DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#607: „Understands?”

Pā! 啪! Skinny such as the arm of bone then falls in the fell on the ground surface, aroused very clear sound. 干瘦如骨的手臂便掉落在地面上,激起了非常清晰的声响。 Facing sudden extreme speed slash, in a hurry, High Priest can only lift a hand, sacrificed it, keeps off this strike. 面对突如其来的极速斩击,匆忙之间,大祭司只能抬起一只手,牺牲了它,挡下这一击 If not for this hand, was cut is the head of High Priest. 若不是这只手,被砍下来的就是大祭司的脑袋。 Because, this sword, is aiming at the neck of High Priest completely. 因为,这一剑,完全是瞄准着大祭司的脖子去的。 Qī! 嘁! High Priest anxious as is flabbergasted to make noise. 大祭司焦急似的咋舌出声。 Was cut a hand obviously, why does not know, High Priest absolutely does not have the least bit pain unexpectedly, and even does not have least bit influence, including even if a drop of blood does not have the class/flow, holds the crystal ball with other hand, the release rich aura of death. 明明被砍下了一只手,不知为何,大祭司竟是完全没有半点痛苦,乃至是没有半点影响似的,连哪怕是一滴鲜血都没有流,就这么用剩余的一只手托着水晶球,释放出了浓郁的死气 Arrives at the High Priest front by Teleportation ability, while its unprepared, his arm cutting Skien sees this, is first startled slightly, immediately wielding a sword again without hesitation, making the sword light sprinkle crazily, cuts to High Priest. 瞬间移动能力来到大祭司的面前,趁其不备,将其一条手臂给砍下的希恩看到这一幕,先是微微一怔,随即毫不犹豫的再次挥剑,让剑光狂洒,斩向了大祭司 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” Also tore the sound together. 又是一道撕裂声响了起来。 only, this time, was cut is not the arm of High Priest, aura of death that but wells up from its body. 只是,这一次,被砍下的不是大祭司的手臂,而是从其身上涌来的死气 These aura of death then throw toward Skien like the toxic gas, actually cut off by a Skien sword, dissipates in the air. 那些死气便如毒气般朝着希恩扑来,却被希恩一剑斩断,消散在空气中。 But while this opportunity, High Priest holds Limjo that fell into demented is unable to extricate oneself, goes toward rear sudden retreat. 而趁着这个机会,大祭司一把抓住了陷入癫狂中无法自拔的利姆乔,向着后方暴退而去。 Her speed is quick , instead probably true Death God, the black robe does not stir, it ghost had then jumped out the extremely far distance. 她的速度很快,一点都不像人,反而像是真正的死神,黑袍鼓荡之间,其便已经似幽灵般窜出了极远的距离。 She is operating aura of death, wraps own whole body, like by aura of death dragging, toward rear sudden retreat. 她操纵着死气,包裹住自己的全身,如同被死气给拖着一样,向着后方暴退 „To run?” “想跑?” Skien to before like that the ignores opponent of accomplishing a task with ease has not acted. 希恩没有向之前那般,游刃有余的放任对手施为了。 Since chooses the exposed status, the exposed true strength, that Skien has not then planned to let escape these two people again. 既然选择暴露身份,暴露真正实力,那希恩便没打算再放跑这两人 Therefore, Skien displays Teleportation again, moved sideways, caught up with High Priest. 于是,希恩再次施展瞬间移动,一个闪身,追上了大祭司 At this time, fell into demented Limjo to make the unexpected action suddenly. 这时,陷入癫狂中的利姆乔突然做出意外的举动。 Lets loose me!” “放开我!” Limjo worked loose the hand of High Priest fiercely, is red the eye, is fierce the facial features, plunged Skien. 