DSE :: Volume #4

#377: Fight of Gatekeeper

All happen in the flash. 一切都发生在一瞬间。 Annihilationists that three camouflage Pastor Death Church launches the surprise attack, all around black clothes guard gives support, more than ten sewage treatment center staff and Guardian fight, all these almost happen simultaneously. 三名伪装成死亡教会牧师的湮灭教徒发动突袭,四周的黑衣守卫前来支援,十几名污水处理中心工作人员和守卫者们交手,这一切都几乎是同时发生的。 A shocking fact shows —— this entire sewage treatment center, had been corroded and replaced unexpectedly completely. 一个令人震惊的事实就此彰显——这整个污水处理中心,竟早已完全被侵蚀、替换。 No wonder the sewage tanks and various pipelines do not have the pollution to respond, these as if evaporate general —— they to have the lair through element that” the sewer escaped, under the eye of City-State authority and Church hid. 怪不得污水沉淀池和各处管道均无污染反应,那些通过下水道逃逸的“原素”就仿佛蒸发了一般——它们早已有了巢穴,就在城邦当局和教会的眼皮子底下。 May have the innumerable riddles, why following Deep Sea Sacred Lord Annihilationists to summon the God of Death name? These camouflage the processing station staff why „can sham hide the truth from the own sensation? Where did here true staff go? 可还有无数的谜团,追随幽邃圣主湮灭教徒为什么可以呼唤死亡之神的名字?那些伪装成处理中心员工的“赝品”为何能瞒过自己的感知?这里真正的员工都去了什么地方? But Reality has not pondered and deduced all these to the Agatha too much time. 现实并没有给阿加莎太多时间去思考、推演这一切。 Nether Hound has the darkness of corrosive and impulse spits the breath to come, that filthy energy group is almost scratching the Agatha sending silk flying rearward, suddenly then penetrated by a sedimentation pond pillar/backbone, the spiritual corrosion unremitting attack that the mist and dust jellyfish releases her thought that making her slow movement and thought slow down, but that lifted the finger with the cat shape Demonic Symbiosis pale woman distantly, side Agatha appears innumerable say/way spreading across bloodstain —— her piece of lower hem corner to scrape past instantaneously, the clothing that with these bloodstains handed over the fault instantaneous is then decomposed becomes the dust. 幽邃猎犬极具腐蚀性和冲击力的黑暗吐息呼啸而至,那污浊的能量团几乎是擦着阿加莎的发丝飞向后方,眨眼间便击穿了沉淀池旁的一根支柱,烟尘水母释放出的精神侵蚀不断攻击着她的思维,让她的动作迟缓、思维放慢,而那个与猫形恶魔共生的苍白女人则遥遥抬起手指,阿加莎身边瞬间浮现出了无数道纵横交错的血痕——她的一片衣角与那些血痕擦身而过,交错处的衣物便瞬间被分解成尘埃。 This is an early deliberate trap, no wonder will these heresies gather here to accept inspection —— they to prepare honestly to kill Church Gatekeeper unexpectedly? 这是一个早有预谋的陷阱,怪不得这些异端会老老实实聚集到这里接受“检查”——他们竟准备强杀教会守门人 Indulges in fantasy.” “异想天开。” Agatha said lightly, cane also light point ground. 阿加莎淡淡说道,手杖随之轻点地面。 The clash of the gently stick end and ground sent out like the slating loud sound, then has the illusory ripple to spread to all around from the cane terminal, in a flash, the surrounding all are only peaceful, the sedimentation pond surrounding trim space falls into dimly, all of place of seeing caught were grayish white and jet black, the black clothes that these are battling guarded with sham baseless static, only pale glow from the windows and doors of distant place, as well as on the roof do not know in the crack when had sprinkled enters the inner rooms, by eye and all presented appearance indistinctly. 杖端与地面的轻轻磕碰发出了如同雷鸣般的巨响,紧接着便有层层迭迭的虚幻波纹自手杖末端向四周扩散,只一瞬间,周围的一切便安静下来,沉淀池周围的整片空间陷入昏暗,入目之处的一切染上了灰白与漆黑,那些正在交战的黑衣守卫和“赝品”凭空静止,唯有一种苍白的辉光从远处的门窗,以及屋顶上不知何时出现的裂缝中洒入室内,让目之所及的一切呈现出影影绰绰的模样。 In Spirit World, the Agatha left hand holds the own eyeball, looked that” fell into static Annihilationists to not far away three similarly. 