DKDHO :: Volume #2 和平不必被打破

#608: Several thousand years of obsession

Then, the issue came. 那么,问题来了。 Did Limjo understand? 利姆乔懂了吗? He understood. 他懂了。 Actually, since the beginning, him understands. 其实,打从一开始,他就是懂的。 Although Skien is Adventurer, but is he general Adventurer? 希恩虽然是冒险者,可他是一般的冒险者吗? Not. 不是的。 He can crusade against 【Slaughterer Faction】 single-handedly. 他能单枪匹马讨伐【杀戮者派阀】 He can single-handedly destruction about half Knights of the Kingdom. 他能单枪匹马覆灭近半个的王国骑士团 He can tame Adol's Black Dragon. 他能驯服亚特鲁的黑龙 He also obtained the favor of Dragon Devil, obtained Moon Devil's attention, but also received attaching great importance to of Royal Family, becomes prominent character of kingdom, from Adventurer the aristocrat who becomes the innumerable aristocrats to go after like ducks. 他还得到了龙魔的青睐,得到了月魔的关注,还受到了王室的重视,成为了王国的风云人物,从一介冒险者一跃成为无数贵族趋之若鹜的贵族。 Such he, being doomed is extraordinary existence, the family background is unable to conceal his brilliance, conceals his outstanding. 这样的他,注定是个不平凡的存在,出身根本无法掩饰他的光彩,掩饰他的优秀。 Then, he can obtain holding in high esteem of that princess, as if is also the natural matter. 如此一来,他能获得那位公主殿下的刮目相看,似乎也是理所当然的事情。 But oneself? 而自己呢? Duke Family's Young Master? 公爵家的大少爷 Has this status, compared with resulting in come from legitimate Royal Family even is honored as Hero of Modern Age that peerless princess? 这个身份,比得过出身于正统王室甚至是被誉为现代勇者的那位绝世的公主吗? Compared with talent? 比天赋? Have the own twenty years old rise Level 70, how the Level 70 princess then compared with that 17 years old? 自己二十几岁才升上等级七十,如何与那位十七岁便已经等级七十的公主相比? Compared with strength? 比实力? Perhaps, own Level is higher than that princess, but Level only represented ability of foundation is quite outstanding, even the also expanding disparity existed, that oneself promoted how many Level to grow the growth that perhaps also and on that princess promote a level does not obtain, therefore, own foundation ability, did have the possibility very much also and not on that princess? 或许,自己的等级是比那位公主殿下高一些,可等级仅代表了基础的能力比较优秀,甚至还有成长性的差距存在,自己提升几个等级得到的成长或许还及不上那位公主殿下提升一个等级获得的成长,因此,自己的基础能力,很有可能也及不上那位公主殿下吧? When that incomparably fearful Unique Skill that in addition opposite party also Holy Sword, in also rumor mentioned, in addition its level up Skill Points who obtained were also many, causes learned Skill not only is richer, Skill Level was higher, this synthesized, oneself simply have not possibly compared that princess to be strong. 再加上对方还有圣剑,还有传闻中提及的那个无比可怕的独有技能,加上其升级时得到的技能点数同样比自己多,导致所习得的技能不但比自己更加丰富,技能的等级更是比自己高一些,这综合起来,自己根本没有可能比那位公主殿下强。 Own all parties various and not on that princess, but want to obtain that Kingdom's Most Precious Object, that similar position and on can't the that honored one person, how succeed? 自己各方各面都及不上那位公主殿下,可自己都想得到那位王国至宝,那同样身份地位及不上那一位的人,怎么就不能成功了呢? Does could it be only allow him to succeed? 难道就只允许他一个人能成功吗? Does not exist. 不存在的。 in a nutshell, in that princess's front, actually oneself and Skien condition simply does not have the big difference. 一言蔽之,在那位公主殿下的面前,其实自己和希恩的条件根本没有多大的差别。 But Skien actually lose face/show off, has the talent, has the energy, extraordinary, can't that why princess elect him? 希恩却比自己更出彩,更有天赋,又更有能量,更不凡,那凭什么人家公主殿下不能选他? Oneself come Skien is better , the condition is better than Skien, finally lost to Skien, what qualifications does that have to despise him? 自己出身比希恩好,条件比希恩好,结果还是输给了希恩,那又有什么资格藐视他? ———— " loser " . ————「失败者」。 This view, then deep carved Limjo's heart, created an extremely fierce fearsome wound above. 这个说法,便深深的刻进了利姆乔的心,在上面造成了一道极为狰狞可怖的伤口。 