DD :: Volume #8

#782: The plate of inheritance

Brother Liu is careful, this person of cultivation possibly already was lost monster cultivator cultivation methodominous monster nine changes, can change from the strength of nine Monster Beast, this time was the strength of bear, grew perceptibly by the strength. ” Peng Yue sees this, the complexion changes, as if guessed correctly cultivation method of black robe man, the loud reminder said hastily. 柳兄小心,此人修炼的可能是早已失传妖修功法“凶妖九变”,能够化形出九种妖兽之力,这次是熊之力了,是以力量见长。”彭越见此,脸色一变,似乎猜出了黑袍男子的功法,连忙大声提醒道。 Liu Ming hearing this, in heart one cold. 柳鸣闻言,心中一凛。 The Fairy Hei Feng beautiful face sinks, it seems like Peng Yue said that was near perfect. 黑凤仙子则玉容一沉,看来彭越所说,八九不离十了。 The black robe youth actually not cares a whoop Peng Yue to drink to break its cultivation method origin, instead laughs wildly one, before ash-gray bear's paws phantom falls, a finger separates the spatial point. 黑袍青年却丝毫不在意彭越喝破其功法来历,反而狂笑一声,在灰色熊掌虚影落下之前,一根手指又隔空一点而出。 . “噗”的一声。 The grey giant palm body surface suddenly the gray light concentrates, appears unexpectedly indistinctly clearly discernible bright red spirit mark, looks like the incomparable strangeness. 灰色巨掌体表蓦然灰光一凝,竟隐约浮现出一根根清晰可见的鲜红灵纹,看起来无比的诡异。 Liu Ming's eyebrows micro pressed, in heart same flood a strange feeling, but bear's paws phantom shortly will then arrive at present, immediately that is inferior to think calls out, follows one to resound through the horizon the sound of dragon roar, five black fog flood dragons shoot up to the sky from its behind, in void circles, unexpectedly gathers five is one, changes to a 30-40 zhang (3.33 m) black fog flood dragon. 柳鸣眉头微蹙,心中同样泛起一股奇怪感觉,不过熊掌虚影顷刻间便到了眼前,当即不及多想的一声暴喝,伴随一声响彻天际的龙吟之声,五条黑色雾蛟从其身后冲天而起,在虚空之中一个盘旋后,竟然合五为一,化作一条三四十丈的黑色雾蛟龙。 In flood dragon both eyes fine light flashes, wields pair of forepaw, big Zhang Qikou clashes to go toward black giant palm. 蛟龙双目之中精光一闪,就挥动一对前爪,大张其口的朝黑色巨掌一冲而去。 Strange occurred. 诡异一幕发生了。 It seems like great bad fog flood dragon that threatens, an instance of side contact ash-gray bear's paws, unexpectedly Bang, seemed like did not have the strength of resistance strikes to be defeated and dispersed, changed to everywhere faint trace black Qi. 看似气势汹汹的巨大雾蛟,方一接触灰色熊掌的瞬间,竟“砰”的一声,看似毫无抵抗之力的一击溃散,化作了漫天丝丝黑气 Fairy Hei Feng sees that expression that on the face reveals taking pleasure in others'misfortunes immediately. 黑凤仙子见状,脸上顿时露出一丝幸灾乐祸的表情。 Peng Yue sees this situation, actually complexion once more changes. 彭越见此情形,却脸色再次一变。 However Liu Ming, although somewhat is also stunned, appearance that the meaning of moving aside does not have slightly, but both hands fierce making a fist, in the mouth spits one lightly exploding character. 不过柳鸣,虽然也有些愕然,却丝毫躲闪之意也无的样子,只是双手猛的一握拳,口中轻吐一个“爆”字。 Everywhere is defeated and dispersed black Qi instantaneous strange changes to black glow, dense and numerous pierces giant palm, shortly will leave behind the innumerable dense and numerous slender eyelets above. 漫天溃散黑气瞬间诡异的化作一道道黑芒,密密麻麻的洞穿巨掌而过,顷刻间在上面留下无数密密麻麻的纤细小孔。 Throws one, giant bear's paws phantom fuzzy being defeated and dispersed opens. “扑哧”一声,巨大熊掌虚影一个模糊的溃散而开。 Fairy Hei Feng sees this, on the face happy expression concentrates, immediately became somewhat ugly. 