DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#824: „Then wants to see me?”

————!” ————!” When that ice-cold sound sound spreads the audience, a scary constriction also covered the audience instantaneously, lets everyone one after another complexion changing suddenly on the scene. 当那冰冷的声音响遍全场之时,一股骇人的压迫感亦是瞬间笼罩了全场,让在场的所有人纷纷面色陡变。 Who...!?” “谁...!?” Murdo this legendary level Great Magician was first made dealing unexpectedly, without any hesitation, in direction that the constriction raided, release Magic. 墨尔多这个传奇级大魔法师竟是第一个对此作出了应对,没有任何的犹豫,向着压迫感袭来的方向,释放出了魔法 That is Flame System Advanced Magic, single body breakthrough destructive Magic ———— 【Exploding Flame Spear】. 那是火焰系上级魔法,单体突破型的破坏性魔法————【爆炎枪】 Magic Power is then released with the hand that Murdo extends, and changes to one to explode the flame, has the fiery red dazzling brilliance, is ordinary like the spear/gun lance, at an exceptional pace bang to the source of that constriction. 魔力便随着墨尔多伸出的手被释放,并化作一阵爆炎,带着火红刺眼的光辉,如同枪矛一般,以惊人的速度轰向那压迫感的源头。 must say, this legendary level Great Magician is really not a lid, unexpectedly can put forth Advanced Magic suddenly, chants the appearance that has not conducted to chant continually, 【Chanting】 Skill max level, having let him to discard spell/incantation to display Magic to a certain extent? 不得不说,这个传奇级大魔法师真不是盖的,居然能在瞬息间使出上级魔法,连咏唱都没怎么进行咏唱的样子,想必【咏唱】技能已经满级,让他能在一定程度上舍弃咒语施展魔法了吧? Even if Advanced Magic, has max level 【Chanting】 Skill to be auxiliary, wants to discard spell to release directly, it's not like cannot accomplish. 哪怕是上级魔法,有满级【咏唱】技能辅助的话,想舍弃咒文直接释放出来,亦不是办不到 Naturally, the Advanced Magic might that like this shows will definitely give some discounts, actually wins is starting and release enough quick. 当然,这样施展出来的上级魔法的威力肯定会打一些折扣,却胜在发动和释放的足够快。 This also no wonder, Murdo can in the battlefield not interrupted puts forth over a hundred Advanced Magic, gave to burning out several tens of thousands enemies. 这也就难怪,墨尔多能在战场上毫不间断的使出上百种的上级魔法,将数万的敌军都给烧尽了。 However... 然而... Bang!” “嘭!” The might astonishing exploding flame will soon be falling when goal body, was patted the powder by slender white hands directly, changes to a spark, dissipates in the world. 威力惊人的爆炎在即将落在目标身上时,被一只纤细的玉手给直接拍散,化作一阵火花,消散于天地间。 What!?” “什么!?” Murdo in great surprise. 墨尔多大惊。 Dispersed the Magic with a slap...!?” 把魔法给拍散了...!?” Myski, Joseph, Nobu and Uhler expression slightly changes. 米斯吉约瑟诺布以及尤勒的表情都不禁微微一变。 Until this time, all talents on the scene saw clearly the newcomer complete picture. 直到这时,在场的所有人才看清了来者的全貌。 That is a young girl. 那是一个少女。 A on the back grows pair of wings, float sky over Bezthoth Family's front door, occupying a commanding position looks at everyone on the scene, look extremely ice-cold, beautiful young girl with an extremely impatient look. 一个背生双翼,正悬浮在孛兹图特家的大门上空,居高临下的看着在场的所有人,神色极其冰冷,眼神极其不耐的美丽少女 If the dragon might constriction from this seemingly delicate boneless the body unceasing ascension of young girl, making complexion of people change again and again. 龙威般的压迫感就从这个看起来柔弱无骨的少女的身上不断的升腾起来,令得众人的面色一变再变。 The young girls actually ignore totally, even returns mockingly spoke. 少女却是全然不顾,甚至还讽刺出声 Your these human race really will not have drawn the lesson, yesterday this, this, clear(ly) knows that today my Master is Hero, is stronger than your anybody much character, but also dares to gather to cause trouble like, really thinks that we don't dare to kill you?” “你们这些人族还真是不会吸取教训,昨天这样,今天也这样,明知道我家主人勇者,是比你们任何人都强得多的人物,还敢像这样聚集过来闹事,真以为我们不敢杀你们吗?” Saying, young girl body murderous aura truly braved, lets the person heart big quake. 