DD :: Volume #8

#780: Huang Yingkuang

Liu Ming suddenly pinches Sword Secret Art single-handed, Void Sword is bringing dazzling golden light, flies to shoot from its within the body, at the same time formidable Sword Qi shoots up to the sky, during is void a flood huge spiritual force fluctuation. 柳鸣忽然单手一掐剑诀,虚空剑带着耀眼金光,从其体内飞射而出,同时一股强大的剑气冲天而起,虚空之中泛起一阵巨大的灵力波动。 Four valley bird of paradise originally are just about to attack that three people, felt that behind soaring to the heavens Sword Qi, has sent out a clear and melodious long cry personal appearance to stagnate, in airborne suddenly circling in flight has turned around, the both wings are staring at Liu Ming stubbornly. 四只谷风鸟原本正要攻击那三人,感觉到了身后的冲天剑气,纷纷发出一声清越长鸣的身形一滞,在空中骤然一个飞旋的转过身来,双翅死死盯着柳鸣 Goes!” “去!” In the Liu Ming hand Sword Secret Art changes, toward golden sword light, sword light suddenly divides into two void, after dodges again , is divided into four 45 zhang (3.33 m) golden sword rainbows, goes toward four dust giant bird lasings respectively. 柳鸣手中剑诀一变,朝金色剑光虚空一点,剑光陡然间一分为二,再一闪后便分为四道45丈长的金色剑虹,分别朝四只灰褐色巨鸟激射而去。 Four valley birds of paradise as if felt that the sense of crisis, has had no intention to resist, but under both wings kicks, on the body has emitted billowing grey Monster Qi, before having camouflaged the body , after small half sky, then seizes the chance toward to roar to run away in all directions. 四只谷风鸟似乎感觉到了危机感,根本无意对抗,只是双翅一阵扑腾下,身体上冒出了滚滚的灰色妖气,遮蔽了身前小半边天空后,便趁机往四处一哄而逃。 Liu Ming already strikes to kill several valley birds of paradise before this, already understood clearly in Xiong to its movement of moving aside, in the hand secret technique changes, four sword rainbows also disperse, has pulled out the golden sword shades of being dazzled. 柳鸣此前已经击杀过几头谷风鸟,对其躲闪的动作早已了然于胸,手中法诀一变,四道剑虹也跟着分散开来,拉出了一道道眼花缭乱的金色剑影。 Throws, throws several almost at the same time to transmit! 紧接着,“扑哧,扑哧”几声几乎同时传来! Four golden sword rainbows with lightning speed pierces from four valley bird of paradise bodies. 四道金色剑虹风驰电掣般的从四只谷风鸟身体中洞穿而过。 Four giant birds do not have strength to hit back after sending out a wail, then in abundance crashed on the ground. 四只巨鸟毫无还手之力的发出一声哀鸣之后,便纷纷坠落在了地上。 Under the next quarter, four sword rainbows dodge, combines into one in midair, changes into handle golden color flying sword, and whiz, has flown back to the Liu Ming hand. 下一刻,四道剑虹一闪之下,在半空中合而为一,重新化为一柄金色飞剑,并嗖的一声,飞回了柳鸣手中。 Reveals the personal appearance from Liu Ming, emits void flying sword, to falls four valley bird of paradise easy cutting on the place, merely is the time between electric light flint. 柳鸣显露身形,放出虚空飞剑,到将四只谷风鸟轻而易举的斩落在地,仅仅是电光火石间的功夫。 This makes under not far away three not discuss that the grey robe person of good countermeasure, opened mouth that cannot help but looks is dumbfounded. 这让不远处下面的三名还未商议好对策的灰袍人,不禁看的张口结舌。 Liu Ming from airborne falls, fell on the side of four giant bird corpses, but continuously ash-gray mist was sending out from these corpses, was involved in the crystal clear jade in his hand to lock. 柳鸣从空中一落而下,落在了四只巨鸟尸体一边,而一缕缕灰色雾气正从这些尸体上散发而出,卷入其手中的晶莹玉锁中。 