度越来越快,已经将三人甩开了一段距离。 tall and thin disciple flies in the front line, suddenly shouts out, two hands about in the same place, imitates again such as draws general, draws to open fiercely, the intense azure light has braved from him, condensed a thick light arrow before the body, the single-handed loosen, the light arrow was then having the intense sound proceeding lasing from out of the blue. 高瘦弟子飞在最前方,突然大喝一声,两只手啪的一声合在一起,再彷如拉弓一般,猛地一拉而开,强烈的青光从他身上冒了出来,在身前凝聚成了一只粗大的光箭,,单手一松,光箭便带着强烈的破空声往前激射而出。 The light arrow speed is extremely fast, the free time of a blink then overtook the silver centipede, and accurate striking in carrying on the back that its silver light has sparkled. 光箭速度极快,一眨眼的工夫便追上了银色蜈蚣,并准确的击在了它银光闪闪的背上。 Bang a report recording tape has a round dazzling light group to bloom behind the centipede, after rays of light collects, the it hit place, has only left behind one trace. “轰”的一声爆裂声音带起一轮刺目光团在蜈蚣背后绽放出来,光芒敛去后,其被击中的地方,只留下了一道浅浅痕迹。 Good hard carapace!” The tall and thin youth sees this, immediately is flabbergasted. “好坚硬的甲壳!”高瘦青年见此,顿时咋舌不已。 The centipede actually exuded one to eat neighing of pain, body surface a silver light flashes, the direction suddenly changed, the speed of running away sped up several points. 蜈蚣却发出了一声吃痛的嘶叫,体表银光一闪,方向骤然一变,逃窜的速度又加快了几分。 We pursue separatedly, certainly cannot make this only Crystal Transformation Late Stage Monster Beast run away!” Luo Tiancheng eye one bright, this silver centipede imagination is more formidable , after striking has killed, can definitely obtain many destiny. “我们分开追,一定不能让这只化晶后期妖兽跑掉!”罗天成眼睛一亮,这只银色蜈蚣比想象的还要强大,击杀了之后,肯定能得到不少的气运。 The tall and thin youth and back sword youth complied with one, immediately has tacit understanding the dispersion of one on the left and other on the right to fly away, has outflanked toward the silver centipede, Luo Tiancheng continues closely to pursue in behind. 高瘦青年和背剑青年答应了一声,当即颇有默契的一左一右分散飞开,朝着银色蜈蚣包抄了过去,罗天成则继续在后面紧紧追赶。 This method quickly was really effective, the silver centipede cannot change the direction again at will, after the time it took to eat a meal, then gradually was formed merely the encirclement ring to clamp by three people in the middle. 这个方法果然很快便奏效了,银色蜈蚣不能再随意改变方向,仅仅一顿饭工夫后,便渐渐被三人形成包围圈夹在了中间。 The silver centipede had discovered obviously also oneself situation is not wonderful, after having sent out anxious neighing, both sides innumerable considerable at lightning speed empty delimited, swings ripples, ran away to go toward the front furiously. 银色蜈蚣显然也发现了自己处境的不妙,发出了一声焦急的嘶鸣后,两侧无数长足飞快的虚划,荡起了一阵涟漪,奋力朝前方逃窜而去。 Unknowingly, its being able choose the exact way because of flurry flees from the canyon, appeared sky over piece of a sand dune of taking in everything at a glance. 不知不觉中,其慌不择路的从峡谷中一窜而出,出现在了一片一览无余的沙丘上空。 At this moment, recent that back sword azure robe disciple that pursues, one step also departed the canyon first, did not have the narrow terrain hindrance, ganged up on the speed to promote suddenly much. 此刻,追的最近的那名背剑青袍弟子,先一步的也飞出了峡谷,没有了狭窄地形阻碍,群殴速度骤然提升了不少。 