DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#817: „How your previous time to turn over?”

„......!” “......!” When that delightful sound resounds, in those present, Skien and Lucy these perish the passer-by, is out of control to hit quickly grasping the meaning of something. 当那悦耳至极的声音响起之时,在场的人里,无论是希恩洛茜还是那些沉沦中的路人,均都禁不住打了一个激灵。 The reason does not have it, because only that sound extremely in elusive, making people almost not have growing out the goosebumps. 原因无它,只是因为那声音太过于空灵而已,让人连鸡皮疙瘩都差点没有长出来 Skien and Lucy has then also turned the head, looks to the acoustic source place. 希恩和洛茜便同时转过头,看向了声源处。 Sees only, before also in acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner Schiffne that proceeds does not know unexpectedly when walked, in the hand also takes just between-meal snack, is licking, while faint smile looks here. 只见,之前还在旁若无人的往前走的夏芙涅竟是不知何时走了回来,手里还拿着刚刚的零食,一边舔着,一边似笑非笑的看着这边。 That facial expression and stance, have not not being able to say attracting feeling, making Skien and Lucy somewhat have nothing to say in reply at once unexpectedly. 那神情和姿态,均都有股说不出来的魅惑感,让希恩和洛茜一时之间竟是都有些无言以对了。 But even Skien and Lucy so, surrounding passer-by's performance how, it can be imagined. 而连希恩和洛茜都如此了,周围的路人的表现如何,可想而知。 In any case, besides looking dull, they also only then continue to read the dull share. 反正,除了看呆以外,他们也只有继续看呆的份而已。 Naturally, saw Goddess in own mind arrives at the Skien and Lucy front suddenly, those present also notice these two people finally. 当然,看到自己心目中的女神突然来到希恩和洛茜的面前,在场的人们也终于是注意到了这两人 At that moment, intermittent calling out in alarm appears. 当下,一阵阵的惊呼出现。 That... isn't that Your Highness Luciruthy?” “那...那不是洛茜露丝缇殿下吗?” also Hero Skien!” 还有勇者希恩!” How can they here?” “他们怎么会在这里?” I... my Goddess and two are the understanding?” “我...我的女神和两位是认识的吗?” People one after another was astonished with at a loss. 人们纷纷讶异和茫然了起来。 This lets Skien and Lucy somewhat helpless. 这让希恩和洛茜有些无奈 In, they appeared then to be basically recognized in those days in public places, all of a sudden becomes person who existence that is a focus of public attention. 要知道,往日里,他们都是一出现在公众场合便基本会被认出来,一下子成为万众瞩目般的存在的人。 Which once thinks, this time, in own Royal Capital, in own domain, does become the neglected that person unexpectedly? 哪曾想,这一次,在自家的王都里,自己的地盘中,居然成为了被忽视的那一个人呢? Skien is good, Lucy this Kingdom's Most Precious Object was neglected oddly. 希恩还好,洛茜这个王国至宝被忽视就是真的离谱。 Entire 17 years, Lucy in the kingdom is most dazzling existence, does not know that many people follow, many people support. 整整十七年的时间,洛茜在王国中都是最为耀眼的存在,不知道有多少人追随,多少人拥戴。 In the past, in order to every day sees Lucy, Royal Palace also managed not to know many Lucy appearance meetings. 过去,为了能够每天见到洛茜,王宫还主持了不知道多少次洛茜的露面会呢。 That time scene, Skien also comes clearly into view until now. 那时候的场景,希恩至今都还历历在目。 Then king city people frantic about Lucy, that are compared with the present, was not the least bit off. 当时的王都市民们对洛茜的狂热,那是和现在相比,丝毫不差的。 However, because of the appearance of Schiffne, should be praise of Lucy, now changed a person unexpectedly neatly. 然而,因为夏芙涅的出现,本该属于洛茜的追捧,如今竟是那么干脆利落的换了一个人。 If this trades to be the jealousy quite intense woman to come facing all these, that only feared that today this matter has no way good. 这要是换做嫉妒心比较强烈的女人来面对这一切,那只怕今天这事是没法善了了。 Is good because, Lucy is not an average person, the pursue to the reputation is not also intense like the average person and hope. 好在,洛茜不是一般人,对名声的追求亦不像一般人那么强烈及渴望。 might as well say, if can be neglected, Lucy also really hopes oneself can be neglected. 倒不如说,若是能被忽视的话,洛茜还真希望自己能够一直被人忽视。 