DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#825: Serious does the condition happen?

———— ———— Static. 静。 death-like silence. 死一般的寂静 When that physique tall and straight Hero quiet appearance, enters everyone's view, no matter knew that his person is also good, does not know his person, stalemate cannot help but to a silence of difficult word. 当那身姿挺拔的勇者悄无声息的出现,进入所有人的眼帘时,不管是认识他的人也好,不认识他的人也罢,都不由自主的陷入到了一片难言的寂静中。 Especially never sees Skien Myski, Nobu, Murdo and Joseph and the others is so. 尤其是从未见过希恩米斯吉诺布墨尔多约瑟等人更是如此。 „Is he Skien Bezthoth?” “他就是希恩·孛兹图特?” Myski eyes concentrates. 米斯吉眼眸一凝。 Hero Skien...” 勇者希恩...” Nobu and Joseph also hold the breath. 诺布约瑟则同时屏息。 „Is he...?” “他就是...?” Murdo looks at young Hero, in the eyes glittering the inexplicable mood. 墨尔多看着远比自己年轻的勇者,眼中闪烁着莫名的情绪。 As for other characters of legendary expert and big influence, looked to Skien, complexion changed. 至于其他的传奇级强者和大势力的人物们,更是均都看向了希恩,面色变化了起来。 The surrounded people also appeared gradually quarrelled mixed. 围观的群众们亦是渐渐的出现了一些吵杂。 The deathly stillness in air gradually made noise replacing. 空气中的死寂逐渐被喧嚣给取代。 Skien then such sudden appearance, not only makes everyone mind/energetic inspire, and hit people one to be caught off guard. 希恩便这么突如其来的出现,既让所有人精神一振,又打了众人一个措手不及。 Sir Bezthoth...” 孛兹图特卿...” Before Uhler is also looks seemingly, compares unrelieved Skien, why does not know, in the heart has an ashamed feeling. 尤勒也是看着貌似和以前相比毫无变化的希恩,不知为何,心中有股惭愧的感觉。 After all, he and Skien relations are also good, this time actually comes with the situation, has to plant and others collaborates, oppresses Skien's feeling together, this said that is the betrayal may be somewhat exaggerating, makes Uhler feel some shame sufficiently. 毕竟,他和希恩的关系还算是好的,这次却是携大势过来,颇有种和他人同流合污,一起压迫希恩的感觉,这说是背叛或许有些夸张,却也足以让尤勒感到些许的惭愧。 Skien does not seem to discover Uhler to be the same on the contrary, stepped on the sound of footsteps that may hear clearly to walk, while swept the vision to the audience. 希恩反倒好像没有发现尤勒一样,一边踩着清晰可闻的脚步声走了出来,一边将目光扫向全场。 Master!” Yurin then received the ice-cold appearance, vibrated dragon wings, fell in Skien's side, say/way that resembled angrily: They...” 主人!”尤琳这才收起了冰冷冷的模样,震动龙翼,在希恩的身边落下,气鼓鼓似的道:“他们...” A few words, but also without said with enough time, put out a hand to break by Skien. 一句话,还没有来得及说完,就被希恩伸手打断。 All right.” “没事。” Skien seems is nothing happened same, as before is that expression. 希恩好似什么都没有发生一样,依旧是那副表情。 However, looks at Skien this tranquil appearance, the people on the scene felt an indescribable pressure. 但是,看着希恩这幅平静的样子,在场的众人却感到了一阵难以言喻的压力。 Therefore, at once, in the entire square, one by one background enormous existence did not have an opens the mouth to speak unexpectedly. 于是,一时之间,整个广场内,一个个来头极大的存在竟是没有一个开口说话了。 Skien turned a blind eye, arrives at everyone's front, vision one by one had swept each on the scene, resembling to recognize them to be the same, after a long time smiled suddenly. 希恩对此视若无睹,来到了所有人的面前,目光一一扫过在场的每一个,似想认出他们一样,良久以后才蓦然一笑。 what happened? Everyone?” Skien said with a faint smile: „Don't you want to see me? Now my person here? How do you look not happy?” 