DD :: Volume #3

#279: Day sea ocean waves merit

Yuan Demon saw this, expression somewhat changes countenance finally. 元魔一见此幕,神色终于有些动容了。 The so huge rocky mountain depresses, implied some forbidden power, even if the crystal clear small shield in his hand were mysterious, absolutely not will go to meet this to strike hardly. 这般庞大的石山压下,其中还暗含某种禁制之力,纵然其手中的晶莹小盾玄妙无比,也绝不会去硬接此击的。 Immediately before seeing only black robe man suddenly body , the small shield receives, body turning round in same place top rotation, dusky Demon Qi wells up from fuzzy one group of figure immediately piece by piece crazily, at the same time goes to airborne one volume. 当即只见黑袍男子忽然将身前小盾一收而起,身躯滴溜溜的在原地陀螺般的转动而起,顿时一片片灰濛濛魔气从模糊一团的身影狂涌而出,同时向空中一卷而去。 Unexpectedly appeared! 竟然的一幕出现了! That colossus rocky mountain is contacting this grey Demon Qi instance, one stagnates to be slow unexpectedly, the at the same time body surface blue light dodges crazily, corrodes unexpectedly by the astonishing speed decency. 那庞然大物般的石山在一接触这灰色魔气的瞬间,竟一下凝滞迟缓起来,同时体表蓝光狂闪,竟、以惊人速度风化腐蚀起来。 During several breath the free time, the entire rocky mountain turned into and Demon Qi general dusky color, and proliferates the pore that the size varies all over the body. 几个呼吸间工夫,整座石山变成了和魔气一般的灰濛濛颜色,并且通体遍布大小不一的细孔。 At this time, under fuzzy one group of figure suddenly, Yuan Demon again standing body, and arm moved suddenly, a fist to airborne also maliciously was pounded immediately by the rocky mountain of Demon Qi winding. 这时,下方模糊一团身影骤然一顿,元魔重新站直身躯,并且手臂骤一动,当即一拳冲空中还被魔气缠绕的石山狠狠捣出。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 It seems like the giant incomparable rocky mountain, under Yuan Demon strikes, unexpectedly instantaneous rupturing opens, the big piece ash-gray dust from airborne sprinkles under. 看似巨大无比的石山,在元魔一击之下,竟瞬间的爆裂而开,大片灰色尘土从空中一洒而下。 Yuan Demon is only the sleeve to airborne shakes, immediately strong winds howl to go, swept all dust, and to saying that the opposite female showed a faint smile: 元魔只是袖子冲空中一抖,当即一股狂风呼啸而去,就将所有灰尘扫荡一空了,并冲对面女子微微一笑的说道: Also remaining one has struck, Fairy Maiden Zhen does not need polite, but displays the day sea ocean waves merit in that hearsay, making this Yuan open mind.” “还剩下一击了,甄仙子不必客气,可是施展那传闻中的天海碧波功,让元某一开眼界了。” I, although first time comes Cloud River Island, but early had also heard Yuan Demon Sect Petrification Demonic Art was known as Cloud River first Demonic Art, sees now really lives up to reputation, such words, poured can also handle my day sea ocean waves merit to strike fully.” Zhen Tian facing this scenery, suddenly has not revealed too depressed expression, instead flashes through stern countenance saying. “我虽然第一次来云川岛,但也早听说过元魔门石化魔功号称云川第一魔功,如今一见果然名不虚传,如此的话,倒也当得起我天海碧波功全力一击了。”甄恬面对此景,竟然并没有流露出太沮丧的神色,反而目中闪过一丝厉色的说道。 Along with her one hand formed hand-seals, five color robes the multi-colored sunlight puts immediately greatly, the body surface appears pale golden scales, shortly will change into the appearances of half -and-a-half people of fish. 随她单手一掐诀,身上五色彩袍当即霞光大放,体表浮现出一枚枚的淡金色鳞片,顷刻间就化为了半人半鱼的模样。 