DD :: Volume #8

#779: Valley bird of paradise

Bone shield that the yellow eyebrow youth in great surprise, hurried opened mouth, blowout silver light overflows together, in a flash changes into the tabletop size, kept off before the body. 黄眉青年大惊,急忙一张口,喷出一块银光四溢的骨盾,一晃的化为桌面大小,挡在了身前。 The next quarter, the dense and numerous golden fist shade, on rainstorm falling on the bone shield, and silver light dodges crazily exudes Bang Bang bang sound to resound immediately continuously. 下一刻,密密麻麻的金色拳影,就暴雨般的落在骨盾上,并银光狂闪中发出“砰”“砰”巨响声当即连绵响起。 Even if yellow eyebrow disciple reckless going all out Demon Qi infusion bone shield, still compelled retreat successively, when several resounding, on after the bone shield appear a deep fissure, hurried in great surprise prays for rescue: 纵然黄眉弟子不顾一切的拼命将魔气灌注骨盾中,仍然被逼的节节后退,当几声脆响,骨盾上浮现出一条深深裂痕后,急忙大惊的求救起来: „It is not good, this Incarnation is really fierce, Senior Brother , helping my helping hand quickly!” “不好,这具化身实在厉害,师兄,快来助我一臂之力!” Really is the waste, does not know how teacher initially thinks sends you to enter secret realm!” “真是废物,不知道师尊当初怎么想到派你进入秘境的!” Another side falling hair man, is showing the swallowing prestige that can be surprised to Che Huan totem, sounds of one hear of praying for rescue, after sweeping away oneself Junior Brother one, in the heart criticizes one immediately, turned the hand to take out black small flag, and to shakes, immediately a rich black light tumbling that the same side disregarded, in the nearby formed one layer thick Protective Cover. 另一边披发男子,正对车患图腾展现的吞噬威能大吃一惊的时候,一听求救之声,横扫了自己师弟一眼后,心中顿时暗骂一声,一个翻手取出了一面黑色小旗,并对同门不管不顾的一抖,,顿时一股浓郁的黑光翻滚而出,在附近形成一层厚厚的护罩 at the same time, above small flag black light dodges, the billowing black smoke wells up to go toward the hand in instantaneously crazily, changes into the lance that handle black light has sparkled. 与此同时,小旗之上黑光一闪,滚滚黑烟瞬间往手中狂涌而去,化为了一柄黑光闪闪的长矛。 High male wrist shakes, jet black lance whiz, dodges from the hand, changes to together black light directly soars the Che Huan lasing to grip. 高个男子手腕一抖,漆黑长矛就“嗖”的一声,从手上一闪而出,化作一道黑光的直奔车患激射扎去。 Liu Ming sees this situation, cold snort|hum, makes together secret technique to Che Huan phantom. 柳鸣见此情形,一声冷哼,向车患虚影打出一道法诀 After Che Huan raises the head a low roar, opens four fingernails, proceeds to stretch across more than ten zhang (3.33 m), and once more gigantic mouth, sigh, then bit the jet black lance in the mouth. 车患仰首一声低吼之后,张开四爪,往前横跨十余丈,并再次一张巨口,“呼”的一声,便将漆黑长矛咬在了口中。 „”, The jet black lance was nipped two sections stiffly, immediately changed into billowing Demon Qi to be pouched in the abdomen by Che Huan phantom several. “啪”的一声,漆黑长矛被硬生生咬成了两截,随即化为了滚滚魔气车患虚影几口吞进了腹中。 „, How will this be impossible?” The falling hair man sees this one, finally is dumbfounded, almost cannot believe that at present sees. “不会,这怎么可能?”披发男子见此一幕,终于目瞪口呆,几乎不能相信眼前所见。 At this moment. Bang, after huge Azure Ox phantom dodges, always doing nothing but good being defeated and dispersed extinguishes. 就在这时。“砰”的一声,巨大青牛虚影一闪之后,竟自行的溃散而灭。 