DR :: Volume #6

#529: Living up to one's words

Ka ......... ka ......... ka ......... & R dquo ; “咔哒………咔哒………咔哒………” The teacup that in putting down hand time one minute one second of past, Zhan En was carefree and content, then looked at Alice. 时间一分一秒的过去,詹恩悠然自得的放下手中的茶杯,然后望了一眼身边的爱丽丝 Now. & R dquo ; “现在什么时候了。” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Alice put out the pocket watch to look at one, then opening the mouth replied. 听到詹恩的询问,爱丽丝拿出怀表看了一眼,接着开口回答道。 A half hour. & R dquo ; “还有半个小时。” A half hour ......... & R dquo ; “半个小时啊………” Hears the reply of Alice, Zhan En nods, then he stands up, but sees his movement, sat Pattilina that drinks tea there, Enoya and Tinidell and others also stands up. Then sees only Alice very tacitly holds the tablecloth such a to pull, next moment placed there furniture vanishes on this in the tablecloth of circling thoroughly is missing. Seeming like seems like in the magic is simply same. Alice stretches out the finger to place the mouth, blew a whistling lightly, next moment then saw that carriage this that Zhan En rode to arrive silently one side. Afterward Zhan En raises legs like this, walks in the direction of carriage directly. But sees his movement, that church parish Bishop immediately one startled, he quickly arrived in front of Zhan En's to block his way. 听到爱丽丝的回答,詹恩点了点头,接着他站起身来,而看见他的动作,原本坐在那里喝茶的帕蒂莉娜,埃诺娅蒂尼德尔等人也是站起身来。接着只见爱丽丝很默契的抓住桌布那么一扯,下一刻原本摆放在那里的桌椅就这样彻底消失在盘旋的桌布之中不见了踪影。看起来简直就好像是在变魔术一样。紧接着爱丽丝伸出手指放在嘴里,轻吹了一声口哨,下一刻便看见詹恩乘坐的那辆马车就这样悄然无声的来到了一边。随后詹恩就这样抬腿,径直向着马车的方向走去。而看见他的动作,那个教区主教顿时一惊,他急忙来到詹恩的面前拦住了他的去路。 Feudal lord Sir, is your must go? & R dquo ; “领主大人,您这是要去哪儿?” But hears the inquiry of local Bishop, Zhan En shrugs the arm. 而听到地区主教的询问,詹恩则只是耸了耸肩膀。 I am only am me should the matter of doing, Sir Bishop, I always lives up to one's words, the been able to achieve matter I will be will not open the mouth absolutely. But once I opened the mouth, will not change again, now seems like the Camarst royal family obviously quite to suspect my & l S quo very much ; Integrity & R S quo ;, Therefore I have to express. & R dquo ; “我只是去做我该做的事情,主教大人,我这个人向来说到做到,做不到的事情我是绝对不会开口的。而我一旦开口了,就不会再改,现在看起来卡玛斯特王室很明显相当怀疑我的‘诚信’,所以我不得不有所表示了。” Spoke these words, Zhan En received the coat from the Alice hand, later nods to church parish Bishop and his Paladin Captain, then turned around the carriage. Quick, several other people boarded the carriage in turn. Then hears that two masis that pulls a cart to call one, the next moment carriage then to start suddenly, at a rapid speed turns toward the royal palace in distant place to dash to go. 说完这句话,詹恩爱丽丝手中接过大衣,随后冲教区主教和他身边的圣骑士长点了点头,接着便转身上了马车。很快,其他几个人依次上了马车。紧接着便听见拉车的那两匹马嘶叫一声,下一刻马车便骤然启动,以飞快的速度向着远处的王宫飞奔而去。 Until the carriage leaves, church parish Bishop is face confused standing there, dull somewhat does not understand that Zhan En this is to do, don't tell me he is knows the matter is not possible, therefore walked? This but is actually the good way of solving the problem. After all he said that must go to the royal palace, but royal palace but what person can enter? In his surface said that must go to the royal palace, the words that finally leaves are not but actually strange, as the matter stands own trouble was also solved, everyone has anything is not good happily. Un? Where has probably is not right? Wait, he said a moment ago what is coming? Lives up to one's words? 