Is Grand Purity Sect disciple!” After seeing Liu Ming green long gown, three people of where can also not know the Liu Ming's status, on the face reveals has dreaded with expression that occurred simultaneously surprisedly. “是太清门弟子!”看到柳鸣身上的青色长袍后,三人哪里还会不知道柳鸣的身份,脸上都露出了畏惧和惊疑交加的神色 After all, can be chosen the participant 800 years by Four Supreme Sects time Heavenly Sect Great Meeting disciple, may be true Expert, at is not their this in small Sect selects disciple to compare. 毕竟,能被四大太宗选出来参与者800年一次的天门大会弟子,可都是真正的强者,根本不是他们这等中小宗门选出弟子可比的。 In which micro fat youth, is the subconscious footsteps migration, could not bear retreat one step. 其中的微胖青年,更是下意识的脚步移动,忍不住后退了一步。 Do not act rashly, this person of strength is greatly strengthened, absolutely not is several of us can cope, do not want to escape, such will only court death nothing more.” Was the first Crystal Transformation Intermediate Stage man turns head to stare person of one eyes behind, sound transmission said hastily. “不要轻举妄动,此人实力极强,绝不是我们几个能够对付的,更不要想逃跑,那样只会找死而已。”为首化晶中期男子回头瞪了身后之人一眼,连忙传音说道。 This man clearly has the prestige, two hearing this the little darling stands in immediately same place, does not dare to move again casually. 这男子显然颇有威望,其他两人闻言立刻乖乖站在原地,不敢再随便动弹了。 The Crystal Transformation Intermediate Stage man sees Liu Ming to turn around finally, when looks to them, busy took a deep breath, goes forward one step, cups one hand in the other across the chest a ritual, respectful saying: 化晶中期男子见柳鸣终于转过身来,看向他们三人时,忙深吸一口气,上前一步,拱手一礼,恭敬的说道: „Below ksitigarbha gate King Jing, has seen Fellow Daoist.” “在下地藏门王靖,见过道友。” Ksitigarbha gate? Your three such strength participate in Heavenly Sect Assembly, but the danger is not small.” Liu Ming looks at three people, in mouth light saying. “地藏门?你们三个这样实力来参加天门会,可是危险不小的。”柳鸣看着三人,口中淡淡的说道。 What Fellow Daoist said that also wanted many thanks Fellow Daoist to get rid to strike a moment ago to kill the valley bird of paradise, has saved me and other lives.” Crystal Transformation Intermediate Stage man, respectful bows a ritual. 道友说的是,刚才还要多谢道友出手击杀了谷风鸟,救了我等性命。”化晶中期男子,又毕恭毕敬的躬身一礼。 Slight effort.” Liu Ming Hehe, the locking of vision destiny near three manpower sweeps. “举手之劳罢了。”柳鸣嘿嘿一声,目光在三人手边的气运之锁上一扫而过。 Said...... Fellow Daoist, I and others stemmed from small Sect, only wants to be Sect accumulates some destiny through Heavenly Sect Assembly, not his intent. If Fellow Daoist wants and other in hands to capture some destiny from me, I and others offered and that's the end.” The grey robe youth sees the Liu Ming so appearance, the complexion big change, hurried sincere saying. “道……道友,我等只是出自一个小宗门,只想通过天门会宗门积累一些气运,并无他意。道友若是想从我等手中夺取些气运,我等如数奉上就是了。”灰袍青年看到柳鸣如此模样,脸色大变,急忙恳切的说道。 Liu Ming hearing this, mouth corner curled upwards slightly, has shown a smiling face. 柳鸣闻言,嘴角微微一翘,露出了一丝笑容。 However this smiling face, falls in the grey robe man three people of eyes, is actually just likes the sharp sword hangs general, making three people the cold sweat brave immediately. 不过这笑容,落在灰袍男子三人眼中,却是恍如利剑悬头一般,让三人顿时冷汗直冒起来。 You walk.” Liu Ming opened the mouth finally. “你们走吧。”柳鸣终于开口了。 Anything...... Fellow Daoist you...... “什么……道友你…… Crystal Transformation Intermediate Stage man hearing this is startled, on the face has revealed stunned expression. The two are also one dull. 