灵界中,阿加莎左手托着自己的眼球,“看”向不远处三个同样陷入了静止的湮灭教徒 Side them, on Nether Demon of paragenesis is fluctuating the black roaring flame, in the world of black lime constitution, that roaring flame calmly is burning, the smog ascends like the picture of slow motion slowly. 他们身旁,共生的幽邃恶魔身上起伏着黑色的烈焰,在黑白灰构成的世界中,那烈焰静静燃烧着,烟雾如同慢镜头的画面般缓缓升腾。 Agatha lifts the cane, wields in the air gently. 阿加莎抬起手杖,在空气中轻轻一挥。 The pale gloomy space shakes suddenly, these are being fought the projection that the black clothes guards to vanish in Spirit World instantaneously, she raised the left hand, in the range under eyeball gaze only had that three Annihilationists, as well as their behind more than ten distortion sham that was formed by element. 苍白晦暗的空间陡然一震,那些正在战斗中的黑衣守卫的投影瞬间消失在灵界中,她举起左手,眼球注视下的范围中只剩下了那三名湮灭教徒,以及他们身后的十几个由“元素”形成的扭曲赝品。 Grand feast.” Agatha said in a soft voice. “盛宴。”阿加莎轻声说道。 In Spirit World exist to move restlessly, shadow of these ambushes in the world crevice were under the invitation and permission of Gatekeeper, only in a flash, in the sedimentation pond surrounding ground, on nearby wall, on pipeline, even on high roof, all surface appears the tide of people that the innumerable or thick or pale shadow —— these shadows such as cheered, such as the beast crowd of crowd assembling, they gathered in groups, is surging along the surfaces of all objects, rushed to the enemy in Agatha field of vision! 灵界中的存在们躁动起来,那些潜伏在世界夹缝中的阴影得到了守门人的邀请与许可,只一瞬间,在沉淀池周围的地面上,附近的墙壁上,管道上,甚至高高的屋顶上,所有的“表面”都浮现出了无数或浓或淡的影子——那些影子如欢呼的人潮,又如万头攒动的兽群,它们汇聚成群,沿着所有物体的表面涌动着,涌向阿加莎视野中的敌人! The institute of eye and all surfaces are proliferating the shadow of surging, this made person scalp tingles, however Agatha calmly is gazing at all these, her right eye opened tranquilly, did not have the slight mood to fluctuate, left eye tight closed, but in her left hand palm, that eyeball is rotating unceasingly, is staring at the surrounding any slightest sign of trouble stubbornly. 目之所及的一切表面都遍布着涌动的影子,这一幕令人头皮发麻,然而阿加莎只是静静地注视着这一切,她的右眼平静睁开,其中没有丝毫情绪波动,左眼则紧紧闭合,而在她的左手手心,那颗眼球正不断转动,死死盯着周围的任何风吹草动。 The shadow of surging first surrounded these sham, suddenly, they then such as the tide upwelled the spread on these shams, and swallowed and dissolves them instantaneously, silent. 涌动的影子首先包围了那些“赝品”,眨眼间,它们便如潮水上涌般蔓延到了那些赝品身上,并将它们瞬间吞噬、溶解,无声无息。 The next second, the shadows charge into that three Annihilationists as well as their Symbiotic Devil. 下一秒,影子们又冲向那三名湮灭教徒以及他们的共生恶魔 These Nether Demon sensations to danger. 那些幽邃恶魔感知到了危险。 Strange ka ka the sound their chains transmits from these devil within the body as well as on, all Nether Demon flame happened suddenly trembled fiercely, these Annihilationists body edges are also presenting strange trembling and empty, in this myriad things static domains, they are struggling unexpectedly living! 一阵怪异的咔咔声从那些恶魔体内以及它们身上的锁链上传来,所有幽邃恶魔身上的火焰都陡然发生了剧烈震颤,连带着那些湮灭教徒的身体边缘也呈现出了怪异的震颤、虚化,在这万物静止的领域内,他们竟挣扎着“活”了过来! That restores the energy with young people's first of mist and dust jellyfish paragenesis, he works loose from the fetter of Spirit World suddenly, the next second of then instinct looks up to the Agatha direction. 那个与烟尘水母共生的年轻人第一个恢复活动能力,他从灵界的束缚中猛然挣脱,下一秒便本能地抬头看向阿加莎的方向。 