DD :: Volume #3

#280: Mountain range fierce combat ( Part 1 )

Boy, you are come out, makes me get rid to clutch you to come out personally!” Golden Armoured Person Divine Sense has locked instantaneously the underground river bed place, immediately gloomy saying. “小子,你是自己出来,还是让我亲自出手揪你出来!”金甲人神念瞬间就锁定了地下河床处,当即阴森的说道。 At this time, Liu Ming also discovered that Crystal Transforming Stage Old Man Li not in ground, displacing actually changed into condensate boundary Late Stage Golden Armoured Person, and appearance with the old man very similar appearance, in the heart the nature was surprised extremely. 这时,柳鸣也发现那名化晶期厉姓老者不在地面上了,取而代之的却换成了一名凝液境后期金甲人,并且面貌还和老者十分相似的样子,心中自然惊讶万分。 However, his already was discovered by the opposite party, but also so short distance was locked by its Divine Sense, knows that thinks again concealing hides is the impossible matter, immediately after pondering for a while, in blue small flag the hand in a flash, another hand again like lightning grasps, temporarily receives two treasures, the at the same time body surface that matter transparent water curtain and in thick water vapor instantaneously are defeated and dispersed to extinguish, being reduced to ashes of back two black talisman also self-ignitions. 不过,他已经被对方发现,还如此近距离的被其神念锁定住了,知道再想隐匿躲掉是不可能的事情,当即略一沉吟后,就将手中蓝色小旗一晃,另一只手再闪电般抓出,就将两件宝物暂收收起,同时体表那层透明水幕和里面的浓浓水汽则瞬间溃散而灭,背部两张黑色符箓也一下自燃的化为了灰烬。 Formerly reason that he can hide the truth from the search of Sea Race old man, on the one hand is hides the place secret, on the other hand has depended on the camouflage of Heavy Water Bead and Water Essence Flag, especially the former put the mist, almost let it and river bed merges into one organic whole, added it also to use again collected the breath and obturation technique, almost all fell own life-force lowly, so many conditions put together, will hid the truth from the Divine Sense search that Old Man Li so Crystal Transformation had had. 先前他之所以能瞒过海族老者的搜索,一方面是所藏地方隐秘,另一方面则是靠了重水珠精水旗的遮蔽,特别是前者所放水雾,几乎让其和河床融为一体,再加其还使用了敛息和闭气之术,几乎将自身生机全都降到了最低,如此多条件加在一起,才堪堪瞒过了厉姓老者这般一名化晶存在的神念搜查。 Naturally, this is this Sea Race Expert itself does not excel at Mental Strength Secret Technique, if traded other to be skilled in Expert of this aspect secret technique, Liu Ming was worrying on the life. 当然,这也是这位海族强者本身并不擅长精神秘术,若是换了其他精通此方面秘术的强者,柳鸣就性命堪忧了。 After the moment, black Qi clashes from the ground, after rolling concentrates again, transformed Liu Ming figure. 片刻后,一股黑气从地面中一冲而出,再滚滚一凝后,就幻化出了柳鸣身影来。 Your excellency is who, is the Sea Race person?” He uses Divine Sense one to sweep to all around, had not discovered the whereabouts that the Sea Race old man hides immediately, in the heart a loosen, the vision flashes asked one to the opposite. “阁下是什么人,也是海族人?”他用神念向四周一扫而过,并未发现海族老者隐藏起来的行迹,当即心中一松,目光闪动的冲对面问了一句。 who am I, you do not need to know. So long as you know that I am old ghost Li stay behind tidy up your person specially on the line. That Holy Beast egg should bring on body, if you hand over it automatically, I can give you a happy cause of death. Otherwise......” speaking of Golden Armoured Person no trace of politeness threatens. 我是什么人,你无需知道。你只要知道,我是厉老鬼留下专门收拾你的人就行。那枚圣兽之卵应该带在身上了吧,你若是将其自动交出,我可以给你一个痛快的死法。