DR :: Volume #6

#528: Beginning

Before arriving here, the Templar Order person does not know that actually what happened. But Camarst royal family obviously impossible from exposing his clown, therefore said an awarding a decoration aristocrat causes trouble in the imperial grand theater, not only kills people, but also begins to imperial Konoe team, even also the threat royal family, requesting Templar Order to act to handle this matter. But one hear of royal family envoys said, church parish Bishop and Paladin Captain were also shocked, Bassammens greatly is famous in the Templar Order system, this they have also heard, after all as an awarding a decoration aristocrat, Zhan En really can stir up trouble. Outside person is not clear, the Templar Order internal person actually knows. As the awarding a decoration aristocrat, he does not catch cold regarding Templar Order, including Temple not to have in Passus, moreover he also directly Seth Holy Knight Regiment long beating severely, during the spoken languages is also many disrespects regarding Holy nation Seth, this matter also spread over in Templar Order. Moreover this young people do not stir up trouble either, annoys is the important matter, before probably, he and Goldshire Empire & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Wait, this is also the Goldshire Empire reprint is today inadequate? 在来到这里之前,圣堂教团的人并不知道究竟发生了什么事。而卡玛斯特王室显然也不可能自曝其丑,因此只是说一个授勋贵族在皇家大剧院闹事,不但杀了人,而且还对皇家近卫队动手,甚至还威胁王室,要求圣堂教团出面搞定这件事。而一听王室使者这么说,教区主教圣骑士长也是惊呆了,巴夏侬门斯圣堂教团系统里可是大大有名,这点他们也是听说过的,毕竟作为一个授勋贵族,詹恩实在太能够惹事了。外面的人不清楚,圣堂教团内部的人却是知道的。作为授勋贵族,他本人对于圣堂教团并不感冒,在帕苏斯连一座神殿都没有,而且他还直接把赛斯圣骑士团长给痛打了一顿,言语之间对于圣国赛斯也是多有不敬,这件事在圣堂教团内部也是传遍了。而且这个年轻人要么不惹事,一惹就是大事,就好像之前他和闪金帝国———等等,难道今天这一出又是闪金帝国的翻版不成? Although church parish Bishop also has to think of this point, but he thinks does not understand how the Bassammens family is Shining country to, Shining country has not gone to war, from Passus is the long distance. How Zhan En comes out, does such matter, this outcome what's the matter? 虽然教区主教也不是没有想到这一点,但是他怎么也想不明白巴夏侬门斯家族是怎么和光耀之国对上的,光耀之国可没有打仗,距离帕苏斯更是十万八千里。怎么詹恩一出来,就搞出这么个事情,这究竟是怎么回事呢? Until listened to the Zhan En's view, two people only know that the matter is not so indeed simple, but ......... this feudal lord Sir does not need to achieve this situation. 直到听了詹恩的说法,两人这才知道事情的确没这么简单,但是………这位领主大人也没必要做到这个地步吧。 „ Do you have the evidence? Feudal lord Sir? & R dquo ; “您有证据吗?领主大人?” Compares the amazed protection knight extremely, church parish Bishop is the complexion is heavy. This if true. Then this Shining country matter may send greatly. But the protector as illustrious church parish, regarding this matter naturally are more sensitive. If this matter is true, but oneself actually know nothing, but that troubled! What is responsible for managing the illustrious church parish is Sun Temple, is the heads of nine Saint. The so-called high position invites criticism, the Sun Temple matter was naturally also watched by many people, but now. Unexpectedly presented such matter. If this makes other Temple people know in Glory city that in Sun Temple is at not only has Blood descendants, but also the royal family also unites Blood descendants to conduct the evil dark ceremony, if this passes on, how then others do think? If said in remote mountains and ancient forests fortunately, issue this is under the eye of Sun Temple hides!! Under big crowd of people . Moreover the lively urban center area, hiding was so long your a little news not to obtain unexpectedly continually, finally is people from other place runs to solve the problem to you. 