DD :: Volume #3

#281: mountain range fierce combat (Last Part)

Tyrannical strength? Crush?” “强横实力?碾压?” After Liu Ming struck a moment ago fully, thinks to ache all over incomparably, hears this word, in cannot help but heart greatly cold, at the same time somewhat is also surprised. 柳鸣刚才全力一击后,也觉得浑身酸痛无比,听闻此言,不禁心中大凛,同时又有几分惊疑。 At his present eyesight, naturally can see that struck almost already a moment ago is the opposite party now magical power limits peak, only if there are other ratio its life divine ability also fierce secret techniques, otherwise is unable to make compared with a moment ago a more formidable attack absolutely. 以他现在眼力,自然能看出刚才一击差不多已经是对方现在法力所限极致了,除非有比其本命神通还厉害的其他秘术,否则万万无法作出比刚才更加强大的攻击。 However, Liu Ming naturally cannot always so passively withstand the attack, immediately restrains by force the heart doubts, one hand formed hand-seals, before the body, blue light at lightning speed congeals, again after gathers suddenly, transforms a crystal clear bright ice cone, starts about 1 chi long (0.33m), but shortly will change into the half a Zhang to be big. 不过,柳鸣自然不会老是这般被动承受攻击,当即强压住心头疑惑,单手一掐诀,当身前点点蓝光飞快凝结而出,再往一处猛然聚集后,就幻化出了一根晶莹剔透的冰锥,开始不过尺许长,但顷刻间就化为了半丈般大。 In Liu Ming cold light flashes, formed hand seals palm suddenly before the body on the giant ice cone a racket, blue light flashes, the ice cone dodges the lasing that passes to exit immediately. 柳鸣目中冷光一闪,掐诀手掌骤然往身前巨型冰锥上一拍,当即蓝光一闪,冰锥一闪即逝的激射出去。 at the same time, in his another hand actually after the azure color break-up moves, has will formed several chi (0.33 m) giant Wind Blade, wrist shakes vanishes suddenly does not see. 与此同时,其另一只手中却在青光闪动后,也堪堪形成了一枚数尺长的巨型风刃,也手腕一抖的的骤然消失不见。 Then Liu Ming oneself, after again stamps the foot, goes to the opposite lasing on the crossbow arrow. 接着柳鸣自身,再一跺足后,就弩箭般冲对面激射而去。 Golden Armoured Person only thinks at present fluctuation same place, azure misty Wind Blade after sends first to the near place, and dodged all. 金甲人只觉眼前波动一起,一枚青濛濛风刃就后发先至的到了近前处,并一闪的一切而来。 at the same time, behind that blue misty ice cone also arrived at the front not far away, from above sends out faint trace extraordinarily cold aura that but similar one volume. 与此同时,后面那根蓝濛濛冰锥也到了前方不远处,从上面散发的丝丝奇寒气息,同样一卷而至。 Golden Armoured Person cold snort|hum, an arm after rune flood, the shining fist one pounds to the front, a payment for shares misty seismic wave crazily wells up. 金甲人一声冷哼,一条手臂在符文泛起后,金灿灿拳头就向前方一捣而出,一股金濛濛震波从中狂涌而出。 with a "bang" sound! “轰”的一声 Green Wind Blade and following ice cone after golden surging crazy volume, concentrates suddenly, then explodes to open on strange at the same time. 青色风刃和后面冰锥在金色波荡狂卷过后,骤然一凝,接着就诡异的同时爆裂而开。 That green Wind Blade after shatter, the innumerable green fragments jumps shoots the splash, but that giant ice cone in rupturing at the same time, one blue misty cold air one volume, but. 那青色风刃在破碎后,无数青色碎片迸射飞溅,而那巨型冰锥在爆裂的同时,一股蓝濛濛寒气就从中一卷而至。 Golden Armoured Person only thinks that body one cold, the body surface appears unexpectedly instantaneously the one layer light crystal clear cold frost, making its movement immediately slow the most, protected oneself golden light unable to prevent this chill in the air fraction continually. 