at the same time. originally stands in same place Liu Ming, actually in the surface the stern countenance dodges. On suddenly golden color sword light one clashes together, after airborne circles, suddenly sword sharp place one group of white halos erupt, after another is fuzzy, changes into bright as snow golden rainbow one volume to come together, the rapidness of speed, just likes the clear sky lightning, was far more than quicker than general Imperial Sword Technique one time. 与此同时原本站在原地的柳鸣,却面上厉色一闪。忽然一道金色剑光身上一冲而出,在空中一个盘旋后,蓦然剑尖处一团白色光晕爆发而出,再一个模糊后,就化为一道雪亮金虹的一卷而来,速度之快,犹如晴空闪电,比一般御剑术何止快了一倍。 The falling hair man does not even have including the reaction time, by golden rainbow bang defeats to protect body Demon Qi, pierces the head directly. 披发男子甚至连反应时间都没有,就被金色长虹“轰”的一声击破护体魔气,直接洞穿头颅而过。 Even if the pitiful falling hair man has whole body secret technique and a Spirit Tool treasure , can only the both eyes circle open the eyes after shaking several to shake, in black small flag the hand threw, the corpse dropped from the upper air directly under. 可怜披发男子纵然有满身秘术和一身的灵器宝物,也只能双目圆睁的晃了几晃后,将手中黑色小旗一抛,尸体从高空直接跌落而下。 Then, Liu Ming unemotionally in same place is void. 接着,柳鸣面无表情的在原地再虚空一点。 After golden rainbow circles, changes into the filling the heavens sword light flying volume to return, corpse midair twisted the big piece blood rain in instantaneously directly again. 金色长虹一个盘旋后,又化为弥天剑光飞卷而回,瞬间将尸体直接再半空中绞成了大片血雨。 Senior Brother!” Yellow eyebrow disciple sees this situation, immediately yelling of startled anger. 师兄!”黄眉弟子见此情形,当即一声惊怒的大叫。 But at the same time. The silver bone shield before the again is actually not able to resist the golden great fist, Bang, changed to the silver miraculous glow to be defeated and dispersed. 与此同时。其身前的银色骨盾却再也无法抵挡金色巨拳,“砰”的一声,化作了点点银色灵光溃散开来。 Next quarter. Several groups of golden fist shades dodge, but. 下一刻。数团金色拳影一闪而至。 Yellow eyebrow disciple rave, pats some waist leather bag immediately suddenly, suddenly big piece blood rain one volume, happen to welcomed the golden fist shade. 黄眉弟子当即狂吼一声,猛然一拍腰间某个皮袋,忽然大片血雨从中一卷而出,正好迎上了金色拳影。 several, after golden fist shade by a blood rain pouring, is disillusioned to disperse unexpectedly instantaneously. “噗”“噗”几声,金色拳影被血雨一浇中后,竟瞬间破灭而散。 However at this moment, behind him actually suddenly from out of the blue a sound sound, shining fist suddenly pounds to come, and at the same time around the fist appears five light black noble appearance phantom. 不过就在这时,他背后却突然破空声一响,一只金灿灿拳头忽然一捣而来,并在拳头四周同时浮现五个淡淡的黑色虎头虚影 Unexpectedly is yellow turbans Incarnation. In at the same time of bone shield disruption, after body several sway from side to side. Appeared on the according to inconceivable angle in its behind place, and no trace of politeness has sent out the attack.. 竟是黄巾化身。在骨盾碎裂的同时,身躯几个扭动后。就以不可思议角度出现在了其身后处,并毫不客气的发出了攻击。。 By Liu Ming's strength. Even if only then clone of 56 success strength, the stimulation of movement soon Great Accomplishment Dragon Tiger Hell Method, will contain the prestige to be able also far exceed same step cultivator to imagine.. 柳鸣的实力。即便是只有56成功力的分身,催动即将大成龙虎冥狱功,所含威能也远超同阶修士所能想象的。。 But yellow eyebrow disciple wants to avoid again, only has been able complexion white going all out to stimulate to movement black misty protecting body Astral Qi without enough time. 