相比起惊诧万分的守护骑士,教区主教却是面色沉重。这如果是真的话。那么这次光耀之国的事情可就大发了。而他们作为光耀教区的守护者,对于这种事情自然是更加敏感。如果这件事属实,而自己却对此一无所知的话,那么可就麻烦了!负责管理光耀教区的是太阳神殿,也是九圣之首。所谓树大招风,太阳神殿的事情自然也被很多人都看在眼里,而现在。居然出现了这样的事情。这要是让其他神殿的人知道在太阳神殿所在的辉煌之城里不但有血裔,而且王室还联合血裔进行邪恶的黑暗仪式,这要是传出去的话,那么其他人会怎么想?如果是在深山老林还好说,问题这是在太阳神殿的眼皮子底下啊!!大庭广众之下,而且还是热闹的都市中心区,隐藏了这么久你们居然连一点儿消息都没有得到,最后还是一个外地人跑来给你们解决问题的。 If this were known by others, after Sun Temple, how to cultivate the behavior? After Templar Order, can gain ground? 这要是被别人知道了,太阳神殿以后还怎么做人?圣堂教团以后还抬得起头来嘛? However now does not consider these things time. If this matter takes seriously, how then to process, becomes a difficult problem. Thinks of here, church parish Bishop even regretted how obsessed oneself run is so quick, if he before arriving here inquired, had a look at the situation. Perhaps cannot this turbid water. What a pity is in this world may not have the regret after the fact to eat. At present since had come, wants to turn around walks is not easy. Whom however can this process? Processes this feudal lord Sir? Cracks a joke, opposite party Holy nation Seth Holy Light knight regiment does not pay attention, oneself face he will not definitely sell. Do not say, if this matter real, then oneself did that cannot be justified. 不过现在不是考虑这些事情的时候。如果此事当真的话,那么如何处理,又成为了一个难题。想到这里,教区主教甚至后悔自己怎么就鬼迷心窍跑的这么快,如果他在来到这里之前多打听一下,多看看情况。恐怕就根本不会趟这浑水。可惜的是这个世界上可没有后悔药吃。眼下既然已经来了,想要掉头就走也没那么容易。但是这要处理谁?处理这位领主大人?开什么玩笑,对方连圣国赛斯圣光骑士团都不放在眼里,自己的面子他肯定也不会卖。更不要说如果这件事是真的,那么自己这么做就更说不过去了。 But punishes the Camarst royal family? 可是制裁卡玛斯特王室? Only is thinks that this matter, church parish Bishop feels cold sweat, Templar Order, if really meddles, is greatly troublesome! 光是想一想这件事,教区主教就感觉一头冷汗,圣堂教团要是真的插手其中的话,那么才是大麻烦! Therefore he asked whether Zhan En has the evidence, after all such serious matter, wanted to find the evidence is not easy. However Zhan En actually as if regarding this and does not care. On the contrary, after hearing the inquiry of church parish Bishop, he holds up the teacup in hand, is showing a faint smile to church parish Bishop. 所以他才问詹恩是否有证据,毕竟这么严重的事情,想要找到证据可不容易。但是詹恩却似乎对此并不在意。相反,在听到教区主教的询问之后,他只是举起手中的茶杯,对着教区主教微微一笑。 Wants the evidence naturally to have, no matter the personal testimony, is the matter witness, does not believe that Sir Bishop you can send people to investigate greatly. These people who at present attend the auction are still staying in inside, I want before various plane, they is not impossible to open the eye to talk nonsense. & R dquo ; “要证据当然有,不管是人证,还是物证,不信的话,主教大人您大可以派人去调查。眼下参加拍卖会的那些人还在里面呆着呢,我想在各位面前,他们也不可能睁着眼睛说瞎话吧。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, this old Bishop is the complexion is also ugly, but he is hurried faction these Paladin to inquire the situation, just like Zhan En said that here also so many people, moreover Paladin mostly will detect the lie, they are also unlikely the string in front of Paladin. 