DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#818: „I thought that they have the trick.”

At this moment, Skien very explicit feeling the line of sight of innumerably being full of murderous aura centralized to own body. 这一刻里,希恩非常明确的感受到了无数饱含杀气的视线集中到了自己的身上 By oneself to these people of retreating in fear, at this time unexpectedly also seemed like the scabs to forget sore as, looking angrily at that clenches jaws again approached Skien. 包括之前被自己给吓退的那些人,这个时候居然也像是好了伤疤忘了疼似的,再次咬牙切齿的怒视向了希恩 This makes Skien have to sigh with emotion one, lapdog really can not the House species, obviously is one flock of weak chickens, but also dares to be steaming to oneself such murderous aura, if own temperament is hot tempered, here person feared that will be do not want to see tomorrow's Sun again. 这让希恩不得不感慨一句,舔狗果然是不得House的物种,明明就是一群弱鸡,还敢对自己这么杀气腾腾的,要是自己的脾气再暴躁一点,这里的人怕是都别想再见到明天的太阳了。 No wonder said that Charm Devil causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, that is not the analogy, but really can confuse all living things by the charm, making the country fall, making the city lean to extinguish? 难怪都说魅魔倾国倾城,那不是比喻,而是真的能够凭借魅力迷惑众生,让国家倾倒,令城市倾灭吧? In the mind flashes through such idea, Skien also thought that was somewhat sick. 脑海中闪过这样的想法,希恩也觉得有些厌烦了起来。 Ok, no matter you are because anything comes, first follows me.” “行了,不管你是因为什么才来的,先跟我走吧。” Does not want again here by the person Skien that when the monkey surrounds held on the hand of Schiffne directly, rashly turns around to leave. 不想再在这里被人当猴子围观的希恩直接拉住了夏芙涅的手,不由分说的转身离开。 This...” “这...” Lucy looks at this, is first startled, shortly afterwards follows hastily. 洛茜看着这一幕,先是吃了一惊,紧接着连忙跟上。 "Wait..." “等...” The passers-by who the surroundings surround could not bear finally, saw that Skien held the hand of Goddess unexpectedly, one by one became confused at the scene indignantly, wants to encircle unexpectedly. 周围围观的路人们终于是受不了了,眼看着希恩居然牵住了女神的手,一个个当场被激愤冲昏了头脑,竟是想围上来。 bestow nightmare.” “【付与・梦魇】。” Skien is disinclined to pay attention to this crowd to lose the sane illiterate, released Magic directly. 希恩根本懒得理会这群失去理智的愚民,直接释放了魔法 That is top tier Bestowal Magic, as deep sleep the high-rank characteristics exist, not only has deep sleep effect, but can also make falls into deep sleep the person see in own heart most frightened nightmare. 那是上级付与魔法,作为“沉睡”的上位特性而存在,不仅拥有“沉睡”的效果,还能令陷入“沉睡”的人见到自己心中最为恐惧的噩梦。 Obviously, loses the sane fellow regarding these, Skien is the least bit had not said patiently, but also lowered a penalty ruthlessly to them. 显然,对于这些失去理智的家伙,希恩已经是半点耐心都没有不说,还对他们降下了一记狠狠的惩罚。 At that moment, all the passers- by surrounding in indignant, were all given the attack by a being stranded intent irresistibly suddenly. 当下,所有围观的路人们全都在激愤之中,突然被一阵无法抵抗的困意给袭击了。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!”... “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”... Passer-by then pouring of one after another one by one in ground, thorough passed out. 一个个的路人便接连的倒在了地面上,彻底的失去了知觉。 Ironically, in these people, also should unexpectedly all kingdom Knight that prevents here from happening. 讽刺的是,这些人里,居然还有本来应该来阻止这里发生的一切的王国骑士 You really dare to start actually, to one group of common people.” “你倒是真敢下手啊,对一群平民百姓。” Schiffne has been looking, sees this scene, could not bear publish feelings. 夏芙涅一直在看着,看到这一光景,忍不住发表了一下感想。 You think that whom this can blame?” Skien corner of the mouth twitch, looks that the Schiffne look became bad, said: You are not do not know what consequence will oneself appear like under big crowd of people will cause? Can't restrain a point?” “你以为这都得怪谁?”