而直到马车离开,教区主教还是一脸迷茫的站在那里,呆呆的有些搞不明白詹恩这是想要干什么,难道说他是知道事不可为所以走了吗?这倒不失为一个解决问题的好办法。毕竟他说要去王宫,但是王宫可是什么人都能够进的?他表面上说要去王宫,结果走掉的话倒也不奇怪嘛,这样一来自己的麻烦也就解决了,大家皆大欢喜有什么不好。嗯?好像有什么地方不对?等等,他刚才说什么来着?说到做到? Thinks of here, church parish Bishop had/left immediately from top to bottom, then he has quickly turned the head, looks to approach own Paladin Captain. 想到这里,教区主教顿时浑身上下出了一身冷汗,接着他急忙转过头去,望向自己身边的圣骑士长 Right. Before this feudal lord Sir said that what is coming? & R dquo ; “对了。之前这位领主大人说什么来着?” Feudal lord Sir he ......... & R dquo ; “领主大人他………” Hears the order of church parish Bishop, Paladin Captain also stares, later then thinks probably what complexion changes. 听到教区主教的命令,圣骑士长也是一愣,随后这才像是想到了什么般面色一变。 I remember before him, seemed like the threat royal family saying that if they handed over in three hours with the Blood descendants concerned person, then he rumbled even entire Royal castle ............... & R dquo ; “我记得他之前好像是威胁王室说如果他们在三个小时内部交出和血裔有关的人的话,那么他就轰平整个王城……………” Oh no!! & R dquo ; “糟糕!!” Hears these words, church parish Bishop immediately complexion one white, he thought that before some are not right, who called Zhan En's to display really extremely wind light cloud Dan. That feeling does not seem like must kill completely, was more like attended the evening banquet to end the later plan to go home to rest equally leisurely and carefree. Therefore he has not responded suddenly. If Zhan En in just before leaving complexion pale ice-cold, or the facial expression murderous aura fiercely wear a look. Then he will also detect mostly has anything is not right. But who called Zhan En's to display really has the fraudulence, his appearance was that tranquil, could not see that anything was not right, the tone of speech was also very light, did not seem like the appearance that the plan began. Therefore church parish Bishop cannot remember Zhan En to say anything in the there 1 time to the royal family, but must display the integrity. But now seems like. This feudal lord Sir obviously in same terrifying & mda S h with hearsay ; His was really must go to rumble Shining country Royal castle!! 听到这句话,教区主教顿时面色一白,他之前就觉得有些不对劲,但谁叫詹恩的表现实在太过风轻云淡了。那感觉完全不像是要去打打杀杀,更像是参加完晚宴结束之后打算回家休息一样悠闲。所以他才一时间没有反应过来。如果詹恩在临走的时候面色铁青冰冷,或者神情狰狞面带杀气的话。那么他多半也会察觉到有什么不对。可是谁叫詹恩的表现实在是太有欺骗性了,他的样子是那么平静,一点儿都看不出有什么不对,说话的语气也很平淡,根本不像是打算动手的样子。因此教区主教也是愣在那里一时间根本想不起詹恩对王室说了什么,还要去表现自己诚信的。而现在看起来。这位领主大人显然和传闻之中的一样恐怖—他这是真的要去轰了光耀之国王城啊!! Thinks of here, church parish Bishop only felt that two legs become tender, stood continually cannot come to a stop., If really made Zhan En rumble Royal castle, then Templar Order must fall into the incident immediately. If they did not appear before. Also can shirk saying that they do not know the circumstances of the matter regarding the Zhan En's crazy act. However now they here, moreover conducted had investigated, so many people watched, wanted to work loose the relations are without enough time. 