否则的话……”金甲人毫不客气的出言威胁起来。 Your excellency tone is actually not small, what is Holy Beast egg?” Liu Ming is startled slightly, but in brain actually cannot help but flashes through that not well-known purple beast egg. “阁下口气倒是不小,圣兽之卵又是何物?”柳鸣微微一怔,但脑中却不禁闪过那个不知名的紫色兽卵来。 But under this situation, his naturally absolutely not will acknowledge this thing in own. 但此种情形下,他自然绝不会承认此物在自己手上的。 „Don't you know Holy Beast egg? Ok, no matter you do not know, asked something already known, so long as has killed you, I naturally may know. Remember, kills your person to call Li Jia.” Golden Armoured Person first is a brow wrinkle, but in the surface baleful aura present saying, is then single-handed a move, suddenly underground chī chī a sound sound, lasing of dense and numerous golden glow from the soil, the rainstorm rush to Liu Ming to go. “你不知道圣兽之卵?算了,不管你是真不知道,还是明知故问,只要杀了你,我自然就可知道了了。记住,杀你之人叫‘厉甲’。”金甲人先是眉头一皱,但面上煞气一现的说道,接着单手一招,蓦然地下“嗤嗤”声一响,密密麻麻的金芒从泥土中激射而出,暴雨般奔柳鸣而去。 Liu Ming sees this, the complexion sinks, one hand formed hand-seals, body surface black Qi rolling concentrates immediately, transforms black tentacles, is only the crazy dance, transforms the one layer phantom behind-the-scenes plotting, all protected the personal appearance in its under. 柳鸣见此,脸色一沉,单手一掐诀,体表黑气当即滚滚一凝,就幻化出一根根黑色触手,只是疯狂一舞,就幻化出一层虚影黑幕,将身形全都护在了其下。 at the same time, one layer pale blue Astral Qi also changes into the light to cover in the behind-the-scenes plotting to reappear. 与此同时,一层淡蓝色罡气也化为光罩在黑幕中浮现而出。 The next quarter, the rain hits the fence voice, resounds in void suddenly. 下一刻,雨打篱笆般声音,在虚空中骤然响起。 It seems like golden glow one dozen of threatening in behind-the-scenes plotting, immediately changes into golden light to rupture to open all round, but besides letting the tentacle is defeated and dispersed some, how cannot how this to defend! 看似气势汹汹的金芒一打在黑幕上,当即化为团团金光爆裂而开,但除了让触手溃散一些外,并未能奈何此防御如何! Liu Ming sees this to be startled slightly, has not understood when opposite party attack is what intention, the golden light group that these explode goes toward a accumulation, after another is fuzzy, transforms another Golden Armoured Person in light of this. 柳鸣见此微微一怔,尚未明白对方此攻击是何用意时,那些爆裂开的金色光团往一处聚集而去,再一个模糊后,就此幻化成另一名金甲人来。 This Golden Armoured Person comes to then, immediately in the surface in so the short distance the ferocious color one presently, the arm moves, a fist pounds maliciously. 金甲人在如此近距离一现身而后,当即面上狞色一现,手臂一动,就一拳狠狠捣出。 at the same time, another Golden Armoured Person of distant place, then changes into golden light in light of this is defeated and dispersed. 与此同时,远处的另一名金甲人,则就此化为金光的溃散开来。 But the Golden Armoured Person so strange method, Liu Ming naturally also greatly was startled, wants to avoid again radically without enough time, can only both arms at lightning speed move, immediately the cross rail has located before the body, at the same time one layer golden elixir one volume, the both arms had also changed into the shining color. 金甲人如此诡异手段,柳鸣自然也大吃了一惊,再想躲避根本来不及了,只能双臂飞快一动,当即交叉横档在了身前处,同时一层金液一卷而过,双臂也化为了金灿灿颜色。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 A golden fist struck easily in the behind-the-scenes plotting, making it cuns (2.5cm) a disruption in a difference fluctuation open. 