说着,少女身上杀气确确实实的冒了出来,让人心头大震。 That constriction, that murderous aura, is telling everyone on the scene, at present this young girl very strong, strong and fearful. 那压迫感,那杀气,都在告诉在场的每一个人,眼前这个少女非常的强,强得可怕 „...... Hey, Sword Saint of Wind.” Nobu on hoisted an ugly smile that some resembled reluctantly, interrogated toward Joseph: You had confidence that can win her?” “......喂,风之剑圣。”诺布就有些勉强似的扯起了一个难看的笑容,向着约瑟质问道:“你有把握能够赢她吗?” hearing this, Joseph was silent. 闻言,约瑟沉默了。 For a long time later, Joseph said. 许久以后,约瑟说了一句 No.” “没有。” Such remarks, audience all screen. 此话一出,全场皆屏。 Because, in this simple acknowledgment, the contained information content is not low. 因为,这简简单单的承认里,包含的信息量一点都不低。 Joseph more than 20 years ago could have been top legendary expert, even if now has not arrived in limit level, not too remote was also right to that. 要知道,约瑟二十多年前就已经算得上是顶尖的传奇级强者了,如今即便没有抵达极限级,亦是离那一步不太遥远了才对。 Before Nobu said that Joseph's strength, even if places in entire human race, arranges sufficiently first five. 就像诺布之前所说的一样,约瑟的实力,哪怕是放在整个人族里,都足以排进前五。 Such he, here possibly is the strongest that person. 这样的他,在这里可能就是最强的那一个人。 But he claimed that has not grasped can win that dragon-winged young girl, meaning is anything, no one cannot think. 可就连他都声称没有把握能够赢得了那龙翼少女,这其中的意思是什么,没有人会想不到。 limit level...?” 极限级...吗?” On Myski's forehead has dripped to be in a cold sweat. 米斯吉的额头上已经淌出了冷汗。 „Is she Dragon Race person?” “她是龙族的人?” Murdo complexion is also ugly. 墨尔多面色同样难看。 Only has Uhler, smiles bitterly, while actually stood. 只有尤勒,一边苦笑,一边却是站了出来。 „Are you Miss Yurin?” Uhler salutes toward the in the air young girl, said: Had heard that Miss Yurin turn humanoid succeeds, has removed the body of monster, becoming was more powerful than the past, sure enough, really congratulated.” “你就是尤琳小姐吧?”尤勒向着空中的少女行礼,道:“早就听说尤琳小姐化人成功,已经褪去魔物之身,变得比过去更加强大了,果不其然,真是恭喜了。” At this moment, enjoys Pope Uhler of extremely high position in Human World to Yurin respectful. 这一刻里,就是在人界享有着极高的地位的教皇尤勒都对尤琳毕恭毕敬了起来。 Because, he knows, at present this young girl has not only been reborn, also had possibly arrived in their these legendary expert long-awaited boundary ———— limit level. 因为,他知道,眼前这个少女不仅已经脱胎换骨了,还有可能已经抵达了他们这些传奇级强者梦寐以求的境界————极限级 This is in Dragon Race has not even been born expert. 这是连龙族中都不曾诞生过一个的强者 Now, this expert appeared, and regards Skien is Master, the secret information that from this may peep, thinks to make in the person heart send being afraid/painful simply. 现在,这个强者却是出现了,且还视希恩主人,由此可窥视到的幕后信息,简直想想都让人心中发憷。 But Yurin not the words that because Uhler a few words thinks highly of slow down complexion. 尤琳并没有因为尤勒一两句恭维的话就放缓面色 Do not give me to come this set, even if you think highly of me, I will not calm down.” Yurin coldly snorted, said: Master makes me guard a gate here, accumulation of actually your one or two here, was discussing must rush hardly, but also wants me to give you good complexion to look?” “别给我来这一套,就算你恭维我,我也不会消气的。”尤琳冷哼了一声,道:“主人让我在这里守门,你们一个两个的却聚集在这里,商量着要硬闯,还想要我给你们好脸色看吗?” The Yurin words, making the people mutually look at each other one. 尤琳的话,令得众人互相对视了一眼。 Uhler is hurriedly spoke. 尤勒更是赶紧出声 „The meaning that we do not want to rush to hardly, only wants to visit Sir Bezthoth.” “我们没有想硬闯的意思,只是想拜访一下孛兹图特卿而已。” Obviously, even if by Uhler such status, does not dare not to do at this matter conceals. 