DD :: Volume #3

#282: The demon read is born

Is impossible “不可能” The Golden Armoured Person pupil shrinks, one loses one's voice the exit / to speak. 金甲人瞳孔一缩,一下失声出口。 Master of that only dripping with blood palm, impressively should already die Liu Ming that perishes. 那只血淋淋手掌的主人,赫然是应该已经陨落而亡的柳鸣 This time he, when did not know stands up, and whole body covered in one pale black halos, the whole body fresh dripping with blood wound flowed was the pale golden blood, at the same time all wound at lightning speed is contracting unexpectedly, the indistinct flesh next white muscles were sending out chī chī dense sound, and was combining at the inconceivable speed, was similar some innumerable tiny light insects to keep the creeping motion under the flesh, in a minute, his body again did not have the half minute scar, the at the same time leg all muscle panel, presented the color of one layer crystal clear, in the foreheads billowing one after one group of black flame congealed, on changed into baseless. pitch-black as ink not well-known rune, is flashing the mysterious black glow. 这时的他,不知何时站起身来,并且浑身笼罩在一片淡黑色光晕中,浑身鲜血淋淋的伤口流淌的竟然是淡金色血液,同时所有伤口飞快收缩着,隐约肌肤下一根根白肌肉则发出着“嗤嗤”密响,并以不可思议速度重新组合着,则仿佛有无数细小光虫在肌肤下不停般蠕动,片刻间后,其身上就再无半分伤痕,同时手腿全都肌肉凸鼓,呈现一层晶莹之色,眉宇间则以一团黑焰滚滚一凝后,就凭空化为了。一个漆黑如墨的不知名符文,闪动着神秘之极的黑芒。 Witnessed that this and other startled change the situation, although Golden Armoured Person in heart with amazement, but thinks the arm that does not think moves, the five fingers gather Liu Ming that stands up to the ground to wield. 目睹这等惊变情形,金甲人虽然心中骇然,但想不都不想的手臂一动,五指一合冲地面上站起的柳鸣一挥而过。 A exploding sound sound sound! 爆鸣声一响! One side void fluctuation same place, one pale golden edges depending on appear spatially, dodges to Liu Ming's body passes cuts. 一侧虚空中波动一起,一片淡金色刃光凭空浮现,冲柳鸣身躯一闪即逝的斩去。 Bang. “砰”的一声。 Liu Ming one side arm suddenly moves, a five fingers monster point, actually one held the lasing, but Alai's golden blade edge light. 柳鸣一侧手臂蓦然一动,五指鬼魅般的一分,竟然一把就抓住了激射而阿来的金色刃光。 This, making the Golden Armoured Person complexion change suddenly. 这一幕,让金甲人脸色骤然大变了。 It which struck a moment ago, although is not the attack of Crystal Transformation Realm degree, but melts the blade edge light is also sharp incomparable, absolutely not should be the flesh and blood can resist. 其刚才哪一击虽然不是化晶境界程度的攻击,但所化刃光也是锋利无比,绝不应该是血肉之躯可以抵挡的。 Those who make in his heart surprised is, this time Liu Ming aura has not strengthened many, but becomes gloomy is unusual, with compared with, unexpectedly just liked they were formerly ordinary. 更让他心中惊疑的是,这时的“柳鸣”身上气息并没有增强多少,但是变得阴沉异常,和先前相比,竟然犹如两人一般。 Somewhat hesitates in Golden Armoured Person, whether stimulates magical power again, when with the Crystal Transforming Stage method copes at present the suddenly resurrect match, following Liu Ming actually raises the head, has opened both eyes. 就在金甲人有些犹豫,是否再激发法力,用化晶期手段来对付眼前忽然复活的对手时,下面的“柳鸣”却一扬头颅,睁开了双目 Only listens slash, two -and-a-half foot yellow glow unexpectedly one volume from both eyes. 只听的“呲啦”一声,两道半尺长黄芒竟从双目中一卷而出。 