一只金色拳轻易击在了黑幕上,让其在一阵异样波动中寸寸的碎裂而开。 As for the following blue light cover, after one group of wash bowl big or medium fist shades appear suddenly, erupts the great strength to tear to open easily. 至于后面的蓝色光罩,更是在一团脸盆大小拳影骤然浮现后,被其中爆发巨力轻易撕裂而开。 After giant fist shade is fuzzy, maliciously hit on the golden both arms of Liu Ming overlapping protection. 巨大拳影一个模糊后,就狠狠撞在了柳鸣交叉防护的金色双臂上。 A Earth Quake, Mountains Shake bang! 一声地动山摇般的巨响! The golden fist shade immediately explodes to open between Liu Ming and Golden Armoured Person, changes into a seismic wave to curls in all directions. 金色拳影当即在柳鸣金甲人间爆裂而开,化为一震波的向四面八方卷去。 Liu Ming and Golden Armoured Person body shakes, under front great strength recoil, almost at the same time step on step on retreats backward one after another. 柳鸣金甲人身躯一震,在面前巨力反冲下,几乎同时“蹬蹬”的向后接连退去。 The again coming to a stop personal appearance when the two personal appearance sinks, looks at one after mutually, almost at the same time loses one's voice the exit / to speak. 等二者身形一沉的再站稳身形,互望一眼后,几乎同时失声出口。 What you use is what secret technique?” “你用的是何秘术?” You are Body-Refining Cultivator!” “你是炼体士!” After Liu Ming and Golden Armoured Person are startled slightly, cannot help but at the same time is silent. 柳鸣金甲人微微一怔后,又不禁同时沉默起来。 However some Liu Ming complexion gloomy and uncertain, Golden Armoured Person actually several segregate the heavy color to reveal. 不过柳鸣面色有些阴晴不定,金甲人却有几分凝重之色显露而出。 It seems like I looked down on you actually. Can of old ghost Li also admitting defeat, is really not general Human Race cultivator. How however even if is Body-Refining Cultivator, your condensate boundary Initial Stage cultivation base placed here, so long as not near body attack, your tyrannical human body were also target nothing more.” Golden Armoured Person cold light flashes said one finally. “看来我倒是小瞧你了。能让厉老鬼也吃瘪之人,果然不是一般的人族修炼者。不过就算炼体士如何,你的凝液境初期修为放在这里了,只要不近身攻击,你一身强横肉体也不过是个靶子而已。”金甲人终于目中寒光一闪的说了一句。 Raises along with it him single-handed, golden light departs together, after is fuzzy, changes into the dense and numerous gold threads to disperse to open on suddenly, and in chī chī in sound, goes to the Liu Ming lasing by astonishing speed. 随之他单手一扬,一道金光飞出,一个模糊后,就忽然化为密密麻麻的金丝一散而开,并在“嗤嗤”声中,以惊人速度柳鸣激射而去。 The Liu Ming complexion sinks, the single-handed turn over, in the control left a blue misty small streamer immediately much, the backhand inserts, silently submerged in oneself body. 柳鸣则脸色一沉,单手一个翻转,手心中顿时多出了一面蓝濛濛小幡,反手一插,就无声无息的没入了自己身躯内。 His body surface blue light flashes, changed into the translucent crystal clear shape instantaneously. 他体表蓝光一闪,瞬间化为了半透明的晶莹形态。 These gold thread flash, easily pierced Liu Ming's body, and leaves behind the dense and numerous eyelets, inside impressively completely is not the well-known translucent liquid. 那些金丝一阵闪动,就轻易的洞穿了柳鸣身躯,并留下密密麻麻的小孔,里面赫然尽是不知名的半透明液体。 Water Essence Flag! Is which waste Sea Race, makes this grade of treasure fall in a Human Race hand unexpectedly! It seems like the general method was unable how you. Since this, you meet my true divine ability to strike!” Golden Armoured Person witnesses this scenery, immediately cursed one, but was also gloomy unusual saying. 精水旗!是海族哪个废物,竟然让这等宝物落在一名人族手中!看来一般手段还真无法奈何你了。既然这样,那你就接我真正神通一击吧!”