DD :: Volume #8

#781: Peng Yue and black Fengxian child

Liu Ming magical power infusion to both eyes, raising the head that the vision congealed looks at the past instantaneously thin, this saw clearly that silver escaping light is a handle 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) silver shuttle. 柳鸣瞬间将法力灌注双目之中,目光一凝的仰首细望过去,这才看清那道银色遁光乃是一柄两三丈长银梭所化。 Puts on simply, if the shape the farmer yellow color person's shadow, is standing and waiting for a long time above the silver shuttle. 一名穿着朴素,状若农夫般的黄色人影,正伫立在银梭之上。 After Liu Ming sees clearly the person's shadow appearance, immediately a expression hole, the opposite party unexpectedly is its having to do Peng Yue. 柳鸣看清楚人影面目后,当即神色一洞,对方竟是和其打过交道的彭越 When entering secret realm, he then notes this child is one of disciple the Tian Gong Sect selection participates, has not actually thought that unexpectedly became it in the first acquaintance who in secret realm runs into. 早在进入秘境前时,他便注意到此子是天工宗入选参加的弟子之一,却没想到居然成为了其在秘境中遇到的第一名熟人。 Although Liu Ming recognized Peng Yue to come, but the opposite party this was at this moment stern-faced, but went all out to control Spirit Tool to fly to escape, had not discovered under immediately front also had other people. 柳鸣虽然认出了彭越来,但对方此此刻却一脸凝重,只是拼命驾驭灵器飞遁,并没有马上发现前方下面的还有其他人。 Liu Ming somewhat wonders first, but the next quarter, in the eye then flashes through a color suddenly. 柳鸣先是有些纳闷,但是下一刻,眼中便闪过一丝恍然之色。 But sees Peng Yue behind about several li (0.5km) far void, two black escape light flashes, but presently, and to escape extremely quickly fast is in hot pursuit to come, wants on quick such one point of appearance compared with the silver shuttle that Peng Yue controls. 但见彭越身后大约数里远的虚空,两道黑色遁光一闪而现,并以极快遁速紧追不舍而来,比起彭越所驾驭的银梭还要快上那么一分的样子。 A Liu Ming's eyebrows wrinkle, the personal appearance in a flash, as if monster hiding after a rock, at the same time transported Che Huan totem, concealing own aura. 柳鸣眉头一皱,身形一晃,就仿佛鬼魅般的躲在了一处山石之后,同时运起车患图腾,隐匿了自身气息 Walking that Peng Fellow Daoist, why so worries, Little Sister also not with your well to chat the sentiment of the same day!” A ice-cold incomparable sound conveys from the black escaping light together. “彭道友,何必如此着急的走,小妹还未与你好好叙叙当日之情呢!”一个冰冷无比的声音从一道黑色遁光中传来。 After Liu Ming hears, first thinks somewhat familiar-soundingly, then similar vision carefully in the black escaping light sweeps, cannot help but somewhat is speechless 柳鸣闻听后,先是觉得有些耳熟,再同样目光仔细往黑色遁光中一扫后,却不禁有些无语起来 The pursuing troops in this black escaping light are not others, is Fairy Hei Feng this female. 这黑色遁光中的追兵不是别人,正是黑凤仙子此女。 Has not thought that the person of Tian Gong Sect, unexpectedly is some generations of fleeing like a scared rat.” Another gloomy man voice also lightly resounds.. “没想到天工宗之人,竟都是些抱头鼠窜之辈。”另一个阴沉男子声音也淡淡响起。。 However after is only several breath, in addition under together a black escaping light suddenly billowing black fog Sheng, consecutively 2-3 in void flashes, every time flashes can pull closer 20-30 zhang (3.33 m) distance, after third time flashes, unexpectedly an acceleration escaped from the silver all alone side speeds past, keeps off before the Peng Yue body. 