This person will shoot a look at Luo Tiancheng two people of one in the future, after the eye surprising color dodges, without the slightest hesitation technique pinches, and toward the front, its long sword of carrying on the back sends out a clear and melodious sword cry ejection void, changed into a ten zhang (3.33 m) scarlet-red sword rainbow instantaneously, goes toward the silver centipede direction lasing, speed incredibly fast is incomparable! 此人往后瞥了罗天成二人一眼,眼中异色一闪后,毫不犹豫法决一掐,并往前方虚空一点,其背上的长剑发出一声清越剑鸣的弹射而出,瞬间化为了一道十丈长的赤红剑虹,往银色蜈蚣方向激射而去,速度奇快无比! He first starts unexpectedly! 他竟然抢先下手! In this time, back sound from out of the blue whiz whiz is spreading, Luo Tiancheng and another tall and thin man also departed the canyon, looks at the behavior of death sword man, the tall and thin man complexion one anxiously, in the hand technique urges, the speed also instantaneously sped up several points. 正在此时,背后破空之声“嗖嗖”传出,罗天成和另一个高瘦男子也飞出了峡谷,看见背剑男子的所为,高瘦男子脸色一急,手中法决一催,速度也瞬间加快了几分。 The next quarter, saw only azure light flashes, in the tall and thin man hand leaves emerald green to want the drop suddenly much the long bow, both hands, the bow opens becomes Full Moon. 下一刻,只见青光一闪,高瘦男子手中骤然多出了一张翠绿欲滴的长弓,双手一拉,弓张成满月 „”, The wrist thick or thin light arrow electricity shoots together, unexpectedly, sends first to silver centipede near, the rapidness of speed, several near teleport. “呼啦”一下,一道手腕粗细的光箭电射而出,竟后发先至的到了银色蜈蚣近前,速度之快,几近瞬移 Scarlet-red sword glow and light arrow almost then wants at the same time to fall on the centipede forehead, obviously they are holding the similar thoughts, wants to strike to the centipede kill, snatches the destiny. 赤红剑芒和光箭几乎便要同时落在蜈蚣头部,显然两人都抱着同样的心思,想要将蜈蚣一击必杀,抢到气运。 Luo Tiancheng sees this, in the eye the fine glow dodges, only the shoulder in a flash, the body surface immediately silver light greatly puts , a palm sends out to the front void, in howling sound, big piece silver fog one volume. 罗天成见此,目中精芒一闪,只肩头一晃,体表当即银光大放,也一掌向前方虚空派出,在呼啸声中,大片银雾一卷而出。 Although is the same side, the obtained destiny belongs to Grand Purity Sect, but obtains the advantage that the person of destiny gains obviously finally to be bigger, finally obtains the Sect reward also to be naturally entirely different. 虽然身为同门,所得气运都归属太清门,但得到气运之人显然最终获得的好处更大,最终获得宗门奖励自然也是大不相同的。 During the silver centipede skices, felt the back sound from out of the blue, turns the personal appearance strongly, wants to dodge the attack. 银色蜈蚣疾行之中,感到了背后的破空声,竭力一扭身形,想要躲闪攻击。 Bang a bang! “轰”的一声巨响! Although this beast has shunted the strategic point in the critical juncture, but left several silvery brights considerable have hit by sword glow and light arrow, cut off directly. 此兽虽然在危急关头躲开了要害,但左侧的几条银亮长足还是被剑芒及光箭打了个正着,被直接生生斩断了。 The tall and thin man and back sword man sees this, the vision is one bright, in the hand secret technique urges more anxious a point, then must again under the killer. 高瘦男子和背剑男子见此,目光都是一亮,手中法诀催的更急了一分,便要再下杀手。 At this moment, headage zhang (3.33 m) silver fog tiger phantom, was roaring dropping from the clouds, has bitten Silver Armor centipede neck by potential of one thunder. 