Naturally, compared with this title, Skien other few words, keeps Limjo from accepting. 当然,比起这个头衔,希恩的另外一句话,才让利姆乔无法接受。 Your this, do not want to obtain Lucy's heart for a lifetime.” “就你这样,一辈子都别想得到洛茜的心。” This, is the most real injury. 这,才是最真实的伤害。 Limjo eruption. 利姆乔爆发了。 I refuse to accept! I refuse to accept Ah——!” “我不服!我不服啊——!” Gloomy and cold sticks out suddenly during the Limjo rave like aura of death Magic Power loudly, changes to fearful storm, sweeps across the audience. 阴冷如死气般的魔力就在利姆乔狂吼期间轰然暴起,化作一股可怕的风暴,席卷全场。 Skien to is looking at him who Limjo recent the place occupies a commanding position, head hood finally by gloomy and cold Magic Power blowing, revealed Skien that face that lets Limjo familiar and incomparably hates. 希恩在离利姆乔最近的地方居高临下的望着他,头上的兜帽终于是被阴冷的魔力给吹了下来,露出了希恩那张让利姆乔熟悉又无比憎恨的面庞。 only, on that face, fills Limjo has never been seeing the tranquility. 只是,那张脸上,充满着利姆乔从未见过的平静。 That tranquility, the satire and ridiculed that is more excessive. 那种平静,比讽刺和嘲笑更过分。 Because, that is feels bored, felt when is senseless has the tranquility that. 因为,那是感到无聊,感到无趣时才有的平静。 Incompetent wild with rage? Ma, was the standard villain pattern.” “无能狂怒吗?,也算是标准的反派模式了。” Skien is very tasteless opens the mouth. 希恩便很是乏味般的开口。 Pitifully, you should leave the stage, Young Master.” “可惜,你该退场了,大少爷。” The words fall, Skien no longer gives the time of Limjo response or response, in the Limjo direction, extends a hand. 话落,希恩不再给利姆乔反应或者回应的时间,向着利姆乔的方向,伸出一只手。 【Bestowal • Erasure】.” 【付与·消灭】。” This is in Bestowal Magic the lethality is biggest is also the highest level characteristics. 这是付与魔法中杀伤力最大亦是最高级的特性。 Only then 【Magic • Bestowal】 upgraded to Level 9, just now can use this characteristics, displays this Bestowal Magic. 只有将【魔法·付与】提升到九级,方才能够使用这种特性,施展这种付与魔法 Naturally, by bestow the thing of this characteristics, only had a result. 理所当然,被付与了这一特性的事物,只有一种结果。 That is general ———— "erasure" that such as in the wording said. 那就是如字面上所言的一般————“消灭” Stop!!!” “住手!!!” Is detecting this in High Priest with Yurin fierce combat, cannot help but called out. 正在与尤琳激战中的大祭司察觉到了这一幕,不由得叫出了声 But is very regrettable, a that even/including point use does not have. 可很遗憾,那连一点的用处都没有。 Bang!” “轰!” One group then covered like illustrious Magic Power in Limjo's body, hit his whole body. 一团如光耀般的魔力便笼罩在了利姆乔的身上,击中了他的全身。 The Limjo roaring sound, then under such condition, stops suddenly. 利姆乔的咆哮声,便在这样的状况下,戛然而止。 He disappeared. 他消失了。 Like has not appeared generally, vanishes without a trace. 如同从来没有出现过一般,消失得无影无踪。 Naturally, his disappearance, and not only refers to his whereabouts, but is its has itself to be eliminated from this world. 当然,他的消失,并不仅仅指他的行踪,而是其存在本身都从这个世上被消去。 This once in front of Skien pretend politeness and compliance, secretly unceasing calculates is coping with Skien, always takes Skien not to have the means that can only bear and forbear, finally is taken prisoner this place, degeneration is neither human nor ghost monster Sterlingham Family Young Master, finally obtained his proper retribution. 这个曾在希恩的面前虚与委蛇,暗地里不断的盘算着对付希恩,却始终拿希恩没有办法,只能一忍再忍,最终被掳到这种地方来,堕落为不人不鬼的怪物的斯特林姆家大少爷,终于获得了他应有的报应。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Witnessed all these, the anger in High Priest heart ascended thoroughly. 亲眼目睹了这一切,大祭司心中的怒火彻底升腾了起来。 the next moment, world mutation. 下一刻,天地异变。 Rumble...!” “轰隆隆...!” All aura of death of this side world become incomparable berserk suddenly, goes toward the direction gathering that High Priest is. 此方天地的所有死气突然变得无比的狂暴,往大祭司所在的方向汇聚而去。 High Priest lifts up high the crystal ball, gathered the side all aura of death. 