想到这里,教区主教只感觉两腿发软,连站都站不稳了。,如果真的让詹恩轰了王城,那么圣堂教团就要立刻陷入事端之中。如果之前他们不出现的话。还可以推脱说对于詹恩的疯狂行径他们根本不知情。但是现在他们本人就在这里,而且也进行过调查了,这么多人都看在眼里,想要挣脱关系已经是来不及了。 Quickly, goes quickly!! Blocks him, spares nothing, blocks him!! & R dquo ; “快,快去!!拦住他,不惜一切代价,拦住他!!” Yes!! & R dquo ; “是!!” Hears Sir Bishop order, Paladin Captain also knows that perhaps this matter simply did not have the means good, quickly to church parish Bishop good a ritual, then immediately rides a horse to dash to pursue the Zhan En's carriage. 听到主教大人的命令,圣骑士长也知道这件事恐怕根本没有办法善了了,急忙向教区主教行了一礼,然后立刻骑马飞奔追着詹恩的马车而去了。 However what pitifully is, they responded after all was too slow, when Paladin Captain rode a horse to dash tried to block Zhan En, Zhan En's carriage actually big thorn before arriving at the Shining country Royal castle front door . At this moment is night, the front door of inner city naturally is shuts tightly, but this jet black carriage has not actually slowed the tempo, on the contrary also accelerates toward shutting tightly the front door rushes. 不过可惜的是,他们反应的毕竟还是太慢了一些,当圣骑士长骑马飞奔试图拦下詹恩时,詹恩的马车却已经大刺刺的来到了光耀之国王城大门前。此刻已经是深夜时分,内城的大门自然是紧闭的,但是这辆漆黑的马车却并没有放慢速度,相反还加速向着紧闭的大门冲了上去。 Halts, anyone, wants to do!! & R dquo ; “站住,什么人,想要干什么!!” Sees carriage that this dashes to come, is responsible for guard soldier going forward to stop immediately. However has not thought that this carriage facing the meaning that they have not actually decelerated completely, but hit directly. This also makes these soldier be startled, they even think that this carriage received insane Ramallah of frightening, otherwise so to be how crazy. Must know the city gate of inner city, but Atsugi is mounting the sheet iron, this horse does hit not to fall the having brains dashed out tragic death the fate? 看见这辆飞奔而来的马车,负责守卫士兵们立刻上前制止。但是没想到这辆马车面对他们却完全没有减速的意思,而是径直一头撞了上去。这也让那些士兵大为吃惊,他们甚至以为这辆马车是不是受了惊吓的疯马拉的,不然怎么会如此疯狂。要知道内城的城门可是厚木镶嵌着铁板的,这马一头撞上去还不是落个脑浆迸裂惨死的下场吗? Also because of this, sees the carriage that this dashes to come, others have not rushed immediately the stop, but is the rapid make way, helplessly looks that carriage such hit in the heavy/thick inner city gate. 也正因为如此,看见这辆飞奔而来的马车,其他人并没有立刻冲上去阻拦,而是迅速闪开,眼睁睁的看着那辆马车就这样一头撞在了厚重的内城城门上。 But, not unimaginable happened. 而紧接着,让人无法想象的一幕发生了。 Sees only that two big warhorse that is drawing the carriage has not killed like these guard imagine directly on the shutter. On the contrary, that heavy/thick shutter, in these two big tall horses under hit unexpectedly direct hollow, along withrumbled & R dquo ; A loud sound, next moment this leaf of heavy/thick city gate in vision that in the people cannot believe radical shatter fission. But that carriage broke in Royal castle on this directly, seems like has not received a little injury. 只见那两匹拉着马车的高大战马并没有像那些守卫们想象的一样直接撞死在门板上。相反,那厚重的门板在这两匹高头大马的一撞之下居然直接凹陷了下去,伴随着“轰”的一声巨响,下一刻这扇厚重的城门就在众人不敢相信的目光之中彻底破碎分裂。而那辆马车则就这样直接冲入了王城之内,看起来似乎没有受到一点儿伤害似的。 This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Looks at present one, these guard are also dumbfounded. They even suspected are oneself is having daydream, nine Saints on, then a heavy/thick shutter, was hit the fragment by this carriage unexpectedly directly. If this matter said that perhaps is only considered that was insane! 