DR :: Volume #6

#530: The heavy artillery thunders

Hears Zhan En's to reply, Martin immediately complexion big change. He goes forward one step, kept off before the body of Camarst eighth. 听到詹恩的回答,马丁顿时面色大变。他不由上前一步,挡在了卡玛斯特八世的身前。 But has not been the time now! & R dquo ; “可是现在还没有到时间!” Indeed has not been the time. & R dquo ; “的确是还没有到时间。” Regarding the inquiry of Martin, nod of Zhan En thinks little of actually. 对于马丁的询问,詹恩倒是不以为意的点了点头。 But I have not run counter to my commitment, not? & R dquo ; “但是我也没有违背自己的承诺,不是吗?” This ......... & R dquo ; “这………” Hears here, Martin immediately the complexion changes. He then thinks before , what Zhan En said after isthree hours , the bang puts down Royal castle & R dquo ; However these words listen to have the loophole carefully, what because he said after isthree hours , the bang puts down & R dquo ; Rather than „ after three hours, attacks & R dquo ;, When therefore the meaning of Zhan En these words is actually he wants to begin radically good, in any case after three hours , the bang was OK evenly. Feeling sorry for as Archmage, unexpectedly has not detected the trap in this saying completely, but this also no wonder, Zhan En but demon, demon most is good at playing the language play, this cheap trick is almost any higher demon required course, will eat meal to drink water simple. Zhan En throws a few words to have the innumerable explanations casually, but which explanation must choose, must look at his mood. 听到这里,马丁顿时面色一变。他这才想起来之前詹恩说的是“三个小时后轰平王城”但是这句话仔细听是有漏洞的,因为他说的是“三个小时后轰平”而不是“三个小时后进攻”,所以詹恩这句话的意思其实根本就是他想什么时候动手都行,反正三个小时后轰平就可以了。可怜自己身为一个大法师,居然完全没有察觉到这话里的陷阱,不过这也难怪,詹恩可是魔族,魔族最擅长玩弄语言游戏,这点儿小把戏几乎是任何一个高等魔族的必修课,就像人会吃饭喝水一样简单。詹恩随便扔一句话就有无数种解释,而要选择哪一种解释,就要看他的心情了。 But now, Zhan En this explanation comes following his mood obviously. 而现在,詹恩这解释显然是顺着他的心情来的。 Martin Archmage is not silly, Zhan En raises slightly, he discovers immediately the important matter is not wonderful, really must according to this view, when actually Zhan En want to begin good. However looks in your face, therefore he has not begun temporarily. But now the time will draw near, you could not have shown the least bit sincerity, then do not blame to play the brazen. But the issue is. Camarst eighth your majesty as if not dare the interest. Has not put out a result to the present. Martin also wanted to urge again this your majesty, but now seems like, as if no this necessity. 马丁大法师也不傻,詹恩只是稍微一提,他立刻就发现大事不妙,真要按照这个说法,其实詹恩是想什么时候动手都行。但是看在你的面子上,所以他才暂时没有动手。而现在时间快到了,你还拿不出半点儿诚意,那么就不要怪自己耍赖皮了。可问题在于。卡玛斯特八世陛下似乎对此根本不敢兴趣。以至于到现在还没有拿出一个结果。原本马丁还希望再催促一下这位陛下,不过现在看起来,似乎已经没有这个必要了。 However even so, Martin Archmage has to bracing oneself answer. 不过即便如此,马丁大法师还是不得不硬着头皮解释道。 Mr. Bassammens, we had not found ......... & R dquo now ; 巴夏侬门斯先生,我们现在还没有找到………” Did not need to look. & R dquo ; “不用找了。” However the Martin words have not said, Zhan En then shakes the head, then he narrows the eye. Looks toward the front. 但是马丁的话还没有说完,詹恩便摇了摇头,接着他眯起眼睛。向着前方望去。 He here, since you are not willing to associate with people, then I have to take his head/number of people personally. & R dquo ; “他就在这里,既然你们不愿意交人,那么我只好亲自来取他的人头了。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Martin and these ministers gawked gawked, then they felt that strange cold air emitted from own neck like this. Afterward, these person turning the head of slowly, look following the direction that Zhan En focuses on, in fact they do not need to move unnecessarily, because they are very clear. The place that Zhan En is looking steadily at now sits only has person & mda S h ; That is Camarst eighth. 