利姆乔猛的挣脱了大祭司的手,红着眼睛,狰狞着面容,扑向了希恩 Idiot!” “蠢货!” Unexpected between worked loose High Priest cannot bear angry called out. 猝不及防之间被挣脱的大祭司忍不住愤怒的叫出了声 Skien was happy. 希恩则是乐了。 Skien Bezthoth ——!” 希恩·孛兹图特——!” Saw that Skien teleportation comes, Limjo lit the hatred of innermost feelings, the rave moving forward to meet somebody. 眼看着希恩瞬移而来,利姆乔点燃了内心的憎恨,狂吼着迎了上去。 His eye becomes dull green. 他的眼睛变得更加的惨绿。 【Spirit Essence】 crazy random walk of his within the body, by compared with previously any quick speed, integrated his body time. 体内【灵粹】疯狂的游走,以比先前任何一次都快的速度,融入了他的身体。 Limjo is crazy, roaring, body that gloomy and cold Magic Power is increasing unexpectedly successively, making its Level rise suddenly at a rapid speed. 利姆乔疯狂着,咆哮着,身上那阴冷的魔力居然节节攀升,令其等级以飞快的速度暴涨。 Lv.92... Lv.92... Lv.93... Lv.93... Lv.94... Lv.94... Quick, Limjo's Level was climbed to 95, startled exploded the eyeball of the world sufficiently. 很快的,利姆乔的等级便是攀升到了九十五,足以惊爆世人的眼球。 Obviously, the hatred and hatred to Skien, making Limjo break through own limit. 显然,对希恩的憎恨及仇恨,使得利姆乔突破了自身的极限。 In addition High Priest were really just many to these 【Spirit Essence】 that he fed, Limjo's power is increasing on the extreme speed, making High Priest be shaken. 加上大祭司刚刚给他喂养的那些【灵粹】着实不少,利姆乔的力量就极速攀升着,让大祭司都被震住了。 What a pity... 可惜... Bang!” “嘭!” Heavy such as in stuffy thunder -like collision sound, Limjo that power rises sharply another by Skien's kick strike hitting chest. 沉重如闷雷般的碰撞声中,力量大涨的利姆乔又一次的被希恩的踢击给命中了胸口。 Aaaaaaaaaah...!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊...!” Limjo thorough was insane, does not attend to the sole of bang on chest, to the present foe, both hands is changing to the sharpest weapon, bringing claw light, the bang to approach Skien. 利姆乔彻底疯了,不顾轰在胸口上的脚掌,对着眼前的仇敌,双手化作最为锋利的武器,带着一道道爪光,轰向了希恩 That is to perish together simply, trades the wound by the wound. 那简直就是要同归于尽,以伤换伤。 Limjo did not mind that trades the wound by the wound. 利姆乔也不介意以伤换伤。 First, his 【Great Spiritual Body of Death】 defensive power is high, resistance capability is very strong, also self-recovery ability, even were injured, can restore at the maximum speed. 一来,他的【死亡大灵体】防御力高,抗击打能力很强,还有自愈能力,即便受伤了,都能以最快的速度恢复过来。 Secondly, his pure attack power originally above Skien, even if calls to one move, so long as is not the hit strategic point, he gained. 二来,他纯粹的攻击力本就在希恩之上,哪怕是一招唤一招,只要不是命中要害,那他就是赚了。 Moreover, Limjo does not manage. 三来,利姆乔也不管了。 Sees Skien again, and before also by its devastation, played with by it, the new hatreds on top of old put together, if past Limjo, that may the routine choice endure, but now, became confused Limjo basically impossible to continue to endure by the negativity again. 再次见到希恩,且之前还被其蹂躏,被其玩弄,新仇旧恨加在一起,若是过去的利姆乔,那或许会习惯性的选择忍,但现在,被负面情绪冲昏头脑的利姆乔根本不可能再继续忍下去。 The issue lies in... 