黑凤仙子见此,脸上喜色一凝,顿时变得有些难看了。 Peng Yue actually long vented anger, when opened mouth speech, the Liu Ming suddenly complexion sinks, a body revolution, chops a palm toward behind like lightning suddenly. 彭越却长出了一口气,正要张口说话之时,柳鸣忽然脸色一沉,身体闪电般一转,朝着身后猛然劈出一掌。 One group of black fist shades condense, after a dull thumping sound, in any thing with void hit in one. 一团黑色拳影凝聚而成,一声闷响后,和虚空中什么东西撞在了一起。 Intense black fresh breeze scatters in all directions, the fist shade is defeated and dispersed loudly. 一股强烈的黑色劲风四散开来,拳影轰然溃散,。 The brother of this Fairy Hei Feng, does not know unexpectedly with the what kind of method, ejected quietly third has struck, and can escape to the Liu Ming behind place strangely, suddenly launched the attack. 这位黑凤仙子之兄,竟不知用何种手段,悄然击出了第三击,并能诡异遁到柳鸣身后处,才蓦然发起了攻击。 Liu Ming turns around once more, looks to the black robe youth, saying of vision ice-cold: 柳鸣再次转身过来,望向黑袍青年,目光冰冷的说道: Good invisible striking, is it possible that is this also the day birds and beasts nine changes the secret technique?” “好一个无形之击,莫非这也是天禽九变中的秘术?” If not the his mental power far far exceed same step imagines, perhaps could not realize that the black robe youth is so strange strikes. 若非他精神力远超同阶想象,恐怕也察觉不到黑袍青年如此诡异一击。 At this time, excited color already on black robe youth face vanished does not see, instead slightly obviously surprised, it immediately again has not gotten rid, instead after deeply looked at Liu Ming one, saying that suddenly smiled: 这时,黑袍青年脸上的兴奋之色已经消失不见,反而略显一丝惊讶,其没有马上再出手,反而深深看了柳鸣一眼后,忽然一笑的说道: Fellow Daoist Liu divine ability is really uncommon, Murong Xueyue was asks for advice. Now I and others entered Heavenly Sect secret realm to be so short, does not need the present to fight one actually anxiously. Has a lot of time for that the Little Sister old debt, will wait to calculate in the future again. Little Sister, we walk 柳道友果然神通不凡,慕容血月算是领教了。如今我等进入天门秘境如此短,倒是不用急着现在就大战一番的。来日方长,小妹的旧账,等日后再算吧。小妹,我们走吧” Black robe youth but actually also neat, voice just fell, immediately has caused a meaningful glance toward not far away Fairy Hei Feng, immediately body surface black light one volume, changes into soaring of one group of ball of light. 黑袍青年倒也干脆利落,话音刚落,立刻朝不远处的黑凤仙子使了一个眼色,就立刻体表黑光一卷,化为一团光球的腾空而起了。 Fairy Hei Feng hearing this, complexion gloomy and uncertain, but after bitterly was looking at Liu Ming one, finally stamps full shooting up to the sky. 黑凤仙子闻言,脸色一阵阴晴不定,但在恨恨的看了柳鸣一眼后,最终还是一跺足的冲天而起。 The revolutions saw with own eyes that two people then once more change to two black escaping light to walk from out of the blue, after and several flash, vanished from the Liu Ming line of sight thoroughly. 转眼见,二人便再次化作两道黑色遁光破空而走,并几个闪动后,从柳鸣视线中彻底消失了。 Liu Ming looks at their disappearance direction, the vision is flashing slightly, not slightly the meaning that sets out to pursue. 柳鸣望着两人消失方向,目光微微闪动,并没有丝毫起身去追的意思。 This time wanted many thanks Brother Liu to lend a hand to assist really!” This time Peng Yue actually pleasantly surprised occurred simultaneously, after walking quickly, immediately clashes Liu Ming grateful held the fist in the other hand to express one's thanks. “这次真要多谢柳兄出手相助了!”这时的彭越却是惊喜交加,快步走过来后,立刻冲柳鸣感激的抱拳称谢。 