然而只是几个呼吸之后,另一道黑色遁光忽然滚滚黑雾一盛,在虚空中连续两三个闪动下,每一次闪动便可拉近二三十丈的距离,当第三次闪动过后,竟一个加速的从银色遁光身旁疾驰而过,挡在了彭越身前。 Liu Ming sees this, in heart one cold. 柳鸣见此,心中一凛。 These eight big Aristocratic Family secret techniques are really quite mysterious, initially Ouyang Qian also had caused the secret technique of similar space teleport exchange, both look like somewhat are unexpectedly similar. 这八大世家的秘术真是颇为神奇,当初欧阳倩也使过类似空间瞬移交换之秘术,两者看起来竟有些相似。 Peng Yue sees already unable to escape, immediately one hand formed hand-seals stops under foot silver light, at the same time two hands held a yellow color round bead respectively, vision coldly looks to two people. 彭越已经逃不掉,当即单手一掐诀的将脚下银光一停,同时两手各抓住了一个黄色的圆珠,目光冷冷的看向前后二人。 Hears dozens years ago, you once unreleneting pursuit younger sister enough three day, today merely pursued your half day nothing more, calculates that was cheap you.” Under the front escaping light collects, has revealed wears the black robe, appearance pretty black robe youth, then formerly exchanged to meet, says brother's of this Fairy Hei Feng youth. “听闻数十年前,你曾穷追家妹足足三日之久,今日仅仅追了你半日而已,也算便宜你了。”前方遁光一敛之下,露出了其中一名身穿黑袍,长相俊秀的黑袍青年,则是先前交换会见过,自称此黑凤仙子之兄的青年。 Why finds these excuses, you want my thing, does as one pleases depending on the skill is! One month ago exchange meeting, your then getting rid severe wound my Senior Brother, today also happen to one and settles in this.” Peng Yue snort|hum, after the vision flashes several next, suddenly fierce steps on the silver shuttle, one falls to go toward under. “何必找这些借口,你们两个想要我身上的东西,凭本事来取便是!一个月前的交换会,你们便出手重伤我师兄,今日也正好在此一并了结。”彭越哼了一声,在目光闪动几下后,突然猛的一踩银梭,朝下方一落而去。 Snort, your Senior Brother technique is inferior to the person, but must with the person battle, be only overestimate one's capabilities nothing more.” Brother of laughed and said Fairy Hei Feng, similarly body surface black light one volume also pursues to go to below. “哼,你那师兄技不如人,还要与人争斗,只是自不量力而已。”黑凤仙子之兄嘿嘿一声的说道,同样体表黑光一卷的也向下一追而去。 Following Fairy Hei Feng smiles one tenderly, similarly personal appearance blurs along with the silver shuttle goes. 后面黑凤仙子娇笑一声,同样身形一个模糊随着银梭而去。 a silver light flashes, Peng Yue jumps from the silver shuttle, vision at the same time at lightning speed one sweeps to all around, disregards unexpectedly to the airborne Fairy Hei Feng two people. 银光一闪,彭越从银梭上一跳而下,目光同时飞快的向四周一扫而过,竟对空中的黑凤仙子二人不管不顾起来。 Follows closely but below black robe youth, sees this, on the face the stern countenance dodges, lifts the hand, must get rid. 紧随而下的黑袍青年,见此,脸上厉色一闪,一抬手,就要出手。 but at this moment, another side Fairy Hei Feng start to talk bitterly said suddenly: 但就在这时,另一侧的黑凤仙子却突然恨恨的开口道: Elder brother, you plunder for Little Sister first, making me begin the result personally he, with hate of solution the same day!”. “兄长,你先替小妹掠阵,让我亲自动手结果了他,以解当日之恨!”。 Also good, but Little Sister must be careful that this person of cultivation base may not be weak in you.” Black robe youth hearing this, first is a brow wrinkle, after long time, nods, and lip fine motion after black wind Fairy Maiden sound transmission several, the personal appearance dodges, appears beyond several feet on some rock, crosses the hands behind the back to stand. “也好,不过小妹务必小心,此人修为可并不弱于你。”