DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#826: „Don't back down?”

At this moment, Skien without doubt is audience most noted existence. 这一刻里,希恩无疑是全场最受瞩目的存在。 Lead character as well as world-famous experts of human race each influence on one after another in his front cannot help but bent down lowly, like greeting King, in the eyes full is alarmed and afraid. 人族各个势力的领头人物以及闻名于世的强者们纷纷都在他的面前不由自主的低伏了下来,有如迎接着一个王者似的,眼中满是惊惧。 They know, Skien is very strong. 他们知道,希恩很强。 Did not say other, said that Skien is telling others at many sounds that in Imperial Capital causes, his strength has powerful how. 不说别的,就说希恩帝都里引起的诸多动静都在告诉他人,他的实力有多么的强大。 Those present are also not the average people, has own information cue, after the status exposition of Skien Hero, they collected Skien to arrive at the 《Omnipotence》 later experience through all kinds of ways. 在场的人也都不是普通人,有着自己的情报渠道,在希恩勇者的身份暴露以后,他们就通过各种各样的方式收集到了希恩来到欧姆尼珀坦森以后的经历。 But, information that they collect, very limited. 但,他们收集的情报,非常的有限。 Because, Skien defeated the Alidiya matter concealing by the kingdom, in Ragna Empire Imperial Capital also under operation in secret God Race and Devil Race concealed many truth. 因为,希恩击败了阿里迪亚的事情都被王国给隐瞒下来了,拉格纳帝国帝都里发生的事件亦是在神族和魔族的暗中操作下隐瞒了不少真相。 Finally, really knows that Skien's strength has the strong person, in this world how many people? 结果,真正知道希恩的实力有多强的人,这个世界上又有多少人呢? The Elf Race person personally sees Skien to show the Transcendent Level strength actually, but they as living in seclusion rare race in Tagore Forest, the matter that here has is impossible is so naturally easy to leak out. 精灵族的人倒是亲眼见过希恩展现出超脱级别的战力,可她们作为隐居于泰戈尔之森中的稀有种族,在这里发生的事情自然是不可能那么容易泄露出去的。 The Beastman Priests person once knows that Skien hard anti- out-of-control Lilith, actually under the Goddess of Life Anima injunction , conducted the protection on information to Skien. 兽人神官团的人曾知道希恩硬抗失控的莉莉丝,却在生命女神阿妮玛的嘱咐下,同样对希恩进行了情报上的保护。 In addition, when Skien shows the excellent strength later, in Demon World, the Human World person did not know these matters. 除此之外,希恩后期展现过人实力时,就都是在魔界里了,人界的人根本不知道这些事。 In summary, the human race understanding of influence Skien, is only entering the inner palace limited to Skien, obtains second Unique Skill, thus had in the life's first strength *** beforehand deeds forget it/that's all. 综上所述,人族的势力对希恩的了解,仅限于希恩在进入内殿,获得第二个独有技能,从而发生了此生第一次实力上的***之前的事迹罢了 But before then, what attention does Skien have? 而在此之前,希恩有什么样的瞩目点呢? One: Having Unique Skill that can adjust Level and Skill to a certain extent willfully, therefore then can crusade against 【Slaughterer Faction】 this Old Demon Race Faction when low level alone. 一:拥有能够在一定程度上任意调整自身等级技能独有技能,因而在低等级时便能单独讨伐【杀戮者派阀】这个旧魔族派 Two: Has high level 【Taming】 Skill, gave taming to become own mount Adol's Black Dragon. 二:拥有着非常高等级【驯化】技能,将亚特鲁的黑龙都给驯化成了自己的坐骑。 Three: Has doubtful already Celestial Body Magic and versatility that extremely high Bestowal Magic is lost, once had summoned the meteor shower, nearly destroyed Knights of the Kingdom. 三:拥有疑似已然失传的天体魔法泛用性极高的付与魔法,曾召唤过流星雨,近乎摧毁了王国骑士团 Then happened at its body series of incident, probably revolting and Kosmos of Galluoli Family was destroyed, Ragna Empire coup d'etat wait wait/etc etc, in these big events has Skien's form. 然后就是发生在其身上的一连串事件,像是伽卢奥利家的叛变、科斯莫斯的被毁、拉格纳帝国的政变等等等等,这些大事件里都有希恩的身影 Again is several aristocrat who offended Skien leaves office, probably Duke Sterlingham Family as well as Duke Lucica Family, folded in Skien's hand. 