DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#606: „Mediocre.”

that fellow...” 那家伙...” Saw that the Skien stood in place tattoo is motionless, but sways a piece of sword light, Undead Dragon that then fiercely attacking of aggressive will come time and time again keeping off, will throw dragon claw and dragon tooth that bites to come gives separating, High Priest complexion sank finally. 眼看着希恩站在原地纹身不动,只不过是挥洒出一片剑光而已,便将一次又一次气势汹汹的猛攻而来的尸龙给挡下,将扑咬而来的龙爪龙牙都给弹开,大祭司面色终于是沉了下去。 She can see accomplishing a task with ease of Skien, can see that Skien not the matter that Undead Dragon pays attention. 她能看出希恩的游刃有余,也能看出希恩没将尸龙放在眼里的事情。 Compared with present Undead Dragon, what Skien are more focuses on own body, even aura locking firmly in own body, will lock in Limjo's body, a covetous appearance, High Priest will have a standpoint was reversed the feeling. 比起眼前的尸龙,希恩更多的是将注意力放在自己的身上,连气息都牢牢的锁定在自己的身上,甚至锁定在利姆乔的身上,一副虎视眈眈的模样,大祭司就有种立场被反转了的感觉。 She treats as the trespasser Skien, treats as the prey that overreaches oneself to regard. 她是将希恩当做侵入者,当做不自量力的猎物来看待的。 However, present High Priest actually discovered, not only oneself treat as the prey to regard Skien, Skien probably also and even Limjo treats as the appearance that the prey regards. 然而,现在的大祭司却是发现,不仅自己将希恩当做猎物来看待,希恩好像也将自己乃至利姆乔当做猎物来看待的样子。 His that incomparably obvious aura locking, is clearly telling others, he does not plan to bleed off High Priest and Limjo. 他那无比明显的气息锁定,分明就是在告诉别人,他不打算放走大祭司利姆乔 High Priest and Limjo were he waited for a long time prey, before the prey was unable to move, this meeting prey ran, he has been seeking for the best time, prepared to take two people. 大祭司利姆乔就是他等待了许久的猎物,之前猎物还不能动,这会猎物自己跑出来了,他已经在寻找最佳的时机,准备拿下自己两人 No, said accurately, mysterious expert that this wears the cape only wants to take itself. 不,更准确的说,这个身披斗篷的神秘强者只想拿下自己。 But he locks in Limjo body aura, actually filled murderous aura. 而他锁定在利姆乔身上气息,却充满了杀气 He wants to kill Limjo. 他想杀了利姆乔 Before keeps Limjo, only to direct oneself. 之前留着利姆乔,只是为了把自己引出来而已。 Now, oneself came out, he has not continued to keep the reason of Limjo. 现在,自己出来了,他已经没有继续留着利姆乔的理由。 But the High Priest fire was big. 大祭司却火大了。 „Can Great Spiritual Body that trains with great difficulty, how be destroyed by you?” “好不容易才重新培养出来的大灵体,怎么可以被你破坏掉?” High Priest no longer chooses to stand by finally. 大祭司终于不再选择袖手旁观。 【Astarte】!” 【恐怖公(Astarte)】!” This was can operate aura of death, operation death top tier Necromancy Magic. 这是能够操纵死气,操纵死亡的上级死灵魔法 By way of this Magic, High Priest can having all things of vitality conducts the compulsory corrosion, eliminates all things angry, refines aura of death, gradually expands this Magic might. 经由此魔法,大祭司可以对具有生机的万物进行强制性的腐蚀,剥夺万物生气,提炼出死气,逐渐壮大这一魔法的威力。 This Magic cannot leave aura of death. 这一魔法离不开死气 Without aura of death, this Magic then exists in name only. 若是没有死气,这一魔法便形同虚设。 Therefore, most starts to use this Magic time, its might must come small and weakly compared with Elementary Magic, only when aura of death accumulates to the sufficient quantity, it can, as increase of aura of death reserve, becomes terrifying even more. 