However and general Sea Race is different, changes the instance that in this female the body completes, all around appears void an innumerable point blue light. 不过和一般海族不同,在此女变身完成的瞬间,四周虚空就浮现出无数点点蓝光。 Then all around bang a sound sound, pale blue sea water baseless transform, thoroughly submerged this female personal appearance instantaneously. 接着四周轰隆隆声一响,一股股淡蓝色海水凭空幻化而出,瞬间就将此女身形彻底淹没了进去。 At this time spread the Zhen Tian light words sound from the sea water: 这时才从海水又传出甄恬淡淡的话语声: Our Cang Sea royal family is different from these ordinary Sea Race, restores the true body again time, voluntarily will gather nearby Water Attribute Origin Qi, does not need with the aid of any external force and magical tool, resembles breathe air of Human Race on the land to be generally free. Therefore although the day sea ocean waves merit reputation is enormous, but can truly display its might, only then has the Sea Race talented person of royal family bloodlines to achieve. Below, under makes Fellow Daoist Yuan ask for advice the place of its terrifying.” “我们沧海王族和那些普通海族可不一样,再恢复真身的时候,就会自行聚集附近水属性元气,根本无需借助任何外力和法器,就好像人族在陆地上呼吸空气一般自由。所以天海碧波功虽然名头极大,但能真正将其威力发挥出来的,也只有具有王族血脉的海族人才能做到。下面,就让元道友领教下其恐怖之处吧。” The voice just fell, has the blue light to emerge under situation around the female unceasingly, already have several a mu big or medium sea water, changes into a blue light goes suddenly to all around lasing, and submerges nearby void disappearing trace in abundance. 话音刚落,在女子四周不断有蓝光涌入情况下,已经有数亩大小的海水,骤然间化为点点蓝光的向四周激射而去,并纷纷没入附近虚空不见了踪影。 But revealed half fish figure that comes, then lifts an arm, grasps to the opposite slowly. 而重新显露出的半鱼身影来,则抬起一条手臂,冲对面徐徐一抓而出。 Yuan Demon sees this situation, is startled slightly, just when wants to open the mouth anything, busy one hand formed hand-seals of suddenly complexion big change, body surface Demon Qi howls to go to all around crazy volume. 元魔见此情形,微微一怔,正想开口些什么时,忽然脸色大变的忙单手一掐诀,体表魔气呼啸一声向四周狂卷而去。 almost at the same time, four boats the blue luminous spot one presently, changes into the rough sea waves clashes to come void immediately once more to the center, before has not arrived at the big Yuan Demon body, great strength first send out buzz buzz sound presses, as if must press one group of meat sauce the man instantaneously. 几乎同一时间,四舟虚空当即蓝色光点一现,再次化为巨浪的向中心处一冲而来,尚未真到大元魔身前,一股股巨力就先发出“嗡嗡”声音的一压而到,仿佛要将男子瞬间压成一团肉酱般。 However the next quarter, in the continuous bang sound, these great strength and sea water formerly was curled under grey Demon Qi in abundance fuzzy keeping off. 不过下一刻,在连绵的巨响声中,这些巨力和海水就被先前卷出灰色魔气纷纷一个模糊的挡下。 These Demon Qi seem like are not many concentrates thick, actually the implication greatest strength, under a great strength bombardment, unexpectedly can make an effort to maintain has not been defeated and dispersed. 这些魔气看似不多凝厚,却蕴含莫大力量在其中,在一波波的巨力轰击下,竟然能勉维持的没有溃散开。 The opposite color robe female sees this, seems like on beautiful face actually appears a fierceness, finds out the palm is only a five fingers point, again slowly gathers. 对面的彩袍女子见此,看似美丽的脸庞上却浮现出一丝狰狞,探出手掌只是五指一分,就再缓缓一合。