DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#819: „This is useless to me.”

At this time, Skien had also brought back to Bezthoth Family Schiffne. 这个时候,希恩也已经将夏芙涅带回了孛兹图特家 Caused many tumults is not naturally no need to say on the way, making Skien not dare in the person by own family to be seen this charm unparalleled Your Highness Charm Devil. 途中引起了多少骚动自然不必多说,让希恩都不太敢让自己家族里的人见到这个魅力无双的魅魔殿下。 But besides Bezthoth Family, Skien does not know where must to go to be quite good the Schiffne belt/bring. 但除了孛兹图特家以外,希恩也不知道要把夏芙涅带到哪里去比较好。 Therefore, Skien can only after arriving in Bezthoth Family, brought Schiffne Teleportation to go to own room directly. 于是,希恩只能在抵达孛兹图特家以后,直接带着夏芙涅瞬间移动回了自己的房间。 Bang!” “砰!” In muffled sound, Schiffne was advanced on the bed by Skien, lies down there, was shocked directly. 一声闷响声中,夏芙涅希恩推到了床上,躺在那里,直接愣住了。 Then can select honestly?” “这下能老实点了吧?” Skien stands before the bed, looks that lies down completely reveals the fiery stature above Schiffne, actually self-satisfied smiling. 希恩站在床前,看着躺在上面尽显火爆身材的夏芙涅,却是得意的笑着。 „...... Dares to advance the person estimate on bed like me also only then your.” “......敢像这样把我推到床上的人估计也只有你一个了。” Schiffne is very speechless. 夏芙涅很是无语。 It can be said that Skien was everyone long-awaited wants to do, thing that actually impossible achieves. 可以说,希恩做了一件所有人都梦寐以求的想去做,却不可能做到的事。 Naturally, this degree, Skien is aloof. 当然,这种程度,希恩根本无动于衷。 Everyone long-awaited wants to do, thing that actually impossible achieves? 所有人都梦寐以求的想去做,却不可能做到的事? Such matter, he does not have long known that made many to this Charm Devil. 那样的事情,他早就不知道对这个魅魔做了多少了。 This called serves right.” Skien is holding the arm, occupies a commanding position is looking at Schiffne, said: Before you also had to me have handled the same matter.” “这叫一报还一报。”希恩抱着手臂,居高临下似的望着夏芙涅,道:“之前你又不是没对我做过一样的事情。” That following?” Schiffne sat, like this with Skien's line of sight to, said with a smile: „Do you also want to handle other matter?” “那接下来呢?”夏芙涅坐了起来,就这样与希恩的视线对上,笑吟吟的道:“你是不是还想做点别的事情?” Said these words time, Schiffne also just like unconsciousness licked a lip angle lightly. 说这句话的时候,夏芙涅还宛如无意识般的轻舔了一下唇角。 The action of that incomparable seduction, made Skien's expression somewhat unnatural, in the heart criticized more than ten Fairy. 那无比诱惑的举动,着实让希恩的表情都变得有些不自然了起来,心中暗骂了十几句的妖精 Oneself yesterday tossed about obviously for day, for these days thought that should well self-cultivation, finally was teased by this woman, oneself could not bear be ready to make trouble. 明明自己昨天都折腾了一天了,这几天都觉得应该好好修身养性一下了,结果被这女人一挑逗,自己还是忍不住蠢蠢欲动了起来。 only, if oneself really throw, it is estimated that this woman will get angry at the scene? 只是,若是自己真的扑上去,估计这女人就会当场翻脸了吧? Therefore... 所以... „Very regrettable, my fiancee here, in the family/home also raised a concubine, some are the happy matter can do, not Your Highness Rau Charm Devil worried.” “很遗憾,我的未婚妻在这里,家里还养了一个小老婆,有的是开心的事情可以做,就不劳魅魔殿下操心了。” Skien is speaking such words provocatively. 希恩挑衅般的说着这样的话。 „?” Schiffne is first startled, immediately narrowed the eye, meaningful say/way: in other words, has that princess turned into your shape?” “哦?”夏芙涅先是一怔,随即眯起了眼睛,意味深长的道:“也就是说,那个公主殿下已经变成你的形状了?” That evil incomparable view, making Skien recall yesterday that several among the fight with Lucy. 那邪恶无比的说法,让希恩都不禁回想起了昨天那几场和洛茜之间的搏斗。 As Skien such a indulges in flights of fancy, Schiffne is also suddenly charming face blushed, stared to Skien. 