听到詹恩的说话,这位老主教也是面色难看,不过他还是急忙派那些圣骑士下去打听情况,正如詹恩所说,这里还有这么多人,而且圣骑士大多都会侦测谎言,他们也不太可能在圣骑士面前说谎话的。 The Paladin movement is not slow, they also know that this matter is urgent, therefore quickly goes in investigates. As Paladin, their status make one respect after all somewhat, therefore after hearing the inquiries of these Paladin, before many people told, matter in auction market. Even in these bodies plants the family member of young people the Vampire seed went crazy to weep and wail asks Paladin to help, must eliminate these evil curses for own child. 圣骑士们的动作也不慢,他们也知道这件事非常紧急,因此急忙进去进行调查。作为圣骑士,他们的身份毕竟多多少少还是让人尊重的,因此在听到这些圣骑士的询问之后,很多人都讲述了之前在拍卖场里发生的事情。甚至还有那些身体里种下了吸血鬼种子而发狂的年轻人的亲人哭着喊着求圣骑士们帮忙,一定要为自己的孩子消灭那些邪恶的诅咒。 This makes these Paladin be also startled, they are Glory city Paladin, calculates regarding the Glory city high-level situation quite understood, seeing these to be planted in the young people of Vampire seed basically was the juniors of Shining country each upper crust, was immediately at heart one cold. Although said that the entire Shining country aristocrat next generation had not been corroded Vampire completely, but the light present quantity also accounted for 1/3, if these people turn into Vampire completely ......... 这让那些圣骑士也是大吃一惊,他们都是辉煌之城圣骑士,对于辉煌之城高层的情况也算比较了解,看见那些被种下了吸血鬼种子的年轻人之中基本都是光耀之国各个贵族阶级的子弟,也是顿时心里一寒。虽然说整个光耀之国贵族下一代都没有全部被腐蚀成吸血鬼,但是光眼前的数量也足足占了三分之一了,要是这些人全部变成吸血鬼的话……… „ Did you determine? & R dquo ; “你确定?” Heard the report of Paladin Captain, church parish Bishop also sucked in an cold air/Qi, then the anxious opens the mouth inquiry said. He has not thought that the matter so will be unexpectedly serious, the flash his suspicion is the ear is not even good, misunderstood the words. But facing the inquiry of church parish Bishop, report Paladin Captain is also complexion serious nod. 听到圣骑士长的汇报,教区主教也是倒抽了口冷气,接着不安的开口询问道。他没想到事情居然会如此严重,以至于一瞬间他甚至怀疑是自己耳朵不好,听错了话。而面对教区主教的询问,报告的圣骑士长也是面色严肃的点了点头。 I determined, Sir, I knew some people, they usually in cannot see what difference, but inspects carefully, can indeed discover surviving in the dark strength of their within the body. Although also indefinite and Vampire does have the relations, but ............ & R dquo ; “我确定,大人,我认识其中的一些人,他们平日里也看不出什么异样,但是仔细检查,的确能够发现残存在他们体内的黑暗力量。虽然还不确定和吸血鬼有没有关系,但是…………” Although the Paladin Captain words have not said that but church parish Bishop also understood the meaning in his words, even if not the ghost who Vampire does. Then perhaps is also some evil curse. In brief, definitely is not the good thing. This lets him is the complexion is cloudier, at present the fact is irrefutable, although also that side indefinite Zhan En has what evidence to show that the Camarst royal family and Vampire have the relation, but the imperial grand theater had the Vampire family is the matter of being settled. According to like this, that matter that then behind Zhan En said that perhaps will not be the rumor. 虽然圣骑士长的话没有说完,不过教区主教也明白了他话里的意思,就算不是吸血鬼搞的鬼。那么恐怕也是某种邪恶诅咒。总而言之,肯定不是什么好东西。这让他更是面色阴沉,眼下事实确凿清楚,虽然还不确定詹恩那边有什么证据可以证明卡玛斯特王室和吸血鬼有联系,但是皇家大剧院有吸血鬼家族已经是板上钉钉的事情了。按照这样来看,那么后面詹恩所说的那件事,恐怕也不会是空穴来风。 But looks at his complexion. Paladin Captain also said in a low voice. 而看着他的脸色。圣骑士长也是低声说道。 