DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#820: Because of people who Charm Devil comes

Submitting of Schiffne, lets Skien extreme satisfaction. 夏芙涅的屈服,让希恩极为的满意。 not solely satisfies the compromise of this woman, was satisfied oneself found to govern her method finally. 不单单是满意这个女人的妥协,更是满意自己总算找到了治住她的方法。 Before then, really goes against heaven's will under the charm of this woman, Skien was teased and played jokes upon share, except for proving the male dignity time can rediscover some senses of achievement, other times basically by this woman eating stubbornly. 要知道,在此之前,迫于这女人的魅力实在是过于逆天,希恩只有被挑逗以及被戏耍的份,除了证明男性的尊严的时候能够找回一些成就感,其余时候基本都是被这个女人给吃得死死的。 This time, this Witch submitted finally, that representative , is not only a victory, is a meaningful milestone. 这一次,这个魔女终于是屈服了,那代表的不仅是一次胜利,还是一次极具意义的里程碑。 In addition this woman is willing obedient, no longer to go out to look for trouble, provokes to trouble, Skien to this time result naturally is extremely satisfied. 加上这女人肯乖乖听话,不再出去招蜂引蝶,招惹麻烦了,希恩对这次的结果自然是极为满意的。 But, this time Skien has not known, Schiffne appears in the influence of Human World, imagines compared with him greatly. 但,此时的希恩还不知道,夏芙涅出现在人界的影响,远比他想象得更大。 ...... ...... At this time, was brought by Skien from Schiffne, the confusion in South-East District business street ends, but passed one hour of time. 此时,距离夏芙涅希恩带来,东南区商业街的混乱落幕,不过是过去了一个小时的时候而已。 But short one hour, Charm Devil Schiffne presents the news in Royal Capital, then spreads at the maximum speed, disappears without a trace. 可短短一个小时的时间,魅魔夏芙涅出现在王都中的消息,便以最快的速度传开,不胫而走。 Arrived at the Royal Capital influential figure of foreign land, other race and different influence on receive this message from all sides. 许多来到王都的异国、异族、异势力的大人物就都前前后后的收到了这个消息。 But in these people, had few people to present the extremely strong response. 而在这些人里,就有一部分人出现了极为激烈的反应。 „Do you say Your Highness Charm Devil now in Royal Capital?” “你说魅魔殿下现在就在王都?” King of country then fierce rests place stood up that from oneself, on the face full is wild with joy. 一个国家的国王便猛的从自己休息的地方站了起来,脸上满是狂喜。 Your highness now where? Where!?” “殿下现在在哪里?在哪里!?” legendary expert that had no fear of great distances to come also seized itself under an information officer, the whole face anxious is shouting. 一个不远万里而来的传奇级强者亦是揪住了自己麾下的一个情报员,满脸急切的喊着。 Your highness by Bezthoth Family Hero carrying off?” “殿下被孛兹图特家勇者给带走了?” A Family Head understood this matter of after big aristocrat, is almost without a second thought, left own dwelling directly. 一个大贵族的家主知道了这件事以后,几乎是想也不想,直接离开了自己的住处。 Walks!” “走!” Walks!” “走!” Walks!” “走!” one by one character big or small after then knowing the Schiffne whereabouts, start taking action without delay. 一个个或大或小的人物便均都在得知了夏芙涅的下落以后,二话不说的开始行动。 Their destinations very consistent, is Bezthoth Family. 他们的目的地非常的一致,就是孛兹图特家 Although they come from the different places, has common characteristics. 他们虽来自于不同的地方,却都有着一个共同的特征。 That is, they once under all kinds of accidents of sorts, saw to Human World Schiffne. 那就是,他们都曾在各种各样的机缘巧合之下,见过来到人界夏芙涅 In other words , these people, long ago, are Schiffne admiration. 换言之,这些人,早在很久以前,就已经是夏芙涅的倾慕者。 Therefore, they appear on the avenue in groups, or rides carriage, either hurries along directly, goes toward the aristocrat district center. 于是,他们成群结队的出现在大街上,或乘坐马车,或直接赶路,往贵族区的中心而去。 The aristocrats in Royal Capital were no exception, have many people to act unexpectedly. 