而随着希恩这么一胡思乱想,夏芙涅亦是突然俏脸一红,瞪向了希恩 Obviously, this woman also read some no things through 【Rippling Heart Bewitchment】. 显然,这女人又通过【涟心妖】读到一些有的没有的东西了。 cough cough.” Skien can only cough, conceals own awkwardness, then said: In brief, you give me to be honest, do not tease me, this is useless to me.” 咳咳。”希恩只能干咳一声,掩饰一下自身的尴尬,然后才道:“总之,你给我老老实实的,也别挑逗我,这对我已经没用了。” Really useless?” Schiffne immediately faint smile was saying to Skien: But won't your princess perhaps think?” “真的没用了吗?”夏芙涅顿时似笑非笑的对着希恩说道:“但你那个公主殿下或许不会这么想哦?” Skien speechless. 希恩哑然了。 Truly, after having seen the Schiffne that breaking the rules beautiful appearance, Lucy absolutely will was worried, Skien can like historical these Grand Hero, be crazy unable to extricate oneself for this Charm Devil? 确实,见过夏芙涅犯规的美貌以后,洛茜一定会担心,希恩会不会像历史上的那些英雄豪杰一样,对这个魅魔着迷到无法自拔吧? This is not special ability, even Holy Sword and Blessing of the Supreme God cannot have the effect of protection. 这又不是什么特殊的能力,即使是圣剑至高神的祝福都对此起不了防护的效果。 Such being the case, the tolerant natural woman will be worried again. 既然如此,再宽容大方的女人都会对此感到担忧。 After all, this is Charm Devil, is not the common woman. 毕竟,这可是魅魔,不是一般的女人。 If were infatuated with the common woman, then in this in the world that permits polygamy has not been considered as that what important matter, may be infatuated with Charm Devil, cannot do well, perishes thoroughly, that type that the first wives do not want. 若是迷上了一般的女人,那在这个允许一夫多妻的世界里还不算是什么大事,可迷上了魅魔,一个搞不好,就是彻底沉沦,连原配都不要的那一种。 Lucy can accept Skien to have incessantly a woman, actually absolutely impossible accepts Skien to abandon her. 洛茜可以接受希恩有不止一个的女人,却绝对不可能接受希恩抛弃她。 You just no matter also she, pulled directly me, you thought that princess can start to indulge in flights of fancy?” “你刚刚还不管她,直接把我牵走了,你觉得那个公主殿下会不会已经开始胡思乱想起来了呢?” Schiffne then pondered was saying such words, making Skien really want to beat savagely her. 夏芙涅便玩味似的说着这样的话,让希恩真想把她暴打一顿。 You showed that rich interest in Lucy suddenly, I as for hurrying to give the isolation you?” “要不是你对洛茜突然表现出了那么浓郁的兴趣,我至于赶紧把你俩给隔离了吗?” Skien making noise bitterly. 希恩恨恨的出声。 He is because this is thinking hurries carrying off Schiffne, in order to avoid Lucy met with a disaster. 他就是因为这样才想着赶紧把夏芙涅给带走的,以免洛茜遭殃。 This Charm Devil charm is the type that the men and women sweep the decks, Lucy feared that Skien will fall to the enemy, Skien was fearing that Lucy will fall to the enemy? 这个魅魔的魅力就是男女通吃的类型,洛茜希恩会沦陷,希恩又何尝不是在怕洛茜会沦陷呢? If own future wife, because fell in love with a woman, finally disregarded to oneself, that Skien estimate will die depressed. 要是自己的未来老婆因为爱上了一个女人,结果对自己不管不顾了,那希恩估计会郁闷死。 thought until here, Skien hurries to give to carry off this woman, in order to avoid she does the matter. 想到这里,希恩才赶紧把这女人给带走,以免她又搞事。 Calculates that I asked you, Schiffne-sama, you were honest, do not add to the chaos to me.” “算我拜托你,夏芙涅大人,你就老实一点,别给我添乱。” On the Skien mouth is saying, in the tone actually completely reveals the meaning of threat. 希恩嘴上这么说着,语气里却尽显威胁之意。 Naturally, facing Skien's threat, Schiffne is impossible compromises easily. 理所当然,面对希恩的威胁,夏芙涅不可能轻易妥协的。 If I don't agree?” “要是我不同意呢?” On the Schiffne face the happy expression does not reduce, as to know, how Skien can oneself. 夏芙涅脸上笑意不减,似乎很想知道,希恩能把自己怎么样了。 Didn't agree?” “不同意?” Skien narrows the eye, suddenly make a move, Schiffne falling down. 希恩眯起眼睛,突然出手,一把将夏芙涅给扑倒。 You...!?” “你...!?” Schiffne astonished looks to press in own body Skien, does not seem to be able to believe, this man really threw unexpectedly. 