看着眼前的一幕,那些守卫也是大眼瞪小眼。他们甚至怀疑自己是不是正在做白日梦,九圣在上,那么厚重的一块门板,居然被这辆马车给直接撞成了碎片。这件事要是说出去的话,恐怕只会被人认为是自己疯了! However pitifully present does not have a dream, quick. These guard also responded. Seeing is only one of the head defends the team leader to put out the whistle immediately, makes an effort to sound. The rapid whistling tone rushes to the sky instantaneously, broke the silence of inner city. 不过可惜眼前的这一幕并不是做梦,很快。那些守卫也是反应了过来。只见为首的一个守备队长顿时拿出哨子,用力吹响。急促的哨音瞬间冲上天空,打破了内城的寂静。 Warning of hesitant beforehand Silver moon guard, inner city at this moment has guarded layer on layer/heavily, naturally these guard soldier are also fearful and apprehensive. Although in the surface they also take the appearance that the weapon is bluffing and blustering, but looks above camouflaged the entire sky, three beyond inside royal city three surrounded the big dragon regiment of getting up thoroughly, the legs of these soldier are also soft cannot be soft. At this moment hears a whistling sound sound, these soldier are also panic-stricken extremely. Courage dot even thinks that was the big dragon launched the attack, almost knelt down directly. However quick, they discovered a jet black carriage on this directly rushes over in the direction of royal palace following the main road. At this time these guard soldier also detected that the issue was, quickly went forward to stop, but this carriage as if disregarded regarding their stops radically, but walloping forward. 犹豫之前银月卫队的示警,此刻的内城早已经是重重防备,当然那些近卫士兵也是心惊胆战。虽然表面上他们也是拿着武器耀武扬威的样子,可是看着上面遮蔽了整个天空,将王城里三层外三层彻底包围了起来的巨龙军团,这些士兵的腿也是软的不能够再软了。此刻听到哨声一响,这些士兵也是惊恐万分。胆子小点儿的甚至以为是巨龙发起了袭击,差点直接跪倒在地。但是很快,他们就发现一辆漆黑的马车就这样径直的顺着大道向着王宫的方向冲了过去。这个时候那些近卫士兵也察觉到了问题所在,急忙上前阻拦,但是这辆马车似乎对于他们的阻拦根本就不管不顾,只是一个劲的向前猛冲。 Although does not know how this carriage comes, but soldier try to prevent it from continue go forward. But makes these soldier feel what is surprised, they are not even able to approach the automobile body of this carriage. Some people also planned kills that two warhorses in the distant place using the bow crossbow. However bent the crossbow just to project, outside invisible a barrier by the carriage kept off directly. This lets these soldier is also even more surprise. Does not know this carriage outcome what's the matter. But in any event, they must block this carriage, the reason does not have him, because at this moment, this carriage had arrived at outside the royal palace main hall, must go into the main hall shortly directly!! 虽然不知道这辆马车是怎么进来的,但是士兵们还是试图阻止它继续前进。但让这些士兵感到惊讶的是,他们甚至连这辆马车的车身都无法靠近。有人原本还打算在远处利用弓弩射杀那两匹战马。但是弓弩才刚刚射出,就被马车外一道无形的屏障直接挡了开去。这让这些士兵也是越发诧异。不知道这辆马车究竟是怎么回事。