Airborne Golden Armoured Person, suddenly feels both sides cold light flashes, two arms on one cool falls off from the shoulder place under. 空中的金甲人,忽然感觉两侧寒光一闪,两条手臂就一凉的从肩头处脱落而下。 This, naturally makes Golden Armoured Person be surprised, under roars, body suddenly fuzzy departed several feet distant place backward, at the same time opened mouth, one golden rune emit, after being turning round concentrates, changed into keeping off of one layer golden color great shield before the body. 这一下,自然让金甲人大吃一惊,一声怒吼下,身躯骤然一个模糊的向后飞出了十几丈远处,同时张口,一片金色符文喷吐而出,再滴溜溜一凝后,就化为了一层金色巨盾的挡在了身前。 That two were cut, but below arm, then after is ping two, opens on inexplicable rupturing. 那两条被一斩而下的手臂,则是“砰砰”两声后,就莫名的爆裂而开。 at the same time, the Golden Armoured Person shoulder place selects point golden light to reappear, after rolling concentrates again, transforms two with the arm that was without change. 与此同时,金甲人肩头处则点点金光浮现而出,再滚滚一凝后,就重新幻化出两条和原先一般无二的手臂。 But this time Golden Armoured Person, the surface sank the water, was staring stubbornly below Liu Ming, saying of character character: 但这时的金甲人,面沉似水,死死盯着下方的“柳鸣”,一字字的说道: Who your in the end is, absolutely impossible was formerly that Human Race boy!” “你到底是谁,绝不可能是先前的那人族小子!” Following Liu Ming, in eye the astonishing silver glow already dispersed to open again, has revealed the silver shining pupil unexpectedly, but its expression wooden not slightly expression, but the suddenly five fingers make an effort, ka-cha opens depending on the smashing that pinches spatially one side golden color blade edge, then receives to return to this palm, place of turning inside out looked at one at present. 下面的“柳鸣”,目中惊人银芒再早已一散而开,竟然露出了银灿灿的瞳孔,但其神色木然的没有丝毫表情,只是忽然五指一用力,就“咔嚓”一声的将一侧金色刃光凭空捏的粉碎而开,接着才将此手掌一收而回,翻过来的放在眼前看了一眼。 Sees only its control place, left several pieces of scarlet-red scales impressively, each pea-sized, but ingenious very proliferating formerly was actually resisting the place of golden light blade edge. 只见其手心处,赫然多出了十几片赤红鳞片,每一枚不过豆粒大小,但却十分巧妙的遍布在先前抵挡金色光刃之处。 But behind flood dragon scale Leather Armor that his originally puts on personal, superficial empty piece, original several flood dragon scale already baseless disappearing traces. 而他那件原本贴身所穿的蛟鳞皮甲后面处,表面空荡荡一片,原先十几枚蛟鳞已经凭空不见了踪影。 This Liu Ming unexpectedly in formerly did not know with what method on flood dragon scale entire inspiration within the body Leather Armor, and teleportation to palm on. But otherwise his even if fleshy body after reorganization, how possible real evidence flesh and blood to prevent that sharp incomparable blade edge light. 这“柳鸣”竟然在先前不知用何手段的将皮甲上蛟鳞全吸入体内,并神不知鬼不觉的挪移到了手掌上。否而他就算肉身经过重组后,又怎可能真凭血肉之躯去阻挡那锋利无比的刃光。 Golden Armoured Person also saw this, in the heart also for a it loosen. Although the opposite party is mystical, but as if no great strength that like that imagine! 金甲人也一眼看到了此幕,心中也不由的为之一松。