王都里的贵族都不例外,竟是有着不少人都行动了起来。 These people know, in this time period, many people are attempting to visit Count Bezthoth, hopes that can climb the relations with that Hero. 这些人都知道,这阵子里,有很多人都在企图拜访孛兹图特伯爵,希望能够和那个勇者攀攀关系。 But they are also very sane, know that this cannot see Skien, thus restrained itself, or based on all kinds of reasons, simply had not planned that and Skien aspired to marry to have a reason. 但他们也很理智,知道这样是见不到希恩的,因而克制住了自己,或者是基于各种各样的原因,根本没打算去和希恩攀亲带故。 These people have also been looking at the joke of person these were denied entrance before then, even somewhat looks down upon these people, thinks oneself are not the person who and they collaborate, and for this reason proud. 这些人在此之前还一直都在看着那些吃了闭门羹的人的笑话,甚至有些瞧不起那些人,认为自己不是和他们同流合污的人,并为此自豪。 But this mentality of looking at the joke, after knowing Schiffne carried off by Skien, was completely nothing left. 可这份看笑话的心态,在得知夏芙涅希恩带走了以后,完全荡然无存了。 Then, started compared with a former huge stream of people toward the direction accumulation of Bezthoth Family. 就这样,远比之前更加庞大的人流开始往孛兹图特家的方向聚集。 This news, quick then fed in Royal Palace. 这消息,很快便是传回了王宫 ...... ...... Royal Palace, King resting palace. 王宫,国王寝宫。 Ans looks at the information that was reported that the brow is deep wrinkled, has not loosened, the space between eyebrows is fuller is the anxiety. 安西看着被汇报上来的情报,眉头已经是深深的皱了起来,迟迟没有松开,眉间更满是忧虑。 Nearby, Lucy, Lia and Alidiya and even are Sanon are looking at this, similarly one is one, frowns completely tightly. 一旁,洛茜莉雅阿里迪亚乃至是莎乃都在看着这一幕,同样有一个算一个,全部都紧皱起了眉头。 Especially Lia, the rich worried hung on her face. 尤其是莉雅,浓郁的忧愁就挂在了她的脸上。 In her hand takes a parchment, looks the matter that above was reported that opens the mouth in a low voice. 她手里就拿着一张羊皮纸,看着上面被汇报上来的事情,低声开口。 Unexpectedly some so many well-known did influential figure because of Charm Devil, start the action?” “居然有这么多有名有姓的大人物都因为一个魅魔,开始了行动吗?” In the Lia words is also carrying a faint trace does not dare to believe. 莉雅话语里还携带着一丝丝的不敢置信。 Without the means. 没办法。 Situated in Human World east, the military strength is next to Ragna Empire as well as I and other Mithras Kingdom Magic great nations, Larabay's King ———— Myski Larabay.” “位于人界东方,军事战力仅次于拉格纳帝国以及我等密特拉王国魔法大国,拉拉拜的国王————米斯吉拉拉拜。” Beastman Race combat race tribe ranked the second, be only werewolf, Tigerman, Pigman as well as leopard people and other universal powerful Beastman Race groups can join, is commanding hundreds of thousands of Beastman warrior head of the clan Tigerman ———— Nobu.” 兽人族排名第二的战斗民族部落,只有狼人虎人猪人以及豹人等普遍强大的兽人族群才能加入,统领着数十万兽人战士虎人族长————诺布。” continent famous expert, announced 25 years ago retires, no longer inquired about top legendary knight ———— Joseph of human affairs.” 大陆有名的强者,于二十五年前宣布退隐,不再过问世事的顶尖传奇级骑士————约瑟。” „The leaderships, aristocrats, legendary expert also various countries, various races and various influences and so on person, unexpectedly is completely admiration of Your Highness Charm Devil, now toward the Bezthoth Family accumulation?” 还有各国、各族、各势力的高层、贵族、传奇级强者等等的人,竟全部都是魅魔殿下的倾慕者,现在正在往孛兹图特家聚集?” Lia really does not want to believe that own eye, does not want to believe own ear. 莉雅真的很不想相信自己的眼睛,更不想相信自己的耳朵。 The reason told her, this was the matter of impossible. 理智告诉她,这是不可能发生的事情。 Because generally, this one by one character, decides future character of a country, clan and influence completely sufficiently. 