怎么了?各位?”希恩似笑非笑的道:“你们不是想见我吗?现在我人都在这里了哦?你们怎么看起来一点都不高兴呢?” The words that intent has referred, made these all day and person pretend politeness and compliance, has exercised extremely thick high-rank somewhat to be awkward the facial skin. 那意有所指的话语,令得这些整日和人虚与委蛇,早已将脸皮锻炼得极厚的上位者们都有些尴尬了起来。 Myski, Nobu, Murdo and Joseph and the others reorganizes the good mood actually quickly, looks at sudden Skien, in the heart the thought racing. 米斯吉诺布墨尔多约瑟等人倒是很快整理好心情,看着突然出现的希恩,心中念头急转。 Was in Hero of keenest struggle regarding this recently, the people have the curiosity, has the idea of becoming friends with. 对于这个最近正处于风尖浪口的勇者,众人不是没有好奇心,更不是没有结交的想法。 If really can visit Skien, and has chatted with Skien, that is also a very good matter. 若是真的能够拜访到希恩,并和希恩有所畅聊,那也是一件非常不错的事情。 Traded to make the past, here influential figures the whole face has certainly piled up with the smile, discussed with Skien really happy. 换做以往,这里的大人物们一定已经满脸都堆满笑容,和希恩相谈甚欢了起来。 Only pitifully , compared with that beautiful figure that in the heart is lost in a reverie, even if the Hero matter, must depend on the future. 只可惜,跟心中魂牵梦绕的那道倩影比起来,哪怕是勇者的事,都得往后靠一靠了。 The people think that and planned does everything possible inquired the Schiffne news. 众人就是这么想的,并打算想方设法的打听夏芙涅的消息。 However, person who these are built on the human race apex regardless of the time being, other assorted character, but did not have such good patience. 然而,这些立于人族顶点的人姑且不论,其余杂七杂八的人物的话,可就没有这么好的耐心了。 Robust legendary expert then takes the lead unable to repress, sees Skien to appear, immediately stands, shouted one. 一个虎背熊腰的传奇级强者便率先按耐不住,看到希恩出现,立即站出来,喊了一句。 Hero Skien! You give the belt/bring Your Highness Schiffne to......” 勇者希恩!你把夏芙涅殿下给带到......” " Where went to " ———— this following words, the opposite party cannot say. 「哪里去了」————这后面的话,对方并没有能够说得出来。 Bang!” “嘭!” The resounding blasting then resounds through together suddenly. 一道响亮的炸裂声便突然响彻而起。 Guah!” 咕啊!” That robust legendary expert only felt own vision blurred, immediately abdomen ruthlessly rumbled a fist, making him feel that the five main internal organs (entrails) of within the body shifts, under the attack of severe pain, cannot help but wailed, is hugging the abdomen, poured. 那虎背熊腰的传奇级强者只感到自己的眼前一花,随即腹部就被狠狠的轰了一拳,令得他感觉体内的五脏六腑都移了位,在剧痛的袭击下,不由得哀嚎一声,抱着腹部,倒了下去。 „......!?” “......!?” The sudden violence, making the people heart crazily shake, even the whole body tied tight, making Magic Power infiltrate from body. 突如其来的暴力,令得众人心头狂震,甚至都不禁浑身紧绷,让魔力身上渗透了出来。 What!?” “什么!?” The surrounded people because of this sudden change, are also startled. 围观的群众们也因为这突如其来的变化,大吃了一惊。 Sir Bezthoth, you...” 孛兹图特卿,你...” Uhler also whole face stunned looks to Skien. 尤勒亦满脸愕然的看向希恩 Sees only, Skien stood in place, moves as before has not moved the appearance. 只见,希恩依旧站在原地,动都没有动过一下的样子。 But the feeling keen person has to detect, in just, Skien's form rocked gently, became slurred, shortly afterwards returned to the original condition immediately. 但感觉敏锐的人却是均都有察觉到,就在刚刚,希恩的身影轻轻晃动了一下,变得模糊不清了起来,紧接着才立马恢复原状。 so fast...!” 