对方虽然神秘,但似乎也没有自己想像的那般强大! At this moment, Liu Ming actually lifted to look to Golden Armoured Person, after high and low has sized up several, opening the mouth of suddenly surface present uncanny expression: 就在此刻,“柳鸣”却抬首看向了金甲人,上下打量了几眼后,忽然面现一丝古怪之色的开口了: Looked that helped me wound host in you a moment ago, making me be able to work loose the seal, thus grasps in this fleshy body face, I to you a happiness, only will cancel your spiritual intelligence, but will leave behind this Yellow Cloth Strongman secret talisman. To arrive at the present, like you so can secret talisman of birth spirit wisdom, will not preserve too much in the world.” “看在你刚才帮我将宿主击伤,让我得以挣脱封印,从而掌握这具肉身面子上,我会给你一个痛快,只会将你灵性抹去,而会将这枚黄巾力士密符留下。想来到了现在,像你这般能诞生灵智的密符,也不会在世上留存太多了。” His voice and Liu Ming are somewhat similar, but obvious gloomy. 他嗓音和柳鸣有些相似,但明显阴沉了许多。 Any Yellow Cloth Strongman secret talisman, you were talking nonsense anything. Human Race boy, no matter you were any thing occupied its body, since wants dead truly, I have helped you.” After Golden Armoured Person one hear Yellow Cloth Strongman secret talisman and other phrases, immediately is similar to was stepped on tail jumps, in the surface killing intent one presently, one hand formed hand-seals, the body surface golden rune of one layer level wells up immediately immediately crazily, at the same time back golden color giant phantom appears, within two breath the free time, changed into 45 zhang (3.33 m) hugeness. “什么黄巾力士密符,你在胡说什么。人族小子,不管你是什么东西占据了其躯壳,既然想真正死去,我就成全了你。”金甲人一听“黄巾力士密符”等几个字眼后,当即如同被人踩了尾巴般的一跳而起,面上杀机一现,当即单手一掐诀,体表当即一层层的金色符文狂涌而出,同时背后的金色巨人虚影浮现而出,两个呼吸间工夫,就化为了45丈巨大。 But Golden Armoured Person cultivation base, entered Crystal Transforming Stage realm immediately. 金甲人修为,顿时进入到了化晶期境界 So weak Heaven Imitation method place, if makes true Heaven Imitation Realm exist to see, can perhaps be mad will spit blood directly. However can emit Heaven Imitation unexpectedly, it seems like that this Yellow Cloth Strongman secret talisman is also the physical appearance is but actually good, even if the place last ancient times also calculates that could be called is top grade secret talisman. However by your present aura, promoted too to be reluctant to Crystal Transforming Stage realm, at most also only then the strength of two striking, later perhaps continually did not have the strength of changing from not to have.” Liu Ming saw this scenery, on the face still did not have many surprised expression, but looking pensive muttered said. “这般弱的天象法地,若是让真正的天象级存在见到,说不定会气的直接将吐血了。不过竟然能放出天象,看来这枚黄巾力士密符倒也是品相不错,即使放在上古时候也算称得上是极品密符了。不过以你现在的气息,提升到化晶期境界还是太勉强了一些,顶多也就只有两击之力,之后恐怕连无化形之力都没有了。”“柳鸣”见到此景,脸上仍然没有多少惊讶之色,只是若有所思的喃喃说道。 Golden Armoured Person each hear Liu Ming, the complexion even more is ugly a point, after waiting for him to say, immediately again is unable to endure roared: 金甲人每听“柳鸣”一句,脸色就越发难看一分,等其真的说完之后,当即再也无法忍受的咆哮起来: even if weak Heaven Imitation energy of heaven and earth, the crush your trivial condensate boundary is also the easy as pie matter.” 就算再弱的天象天地之力,碾压你区区一名凝液境也是易如反掌的事情。” The voice just fell, Golden Armoured Person does not have any retention two hands suddenly to urge technique again, back originally [gold/metal] misty fuzzy giant phantom, one opened both eyes unexpectedly, the at the same time arm moved, on slow reality illness was pressing to Liu Ming. 