DR :: Volume #6

#531: Destruction ding (First Part)

Fire day after day. 炮火连天。 When on the crafting great artillery of first flame from big dragon shoulder erupts, almost everyone on the scene had not responded that actually what happened. Until they personally see that to be similar to the bolide shell to howl are streaking across the dark nighttime sky, numerous hitting on the steeple of royal palace. A series of explosive sounds resound, under the raging flame saw only the bombed spire sent out like the dying wild animal sound, then crashed in the place layer on layer/heavily. 当第一道火光从巨龙肩膀上的构装巨炮中爆发而出时,几乎在场的所有人都没有反应过来究竟发生了什么事。直到他们亲眼看见那如同火流星般的炮弹呼啸着划破黑暗的夜空,重重的打在王宫的尖塔上。紧接着一连串爆炸声响起,熊熊烈火下只见被炸断的塔尖发出了如同垂死野兽般的声音,接着便重重坠落在地。 But sees this, almost all people were shocked, knows a moment later, these people screamed immediately scatter in all directions, stood the aristocrats outside imperial grand theater is the complexion is also pale, even many person direct not pits fainted. Although they heard the Zhan En beforehand threat, but no one thinks that he will put it into action. However now seems like, they obviously were too naive! 而看见这一幕,几乎所有人都愣住了,知道片刻之后,那些民众顿时尖叫四散,就连站在皇家大剧院外的贵族们也是面色铁青,甚至有不少人直接一声不坑的昏倒在地。虽然他们都听到了詹恩之前的威胁,但是没有一个人认为他会将其付诸行动。但是现在看起来,他们显然是太天真了一些! The suddenly time, dozens fires drop from the clouds like this, covers the entire royal palace inner city in a piece of fire. The steeple collapses, city wall also under powerful impact shatter, the royal palace garden also covers in flame thoroughly. The suddenly time, the Shining country royal palace had fallen into a sea of fire thoroughly. But looks at this, church parish Bishop also looks pale, he stands there dull, even the scepter in hand falls in the place had not detected. This also no wonder, although before Zhan En, indeed has reminded him, but church parish Bishop in the depths of ones heart is also surviving a luck somewhat. No matter how said that direct attack Royal castle too was also crazy, that young people do not seem like a lunatic, he should frighten the opposite party to be right. The one but who makes church parish Bishop not think is. Zhan En is not cracking a joke unexpectedly. But really began!! 只是眨眼的功夫,数十道炮火就这样从天而降,将整个王宫内城笼罩在一片炮火之中。尖塔倒塌,城墙也在强大的冲击下破碎,王宫花园也彻底笼罩在一片火焰之中。只是眨眼的功夫,光耀之国的王宫就已经彻底陷入了一片火海。而看着这一幕,教区主教也是面色苍白,他呆呆的站在那里,甚至连手中的权杖掉落在地都没有察觉。这也难怪,虽然詹恩之前的确提醒过他,可是教区主教内心深处多多少少还残存着一丝侥幸。不管怎么说直接攻击王城也实在太疯狂了一些,那个年轻人看起来不像是个疯子,他应该只是吓唬一下对方才对。可是让教区主教没想到的是。詹恩居然不是在开玩笑。而是真的动手了!! Is this possible? How he can do this, how does he dare this?!! This simply is bold, this simply is extremely arrogant, this simply is ............... 这怎么可能?他怎么可以这样做,他怎么敢这样做?!!这简直是胆大包天,这简直是狂妄之极,这简直是…………… Oh ............!! & R dquo ; “唉…………!!” Thinks of here, church parish Bishop angry throws the scepter in hand on the ground, simultaneously helpless sitting in nearby steps, he at this moment seemed like instantaneous senile many general. He is very clear. Matter to this share, oneself made anything not to use again. 想到这里,教区主教愤怒的将手中的权杖扔在地上,同时无奈的坐在旁边的阶梯上,此刻的他看起来好像是瞬间衰老了不少一般。他很清楚。事情到了这个份上,自己再做什么都没有用了。 But at this moment, on the flat roof of imperial grand theater, these comes the influence that attended the auction also to face the present dumbfoundedness, for other, is not the Zhan En's approach is extremely really crazed, is extremely unthinkable. Such matter, even if in the craziest nightmare, they have not imagined. A word does not gather starts directly. Moreover acts to Shining country Royal castle directly, this is must defeat the Shining country ruling class thoroughly!! 而此刻,在皇家大剧院的露台上,那些前来参加拍卖会的势力也面对眼前的这一幕目瞪口呆,不为别的,实在是詹恩的做法太过丧心病狂,太过匪夷所思。这样的事情,哪怕是在最疯狂的噩梦里,他们也没有想象过。