化晶中期男子闻言一怔,脸上露出了错愕的神色。其他两人也是一呆。 What's wrong, but can also see off below?” Liu Ming's complexion sank, sound ice-cold gets up.. “怎么,还要在下相送吗?”柳鸣脸色一沉,声音冰冷起来。。 No, no, many thanks Fellow Daoist.” The Crystal Transformation Intermediate Stage man responded instantaneously, where also dares to speak two words. “不,不,多谢道友。”化晶中期男子瞬间反应了过来,哪里还敢说二话。 Three people as if by prior agreement after cuping one hand in the other across the chest, then does not return changes to three grey escaping light to go from out of the blue, as if for fear that Liu Ming reneges on a promise general, in an instant, then vanished in the distant place horizon. 三人不约而同的一拱手后,便头也不回的化作三道灰色遁光破空而去,似乎生怕柳鸣反悔一般,转眼间,便消失在了远处天边中。 figure that Liu Ming is looking at three people of going far away, on the face is actually not sadly not happy, but from airborne falls slowly, has selected that Jasmine Gauze Flower on cliff conveniently. 柳鸣望着三人远去的身影,脸上却是无悲无喜,只是从空中徐徐一落而下,将峭壁上的那朵茉罗花顺手摘取了下来。 The locks of these three people of destiny, the gray light of sending out, apparently does not have many destiny gloomily, it was also but actually disinclined to begin to plunder. 这三人的气运之锁,散发的灰光暗淡之极,显然没有多少气运,其倒也懒得动手掠夺了。 A moment later, Liu Ming then once more changes into together golden light, continued to speed along forward. 片刻之后,柳鸣便再次化为一道金光,继续向前飞驰而去了。 Here spirit ingredient is so rich, he naturally cannot leave in light of this, following in several day, then treats near the canyon continues to look around for various types of magical things. 这里的灵材如此丰富,他自然不会就此离开,接下来的几日中,便待在峡谷附近继续四处搜寻各种灵物。 When the 3rd date afternoon, approached in the evening, Liu Ming was sticking to the tread to fly slowly, slightly the suddenly frown selected has anchored the escaping light. 第三日下午,接近傍晚时,柳鸣正紧贴着地面缓缓飞行,忽然双眉微微一挑的停住了遁光。 In a moment ago, Nourishing Soul Pouch Bone Scorpion suddenly gave him sound transmission a few words, lets in his heart one happy. 就在刚才,养魂袋中的骨蝎忽然给他传音了一句话,让其心中一喜的。 Xie'er, you said under a moment ago this piece of stone pile, there is a rare spirit ore?” Liu Ming was saying, pats Nourishing Soul Pouch, one black Qi one volume, changed into slim and graceful black clothes girl, is Xie'er. 蝎儿,你刚才说此片乱石堆之下,有一种罕见灵矿?”柳鸣说着,一拍养魂袋,一股黑气一卷而出,化为了一名亭亭玉立的黑纱少女,正是蝎儿 But Liu Ming has stamped under the ground with the foot, again with Divine Sense one sweeps after, as if had not discovered that this place has any difference. 柳鸣用脚微跺了下地面,再用神念往下方一扫后,似乎并未发现此地有什么不同。 Will not be wrong, Master! Here bottom more than 20-30 zhang (3.33 m) deep place is a very rare Yellow Bright Stone mineral lode. I can the clear feeling, moreover this mineral lode should enough 34 li (0.5km) long, if all digs out these Yellow Bright Stone, should pile sufficiently becomes a small hill.” Xie'er purses the lips to say with a smile, on the at the same time face has revealed being eager to try expression. “不会错的,主人!此处地底二三十余丈深处正是一种非常罕见的黄莹石矿脉。我能清晰的感觉到,而且此条矿脉应该足足有34里之长,若是将这些黄莹石悉数挖出,应该足以堆成一座小山丘的。”蝎儿抿嘴一笑道,同时脸上露出了跃跃欲试的神色 Liu Ming hearing this, in heart great happiness! 