Thus, oneself can take to the streets to stroll casually randomly, but does not need to be worried to cause the tumult. 这样,自己就能随便上街乱逛,而不需要担心引起骚动了。 thought until here, Lucy looked to Schiffne. 想到这里,洛茜看向了夏芙涅 This famous Devil comes will obviously cause the huge tumult, finally others stick to one's own way of doing things took to the streets to stroll casually randomly. 这位鼎鼎有名的魔人明明一现身就会引起巨大的骚动,结果人家还是我行我素的随便上街乱逛了呢。 When Lucy is thinking, Schiffne is actually also sizing up Lucy. 洛茜这么想着的时候,夏芙涅其实也在打量洛茜 She has many interests to Lucy. 她对洛茜是有不少兴趣的。 This natural talent princess's vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered reputation, but not only spreads in Human World and Divine Realm widely, will be often is also mentioned in Demon World. 这个天资纵横的公主殿下的名声,可不仅仅是在人界神界广为流传而已,在魔界亦是会经常被提及。 Devils has actually had is paying attention to this princess, paid attention to this to inherit Mithras's Holy Sword, Goddess of Fate's blessing but who was also loved by God Race. 魔人们其实就一直都有在关注这个公主殿下,关注这个继承了密特拉的圣剑,还被神族所宠爱的命运女神的祝福者。 Therefore, making noise that Schiffne has a relish. 于是,夏芙涅饶有兴致的出声。 „Are you Luciruthy Mithras? looks is really attractive, compared to have no time with my little sisters to let.” “你就是洛茜露丝缇·密特拉吧?长得真漂亮,跟我的妹妹们比起来都不遑多让了。” Schiffne praised others unexpectedly on own initiative. 夏芙涅竟是主动夸奖起了他人了。 This is a very rare matter. 这可是很难得的一件事。 After all, Schiffne is can disregard the extreme to the not interested thing that becomes famous Devil, now unexpectedly praises a human princess on own initiative, lets Skien raised the brow. 毕竟,夏芙涅是出了名的对没有兴趣的东西会无视到极点的魔人,现在居然主动夸奖起一个人类的公主殿下,让希恩挑起了眉头 Lucy deeply inspires, the gaze to Schiffne, looks the Angel facial features that Schiffne that beautiful must suffocate, open the mouth to make noise. 洛茜则深吸了一口气,注视向夏芙涅,看着夏芙涅那张美得窒息的天使面容,开口出声。 Your highness overpraised, must say that the words of appearance, the world know that you are the present age first, other your highness are also the peonies, with compares, I just am rouge vulgar powder forget it/that's all.” “殿下过奖了,要说长相的话,世人都知道您才是当世第一,其余的殿下们也都是国色天香,和诸位比起来,我只不过是胭脂俗粉罢了。” Lucy turns toward Schiffne to salute, salutes, while light is saying, appears neither arrogant nor servile like that unexpectedly. 洛茜就向着夏芙涅行礼,一边行礼,一边淡淡的这么说着,竟是显得那般的不卑不亢。 Hou?” “嚯?” Having a relish of Schiffne in the eyes became thicker. 夏芙涅眼中的饶有兴致变得更浓了。 This small girl a little meaning. 这个小丫头有点意思。 ( Not can only anti- live in my front does not fall to the enemy, also vague divine nature, interesting, is really interesting.) (不仅能够在我的面前抗住不沦陷,还有着若有若无的神性,有意思,真是有意思。) Schiffne without trace sized up Lucy one. 夏芙涅不着痕迹的打量了洛茜一眼。 She wants to have a look actually, the princess in this rumor really is so outstanding. 她倒是很想看看,这个传闻中的公主殿下是不是真的有那么优秀。 Schiffne eats the light between -meal snack in hand, just wants to go forward, arrives at the Lucy front, actually encounters obstacle. 夏芙涅就将手中的零食啃光,刚想上前,来到洛茜的面前,却是遭遇到了拦路虎。 Aiya.” 哎呀。” Sees that familiar form, the Schiffne expression became somewhat funny. 看着那熟悉的身影,夏芙涅的表情变得有些好笑了起来。 other people looks at this, look at each other in blank dismay, perplexed. 其余人则看着这一幕,面面相觑,不明所以 Skien then kept off in the Lucy front suddenly, protected Lucy in own behind, stared to Schiffne. 希恩便突然挡在了洛茜的面前,将洛茜护在自己的身后,瞪向了夏芙涅 what do you want to do?” Skien extremely said ill-humoredly: What trick doesn't want to play?” 你想干嘛?”希恩极为没好气的道:“不会又想玩什么把戏吧?” That speech with no trace of politeness, making many people hear dumbfounded, even some youth also therefore looked angrily at to Skien, probably is blaming him to be impolite to Schiffne. 