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Gathers round Yuan Demon pale blue sea water at the same time to open toward upper air low spot one volume, will change unexpectedly shortly into giant water sphere has wrapped Demon Qi and Yuan Demon at the same time. 围着元魔的淡蓝色海水同时往高空低处一卷而开,竟顷刻间化为一颗巨型水球的将魔气元魔同时包裹了进去。 Then outside water sphere seems like the blue tearful tranquility, inside sea water actually starts to rotate crazily, has formed huge vortex instantaneously, and from gushes out a more astonishing great strength in all directions crazily, goes all out to extrude to go to the middle. 接着水球外面看似蓝汪汪的平静,里面海水却开始疯狂转动而起,瞬间形成了一个巨大漩涡,并从四面八方狂涌出更加惊人的巨力,拼命向中间挤压而去。 Similarly Demon Qi of changes into a layer of ash-gray light screen, under such circumstances, starts to dodge to be uncertain crazily, unexpectedly shivers immediately presents the weak condition. 同样化为一层灰色光幕的魔气,在此情形下,开始狂闪不定起来,竟颤抖的马上呈现不支状态。 Yuan Demon sees this, the complexion concentrates, sudden opened mouth, blowout one group of blood essence, and ruptured opened to change into blood mist instantaneously, submerged in the light screen in abundance. 元魔见此,脸色一凝,突然一张口,就喷出一团精血,并瞬间爆裂而开了的化为了血雾,纷纷没入光幕中。 originally seems like the weak defense, after body surface one layer bloody glow flood, immediately has stabilized. 原本看似不支的防御,体表一层血光泛起后,立刻又重新稳定了下来。 Zhen Tian sees this, actually sneers, grasped the five fingers still cuns (2.5cm) closed up slowly on. 甄恬见此,却冷笑一声,抓出五指仍然一寸寸的徐徐合拢而上。 Immediately in distant place water sphere the bang sound startled day, the originally tranquil semblance actually appears silver light of faint trace. 当即远处水球中巨响声惊天,原本平静外表竟然浮现出丝丝的银光 But in water sphere huge vortex, is silver arcs appears baseless, hundred and thousand of chops to keep toward the center crazily, at the same time along with vortex rotation grew faster and faster, the great strength that has is even more astonishing. 水球里面的巨大漩涡,更是一道道银弧凭空显现而出,成百上千道的往中心处狂劈不停,同时随着漩涡的转动越来越快,产生的巨力更是越发惊人。 The ash-gray light screen that then, was just stable remote creakies immediately once more. 如此一来,刚刚稳固下来的灰色光幕当即再次遥摇摇欲坠起来。 But this time, center Yuan Demon has not continued to insist on the Demon Qi defense again, instead after bloody glow one presently, suddenly single-handed racket top of the head. 但这一次,中心处元魔并未再继续坚持魔气防御,反而目中血光一现后,忽然单手一拍头顶。 , crown one dozen opens, departs one group of black Qi. “噗”的一声后,天灵盖一打而开,从中飞出一团黑气来。 This black Qi is only turning round concentrates, emits a pale man face, seems like without change with below Yuan Demon, but against the wind rises, changed into zhang (3.33 m) allow Ban to be big, and opened mouth, has blown out iron grey demon flame, seemed like a commonplace, but rolled up and pushed along, neglected flashing past of ash-gray light screen unexpectedly, happen to struck in a thick silver arc that in the front surface ejection came. 黑气只是滴溜溜一凝,就从中冒出一张苍白之极的男人脸孔来,看起来和下方的元魔一般无二,但只是迎风一涨,就化为了丈许般高大,并一张口,就吹出了一股灰白色魔焰,看似毫不起眼,但一个卷动,竟然忽视灰色光幕的一闪而过,正好击在迎面弹射而来的一道粗大银弧上。 Strange appeared! 诡异一幕出现了! That [say / way] seems like the fierce incomparable silver arc, hits on grayish white demon flame, unexpectedly immediately dodges to extinguish. 那道看似凶猛无比的银弧,一击中灰白魔焰上,竟立刻的一闪而灭。 