概因为,这一个个人物,全部都是足以决定一国、一族、一个势力的未来的人物 Before they, these gather at Bezthoth Family, is only thinking the fellow who and Hero climbs the friendship is not existence of scale. 他们和之前那些聚集在孛兹图特家,只想着和勇者攀交情的家伙可不是一个档次的存在。 If these people gather completely, even can decide that the human race future trend, making everyone outside God Race and Demon Race be panic at the news. 这些人若是全部聚集起来,甚至可以决定人族的未来走向,让神族及魔族以外的所有人都为之闻风丧胆。 This time, they are come to participate in three races to discuss, in the person who on the board of three races discussion will arrive. 这一次,他们就是前来参加三族会谈,会在三族会谈的会议桌上登场的人。 Even without that position, that is a country and a ethnic group and even is a backbone of influence. 即便是没有那个身份地位,那都是一个国家、一个族群乃至是一个势力的顶梁柱。 And was many some have been well-known continent, hears its name, did not only see that person legendary expert. 其中更是不乏一些早已闻名大陆,只闻其名,不见其人的传奇级强者 Such a crowd stamps the feet can let characters that Human World shakes to shake, now, for Schiffne, does not attend to acting with constraint unexpectedly completely and status, all went toward the Bezthoth Family accumulation, how does this enable Lia in the earliest possible time of hearing to believe? 这样的一群跺跺脚都能让人界抖上一抖的人物们,如今,竟全部都为了一个夏芙涅,不顾矜持及身份,全部都往孛兹图特家聚集而去了,这让莉雅怎么能在听到的第一时间里相信呢? But these obviously are the facts. 可这些明显都是事实。 Matter that I most am worried about happened.” “我最担心的事情还是发生了。” Ans sad sighing extremely. 安西忧愁万分的叹着气。 „......” “......” Alidiya also rare tight pressed brow, a dignified expression. 阿里迪亚也罕见的紧蹙眉头,一副凝重的表情。 Even Lucy knows, this time matter, perhaps big strip. 洛茜都知道,这一次的事情,或许大条了。 This Level influential figure gathers, if were also resisted outside the door, that vents anger Bezthoth Family, and even vents anger to kingdom body, the matter that can have?” “这个等级大人物聚集起来,如果还被拒之门外的话,那迁怒孛兹图特家,乃至是迁怒到王国身上,都是很有可能发生的事情吧?” Lucy is saying lightly. 洛茜淡淡的说着。 Right.” The Ans whole face serious nod, said: However even our Mithras Kingdom, facing such power, is extremely tiny.” “没错。”安西满脸沉重的点头,道:“而就算是我们密特拉王国,面对这样一股力量,都是极为渺小的。” If nothing else, said that Magic great nation Larabay, its military power has arranged in human all countries at third, with Mithras Kingdom also about the same, even if compared with Ragna Empire, could not miss is too many. 别的不说,就说魔法大国拉拉拜,其军事实力在人类所有的国家里都已经是排在第三,和密特拉王国也是在伯仲之间,即使是与拉格纳帝国相比,都差不了太多。 In this country, strongest is not Knight Regiment, but is Magician Regiment. 在这个国家里,最强的不是骑士团,而是魔法师团 As the Magic great nation, Magician in this country very many, and is quite generally powerful. 作为魔法大国,这个国家中的魔法师非常的多,且普遍都相当强大。 The Larabay proud thunder division, inside has entire 99 Level 70 above Magician, Captain is prominent legendary level Great Magician, Level reaches as high as 97, can proficiently use Flame System, Lightning System and Magic of Storm System three big systems, once used over a hundred might astonishing wide scopes to annihilate Magic in the battlefield, annihilated the soldiers in several tens of thousands enemies in just five minutes. 拉拉拜引以为豪的雷霆师团,里面就有整整九十九名等级七十以上的魔法师,团长还是一位名声显赫的传奇级大魔法师,等级高达九十七,能够熟练的使用火焰系雷电系暴风系三大体系的魔法,曾在战场上一口气使用过上百个威力惊人的大范围歼灭魔法,在短短五分钟内歼灭了数万名敌国的士兵。 If, Ragna Empire and Mithras Kingdom thriving came from is Hero descendant's Royal Family and Imperial Family member, that Magic great nation Larabay is in the human influence only one the country that rises by native power. 如果说,拉格纳帝国密特拉王国的繁荣昌盛都源自于身为勇者后裔的王室皇室成员的话,那魔法大国拉拉拜就是人类势力里唯一一个靠本土力量崛起的国家。 