Peng brother polite, even if did not have Peng brother once more, since these two saw me, was impossible to drop.” Liu Ming hearing this, turns around polite replied. “彭兄客气了,就算没有彭兄再次,这两人既然见到我了,也不可能放手的。”柳鸣闻言,转身客气回道 Has not thought of initially nearby Heavenly Horse Prairie one to leave for dozens years, Brother Liu strength progressed by leaps and bounds hence already is Crystal Transformation Late Stage cultivator, was really may celebrate encouraging.” After Peng Yue carefully sizes up Liu Ming several again, saying of some exclamation. “没想到当初天马草原附近一别数十年,柳兄实力突飞猛进至此已经化晶后期修士了,真是可喜可贺啊。”彭越仔细打量柳鸣几眼后,又有些惊叹的说道。 This was considered as anything! Peng brother was not enters step Crystal Transformation Intermediate Stage, in addition these two not weak puppets, perhaps general Late Stage cultivator was not Peng brother match.” Saying of Liu Ming faint smile, the at the same time vision glances nearby two puppets. “这算得了什么!彭兄不也是进阶化晶中期了,再加上这两头不弱的傀儡,恐怕一般后期修士也不是彭兄对手的。”柳鸣似笑非笑的说道,同时目光一瞥旁边的两头傀儡。 Ashamed! How could below and compared with Brother Liu, otherwise not by fleeing in all directions that the two pursued. Then, this Heavenly Sect secret realm was crisis-ridden, now among various Great Sect gate Aristocratic Family the battle is also unceasing, does not know whether Brother Liu has thought with travels together below, if your I collaborate, can avoid much troublesome.” After Peng Yue one hesitates, single-handed move after two puppets received, such saying. “惭愧!在下岂能和柳兄相比,否者也不会被那两人追的四处逃窜了。说起来,这天门秘境本就危机四伏,如今各大宗世家之间又争斗不断,不知柳兄可否想过与在下同行,你我若是联手,可以避免掉不少麻烦。”彭越一番犹豫之后,单手一招的将两只傀儡收了后,如此的说道。 This......” Liu Ming is startled, pours somewhat to hesitate. “这……”柳鸣一怔,倒有些犹豫起来。 Peng Yue did not say badly, the battles in these day secret realm were even more fierce, he hides in this mountain range, already has come across several battles. 彭越所说不差,这几日秘境之中的争斗越发剧烈了,他躲在这山脉之中,也已经遇到了好几次争斗了。 By his strength, although self-confident self-preservation unobstructive, but wants to obtain some destiny, must go to one toward the secret realm center not to be possible. 以他实力虽然自信自保无碍,但是想要多取得一些气运,非得朝秘境中心处去一趟不可。 But center there accumulation is true Expert of various factions, perhaps is not much weak in the Fairy Hei Feng brother and sister who saw a moment ago, words that his independent person goes forward again, some potentials were indeed weaker. 而中心处那里聚集的都是各宗各派的真正强者,恐怕不少都不弱于刚才所见的黑凤仙子兄妹二人,他再单独一人前进的话,的确有些势弱了些。 Brother Liu, you have a look at this thing decision not to be again late.” Peng Yue as if saw Liu Ming's hesitates, suddenly takes out from the sleeve together seems like very worn-out formation plate fragment, and pours into which magical power. 柳兄,你看看此物再决定不迟。”彭越似乎看出了柳鸣的犹豫,忽然从袖中取出一块看似十分破旧的阵盘碎片,并且将法力注入其中。 Above formation plate sends out one buzz whining noise, golden light shines, the at the same time big flake gold colored light rosy cloud flies, projects a map to come out in void, the above striking golden luminous spots flash impressively. 阵盘之上发出一阵嗡鸣声,一阵金光亮起,同时大片金色光霞一飞而出,在虚空之中投影出一副地图出来,其上面赫然有一个醒目的金色光点闪动不已。 „The plate of inheritance, is golden color!” Liu Ming sees this, was startled really greatly. “传承之盘,还是金色的!”柳鸣见此,真大吃了一惊。 