显然,哪怕是以尤勒这样的身份,都不敢不在这件事上做些掩饰。 Otherwise, is really regarded as rushes hardly, that Bezthoth Family coped with them is the self-defense that the principle dealt with. 否则,真被视为硬闯,那孛兹图特家对付他们就是理所应对的自卫了。 Although, they do not think that only Bezthoth Family can cope with their here so many influences and expert, but Skien backs on God Race and Devil Race, in the family/home there is still one Evil God Lilith, such power was not they can resist. 虽然,他们并不认为单凭一个孛兹图特家就能对付得了他们这里这么多的势力及强者,但希恩背靠神族和魔族,家中还有一个邪神莉莉丝,这样的一股力量可不是他们能够抵抗得了的。 Therefore, their coming, although also has the impulsive factor, actually does not think flagrant offending Skien. 所以,他们这次前来,虽也有冲动的因素在内,却并不是想明目张胆的得罪希恩 That to them, without the advantage of least bit. 那对他们而言,没有半点的好处。 What they are more is believes, by own position, even Hero should not refuse own visiting to be right. 他们更多的是认为,以自己的身份地位,即便是勇者都不应该会拒绝自己的拜访才对。 Therefore, they do not come and Skien do right, at least the time in surface needs to maintain, that is most appropriate. 因此,他们不是来和希恩做对的,起码表面上的功夫需要维持好,那才最妥当。 No one is a fool, if thinks that these influential figures come here not to undergo any consideration and consideration, that was definitely completely mistaken. 谁都不是傻子,要是以为这些大人物们来到这里没有经过任何的考虑和考量,那肯定是大错特错了。 But... 可是... You told me, exhibited your only of this weaponry to visit?” “你们告诉我,摆出这个阵仗的你们只是来拜访的而已?” Yurin with looking at a fool look looks at Uhler and the others, like this spoke. 尤琳用看傻子一眼的眼神看着尤勒等人,这般出声 You thought that I do believe?” “你们觉得我信吗?” A few words, made some people dumbstruck and unable to reply. 一句话,令众人有些哑口无言 If truly, said that is visiting, weaponry that the people exhibit truly some. 确实,若要说是拜访的话,众人摆出的阵仗确实有些过了。 Before the Bezthoth Family gate , the square occupies, isolates this area with Knight Regiment or bodyguard, one after another gathers, was discussing arbitrarily visiting the matter, ignores the feeling of here Master quite the same as, this said that is intimidates some people to believe that said that is prepares to capture here is not overrated slightly. 孛兹图特家的门前广场占据,用骑士团或者护卫队将这一带隔离,又一个接着一个的聚集在一起,擅自商议着“拜访”的事情,浑然不顾这里的主人的感受,这说是威逼都有人信,说是准备攻下这里也丝毫都不为过。 Visiting? 拜访? That is just gives a pretext. 那只不过是借口而已。 Your only wants to see Elder Sister Schiffne, simply hasn't thought my Master's wishes?” Yurin sneers saying: Even, you were still worrying, what my Master can take the opportunity to make to Elder Sister Schiffne?” “你们只是想见夏芙涅姐姐,根本没想过我家主人的意愿吧?”尤琳冷笑道:“甚至,你们是不是还在担心,我家主人会不会借机对夏芙涅姐姐做点什么啊?” The people are speechless. 众人无话可说。 Although is somewhat weak and loses face, but truly also some people think. 虽然有些幼稚和丢脸,但确实也有人是这么想的。 Thinks to that your highness who any men do not spare a glance, it is said unexpectedly by Skien pulling, seems like has not resisted this action the appearance, must say no one to indulge in flights of fancy, basically impossible. 一想到对任何男人都不屑一顾的那位殿下,据说居然是被希恩给牵走的,看起来好像还不抗拒这番举动的样子,要说没有人胡思乱想,根本不可能 Said straightforwardly, some people are envying, some people are envying, some people were worried, some people are afraid, thus accomplished of present. 直白的说,有人在羡慕,有人在嫉妒,有人在担心,有人在害怕,因而才造就了现在的这一幕。 Without the means that entire more than 20 years of love hearts, once erupts, the calm person can some loses self-control. 没办法,整整二十多年的恋慕心,一旦爆发,再冷静的人都会有些失态 Especially charm unparalleled such as Schiffne such glamorous enchantress, to attraction that the men create, that cannot talk too much. 