好快...!” Had Joseph of Sword Saint of Wind title then to see any inconceivable scene probably, the pupil shrank. 拥有着风之剑圣称号的约瑟便好像看到了什么不可思议的场景,瞳孔为之一缩。 Withstand/Top is presenting everyone or the inconceivable or unbelievable look, Skien shoots a look at legendary expert one that could not fall to the ground, serene said. 顶着在场所有人或不可思议或难以置信的眼神,希恩瞥了那倒地不起的传奇级强者一眼,风轻云淡说了一句 Do not care, person but who is teaches this type not to have the education how should respect others, everyone may not learn from him.” “别在意,不过是教教这种没教养的人该怎么尊重别人而已,各位可千万别跟他学啊。” Light words, were make people look at each other in blank dismay. 轻飘飘的一句话语,却是令得众人都面面相觑了起来。 Myski, Nobu, Murdo as well as Joseph and the others on stern-faced looks at Skien, in the eyes starts to appear dreads the color. 米斯吉诺布墨尔多以及约瑟等人就一脸凝重的看着希恩,眼中开始出现忌惮之色了。 This Hero seems like not quite good to cope, temperament also poor appearance. 这个勇者看来不太好对付,脾气也不怎么好的样子啊。 A little troublesome... 有点麻烦了... The heart of people started becomes heavy. 众人的心头开始变得沉甸甸了起来。 They dare like flagrant gathers in great numbers to come, a very big reason lies in they thinks that Hero should choose the compromise. 他们敢像这样明目张胆的聚众前来,很大的一个原因就在于他们以为勇者应该会选择妥协。 Because Hero of all previous generations is the justice of becoming famous is imposing, abides by the principle, will not often expel the military force. 因为历代的勇者都是出了名的正义凛然,恪守原则,绝不会动不动就斥逐武力。 as the saying goes puts out a hand not to hit the smile person, regarding the same the companion of race and same camp, protects, protects, goes Hero can only do utmost fights for the justice and truth that also how won't a word possibly turn hostile at earliest convenience? 正所谓伸手不打笑脸人,对于同一种族、同一阵营的同伴,勇者只会竭尽全力的去守护,去保护,去为正义和道理而战,又怎么可能会一言不合就变脸呢? It can be said that Hero is light great existence, in the world opinion, should be very good to speak, is very genial, even if others create a scene, he will contain, goes to the wide love, rather than begins like directly. 可以说,勇者都是光伟正的存在,在世人看来,应该很好说话,很和善,即使他人无理取闹,他都会去包容,去宽爱,而不是像这样直接动手。 Taking this into consideration, before coming, the people think that Hero should be insufficient to reject everyone's meeting unilaterally, making them give to resist outside the door, but under having no alternative will be accommodating for everyone. 有鉴于此,来之前,众人都以为勇者应该不至于单方面的拒绝所有人的会面,让他们都给拒之门外,而是会在无可奈何之下为所有人行方便。 Is this Hero not? 这才是勇者不是吗? But...... this Hero seems the style is not a little right. 但......这个勇者好像画风有点不对啊。 Saw that Skien calm standing there, the look that sweeps is actually filling the feeling of making the person palpitation, the plan called out in alarm with the reprimand fellows closed the mouth, became the atmosphere not to dare to leave. 眼看着希恩一脸平静的站在那里,扫过来的眼神却充满着令人心悸的感觉,原本打算惊呼和斥责出声的家伙都闭上了嘴巴,变得大气都不敢出了。 hum hum.” 哼哼。” Only has Yurin one person to stand in Skien's side, looks at all these, quite plants on this/should ruthlessly lesson their rack. 唯有尤琳一人站在希恩的身边,看着这一切,颇有种“就该狠狠的教训他们一顿”的架子。 Finally, was Uhler for this reason over. 最后,还是尤勒为此出头了。 Sir Bezthoth, we are well-meant, please believe us.” 孛兹图特卿,我们没有恶意的,请你相信我们。” Uhler spoke with a forced smile. 