希恩嘴角一抽,看着夏芙涅的眼神变得不善了起来,道:“你也不是不知道自己像这样出现在大庭广众之下会造成什么后果吧?就不能收敛一点吗?” Acted in a completely informal or uninhibited manner the action that takes to the streets to stroll regarding this Charm Devil, Skien expressed not indignation. 对于这个魅魔旁若无人的上街闲逛的举动,希恩是表示了不忿的。 But Schiffne is actually confident of face. 夏芙涅却是一脸的坦然。 Was not I made this condition, what they want to do, that was their things, my have no reason, because others will form chaotic sacrificed my own mood and freedom.” “又不是我自己制造了这种状况的,他们想干什么,那是他们的事情,我没理由因为他人会形成混乱就牺牲我自己的心情和自由。” This adamant opinion, must say, but also seems like this Charm Devil to meet words spoken. 这种我行我素的言论,不得不说,还真像是这个魅魔说出来的话 She always like, to easily falls to the enemy the person under oneself charm not to spare a glance, is not interested in them completely, and even is a point attention is not willing to place their body, conducted thorough disregarding to them. 她就始终都像这样,对轻易沦陷在自己的魅力下的人不屑一顾,亦对他们完全不感兴趣,乃至是连一点的关注都不愿意放在他们的身上,对他们进行了彻底的无视。 If this condition because of coming from creates in her force majeure factor, that Schiffne will perhaps also consider 12. 如果这种状况是因源自于她的不可抗力因素才造成的,那夏芙涅或许还会斟酌一二。 Like Carmina, she, if appears in the human city, body deadly poison absolutely will has very tremendous impact, this is her power and nature is the result, she must restrain for the time being. 卡蜜纳,她若是出现在人类的城市上,身上剧毒一定会造成很大的影响,这是她自身的力量和性质所致,她姑且还是得收敛一下的。 Lid is so, if puts out the certain extent power, that must expand own build surely, at the appointed time every action and every movement will create the devastation to land in all, thus she can only maintain the harmless small beast semblance daily, does not dare to fight casually. 莉德更是如此,若是拿出一定程度的力量,那必定得扩大自己的体型,届时一举一动都将对大地上的一切造成蹂躏,因而她只能日常维持着无害的小兽外表,不敢随便战斗。 But Schiffne is not so. 夏芙涅则不然。 Although she is Charm Devil, own power actually with attracting to have nothing to do. 她虽为魅魔,自身的力量却与魅惑无关。 People will fall to the enemy in her beautiful appearance, prostrates oneself under her pomegranate skirt, all because of Schiffne own charm, the consequence that rather than power causes. 人们会沦陷于她的美貌,拜倒在她的石榴裙之下,全都是因夏芙涅自身的魅力,而不是力量所导致的后果。 This woman is the blessed by heaven artware, is "beauty" this adjective, under entire body each spot and even every action and every movement seem like for "beauty" forms, without deliberately maintains what image obviously, has no artificial behavior, is own natural disposition reveals, naturally exists, finally probably true beautiful Goddess is ordinary, each movement, each angle and each behavior are towing others 's heart firmly, making one palpitate with excitement. 这个女人是得天独厚的艺术品,是“美”这个形容词本身,全身上下每一个部位乃至一举一动都好像是为了“美”才形成的一样,明明没有刻意维持什么形象,更没有任何做作的行为,就是自身的本性流露,自然而然的去存在着而已,结果都像是真正的美之女神一般,每一个动作、每一个角度、每一个行为都在牢牢的牵引着他人的心,让人怦然心动。 Regarding others, such Charm Devil without doubt is Lotus of the High Mountains that looks up. 对于他人来说,这样的魅魔无疑是一朵得去仰望的高岭之花 May regarding Schiffne, her anything not do, only naturally handles the matter that oneself want to handle, surrounding person on selfish accumulation. 可对于夏芙涅自己而言,她根本就什么都没做,只是自然而然的去做自己想做的事情而已,周围的人就自顾自的聚集过来了。 Not only this has not made Schiffne have the sense of achievement, even makes her quite be sick. 这不仅没让夏芙涅产生成就感,甚至让她相当厌烦。 Periphery no one will like the selfish accumulation, fly that is not willing to diverge? 没人会喜欢周围自顾自的聚集过来,迟迟不愿散去的苍蝇吧? Feeling of Schiffne that's it. 夏芙涅就是这样的感受。 