一言不合直接开打。而且直接对光耀之国王城出手,这是要把光耀之国的统治阶级彻底打垮啊!! He really dares to do that unexpectedly!! & R dquo ; “他居然真的敢这么做!!” Looked had been falling into Royal castle in sea of fire, the young people complexion was pale, he is pressing the sword hilt of waist tightly, two eyes stubbornly gazed at fixedly that almost to even the sky probably burn the red flame that. 望着已经陷入了火海之中的王城,年轻人面色铁青,他紧按着腰间的剑柄,两只眼睛死死的瞪视着那几乎要连天空都要烧的通红的火光。 This went too far simply, father Sir. We must prevent his evil conduct ............! & R dquo ; “这简直太过分了,父亲大人。我们必须阻止他的恶行…………!” Sits down to me!! & R dquo ; “给我坐下!!” Although wears the old man of white armor at this moment is also serious. But he stared oneself son one eyes ruthlessly, but the young people felt immediately a fearful imposing manner erupts from own father's body, as if has, if substantive presses stubbornly there, is not only unable to move, he could not even say the words. This moment young people also know, own father was really angry. However he is not clear, the father such being the case is angry, then why he hasn't begun? 虽然身着白色盔甲的老者此刻也是面色凝重。但他还是狠狠的瞪了自己的儿子一眼,而年轻人顿时感觉到一股可怕的气势从自己父亲的身上爆发而出,仿佛有若实质般将自己死死的压在那里,不但无法动弹,他甚至连话都说不出来。此刻年轻人也知道,自己的父亲是真的生气了。但是他不明白,父亲既然如此愤怒,那么为什么他还不动手? However the old person had not replied oneself son's issue, on the contrary, he is only the complexion complex is looking royal palace that falls into the sea of fire. Did not say a word. 但是老人却并没有回答自己儿子的问题,相反,他只是面色复杂的望着陷入火海的王宫。一言不发。 In the royal palace main hall at this moment, is one piece in confusion. Is the flame of combustion as well as is rumbled everywhere the broken broken piece wreckage, then hears one to angrily roar, next moment ice-cold tornado this appears together suddenly, swept across the entire main hall instantaneously. Extinguishes in the flame of main hall combustion in all directions immediately, displaces, is an ice-cold chill in the air. 此刻的王宫大殿里,已经是一片狼藉。到处都是燃烧的火焰以及被轰碎的破片残骸,紧接着便听见一声怒吼,下一刻一道冰冷的旋风就这样忽然出现,瞬间席卷了整个大殿。紧接着在大殿四处的燃烧的火焰顿时熄灭,取而代之的,则是一片冰冷的寒意。 You dare to do that unexpectedly!! „ “你居然敢这么做!!“ Martin Archmage goes out gradually, at this moment his anger was unable to contain, although said that regarding this Martin Archmage is also prepared early, but he has not thought after all Zhan En will really do that. After all will threaten and threaten to put into practice is the completely different two matters, is regarding this young people, as if does not have any difference. 马丁大法师缓步从中走出,此刻他的怒火已经无法遏制,虽然说对此马丁大法师也是早有准备,但是他毕竟没有想到詹恩真的会这么做。毕竟威胁和将威胁付诸实施是完全不同的两件事,可是对于这个年轻人来说,似乎没有任何区别。 Gives the reason that I cannot do that. & R dquo ; “给我一个不能这么做的理由。” Facing the Martin Archmage anger, the Zhan En's expression has not changed. But standing of Pattilina both hands thoughts was exploded two sections of statue peaks in one, high raising the head, brings looking that arrogant and ridicule expression despises to the fellow who these were bombed to frighten. Although the entire royal palace main hall experienced nearly destructive bombing, but these nobility expensive/noble feudal officials do not have many casualties, this completely depends upon the magic protection that Martin Archmage releases at the final moment, otherwise in this main hall besides Zhan En them, basically was perhaps impossible to have the living person again. 面对马丁大法师的愤怒,詹恩的表情没有丝毫改变。而帕蒂莉娜则双手抱怀的站在一尊被炸成两截的雕像顶端,高高的抬起头来,带着傲慢和嘲弄的表情蔑视的望向那些被轰炸吓倒的家伙。虽然整个王宫大殿经历了一次近乎毁灭性的轰炸,但是那些王公贵臣却没有多少死伤,这完全是依靠马丁大法师在最后时刻释放的魔法防护,不然的话恐怕这座大殿里除了詹恩他们之外,基本就不可能再有活人了。 You do not have the evidence!! We do not know that the Camarst royal family is related with Blood descendants, you cannot make a move to offend somebody like this casually! & R dquo ; “你没有证据!!