尤勒苦笑出声 Regarding this, Skien nodded actually confidently. 对此,希恩倒是坦然点头了。 I know, you are well-meant, does not come to me.” Skien acknowledged this point, the tone actually to/clashes very much the say/way: But you acted unreasonably in my domain eventually, such being the case, I as the host, how do not teach everyone to obey the custom, doesn't appear neglects duty specially?” “我知道,你们没有恶意,并不都是冲着我来的。”希恩承认了这一点,语气却还是很冲似的道:“可你们终究在我的地盘上乱来了,既然如此,我作为东道主,不教教各位该怎么守规矩,不是显得特别失职吗?” hearing this, Murdo could not bear. 闻言,墨尔多忍不住了。 What do you mean? Hero Skien?” Murdo is regarding Skien tightly, said: On the scene does not have one by the position under you, even your majesty in our country arrived personally, you do not entertain lavishly also on forget it/that's all, but also so rude and unreasonable, can I regard as this am the provocation of Mithras Kingdom to my Magic country Larabay?” “你这是什么意思呢?勇者希恩?”墨尔多紧视着希恩,道:“在场的诸位论身份地位都没有一个在你之下,甚至连我国的陛下都亲自到来了,你不盛情款待也就罢了,还如此蛮横,我可以视为这是密特拉王国对我魔法拉拉拜的挑衅吗?” Such remarks, the atmosphere started becomes bad. 此话一出,气氛都开始变得糟糕了起来。 This cannot crack a joke. 这可不是能够开玩笑的。 Murdo uses a few words the time, at upgrade to this matter the conflict of national and in country, this, if a reply is not good, the issue on diplomacy definitely is very serious. 墨尔多用一句话的功夫,把这件事上升到了国家与国家的矛盾冲突上,这要是一个回答不好,外交上的问题肯定是非常严重的。 Especially Mithras Kingdom and Magic country Larabay can arrange the vanguard in entire Human World like this, can arrange to enter the first three great nations in human all countries, if in the diplomacy does not do well, refers to erratically obtains any big calamity. 特别是密特拉王国魔法拉拉拜这样在整个人界都能排进前茅,于人类的所有国家中能够排进前三的大国,要是外交上弄不好,指不定得出什么大乱子。 Moreover, position of Larabay this country in the human influence is actually special, if possible, no one wants easily to offend it. 而且,拉拉拜这个国家在人类势力中其实站位非常特殊,可以的话,谁都不想轻易得罪它。 Why? 为何呢? Because in the situation does not permit. 因为局势上不允许。 The human three big countries, respectively are Ragna Empire, Mithras Kingdom as well as Magic country Larabay. 人类的三大国家,分别就是拉格纳帝国密特拉王国以及魔法拉拉拜 And, although Larabay is in three great nations weakest one, but is completely not only inferior by the military strength in Mithras Kingdom did not say, most can divert Ragna Empire and Mithras Kingdom country. 其中,拉拉拜虽是三大国中最弱的一个,可单论军事战力完全不逊色于密特拉王国不说,也是最能牵制住拉格纳帝国以及密特拉王国的国家。 Who lets Ragna Empire and Mithras Kingdom can be counted is a bitter enemy, maintained the entire even thousands years of oppositions? 谁让拉格纳帝国密特拉王国可以算作是世仇,维持了整整千年的对立呢? Under so opposition, Larabay which country , if partial , that country ends almighty to unite Larabay, other side country nibbling completely? 在这般对立之下,拉拉拜若是偏向哪一个国家,那那个国家就完全能联合拉拉拜,将另一方国家给蚕食殆尽了吧? Meanwhile, this country will have isolated for a long time beside the dispute, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, one type may after Ragna Empire and Mithras Kingdom spell are life and death run to obtain without labor the feeling of fisherman's profit anytime. 同时,这个国家长久以来一直都将自己孤立在纷争之外,坐山观虎斗,给人一种随时有可能趁着拉格纳帝国密特拉王国拼得你死我活以后再跑出来坐收渔翁之利的感觉。 