Therefore, Schiffne has not therefore acted crazy wrong even if not, but must deliberately limit own behavior, for does not cause the tumult, but not frank and upright going out? 所以,夏芙涅没有因此发飙就算不错的了,还要刻意去限制自己的行为,为了不引起骚动而不光明正大的外出? Wants! 想多了! These immaterial human, but also does not have the qualifications to make Schiffne consider so many! 这些无关紧要的人类,还没资格让夏芙涅考虑这么多! Therefore, Schiffne will not limit own behavior, wants to come to here to stroll, comes to here to stroll. 因此,夏芙涅根本不会限制自己的行为,就是想来这里逛逛了,就来这里逛一逛。 How as for others can? 至于其他人要怎样? Closes my trifling thing! 关我屁事! Skien naturally can see Schiffne's train of thought. 希恩自然能够看出夏芙涅的想法 Ok, you were fiercest, no one could limit you, Ok?” Skien said directly: „Do you follow not to go back with me?” “行,你最厉害了,谁都限制不了你,可以吧?”希恩直接道:“那你跟不跟我回去?” Schiffne blinks, immediately smiles. 夏芙涅眨了眨眼睛,随即嫣然一笑。 With!” “跟!” Therefore, Schiffne obediently by Skien pulling. 于是,夏芙涅乖乖的被希恩给牵走了。 Only is left over Lucy one person to stand there, looks two people that departs hand in hand, silent. 只剩下洛茜一人站在那里,看着手牵手离去的两人,沉默了下来。 „...... I should say, is I first comes obviously?” “......我应该说,明明是我先来的吗?” Lucy faintly spoke. 洛茜幽幽的出声 What a pity, Skien and Schiffne have walked away, making Lucy one clench teeth, has mixed feelings. 可惜,希恩夏芙涅已经走远了,让洛茜一阵咬牙,心情复杂。 In a while, under the instruction of Lucy, one crowd of kingdom Knight sent in this business street again, these falling to the ground deep sleep, painful the people who are having the nightmare gave to detain. 没过多久,在洛茜的吩咐下,一群王国骑士再次被调进了这条商业街,将那些倒地沉睡,痛苦的做着噩梦的人都给押了回去。 The business street aftermath is also sent people to process by Royal Palace directly, and blocks temporarily. 商业街这边的残局也由王宫直接派人来处理,并暂时封锁。 Completed all these, Lucy returns to Royal Palace, reported this matter to Ans and Lia. 做完了这一切,洛茜才回王宫里,向安西莉雅报告了这件事。 Knows that Schiffne carried off by Skien, two people first is relaxing of cannot help but, then worried. 知道夏芙涅希恩带走了,两人先是不由自主的松了一口气,然后又不禁担忧了起来。 I have never thought that that Charm Devil will arrive at Royal Capital unexpectedly suddenly, then optional taking a walk on a grand scale.” “真没想到,那位魅魔居然会突然来到王都,还是那么大张旗鼓的随意走动。” Some Lia headaches appearances. 莉雅有些头疼的样子。 Right now, in Royal Capital must present one crowd to be depressed all day, because of person who not being able to see Your Highness Charm Devil goes crazy?” “这下子,王都里又得出现一群整天郁郁寡欢,因见不到魅魔殿下而发狂的人了吧?” Ans worries for this reason. 安西更是为此操碎了心。 at this moment, Ans remembers was that once cousins. 此时此刻里,安西想起的就是那位曾经的表兄弟。 In the past, that honored one how startled colorfully certainly, was forever glorious, finally because saw one side Charm Devil, moved toward the road of no return. 当年,那一位是多么的惊才艳绝,光芒万丈,结果就因为见了魅魔一面,就此走向不归路。 Charm Devil Schiffne, does not rely on Authority of Unique Skill or god, the only own beauty and charm then made peerless Demon Princess that the world person fell sufficiently, such existed, how should entertain is good?” 魅魔夏芙涅,不凭借独有技能或者神之权能,单凭自身的美丽和魅力便足以令天下人倾倒的绝世魔姬,这样的一位存在,该怎么招待才好呢?” Ans had been worried that is not good. 安西已经担心到不行了。 It can be said that the arrival of Schiffne, the impact that has to the kingdom, is as good as a total destruction. 可以说,夏芙涅的到来,给王国带来的影响,不亚于一场灭顶之灾。 Do not think that this is exaggerating. 别觉得这是在夸大其词。 Ponders, if these countries the pillar of the state aristocrat and precious talents are infatuated because of Schiffne, thinks that reckless following Schiffne, leaves the kingdom, is that kingdom results in? 