听到詹恩的说话,马丁和那些大臣不由愣了一愣,接着他们感觉到一股诡异的寒气就这样从自己的脖子后面冒出。随后,这些人缓缓的转过头,顺着詹恩紧盯的方向望去,事实上他们根本就不需要多此一举,因为他们心里很清楚。詹恩现在正在盯视的地方所坐的只有一个人—那就是卡玛斯特八世。 But spoke facing Zhan En's, Camarst eighth gawked gawked, then immediately the complexion gloomy opens the mouth said. 而面对詹恩的说话,卡玛斯特八世则是愣了一愣,接着顿时面色阴沉的开口说道。 I do not know that you are saying anything. & R dquo ; “我不知道你在说什么。” Regarding the speech of Camarst eighth, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders, an indifferent appearance. 对于卡玛斯特八世的说话,詹恩则是耸耸肩膀,一副无所谓的样子。 „ Do you know that to me is not meaningful, I was also disinclined to say with you. You only need to know I take your head/number of people was enough. & R dquo ; “你知不知道对我来说没有什么意义,我也懒得和你多说。你只需要知道我来取你的人头的就足够了。” Simply extremely arrogant!! & R dquo ; “简直狂妄!!” Hears Zhan En's to reply. Camarst eighth the complexion sinks immediately. 听见詹恩的回答。卡玛斯特八世立刻面色一沉。 Martin Archmage, I want you to dare to excel at these rushing to the Royal castle avid follower immediately to execute! & R dquo ; 马丁大法师,我要你立刻将这些胆敢擅闯王城的狂徒就地格杀!” Your majesty, this ............ & R dquo ; “陛下,这…………” Heard the speech of Camarst eighth, Martin stares gawked, but has not waited for him to begin, sees only the shadow to flash at present, next moment Tinidell then grasped the sickle, kept off in his front again. But saw this, Martin also to reveal a forced smile. At present before this radically is, in the reprint of imperial grand theater, after the beforehand fight. Martin has believed firmly oneself simply do not have the means to defeat Tinidell in a short time, but the issue is, Zhan En expressed flagrantly oneself must be in front of so many people to get rid of Camarst eighth, can oneself also really only look in the one side? 听到卡玛斯特八世的说话,马丁愣了一愣,但是还没有等他动手,只见眼前黑影一闪,下一刻蒂尼德尔便手持镰刀,再一次挡在了他的面前。而看见这一幕,马丁也是不由露出了一丝苦笑。眼前这根本就是之前在皇家大剧院的翻版,在之前的战斗之后。马丁就已经确信自己根本没办法在短时间内击败蒂尼德尔,但是问题在于,詹恩如此明目张胆的表示自己要当着这么多人的面干掉卡玛斯特八世,难道自己还真的只能够在一旁看着吗? Where comes so many idle talk, must hit hits, is not hybrid, I must have a look to kill him but actually to have what difficulty!! & R dquo ; “哪来这么多废话,要打就打,不就是个杂种,我倒要看看杀了他有什么困难的!!” In Martin is awkward, suddenly only hears one to angrily roar, next moment Pattilina jumped from Zhan En like this behind, then sees the little fellow to hold up the long spear/gun direction front in hand, aimed at present Camarst eighth, has not waited for Martin to say anything again, only hears deafening explosive sound to resound, later a shell explodes to shoot from the arms in Pattilina hand like this, rumbles toward the throne that on Camarst eighth is in the past. 就在马丁为难之时,忽然只听见一声怒吼,下一刻帕蒂莉娜就这样从詹恩身后跳了出来,紧接着便看见小家伙举起手中的长枪指向前方,瞄准了眼前的卡玛斯特八世,还不等马丁再说些什么,只听见一声震耳欲聋的爆炸声响起,随后一颗炮弹就这样从帕蒂莉娜手中的枪炮之中爆射而出,向着卡玛斯特八世所在的王座上轰了过去。 Pattilina this time begins extremely to be really sudden, Martin has not responded. Until the barrel resounds, the flame of burning hot wraps the shell lasing is coming out, he quickly raises both hands, tries to resist the surprise attack of Pattilina. But almost at the same time, Tinidell is actually the figure moves, the black great sickle in hand brings the sharp howling sound to cut immediately together to both hands of Martin. Facing the surprise attack of Tinidell, Martin naturally does not dare to disregard, finally but he has to choose to give up preventing the attack of Pattilina, then avoided the attack of Tinidell. 帕蒂莉娜这次动手实在太过突然,以至于就连马丁都没有反应过来。