Therefore, has such a powerful country to eye covetously in side, Ragna Empire and Mithras Kingdom during opposition , does not want to offend this country completely, gives own national manufacture total destruction. 因此,有这么一个强大的国家在旁边虎视眈眈,拉格纳帝国密特拉王国在对立的同时,也是完全不想开罪这个国家,给自己的国家制造灭顶之灾。 in other words, if Larabay and Mithras Kingdom split, that may cause Larabay to reverse to Ragna Empire, makes the enormous trouble to oneself. 也就是说,如果拉拉拜密特拉王国交恶,那可能会导致拉拉拜倒向拉格纳帝国,给自己造成极大的麻烦。 In such a case, if this issue by on upgrade to international level, that Mithras Kingdom on difficult office. 在这样的情况下,若是这问题被上升到国际的层面上,那密特拉王国就难办了。 Murdo seized this obviously, said intentionally. 墨尔多显然就是逮住了这点,才故意这么说的。 Oh, do not say, Sir Murdo, Sir Bezthoth is not intends.” “唉,别这么说,墨尔多卿,孛兹图特卿不是有意的。” Side, Myski like mediating to pat the shoulder of Murdo, seems helping Skien speak the word of praise, in fact does not deny this matter to be treated as a handle to process by Larabay. 旁边,米斯吉如同打圆场般的拍了拍墨尔多的肩膀,似乎在帮希恩说好话,实际上却丝毫不否定这件事会被拉拉拜当做一个把柄来处理。 Only can say, this honored one also worthily is king of the country, this method plays is very smooth. 只能说,这一位也不愧是一国之王,这种手段玩起来还是挺溜的。 But... 可是... I did not mind actually.” “我倒是不怎么介意。” Skien unexpectedly just like like watching a monkey play, after looking, said such a few words. 希恩竟是宛如像在看一场猴戏一样,看完以后,说出了这样的一句话。 The smile on Myski face stiffened. 米斯吉脸上的笑容僵住了。 What...... did you say?” “......你说什么?” Murdo has almost not suspected own ear. 墨尔多也差点没有怀疑自己的耳朵。 Bo... Sir Bezthoth!” “孛...孛兹图特卿!” Uhler was a little calm cannot. 尤勒更是有点淡定不能了。 As for Nobu and Joseph, a little cannot respond similarly. 至于诺布约瑟,同样有点反应不过来。 I said, I did not mind.” Skien lightly said: „Regardless how for the time being Mithras Kingdom thinks, I, you want to be regarded as my provocation is also good this.” “我说,我不介意。”希恩淡淡的道:“姑且不论密特拉王国是怎么想,就我个人的话,你们想把这当做是我的挑衅也行。” At this point, Skien also shrugs. 说到这里,希恩还耸了耸肩。 Although, in my opinion, I was been right by of provocation.” “虽然,在我看来,我是被各位挑衅的那一个就对了。” The words, made the people on the scene helpless. 如此话语,令得在场的众人均都不知所措了起来。 You... you know that what you are saying? Knows that your words will cause the serious condition to happen?” “你...你知道你在说什么吗?知道你这番话会导致多严重的状况发生呢?” Murdo while helpless, but also was shouting to Skien. 墨尔多在不知所措的同时,还对着希恩喊了起来。 But such, how saw that is a little outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted. 但那样子,怎么看都有点色厉内荏。 Skien smiled. 希恩笑了。 Smiles people scalp tingles. 笑得众人头皮发麻。 Because, Skien's smile does not have the sentiment of least bit, making in the person heart the chill in the air rise steep. 因为,希恩的笑容没有半点的感情,令人心中寒意陡升。 Then, Skien opens the mouth. 然后,希恩开口了。 These words, should be I say is right.” “这句话,应该是我说的才对。” Skien lifts the view, on the face all expressions vanishes in the instance. 希恩抬起眼帘,脸上所有的表情都在瞬间里消失。 You annoy me is not unhappy like, know that will cause the serious condition to happen?” “你们像这样惹我不开心,知道会导致多严重的状况发生吗?” The language finishes, Skien's body, terrifying Magic Power does not add any concealing finally, broken body. 语毕,希恩的身上,恐怖魔力终于再也不加任何的掩饰,破体而出。 