我们根本不知道卡玛斯特王室与血裔有关,你不能够就这样随便出手伤人!” Evidence? & R dquo ; “证据?” Heard the speech of Martin Archmage, the Zhan En chuckle, then he knocked the floor. 听到马丁大法师的说话,詹恩轻笑了一声,接着他敲了敲地板。 Evidence here, Martin Archmage, won't you open the eye to have a look? & R dquo ; “证据就在这里,马丁大法师,你自己不会睁开眼睛看看吗?” What? & R dquo ; “什么?” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Martin gawked gawked, then he quickly lowers the head, looks toward the place that Zhan En referred. Afterward, Martin Archmage has a big shock immediately. 听到詹恩的回答,马丁愣了一愣,接着他急忙低下头,向着詹恩所指的地方望去。随后,马丁大法师顿时大惊失色。 Sees only in the center of main hall, on the smooth floor was made a large cave/hole, but in large cave/hole, is not the wreckage fragment that Martin imagines, on the contrary, through this gap, Martin clear seeing under of main hall, a space of hidden! But in this covert space, is placing several hundred iron basket. The iron basket is detaining skinny human, they look pale, the eyes are red. Perhaps was spurred by explosion, these person as if wild animals are hitting these thick iron chains crazily, tries to escape. In addition, Martin Archmage also sees in the bright red full moon law in the ground drawing up and reversal pair of black iron casting ten symbolizes & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This is the symbol of Vampire unique blood group magic! 只见在大殿的中央,原本平整的地板上被打出了一个大洞,而在大洞之中的,并不是马丁所想象的残骸碎片,相反,通过这个缺口,马丁清晰的看见在大殿的下方,还有一个隐藏的空间!而在这个隐蔽的空间里,摆放着数百个铁笼子。铁笼子则关押着一个又一个瘦骨伶仃的人类,他们面色苍白,双眼通红。或许是受到了爆炸的刺激,这些人仿佛野兽般疯狂的撞击着那些粗大的铁链,试图从中逃脱。除此之外,马丁大法师还看见在在地面上绘制的鲜红色的圆月法阵以及黑铁铸造的逆转双十标志———这正是吸血鬼特有的血族魔法的记号! How can this ......... ............? & R dquo ; “这………怎么会…………?” Looks that at present this is full of the darkness, Death and evil underground space, Martin is the complexion is also pallid, he takes back the vision, looks to Zhan En, does not understand how this young people know here. Must know that initially this Royal castle in construction, Martin had also offered the suggestion, all in his very clear this castle, but even he, still without thinking under own eye hides, here, is also hiding so evil of contamination unexpectedly!! 看着眼前这个充满了黑暗,死亡和邪恶的地下空间,马丁也是面色煞白,他收回目光,望向詹恩,怎么也不明白这个年轻人是如何知道这里的。要知道当初这座王城在建设的时候,马丁也曾经给出过建议,他很清楚这座城堡里的一切,但即便是他,也没有想到就在自己的眼皮子底下,就在这里,居然还隐藏着如此污秽的邪恶!! Zhan En does not certainly know, he is not the roundworm in Camarst eighth belly, how possibly to know their evil secret base where. Even Egret does not have such big skill, but Zhan En has Evil eye, So long as he opens Evil eye, Can conduct the place of evil experiment easy seeking to the opposite party. Zhan En also thinks the opposite party will construct this type of thing in the institutes of these secrets, what makes him not think, the Camarst royal family also really has the idea, unexpectedly constructs this gadget under the main hall. However regarding Zhan En, this was also simple, he does not need to go to make anything again, so long as explodes the entire palace upside down, then all canbecome known in the world & R dquo ;. 詹恩当然不知道,他又不是卡玛斯特八世肚子里的蛔虫,怎么可能知道他们那邪恶的秘密基地在什么地方。就算是白鹭也没这么大的本事,但是詹恩有【邪恶之眼】,只要他开启【邪恶之眼】,就可以轻而易举的寻找到对方进行邪恶实验的地点。原本詹恩也以为对方会把这种东西建造在那些隐秘之所,不过让他没想到的是,卡玛斯特王室也是真有想法,居然就把这玩意儿建在大殿之下。但是对于詹恩来说,这样也就简单了,他根本不需要再去多做些什么,只要把整个宫殿炸个底朝天,那么一切就都能够“大白于天下”了。 Looks at somewhat scared Martin Archmage, Zhan En chuckle, later he has turned the head, looks that emaciated form & mda S h to the throne ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Camarst eighth is in this palace only one besides a Zhan En side and Martin the person who has the strength to prevent crafting big dragon bombing, he at this moment still sits on the throne, the bright red magic barrier launches in his front together slowly, later vanishes shatter. However the expression of Camarst eighth has no change, he is still that tranquil, seemingly is more like an exercise puppet. However his look, is actually gloomy and cold like the ice. Stubbornly is looking steadily at Zhan En, as if an this solitary one wolf of injury. 