而黄眉弟子再想躲避,也根本来不及了,只能脸色一白的拼命催动黑濛濛的护体罡气 Bang a bang! “轰”的一声巨响! Black Demon Qi scatters in all directions to open, above the ground then presented one to have the about 1 zhang (3.33m) deep endocrater fully, the short person disciple whole body braves lying down of blood in the endocraters, already feeble breathing one breath. 一阵黑色魔气四散而开,地面之上便出现了一个足有丈许深的巨坑,矮个弟子浑身冒血的躺在巨坑之间,已经奄奄一息 After yellow turbans Incarnation dodges again, the personal appearance appears near the pit directly, a ball fingertip, Sword Qi of helix explodes to shoot together, has passed through the short person disciple head directly, after another corner, on the lock of destiny its wrist strikes to be broken. 黄巾化身再一闪后,身形直接出现在坑边,一弹指尖,一道螺旋形的剑气爆射而出,直接贯穿了矮个弟子头颅,再一个拐弯后,又将其手腕上气运之锁一击而碎。 Then, but raises hand to lift the full moment time, two Demon Mysterious Sect disciple so die in the Liu Ming hand, the respective destiny naturally divided in Liu Ming half. 就这样,不过举手抬足的片刻功夫,两名魔玄宗弟子就这般陨落在柳鸣手中,所属气运自然是分于了柳鸣一半。 What is only a pity, two destiny too much, after not making Liu Ming inspect the lock of own destiny, somewhat was slightly disappointed. 只可惜的是,二者气运并不太多,让柳鸣检查一下自己的气运之锁后,略有些失望了。 He receives yellow turbans Incarnation, after two storage bracelet also picks up, again Qu Zhi a ball, emits several groups of fireballs neighbor the wreckage all will sweep away. 他将黄巾化身一收,将二者储物镯也捡起后,再曲指一弹,放出数团火球的将附近残骸全都一扫而空。 The following time, he not far away five colors grass income a jade box cautiously, and puts in Sumeru Ring. 接下来的时间,他才将不远处的五色草小心翼翼的收入一个玉盒,并放入须弥戒中。 After getting through all these, Liu Ming then continues concealing aura, changed into together black light from out of the blue to the distant place. 办完这一切后,柳鸣便继续隐匿气息,化为一道黑光向远处破空而去了。 Finally in Liu Ming leads the free time who spirit grass is leaving a food, horizon piece of black wind get lost coming of stick, and in formerly battle place suddenly one volume of stops. 结果就在柳鸣带着灵草离开不过一顿饭的工夫,天边一片黑风滚棍的呼啸而至,并在先前争斗的地方骤然一卷的停顿了下来。 A black wind point, walks a facial features withered ugly youth unexpectedly, both eyes muddy, the full mouth gap between the teeth, wears the Demon Mysterious Sect disciple clothing similarly. 黑风一分,竟从中走一名面容干枯的丑陋青年,双目浑浊,满口豁牙,同样穿着魔玄宗弟子的服饰。 The ugly youth bends the waist, has stroked the ground with hand gently, afterward grasped with two fingers, places under the nose to smell, has revealed a color looking pensive. 丑陋青年一弯腰,用手轻轻抚摸了一下地面,随后用两根手指一抓,放在鼻子下面嗅了一下,露出了一副若有所思之色。 These two idiots, Ancestor already imploring over and over again made them cut to kill the Monster Beast accumulation destiny relieved, unexpectedly overreached oneself provoked these Expert, really brought about own destruction.” “这两个白痴,掌座已经千叮万嘱让他们安心斩杀妖兽积累气运了,竟还不自量力的去招惹那些强者,真是自寻死路。” Then he after inspecting the surrounding fighting trace, cold snort|hum, then once more changed to strange black wind one volume of departures. 接着他在检查完周围的打斗痕迹之后,冷哼一声,便再次化作一片诡异的黑风一卷的离开了。 In hereafter half a month, Liu Ming gets out of trouble in secret realm, had found some rare and precious materials and spirit grass, cut to kill some Monster Beast conveniently, accumulated some destiny. 此后的半个月内,柳鸣秘境之中兜兜转转,又找到了一些珍稀的材料和灵草,也顺手斩杀了一些妖兽,积累了些许的气运。 He actually never meets Grand Purity Sect several other disciple, the people of other four Great Sect gate eight big Aristocratic Family have not met one. 在此期间,他却从未遇见太清门的其他几名弟子,就连其他四大宗门八大世家之人也未曾遇到过一个。 