Magic Power confused the atmosphere. 魔力搅乱了大气。 The atmosphere is howling the wail. 大气呼啸着哀鸣。 The world trembles slightly. 天地微微震颤。 In Royal Capital, calling out in alarm also appearances one after another, making the unrest and scared steep presently. 王都中,一声声的惊呼亦相继的出现,让骚乱和恐慌陡现。 From Skien's body, half Transcendent Level fearful pressure sweeps across, covered to the audience. 希恩的身上,半步超脱级的可怕压力席卷而出,笼罩向了全场。 ————!?” ————!?” All average per person complexion big changes on the scene, one or two either seems by a mountain suppressing to be the same, drops down loudly, either resembled increased gravity controlling, bends the waist, and even knelt in the ground, the face, became a paleness. 在场的所有人均都面色大变,一个两个的要么好似被一座山给压住一样,轰然倒下,要么似被加大的重力给镇住了似的,弯下腰,乃至是跪在了地面上,脸唰的一下,变得一片惨白。 This pressure...!?” “这股压力...!?” Myski has knelt on the ground could not get up, looks at Skien's look fully is alarmed and afraid. 米斯吉已经跪在地上起不来了,看着希恩的眼神满是惊惧。 Gūwū...!” 咕呜...!” Nobu and Joseph knee down, wants to set out, how actually unable to achieve, can only make an effort the whole body blue vein to stick out suddenly. 诺布约瑟是单膝跪地,很想起身,却怎么都做不到,只能用力到浑身青筋暴起。 „Is this legendary level...?” “这是传奇级...?” The Murdo whole face is pale and delay is calling. 墨尔多满脸苍白和呆滞的叫着。 No, this is not legendary level, even is not limit level, this is...!?” “不,这不是传奇级,甚至不是极限级,这是...!?” Uhler is opening the eye with amazement, the whole face looks at Skien. 尤勒睁大着眼睛,满脸骇然的看着希恩 But expert that even these become famous so, other crowds as well as general legendary expert this time conditions how, it can be imagined. 而连这些出了名的强者都如此了,其余的围观群众以及一般的传奇级强者此时的状况如何,可想而知。 Some of them have fallen face down, some fainted directly, some spurt the blood crazily, solely felt Skien's imposing manner to be shaken the wound unexpectedly. 他们有的已经趴下,有的直接晕了过去,有的更是狂喷鲜血,竟是单单感受到希恩的气势都被震伤了。 Skien such such as domineering, such as overbearing, such as rude and unreasonable, if unreasonable general suppressed the audience by power. 希恩就这么如强势、如霸道、如蛮横、如无理一般的以力量镇压了全场。 People who in Bezthoth Family, these do not have also look at this, shock. 孛兹图特家里,那些没有出来的人们亦是看着这一幕,均都震惊不已。 He... he...” “他...他...” Lely is the stutter. 蕾莉已经是结结巴巴了起来。 „...... Very powerful.” “......好强。” Vivian look drastic fluctuation. 薇薇安眼神剧烈波动。 This... is this present Mr. Skien's strength...?” “这...这就是现在的希恩先生的实力...?” Lumia had been frightened. 露米雅已经被吓到了。 „......” “......” Thiel is silent, only is staring at Skien's form. 蒂耶儿沉默不语,只是凝视着希恩的身影 Hee hee.” “嘻嘻。” Only has Yurin, regarding this self-satisfied smiling. 只有尤琳,对此得意的笑着。 No, is not only Yurin, awakened by noise Lilith is also rubbing the appearance of eye probably, looks at this, a pair of attractive big eye bent the crescent moon shape. 不,不仅是尤琳,被吵醒的莉莉丝好像也揉着眼睛的出现,看着这一幕,一对好看的大眼睛弯成了月牙状。 Schiffne is also looking at this. 夏芙涅同样在看着这一幕。 Worthily is most special Hero, not by these bored rules fetters.” “不愧是最为特殊的勇者,不会被那些无聊的条条框框束缚。” Schiffne satisfied smiling. 夏芙涅满足的笑了。 This is the man who is worth me approving.” “这才是值得我认可的男人。”
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