金甲人只觉身躯一寒,体表竟瞬间浮现出一层淡淡的晶莹寒霜,让其动作顿时迟缓了多半,连护身金光都无法阻挡此寒意分毫的。 almost at the same time, unexpected lasing of green glow from the Wind Blade fragment, dodges from the Golden Armoured Person forehead place that passes pierces, lets flood one layer that his face concentrates pitch-black. 几乎同一时间,一根碧芒风刃碎片中出其不意的激射而出,一闪即逝的就从金甲人眉宇处洞穿而过,让其面孔一凝的泛起了一层乌黑。 at the same time, throws to nearby Liu Ming, then the body turns, dodged behind Golden Armoured Person on the according to inconceivable angle, that only grabbed the fist of Heavy Water Bead in a flash, was silent to strike. 与此同时,扑到附近的柳鸣,则身躯一扭,就以不可思议角度闪到了金甲人背后处,那只抓着重水珠的拳头一晃,就无声无息一击而出。 Bang. “砰”的一声。 Golden Armoured Person protects the body Astral Qi paper sticks is struck to be broken, the fist immediately solid striking in the Golden Armoured Person dorsal place, and instantaneously gushed out a pale black seismic wave beyond description, and poured into the front body crazily. 金甲人护体罡气纸糊般的被一击而碎,拳头当即结结实实的击在了金甲人的后背处,并从中瞬间涌出一股难以形容的淡黑色震波,并且疯狂注入前方躯体中。 A low roar! 一声低吼! Golden Armoured Person body instantaneous balloon blowing is big, and self-exploding of final dull thumping sound opens. 金甲人身躯瞬间气球般的吹大,并最终一声闷响的自爆而开。 A payment for shares misty air wave, goes to one volume immediately in all directions. 一股金濛濛气浪,顿时向四面八方一卷而去。 In the Liu Ming then surface happy backward several flashed, draws back in another void place several feet away, the looks at opposite air wave center that the eye did not wink. 柳鸣这才面上一喜的向后几个闪动,退在了十几丈外的另一虚空处,眼都不眨的看着对面气浪中心处。 Really is the good method, so was no wonder self-confident. However, you since now has gotten rid, then on relieved dies.” “果然是好手段,怪不得这般自信了。不过,你现在既然出手过了,那就安心的去死吧。” The voice just fell, in the golden air wave formidable aura appears, and changes into greatly vortex rises by astonishing speed crazily greatly, in an instant on the broke through Late Stage Liquid Condensing limit, has been the Crystal Transforming Stage terrifying degree unexpectedly. 话音刚落,金色气浪中一股强大气息浮现而出,并化为巨大漩涡般的以惊人速度疯狂巨涨,转眼间突破了凝液后期限制,竟然达到了化晶期恐怖程度。 At this time the air wave one point started, appeared Golden Armoured Person figure, its from head to toe was complete, as if formerly was pierced the head and body rupturing matter simply by Jade Shadow Needle has not occurred generally, and body aura strong already not in the least under formerly Old Man Li. 这时气浪才一分而开,从中现出金甲人身影,其浑身上下完整无损,仿佛先前被碧影针洞穿头颅和身躯爆裂事情根本就未曾发生过一般,并且身上气息之强已经丝毫不下先前的厉姓老者了。 Liu Ming sees this, in the heart sinks immediately toward the deep place. 柳鸣见到此幕,心中顿时直往深处沉去。 Although he does not know that opposite party in the end has used the what kind of secret technique, not only is almost undying body, but can also promote cultivation base to this degree, but enters Crystal Transforming Stage match already far exceed him to be unexpected, is not he can resist. 他虽然不知道对方到底用了何种秘术,不但几乎是不死之躯,还能将修为提升到这种程度,但进入化晶期的对手已经远超其预料之外,也根本不是他所能抵挡的了。 The Liu Ming intention is only at lightning speed one revolution, the body sinks suddenly, changes into crossbow arrow goes to the under ground lasing, in the at the same time hand also instantaneously left faint yellow Earth Escape Talisman. 