黑袍青年闻言,先是眉头一皱,半晌后才点点头,并嘴唇微动的朝黑风仙子传音了几句后,才身形一闪,出现在数丈外某块山石上,负手而立着。 Peng Yue sees this, sneers, has not spoken, but lifts the hand, receives silver shuttle one by one, another moves, two yellow mist round beads circle in flight immediately, at the same time ten fingers continuously flick, at lightning speed makes several technique. 彭越见此,冷笑一声,并未说话,只是一抬手,将身边银梭一一收而起,另一手一动,两颗黄蒙蒙的圆珠顿时飞旋而出,同时十指连弹,飞快打出数道法决 two! “噗”“噗”两声! Under a yellow light flashes, two round beads then transformed two 34 zhang (3.33 m) high golden armor puppets, established separately by his body. 黄光一闪下,两颗圆珠便幻化成了两只34丈之高的金色铠甲傀儡,分立于他身体两侧。 These two golden puppet body surface proliferate fine golden spirit mark, sent out to compare favorably in Crystal Transformation faintly fully Late Stage formidable aura. 这两个金色傀儡体表遍布精美之极的金色灵纹,隐隐散发出了足可媲美化晶后期的强大气息 Tian Gong Sect the technique of puppet, is known to everybody in Midheaven Continent, the non- person does not understand, these two golden puppets look are top grade. 天工宗的傀儡之术,在中天大陆正可谓是无人不知,不人不晓,这两头金色傀儡一看更是其中的极品 Elder brother Fairy Hei Feng sees this, on the face left a dignity immediately. 黑凤仙子兄长见此,脸上顿时多出了一丝凝重。 Fairy Hei Feng sees this, actually black eyebrow coloring eyebrow selects, one hand formed hand-seals, leaping, body surface one layer black flame one volume, along with it clear cry, all black flame concentrates turning round, indistinct zhang (3.33 m) this big scoter phantom, appears in its top of the head. 黑凤仙子见此,却黛眉一挑,单手一掐诀,“腾”的一声,体表一层黑色火焰一卷而出,随之一声清鸣,所有黑焰滴溜溜一凝,隐约一头丈许大黑鸟虚影,在其头顶浮现而出。 Peng Yue snort|hum, had not seen its has any action, two Golden Armor puppets actually suddenly respectively go forward one step, body aura rises once more suddenly, has an appearance from Crystal Transformation Late Stage indistinctly. 彭越哼了一声,未见其有任何举动,两头金甲傀儡却骤然各自上前一步,身上气息为之再次猛然一涨,隐约距离化晶后期也只有一线的样子。 Saw that the war between two must start, but following black robe youth, actually complexion suddenly changes, suddenly turns around, the both eyes fine glow four shoot looks to not far away another giant blue stone, in the at the same time mouth calls out one: 眼看二者之间的大战就要开始了,但后面的黑袍青年,却脸色忽的一变,蓦然一个转身,双目精芒四射的看向不远处另一块巨大青石,同时口中暴喝一声: who, stealthy hiding there?” 什么人,鬼鬼祟祟的躲在那里?” Fairy Hei Feng and Peng Yue hearing this, terrified one startled, similarly sweeps the vision. 黑凤仙子彭越闻言,悚然一惊,同样将目光一扫过来。 Does here really have others? 这里竟然还有别人? The blue stone is away from three people are about 50-60 zhang (3.33 m), so the short distance, they suddenly slightly had not realized that that side has what exceptionally. 青石距离三人不过五六十丈,如此近距离,他们竟然丝毫没有察觉到那边有何异常。 He He, the Fellow Daoist words are really strange, obviously below comes first here, how on the contrary became the stealthy generation?” After a chuckle, behind the blue stone went out of one to wear the person's shadow of azure robe slowly. “呵呵,道友的话真是奇怪,明明是在下先来这里的吧,怎么反倒成鬼鬼祟祟之辈了?”一声轻笑后,青石背后慢慢走出了一个身穿青袍的人影。 Who you are,...... Um? Grand Purity Sect disciple!” The black robe youth facial features slightly change, after the vision sweeps, immediately saw clearly Liu Ming clothing.. “你是何人,……嗯?