夏芙涅惊愕般的看着压在自己身上希恩,似乎不敢相信,这男人居然真的扑了过来。 Skien was actually revealing to this Charm Devil made its fearful and apprehensive smile. 希恩却是对着这个魅魔露出了令其胆战心惊的笑容。 If you are not obedient, I can only tell with the fact, does not listen to the man to be what fate.” “要是你不听话,那我就只能用事实来告诉,不听自己男人的话会是什么下场。” The threat of Skien, to Schiffne, cannot turn a blind eye. 希恩的这番威胁,对夏芙涅来说,就不能视若无睹了。 You dare!” “你敢!” Schiffne can only suppress the breath of heartbeat and disorder of acceleration strongly, is staring Skien. 夏芙涅只能竭力的抑制着加速的心跳和紊乱的呼吸,瞪着希恩 If some really people dare such impolite to her, believes, Schiffne absolutely will makes him turn into the meat froth at the scene. 要是真有人敢这么无礼的对她,相信,夏芙涅一定会让他当场变成肉沫。 What a pity, Skien is not one of them. 可惜,希恩不在此列。 Do not put on airs.” Skien then punctured the camouflage of Schiffne, said directly: Others also has no problem, my words, what no matter makes to you, you could not reject?” “别装模作样了。”希恩便戳破了夏芙涅的伪装,直接道:“别人也就算了,我的话,不管是对你做什么,你都拒绝不了的吧?” Such remarks, Schiffne again astonished. 此话一出,夏芙涅再一次的惊愕了起来。 How do you... you know this matter?” “你...你怎么知道这件事的?” Schiffne calm. 夏芙涅淡定不了了。 Guesses.” Skien looks at the Schiffne facial expression, a corners of the mouth slightly check, said with a smile: I did not feel afterward right, with your temper, how to possibly make me easily work?” “猜的。”希恩看着夏芙涅的神情,嘴角微微一勾,笑眯眯的道:“我也是后来才觉得不对劲,以你的性子,怎么可能会让我轻易得逞呢?” Skien refers to that time in Charm Devil's Castle, oneself night submerged Schiffne's room, finally was shifty the matter of getting up with this woman. 希恩指的是那次在魅魔堡里,自己深夜潜入了夏芙涅的房间,最后和这个女人翻云覆雨了起来的事情。 According to Schiffne, oneself and her because of various mistake arising out of chance circumstances, had/left some problems in the dream several first times, she cannot revolt, finally turns over. 夏芙涅所说,自己和她的前几次都是因为各种阴差阳错,在梦里出了些问题,她才反抗不得,最终翻车。 But that time, two people is sober, was Skien cannot bear throw finally, handled this and that matter. 但那一次,两人都是清醒的,是希恩自己最后忍不住扑上去了,才做了这样那样的事情。 That time, Schiffne has not revolted. 那一次,夏芙涅就没有反抗。 Afterward, Skien finds it strange, why this woman does not revolt. 事后,希恩就觉得奇怪,这个女人为什么就不反抗了。 Because could it be isn't the first time? 难道就因为已经不是第一次了? impossible. 不可能 This is even if were overthrown by oneself will tell him, she only extremely in not wallowing will be interested in oneself person to these, if Skien fell to the enemy, she immediately the ruthless person who turns the head to walk, because how the experiences of how many mistake arising out of chance circumstances will then give up resisting, making Skien easily work? 这可是即使被自己推倒了都会告诉他,她只对那些不会太过于沉迷于自己的人感兴趣,如果希恩沦陷了的话,那她会立刻转头就走的狠人,怎么会因为几次阴差阳错的经历便放弃抵抗,让希恩轻易得逞呢? Skien discovered this matter, feels strongly about the 【Rippling Heart Bewitchment】 this ability unique element again, finally obtains this Unique Skill possibly is a conclusion of double-edged sword. 希恩就是发现了这件事,再有感于【涟心妖】这一能力的特殊之处,最终得出这个独有技能可能是一把双刃剑的结论。 Takes the mind as medium connection each other Unique Skill, since is the connection, you can create to interfere to the connecting object, the connecting object then can also create to interfere to you.” “以心灵为媒介连接彼此的独有技能,既然是连接,那你能对连接对象造成干涉,连接对象便也能对你造成干涉。” Skien so deduces. 希恩如此推论。 