But almost at the same time, that and Nether Hound paragenesis and figure skinny old person also restored the energy, he saw the action of companion, immediately reminds loudly: 而几乎同一时间,那名与幽邃猎犬共生、身形枯瘦的老人也恢复了活动能力,他看到了同伴的举动,立刻高声提醒: Do not look at each other with Gatekeeper!” “别跟守门人对视!” However his reminder —— that young heretic had turned triangle region that” the focus Agatha stands late completely. 然而他的提醒晚了一步——那个年轻的邪教徒已经将视线完全转向阿加莎所站的“三角区域”。 Agatha lifts the left hand, is lifting the own eyeball, as if must offer the own eye presents in front of that eyeball young heretic. 阿加莎抬起左手,托举着自己的眼球,仿佛要献上自己的眼睛般把那眼球呈现在年轻的邪教徒面前。 That heresy stared in a big way the eyes, the line of sight is staring at the eyeball in Agatha hand stubbornly, as if the wholeheartedly had been attracted —— by that eyeball he absent-minded, even was enchanted is staring at it, on the face appeared unexpectedly gradually a quiet serene smile. 那异端瞪大了双眼,视线死死盯着阿加莎手中的眼球,仿佛全身心都已被那眼球吸引——他失神地,甚至迷醉地盯着它,脸上竟渐渐浮现出一丝沉静安详的笑容。 As if in this flash, he understood clearly the life and death true meaning, and found the oneself life complete significance and answer in this true meaning. 就仿佛在这一瞬间,他洞悉了生与死的真谛,并在这真谛中找到了自己人生全部的意义和答案。 „, Is beautiful......” “啊,多美啊……” He said in a soft voice, later smiles is going slowly backward but actually, pours shadows that in that wells up like surging tides. 他轻声说道,随后微笑着慢慢向后倒去,倒在那如潮水般涌来的阴影中间。 He and his Nether Demon was then ripped the fragment by the inexhaustible shadow in a flash. 他和他的幽邃恶魔转瞬间便被无穷无尽的阴影撕成了碎片。 But while this heresy drops down, a strange scream actually never the distant place transmits, the swift and fierce wind pressure is imminent from the right side, Agatha has to be sideways to dodge slightly, pastes the own forehead to fly along with not a obvious cutting edge, she turns head to look that to direction that the attack transmitted. 可就在这异端倒下的同时,一声怪异的尖叫却又从不远处传来,凌厉的风压从右侧迫近,阿加莎只好微微侧身闪避,伴随着一道不可见的锋刃贴着自己的额头飞过,她扭头看向了袭击传来的方向。 Was screaming toward here hissing with the cat shape Demonic Symbiosis pale woman, her mouth opens, magic spell that blasphemed like the abnormity that the distortion tears is compressed the brief wailing sound, got down the cutting edge to take shape together rapidly. 与猫形恶魔共生的苍白女人正朝着这边嘶声尖叫,她的嘴巴如同扭曲撕裂的异形般张开,亵渎的魔咒被压缩成简短的尖啸声,下一道锋刃正在迅速成型。 Another side, that Nether Hound has only prepared the next round to spit the breath attack. 另一侧,那只幽邃猎犬已经准备好了下一发吐息攻击。 Agatha as if completely disregarded oneself behind Nether Hound and skinny old person, but lifts the cane direction to start satanically the variation pale woman at present, simultaneously the left hand lifts up high, picks up the own eyeball again. 阿加莎仿佛完全无视了自己身后的幽邃猎犬和枯瘦老人,只是抬起手杖指向眼前已经开始如恶魔般变异的苍白女人,同时左手高举,再次将自己的眼球托起。 That pale woman avoids in the Agatha hand the gaze —— however next second of eyeball to greet subconsciously her, is actually a depressed gunshot. 那苍白女人下意识地回避着阿加莎手中眼球的注视——然而下一秒迎接她的,却是一声沉闷枪响。 Before the Agatha cane emits the dazzling flame, a heavy-caliber silver bullet crushed pale woman that to twist the head of tearing completely. 阿加莎的手杖前端喷吐出耀眼火光,一颗大口径银弹击碎了苍白女人那已经完全扭曲撕裂的头颅。 The next second, drops down along with the headless body of that heresy and is swallowed by the shadow, one group contained fierce corrosive Deep Sea to spit the breath also to hit the back of Agatha loudly. 下一秒,伴随着那异端的无头躯体倒下并被阴影吞噬,一团蕴含着剧烈腐蚀性的幽邃吐息也轰然击中了阿加莎的后背。 The black flame ascends, the mist and dust fills the air, the impact that Nether Hound releases spits the breath to blast out behind Gatekeeper, later dissipates rapidly. 