柳鸣心念只是飞快一转,猛然身躯一沉,就化为弩箭般的向下方地面激射而去,同时手中也瞬间多出了一枚淡黄色的遁地符 Perhaps in the situation, once more runs into at present underground, is its can preserve the surname life the only method. 在眼前情形下,或许再次逃入地下,才是其能够保住姓命的唯一方法。 However at this moment, already has Crystal Transforming Stage cultivation base Golden Armoured Person, actually Hehe sneers, did not have getting rid of any scruples. 不过就在这时,已经拥有化晶期修为金甲人,却嘿嘿一声冷笑,就没有任何顾忌的出手了。 Sees only he seems like ordinary squats, the shoulder moves, an arm clashes below Liu Ming to pound in a fist. 只见他只是看似普通的一蹲,肩头一动,一条手臂就冲下方柳鸣所在一拳捣出。 Behind the Liu Ming only sleep resounds the exploding sound sound, makes its absolutely terrified feeling arrive at the body instantaneously, immediately in the heart a greatly cold, body fuzziness without hesitation, this 180 degrees transfer the body, at the same time have raised single-handed. 柳鸣只觉背后响起爆鸣声,一股让其毛骨悚然的感觉瞬间降临身上,当即心中大凛,不假思索的身躯一个模糊,就此180度转过身躯,同时单手一扬。 ! “噗”的一声! A black misty round bead projects suddenly, and changes into the wash bowl to be big in a flash, the at the same time body surface flood the innumerable reactionary literatures, the place visited, void all buzz buzz makes noise, a at the same time distortion is fuzzy. 一颗黑濛濛圆珠骤然射出,并一晃化为脸盆般大,同时体表泛起无数黑文,所过之处,虚空全都嗡嗡作响,同时一阵的扭曲模糊。 Obviously this throws, Liu Ming already displayed the limit Heavy Water Bead might. 显然这一投,柳鸣已经重水珠威力发挥到极限了。 However the next quarter, the Heavy Water Bead front transmits the with a "bang" sound clear sky thunderclap bang, a water jar big translucent fist shade appears suddenly, happen to have hit one with Heavy Water Bead. 不过下一刻,重水珠前方就传来“轰”的一声晴空霹雳般巨响,一个水缸般大的半透明拳影骤然浮现而出,正好和重水珠撞到了一起。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! Under black round bead body surface rune trembles, restores the thumb big lasing to return unexpectedly immediately , when the speed indistinct compared with formerly shot wants on the quick three points of appearance. 黑色圆珠体表符文一颤之下,竟立刻恢复了拇指般大的激射而回,速度隐约比先前射过来时还要快上三分样子。 Liu Ming witnesses this scenery, natural complexion in great surprise, a golden palm without hesitation grasps to go to the black round bead that the lasing comes, in the at the same time heart goes all out to stimulate to movement Heavy Water Bead restrictions, wants to make it stop stiffly. 柳鸣目睹此景,自然脸色大惊,不假思索的一只金色手掌冲激射而来的黑色圆珠一抓而去,同时心中拼命催动重水珠禁制,想让其硬生生停下。 However this time black round bead, when rebounds to return, already has supplemented the greatest external strength above, within the body restrictions, even if becomes effective immediately, makes it shoot speed slightly slow nothing more. 不过这时的黑色圆珠,在反弹而回的时候,已经附带了莫大外来力量在上面,体内禁制纵然立刻生效,也不过让其射回速度略微一缓而已 But while this opportunity, Liu Ming grasps a palm fuzziness, will held the black round bead on the five fingers. 但趁此机会,柳鸣抓出手掌一个模糊,就五指堪堪抓住了黑色圆珠。 But the next quarter, Liu Ming only thinks that a five fingers heat, from the hand in the thing gushes out an incredible terrifying strength crazily, almost also wants formidable over three times compared with the Heavy Water Bead itself gravity. 