It seems like this Heavenly Sect Assembly secret realm as if also wants the huge several points compared with the imagination, this makes Liu Ming more relieved to treasure hunt. 看来这天门会秘境似乎远比想象中还要巨大几分,这让柳鸣更加安心一路寻宝下去。 However according to the past Heavenly Sect Assembly convention, was close secret realm Central Area, the treasure are more, even might discover various mysterious inheritance of numerous from Midheaven Continent. 不过按照以往的天门会惯例,越是接近秘境中心区域,宝物才越多的,甚至有可能发现众多来自中天大陆之外的各种神秘传承。 But when some important inheritance implications the strength of destiny, are astonishing , is almost the goal that calendar Heavenly Sect Assembly Expert competes. 而其中一些重要传承蕴含的气运之力,可是惊人之际,也几乎是历界天门会强者争夺的目标。 Although Liu Ming does not have desirably toward secret realm center nonstop hurrying, but also one day after day leaves Central Area grew closer and closer . 柳鸣虽然没有刻意往秘境中心处马不停蹄的赶去,但也一日复一日的离中心区域越来越近起来 On this day, he used the totem secret technique to cover up aura, alone entered another two sides steep canyon, and shuttled back and forth the line. 这一日,他利用图腾秘术遮掩住了气息,独自进入了另一处两边陡峭的峡谷,并在其中穿梭而行。 The result steps into the canyon merely half day, then with ease has selected three rare day cloudy grass and several other not well-known spirit grass. 结果踏入峡谷仅仅半日,便轻松的摘取了三株罕见的天阴草和另外几株不知名的灵草 Although these material value also only several hundred thousand Spirit Stones, but accumulates the number also can be underestimated. 虽说这些材料价值也仅有几十万灵石一株,但累积起来数目也不容小觑。 This is also the reason of his continuously appearing and disappearing peak canyon, no matter after all what kind of secret realm, generally this kind of place is the Origin Qi thickest place, is the institutes of various Heaven and Earth Spirit Object easiest births. 这也是他一直出没高峰峡谷的原因,毕竟不管何种秘境,一般此类地方才是元气最浓厚之处,也是各种天地灵物最容易诞生之所。 Naturally everything has the place of magical things appearing and disappearing, the surroundings also metropolis has to protect Monster Beast, moreover usually, is the rare magical things, protects Monster Beast strength more formidable. 当然凡是有灵物出没之地,周围也大都会有守护妖兽,而且通常来说,越是罕见灵物,守护妖兽实力就越强大。 At this moment, before Liu Ming body , is circling Crystal Transforming Stage birds Monster Beast, the valley bird of paradise. 此刻,柳鸣身前便盘旋着一头化晶期的飞禽妖兽,谷风鸟。 This bird is the dust color all over the body, personal appearance is huge, have several a zhang (3.33 m) greatness, a pair of claw hook is exceptionally sharp, and hair is hard, the defense capability is extremely high, generally Spirit Tool is unable to injure and fraction. 此鸟通体呈灰褐色,身形庞大,足足有数丈之巨,一对爪钩异常锋利,且毛发坚硬,防御能力极高,一般灵器根本无法伤及其分毫 This bird itself strength is not weak, and when rarely has appears and disappears alone, usually situation often is in threes and twos. 况且此鸟本身实力并不弱,且鲜有单独出没之时,通常情况往往是三两成群。 However regarding Liu Ming, cuts to kill this bird with Yuan Spirit Flying Sword is actually easy, in the ground already has lain down the corpses of two valley birds of paradise. 但是对于柳鸣来说,用元灵飞剑斩杀此鸟却是轻而易举,地面上已经躺了两头谷风鸟的尸体。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” A slight Sword Qi sound transmits from out of the blue, Void Sword is bringing a series of afterimage, clean agile cutting has gotten down the head of last valley bird of paradise. 