柳鸣闻言,心中大喜! This Yellow Bright Stone is a quality of material hardly and quite precious ore, the price quite not poor, fist size takes several thousand Spirit Stones, said according to Xie'er, if piled up a small hill, perhaps its value not under tens of millions greatness, moreover this ore utilization was widespread, in high level Tool Refinement was essential, therefore did not worry unable to sell. 黄莹石是一种质地坚硬且颇为珍贵的矿石,价格可是相当不菲,拳头般大小的一颗就要数千灵石,按照蝎儿所言,若是堆积成一座小山丘,恐怕其价值不下数千万之巨,而且这种矿石运用非常广泛,高阶炼器之中更是必不可少,因此根本是不愁卖不出去的。 But, we cannot wait to be too long here, what method can collect these spirit ore as soon as possible?” After a Liu Ming intention revolution, simple asking. “不过,我们可不能在这里待上太久的,可有什么方法将这些灵矿尽快收集起来?”柳鸣心念一转后,干脆的问道。 Must know that in this Heavenly Sect secret realm, the time is very precious, if must spend the massive time here, that may on some gaines does not equal the loss. 要知道,在这天门秘境之中,时间可是十分宝贵的,如果要花费大量时间在此,那可就有些得不偿失了。 Master has forgotten, after I enter the step, controls the rock soil to be easy as pie. But these spirit ores such, perhaps I must spend a lot of time to be able it to move the ground.” Xie'er smiles, confident saying. 主人忘了,我进阶之后操控岩石泥土可谓易如反掌。只不过这些灵矿如此之多,我恐怕要花不少时间才能将其搬上地面。”蝎儿嫣然一笑,胸有成竹的说道。 How much time requires probably?” The Liu Ming frown selects. “大概要多少时间?”柳鸣双眉一挑。 Master, Xie'er displays to control the words of strength of earth fully, will put in order a mineral lode to dig completely completely at least also needs...... 2-3 double-hour.” Xie'er has thought that replied. 主人,蝎儿全力施展控土之力的话,将整条矿脉全部挖尽至少也需要……两三个时辰。”蝎儿想了一下,回答道。 Good, you go, I happen to slightly make the recuperation in this.” Hears only need 2-3 double-hour, Liu Ming relax, instruction without hesitation said. “好,那你去吧,我正好在此稍作休整。”听到只须两三个时辰,柳鸣微松了口气,不假思索的吩咐道。 After Xie'er complied with one, body black mist billowing, again personal appearance revolution, then „, changes to a several feet giant silver scorpion, double sea turtle one overlapping, after personal appearance another is fuzzy, then drills into underground vanishes to disappear. 蝎儿答应了一声后,身上黑色气焰滚滚而出,再身形就地一转,便“噗“的一声,化作一只数丈大小的巨大银蝎,双鳌一交叉,身形再一个模糊之后,便钻入地下消失不见了。 Liu Ming sees this, then the body moves has flown in not far away open area, after swallow down Golden Yuan Pill, then sat cross-legged to sit. 柳鸣见此,则身体一动的飞到了不远处空地上,服下一颗金元丹后,便盘膝坐了下来。 A moment later, under the bottom then spread the sound of rock vibration, obviously was Bone Scorpion already starts to unearth the Yellow Bright Stone ore. 片刻之后,地底之下便传出了山石震动的声音,显然是骨蝎已经开始挖掘黄莹石矿了。 After the quarter, continuously ash-gray mist actually slowly dissipates from the crack, during and drills into the destiny in Liu Ming hand to lock. 一刻钟后,一缕缕灰色的气焰却缓缓的从地缝之中逸散而出,并纷纷钻入柳鸣手中的气运锁之中。 Xie'er, accident sentiment of?” Liu Ming expression moves, immediately asked through the mind communication. 蝎儿,出了什么事情?”柳鸣神色一动,当即通过心神沟通问道。 Master, under also many Liquid Condensing Stage silver beetles, I conveniently eliminated it.” The Liu Ming ear has broadcast Xie'er slightly some sounds of panting. 主人,底下还有不少凝液期的银色甲虫,我顺手将其消灭了。”柳鸣耳边传来了蝎儿略有些气喘吁吁的声音。 Good, you add carefully, if meets high level Monster Insect, was sure to remember that do not spell hardly, hurries to inform me.” In the Liu Ming hearing this heart a width, said to the Bone Scorpion injunction. “好,你多加小心,若是遇到高阶妖虫,切记不要硬拼,赶紧通知我。”