Then this flame again does not have a huge great strength, after flutters, fell on the sea water unexpectedly easily on vortex. 接着此焰再无一波波的庞然巨力,一个飘动后,竟轻易落在了海水所化的漩涡上。 slash. 呲啦”一声。 It seems like the pale blue sea water, the tung oil steaming combustion, lit entire water sphere unexpectedly repeatedly instantaneously, changed into the iron grey giant fireball it. 看似淡蓝色的海水,竟反复桐油般的腾腾燃烧而起,瞬间就点燃了整颗水球,将其化为了灰白色的巨大火球。 But ugly face in blowing out instance of this flame, immediately volume discouraged one restored originally big or medium, and whiz, submerges in the Yuan Demon crown to disappear. 但鬼脸在吹出此焰的瞬间,当即体积泄气般的一下恢复了原先大小,并“嗖”的一声,重新没入元魔天灵盖中不见了。 Opposite Zhen Tian actually calls out in alarm, the five fingers that originally grasps shrink to return unexpectedly suddenly. 对面甄恬却一声惊呼,原本抓出的五指竟猛然一缩而回。 At this moment, bang rupturing that the giant fireball dodges opens, Yuan Demon under the innumerable sparks flies, dodges, and smiles said to the opposite color robe female: 就在这时,“轰”的一声吗,巨大火球一闪的爆裂而开,元魔就在无数火花飞溅下,从中一闪而出,并一笑的冲对面彩袍女子说道: Fairy Maiden Zhen, three moves crossed, believes that Fairy Maiden will observe the commitment. Your behind girl I first carried off!” 甄仙子,三招已过,相信仙子会信守承诺的。你身后的丫头我就先带走了!” The voice just fell, his footsteps move, before the whole person instantaneously submerges the body, disappears void. 话音刚落,他脚步一动,整个人就瞬间没入身前虚空不见了。 The next quarter, the color robe female behind place fluctuation same place, Yuan Demon figure appears once more, is only single-handed racket that crystal clear bubble, changes into one group of black Qi to shoot up to the sky, and rolling went far away. 下一刻,彩袍女子身后处波动一起,元魔身影再次浮现而出,只是单手一拍那晶莹气泡,就化为一团黑气冲天而起,并滚滚远去了。 Surprisingly, huge bubble unexpectedly fuzzy also from out of the blue goes along with it. 令人惊讶的是,巨大气泡竟然一个模糊的也随其破空而去。 Zhen Tian is gazing at going far away black Qi, has not gotten rid to stop, is only the beautiful face indistinctly somewhat ugly. 甄恬注视着远去的黑气,并没有出手阻拦,只是玉容隐约有些难看。 Some little time, she a moment ago will grasp has swept one that the palm turns over. 好一会儿后,她才将刚才抓出手掌翻转过来的扫了一眼。 Sees only originally white jade control place, left a flake burned black burn trace impressively, and indistinct can also smell some burnt flavors. 只见原本白玉般的手心处,赫然多出了一小片焦黑的灼伤痕迹,并且隐约还能从中闻到些许焦糊味道。 Early listened to the person saying that this generation of Yuan Demon not only cultivation Yuan Demon Sect Petrification Demonic Art, but also dual cultivation another not well-known big divine ability, had helped it to extinguish easily kills the same step to exist. It seems like mostly was this demon flame! This divine ability is so fierce, even if calls the helper from the clan again, perhaps cannot suppress easily kills this person.” Saying that the color robe female brow tight wrinkle, muttered, during the whole person was lost in thought. “早听人说过,这代元魔不但修炼元魔门石化魔功,还兼修了另外一门不知名大神通,曾经助其轻易灭杀过同阶存在。看来多半就是此魔焰了!这神通如此厉害,即使从族中再召集帮手,恐怕也不是轻易能够剿杀这人的。”彩袍女子眉头紧皱,喃喃的说道,整个人陷入了沉思之中。 