问题在于... Clang clang clang clang clang...!” “锵锵锵锵锵...!” In intense collision sound, Limjo that attack power wonderful high incomparable claw strike, falls on Skien's body, as if hit unexpectedly steel, in a sparks/Mars, was separated completely. 一阵激烈的交击声中,利姆乔攻击力奇高无比的爪击,落在希恩的身上,竟是仿佛命中了钢铁似的,在一阵火星中,全部被弹开。 How possibly...!?” “怎么可能...!?” Limjo opened the eye, cannot believe all that oneself see. 利姆乔睁大了眼睛,不敢相信自己看到的一切。 He does not know, has 【Within Fate's Declivity】 to protect Skien of body, its injury resistance ability, compared with his 【Great Spiritual Body of Death】 defensive power, that absolutely only stronger, not weaker. 他根本不知道,有着【里陀天命】护体的希恩,其抗伤能力,比起他的【死亡大灵体】防御力,那绝对只强不弱 Limjo attack power is very high, but again high how? 利姆乔攻击力或许很高,可再高又如何? Can be stronger than the attack that Alidiya's 【Volta】 makes? 能比阿里迪亚的【伏打】打出的攻击强吗? Can be the Transcendent Level level? 能达到超脱级的层次吗? Can't? 不能吧? Since cannot, that naturally be the impossible wound to Skien. 既然不能,那自然是不可能伤到希恩的。 With the Skien previous life words, that is... 希恩前世的话来说,那就是... „Are you giving me tickle?” “你在给我挠痒痒吗?” Skien sneers to Limjo that the whole face is not daring to believe that in the hand Holy Sword cut suddenly, then cut to Limjo's chest. 希恩对着满脸不敢置信的利姆乔冷笑了一声,手中圣剑豁然一斩,便是斩向了利姆乔的胸口 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” In another tearing sound, blood light finally for the first time presently. 又一次的撕裂声中,血光终于乍现。 Limjo's chest was then broken the defense by Skien's slash easily. 利姆乔的胸口便被希恩的斩击给轻而易举的破开了防御。 Under the 【Beyond Fate's Declivity】 performance increase, even by Sealed Holy Sword, still has such attack power. 【外陀天命】的性能增幅下,即使是被封印的圣剑,也有着这样的攻击力 Eh Aah...!” 啊啊...!” The Limjo pain results in the whole body shock, the footsteps staggers drew back. 利姆乔痛苦得浑身剧震,脚步踉跄的退了下去。 Bad!” “糟了!” Sees this, High Priest complexion changes, clenches teeth, finally cannot bear go forward, wants to rescue Limjo. 看到这一幕,大祭司面色微变,一咬牙,最终还是忍不住上前,想救下利姆乔 Stains the blood regarding both hands, eliminates has not known that many lives High Priest, a Limjo safety, naturally is not worth her caring. 对于双手沾满鲜血,剥夺过不知道多少生命的大祭司来说,一个利姆乔的安危,自然不值得她关心。 But, Limjo now was not an average person, but was Great Spiritual Body that she trained thousand years later, very precious. 可是,利姆乔现在不是一般人了,而是她时隔千年培养出来的大灵体,非常的珍贵。 Since she begins to study Great Spiritual Body one, millennium ago that time, only then this time successful brought forth Great Spiritual Body. 自从她着手研究大灵体一来,除了千年前的那一次,就只有这一次成功的练出了大灵体 But millennium ago that time, was also regarded as failure to do by High Priest finally considers something as shameful, and even regards as the shame. 而千年前的那一次,最后还被大祭司视为了“失败作”引以为耻,乃至是视为耻辱。 This time, succeeds to train Great Spiritual Body with great difficulty, she does not want to lose again. 这一次,好不容易成功培养出一具大灵体,她可不想再失去了。 Therefore, High Priest the meeting wants to rescue Limjo. 所以,大祭司才会想救利姆乔 But in the High Priest preparation rushes goes, in the midair, a scalding hot dragon breath drops from the clouds, the bang to the direction that she was. 