直到炮身响起,炙热的火焰包裹着炮弹激射出来的时候,他才急忙举起双手,试图抵挡帕蒂莉娜的突袭。但几乎就在与此同时,蒂尼德尔却是身形一动,手中的黑色巨镰立刻带过一道尖锐的呼啸声砍向了马丁的双手。面对蒂尼德尔的突袭,马丁自然不敢无视,最终无奈之下他只好选择放弃阻挡帕蒂莉娜的攻击,转而躲开了蒂尼德尔的袭击。 Stop!! & R dquo ; “住手!!” But at this time, only heard one to call out, the knight who later wore black heavy armor jumped from the crowd suddenly. He is roaring the leap, took itself to keep off as the shield before the Pattilina shell, then saw only this person to angrily roar, immediately a fist rumbled, impartial happen to hit on the shell that flew to come violently. 而就在这个时候,只听见一声暴喝,随后一个身穿黑色重甲的骑士忽然从人群之中跳了出来。他怒吼着飞跃而起,以自身为盾挡在了帕蒂莉娜的炮弹前,接着只见此人怒吼一声,随即一拳轰出,不偏不倚的正好打在激飞而来的炮弹上。 „!! & R dquo ; “!!” The bright that at the time of the explosion produces in a flash almost swallowed the entire main hall, these unexpected ministers were blood-curdling screech were closing the eye, immediately their majorities were exploded the air current that produced to raise to fly. Main hall peripheral these magnificent glass long windows also scatter in all directions under the gas flow effect of explosion shatter. The suddenly time, the entire main hall in confusion becomes one piece. When diverges luminously, sees only that male complexion that wears the black armor gloomy is standing before the throne, his whole body also similarly is burned black. Sees this, Martin also sighs one secretly, he and opposite party are the same, has suffered that little miss, to be honest, when like some Pattilina this being expert special concept element legendary powerhouse is most troublesome. If were the pure element instead said fortunately, so long as can find the method of restraint to be possible. It seems like Tinidell is expert in existence of dark element, so long as the opponent can use strength light/only, then more or less can weaken her battle efficiency. However existence of some Pattilina this being expert concept element was very difficult to deal with, because of every so often, you do not know that should start from what aspect. 爆炸时一瞬间产生的亮光几乎吞噬了整个大殿,那些猝不及防的大臣们更是惨叫着闭上了眼睛,随即他们其中的大部分就被爆炸所产生的气流掀飞了出去。就连大殿周边那些华丽的玻璃长窗也在爆炸的气流作用下四散破碎。只是眨眼的功夫,整个大殿就变得一片狼藉。当光亮散去时,只见那名身穿黑色盔甲的男子面色阴沉的正站在王座之前,他的全身上下也同样是一片焦黑。看见这一幕,马丁也是暗叹一声,他和对方一样,都吃过那个小姑娘的亏,说实话,像帕蒂莉娜这种专精某种特殊概念要素的传奇强者时最麻烦的。如果是纯粹的元素反而还好说,只要能够找到克制的方法就可。就好像蒂尼德尔身为专精暗元素的存在,只要对手能够使用光的力量,那么或多或少就可以削弱她的战斗力。但是帕蒂莉娜这种专精某种概念要素的存在就很难对付了,因为很多时候,你根本不知道该从什么方面入手。 It seems like the present. 就好像现在。 You are very actually qualified as a meat shield. & R dquo ; “你作为一个肉盾倒是很合格嘛。” Looks at the present man, Pattilina does not get angry counter- happily, in the surface of little fellow showed a fierce smile, then she is ready to fight, an eager appearance. 看着眼前的男子,帕蒂莉娜不怒反喜,小家伙的面上露出了一丝狰狞的笑容,接着她摩拳擦掌,一副跃跃欲试的样子。 Good, I must have a look but actually, how long you can that idiot keep off to you behind!! & R dquo ; “那好,我倒要看看,你能够给你身后那个白痴挡多久!!” With the little fellow combative speech, the space starts to shiver, later then sees, in Pattilina in void that behind was empty gradually starts the vibration dimple, later, all trades from each time, great artillery this of each space and time appear baseless, their pitch-dark muzzles be relentless aimed at present Black Knight as well as his behind king. But looks at present, that Black Knight is also the complexion changes, after all no matter who, where impossible calm to be going by so many gun laying. 伴随着小家伙杀气腾腾的发言,空间开始颤动,随后便看见在帕蒂莉娜的身后原本空无一物的虚空之中逐渐开始抖动起波纹,随后,一门门来自各个时代,各个时空的巨炮就这样凭空从中出现,它们黑洞洞的炮口毫不留情的对准了眼前的黑骑士以及他身后的君王。而看着眼前的这一幕,就连那个黑骑士也是面色微变,毕竟不管是谁,被这么多门炮瞄准着都不可能镇定到哪儿去。 