所以,最开始使用这一魔法的时候,它的威力比初级魔法都要来得弱小,只有当死气累积到足够的量,它才能随着死气储备的增加,变得越发恐怖 High Priest has survived in the world several thousand years, since 【Magic • Necromancy】 upgraded to Level 7, after can use top tier Necromancy Magic, she frequent use 【Astarte】 has then squeezed all things angry, collects aura of death, is used to enhance own Necromancy Magic might. 大祭司已经存活于世数千年,自从将【魔法·死灵】提升到七级,能够使用上级死灵魔法以后,她便一直频繁的使用【恐怖公】来压榨万物生气,收集死气,用来提升自身的死灵魔法的威力。 Lasted several thousand years, High Priest had accumulated extremely huge aura of death, making the 【Astarte】 this Magic might also extremely fearful, once uses, even can change to the aura of death agglomeration a side world. 长达数千年的时间里,大祭司已经累计了极其庞大的死气,让【恐怖公】这一魔法的威力亦变得极其可怕,一旦使用出来,甚至能够将一方天地都化作死气的聚集地。 Here sky will be camouflaged by the dark cloud , because High Priest released itself to collect several thousand years of aura of death. 这里的天空会被乌云遮蔽,就是因为大祭司释放出了自身收集了数千年的死气 But appearance that the black wind that howls, precisely aura of death is released externally. 而那呼啸的黑风,正是死气外放的显现。 Therefore, changes to the innumerable painful faces in the black wind that this side world howls suddenly, forms Vengeful Spirit aura of death, hiding the sky and covering the earth wells up in the direction that Skien is. 于是,在此方天地呼啸的黑风突然化作无数痛苦的人脸,形成怨灵般的死气,铺天盖地的朝着希恩所在的方向涌去。 Hou?” “嚯?” Skien raised his brow, without any hesitation chops one to cut again, at clang will throw Undead Dragon that bites to come to give to drive back, simultaneously fierce cutting to aura of death storm of attack. 希恩眉头一挑,没有任何犹豫的劈出一记重砍,在“铛”的一声中将扑咬而来的尸龙给逼退,同时猛的斩向了来袭的死气暴风。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” Vengeful Spirit aura of death storm under Holy Sword slash, not only like paper frail was divided into two, but also was being sparkled by Holy Sword on the golden light to the purification, vanishes instantaneously without a trace. 怨灵般的死气暴风在圣剑斩击下,不但如同纸张般脆弱的被一分为二,还被圣剑上闪耀着的金光给净化,瞬间消失得无影无踪。 Then really has the strangeness the sword.” “那把剑果然有古怪。” High Priest complexion sinks again downward. 大祭司面色再次往下一沉。 Skien actually looked to High Priest. 希恩却看向了大祭司 Didn't only need to play with your pet enough? Sir High Priest?” “不是只需要和你的宠物玩就够了吗?大祭司大人?” Was saying in Skien's voice, what filling is careless. 这么说着的希恩的声音里,充满着的是漫不经心。 I have changed the mind.” High Priest coldly snorted, said: I must realize my corpse slave you, making you one in my dead souls army.” “我已经改变主意了。”大祭司冷哼了一声,道:“我要把你练成我的尸奴,让你成为我的死灵大军中的一员。” aura of death surges that saying, High Priest body, is rushing richly. 说着,大祭司身上,更加浓郁澎湃的死气暴涌了出来。 Instantly, the sky becomes gloomier, the strong winds of howling become fiercer, making this side world resemble to change to the hell, appears the sound of ghost sobbing called out similarly. 霎时,天空变得更灰暗,呼啸的狂风变得更凶猛,让这一方天地都似化作了地狱,出现了类似嚎叫的鬼泣之声。 Facing this scene, on the Skien face that has been hanging the smile restrained finally. 面对这一光景,希恩脸上那一直挂着的笑容总算收敛了起来。 Right?” Skien lightly said: Such being the case, I do not play.” “是吗?”希恩淡淡的道:“既然如此,我也不玩了吧。” The language finishes, Skien's body, terrifying Magic Power surges. 语毕,希恩的身上,恐怖魔力暴涌而出。 The land is trembling. 大地在震颤。 