就在此刻,一头数丈大小银色雾虎虚影,咆哮着从天而降,以雷霆之势一口咬住了银甲蜈蚣颈部 Although this centipede is also Crystal Transformation Late Stage Monster Beast, but after so spinning of long distance, physical strength or magical power greatly consume, now was wounded considerable, cannot evade Silver Tiger unexpectedly the throws, can only a body curl, the snake instead tie down the body of Silver Tiger fiercely generally. 这蜈蚣虽然也是化晶后期妖兽,但经过如此长距离的疾奔,无论是体力还是法力都大耗,如今又被击伤了长足,竟然没能躲过银虎的这一扑,只能身体猛地一个卷曲,蛇一般反缠住了银虎的身体。 Then, although the silver great tiger is magical power concentrates, but does not have too to distinguish with the material object greatly, the two from the sky tumbled immediately in one, wild air currents erupted to four sides. 说起来,银色巨虎虽然是法力凝化而成,但是和实物也没有太大分别,二者顿时在空中翻滚在了一起,一股股狂暴的气流向四面爆发而出。 Carries the sword man and tall and thin disciple they are flushed by the air wave, personal appearance retreat cannot help but several feet, will have stood firm the personal appearance. 背剑男子及高瘦弟子两人被气浪一冲,身形不由自主的后退了数丈,才堪堪稳住了身形。 Then at this moment, Luo Tiancheng figure such as electricity, but , the whole body by the silver mist billowing package, one from them was leapt directly, in mouth low roaring sound, is bringing breaking of wild aura to the regiment. 便在此刻,罗天成身影如电而至,周身被银色雾气滚滚包裹,直接从两人中间一跃而出,、口中一声低喝,就带着一股狂暴气息的冲入到战团中。 Carries sword disciple and tall and thin disciple sees this, one startled, when also the strategic place will go, actually suddenly transmits the wail of giant centipede, the Luo Tiancheng laughing sound gets up. 背剑弟子高瘦弟子见此,一惊,正要也要冲进去时,却忽然传来巨大蜈蚣的一声哀鸣,罗天成的大笑声响起。 Whiz, a shadow flies to shoot from the wild air current of regiment place, under their vision concentrates, immediately complexion changes. “嗖”的一声,一个黑影从战团处的狂暴气流中飞射而出,两人目光一凝之下,顿时面色都是一变。 The shadow is not other, is the giant head of silver centipede, in its a pair of sharp fang still opens and closes continues, the both eyes ominous light actually in rapid dimly gets down. 黑影不是别的,正是银色蜈蚣的巨大头颅,其口中一对锋利獠牙兀自开合不止,双目凶光却在迅速黯淡下去。 But was struck to kill along with centipede Monster Beast, the originally wild air current has also subsided, in the dust smog of tumbling, Luo Tiancheng flew slowly, but sees on his lower abdomen the wound to be together clearly discernible. 而随着蜈蚣妖兽被击杀,原本狂暴的气流也平息了下来,翻滚的尘土烟雾中,罗天成缓缓飞了出来,但见他小腹上一道浅浅伤口清晰可见。 However when his facial expression looks like actually tranquil, wipes in the wound single-handed gently, immediately are innumerable the hair silver thread one near the wound to congeal in abundance, wound immediately by naked eye obvious rapid has closed rapidly. 不过他的神情看起来却时平静之极,单手在伤口上轻轻一抹,顿时无数头发般的银丝纷纷在伤口附近一凝而出,伤口当即以肉眼可见的迅速迅速弥合了起来。 However after 2-3 breath, sores disappear on already thoroughly. 不过两三个呼吸后,伤处就已经彻底不见了。 Luo Junior Brother strength outstanding, admire, admire!” tall and thin disciple sees this, receives the emerald green long bow, looks complex color has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest, some saying embarrasedly. “罗师弟实力高强,佩服,佩服!”高瘦弟子见此,将翠绿长弓一收而起,面露复杂之色的拱了拱手,有些讪讪的言道。 Carries the sword man not to speak, single-handed move takes back the back scarlet-red flying sword, looked at Luo Tiancheng wrist, saw lock of sending out its destiny grey light obviously to compare before this brightly several points, the corner of the eye twitched slightly. 