太清门弟子!”黑袍青年面容微微一变,目光一扫后,当即看清了柳鸣身上的服饰。。 You are Liu Ming!” Fairy Hei Feng actually after seeing clearly the Liu Ming facial features, first after is slightly one, along with it losing one's voice exit / to speak. “你是柳鸣!”黑凤仙子却在看清柳鸣面容后,先是微微一愣后,随之失声出口。 Originally is Brother Liu, is really very good!” After Peng Yue recognizes Liu Ming, is actually overjoyed. “原来是柳兄,真是太好了!”彭越一认出柳鸣后,却大喜过望。 Then, the relations of Tian Gong Sect and Grand Purity Sect are good, but before Liu Ming strength Peng Yue, once had witnessed, even if dozens years have not seen, now are impossible to be inferior his too much. 说起来,天工宗太清门的关系不错,而柳鸣实力彭越以前也曾亲眼目睹过,纵然数十年没见,如今也不可能逊色他太多的。 Then, two pairs under two, he greatly might preserve the destiny on wrist to lock. 如此一来,二对二之下,他就大有可能保住手腕上的气运锁了。 Peng brother, it seems like your I indeed am predestined friends, in this place can the meet again/goodbye surface.” Liu Ming sees this, arched to Peng Yue has supplied the hand, saying of smile. “彭兄,看来你我的确有缘,在此地都能再见面。”柳鸣见此,也冲彭越拱了供手,微笑的说道。 In the looks at Liu Ming's time that stubbornly Fairy Hei Feng clenches jaws, his elder brother vision is cold, if after the snow and ice have sized up Liu Ming up and down, slowly opened the mouth: 就在黑凤仙子咬牙切齿的死死看着柳鸣的时候,其兄长却目光冷若冰雪上下打量了柳鸣一遍后,才缓缓的开口了: Originally you are that Grand Purity Sect that cultivation Demonic Art disciple, on the same day in the Primordial Demon Clan ruins heavy losses younger sister, meets just right one today and tidies up?” “原来你就是那名太清门的那名修炼魔功弟子,当日在上古魔族遗迹重创家妹,今日遇到正好一并收拾了?” Liu Ming listened, an intention revolution. 柳鸣听了,心念一转。 It seems like on the same day Fairy Hei Feng sees it to absorb Demon Qi, then the one who takes for his cultivation is Demon Dao cultivation method, but related this matter Liu Ming naturally cannot explain anything, but hug to lightly smiles. 看来当日黑凤仙子见到其吸收魔气,便误认为他修炼的是魔道功法,不过有关此事柳鸣自然不会去解释什么,只是抱以淡淡一笑。 Heard the demon cultivator two characters, Peng Yue actually reveals looking of surprising color to Liu Ming, but has not waited for him to say anything, only heard black robe youth already to send out low roaring sound, above the both arms the billowing black fog turned to well up, the arm rose suddenly to the lip instantaneously is thick or thin, dense and numerous black spirit mark flashed to keep in the arm surface. 听闻魔修二字,彭越却露出一丝异色的望向了柳鸣,但未等其说什么,只听见黑袍青年已经发出一声低喝,双臂之上滚滚黑雾翻涌起来,手臂瞬间暴涨至碗口般粗细,密密麻麻的黑色灵纹在手臂表面闪动不停。 The black robe youth both arms shake, after a black mist condensation, more than ten zhang (3.33 m) great claw phantom are clearly discernible, after is fuzzy, is having a terrifying spirit pressure is grasping toward Liu Ming under. 紧接着,黑袍青年双臂一抖,黑色雾气一个凝聚之后,一只十余丈大小巨爪虚影清晰可见,一个模糊后,就带着一股恐怖灵压的朝着柳鸣所在一抓而下。 Liu Ming sees the black robe youth to cause this attack at the former time period exchange meeting, knew in the heart that the greatness of its might, under a that Tian Gong Sect disciple move is then wounded by this secret technique on the same day, immediately does not dare to neglect transports Dragon Tiger Hell Method hurriedly, the body flood light black Qi, the both arms have shaken similarly, roar to transmit to Heavenly Tiger, two groups of zhang (3.33 m) this big black huge noble appearance phantom condense in the hand instantaneously. 