大祭司高举水晶球,将所有的死气都聚集到了身边。 Then... 然后... Harms I many years of painstaking care to be destroyed in a moment, who no matter you are, I want you dead!” “害我多年的心血毁于一旦,不管你是谁,我都要你死!” The High Priest hoarse coarse sound became incomparably sharp. 大祭司沙哑难听的声音变得无比尖锐了起来。 Therefore, the ground presented the tremor. 于是,地面出现了颤动。 Bang!” “嘭!” A hand broke out from the ground from the place, extended. 一只手从地底下破土而出,伸了出来。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!”... “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”... Follows, hand emerging as the times require one after another only, appeared above the land. 紧随其后的,一只只的手接连的破土而出,出现在了大地之上。 That hand only presents rotten and purple Status/condition, not like manpower, but looks like the ghost hand. 那一只只的手均都呈现出一种腐烂、乌青的状态,不像人手,而像鬼手。 Actually is also similar. 其实也差不多。 The tremor along with land, that hand only on the breaking open ground one after another, digs up the stone, raises the dusting sand, digs the mud soil, making Master of hand one after another from underground drilled, appears here. 伴随着大地的颤动,那一只只的手就接连的破开地面,挖开土石,扬起尘沙,刨出泥壤,让手的主人接连的从地下钻出,出现在了这儿。 That is the one by one deceased person, corpses, or are the army ———— dead souls regiments that Necromancer Necromancy Magic makes. 那就是一个个的死人,一具具的死尸,或者说是死灵魔法师死灵魔法所制造出来的大军————死灵军团。 Skien saw before , sees these dead who in the basement, also Urey and Thorner form in inside. 希恩从中看到了之前在地下室里见到的那些死者,还有尤里索纳的身影在里面。 Not is only the dead souls of person, even the monster dead souls are one of them. 不仅是人的死灵,连魔物的死灵都在其中。 A dead souls army by High Priest summoning, came to under this piece of horizon. 一支死灵大军就这么被大祭司给召唤了出来,现身于这片天际之下。 So many?” “这么多?” Skien accident/surprise. 希恩意外了。 By dead souls that High Priest summoned, truly many were too much. 大祭司召唤出来的死灵,确实多的有点过分。 Does that have tens of thousands? There are several hundred thousand? 那到底是有几万呢?还是有几十万? Initially except that saw in Kosmos by the crazy evil spirit army outside, Skien sees such a huge regiment for the first time. 除了当初在科斯莫斯里见到的被狂化的邪灵大军以外,希恩还是第一次见到这么庞大的一支军团。 In such a regiment, also good some are years extremely remote existences. 这样的一支军团中,还有好一些是岁月极其久远的存在。 Looks at this, looks at angry High Priest, in the Skien brain the miraculous glow flashes. 看着这一幕,又看着愤怒的大祭司,希恩脑中灵光一闪。 could it be, you are actually that several thousand years ago was given the punitive expedition by Goddess of Life Anima Necromancer?” 难道,你其实就是那个数千年前被生命女神阿妮玛给讨伐的死灵魔法师?” Skien when good luck comes the wits are sharpened production such a idea, and interrogated. 希恩福至心灵般的产生了这么一个想法,并质问出声 hearing this, High Priest clenches jaws opens the mouth. 闻言,大祭司咬牙切齿般的开口。 Right! Is I!” “没错!就是我!” High Priest under the anger, acknowledged oneself that receives the status that the world abstains from. 大祭司在愤怒之下,承认了自己那受世人忌讳的身份。 Initially, I to obtain eternal life, to become this world unparalleled king, consumed hundred years of self-torture Necromancy Magic, succeeded will transform is the undying lifeform, and to collect aura of death, the manufacture is my army, attacked and occupied several countries with Necromancy Magic, turns into my dead souls regiment the life of that several country.” “当初,我为了获得永生,为了成为这个世界无人能敌的王,耗费了百年的时间苦修死灵魔法,成功的将自己转化为不死生物,并为了收集死气,制造属于我的大军,用死灵魔法攻占了几个国家,把那几个国家的生命都变成我的死灵军团。” Such High Priest makes is a quantity reaches several million terrifying dead souls armies. 这样的大祭司制造出来的就是一支数量多达数百万的恐怖死灵大军。 Is relying on this army, she goes on an expedition continent, sees the city to extinguish the city, sees the country to extinguish the country, in then land, it may be said that was unparalleled. 