黑炎升腾,烟尘弥漫,幽邃猎犬释放出的冲击吐息在守门人背后炸开,随后迅速消散。 On the Agatha black coat has not remained a scar. 阿加莎的黑色外套上没有残留一丝伤痕。 She has turned the head slowly, looks to finally remaining heretic, that figure skinny old person. 她慢慢转过头,看向最后剩下的邪教徒,那名身形枯瘦的老人。 The latter stared in a big way the eyes, in the look full was stunned panic-stricken. 后者瞪大了双眼,眼神中满是错愕惊恐。 I think that you dare to set up the trap, certainly is the investigation clear information later action of careful and deep consideration,” Agatha is gazing at the final enemy tranquilly, „, but looks at your expression, probably is not such ——, abandoned child who your three were thrown?” “我以为你们敢设下陷阱,一定是调查清楚情报之后的深思熟虑之举,”阿加莎平静注视着最后的敌人,“但看你的表情,好像并不是这样——难道说,你们三个只是被抛出来的弃子?” In that last heretic eye the panic-stricken color is more abundant, and panic-stricken were more not to handle. 那最后一名邪教徒眼中惊恐之色更盛,且惊恐中更多了一丝无措。 Agatha noticed opposite party's look change. 阿加莎注意到了对方的眼神变化。 „Is you looking for this?” Young Gatekeeper said calmly. “伱是在找这个?”年轻的守门人平静说道。 The next second, she opened mouth —— suddenly 下一秒,她猛然张开了嘴巴—— One group filthy, contains fierce corrosive Deep Sea to spit the breath to take shape before her instantaneously, when by and hit oneself a moment ago the completely same imposing manner and path, the old route charged into skinny old person's Nether Hound! 一团污浊的、蕴含着剧烈腐蚀性的幽邃吐息瞬间在她面前成型,并以和刚才击中自己时完全一样的气势和轨迹,原路冲向了枯瘦老人身旁的幽邃猎犬 That Nether Demon instinct realized the danger, almost then responded instantaneously and moves aside to the one side, however that group was presented Deep Sea also to spit the breath to change path —— by the old route it accurate incomparably to sneak in the head of Nether Hound on such as the shell of eye steadily generally suddenly, after temporary delay, the devil that skeleton pile of repeats become then exploded a place fragment loudly. 幽邃恶魔本能地意识到了危险,几乎瞬间便反应过来并向一旁躲闪,然而那团被原路奉还的幽邃吐息就如长了眼睛的炮弹一般猛然改变了轨迹——它精准无比地钻进了幽邃猎犬的头颅中,短暂延迟之后,那骸骨堆迭而成的恶魔便轰然炸成了一地碎片。 Sends out a pitiful yell with Demonic Symbiosis skinny heretic instantaneously, even if the body has not come under any attack, he still rolls up immediately painfully in the place, crawls unable to crawl. 恶魔共生的枯瘦邪教徒瞬间发出一声惨叫,即便身上没有受到任何攻击,他也立刻痛苦地蜷缩在地,爬都爬不起来。 The shadow like surging tides then welled up side him suddenly, the preparation continued this grand feast. 如潮水般的阴影眨眼间便涌到了他身边,准备继续这场盛宴。 This leaves me,” the Agatha sound actually resounds in this time, at the same time, the cane the impact noise in ground also reverberates layer on layer/heavily in all around, leaves.” “这个留给我,”阿加莎的声音却在此时响起,与此同时,手杖重重顿在地面上的撞击声也在四周回荡开来,“离开吧。” Shadow in all directions moves restlessly suddenly, the dreadful evil intention and made various noises that one was afraid of such as the monstrous waves tumble, is attacking the entire space imperceptibly, some shadows even turned toward the Agatha direction to close up faintly. 四面八方的阴影猛然躁动起来,滔天的恶意和令人不寒而栗的各种噪音如巨浪翻滚,无形中冲击着整个空间,一些阴影甚至隐隐向着阿加莎的方向靠拢过去。 On the Agatha face the expression is unrelieved, but lifts the cane, makes an effort on the floor. 阿加莎脸上表情却毫无变化,只是抬起手杖,用力顿在地板上。 Another slating loud sound, in trim space reverberation. 又一声雷鸣般的巨响,在整片空间回荡。 Go away.” “滚。” The after stagnation of moment and silent, all shadows draw back the powder like surging tides. 片刻的静滞与沉默之后,所有阴影如潮水般退散。
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