柳鸣闻言心中一宽,向骨蝎嘱咐道。 It seems like here, cultivator spirit companion struck to kill Monster Beast, is the same will have the destiny value. 看来在这里,修士灵宠击杀了妖兽,是一样会有气运值的。 Yes, Master, relax!” “明白啦,主人,放心吧!” Liu Ming collects aura immediately, the refining efficacy restores magical power, while actually quietly actually sends out Divine Consciousness. 柳鸣当即将气息一敛,一边炼化药力恢复法力,一边却悄然将神识却散发开来。 After passing the quarter again, along with one bang the sound, above the ground split a slit, a series of yellow crystal stone flew from the slit, big has the number of people so big fully, small, only then the walnut is common. 再过一刻钟后,随着一阵轰隆隆声响,地面之上裂开了一道缝隙,一连串的黄色晶石从缝隙之中飞了出来,大的足有人头那么大,小的只有核桃一般。 No matter the size, each crystal stone sends out dim yellow rays of light. crystal stone, was sends out to send silk general golden light, was quite attractive. 不管大小,每一块晶石都散发出朦胧的黄色光芒晶石内部,更是散发出了发丝一般的金光,极为好看。 Good pure Yellow Bright Stone......” Liu Ming's two eyes opens the eyes, Divine Consciousness sweeps from crystal stone, rich Earth Attribute spiritual force heads on, immediately looks color of the satisfaction. “好精纯的黄莹石……”柳鸣双目微睁,神识晶石上一扫而过,一股浓郁的土属性灵力扑面而来,当即面露一丝满意之色。 His sleeve robe raises, but a piece of multi-colored sunlight flying volume, then completely took in Sumeru Ring Yellow Bright Stone that Bone Scorpion threw. 他袖袍一扬,一片霞光飞卷而过后,便将骨蝎扔出的黄莹石全部收进了须弥戒中。 Then, hereafter every other tea time, he then receives time Yellow Bright Stone, has passed two -and-a-half double-hour, Bone Scorpion from underground has drilled, a whole body black Qi revolution, changes into black clothes girl once more. 就这样,此后每隔一盏茶功夫,他便收一次黄莹石,一直过了两个半时辰,骨蝎才从地下钻出,周身黑气一转下,再次化为一名黑纱少女 At this moment her tender and beautiful face some faint blanches, did not live puff, obviously is magical power and physical strength loses the too much reason. 只是此刻她的娇艳脸庞已隐隐有些发白,不住得喘着粗气,显然是法力体力损耗太多的缘故。 Xie'er, was laborious you, quickly returned to the bag to rest well one.” Liu Ming shows a faint smile, the praise said. 蝎儿,辛苦你了,赶快回袋中好好休息一番吧。”柳鸣微微一笑,夸赞道。 Master, these are I should do.” On Xie'er face micro red, spits the fragrant tongue fire, immediately changed into black Qi to fly back to Nourishing Soul Pouch together. 主人,这些都是我应该做的。”蝎儿脸上微红,一吐香舌火,当即化为一道黑气飞回了养魂袋中。 Liu Ming sweeps in Sumeru Ring with Divine Consciousness, bright yellow crystal stone was similar to one pile of small massifs was already ordinary, has taken up the entire Sumeru Ring one-fourth spaces. 柳鸣神识一扫须弥戒之中,黄澄澄的晶石已然如同一堆小山丘一般,足足占了整个须弥戒1的空间。 So many Yellow Bright Stone, rough estimate also above value three surely Spirit Stones. 如此多的黄莹石,粗略估计也得价值三千万灵石以上了。 He read and this, mood was excellent immediately. 他一念及此,心情顿时大好。 While Liu Ming sets out, when plans to continue to start off, the brow tip selects slightly, suddenly turns the head looks toward another mountain top. 正当柳鸣起身,打算继续上路之时,眉梢微微一挑,蓦然一扭首的往另一座山头望去。 But sees the distant place horizon silver luminous spot to dodge, as if there is escaping light to appear, and toward its speeds away in the direction. 但见远处天边银色光点一闪,似乎有遁光出现,并往其所在方向疾驰而来。 ( Second) R1152 (第二更)R1152
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