Otherwise, only then you interfere with others 's ability unilaterally, such ability rather extremely in breaking the rules.” “要不然,只有你单方面的干涉他人的能力,这样的能力未免太过于犯规了。” Even if this ability has the condition of launch, needs to regard the mind the falling to the enemy degree the strong and weak that decides to connect, without the Schiffne such breaking the rules charm and beautiful appearance, it is not so fearful, but this, can disregard the wish of connecting object even, has the sense, appearance and memory opposite party and even is power ability, was too strong. 即使这一能力并不是没有发动的条件,需要视心灵的沦陷程度来决定连接的强弱,若是没有夏芙涅这样犯规的魅力和美貌的话,它也没这么可怕,可就算是这样,能无视连接对象的意愿,拥有对方的感官、外貌、记忆乃至是力量能力,还是太强了。 Such strong ability, 1-2 shortcomings, that is also very normal matter. 这么强的能力,有1-2缺点,那也是很正常的事情。 Parion that let alone, once wants to begin to you have also said that connection of your 【Rippling Heart Bewitchment】 mutual, falls to the enemy will become your possession in your person, that can who you fall to the enemy, you will naturally also become the possession of opposite party.” “更别说,曾想对你动手的帕里恩也说过,你的【涟心妖】的连接是互相的,沦陷于你的人会成为你的所有物,那能让你沦陷的人,你自然也会成为对方的所有物了。” Skien smiles unusual damn. 希恩就笑得非常的可恶 As the matter stands, how I could not possibly have guessed correctly that you couldn't revolt against me?” “这样一来,我怎么可能还猜不到你反抗不了我呢?” Saying, Skien extend the hand, delimits to rule out in the Angel facial features of Schiffne that causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, is feeling above creamy and plays musical instruments wonderful touch that may break, the threat in tone is obviously not to be obvious. 说着,希恩伸出手,在夏芙涅那张倾国倾城的天使面容上划来划去,感受着上面的滑腻及吹弹可破的美妙触感,语气里的威胁已经是明显到不能再明显。 „Should you not want to experience one to be suspended the experience of ashamed posture by me again? My Your Highness Charm Devil?” “你应该不想再体验一把被我摆成羞耻姿势的经历了吧?我的魅魔殿下?” hearing this, Schiffne cannot bear finally, was clenching jaws to Skien. 闻言,夏芙涅终于忍不住,对着希恩咬牙切齿了起来。 You did not fear that I did complain?” “你就不怕我去告状吗?” Schiffne is not willing to compromise easily. 夏芙涅还是不肯轻易妥协。 But who her complaining object is, does not need to think, absolutely is Ai. 而她的告状对象是谁,不用想,绝对是艾依 I do not matter.” Skien shrugs, does not eat this set of say/way: So long as you are willing by your Ai-chan or your sisters know that you have become my person, you can say although.” “我无所谓。”希恩耸了耸肩,根本不吃这一套的道:“只要你愿意被你的小艾依或者你的姐妹们知道你已经成为了我的人的话,那你可以尽管去说。” I...” Schiffne was at a loss for words. “我...”夏芙涅语塞了。 She has really not thought this matter by oneself sisters understood. 她还真不太想这件事被自己的姐妹们知道了 The reason does not have it, because only this really lost face. 原因无它,只是因为这实在是太丢脸了而已。 If known by own sisters, oneself this to Charm Devil that countless men do not spare a glance, unexpectedly will meet less than several days of future brother-in-law hand to turn over, acted in a self-serving manner by him, their first response absolutely will not be shocking, but will be speechless. 要是被自己的姐妹们知道,自己这个对无数男人都不屑一顾的魅魔,居然在一个见面不到几天的未来妹夫手里翻了车,被他为所欲为了,那她们的第一反应绝对不是震惊,而是无语。 Then, by own Big Sister disposition, may help her arrange the wedding on also perhaps. 然后,以自家大姐性格,可能会帮她把婚事都安排上也说不定。 if turns into such, did she also mix 《Omnipotence》? 变成那样的话,她还混不混欧姆尼珀坦森了? The solemn three realms first beautiful woman, because unexpectedly the established facts do have to entrust the body to get married? 堂堂三界第一美女,居然因为既定事实不得不委身嫁人? This can absolutely dirty business that kept the history. 这绝对是能够名留青史的糗事。 Schiffne's complexion started becomes Yin clear uncertain. 夏芙涅的面色开始变得阴晴不定了起来。 Until Skien was about to begin, Schiffne submitted finally. 直到希恩都快上手了,夏芙涅终于屈服。
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