Ok, now Sea Monster Sovereign this clan trusted friend big trouble, temporarily lets off on this Cloud River Island a Human Race horse. After having solved the archenemy, considers to conquer this island matter again. What a pity that Human Race female disciple, originally it takes to the clan the Holy Beast best sacrificial offering. ” After long time, this female after complexion changed cloudy clearly, saying that sets firm resolve. 算了,现在海妖皇才本族心腹大患,就暂时放过这云川岛人族一马。等解决了大敌后,再来考虑征服此岛事情。可惜了那名人族弟子了,原本其是带给族中圣兽的最佳祭品。”半晌后,此女在脸色阴晴变化了一番后,才下定决心的说道。 Takes out white formation plate along with it her from the sleeve, at lightning speed after above has paddled, flew to the behind floating island direction on the tone. 随之她就从袖中取出一块白色阵盘,飞快在上面划动了一番后,就调头向后面浮岛方向飞去了。 Shortly, fiery Sea Race huge army that beyond thousand li (0.5km) just and Human Race hits, does not know any reason played the retreating bugle, regardless of immediately Sea Race or Sea Beast tidal went to retreat, and slowly to floating the city direction withdrew. 不久后,千里外正和人族打的火热的海族大军,不知什么缘由的吹起了撤退的号角,当即无论海族还是海兽都潮水般的向后退去,并缓缓的向浮城方向撤去了。 Although various sects disciple fights in front on slightly is in the upper hand, but sees the Sea Race person to withdraw orderly, does not rout to be defeated and dispersed, pours does not dare to pursue rashly, can only witness Sea Race person going far away gradually so. 虽然诸宗弟子在前面战斗上略占上风,但见海族人后撤有序,并不是真的大败溃散,倒也不敢贸然去追,只能目睹海族人就这般的渐渐远去。 Similar, but also discovery in the place of Crystal Transformation Expert battle. 同样的一幕,还发现在了化晶强者争斗之处。 Here, Sea Race Expert originally greatly is in the upper hand, words that now withdraws on own initiative, Martial Uncle Yan and the others are the matters of wishing for earnestly, naturally will not pursue anything. 在这里,海族强者原本就大占上风,现在主动撤去的话,彦师叔等人是求之不得的事情,自然更不会去追击什么。 Such unfathomable mystery that but wins, naturally makes these various sects Expert be confused, does not know its true origin. 但胜的如此莫名其妙,自然让这些诸宗强者一头雾水,不知其真正根由。 However waits for Yuan Demon figure suddenly to appear in people not far away, that Yuan Demon Sect guy whole face surprised one called Senior Brother Yuan two word-time, other talented people one somewhat were suddenly enlighted. 不过等元魔身影突然出现在众人不远处,那元魔门的大汉满脸吃惊的一下叫出“元师兄”二字时,其他人才一下有些恍然大悟了。 ...... …… mountain range edge, one group of golden light explode to open once more, dense and numerous golden glow immediately rainstorm the lasing, and region underground deep place below mu, sea-monster punctures air/Qi randomly, each inch place does not let off. 山脉边缘处,一团金光再次爆裂而开,密密麻麻的金芒顿时暴雨般的激射而下,并在下面亩许区域地下深处,游鱼般的乱刺一气,每一寸地方都不放过。 When together golden glow flashing in some river bed in the water goes, immediately has hit the one layer transparent invisible object, immediately changes into rupturing of one group of golden light to open. 当一道金芒一个闪动的在某个河床中水中一扎而去的时候,顿时撞到了一层透明的无形物体,当即化为一团金光的爆裂而开。 Is holding arm Golden Armoured Person of operation golden glow in airborne both hands, immediately both eyes cold light flashes, reveals the color of great happiness. 正在空中双手抱臂的操纵金芒金甲人,当即双目寒光一闪,露出大喜之色。 at the same time, is sitting cross-legged motionless Liu Ming in the water curtain, immediately expression moves, has opened both eyes slowly. RS 与此同时,正在水幕里面盘坐不动柳鸣,当即神色一动,也徐徐睁开了双目。RS
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