Good, is the plate of inheritance. Before two day, strikes after below furiously has killed Fake Core Monster Beast, in within the body found this formation plate fragment. Murong Aristocratic Family they, is in hot pursuit to me for this thing. Thinks that Brother Liu also knows, according to the past convention, so long as collects eight formation plate fragment collections in one, can open in Heavenly Sect secret realm the place of important inheritance. Perhaps several other formation plate fragment also already some people found, and rushes to there, therefore below hopes that Brother Liu can help my helping hand again, at the appointed time after formation plate collects, can together enter the place of inheritance.” Peng Yue at lightning speed answered. “不错,正是传承之盘。两日之前,在下奋力击杀了一只假丹妖兽之后,在其体内找到这块阵盘碎片。慕容世家两人,也是为了此物才对我紧追不舍的。想必柳兄也知道,按照以往的惯例,只要凑齐八块阵盘碎片集于一处,就能打开天门秘境中重要传承之地。其他几块阵盘碎片恐怕也已经有人找到,并赶往那里,所以在下希望柳兄能再助我一臂之力,届时将阵盘凑齐好后,就可以共同进入传承之地。”彭越飞快的解释道。 In inheritance opening about Heavenly Sect secret realm, Liu Ming in already inquired to Long Yanfei and the others. 关于天门秘境中的传承开启,柳鸣在早已向龙颜菲等人打听了一番。 Narrated according to this female, inheritance it that any golden demonstration place, explained hides the inheritance no small matter, far from the general small inheritance may compare, implication the strength of destiny is also naturally more astonishing. 根据此女讲述,凡是金色显示地点的传承之,说明所藏传承非同小可,远非一般小传承可比的,蕴含的气运之力自然也更加惊人。 Then, after a Liu Ming again slightly consideration, then the nod complied: 如此一来,柳鸣只是再稍一思量过后,便点头答应了下来: Since Peng brothers so said that then was actually disrespectful below, together starts off, goes to the map place on inheritance.” “既然彭兄都如此说了,那在下却之不恭了,就一起上路,去地图上的传承之地吧。” Good! Has Brother Liu to assist, believes that I and others entered the place of inheritance, absolutely not was any difficult matter!” Peng Yue hearing this, naturally is overjoyed. “好!有柳兄相助,相信我等进入传承之地,绝不是什么难事了!”彭越闻言,自然大喜过望。 Therefore two people study the map that formation plate has shown again, slightly after a discussion, then changes to [gold/metal] silver coins escaping light, from out of the blue goes toward somewhere the horizon. 于是二人再研究了一下阵盘所示的地图,略一讨论过后,便化作一金一银两道遁光,往某处天际破空而去。 ...... …… at the same time, the underground deep place of some jet black non- light, three sounds were talking. 同一时间,某个漆黑无光的地下深处,三个声音正在交谈着。 Hehe, inheritance fragment already of gong old was triggered seven, only missed last, so long as this eight fragments were found, these people can open it to inherit.” A slender sound said. 嘿嘿,锣老儿的传承碎片已经被触发了七个,只差最后一个了,只要这一次八个碎片都被人找到,这些人就能开启其传承了。”一个纤细的声音说道。 very good! Has waited till this day finally! During these several thousand years, I and others saved quietly destiny already is close, so long as these Mortal Realm ants will inherit to open, makes our kills bright light them, robs the gong old inheritance strength of destiny again, I and others can break this secret realm with the aid of its strength at one fell swoop.” Listened to be overwhelmed with emotion the female tender laughter, suddenly resounded, in the spoken language has been full of the endless joyful meaning. 太好了!总算等到了这一天!这数万年间,我等悄悄积攒了的气运已经接近饱和,只要这些人界蝼蚁将传承打开,让我们神不知鬼不觉的将他们杀个精光,再抢走锣老儿传承中的气运之力,我等就能借助其力量一举破开此秘境了。”