Moreover, I also saw Sky castle, Emerald eye and directors of Saint white regiment ......... they regarding the approach of that Mr. Bassammens ......... & R dquo ; Said here, he also somewhat looked at Zhan En hesitant, this continued to say. „ ......... It’s nothing view. & R dquo ; “而且,我还见到了天空之城,翡翠之眼和圣白军团的主事者………他们对于那位巴夏侬门斯先生的做法………”说道这里,他也是有些犹豫的望了一眼詹恩,这才继续开口说道。“………没什么看法。” It’s nothing view? 没什么看法? Hears here, church parish Bishop is the complexion is cloudier, that three may be the hand eye exceedingly high great people, they have no view to the Zhan En's approach, was actually equal to that tacitly approved and supports. To come is also right. By their status, does not suit with Shining country noisily is too stiff, but must say that the idea is impossible. At present since Zhan En is willing to come out to corbel out, then they are naturally glad to see him succeed. Since these three did not take a stand, then explained that perhaps this Shining country really had what issue. Thinks of here, church parish Bishop is also somewhat awkward looking to Zhan En. But the issue lies in & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Actually now should what to do? 听到这里,教区主教更是面色阴沉,那三位可都是手眼通天的大人物,他们对詹恩的做法没什么看法,其实就等于默认和支持了。想来也对。以他们的身份,不适合和光耀之国闹的太僵,但是要说一点儿想法都没有也不可能。眼下既然詹恩愿意出来挑头,那么他们自然是乐见其成的。而既然连这三位都不表态,那么说明这光耀之国恐怕真有什么问题。想到这里,教区主教也是不由有些为难的望向詹恩。可问题在于———现在究竟应该怎么办? But at this time. In royal palace, Martin Archmage also in ponder same issue. 而就在这个时候。在王宫之内,马丁大法师也在思考同一个问题。 Actually now should what to do? 现在究竟应该怎么办? Although tranquility of very Camarst eighth performance, but Martin Archmage can believe firmly, he definitely knows anything. However now, this your majesty does not speak half a word words, but an appearance that sits quietly fishing platform. He should not really think Templar Order these people can make is occupied by Bassammens that successor. Opposite party do not pay attention, but can also care about Templar Order? The time has remained are not much, but outside these big dragons absolutely do not have the meaning of withdrawal, this lets the heart of Martin Archmage is even more is also anxious, if these big dragons really launch the attack. Even living that he is impossible to resist. In this case, living air/Qi that this your majesty can also so sink? Hasn't he made clear this inside issue? Also or ......... has the secret facts? 虽然卡玛斯特八世表现的很平静,可是马丁大法师可以确信,他肯定知道些什么。但是现在,这位陛下却是不说半句话,只是一副稳坐钓鱼台的样子。他该不会真以为圣堂教团那些人能够制的住巴夏侬门斯的那个继承人吧。对方可是连自己都不放在眼里,还能够在乎圣堂教团?时间已经所剩不多了,可是外面那些巨龙根本就没有撤走的意思,这让马丁大法师的心也是越发紧张起来,假如这些巨龙真的发动袭击。就算是他也不可能抵挡的住。在这种情况下,这位陛下怎么还能够如此沉的住气?难道他还没搞清楚这里面的问题?又或者………其中另有隐情? Thinks of here, Martin Archmage could not bear again, finally says. 想到这里,马丁大法师再也忍不住了,最终还是开口说道。 Your majesty, how much time, haven't you had what idea? & R dquo ; “陛下,已经没有多少时间了,您有没有什么想法?” Idea? & R dquo ; “想法?” Hears the inquiry of Martin Archmage, stunned of Camarst eighth face, as if not understand completely Martin Archmage was saying anything resembles. 听到马丁大法师的询问,卡玛斯特八世一脸的愕然,仿佛完全不明白马丁大法师在说什么似的。 Martin Archmage, what are you saying? What idea do I also need? The matter that their Templar Order annoys, naturally wants their Templar Order to be solved, not? & R dquo ; 马丁大法师,你在说什么?我还需要什么想法?