毫不客气的发言,令得不少人都听得一愣一愣的,甚至有些愣头青还因此怒视向希恩,好像在责怪他对夏芙涅无礼一样。 Schiffne is actually the innocent person of whole face. 夏芙涅却是满脸的无辜。 My anything has not done.” “我什么都没做啊。” The Schiffne close to is winking a pair of big eye, as to win the trust of Skien. 夏芙涅巴眨着一对大眼睛,似乎想取得希恩的信任。 Hehe.” 呵呵。” Skien put out two character true words, such, clearly does not believe. 希恩吐出了二字真言,那样子,分明就是不信。 Protection wants such intensely?” The innocent person on Schiffne face vanished, what replaces it is the colors of some hidden bitterness, making him so say: Good and evil I with you was also a whole family, you also worried that I will harm your little lovely wife?” “保护欲这么强烈的吗?”夏芙涅脸上的无辜消失了,取而代之的是些许幽怨之色,令其这般道:“好歹我跟你也算是一家人了,你还担心我会害了你的小娇妻啊?” The appearance of that hidden bitterness, makes Skien feel that own body concentrated does not know many say/way were full of the line of sight of anger and murderous aura. 那幽怨的模样,直让希恩感觉到自己的身上集中了不知道多少道饱含怒气和杀气的视线。 But Skien is not a vegetarian. 希恩不是吃素的。 Felt these lines of sight, Skien's vision sweeps to the surroundings, the sharpness and coldness that was full, gave to frighten unbearably many youth. 感受到那些视线,希恩的目光扫向了周围,其中饱含的锐利和冷冽,直把不少愣头青都给吓得够呛。 After threatening one, Skien looks to Schiffne. 威吓了一番以后,希恩才重新看向夏芙涅 precisely because I understand you, must guard against you.” Skien sneers saying: Who knows you to be able what, because is interested in Lucy plans to make? For example wants to have a look at her outstandingly and so on?” 正是因为我了解你,才要防范你啊。”希恩就冷笑道:“谁知道你会不会因为对洛茜感兴趣就打算做些什么?比如想看看她有多优秀之类的?” hearing this, Schiffne was at a loss for words. 闻言,夏芙涅语塞了。 „, Was guessed by me?” “喏,被我猜中了吧?” Skien is pointing at Schiffne, as if probably is pointing at the evidence conclusive criminal to be the same. 希恩指着夏芙涅,仿佛像是在指着证据确凿的犯罪者一样。 This made Schiffne somewhat discontented. 这让夏芙涅有些不满了起来。 I do not have!” “我没有!” Schiffne shows off power obstinate argumentative. 夏芙涅逞强嘴硬。 No, you have.” “不,你有。” Disputing that Skien spoke frankly. 希恩直言不讳的辩驳。 I really do not have!” “我真的没有!” Schiffne starts to quibble. 夏芙涅开始强词夺理。 No, you definitely have.” “不,你绝对有。” Skien naturally does not believe. 希恩自然是一点都不信。 I...” “我...” Schiffne also wants to say anything. 夏芙涅还想说点什么。 At this time, Skien asked a question suddenly. 这时,希恩突如其来的问了一个问题。 „Do you hit several points to Lucy?” “那你给洛茜打几分?” Such remarks, followed to roll Schiffne to the words of mouth, blurted out the view in heart unexpectedly. 此话一出,夏芙涅到了嘴边的话也跟着一滚,竟是将心中的说法脱口而出。 90 points.” “90。” The words fall, Schiffne responded. 话落,夏芙涅反应了过来。 90...” “九十...” Skien was at the scene speechless. 希恩当场无语了。 Does this compel certainly is the score that the interest speaks to give fully? 这绝逼是兴趣满满才会给出的分数吧? First meeting has such thick interest, you must say that your what does not want to do, who believes? 才初次见面就有这么浓的兴趣,你要说你什么都不想做,谁相信? Only has Lucy, at a loss of face. 只有洛茜,一脸的茫然 What dozen of how many differences? What 90?” “什么打几分?什么九十?” The princess then expressed own anything has not understood. 公主殿下便表示自己什么都没有听懂。 But Skien did not explain, advice to Schiffne said. 希恩也不解释,奉劝似的对着夏芙涅说了一句 Do not blame me not to remind you, your previous such interest full what time wants to make, actually how to turn over?” “别怪我没有提醒你,你上次这么兴趣满满的想做点什么的时候,究竟是怎么翻车的?” A few words, making in the brain of Schiffne flash through several hundred, several thousand CGs instantaneously. 一句话,让夏芙涅的脑中瞬间闪过几百、几千个G的画面 I...” “我...” Schiffne corner of the mouth twitched, does not know that said what was good, can only stare Skien, an angry appearance. 