金甲人目睹此景,当即咒骂一声,但又阴森异常的说道。 Sees only the Golden Armoured Person body suddenly backward in a flash, the shoulders shake, body surface Golden Armor innumerable golden rune dance in the breeze immediately, at the same time more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high golden color giant phantom in back silent reappearing. 随之只见金甲人身躯骤然向后一晃,双肩一抖,体表金甲当即无数金色符文飘舞而起,同时一个十余丈高的金色巨人虚影在背后无声的浮现而出。 Although this giant phantom is slurred, but can see that indistinctly his appearance fang reveals completely, half-length naked, the waist wears a simple leather skirt, very powerful and brave appearance. 巨人虚影虽然模糊不清,但隐约能看到其面目獠牙毕露,半身赤裸,腰间围着一个简易皮裙,十分孔武有力的样子。 Golden Armoured Person one hand formed hand-seals, in the mouth shouts out, back golden color giant the arm lifts immediately, holds up a gigantic palm to grasp to go to the opposite slowly. 金甲人单手一掐诀,口中一声大喝,背后金色巨人当即手臂一抬,举起一只硕大手掌向对面徐徐一抓而去。 Liu Ming only thinks that top of the head one dark, room big or medium palm phantom appears in the innumerable rune tumblings, and five fingers one point presses under. 柳鸣只觉头顶一暗,一只屋子般大小手掌虚影就在无数符文翻滚中浮现而出,并五指一分的一压而下。 All around is void buzz buzz a sound sound! 四周虚空“嗡嗡”声一响! Liu Ming has the feeling that one type evades not to be possible to evade immediately, a at the same time huge great strength arrives its, almost kept it instantaneously from moving fraction. 柳鸣顿时产生出一种避无可避的感觉,同时一股庞然巨力降临其身上,几乎让其瞬间无法动弹分毫了。 His frown selects, knows Daozhen to oneself have gone all out, immediately suddenly bites tip of tongue shouts out one of the, after the four limbs one is suddenly thick, strength that will immediately nurse also transferred, broke out of the fetter of great strength instantaneously, at the same time one step, the blue small streamer in body flushed suddenly forward immediately, at the same time shrank a shining palm in the sleeve holds Heavy Water Bead immediately, and wielded struck to upper air giant palm. 他双眉一挑,知道真到了自己拼命的时候,当即骤然一咬舌尖的也大喝一声,四肢骤然一粗后,当即将吃奶的力气也都调动了起来,瞬间就摆脱了巨力的束缚,同时猛然向前一步,身体内的蓝色小幡当即一冲而出,同时缩在袖中一只金灿灿手掌顿时将重水珠抓住,并一挥的冲高空巨掌一击而出。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The Liu Ming fist and airborne giant palm compare seem like thin and weak incomparable, but the side ejects instantaneous, a nearby actually fuzzy distortion, at the same time spreads the grating exploding sound sound void, one group of light misty golden color halos instantaneously explode to open between the fist and giant palm. 柳鸣拳头和空中巨掌相比看似瘦弱无比,但方一击出瞬间,附近虚空却一阵模糊扭曲,同时传出刺耳爆鸣声,一团光濛濛金色光晕瞬间在拳头和巨掌间爆裂而开。 The dusky hurricane same place, golden air waves start to the crazy volume in all directions. 灰濛濛飓风一起,一圈圈金色气浪向四面八方狂卷而开。 Golden Armoured Person only thinks that the body trembles, body surface golden color rune one volume of being defeated and dispersed are less than half immediately, a at the same time back giant phantom fuzziness, changes into the disruption of golden light to extinguish unexpectedly in light of this. 金甲人只觉身躯一颤,体表金色符文当即一卷的溃散小半,同时背后巨人虚影一个模糊,竟就此化为金光的碎裂而灭。 Under surprised of Golden Armoured Person whole face, opens both eyes diligently to the opposite looks, but in the dusky strong winds prevent, cannot see clearly any thing. 