The atmosphere is trembling. 大气在震颤。 The air column that huge Magic Power forms shoots up to the sky from Skien's body, on the straight clouds, washed out black cloud layer in sky unexpectedly, broke open heavily aura of death. 庞大的魔力形成的气柱自希恩的身上冲天而起,直上云霄,竟是冲散了天空中的乌云层,破开了重重死气 ————!?” ————!?” High Priest complexion changing suddenly. 大祭司面色陡变。 Wha...!?” “什...!?” Limjo is also startled. 利姆乔也大吃一惊。 At this moment, Skien then no longer restrains, largest Magic Power will liberate. 这一刻里,希恩便不再收敛,将最大规模的魔力解放了出来。 Roar!” “吼!” Startled anger of Undead Dragon in the sky in roaring that happened simultaneously. 尸龙在天空中惊怒交加的咆哮。 But this roared, traded was actually another terrifying dragon roar. 可这咆哮,换来的却是另外一声更加恐怖龙吟 Roar ——!!!” “吼——!!!” This came from angry roaring of horizon. 这是来自天边的怒吼。 Sees only, jet black great dragon suddenly runs out from washed out black cloud layer, changing to a meteorite is ordinary, dive, collision ruthlessly in Undead Dragon body. 只见,一头漆黑的巨龙骤然从被冲散的乌云层中冲出,化作一块陨石一般,俯冲而下,狠狠的撞在了尸龙身上 Bang ——!” “嘭——!” With one crack, Undead Dragon was hit from the sky by Black Dragon, has the fresh breeze and impact of shake, such as a shell, falling of heavily in the ground, broke the ground, raised the windblown dust. 随着一声炸响,尸龙黑龙从天空中撞了下来,带着震荡的劲风和冲击,如一枚炮弹,重重的落在了地面上,砸碎了地面,掀起了尘烟。 Roar!” “吼!” Black Dragon then replaces the position that Undead Dragon was , there stimulated is roaring. 黑龙便取代了尸龙原本所在的位置,在那里亢奋的咆哮着。 That roared, came terrifying compared with Undead Dragon, came powerfully. 那咆哮,远比尸龙来得恐怖,来得强而有力。 What!?” “什么!?” Right now, High Priest was also startled. 这下子,大祭司也大吃一惊了。 Reviews Limjo, saw jet black great dragon that drops from the clouds suddenly, a pair of eye opens suddenly. 反观利姆乔,看到那突然从天而降的漆黑巨龙,一对眼睛陡然睁大。 That dragon... 那头龙... Adol's Black Dragon...!?” 亚特鲁的黑龙...!?” Limjo recognized. 利姆乔认了出来。 newcomer, precisely Yurin. 来者,正是尤琳 Roar ——!!!” “吼——!!!” Yurin hovers in the horizon, stirs up dragon wings, dragon's roar is passing through the entire world like the thundering, the sound near everyone's ear, raised the intermittent air wave, the momentum is scary. 尤琳翱翔于天际,煽动着龙翼,龙吟声如轰雷般贯穿整个天地,响动在所有人的耳边,亦掀起了阵阵气浪,声势骇人。 limit level King of Monsters imposing manner then seems heavenly prestige, suppresses in the entire world, making High Priest no longer calm. 极限级魔物之王气势便好似天威,镇压在整个天地间,让大祭司都不再冷静。 But Limjo was insane. 利姆乔却是疯了。 Is you! Is your ——!!!” “是你!是你——!!!” Limjo discovered Skien's identity finally, in the heart shook loudly, immediately by surges, but on anger and hatred becoming confused, making it give out until now most hysteric angry roaring toward Skien. 利姆乔终于发现了希恩的身份,心中轰然一震,随即被暴涌而上的怒火和憎恨给冲昏了头脑,令其向着希恩发出至今为止最为歇斯底里的怒吼。 Skien is full of the sound of taunt meaning to spread to the ear of Limjo immediately. 希恩饱含嘲讽意味的声音立即传入利姆乔的耳中。 You discovered too late, Young Master.” “你发现得太晚了,大少爷。” The words fall, but Skien body surges Magic Power changed to the star light. 话落,希恩身上暴涌而出的魔力化作了星光。 —— With vast Magic Power, drawing the starts beyond the sky —— ——以浩瀚之魔力,引天外之辰星—— Skien without hesitation chanted celestial body Magic Spell. 