细想一下,若是那些国之栋梁般的贵族和贵重人才都因夏芙涅而痴迷,想不顾一切的追随夏芙涅,离开王国,那王国是不是得完? Even if they do not leave, actually misses that your highness all day, causes state of mind and psychological Status/condition is extremely unsatisfactory, then can form to kingdom's operation affects greatly? 哪怕他们不离开,却整天思念那位殿下,导致精神状态和心理状态都极其不佳的话,那对王国本身的运营都会形成非常大的影响了吧? In the history even has King to ask for the Schiffne favor is willing to offer national both hands, such matter, if happening in the kingdom, that kingdom could announce GG directly? 历史上甚至有国王为了讨夏芙涅的欢心甘愿将国家双手奉上,这样的事情,如果发生在王国,那王国是不是可以直接宣布GG了? Therefore, this is not really exaggerating, but really may involve country the important matter of life or death. 所以,这真的不夸张,而是确实有可能涉及到国家的存亡的大事。 For this reason, Ans does not dare to see that Your Highness Charm Devil casually. 正因如此,安西才不敢随便去见那位魅魔殿下。 Right, he feared, feared oneself cannot block the charm of that Your Highness Charm Devil, finally turns into under others skirts the feudal official. 没错,他就是怕了,怕自己也挡不住那位魅魔殿下的魅力,最后变成人家的裙下之臣。 In that case, he was the criminal in Mithras Kingdom history. 那样的话,他就是密特拉王国史上的罪人了。 But shortly afterward, the three races discussion starts again, can oneself also see that Your Highness Charm Devil in the discussion? 可再过不久,三族会谈开始,自己也得在会谈上见到那位魅魔殿下吧? thinking of it like this, Ans worried. 这么一想,安西更加担忧起来了。 Right.” Ans remembered a matter, is busy at inquiring toward Lucy: How with Your Highness Charm Devil is Sir Bezthoth together?” “对了。”安西想起了一件事,忙向着洛茜询问道:“孛兹图特卿魅魔殿下相处得怎么样?” hearing this, Lia also looked to Lucy. 闻言,莉雅也看向了洛茜 The subtlety of Lucy whole face, and even is uncomfortable. 洛茜满脸的微妙,乃至是不爽。 That expression, lets Ans and Lia looks is in the heart sinks. 那表情,让安西莉雅看得是心中一沉。 could it be, even he also...” 难道,连他也...” Lia filled with is saying anxiously, the implied meaning was anything, it goes without saying. 莉雅满怀忧虑的说着,言下之意是什么,不言而喻。 Regarding this, Lucy shook the head. 对此,洛茜是摇头了。 No, he had not been given to be charmed by that Charm Devil actually, might as well say also seems very natural in her front, has probably been used.” “不,他倒是没有被那位魅魔给迷倒,倒不如说在她的面前还显得非常自然,好像已经习惯了似的。” Lucy's view, lets Ans and Lia relaxes. 洛茜的说法,让安西莉雅松了一口气。 Not good.” “没有就好。” Lia somewhat felt relieved. 莉雅有些放心了。 It seems like made him really do in the past right.” “看来让他过去真是做对了。” Ans also nodded. 安西点了点头 He felt, Skien went to Demon World, that has definitely seen Six Great Devils, has seen Schiffne. 他是觉得,希恩已经去过了魔界,那肯定见过六大魔人,见过夏芙涅了。 But after seeing Schiffne, Skien can also come back ahead of time, proves it not like the average person, by Schiffne confusing. 而在见到夏芙涅以后,希恩还能提前回来,证明其并没有像一般人那样,被夏芙涅给迷惑。 At least, Skien should be insufficient to fall to the enemy to lose the reason, disregarded to other things. 至少,希恩应该不至于沦陷到失去理智,对其它的事物不管不顾了。 Considering this point, Ans will send people to invite Skien, making Skien see Schiffne. 考虑到这一点,安西才会派人去请希恩,让希恩去见夏芙涅 Like this is thinking Ans simply had not discovered, Lucy's expression is not quite attractive. 这样想着的安西根本没有发现,洛茜的表情还是不太好看。 This princess looks that own Royal Father and Royal Sister show the expression that felt relieved, really wants to say one. 这位公主殿下看着自己的父王王姐都露出了放心的表情,真的很想说一句。 Although he does not seem charmed, but I thought that they have the trick.” “虽然他好像没有被迷倒,但我觉得他们有猫腻。” After all, these two people is in front of her, very natural hand in hand, left directly. 毕竟,那两人可是当着她的面,非常自然的手牵着手,直接走掉了啊。 Often thinks that this matter, Lucy has impulsive. 每每想到这件事,洛茜都有种冲动。 Un, goes back to rub a grinding Holy Sword.” “嗯,回去把圣剑磨一磨吧。” This with it cuts the person the time, not? 该是用它来砍人的时候了,不是吗?
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