再然后就是几个得罪了希恩的贵族下台,像是斯特林姆公爵家以及琉西卡公爵家,都是折在了希恩的手中。 These, to a certain extent demonstrated Skien's strength to others. 这些,就都在一定程度上的向他人展示了希恩的实力 Compared with this, matter that strongest Evil God that Skien's side has in Dragon Devil as well as rumor ten thousand years supports, but is his back energy, has no relations with his oneself strength height. 与此相比,希恩的身边龙魔以及传闻中万年不出的最强邪神撑腰的事情,只不过是他背后的能量而已,和他本人的实力高低没什么关系。 In such a case, although Skien as before is existence of very bright eye, but people naturally impossible thinks that Skien is existences that far exceeded human race all expert. 在这样的情况下,希恩虽然依旧是非常亮眼的存在,可人们自然不可能以为希恩是个远远超出了人族所有强者的存在。 Even he is Hero, in arriving at this world not under condition of more than a half year of time, properly speaking, where not too possibly strong to goes to be right. 即便他是勇者,在来到这个世界不过半年多的时间的状况下,照理来说,都不太可能强到哪去才对。 People have visited him as far as possible high, but finally believes, Skien's Level should not be high, only is relying on Unique Skill powerful, had can with strength forget it/that's all that legendary expert was a worthy opponent. 人们就已经尽量高看他了,但最后还是认为,希恩的等级应该不高,只是凭借着独有技能强力,拥有了可以和传奇级的强者匹敌的实力罢了 Even if he later entered the inner palace, became stronger, and had Holy Sword to kill like this greatly, people still only thought that he most might not be inferior existence in limit level, actually does not think that Skien achieved limit level. 就算他之后进入了内殿,变得更强了,且还拥有着圣剑这样的大杀器,众人也只是觉得他最多是有可能不逊色于极限级的存在,却不认为希恩本身达到了极限级 Let alone was above limit level, even Hero of all previous generations only then extremely a small number of few people arrived, Skien arrived at 《Omnipotence》 less than one year, impossible achieved this boundary decisively. 更别说是极限级之上了,连历代的勇者都只有极为少数的寥寥几人抵达了而已,希恩才来到欧姆尼珀坦森不到一年,断然不可能达到这个境界。 Was honored as strongest Hero Mithras to enter limit level continually at age 30, then depended on the comprehension in inner palace to be able disposable transcend, the achievement prestige. 连被誉为最强的勇者密特拉都是在30岁那一年才进入了极限级,然后靠着在内殿的领悟才能一次性超脱,成就威名。 But before then, Mithras has arrived at the 《Omnipotence》 entire ten years. 而在此之前,密特拉已经来到欧姆尼珀坦森整整十年了。 Had such example before, who believes, Skien can in less than one year, achieve the boundary above limit level? 有了这样的例子在前,又有谁会认为,希恩能在短短不到一年的时间里,达到极限级之上的境界呢? Visits him again high, will be impossible will think. 再高看他,都是不可能会这么想的。 Including Uhler, he no doubt favors Skien very much, has not actually thought that Skien will have such strength at this time. 包括尤勒,他固然很看好希恩,却也从没想过,希恩会在这个时候拥有这样的实力。 In other words , Skien in the fist that in Human World shows, is not quite hard enough. 换言之,希恩人界里展现出来的拳头,还是不太够硬。 Therefore, today this arises at the historic moment. 因此,今天这一幕才应运而生。 We let us not waste each other time.” “我们还是别浪费彼此的时间了吧。” Skien then works as is presenting everyone's surface, whole face tranquil declaration. 希恩便当着在场所有人的面,满脸平静的宣言 I know that you are not visit my.” “我知道你们不是来拜访我的。” I also know, actually you want to see anyone.” “我也知道,你们究竟是想见谁。” Let alone I do not give you opportunity.” “别说我不给你们机会。” Saying, the Skien palm is wielding, Magic Power spews out from above, resembles to change to the substantive air wave to be the same, with Skien's movement, ruthlessly has cut Bezthoth Family's front door. 说着,希恩手掌一挥,魔力从其上喷涌而出,似化作实质般的气浪一样,随着希恩的动作,狠狠的切过了孛兹图特家的大门 Bang!” “嘭!” In blasting, before Bezthoth Family's front door, together the gully in the crushed stone and in the rubble by the Magic Power air/Qi blade of being split up cutting, resembles to carve the scar above land, seems like extremely shocking. 