看着有些失魂落魄的马丁大法师,詹恩轻笑一声,随后他转过头去,望向王座之上那个瘦弱的身影———卡玛斯特八世是这座宫殿里除了詹恩一方和马丁之外唯一一个有实力阻挡住构装巨龙炮击的人,此刻的他依然坐在王座上,一道鲜红色的魔法屏障在他的面前缓缓展开,随后破碎消失。不过卡玛斯特八世的表情没有任何变化,他依然是那么平静,看起来更像是一个操线木偶。但是他的眼神,却是阴冷如冰。死死的盯视着詹恩,仿佛一只受伤的孤狼。 Your authorization remains silent, all that Camarst eighth your majesty, you said that will become will assume the hall card for ......... to consider as finished, probably here will also be outmoded this ......... & R dquo ; “你有权保持沉默,卡玛斯特八世陛下,你所说的一切都将成为呈堂证供………算了,好像我们这里也不兴这个………” Said here, Zhan En beckons with the hand. 说道这里,詹恩摆了摆手。 That, are you follow us directly? After we hit to be remnant you, carries off? & R dquo ; “那么,请问您是直接跟我们走呢?还是我们把您打残之后再带走呢?” Extremely arrogant impolite ............ & R dquo ; “狂妄无礼…………” Until this time, Camarst eighth standing up slowly, his body seemed like in vibration slightly, but carefully looked that will discover, this your majesty facial expression was subtle, as if probably is bearing some fearful pain general. But the body under his long gown camouflage, in shivers slightly, often prominence same place, then vanishes, as if also hidden anything to be the same under that long gown. 直到这个时候,卡玛斯特八世才缓缓的站起身来,他的身体似乎是在微微的抖动,但是仔细看去就会发现,这位陛下的面部表情非常微妙,似乎像是在忍受某种可怕的痛苦一般。而在他长袍遮蔽下的身体,也在微微颤抖,不时的突起一块,然后重新消失,似乎在那长袍之下还隐藏着什么东西一样。 You think, depends on your these people, can beat me? Can defeat the Camarst royal family? Depending on your inferior human?!! Depending on your revolting nine Saint followers!? & R dquo ; “你以为,就凭你们这些人,就可以击败我?就可以击败卡玛斯特王室?就凭你们这些低劣的人类?!!就凭你们这些令人作呕的九圣信徒!?” The Camarst sound is even more resounding, the bellow that as if strikes a gong reverberated in the ear, lets these ministers have not crawled then to cover the ear pain fall down again. 卡玛斯特的声音越发响亮,仿佛敲钟的轰鸣声般在耳边回荡,让那些大臣还没有爬起来便捂住耳朵痛苦的再次倒在了地上。 Wishful thinking! I received the person of blessing! Only then I, am eligible for the true eternal life!! Blood Queen will not let off your avid followers, you will pay the price for all that you make!! & R dquo ; “痴心妄想!我是受到了祝福之人!只有我,才有资格获得真正的永生!!鲜血女王不会放过你们这些狂徒的,你们会为你们所做的一切付出代价!!” Said here, Camarst eighth lifted up high both hands suddenly, later then saw his eye to become is scarlet like the blood immediately, saw only Camarst eighth to open the mouth, sent out a wailing, then saw the following these iron basket to open immediately, later then saw these to be closed the person in iron cage ran, they to exceed the human fast the speed climbed up was jumping onto the cliff, but they also started to change in this process, the fragile body started becomes looks like the gasification the balloon to be tumescent, the smooth skin surface also promoted jet black growing hair, but their. Turned evilly, like bat head of enlargement, when they arrive above the main hall again, they had completely lost the shape of human, then changed into one crowd fearfully, dark and evil monster. 说道这里,卡玛斯特八世忽然高举双手,随后便看见他的眼睛顿时变得像鲜血般猩红,只见卡玛斯特八世张开嘴巴,发出了一声尖啸,紧接着便看见下面那些铁笼子顿时打开,随后便见那些原本被关在铁笼之中的人就这样跑了出来,他们以超越人类的速度飞快的攀爬着跃上了断壁,而他们本身也在这个过程之中开始变化,原本瘦弱的身体开始变得像充气的气球般肿大,光滑的皮肤表面也伸张出了漆黑的长毛,而他们的头更是变成了邪恶的,如同放大的蝙蝠般的头颅,当他们再次来到大殿之上时,他们已经完全失去了人类的形态,转而化为了一群可怕的,黑暗而邪恶的怪物。 But looks at present one, Camarst eighth is to sneer one, then his both hands press to below. 而看着眼前的一幕,卡玛斯特八世则是冷笑一声,接着他双手向下一按。 Killed them!! & R dquo ; “杀了他们!!”
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