背剑男子并未说话,单手一招的将赤红飞剑收回背后,瞄了一眼罗天成手腕,见其气运之锁散发的灰光明显比此前明亮了几分,眼角微微抽搐了一下。 Here is the secret realm surrounding, two Senior Brother do not need to be disheartened, the words that our three people collaborate, should not have many people to arrive at the secret realm center compared with us quickly.” Luo Tiancheng imitates, if has not heard general, light saying. “这里才是秘境的外围,两位师兄也不必丧气,我们三个人联手的话,应该不会有多少人比我们更快到达秘境中心处的。”罗天成仿若未闻一般,淡淡的说道。 Two hearing this, nodded. 其他两人闻言,均都点了下头 We first leave here, the magical power fluctuation that just caused, will perhaps attract the attention of nearby many people......” Luo Tiancheng to turn around to say. “我们还是先离开这里吧,刚刚引起的法力波动,恐怕会吸引附近不少人的注意……”罗天成转过身说道。 Finally his voice has not fallen, complexion actually suddenly changes, lifts to look in some direction. 结果他话音未落,面色忽然一变,抬首朝某个方向望去。 Sees only that side distant place horizon, a white luminous spot appears, at lightning speed comes in the lasing toward three people of institutes, the rapidness of speed, just likes 只见那边远处天边,一个白色光点浮现而出,飞快往三人所在激射而来,速度之快,犹如 Three people want to avoid again, obvious already comes not to be anxious. 三人再想躲避,明显已经来不急了。 After several breath, escaping light was then clearly discernible, after flash of white light, then stopped in three people of not far away midair, after white glow diverged, has revealed one person. 几个呼吸过后,遁光便已清晰可见,白光一闪后,便停在了三人不远处的半空中,白芒散去后,露出了一人来。 But sees the person to grow a shape such as the long face of falcon, the nose such as the curved hook, almost can bump into the mouth, a white robe with the wind ballooning, impressively is the appearance of Heavenly Monster Valley! 但见来人长着一张形如鹰隼的长脸,鼻如弯钩,几乎能碰到嘴巴,一身白袍随风鼓胀,赫然是天妖谷的打扮! The sharp vision unscrupulous three people sweep, finally fell on Luo Tiancheng, the vision dodged slightly. 其锐利的目光肆无忌惮的三人身上一扫而过,最终落在了罗天成身上,目光微微闪了一下。 Carried the sword man already Sword Secret Art darkly to pinch, another tall and thin disciple dignified reached the waist the hand. 背剑男子早已剑诀暗捏,另一名高瘦弟子则凝重的将手伸向了腰间。 This Fellow Daoist does not know that has what instructing me?” The color of Luo Tiancheng also face alert, welcoming that but does not show weakness to the vision of opposite party, and coldly asked one. “这位道友不知有何见教?”罗天成也一脸戒备之色,但毫不示弱的迎向了对方的目光,并冷冷问了一句。 Although he is extremely strange to this person, but aura of opposite party indistinct sending out, actually gives to them three restless feelings, obviously the person of this Heavenly Monster Valley, absolutely not exists generally. 虽然他对此人极其陌生,但对方隐约散发的气息,却给给他们三个一种不安的感觉,显然这位天妖谷之人,绝不是一般存在。 Hehe, Grand Purity Sect!” 嘿嘿,太清门!” Hawk face man actually faint smile mouth one, two arms suddenly toward both sides one! 鹰面男子却似笑非笑的嘴巴一咧,两臂突然往两侧一张! If have the essence silver glow to well up from its two sleeve robes in an instant crazily, a at the same time astonishing imposing manner one erupted. 一道道如有实质的银芒刹那间从其两只袖袍中狂涌而出,同时一股惊人的气势一下爆发了出来。 The Luo Tiancheng three humanities carefully have been alerting, the movement that sees the Hawk face man, has made the response immediately. 