他们圣堂教团惹出来的事情,自然就要他们圣堂教团来解决,难道不是吗?” Hears Camarst eighth these words, under high-ranking court official in an uproar, Camarst eighth did not speak immediately before, they also think how this your majesty should deal with this issue in the ponder. Finally this opened the mouth to find, originally this your majesty thinks oneself has found out the means! But he was not pondering a moment ago, is in a daze radically! 听到卡玛斯特八世这句话,底下的重臣顿时一片哗然,之前卡玛斯特八世不说话,他们还以为这位陛下是在思考该如何处理这个问题。结果这一开口才发现,原来这位陛下认为自己早就已经想出办法了!而他刚才根本就不是在沉思,根本就是在发呆呢! But facing this reply, Martin Archmage also only felt an own throat sweet, inadequate blood direct injection horizon, he knows person who Camarst eighth does not achieve the great accomplishment, but has not thought that this boy bad late king so many, wasted so many time in vain, actually he wants to do! 而面对这个回答,马丁大法师也是只感觉自己喉头一甜,差点儿一口鲜血直喷天际,他知道卡玛斯特八世不是做大事的人,但是也没想到这小子差先王那么多,白白浪费了那么多时间,他究竟想要干什么! But this matter Templar Order did not solve! & R dquo ; “但是这件事圣堂教团解决不了!” At this time Martin Archmage did not take into consideration, said directly. Before looked in the face of late king, he regarding Camarst eighth was very respectable. However today this matter urgently, Camarst eighth was really the brain is kicked by the pig, thinks, so long as moved to make Zhan En obediently Templar Order obey. 这个时候马丁大法师也不顾及了,直接开口说道。以前看在先王的面子上,他对于卡玛斯特八世还是很尊敬的。但是今天这件事十万火急,卡玛斯特八世真是脑子被猪踢了,才会认为只要把圣堂教团搬出来就能够让詹恩乖乖就范。 That Mr. Bassammens is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, but he is not the Templar Order control area, moreover this mister is strong, if we to the time cannot to him a confession, coming out that then he does absolutely!! & R dquo ; “那位巴夏侬门斯先生是授勋贵族,但是他并非属于圣堂教团的管辖范围,而且这位先生性格强硬,如果我们到时间不能够给他一个交代,那么他绝对干的出来!!” Martin Archmage, your also rather extremely said things just to frighten people. & R dquo ; 马丁大法师,您这也未免太过危言耸听了吧。” At this time , some high-ranking court officials were somewhat discontented with the speech of Martin. 这个时候,也有一些重臣对于马丁的说话有些不满了。 He is only an awarding a decoration aristocrat, dares to begin to our Shining country under big crowd of people? & R dquo ; “他只是一个授勋贵族,难道还敢在大庭广众之下对我们光耀之国动手吗?” He indeed is only an awarding a decoration aristocrat, but he acted to Goldshire Empire. & R dquo ; “他的确只是一个授勋贵族,但是他还是对闪金帝国出手了。” Facing Camarst eighth, Martin also needs polite. However to these fellows, he has no hospitable air/Qi. But hears the reply of Martin, these people also closed the mouth immediately, indeed, Zhan En caused havoc Goldshire Empire initially, no one has thought that a he young countryside feudal lord also has this skill, finally he also really achieved. But now he said that who must rumble Glory city ......... to strike one's chest to guarantee he can't achieve? 面对卡玛斯特八世,马丁还需要客气一下。但是对这些家伙,他就没什么好客气的了。而听到马丁的回答,那些人也顿时闭上了嘴巴,的确,当初詹恩大闹闪金帝国,谁也没有想到他一个小小的乡下领主还有这个本事,结果他还真的做到了。而现在他说要轰了辉煌之城………谁又能够拍胸脯保证他做不到呢? But at this time, suddenly, the front door of main hall was shoved open layer on layer/heavily, later two guard asthmas whistling flushed. 而就在这个时候,忽然,大殿的大门被重重推开,随后两个卫兵气喘呼呼的冲了进来。 Reported your majesty, the important matter is not good, some people went into the royal palace!! & R dquo ; “报告陛下,大事不好了,有人闯入王宫了!!”
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