但就在大祭司准备冲上前去时,半空中,一道灼热的龙息从天而降,轰向了她所在的方向。 Yurin then does not know when flew the midair, looks that High Priest prepares to charge into Skien, dragon breath spat without hesitation. 尤琳便不知何时重新飞上了半空,看着大祭司准备冲向希恩,一口龙息毫不犹豫的吐了下来。 Carefully looked that Undead Dragon has only had one by hard coke skeleton. 仔细一看,那头尸龙已经只剩下一副被焦炭般的骨架子。 That legendary level Undead Dragon, has not arrived in the limit level Yurin opponent from the start, by the Yurin easy solution. 那头传奇级尸龙,压根就不是已经抵达极限级尤琳的对手,被尤琳轻而易举的解决掉了。 Now, Yurin leaps make a move to cope with High Priest, making High Priest fly into a rage. 现在,尤琳出手来对付大祭司,让大祭司是暴跳如雷。 Hateful lizard! Looked that I realize second Undead Dragon you! Even the soul drops the hell!” “可恨的蜥蜴!看我把你练成第二具尸龙!连灵魂都堕进地狱!” High Priest angry is shouting, holds up the crystal ball, displays 【Astarte】 Necromancy Magic, making aura of death shake fluctuates. 大祭司愤怒的喊着,举起水晶球,施展【恐怖公】死灵魔法,令死气震荡起伏。 Roar!” “吼!” Immediately Yurin disdains to resemble angrily roared, that appearance, completely neither human nor ghost High Priest not paying attention. 尤琳立即不屑似的怒吼了一声,那模样,完全就是不把不人不鬼大祭司给放在眼里。 At that moment, Yurin and High Priest also dogfight to one. 当下,尤琳大祭司也缠斗到一块了。 Another side, Limjo after the chest was cut, not only does not have the choice to give way to traffic, instead crazier attacking to Skien. 另一边,利姆乔在胸口被砍中以后,不但没有选择避让,反而更加疯狂的攻向希恩 Why!? Why is you!?” “为什么!?为什么是你!?” Limjo both hands dance, wields the endless claw light, fiercely attacks to Skien, while angrily roars crazily. 利姆乔一边双手狂舞,挥出无尽爪光,猛攻向希恩,一边疯狂怒吼。 Is a trivial Adventurer! Where do I select no match for you? Where selects no match for you!” “不过是区区一个冒险者而已!我哪点比不上你?哪点比不上你!” Being unwilling, hatred and anger Limjo as well as demented then show incisively in this moment li (0.5 km), if the shape the malicious ghost demons, making the will of the people fear. 利姆乔的不甘、憎恨、愤怒以及癫狂便在此刻里展现得淋漓尽致,状若恶鬼罗刹,令人心惧。 Skien has not needed excellent sword technique to keep off Limjo claw strike like before again, but non-stop moves figure back and forth, about steps, Limjo that claw strike that fills the point gives the make way. 希恩没再像之前那样用高超的剑技挡下利姆乔爪击,而是不停的来回挪动身形,左右踏步,将利姆乔那一道道充满锋芒的爪击给闪开。 Although claw strike power is big, but this suddenly rising power, Limjo simply has not controlled. 爪击力量虽大,可这份暴涨的力量,利姆乔根本没有控制住。 Therefore, his attack is chaotic, does not have the skill, is having 【Beyond Fate's Sensation】's perception Skien in the eyes, even if were promoted from now on six senses to move aside only with ease. 所以,他的攻击杂乱无章,毫无技巧可言,在具备【外觉天命】的感知力希恩眼中,哪怕单凭被提升过后的六感都能轻松躲闪。 Fills angry roaring that is unwilling and hates as for Limjo that Skien is aloof. 至于利姆乔那充满不甘及憎恨的怒吼,希恩是无动于衷的。 Without the means. 没办法。 