罗天成三人本就一直小心戒备着,一见鹰面男子的动作,立刻做出了反应。 Carries sword man shouts out, in the hand Sword Secret Art concentrates, the long sword that carries on the back shoots up to the sky, and one changed to more than a ten zhang (3.33 m) startled rainbow, and along with a both hands wheel rotation, disintegrates suddenly, changed into several to be slender sword light, went toward Hawk face man direction at the same time one volume. 背剑男子一声大喝,手中剑诀一凝,背上的长剑冲天而起,并一下化作了一道十余丈长惊虹,并随着双手车轮般一阵转动下,骤然解体开来,化为了十几道纤细些剑光,朝鹰面男子方向同时一卷而去。 From out of the blue in sound! 破空声中! These red sword light carry over together the Daoist priest long-tail glow, imitates, if meteor shower, the imposing manner is quite astonishing. 这一道道赤色剑光带出一道道长长尾芒,仿若流星雨般,气势颇为惊人。 But tall and thin disciple already gripped that the emerald green long bow, a waist palm fuzziness, on the long bow has made contact with a green arrow arrow, in the eye the fine glow dodged, another arm suddenly a loosen. 高瘦弟子则早已握住了那把翠绿长弓,腰间手掌一个模糊,长弓上搭上了一根青色箭矢,眼中精芒一闪,另一手臂蓦然一松。 chī chī sound big sound, dense and numerous azure glow goes toward the lasing that the Hawk face man blots out the sky. 嗤嗤”声大响,密密麻麻的青芒的朝着鹰面男子铺天盖地的激射而去。 Luo Tiancheng stands among them, has not begun actually rashly, but also already gloomy complexion revolves cultivation method, immediately one group of silver mist from him billowing, changes to silver Dragon Tiger Phantom to circle to dance in the air in the body surface. 罗天成站在两人中间,倒是没有贸然动手,不过也已脸色阴沉的将功法运转开来,当即一团银色雾气从他身上滚滚而出,化作银色龙虎虚影在体表盘旋飞舞不已。 The Hawk face man facing coming red sword glow and green light arrow, imitates unexpectedly, if has not heard Hehe smiles, silver glow that in both eyes the crystal glow circulation, in the sleeve projects even more dazzling dazzling, has made the sound of trembling along with it air, palm of the hand big and small silver mirror at lightning speed appear. 鹰面男子面对迎面而至的赤色剑芒及青色光箭,竟仿若未闻般的嘿嘿一笑,双目中晶芒流转,袖中射出的银芒越发的刺目耀眼,随之空气中发出了震颤之音,一面面巴掌大小银镜飞快浮现而出。 These mirror unexpectedly enough over a hundred, after and buzz the whining noise makes a sound, all mirror surface rosy cloud light flashes, suddenly spout silver light beams, in front void sweeps, then all swallows the red sword light green arrow glow instantaneously cleanly. 这些镜子竟足足有上百面之多,并嗡鸣声一响后,所有镜子表面霞光一闪,蓦然喷出一根根银色光柱,在面前虚空一扫而过,瞬间便将赤色剑光青色箭芒全都尽数吞噬干净。 Saw the present person to be so superficial them to attack to meet, Grand Purity Sect two disciple sucked in a cold breath, Luo Tiancheng expression also slightly congealed. 见眼前之人如此轻描淡写将两人攻击接了下来,太清门两名弟子倒吸了一口凉气,罗天成神色也微微一凝。 However when not and three people make what attack again, Hawk face man both arms fierce inspires, over a hundred dazzling light beams spew out from the mirror once more, dodges, but after passing, then arrived in front of three people! 然而未及三人再作何攻击时,鹰面男子双臂猛的一振,上百道刺目光柱从镜中再次喷涌而出,一闪而逝后,便到了三人面前! The dense and numerous light beams are similar to the silver tide are common, must submerge three people thoroughly. R1152 密密麻麻的光柱如同银色潮水一般,就要将三人彻底淹没了进去。R1152
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