尤其是魅力无双如夏芙涅这样的倾世妖姬,对男人们造成的吸引力,那已经是不需多言。 All sorts of factors and reasons add, these talents could not bear. 种种因素和缘由加起来,这些人才忍不住过来了。 And, but also more or less adopted some strong methods. 并且,还都或多或少的采取了一些强硬的手段。 When the people had nothing to say in reply, Myski this Larabay's King stood finally. 就在众人无言以对的时候,米斯吉这个拉拉拜的国王终于是站了出来。 You misunderstood, Miss Yurin.” Myski smiles, was so saying to Yurin: Our only does not want to see so many people crowded here, efficiency that affects to visit, therefore oversteps handled some things of thinking oneself infallible, but also looks to excuse me.” “你误会了,尤琳小姐。”米斯吉就笑了笑,对着尤琳这般说道:“我们只是不想看到那么多人拥挤在这里,影响拜访的效率而已,所以才逾越的做了些自以为是的事情,还望见谅。” Right!” Nobu also loudly said: „Doesn't miscellaneous personnel have the qualifications always to gather in great numbers to harass Count Bezthoth here?” “没错!”诺布大声的道:“闲杂人等也没有资格老是在这里聚众骚扰孛兹图特伯爵吧?” Since His Majesty the King and Pope Your Holiness had come, that nature disbands these irrelevant personnel is good.” Murdo also just right added: Cannot fellow Sirs and these is the same, here pushes, but also calls loudly?” “既然国王陛下教皇冕下都已经来了,那自然得将那些无关人员遣散才行。”墨尔多亦是恰到好处的补充道:“总不能让各位大人和那些人一样,在这里挤来挤去,还大声吆喝吧?” This excuse, poured to be reasonably. 这番说辞,倒算得上是合理了。 Generally speaking, the superficial work of these people maintain very much full. 总的来说,这些人的表面功夫还是维持得很足的。 How to say again is lead character of major influences, how possibly really an excuse does not have, here only impulsive conduct? 再怎么说都是各大势力的领头人物,怎么可能真的一点说辞都没有,就在这里单凭冲动行事呢? No matter what, on the position, Skien also as before is Count, all in all, he must sell these influential figures on the scene faces. 不管怎么样,就地位而言,希恩还依旧是个伯爵,于情于理,他都还是得卖在场的这些大人物们的面子的。 If the world-class great nation King visit, makes the opposite party be denied entrance continually directly, even if God Race and Devil Race will feel in the wrong, doesn't dare to support to Skien flagrantly? 如果连世界级的大国国王来访,都让对方直接吃闭门羹的话,那就算是神族和魔族都会觉得理亏,不敢明目张胆的给希恩撑腰吧? Therefore, these people are thought through a matter, to see one side Schiffne, it may be said that takes great pains. 所以,这些人已经算是用心良苦了,为了见夏芙涅一面,可谓是煞费苦心。 Other legendary expert as well as have influential figures of potential also to seize this opportunity famously, spoke heartily. 其余的传奇级强者以及有名有势的大人物们亦逮住这个机会,尽情发言。 We only came for a visit.” 我们只是来拜访一下而已。” could it be can Count Bezthoth also give to resist outside the door us?” 难道孛兹图特伯爵还要将我们都给拒之门外吗?” Hero is Hero of my and the others clan, is insufficient our these human race major influences the surface of leader not to see one time?” 勇者是我等人族的英雄,不至于连我们这些人族各大势力的首领的面都不见一次吧?” Also please let us go.” “还请让我们进去吧。” Makes us go.” “让我们进去吧。” These person then one by one expressed so the opinion. 这些人便一一发表了如此言论。 You...” “你们...” Yurin got angry, the body constriction was to also become more fearful. 尤琳火了,身上的压迫感亦是变得更加可怕了起来。 In the Yurin small mouth must start to gather dragon breath, a form appeared in the Bezthoth Family's front door place suddenly. 就在尤琳小嘴中都要开始汇聚起龙息的时候,一道身影豁然出现在了孛兹图特家的大门处。 I have really not known, everyone that wants to see me unexpectedly.” “我还真不知道,各位居然那么想见我呢。” The Hero extremely towering appearance of youth, lifts the view, showed the smile. 青年的勇者就这么极为突兀的出现,抬起眼帘,露出了笑容。 The in the eyes, is the tiny bit happy expression does not have continually. 眼中,却是连一丝一毫的笑意都没有。
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