炸裂声中,孛兹图特家的大门前,一道沟壑在四分五裂的碎石及瓦砾中被魔力的气刃给斩出,似刻在大地之上的伤痕,看上去极为触目惊心 But this , is to make people shake. 而这一幕,又是让众人内心一震。 Unexpectedly did the release of only Magic Power, create such slash? 居然单凭魔力的释放,就造成了这样的斩击 Did not know in the people heart shocking Skien to restrain Magic Power. 不知道众人心中震惊的希恩收敛起了魔力 This move, he also the inspiration obtained from Gray body. 这一招,他也是从格雷身上获得的启发。 Although, he does not have learn Gray that to be able the 【Magic Sword】 essence to turn into the trick of weapon, may rely on the inhuman Magic Power control force, condenses the air/Qi blade to release Magic Power like, to Skien, is not the difficult matter. 虽然,他没有学会格雷那能将【魔剑】实质化成武器的伎俩,可凭借着非人的魔力操纵力,像这样将魔力凝聚成气刃释放出去,对希恩而言,不算难事。 Therefore... 所以... So long as you can step over this line in one hour, I make Schiffne see you.” “只要你们能够在一个小时之内迈过这条线,我就让夏芙涅见你们。” Skien's voice makes a sound the audience. 希恩的声音响遍全场。 No matter independent person also good, collaborates the group to attack, even does not have the issue with the aid of Magic Item.” “不管是单独一人也好,联手群攻也罢,甚至借助魔法道具都没有问题。” Wants not to relate with the strategy, but hopes that you grasp, if resorts to all means that does matter that some I did not like, I do not know that will make anything to retaliate.” “想用策略也没有关系,但希望你们把握好度,要是不择手段,做了些我不喜欢的事,那我就不知道会做什么来报复了。” Come, making me have a look at your skills.” “来,让我看看你们的本事吧。” Drops out such words, Skien's voice became ridiculed finally. 抛下这样的话语,希恩的声音才终于变得讥讽了起来。 Naturally , don't back down like this?” “当然,都这样了,可别打退堂鼓了哦?” The sound of satire, winds around near numerous expert and ear of high-rank unceasingly. 讽刺的声音,在一众强者及上位者们的耳边不断缭绕。 The people were silent, in the heart started to suppress all at once. 众人沉默了,心中则开始憋起了一股气。 Arrived this situation, has not truly drawn back the court room drum to hit. 到了这个地步,确实已经没有退堂鼓可以打了。 Moreover, method and diversion in what diplomacy, influence and political arena, cannot apply here. 而且,什么外交、势力、政坛上的手段及牵制,在这里也都派不上用场。 Skien on the by most direct way, delimited one unable to escape to everyone, been able to avoid say/way. 希恩就以最为直接的方式,给所有人划了一条逃不了,避不开的道。 Does not want to rush to this saying, that only then fate ———— reduces for the laughingstock of the world. 不想闯这条道,那就只有一个下场————沦落为世人的笑柄。 After all, their so many people came together, and each affects Human World future trend influential figure sufficiently, if flinched at this time, does not dare to meet head-on, to laugh? 毕竟,他们这么多人一起来了,且每一个都是足以影响到人界未来的走势的大人物,若是在这个时候退缩,不敢迎战,岂不是笑话? Those words, face thing, after on it upgrade to certain level, linked up with the actual benefit. 还是那句话,面子这东西,当它上升到了一定的层面以后,就和实际的利益相挂钩了。 Therefore, this war, they could not run away. 所以,这一战,他们已经逃不了了。 Such being the case... 既然如此... I come!” “我来!” Murdo clenches teeth, is relying on the aggrievedness and anger of innermost feelings, actually stood up. 墨尔多咬了咬牙,凭借着内心的憋屈及怒火,硬是站了起来 Skien has transferred the line of sight, looked to the opposite party. 希恩转过视线,看向了对方。 He does not know that at present this wears magic robe, who grasps good Staff Magician is, is what background. 他不知道眼前这个身披法袍,手持不俗法杖魔法师是谁,又是什么来头。 might as well say, in those present, besides Uhler, other people, Skien basically did not know. 倒不如说,在场的人里,除了尤勒以外,其余人,希恩基本都不认识。 But this does not hinder Skien to work. 但这并不妨碍希恩做事。 even if not knows that who the opposite party is, Skien can also guess correctly, dares to come here person at this time, will not be simple. 