但下一刻,柳鸣只觉五指一热,从手中之物中狂涌出一股令人难以置信的恐怖力量,几乎比重水珠本身重力还要强大三倍以上。 The Liu Ming's complexion big change, in the mouth shouted angrily, grasps the arm suddenly to be thick, on the flesh the golden color was rays of light puts greatly, visibles faintly thick dragon muscle panels, similarly the great strength have also welled up from the hand. 柳鸣脸色大变,口中一声怒喝,抓出手臂就骤然粗大一圈,肌肤上金色更是光芒大放,隐约可见一根根粗大虬筋凸鼓而起,同样也有一股巨力从手中涌了出来。 with a "bang" sound, two great strength erupt in its instantaneously, indistinct one group of black halos dodge to pass! “轰”的一声,两股巨力瞬间在其手上爆发而出,隐约一团黑色光晕一闪而逝! Liu Ming's body trembles, immediately opened mouth spouts one group of blood essence, at the same time step on step on backs up several steps to go backward, although has not made in the hand the round bead let go, but holds the golden palm tigers mouth place, impressively becomes blood directing current, a at the same time severe pain spreads from the bleeding place instantaneously. 柳鸣身躯一颤,当即张口喷出一团精血,同时“蹬蹬”的向后倒退数步去,虽然未让手中圆珠脱手而出,但抓住金色手掌虎口处,赫然变得鲜血直流,同时一股剧痛从流血处瞬间传出。 Obviously this strikes, making Liu Ming be wounded heavily. 显然这一击,让柳鸣负伤不轻。 Insufficiently at this moment, not far away crystal clear fist shade is only a fuzziness, impressively also silent before the Liu Ming body locates. 不够就在这时,不远处晶莹拳影只是一个模糊,赫然也无声无息的到了柳鸣身前处。 Liu Ming sees this, nature startled anger occurred simultaneously, wants to display any method avoidance again, radically was matter without enough time, can only in the heart one horizontal, two arm at the same time shook, transformed the dense and numerous golden fist shade to welcome on. 柳鸣见此,自然惊怒交加,再想施展什么手段躲避,根本是来不及的事情了,只能心中一横,两条手臂同时一抖,也幻化出密密麻麻金色拳影一迎而上。 Immediately is void bunch of golden light dense and numerous rupturing to open, Earth Quake, Mountains Shake bang continuous spreading, centered on Liu Ming void blows [gold/metal] misty hurricanes instantaneously, and has the astonishing seismic wave to open to rippling in all directions, place visited, void all for the it sharp cry. 当即虚空中一团团金光密密麻麻的爆裂而开,地动山摇般巨响连绵的传出,以柳鸣为中心的虚空瞬间刮起一道道金濛濛飓风,并有惊人震波向四面八方一圈圈的荡漾而开,所过之处,虚空全都为之尖鸣不已。 Strikes a fist after the upper air on unemotionally Golden Armoured Person, sees this situation expression to move slightly, has not adopted anything to move again, but under so static looks at kept silent. 在高空击出一拳后就面无表情的金甲人,见此情形神色微动,并没有再采取什么行动,只是这般静静的看着下方不言不语了。 after a moment, when golden hurricane one volume of being defeated and dispersed of extinguish, after everywhere seismic wave also gradually vanishes, figure that the low vacancy remaining alone straightly has stood immediately only. 片刻工夫后,当金色飓风一卷的溃散而灭,漫天震波也渐渐消失后,低空处顿时只剩下了一个孤零零笔直站立的身影 After Golden Armoured Person both eyes narrowed, Liu Ming this time situation, looked at a purity. 金甲人双目一眯后,就将柳鸣此时的情形,看了个一清二楚。 