一个听了让人销魂不已的女子娇笑声,也蓦然响起,言语中充满了无尽的欣喜之意。 Um, thinks that our three are the what kind status, finally was sneak attacked by Heavenly Palace this group of old fogies, suppresses in this secret realm again forcefully, the counter- dependence extracts me and other blood essence magical power to maintain this secret realm. Once after wait for me break free leaves this, will decide reply Sir Bore Queen, will lead the clansman to break this again, will all kill a cleanness this life, can release my heart only to hate!” The third male voice hoarse, listens to be very tranquil, but said the content actually astonishingly. “嗯,想我们三个是何等身份,结果被天宫这帮老家伙偷袭,再强行镇压这秘境中,反依靠抽取我等精血法力来维持此秘境。一旦等我脱困离开此界后,定会回禀螟母大人,再率领族人破开此界,将此界生灵全都杀个干干净净,才能泄我心头只恨!”第三个男子声音略带沙哑,听似十分平静,但所说内容却惊人之极。 Hehe, our two may not have Sir Bore Queen this and other big backers, cannot place on a par with the Fujian brother, so long as can live is leaving here, escapes from Mortal Realm, was well satisfied.” That slender sound, actually Hehe start to talk replied. 嘿嘿,我们两个可没有螟母大人这等大靠山,不能和闽兄相提并论的,只要能够活着离开这里,逃出人界,也就心满意足了。”那个纤细声音,却嘿嘿一声的开口回道 Was good, words of making a determined effort, wait for me left here to say really again. For this plan, we were already have planned such, if unable to go well, perhaps Heavenly Palace that fellows not to our any opportunities, to order, I think accidentally and other ants opened the gong old inheritance really time, was inferior that I and others......” female voice so said. “好了,发狠的话语,还是等我们真离开这里再说吧。为了这次计划,我们可是已经谋划了如此之久,若是无法得手的话,恐怕天宫那帮家伙再也不会给我们任何机会了,所以为了万一起见,我觉得等那些蝼蚁真打开锣老儿传承的时候,不如我等……”女子声音如此说道。 Along with the it three people of conversation sounds, becomes in this jet black space lowly is all of a sudden inaudible. 随之三人交谈声,在这漆黑空间中一下子变得低不可闻起来。 But in Liu Ming, the Peng Yue two people are pressing formation plate fragment to guide, toward the place of inheritance goes to time, sends big battle between disciple respectively, launched in secret realm each corner finally completely. 而就在柳鸣,彭越二人按着阵盘碎片的指引,朝着传承之地而去的时候,各派弟子间的大厮杀,也终于在秘境各个角落处完全展开了。 In all over the body sorrel fold mountain valley, several meters silver centipede at lightning speed shuttles back and forth in mountain valley, each body is brightly burnished and fierce, the innumerable knife point claw delimit the rock to make noise sonorously, speed is quick a silver illusory image. 在一处通体红褐色的褶皱山谷中,一条十几米长的银色蜈蚣飞快的在山谷中穿梭而过,每一节身体都锃亮而狰狞,无数刀锋般的爪子划过山石铿锵作响,速度快成了一道银色幻影。 Shouted whistling! 呼呼呼! Three person's shadows follow on the heels sharply pursue come from out of the blue, azure robe youth Luo Tiancheng, but another two youth are also a green Grand Purity Sect clothing, a person shoulders the long sword, another is emptying both hands, the figure appears high tall and thin is slim. 三个人影跟在后面急追破空而来,其中一个青袍青年正是罗天成,而另外两个青年也是一身青色太清门服饰,一人背负长剑,另一个空着双手,身材显得高高瘦瘦。 ( Second! How recently did not know, Wang Yu felt that the pent-up anger was very big, in the morning getting up one breath has drunk several cups of chrysanthemum tea, reluctantly felt that felt better.) R1152 (第二更!最近不知怎么了,忘语感到心火很大,早上起来一口气喝了好几杯菊花茶,才勉强感觉好受一些。)R1152
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