一声轻微的剑气破空声传来,虚空剑带着一连串的残影,干净利索的斩下了最后一头谷风鸟的头颅。 Huge Monster Bird numerous falling on the ground, the lock of Liu Ming destiny on hand absorb some ash-gray gas. 巨大的妖禽重重的落在了地上,柳鸣手边的气运之锁又吸纳了一些灰色气体。 His single-handed move receives flying sword, afterward jumped to fall above one side cliff, careful has dug out about 1 chi high (0.33m) contour some looks like bamboo shoots from the steep mountain wall, was sending out purple halos spirit grass. 他单手一招的收起飞剑,随后纵身落到了一侧的峭壁之上,小心的从陡峭的山壁上挖出了一株尺许高外形有些像竹笋般,散发着一圈圈紫色光晕的灵草 Purple bamboo shoots, should in 1300 crucial moment/maturity.” Liu Ming quite satisfied nod, then took in Sumeru Ring it. “紫地笋,应该1300年火候了。”柳鸣颇为满意的点了点头,便将其收进了须弥戒 However at this moment, distant place mountain peak nearby quack the sound of song of the birds transmits. Above the mountain peak, flew immediately four dusky giant bird figure, and flew to go in some direction. 然而就在这时,远处一座山峰附近一阵呱呱鸟鸣之声传来。山峰之上,顿时飞起了四个灰蒙蒙的巨鸟身影,并往某个方向一飞而去。 Also do four valley birds of paradise, is it possible that have other people to pick spirit grass in this?” “又有四头谷风鸟,莫非还有其他人在此采摘灵草?” Liu Ming sees this to be surprised, both eyes narrowed, muttered. 柳鸣见此大感意外,双目一眯,喃喃自语了一句。 After he micro one hesitates again, then pinches Sword Secret Art, changes to together light golden light, being quietly flew with four giant birds behind. 他再微一沉吟后,便一掐剑诀,化作一道淡淡的金光,悄无声息的跟着四头巨鸟后面飞了过去。 Really does not leave its expects, about 45 miles away, three bodies pass on the man of ash-gray long gown, a nearness at the same time cliff gorgeous spirit flower on cautiously. 果然不出其所料,大约45里之外,三名身传灰色长袍的男子,正小心翼翼的靠近一面峭壁上的一朵艳丽灵花。 „It is not good, is valley bird of paradise, really has four!” And seems like the oldest wheat flour man, turns to shoot a look at to fly near four giant birds, the loud reminder that the complexion changes said. “不好,是谷风鸟,竟然有四只!”其中一名看似年纪最大的白面男子,扭首瞥到飞近的四头巨鸟,脸色一变的大声提醒道。 Senior Brother, what to do, Jasmine Gauze Flower has not succeeded in obtaining now, the valley bird of paradise came actually first, is the war evades?” Other aspect look is average, youth hearing this of whole face person with a pockmarked face, asked hastily in a low voice. 师兄,现在怎么办,茉罗花还未到手,谷风鸟倒是先来了,是战是避?”另一面相貌平平,满脸麻子的青年闻言,连忙低声问道。 Last stature micro fat youth, whole face prudent looks to the wheat flour man. 最后一名身材微胖的青年,也满脸慎重的看向白面男子。 Looks at these three people of clothing, should be Midheaven Continent some not well-known door disciple, Crystal Transformation Intermediate Stage, two Initial Stage, strength is to also belong to set the base to exist in secret realm, if facing four Crystal Transforming Stage valley birds of paradise, but also really not necessarily is the appearance of match. 看这三人身上的服饰,应该是中天大陆的某个不知名小门的弟子,一个化晶中期,两个初期,实力秘境之中也是属于垫底存在,如果面对四只化晶期的谷风鸟,还真未必是对手的样子。 However this Jasmine Gauze Flower, is actually constantly the outside world rare rare and precious raw material for medicine. 不过这茉罗花,却是一味外界不可多得的珍稀药材。 Liu Ming in distant sees these three grey robe men after four giant birds, the vision also slightly dodges. 柳鸣在遥遥跟着四头巨鸟见到这三名灰袍男子后,目光也微微一闪。 ( Second, meets as soon as possible to offer to everybody!) ( to be continued ) R861 (第二更,会尽快给大家奉上的!)(未完待续)R861
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