夏芙涅嘴角抽了抽,都不知道说什么好了,只能瞪着希恩,一副气恼的模样。 Snort.” “哼。” Skien holds the arm, arrogant, probably obtained what victory, spirited. 希恩抱起胳膊,趾高气扬的,像是获得了什么胜利似的,神气得不行。 Nearby, Lucy really could not completely understand that the dialogue and confrontation of secretly two people, can only seizing the chance stand. 一旁,洛茜实在是看不透两人的对话和暗地里的交锋,只能趁机站出来。 Your Highness Schiffne, you arrives at Royal Capital ahead of time, is actually why?” 夏芙涅殿下,您提前来到王都,究竟是为何啊?” Lucy raised the proper business finally. 洛茜终于提起了正事。 Right.” Skien also remembered this matter, the doubts said: You is a person run over secretly?” “对啊。”希恩同样想起了这件事,疑惑道:“你这是一个人偷偷跑过来的吗?” „Do I run over secretly?” Schiffne shot a brief look at Skien, said with a smile: „The person who runs over secretly is not I, but has someone else?” “我偷偷跑过来?”夏芙涅瞥了希恩一眼,笑道:“偷偷跑过来的人不是我,而是另有其人吧?” Skien was awkward immediately. 希恩顿时尴尬了。 He knows, Schiffne finger/refers definitely is oneself. 他知道,夏芙涅指的肯定是自己。 „...... Didn't I keep the paper?” “......我不是留纸条了吗?” Skien can only weak expressed. 希恩只能弱弱的这么表示。 Your meaning is, keeps a paper to be perfunctory us, is this very correct matter?” Schiffne stares is staring at Skien, seems murderous aura saying with a smile: „The words that even/including Ju said goodbye did not have, said that a time is not willing to spend, your could it be really felt did oneself hold true?” “你的意思是,留张纸条敷衍我们,这是非常正确的事情?”夏芙涅直勾勾的盯着希恩,似有杀气般的笑道:“连句道别的话都没有,说一声的功夫都不愿意花,你难道真觉得自己有理了?” „...... Good.” Skien lowered the head to recognize decisively instigates. “......好吧。”希恩果断低头认怂了。 This matter truly does not sincerely, does not lower the head good. 这件事确实是自己做得不厚道,不低头不行。 How to say again, the Devil sisters to oneself very good, including Carmina that from the beginning and do not cope with, all Devil to oneself attitude and attitude to others were not a magnitude, Skien is also insufficient not to have this self-knowledge completely. 再怎么说,魔人姐妹们对自己还是非常不错的,包括一开始和自己不对付的卡蜜纳在内,所有的魔人对自己的态度和对别人的态度完全不是一个量级,希恩还不至于没有这点自知之明。 In addition is these Devil is basically looking after itself during Demon World, oneself can achieve limit level, similarly was lucky their generous natural, this favor and treatment, are truly speechless. 加上在魔界期间基本都是这些魔人在照料自己,自己能达到极限级,同样是多亏了她们的慷慨大方,这人情和待遇,确实无话可说。 In such a case, oneself kept a paper to leave without saying good-bye, could could it be be called is sincere? 在这样的情况下,自己留了一张纸条就不辞而别了,难道称得上是厚道? only... 只是... You should not be because I walked, will pursue?” “你该不会是因为我走了,才会追过来的吧?” The Skien look became inexplicable. 希恩神色变得莫名了起来。 Lucy was also hears to stare, looks to Schiffne. 洛茜亦是听得一愣,看向了夏芙涅 The surrounding person is one by one in great surprise, casts the vision to Schiffne's body one after another simultaneously. 周围的人更是一个个的接连大惊,同时将目光投至夏芙涅的身上 Schiffne is in front of everyone, first transferred in an instant the bead, immediately returned to one with a smile. 夏芙涅就当着所有人的面,先是转了转眼珠子,随即笑吟吟的回了一句。 Right, for you.” “没错,就是为了你。” Arrived the incorrect speech, blew the audience undisguisedly directly. 露骨到不行的发言,直接镇住了全场。 Skien and Lucy was silent. 希恩和洛茜沉默了。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!”...... “砰!”“砰!”“砰!”“砰!”“砰!”...... The surrounding passers-by were brokenhearted. 周围的路人们则是心碎了。 Originally, Goddess to pursue the man comes Royal Capital? 原来,女神是为了追男人才来王都的吗? Hero that pursues? 还是追的勇者 Two fiancees, Kingdom's Most Precious Object, Dragon Devil Ai Hero? 有两个未婚妻,一个王国至宝,一个龙魔艾依勇者 ...... The heaven does not have the eye! ......苍天无眼啊!
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