凭借着这支大军,她征战大陆,见城灭城,见国灭国,在当时的大地上,可谓是无人能敌 But at that time the high-spirited her actions, actually angered Goddess of Life Anima thoroughly, making this one of the God Race's apexes arrive personally, thunder make a move, gives the domineering punitive expedition it. 但当时意气风发的她的所作所为,却彻底惹怒了生命女神阿妮玛,让这位神族的顶点之一亲自降临,雷霆出手,将其给强势讨伐。 Afterward, Necromancy Magic becomes the taboo, Necromancer also turns into abstained existence, is lost. 随后,死灵魔法成为了禁忌,死灵魔法师亦变成受人忌讳的存在,就此失传。 Who once thinks, High Priest has not died. 谁曾想,大祭司并没有死。 Goddess of Life eliminated my physical body, eliminated I about 90% armies, but then I the successful transformation is the undying lifeform, even if physical body died, the soul survived.” 生命女神消灭了我的肉体,也消灭了我近90%的大军,可当时的我已经成功的转化为不死生物,即便肉体死去,灵魂还是存活了下来。” High Priest is saying hatefully. 大祭司充满憎恨的说着。 To mold undying physical body again, not only needs massive aura of death, but also requires the incomparably long time, therefore I have hidden am moving secretly, does not dare to appear again.” “为了重新塑造不死肉体,不仅需要大量的死气,还需要无比漫长的时间,所以我才一直躲在暗地里活动,不敢再出现。” Such High Priest then barely managed to maintain a feeble existence the entire several thousand years. 这样的大祭司便苟延残喘了整整数千年。 Until before 2000, High Priest the successful mold new physical body, resurrected. 直到两千年前,大祭司才成功的塑造出了新的肉体,复活了过来。 But this time, to no longer bring in Goddess of Life Anima such fearful existence, High Priest does not dare unscrupulous conquered continent with Necromancy Magic. 而这次,为了不再引来生命女神阿妮玛那样的可怕存在,大祭司不敢再肆无忌惮的用死灵魔法来征服大陆了。 She realized, many regiments, many aura of death, stand facing Three Great Goddesses and Six Great Devils such in Transcendent Level of 《Omnipotence》 peak truly exists, is meaningless. 她意识到了,再多的军团,再多的死气,面对三大女神及六大魔人那样真正站在欧姆尼珀坦森顶端的超脱级存在,都是毫无意义的。 Let alone, at that time, also Supreme God and Demon King these two terrifying existence. 更别说,那个时候,还有至高神魔王这两位恐怖的存在 High Priest then realizes, undying, that is unable to become world's control merely absolutely. 大祭司便认识到,仅仅不死,那是绝对无法成为世界的主宰的。 Therefore, High Priest starts to pursue the strength. 为此,大祭司开始追求实力。 In other words , she wants to break through the life the limit, becomes existence of Transcendent Level, and even the gauge like Supreme God and Demon King exists especially. 换言之,她想突破生命的极限,成为超脱级的存在,乃至是像至高神魔王那样的规格外存在。 That is a matter that indulges in fantasy very much. 那是很异想天开的一件事。 But High Priest some are the time studies. 大祭司有的是时间研究。 Then, High Priest consumed the millenniums, studied a Necromancy Magic big deep meaning finally. 就这样,大祭司耗费了千年的时间,最终研究出了一种死灵魔法的大奥义。 That is ———— 【Great Spiritual Body of Death】. 那就是————【死亡大灵体】 Since the life has the limit, that non- life how?” “既然生命有极限,那非生命又如何呢?” High Priest proposed such a hypothesis. 大祭司提出了这么一个假说。 I had transformed for the undying lifeform, if can go a step further, transforms to be different from another existence of nowadays any life, that can disregard the life naturally the limit, achieved the transcend rank?” “我本就已经转化为了不死生物,如果能够更进一步,转化为有别于现今任何一种生命的另外一种存在,那是不是就能自然而然的无视生命的极限,达到超脱的级别了?” Based on this hypothesis, is 【Great Spiritual Body of Death】 this existence that High Priest created. 基于这个假说,大祭司创造出来的就是【死亡大灵体】这种存在了。 This existence, precisely is different from in the nowadays world existence of any life. 这种存在,正是有别于现今世上任何一种生命的存在。 One type can disregard the life naturally the limit, making one break through the limit, achieves existence of Transcendent Level. 一种可以自然而然的无视生命的极限,使人突破生命极限,达到超脱级的存在。
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