即使不知道对方是谁,希恩也能猜到,敢在这个时候来到这里的人,都不会简单。 Let alone, relied on 【Beyond Fate's Sensation】 ability, Skien was also truly seeing Level ———— of opposite party " Lv.97 " . 更别说,凭借着【外觉天命】能力,希恩也确确实实的看到了对方的等级————「Lv.97」。 This is one is completely not inferior in Elf Race Nia and Leia two people top legendary level Great Magician. 这就是一个完全不逊色于精灵族妮雅蕾娅两人的顶尖传奇级大魔法师 Right. 没错。 only legendary level. 只是传奇级 Therefore, Skien were not many said that toward Murdo finger beckoned. 于是,希恩也不多说了,朝着墨尔多勾了勾手指 That vulnerability is not big, the insulting extremely strong hand signal, making the Murdo instantaneous vitality upwell. 那伤害性不大,侮辱性极强的手势,令得墨尔多瞬间气血上涌。 He is a talent, over 30 years old are in Larabay strongest Magician, even are entire human race can being able to stand in line number top legendary level Great Magician, in the heart naturally has other people's no arrogance. 他本身就是一个天才,才三十多岁就已经是拉拉拜中最强的魔法师,甚至是整个人族都能排得上号的顶尖传奇级大魔法师,心中自然有着一股他人没有的傲气。 Also because of this, as the saying goes in the prime of youth, this Larabay Magician Regiment Captain will refuse to accept Joseph, thinks oneself compared with Joseph outstanding. 也是因为这样,正所谓年轻气盛,这位拉拉拜魔法师团团长才会不服约瑟,认为自己比约瑟更加的优秀。 In his opinion, Joseph was one entire more than 20 years had not broken through to limit level panting expert forget it/that's all. 在他看来,约瑟就是一个整整二十多年了还没突破到极限级的过气强者罢了 For a long time has not arrived at limit level, his potential affirmation has exhausted, is unable to go a step further again. 这么久都没到极限级,他的潜力肯定已经耗尽,无法再进一步。 But oneself? 而自己呢? Murdo believes that again to oneself ten years, can certainly achieve limit level. 墨尔多认为,再给自己十年的时间,一定是能够达到极限级的。 By that time, he is entire human race strongest Great Magician, even Demon Cadre must candidly admit defeat, God Race top tier Goddess is also treats with good manners to him. 到那时,他就是全人族最强的大魔法师,连魔族的干部都得甘拜下风,神族上级女神亦是得对他以礼相待。 human race wants born limit level expert, that is the countless sufferings and hardships. 要知道,人族想诞生一个极限级强者,那是千难万难的。 Even Demon Race three achieved this rank, God Race similarly is so, human race naturally not to mention, looks over entire human race history few this ranks expert. 魔族都只有三位达到了这个级别,神族同样是如此,人族自然更不用说,纵观整个人族历史都没有几个这种级别的强者 Otherwise, millenniums ago resists Beast Devil was not Hero that 13 top legendary expert composed. 不然,千年前对抗兽魔的就不是十三位顶尖的传奇级强者组成的英雄了。 In other words , that time human race did not have limit level expert, let alone was the present. 换言之,那个时候的人族都没有极限级强者,更别说是现在了。 To a certain extent, limit level expert compared with expert scarcer existence of Transcendent Level. 从某种程度上来说,极限级强者是比超脱级强者更稀少的存在。 If really can arrive at that rank, Murdo felt, did not come to the world to walk one in vain time. 要是真能到那个级别,墨尔多觉得,也不枉自己来人世走一遭了。 Such Murdo self-respect is extremely strong, the arrogance is full, besides will restrain in front of giving loyalty to Myski some, facing others, even if facing being known as humanity's first Alidiya Erbein, he dares saying that is more outstanding than him. 这样的墨尔多自尊心就极强,傲气更是十足,除了在效忠的米斯吉面前会收敛一些以外,面对他人,哪怕是面对号称人族第一阿里迪亚·埃尔贝因,他都敢自称比他还优秀。 Because generally, Alidiya when Murdo this age, does not have the Murdo present achievement. 概因为,阿里迪亚墨尔多这个岁数时,也没墨尔多现在的成就。 Now, he was actually provoked. 现在,他却是被挑衅了。 【Exploding Flame Spear】.” 【爆炎枪】。” The slight hesitation, Murdo has not released oneself adept Magic. 没有丝毫的犹豫,墨尔多释放出了自己拿手的魔法
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