话音刚落,金甲人再无任何保留的骤然两手一催法决,背后原本金濛濛模糊的巨人虚影,竟然一下睁开了双目,同时手臂一动,一手就似缓实疾的冲柳鸣所在一压而出。 . “噗”的一声。 Sky over Liu Ming the fluctuation same place, several mu big or medium golden giant palm appears immediately baseless, and five fingers one point to below one sinking several chi (0.33 m). 柳鸣上空当即波动一起,一只数亩大小的金色巨掌凭空浮现而出,并五指一分的向下方一沉数尺。 Under void immediately chī chī a sound sound, an invisible great strength, from airborne pressure under. 下方虚空中当即“嗤嗤”声一响,一股无形巨力,就从空中一压而下。 Liu Ming only around sleep void immediately one tight, the air on became as hard as steel, whole body skeleton one that and presses ka-beng chaotic sound. 柳鸣”只觉四周虚空当即一紧,空气就变得仿佛精钢般坚硬,并压的浑身骨骼都一阵的“嘎嘣”乱响。 very weak fleshy body, already was condensate boundary cultivation base, linked this strength unable to withstand unexpectedly.” Golden giant palm that Liu Ming looks at airborne drops, talking to oneself of both eyes narrowed, unexpectedly to the great strength in pressure body in the appearance that turns a blind eye to radically. 好弱肉身啊,都已经是凝液境修为了,竟然连这点力量都无法承受了。”“柳鸣看着空中落下的金色巨掌,双目一眯的自语道,竟对压在身躯上的巨力根本视若无睹的样子。 Golden Armoured Person sees this, actually in heart one happy, immediately urges back giant phantom crazily. 金甲人见此,却心中一喜,当即更是狂催背后巨人虚影 Bang. “轰”的一声。 A golden giant palm sinking half a Zhang, formerly was once more huger than three points of strength from airborne to fall immediately, makes the Liu Ming nearby ground sink unexpectedly baseless, presses out a about 1 chi deep (0.33m) huge hand imprint stiffly. 金色巨掌再次一沉半丈,当即一股比先前更加巨大三分的力量从空中一落而下,竟然让柳鸣附近地面凭空一沉,硬生生压出一个尺许深的巨大手印。 Liu Ming body, is placing this giant hand imprint center, the at the same time body surface reveals the flesh to crack to open once more, the innumerable blood thread lasings, changed into bunch of blood mist, the entire body must be sent the great strength shortly to shake the smashing by golden giant palm really stiffly. 柳鸣”身躯,正身处这巨型手印中心处,同时体表露出肌肤再次崩裂而开,无数血丝从中激射而出,化为了一团团血雾,眼看整个身躯就要真要被金色巨掌所发巨力硬生生一震粉碎。 At this moment, spread the coldly sound from the Liu Ming mouth: 就在这时,从柳鸣口中传出了冷冷的声音: Extinguishing Gods Finger 灭神指 The voice just fell, suddenly soars to the heavens from blood mist departs together dark red bloody glow, is only a fuzziness, changes into a blood of section of about 1 zhang (3.33m) long greatly to point at phantom mistily, after flashes, easily selected in the golden giant palm control place. 话音刚落,突然从血雾中冲天飞出一道暗红血光,只是一个模糊,就化为一截丈许长的血濛濛巨大手指虚影,一个闪动后,就轻易点在了金色巨掌的手心处。 something unbelievable happened. 惊人的一幕出现了 Golden giant palm by the instance that the blood red finger hits the mark, immediately the body surface trembles, baseless has the innumerable scarlet fissures, then against the wind a loose disruption opens. 金色巨掌在被血红手指点中的瞬间,当即体表一颤,就凭空生出无数血色裂痕,接着迎风一散的碎裂而开。 at the same time, Golden Armoured Person back giant phantom, dodges is disillusioned does not see. 与此同时,金甲人背后的巨人虚影,也一闪的破灭不见。 „It is not good “不好” Golden Armoured Person is also person of the battle-trained, sees this scenery, which has not known that the opposite party did not bluster, really really had to cut to kill oneself ability, without demur hurried double said formed hand seals, lit within the body remaining magical power completely stimulates, was only a fuzziness, changed into together the golden startled rainbow escaped to go from out of the blue. 金甲人也是久经战阵之人,一见此景,哪还不知道对方并非虚张声势,竟然真有斩杀自己能力,二话不说的急忙双说掐诀,将体内残余法力全部点燃激发,只是一个模糊,就化为一道金色惊虹的破空远遁而去。 Now wants to walk, which is so easy.” “现在想走,哪是这般容易的。” In ground blood mist, has resounded Liu Ming once more sigh gently, 地面血雾中,再次响起了“柳鸣”轻轻的叹息, Then the blood red finger circles in airborne one, aims at Golden Armoured Person of distant place the fingertip, slowly is once more void a point to go. 接着血红手指在空中一个盘旋,就将指尖对准远处的金甲人,再次缓缓虚空一点而去。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 already mentioned the limit the speed, escaped Golden Armoured Person more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) away, immediately only thinks various within the body place heat, the whole person under a strange strength function, changed into rupturing of innumerable fragment to open suddenly. 已经将速度提到极限,遁出了百余丈外的金甲人,当即只觉体内各处骤然一热,整个人就在一股诡异力量作用下,化为无数碎片的爆裂而开。 On this time, whiz one, together the lasing of blood shade from under blood mist, is only several fuzziness, from the place of Golden Armoured Person rupturing pierces. 就这时,“嗖”的一声,一道血影从下方血雾中激射而出,只是几个模糊,就从金甲人爆裂之处洞穿而过。 After bloody glow collects again, Liu Ming again comes in void. 血光再一敛后,“柳鸣”就重新在虚空中现身而出。 This time he, whole body fresh dripping with blood, in the hand actually grabbed shining that talisman once more. 只是这时的他,再次浑身鲜血淋淋,手中却抓着一枚金灿灿那符箓 Good, good. Has not thought that just came out from the seal, actually obtains so a treasure. However, if it were not for this fellow was fooled by me, does not dare near body attack, gives back to me to leave behind so for a long time, displays the place of bleeding sacrifice, fleshy body that but just controlled depending on this perhaps, is unable to send out Extinguishing Gods Finger.” “不错,不错。没想到刚从封印中出来,竟然就得到这般一个宝物。不过,要不是这家伙被我唬住,根本不敢近身攻击,还给我留下这般长时间,施展出血祭之处,但凭这刚刚掌控的肉身,恐怕也无法发出灭神指的。” Liu Ming is sizing up golden talisman in hand, on the face full was the strange smiling face. 柳鸣”打量着手中的金色符箓,脸上满是诡异的笑容了。 Surprisingly, this golden talisman unexpectedly in struggling sway that in his hand keeps, just likes the living creature is ordinary. 让人吃惊的是,这金色符箓竟在其手中不停的挣扎晃动,犹如活物一般。 But the next quarter, Liu Ming cold snort|hum, opened mouth spouts one group of pale golden blood mist to go, immediately golden talisman in blood mist crazily dodges several next, on miraculous glow powder changes into somewhat worn-out yellow talisman. 但下一刻,“柳鸣”一声冷哼,张口喷出一团淡金色血雾去,当即金色符箓血雾中只是狂闪几下后,就灵光一散的化为一张有些破旧的黄色符箓 Along with it, Liu Ming's body sinks, slowly falls to go toward the under ground. 随之,柳鸣身躯一沉,就往下方地面徐徐一落而去。 At this moment, in his foreheads black rune flashes several, the body surface wound once more at the inconceivable speed, at lightning speed heals. RS 就在这时,其眉宇间黑色符文只是闪动几下,体表伤口就再次以不可思议的速度,飞快愈合起来。RS
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