Begins!! Holds them!! & R dquo ; “动手!!抓住他们!!” Captures the ringleader first, looks at the Pattilina movement, that Black Knight also opens the mouth to issue the order immediately. Quick, sees only along with his order, several forms angrily roared from clash in all directions, threw toward Pattilina. 擒贼先擒王,看着帕蒂莉娜的动作,那个黑骑士也是立刻开口下达了命令。很快,只见伴随着他的命令,数个身影怒吼着从四面八方冲了出来,向着帕蒂莉娜扑去。 Acts recklessly!! & R dquo ; “不知死活!!” Looks that these rush to soldier that comes, Pattilina is also one angrily roars, later her both hands grip tightly the long spear/gun, rushes over toward the front suddenly. Bumps into just in time with a tall and powerfully built guard knight. But sees Pattilina that throws to come, that guard knight does not dare to be negligent, quickly makes a feint, then attempts about the converging attack with own companion, overpowers Pattilina thoroughly. 看着这些冲上前来的士兵,帕蒂莉娜也是一声怒吼,随后她双手紧握长枪,猛然向着前方冲了过去。正巧与一个身材魁梧的近卫骑士迎面撞上。而看见扑上前来的帕蒂莉娜,那个近卫骑士也是不敢大意,急忙虚晃一枪,接着便试图与自己的同伴左右夹击,彻底制服帕蒂莉娜 However as an experienced knight, Pattilina naturally cannot be confused by this small trick, on the contrary the opposite party of silver white long spear/gun in her hand in the flash that draws back is similar to the spirit snake to puncture suddenly forward, knocks on sword blade of guard knight gently, that guard knight only felt that a tremendous strength transmits, later the long sword in his hand was fended off thoroughly. Has not waited for him to have about one step movement, saw only Pattilina to rock under the small head. next moment appears in her in which cannon of not far away thenrumbles behind & R dquo ; Projected bright red light beam, without bias and without favor hits the guard knight who this empty gate opened, then sees the opposite party immediately& R dquo ; Ruptures, changed into beach muddy flesh. 但是作为一名身经百战的骑士,帕蒂莉娜自然不会被这种小伎俩所迷惑,相反她手中的银白长枪在对方退开的一瞬间忽然如同灵蛇般向前刺去,在近卫骑士的剑锋上轻轻一磕,那个近卫骑士只感觉一股巨大的力量传来,随后他手中的长剑就被彻底挡开。还不等他有近一步的动作,只见帕蒂莉娜只是晃动了下小脑袋。下一刻浮现在她身后不远处的其中一门大炮便“轰”的一声射出了一道鲜红的光束,不偏不倚的击中了这位空门打开的近卫骑士,接着便看见对方顿时“啪”的一声爆裂开去,化为了一滩肉泥。 Sees own colleague to be killed by the second in the flash, another side wanted with the knight who he coordinates is also one dull, they are the royal family Elite members, although has not stepped into the legendary domain, but also has the strength of sword technique Grandmaster, facing existence of Pattilina this legend middle reaches level, can join several moves badly. But never expected that this little girl so military might, comes up the direct second to kill unexpectedly. This lets him is also when there, when he responded, this detected that the important matter was not wonderful. 看见自己的同僚在一瞬间被秒杀,另外一侧原本想要和他配合的骑士也是一呆,他们都是王室精英成员,虽然还没有踏入传奇领域,但也拥有剑术大师的实力,面对帕蒂莉娜这种传奇中游水准的存在,最不济也可以接上几招。可是没想到这个小女孩如此威武,居然一上来就是直接秒杀。这让他也是不由的愣在了那里,不过当他反应过来时,这才察觉到大事不妙。 What a pity is too late, a Pattilina long spear/gun spear/gun selected his sword blade, then has brought upwardly, that in next moment his hand gripped tightly magic long sword immediately piece by piece shatter, this made the guard knight be startled, but another sword that waited for him to put out a hand to catch to wear, the Pattilina knight long spear/gun had not passed through his chest like this easily. 可惜为时已晚,帕蒂莉娜的长枪一枪挑中了他的剑锋,然后向上带过,下一刻他手中紧握的那把魔法长剑顿时片片破碎,这让近卫骑士大吃一惊,而还不等他伸手去抓过自己佩戴的另外一把剑,帕蒂莉娜的骑士长枪就这样轻而易举的贯穿了他的胸口。 But finally this knight sees, innumerable dazzling fire flash.( To be continued.) 而这位骑士最后所看见的,只有无数耀眼的炮火闪光。(未完待续。)
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