希恩毫不犹豫的咏唱出了天体魔法的咒语 —— It is adorned with luxuriant rays and numerous wild fields, following the dispatch of those who dominate the night sky, showing the mystery and trajectory of the gods at this moment —— ——繁芒缀缀,焱际累累,听从支配夜空之人的调遣,在此刻展现众神之玄妙及轨迹—— —— That is light —— ——那是光—— —— That is the powerful strength of the heavens —— ——那是强大的天之力—— —— Therefore, Sparkle, O stars —— ——所以,闪耀吧,群星—— —— Therefore, Come down, Light —— ——于是,降下吧,光明—— Skien's voice resounds through the horizon. 希恩的声音响彻天际。 【Starry Arrays】!” 【扩散群星阵(StarryArrays)】!” The star light trembles suddenly. 星光骤然颤栗。 one by one celestial body plunders suddenly from the star light, as if flowing light, sends out to scatter the entire darkness brilliance, while plunders to the direction that High Priest and Limjo were. 一个个天体自星光中豁然掠出,仿佛一道道的流光,一边散发出驱散整个黑暗的光辉,一边掠向了大祭司利姆乔所在的方向。 Celestial Body Magic...!?” 天体魔法...!?” High Priest worthily is the survival in the world several thousand years of Necromancer, saw Magic that Skien displays, recognized it immediately. 大祭司不愧是存活于世数千年的死灵魔法师,见到希恩所施展的魔法,立即将其认了出来。 But because just recognized this Magic, High Priest having a big shock again. 但正因为认出了这一魔法,大祭司才再一次的大惊失色。 That few learn Magic, how possibly appear here time...!?” “那种几乎没有人学会魔法,怎么可能出现在这个时代...!?” High Priest complexion continually changes, one side while hurries to hold loses sane Limjo, lifts up high the crystal ball, making around the body aura of death change to the one by one pain is moaning the face, welcomed attack celestial body. 大祭司一边面色连变,一边赶紧抓住一旁失去理智的利姆乔,高举水晶球,让身周死气化作一个个痛苦呻吟着的人脸,迎来了来袭的天体 Celestial Body Magic and Necromancy Magic fierce struggle, development/launch in this side world. 天体魔法死灵魔法的激斗,就在这一方天地间展开 Dazzling celestial body with infiltrating the face of person then collided in one, had the entanglement instantaneously. 炫目的天体与渗人的人脸便碰撞在了一块,瞬间产生了纠缠。 celestial body is sending out the radiant star light, reveals the band of light, attempts the bang loose face. 天体散发着璀璨星光,吐露光带,企图轰散人脸。 The face was rumbled to disperse, will actually condense the forming shortly, the pain calls out, while opens the mouth, attempts to swallow celestial body, eliminates its vitality all. 人脸被轰散了,却是顷刻间会凝聚成形,一边痛苦嚎叫,一边张大嘴巴,企图吞下天体,将其生机尽数剥夺。 The band of light that celestial body sprinkles surrounds immediately in around the body, bang time and time again disperses the face, does not make the face approach. 天体洒落的光带立即环绕在身周,一次又一次的轰散人脸,不让人脸靠近。 Devil who the face as if fierce does not fear, unceasing repeats is condensing and exploding disperses and calls out, the process of charge, fully showed the strangeness and terrifying of Necromancy Magic. 人脸则仿佛悍不畏死的魔鬼,不断的重复着凝聚、爆散、嚎叫、冲锋的过程,充分的展现了死灵魔法的诡异及恐怖 Originally, spends freely Celestial Body Magic that biggest Magic Power puts forth facing Skien, even most Advanced Magic, will collapse at the first encounter, how long could not insist. 本来,面对希恩挥霍最大魔力使出的天体魔法,即便是最上级的魔法,都会一触即溃,坚持不了多久。 However, High Priest 【Astarte】 is extremely special Magic, aura of death are more, the might is bigger, under spending freely that in High Priest loves dearly extremely, endless aura of death that its for several thousand years accumulate was released, let this Magic powerful ability also climbed to an astonishing situation, at once, refused to compromise unexpectedly with Skien 【Starry Arrays】. 