Solely was this country, Mithras Kingdom may not be hostile, let alone lead characters of also that one by one background enormous big influence and enjoyed name for a long time expert. 单单是这个国家,密特拉王国都不一定能够敌对了,更别说还有一个个来头极大的大势力的领头人物们及享名已久的强者 Those words, Mithras Kingdom returns to parental home after being divorced powerful, actually as before is only human race in which country in human. 还是那句话,密特拉王国强大归强大,却依旧仅是人族人类里的其中一个国家而已。 One time in other influences influential figure of facing so many human race, even if Mithras Kingdom will deeply feel unable to endure. 一次性面对这么多人族里的其它势力的大人物,那就算是密特拉王国都会深感吃不消。 „Is that Your Highness Charm Devil so really beautiful?” “那位魅魔殿下真的有那么美吗?” Sanon is also very unbelievable, so many famous influential figure, unexpectedly for Schiffne this name acted. 莎乃也很是难以相信,那么多鼎鼎有名的大人物,居然都为了“夏芙涅”这个名字行动了起来。 The expression on Ans face is actually seems more and more bitter and astringent. 安西脸上的表情却是显得越来越苦涩。 You do not understand, this is Charm Devil Schiffne.” “你们不懂,这就是魅魔夏芙涅。” A few words, actually fully manifested that causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman the charm of peerless Demon Princess big. 一句话,充分的体现了那个倾国倾城的绝世魔姬的魅力究竟有多大。 If to such exaggerating situation, won't really let historically so many Grand Hero and King rulers what's the big deal is elegant widowed finally? 如果不是真的到了这么夸张的地步的话,那又怎么会让历史上那么多的英雄豪杰国王帝皇都郁郁寡终呢? Ans has been able to see, an emergence of grand conflict. 安西已经能够看到,一场盛大的冲突的出现。 Royal Father.” Lia also whole face worry say/way: Was inferior, we make Skien see these Sirs, or urged Your Highness Schiffne to act simply.” 父王。”莉雅亦满脸忧心的道:“不如,我们就让希恩见见那些大人们,或者干脆劝夏芙涅殿下出面吧。” Lia already in the plan that wants to solve. 莉雅已经在想解决的方案了。 Before she also somewhat is worried about the Skien resembles like that strong rejection anybody's visiting. 她还真有点担心希恩会像之前那般,强硬的拒绝任何人的拜访。 In that case, Skien no doubt did not fear, has Demon Race and God Race to support in any case, others do not dare to act unreasonably, but Mithras Kingdom may vent anger, might be affected in the Human World position very much. 那样一来,希恩自己固然不怕,反正有魔族和神族撑腰,别人也不敢太乱来,但密特拉王国可能会受到迁怒,在人界的地位很有可能会受到影响。 This is not Lia is willing to see. 这不是莉雅愿意看到的。 However... 然而... This could not solve the problem.” Ans sighs, said: So long as Your Highness Schiffne also here, in any event, the conflict can happen.” “这样是解决不了问题的。”安西叹了一口气,道:“只要夏芙涅殿下还在这里,无论如何,冲突都会发生。” In the business street the matter has been clear told everyone this point. 商业街里发生的事情已经明确的告诉了所有人这一点。 That is, for Schiffne, the sane people may becomes impulses. 那就是,为了一个夏芙涅,再理智的人都有可能变得冲动起来。 Is rivals for sexual favor, that will not lack the conflict forever. 争风吃醋,那永远是不会缺乏冲突的。 Charm as big as Schiffne this scale, that is solely one name, meets one time may cause the dispute. 魅力大到夏芙涅这个规模,那已经是单单一个名字,一次见面都有可能引起纷争。 Therefore, even if Skien is willing to see these people still useless. 因此,就算希恩愿意见那些人也没用。 After all, is willing to see to turn over to be willing to see, when the time comes whose foresight? 毕竟,愿意见归愿意见,到时候又得谁先见呢? Can't see completely together? 总不能全部一起见吧? But thinks to know, to compete for a meeting right, the person of overtaking these advance uninterruptedly will snatch ominously. 而想想都知道,为了争夺一个见面的权利,那些前赴后继的赶过去的人会抢得多凶。 In any case, Ans cannot see the peace to solve the future of this matter. 反正,安西是看不见和平解决这件事的未来的。
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