Saw only this time Liu Ming, still showed the posture that the double boxing left, but on the fist the body split open all, two arms were also fresh dripping with blood, almost did not have one inch complete place, the at the same time face palely, in the eye nose blood directing current, the front was the defense opens greatly, the upper part coat disrupted all, inside put on the flood dragon scale Leather Armor exposition personal, and has left behind the thorough several cuns (2.5cm) clear fist seal above. 只见这时的柳鸣,仍然摆出双拳击出的姿势,但拳头上尽数皮肉绽开,两条手臂也是鲜血淋淋,几乎没有一寸完整之处,同时面孔苍白之极,眼鼻中鲜血直流,胸前更是防御大开,上半身外衣尽数碎裂,里面贴身所穿蛟鳞皮甲暴露而出,并在上面留下了深入数寸的清晰拳印。 By Initial Stage Liquid Condensing cultivation base, can receive unexpectedly I use the Crystal Transforming Stage realm stimulation of movement strikes fully, you were also I have seen the first person. However, your present five main internal organs (entrails) should all be broken by my fist strength, already was a deceased person! What last words can you have to want finally?” Golden Armoured Person has sized up below Liu Ming two eyes, on after the face the complex color flashes through, unexpectedly uses a dignified mouth gas channel. “以凝液初期修为,竟然能接下我用化晶期境界催动的全力一击,你也算是我见过的第一人了。不过,你现在五脏六腑应该都被我拳力尽数震碎,已经是一个死人了!你最后可还有什么遗言要吗?”金甲人打量了下方的柳鸣两眼,脸上复杂之色闪过后,竟用一丝凝重的口气道。 Liu Ming listened to this saying, on face actually flood a forced smile, opens the mouth to want again anything time, suddenly whole body flesh cuns (2.5cm) rupturing opens, the innumerable capillaries spurt from the body surface, making it change into a blood person thoroughly. 柳鸣听了这话,脸上却泛起一丝苦笑,开口想再些什么的时候,忽然浑身肌肤寸寸的爆裂而开,无数血丝从体表一喷而出,让其彻底化为了一个血人。 He is the both arms receives, the body shook several to shake, fell from the low altitude in light of this falls, layer on layer fell below ground. 他更是双臂一收,身躯晃了几晃,就此从低空摔落而下,重重摔到了下方地面上。 As for Heavy Water Bead that his palm grips, then after a trundle, from his five fingers of loosening slides, after having rolled to more than three chi (0.33 m) is far, stopped. 至于其一只手掌握住的重水珠,则一个滚动后,从其松开的五指中一滑而出,一直滚到三尺多远后才停了下来。 But the circle Zhu surface, full was the blood and dust. 但圆珠表面,满是鲜血和灰尘了。 At this time, Golden Armoured Person long aspirated, body aura pelted suddenly, shortly will restore the Late Stage Liquid Condensing degree, and muttered talked to oneself: 这时,金甲人才长吐了一口气,身上气息骤然急降而下,顷刻间就恢复了凝液后期的程度,并喃喃的自语了一句: Cannot think that trivial condensate boundary Human Race, compelled this degree me unexpectedly. The time that however then, I can change from may greatly be shortened, must be about to look that Holy Beast egg, took to old ghost Li to be good.” “想不到,区区一个凝液境人族,竟然将我逼到了这种程度。不过如此一来,我能化形的时间可就大大缩短了,必须快些将那圣兽之卵找出来,带给厉老鬼才行了。” The voice just fell, Liu Ming of his vision after the ground on motionless has swept several, suddenly single-handed clashes its one move. 话音刚落,他目光在地面上不动柳鸣身上扫了几眼后,蓦然单手冲其一招。 , one pack of thick talisman fly from the Liu Ming sleeve, after the low altitude circles, ten Storage Talisman shiver, changes into the yellow light lasing. “噗”的一声,一叠厚厚符箓就从柳鸣袖中一飞而出,在低空中一个盘旋后,其中十来张储物符一个颤抖,就化为黄光的激射而来。 However at this moment, suddenly below fluctuation same place, a fresh dripping with blood palm appears baseless, and grasped these talismans in the hand. 不过就在这时,忽然下方波动一起,一只鲜血淋淋手掌凭空浮现而出,并一把将这些符箓抓在了手中。
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