Each loser like you, cannot find out the reason that oneself are defeated.” “每一个失败者都像你这样,始终想不出自己失败的理由。” Skien like dancing is fending the attack of Limjo, and is gazing at him, opens the mouth of no pitying. 希恩如起舞般的闪避着利姆乔的攻击,并注视着他,毫无怜悯的开口。 Feeling unwilling is very normal, thought that did not understand is very normal, but if only has unwilling to succeed, that this success rather was also too inexpensive.” “觉得不甘心是很正常的,觉得不理解是很正常的,但要是只有不甘心就能成功,那这份成功也未免太廉价了。” Skien then stops the step suddenly, in hand Holy Sword extremely towering swift slash, Limjo pair of claws gives opening of heavily. 希恩便豁然止住步伐,手中圣剑极为突兀的一个疾斩,将利姆乔的双爪给重重的挑开。 also, you said that I am trivial Adventurer, what are you? Really felt are oneself character?” 还有,你说我是区区的冒险者,那你又是什么?真觉得自己是个人物吗?” Skien extends a hand at an exceptional pace, holds the face of Limjo, pulls to oneself, at once then loses the balance in Limjo, falls to here time, the knee lifts suddenly. 希恩以惊人的速度伸出一只手,抓住利姆乔的脸,扯向自己这边,旋即便是在利姆乔失去平衡,跌向这边的时候,膝盖猛然抬起。 Bang!” “嘭!” In stifling sound, a Skien knee hit, hits on the belly of Limjo. 闷击声中,希恩一记膝撞,撞在了利姆乔的肚子上。 Guah...!” 咕啊...!” Limjo stoops immediately, exudes a depressed cry. 利姆乔立即弯下身,发出一声苦闷的叫声。 Skien grabs his face as before, raised it. 希恩则依旧抓着他的脸,将其提了起来。 You are living of good luck in Duke Family, there are good father, has a good bloodline, therefore had the quite good talent, actually even my such Adventurer compares, but, has such good condition you unable to ask for others favor, lost to my Adventurer, that is what gave you to be proud, by you can, when my, is despising my status and family background?” “你不过是好运的生在公爵家里,有个好爹,有个好血统,所以才有了比较好的天赋而已,却还是连我这么一个冒险者都比不过,有这么好的条件你都没能讨得人家的欢心,输给了我这个冒险者,那到底是什么给了你骄傲,让你能当着我的面,藐视我的身份和出身的?” Saying, the knee of Skien hit collision of heavily on the face of Limjo, making Limjo call out one, the nosebleed flowed, fell on the ground directly. 说着,希恩的膝撞重重的撞在了利姆乔的脸上,让利姆乔嚎叫了一声,鼻血都流了出来,直接倒在了地面上。 Skien then occupies a commanding position looks pain is covering Limjo of face, mockingly spoke. 希恩便居高临下的看着痛苦的捂着脸的利姆乔,讽刺出声 In the final analysis, so-called Duke also once lost to Royal Family, cannot attain the throne, was expelled Royal Capital loser forget it/that's all, family that a loser establishes, if not for Royal Family looked in once is in brothers and sisters' share a attendance to you, you think that your Duke can also bluff and bluster?” “说到底,所谓的公爵也不过是曾经输给王室,拿不到王位,被赶出王都的失败者罢了,一个失败者建立起来的家族,若不是王室看在曾经是兄弟姐妹的份上给你们一点照顾,你以为你们这些公爵还能耀武扬威?” Loser must have the appearance of loser, accepts honestly, that is dignified, putting up a last-ditch struggle, that is the most distressed leaving the stage way.” “失败者就得有个失败者的样子,老老实实接受,那还体面一点,垂死挣扎,那不过是最狼狈的退场方式。” If you had not realized that makes me clearly, tell you clearly, Young Master.” “如果你还没有意识到,那就让我清清楚楚,明明白白的告诉你吧,大少爷。” Your this, do not want to obtain Lucy's heart for a lifetime.” “就你这样,一辈子都别想得到洛茜的心。” Understands?” “懂?”
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