可是无论如何,他们都必须要挡住这辆马车,原因无他,因为此刻,这辆马车已经来到了王宫大殿之外,眼看着就要直接闯入大殿里去了!! All alerts!! & R dquo ; “全体戒备!!” These guard soldier are actually competent. Although top of the head Shanghai has the big dragon army to threaten the border, but sees this unknown carriage at this moment, they are also quickly come out to stop. Before quick sees one team of infantries arrived at the main hall front door, holds up the long spear/gun direction front, formed one iron bucket. But in their behind. Then is standing several imperial mage that wears the law robe. This moment these mage also muttered is reading aloud the incantation, then their both hands forwarded, the quick, a series of fireball lightning and other magic this appeared baseless, thundered toward the carriage, only heard several explosion sounds, next moment a series of explosions to mix with mist and dust this baseless, swallowed in which that jet black carriage thoroughly. But sees this, before these tense guard soldier also relaxed. 这些近卫士兵倒是称职。虽然头顶上海有巨龙大军压境,但是此刻看见这辆不明身份的马车,他们也是急忙出来阻拦。很快就看见一队步兵来到了大殿大门前,举起长枪指向前方,形成了一道铁桶阵。而在他们的身后。则站着几个身穿法袍的皇家法师。此刻这些法师也喃喃自语的念诵着咒文,接着他们双手向前,很快,一连串的火球闪电等魔法就这样凭空浮现,向着马车轰鸣而起,只听见几声爆炸声响,下一刻一连串的爆炸夹杂着烟尘就这样凭空而起,将那辆漆黑的马车彻底吞噬其中。而看见这一幕,之前那些紧张不已的近卫士兵也是松了口气。 However quick, in their ears heard a series of rapid horse's hoof sounds again. Sees only to speed along from the explosion that jet black carriage returns safe and sound like this , to continue to flush away forward. 不过很快,他们的耳中再次听到了一连串急促的马蹄声响。紧接着,只见那辆漆黑的马车就这样毫发无伤的从爆炸中飞驰而出,继续向前冲去。 How can like this? 怎么会这样? Sees this, not only these soldier are startled, that several imperial mage are also dumbfounded. However what pitifully was they want to stop at this moment is actually again also without enough time, saw only in a time of their god, before that carriage had arrived at the big palace gate, but stopped up in entrance the long spear/gun in soldier hand has not even stabbed that two big tall horses, hit in an impregnable bastion equally to be thorough probably the shatter fission, but these soldier were also attacked by an invisible great power, blood-curdling screech was non-stop flying going out. Has not waited for others to respond again, saw only that carriage to crash in the royal palace on this directly. 看见这一幕,不但那些士兵们大吃一惊,就连那几个皇家法师也是目瞪口呆。不过可惜的是此刻他们想要阻拦却已经是再也来不及了,只见就在他们一愣神的功夫,那马车已经来到了大殿门前,而原本堵在门口的士兵手中的长枪甚至还没有刺中那两匹高头大马,就好像是撞了一面铜墙铁壁上一样彻底破碎分裂,而那些士兵也被一股无形的强大力量所冲击,惨叫着直飞了出去。还不等其他人再有所反应,只见那辆马车就这样径直冲进了王宫之内。 Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰!!” Is mounting the front door hit smashing of magnificent gold-edged, but the high-ranking court officials above main hall are also dumbfounded looks at this to clash the carriage that suddenly does not know should should do. They do not even make clear, this outcome what's the matter. Only then Martin magician when seeing this carriage, stares, then he then sees the vehicle door to open, later Zhan En is carefree and content walked. 镶嵌着华丽金边的大门被撞的粉碎,而大殿之上的重臣们也是目瞪口呆的望着这辆冲进来的马车,一时间不知道该如何是好。他们甚至搞不清楚,这究竟是怎么回事。只有马丁**师在看见这辆马车时,不由的一愣,接着他便看见车门打开,随后詹恩悠然自得的从中走了出来。 Mr. Bassammens, is your does do? & R dquo ; 巴夏侬门斯先生,您这是干什么?” Sees Zhan En, the Martin complexion is the big change. But heard the inquiry of Martin, Zhan En selected under the brow. 看见詹恩,马丁的面色更是大变。而听到马丁的询问,詹恩则是挑了下眉头。 „ Did you say? magician your excellency, I always does what has said. & R dquo ; “您说呢?**师阁下,我向来是言出必行的。” Then, his opening the mouth replied with smile on the face.( To be continued......) 接着,他面带微笑的开口回答道。(未完待续……) Chapter 529 speaking of doing: 第529章说到做:
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