柳鸣在前阵子交换会上见过黑袍青年使过此攻击,心知其威力之巨,当日那名天工宗弟子一招之下便被此秘术击伤的,当即不敢怠慢的急忙运起龙虎冥狱功,身上泛起了淡淡的黑气,同样双臂一抖,一声冲天虎啸传来,两团丈许大的黑色巨大虎头虚影瞬间在手上凝聚而出。 black light dodges, two noble appearance phantom will shortly merge into one organic whole, that the build rises suddenly once more, looks like imitates that if the entity, and shouted, lasing from Liu Ming. 黑光一闪,两只虎头虚影顷刻间融为一体,体型再次暴涨的一圈,看起来更加仿若实体,并呼的一声,从柳鸣手上激射而出。 Bang a bang! “轰”的一声巨响! In midair, black noble appearance phantom and great claw hit immediately in one. 半空中,黑色虎头虚影与巨爪顿时撞在了一起。 Two sides both are the black misty colors, but great claw all over the body quiet bright, looked like has felt an evil monster different feeling of not being able saying that but noble appearance phantom aura actually wild incomparable, as if contained the greatest great strength, but also sent out strength of the yin cold indistinctly. 两方都是黑濛濛的颜色,不过巨爪通体幽亮,看起来充满了一种说不出的邪恶妖异之感,而虎头虚影气息却狂暴无比,仿佛蕴含了莫大巨力在其中,还隐约散发出一股阴寒之力。 After two groups of phantom fierce extrusions dash, at the same time buzz unexpectedly called rupturing that opened, black air waves changed into the hurricane opened immediately to the crazy volume in all directions. 两团虚影一阵剧烈挤压冲撞之后,竟同时嗡鸣的的爆裂而开,一圈圈黑色气浪当即化为飓风的向四面八方狂卷而开。 Liu Ming only thinks that the body trembles, immediately under a reaction great strength, „ step on step onbacks up several steps to go far away, has stood firm the personal appearance. 柳鸣只觉身躯一颤,当即在一股反作用巨力下,“蹬蹬“的倒退十几步远去,才重新稳住了身形。 Opposite black robe youth, then after complexion changes, similarly body in a flash shoots backward but actually, but departs several feet to go far away, the back throws one, suddenly gives birth to pair of black great wing phantom, after flashing maliciously several next, reluctantly stopped. 对面的黑袍青年,则脸色一变后,同样身躯一晃的向后倒射出去,不过只是飞出数丈远去,背后扑哧一声,蓦然生出一对黑色巨翅虚影,狠狠闪动几下后,才勉强停了下来。 from this strikes, Liu Ming actually reluctantly got a winning side. 从这一击来看,柳鸣竟然勉强占据了一丝上风。 Really some skills.” “果然有些本事。” After black robe youth took a deep breath, some face distortions, but looks at the Liu Ming's vision again, reveals an excited color unexpectedly indistinctly. 黑袍青年深吸一口气后,面孔有些扭曲,但再看柳鸣的目光,竟隐约露出一丝兴奋之色。 He along with a it arm fuzziness, the left hand grips tightly the place of right hand wrist, in a front knot seal, in the at the same time mouth mumbled, whole body black Qi turned to well up, another house size, exceptionally thick grey giant palm phantom congealed in its sky, and trembled in patted to go to Liu Ming again. 他随之手臂一个模糊,左手紧握右手手腕之处,在胸前一个结印,同时口中念念有词,浑身黑气一阵翻涌而出,又一只房屋大小,异常厚实的灰色巨掌虚影在其上空凝结而出,并一颤的冲柳鸣所在再一拍而去。 This grey giant palm phantom with formerly great claw, although the size is close, but the prestige can be entirely different, the giant palm place visited, the nearby flood ripples twist void immediately, and is bringing the intermittent slating explosion sound. 此灰色巨掌虚影与先前的巨爪虽说大小相近,但威能却截然不同,巨掌所过之处,附近虚空顿时泛起一圈圈涟漪扭曲,并带着阵阵的雷鸣般轰响。 ( First) R1152 (第一更)R1152
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