金甲人满脸的惊疑,努力睁大双目向对面看去时,但在灰濛濛狂风阻挡下,根本看不清任何东西 However next quarter, in opposite wind cold light flashes, together about 1 zhang (3.33m) long green startled rainbow lasing, but flashes, stretches across several feet distance, to Golden Armoured Person in front, rashly gathers round his head to circle. 不过下一刻,对面风中寒光一闪,一道丈许长的青色惊虹激射而出,只是一个闪动,就横跨十几丈距离,到了金甲人面前处,不由分说的围着其头颅就是一绕。 ka-cha a resounding. 咔嚓”一声脆响。 The Golden Armoured Person nape of the neck place flood beginning selects the disruption of golden light to open, the gigantic head is the bone common tumbles directly under. 金甲人脖颈处泛起点点金光的碎裂而开,硕大头颅更是骨碌碌的直接滚落而下。 At this time, the opposite hurricane suddenly one point opened, Liu Ming pinched going out of Sword Secret Art, on the face shows a joyful expression. 这时,对面飓风才骤然间一分而开,柳鸣手掐剑诀的从中走出,脸上露出一丝喜悦的表情。 That said that azure rainbow naturally was he uses just learn Imperial Sword Technique, result that Cyan Moon Sword offered a sacrifice to directly, under really really will cut unexpectedly to kill the present powerful enemy. 那道青虹自然是他用刚刚学会御剑术,将青月剑直接祭出的结果,出其不意下果然将真斩杀了眼前的这名强敌。 But immediately, its on smiling face one stagnated. 但马上,其面上笑容就一下凝滞了。 Because that headless Golden Armoured Person corpse has not dropped down unexpectedly, instead an arm moves, suddenly rising suddenly big truncation grasps, neighbor just will appear primary form green dagger stubbornly will hold unexpectedly. 因为那具无头金甲人尸体竟然没有倒下,反而一条手臂一动,骤然暴涨大截的一抓而出,竟一把将附近刚刚现出原形的青色短剑死死抓住。 Then from out of the blue a sound sound, that Golden Armoured Person head unexpectedly strange clashes to come, and opened mouth, spouts a series of golden rune to green dagger. 接着破空声一响,那颗金甲人头颅竟然诡异的一冲而来,并一张口,冲青色短剑喷出一连串的金色符文 These rune look is only turning round revolution, strange post on sword blade. 这些符文看只是滴溜溜一转,就诡异的贴在了剑身上。 originally goes all out dagger that struggles and lowers lowly buzz calls, superficial rays of light one gloomily, motionless gets up unexpectedly in light of this. 原本拼命挣扎并低低嗡鸣的短剑,表面光芒一黯,竟然就此不动起来。 The Liu Ming complexion big change, unexpectedly is unable to induce to Cyan Moon Sword and relation. 柳鸣面色大变,竟然无法感应到青月剑和自己间的联系。 At this time, Golden Armoured Person head flew, steady fell on the headless body, the nape of the neck separation place was only golden light flashes, restored such as beginning got up, did not have the least bit scar to exist again. 这时,金甲人头颅一个飞动,就稳稳的重新落在了无头身躯,脖颈断开处只是一圈金光闪动,就恢复如初起来,再无半点伤痕存在。 both eyes that on the Golden Armoured Person head originally closes, then opens the eyes to open, smiles to Liu Ming strangely. 金甲人头颅上原本合上的双目,则一睁而开,冲柳鸣诡异一笑。 Liu Ming sees here, the nature was dumbfounded! 柳鸣看到这里,自然目瞪口呆了! Has not thought that your unexpectedly dual cultivation Flying Sword Technique, is Sword Cultivator, if traded other condensate boundary Late Stage to exist, in struck a moment ago, perhaps really must die. But wants to injure me, is actually the matter of delusion. Since my assigned divine ability unable to kill you, that only then used tyrannical strength, directly your crush.” Golden Armoured Person smiling face suddenly cold saying. RS “没想到,你竟然还是兼修飞剑之术,还是一名剑修,若是换了其他凝液境后期存在,在刚才一击下,说不定真要陨落掉了。但想伤我,却是妄想的事情。既然我的本命神通也杀不了你,那就只有用强横实力,直接将你碾压了。”金甲人笑容骤然一冷的说道。RS
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