然而,大祭司【恐怖公】是极为特殊的魔法,死气越多,威力越大,在大祭司极为心疼的挥霍下,其数千年来累积的无尽死气都被释放了出来,让这一魔法威能攀升到了一个惊人的地步,一时之间,竟是与希恩【扩散群星阵】僵持住了。 Skien is good, although somewhat surprised, is actually insufficient to lose the discretion. 希恩还好,虽有些意外,却不至于失去分寸。 High Priest is actually not able to accept this result. 大祭司却无法接受这个结果。 „Doesn't 【Astarte】 have the means to press that Celestial Body Magic unexpectedly...?” 【恐怖公】居然没办法压过那个天体魔法...?” The High Priest complexion is very ugly. 大祭司的脸色很难看。 An own several thousand years of unceasing accumulation, puts together one modern Magician that unexpectedly uses Lost Magic, this makes her be hard to accept. 自己数千年的不断累积,竟拼不过一个使用失传魔法的现代魔法师,这让她难以接受。 Under the mentality imbalance, High Priest wants to urge Undead Dragon, making Undead Dragon disperse that Celestial Body Magic with the dragon breath bang. 心态失衡下,大祭司想驱使尸龙,让尸龙龙息轰散那个天体魔法 Although, after dying, Undead Dragon dragon breath no longer had power that broke through all defenses, but after its dragon breath transformation was aura of death breath, if joined the war, can bring the enormous increase to 【Astarte】 surely, has pressed that Celestial Body Magic. 虽说,在死去以后,尸龙龙息不再具备突破一切防御的力量,可它的龙息转化为死气吐息以后,若是加入战局,必定能给【恐怖公】带来极大的增幅,压过那个天体魔法 But, High Priest is doomed unable to work. 但,大祭司注定是无法得逞的。 Yurin already with the Undead Dragon dogfight in one, and unilateral steamroll Undead Dragon. 尤琳早已与尸龙缠斗在了一块,且还单方面的碾压了尸龙 Bang!” “轰!” In the midair, jet black great dragon scalding hot breath then easily broke through aura of death breath, the bang in Undead Dragon body, making the Undead Dragon whole body encounter the ignition, sent out calling out of pain. 半空中,漆黑巨龙的灼热吐息便轻易突破了死气吐息,轰在了尸龙身上,让尸龙全身都遭到了灼烧,发出了痛苦的嚎叫。 Roar!” “吼!” Yurin more hits is more stimulated, looks that Undead Dragon in the eyes full is loathes and tyrannical, dragon wings shakes, immediately dives again, claw bang but actually Undead Dragon, making Undead Dragon that the whole body belches smoke fall on the ground. 尤琳则越打越亢奋,看着尸龙眼中满是厌恶及凶戾,龙翼一震,立即再次俯冲而下,一爪轰倒尸龙,让浑身冒烟的尸龙倒在地面上。 Roar!” “吼!” Yurin is stepping on Undead Dragon rotten dragon body, resembles to treat the dirty lifeform to be the same, angrily roars, while spouts dragon breath, is firing Undead Dragon of under foot. 尤琳踩着尸龙腐烂的龙躯,似对待肮脏的生物一般,一边怒吼,一边喷出龙息,灼烧着脚下的尸龙 Pitiful legendary level the dragon of dead souls, was being devastated ruthlessly. 可怜一头传奇级的死灵之龙,就这么被狠狠的蹂躏着。 damn!” 可恶!” On the High Priest skinny face presented a distortion. 大祭司干瘦的脸上出现了一丝扭曲。 At this moment... 就在这时... Shuā! 唰! a form appeared in the High Priest front suddenly, making his pupil shrink. 一道身影陡然出现在了大祭司的面前,令其瞳孔一缩。 Mediocre.” “不过如此。” After a light taunt, shining sword light for the first time presently. 一声淡淡的嘲讽过后,金光灿灿的剑光乍现。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” The tearing sound, resounds through the audience. 撕裂声,响彻全场。 An arm flew on the sky border, was then carried brilliance Holy Sword to cut. 一条手臂便飞上了天际,被携带光辉的圣剑给生生的砍了下来。
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